HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-1-19, Page 8Atistarmamoreetteraretneararatteeer t 'Clint Nervi.1Cteco 41 '1'lI'UIt: f)al Y, • C,ral.hTON LEADING` vr�VELER lv> a $tart the Year On Time tV4l can furnishn you with a reliable watch at a reasonable price et any price to suit your requirements, in all styes' e doexpert watch and clock repairing promptly deviator and Optician R. H. JOHNSON Neat 13avey's Drug Stb're V 6 to u j you. wit Have your Suits made by us. Why not Co1119 in'itow and get a, made -to measure suit for the price ofa band -me -down, WO�R,I,MANSHIP AND FIT' GUARANTEED. Murray. MeEwan, Merchant Tailor Wi'llrexr 'Biotic, samatetwagaimetiamtma finusil Pricelieductiolls FOR.JA$ UARV CLEARING °OF -ALL BROKEN'' .ItNESBEFORE, STOCK TAKING, deri` Spring Goods will `soon begin to, arrive and Winter Goods must be cleared out regardless of profits. A.n.assortment of Men's and Bo'y's Winter Caps to clear at` (these are,less than cost) 7113 Many tither lines in job lots to clear, Men's heavy wool underwear; reg. $g.00 sale price $2,29. - Boy's heavy wool underwear. reg $1, 25 sale' price 79c Bargains in Sweaters,. Overcoats; Suits and all limes of Footvvear ' TERMS O SAIL` CASJI u 11 l s ea POS. THE STORE THAT SELLS FOE LESS. PHONE tib '' NEW. IDEA PATTERNS. .OLOTFIINCG ew .Pioiees HARLAND BROS. ilardware.Stoves and Novelties Tito Store With a Stock flimmektftwommo. Atattesememonitormonnazymerarr •.. Si ee �_ A i� j;t, c. We are offering the balance of our stock of'Q►,aebeo \stoves. with and without ovens, at cost. I1 ebec heaters with eeva,ted ovens and reservoir voz; -reg, price $58 for $50 )uebec . heater• with oven ti, v n On •side and high steel and warming closet.reg. 348 for $40 appy Thou;htlar large ' size and Quebec heater reg. -$25 for x;20 'Perdue ICAL 'PLUM IT•1c ioauty omfor x11,771111 CANADIAN HOME - TS A, SUBJECT WHICH 1$ RECEIV- ING MORL ATTENTION,THE AR, TISTIC STANDARD"OF 'THE AV- , IMAGE HOME IS NOW IIIGFIl9R TIIAN IT IIAS .EVll 131211N PEO- PLE ARE DEMANDING BETTER AND MORE CONGENIAL S CiR- ROUNDING$. - WALL .HI'ANGINGS HAVE MVCI-I TO DO WITH BRING, ING ABOUT THE DESIRED BRIGHTNESS. BLA.T7T-t AND COMFORT. IF YOU ARE INTI R ESTED WE INVITE YOU TO VTS IT OUR SPLENDID "STOciC :FiT REASONABLE PRICES, W Ji Fair Co. Often, the Cheapest—Always the Beat - EYE SCIALIST A.. L.', Cole, Eye Sight' Specialist, an Honour Graduate ,of the Canad- ian Ophthalthic College of Toronto. Goderieh, Ont.' Office hours:` 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Praoticp limited to the eye. Hrs. C. D. Houck was in- Toronto, ever the weekeend.> Miss Marion Gilihings was up from London over the week -end"... Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Holland returned'. last week frena -a trip west, Mi. and Mrs J , Perd`y;"Cole 'o ' "I3ruceficld ,were`in town oriTues- Miss Margaret • Holmes is visiting the :Misses Williams of Godorich: township. Erof. -Anderton- of. Exeter was in: Mown this week organieing a Chor- al Society. - Mrs. J. 13, Whittington` and tittle' son are visiting Goderich friends' this, week Mr. Adana Cantelen of .Maple Creek, Siisk.,is visiting friends in town and vicinity, Mrs. Bert Brown of Fairmount, Sask., is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. FI. Pennebaker. Mr; G. E. Oakes of Mileage- spent the week -end as the guest: of Mr. and Mrs. J.. G, Medd. Miss Thelma 'Oswald of Zurich is visiting her 'aunt;' Mrs, A. C. Levy ,' of the Gravel Road.. - Mr , John Stelling returned last week. after a three months' visit with his daughters in Jackson, Mich. Mr. and 1t[rs. Ralph "Tiplady are visiting their daughter, Mrs. "(Rev.) D MacLeod of Montreal,, Mr. Roy Forrester was in London on. Tuesday attending the wedding' of. his brother, Mr._ David Forrester.• Mrs, Wright of Seaforth visited icer sister, Miss Grainger, superinten- dent of Clinton Public hospital, this week `" • Mr. and . Mrs. 0. W. Potter re- turned on Friday from a'visit-with realtives at Woodstock; I1icltson and' ,Currie ,1ffir. and Mrs, R. WY Cole visited' -friends in town the beginning of the week before leaving for their home in :California. Miss Davison, who is collecting for the Soldiers and Sailors, under the Upper Canada Trvrot Society, was,in town on Tuesday. Miss Helen Forrester of Hamilton is spending a few days in town. .She was bridesmaid at the wedding of her brother • ' m Loricton en Tuesday,, Mr. Melvin J. Clark of Goderieh was called to Pontiac, Mich., recently owing to the death of his broth- er, who was only ill a few days." Miss Addie Jenkins has returned to her hone in Goderieh' after spend- ing a few weeks visiting 'relatives; and friends in Clinton" and: vicinity. Dr. 'Shaw.went to Stratford en Sat- urday to see Nurse Ferguson, who has been veryill. Sheis rs now rnt- proving and it is honed, will soon be well again. Mrs., Wzii, Bell and Master Eddie 'and ; Miss Mildred Beli' and Miss Gertie:Ferris: of ltarlock were rho guests of Miss. Nellie Jenkins (Pi- er the week -end.. Mr.' J. C. Leitch, formerly a po- pular member of 'tile, local•'brinch. of the:M i o Sons Banhbt tt' for some time of Meaford, has been lino-' rooted to 'the managership of the, Kirk' ton branch. Mr. Harry Charlesworth of Grand, Forks, North :Dalebta, is visiting with his aunts, the Misses ,White- ly of town and Mrs; James. Hol - la t Hol- land of the Fluron road. •• It is "twelve ;years since Mr, Charles worth last visited Clinton. Mr. FI, E 'Rorke, .who. has been on the office stair 'o:2 i;hc Hydro Elec- tric at Chippawa for thepast year `"- and a . half, returned home last week. The work is not yet fin- ished but is being halted for the most part rmtil spring. Mrs. Fred yParker of Wilcox, Bask,; has been the guest of her aunty" Mrs, Doddsworth, the past .fete, days, She cane east on account of the illness- of her mothers the late Mrs. Swan,, but• did net al - rive in time to .seeher alive, Mrs. J. W, Shaw has had a hofnse, patty &lying this week. Among those from out of town were: Mrs,, Clara Ntiion,,Ilithtth,`Mrs, Minnie Callender. Grimsy; Mrs^ Nettie' Rance, Taranto; Mrs.R:- Flays, Seaforth, and; ]bliss Alice„Ranee, l,atrtviea. A reg rlar.-Cousin MoO', Arid mostly renrinscing c.Y,a itiatooktaloovvowmiwoottliwo THIRD WEEK . OF OUR THREE BIG SPECJA.LS Thursday, Friday and Saturday This `Week .Only .felly ,Powders—McLaren's,, all flavors ' plcg' 1.0c . It will pay you to buya dozen packages • Eesehees, all flavors, each Loose Macaroni, 2 pousde for Kope Sho11 Macaroni per pound Canned Goods -2 cans Coin 25c .. 2 cans Peas 30e. 2 cans 'Tomatoes 30c ' ':Good Pink'Salmon per 'tin ' 9c I Can Pineapple 33c Kippered Herring per tin 1ge British Columbia Apples, by the box $3.25 By the dozen. ' 80,5;. to 35e, Oe TEA AND COFFEE 25c Westill have a quantity of tea at per Il) 38e 1St 3 pounds for 51,00 Coffee 'at per pound 3,8c We do riot expect to oitor these prices again SOAP, BROOMS, ETC, 5 Bars Lennox Soap 21 Bars, Lennox Soap • 10 Bar's :all kinds' 3 Packages -Pearline 3 Packages Ammonia 3 Packages Panshine' Good foto:-String Broom' 25'e Sloe 68e i 23e 23e: '4Oe DATES AND FIGS' 2 pounds._of Dates 2 pounds of ;Figs, FRESH I`ISTH Herring, per dozen Red Salmon, per pound IP iesh Halibut per pound Jinnat Tisddie,' per. Bound Fillets, per 'pound Lard, 3 pound pail Shortening, 3 pound pail SUGAR 10: Pounds 'Sugar, 100 Pounds of Sttpar• • 330 25c 35c 25c 25e 20e 22c 50e 45e;:; '78c` ,27.73 Two Delivery Wagons at your Service If you wish your goods before nine o'clock, kindly order the afternoon before. Hoi1 IesviUe 'The Epworth -League of the -Meth- odist church entertained'Athe congre- gatioti to a'i social evening last Fri- day., A contest •was- eatere1 into and games for . the, . •young p topic made the meeting int re trtn. and • lively; Afterwards a • . lunch ' was Served and the- evening was much enjoyed. • Mrs N. W Trewartlt t accopi- panied her mother. Mrs. MacMath, to Toronto where 'she :intends to vis- it another daughter: Mrs. .Tge- wartha returned honie:on Monday ev-' ening. The men who havebeen drawing gravel on the Huron road westhave had good weather for their job -.and report if the fine weather continues. for the balance of this week the prom_ ent gravelling will be about complet- ed:. - ' :We regret to hear that Mr. Percy /Glidden, who went to' Victoria -Hos- pital, London,, for treatment, is not improving as his friends would wish. The antes' are still running,' a most unusual occurrence fos'i the middle of January in this locality., Mr. George'-Aclteson is very busy pruning-hisanother's orchard. Which will add much : to the comfort of picking the fruit as well as making the trees more productive, FORMER RESIDENT ;OF LONDES- BORO 'DIES INrWEST• The following item is clipped from .T1he Glenboro, (Man.), Gazette iof: re- cent date and refers to the death of A daughter of ' the late Simon Mc Vittie' of Londesboro. ''Mrs. M. A. Moon, Mrs.. Marshall .'' Braithetvaite and Mr, Elisha Mt:Vittie of Londes- boro and Mrs Reid ,of,,Toronto Inc sisters and brother of of,, deceased lady: w "We regret to announce the decease of Mrs. Win, - Moon,'±. one of the early residents of„ this district. For a number of weeks she has, been very 311 with a weak` heart. Last Sunday Mrs. Moon got up, after" a week's ilI- ness in bed;she was -feeling quite well, but collapsed very' suddenly in the evening. When well our friend at- tended theMethodist Sunday School and evening service quite --regularly, having 'a, class of little; ones in the Sunday Scheid. Mtsi Moon was - greatly respected for her sincerity and kindness by all wlo knew her, A memorial service was held in: the church hereon Tuescley,enci notwith- standing thehitter standin i e b tt t weatlae'r a large number of neighbors attended to lay their last regards, Thculiymns sung were favorites of the departed. The choir sung the anthem "Twilight ,and. Evening Star," and thee)Dead Marchin Saul was rendered by lvtrs, Wm, Turnbull at the (lose of ,the Service, Thoaster conclude ser vibes cd the s (aces iu the church and at the graveside, triose renaainiing• to mourn a beloved nnbthor are Mrs. W. 0, Field, Stock- ton; Mts. A Russell, r2ecwood; end .Mis;' J,. Simpson, Winnipeg, datn;h-, tars; Mr. A. J. Moon and Mr, Ches. ter Moon, Stocicton, Sons. Mr, Moon died in Winnipdg five years ago. TUCKER:SMIT` Mot. A, 'G'lcout' and fahaily wish to thank their „friends, also the Can- actian Order of I+oresterS, for their tindness during their," reeont,the- rea etrient, . S2., Hebert% Mrs. :Wilt- McCr ostie and 'children were visitors with the lady's parents 'for a dew days, Mrs, Gillies of Whitechurch is. spending a few weeks with .her broth- er, Mr. Etl. Thorns. We are pleased to hear that Mrs. John Rutherford, who has been ill, is recovering• nrcoly, Mrs. Ed. McRoberts spent " -the last week with friends in Wingliani, We are sorry to report that Mr. David Farrier is on the sick list, but hope soon to see him around again. We are pleased to say that Mrs, Ed, Thonzs, 'oyho went to 4ietdria. I-Iospital, London,- last week., under- went a successful operation there. We hope for her' speedy recovery. Miss Elliottyt Taylor, who has; been suffering from rheumatism is report- • eel getting along nicely Mrs. Mowbray and two children of. Bluevale were visitors with her'sta-` ter, Mrs. Colin•'McDorialii: Mrs. Stuart who has been -visit- . mgher sister Mrs. Murzay.at. Lu - can, has returned home, Stan)leg To nnship Mr, Russell Keys of Flint; Mich.. merit the week -end with his aunt Miss Annie Keys of Varna, • Miss Laura McClinchey spent a few da last week Yat the home of Mr. Nor - mon Stephenson of the Goshen Line, The members of the L. 0, L., Varna held a Black meeting in the Temperance FIall on Saturday night. • The Epworth League intend holding their social evening for this month' at the home of Mr. Ernest Epps on Friday even-. tag. - Miss Drilla Keys has returned home af- ter spending a short time with her sister, Mrs. Sturdy, of Goder'ich townehip. We are Sorry to report the serious. ill- ness of Mrs. Charles Robeon, formerly Miss Margaret Parsons, who was taken to the Clinton hospital, Hope to heal, of her .speedy recovery, Mr, Orval Stephenson, who has been spendinga coupic'of weeks in this vicinity' hasreturned to his home in Marlette, Mich. Misses Annie,•Mae and Pearl Stephenson. entertained a large number of their friends on 'Thursday evening last. The Stan e ` township council at the. first meeting of the new year appointed the following officers: Cleric, J. E. I-Iarn- well; treasurer, George Beatty;. assessor; •hoo ••collector,^ JosephdI2 os.Wiley; itors; Alex, McEwan; m, Robinson, . Iw uceleiti. The Reny Circle held its fust Meet- ing for 1922 on Wednesday. Jtitt, Ilt.h. The meeting was very ably taken by the new president Miss Bate Mc Oreg. or, and vice president, 111 es, John A McTfwan, The new Study hook is expected for the next meeting, Feb. 1st; and it is hopltil a full attead:nice of all the old members will be present, A cordial invatkn is extended to a;11 the, young women of the congregation to help make this ycag,a hammy year in the; ,Society. Last year dict 1101: 90350 come up 10 tato year before, although fairly' successful considering the rncnnbership roll; which was not nearly so large as 0a0nh "To the Presbyter- ial Presenter for 1021was sent the sum ef$216 27and also „to the epeeiltl Famine .3;2a37, and clothing. valued at $10,63 to the Indian sellout aiatl gnite a large box to St Chrisophoe House in February, Another offering is being got ready tn,send to;3t, Chis• tolyhet Ilonee'aLknd 11 any person carom to ddnate sntntithlug to it, it will be grateful ly received 1)•t'tbeKelly Cirt:ly Naito still be"given laater• of the: time of packing. -�u.^arsiraeixrvs,n�zcz+^..�.*.,� r..,�•„,."�,.,�„�.,�,�> Seas°i"able Lines at asollable ° t;. Cross -cut Saws Stable Brooms Buck Saws: - Stable Shovels_ Handles' and Filed Scoop ShOVcls - Axes • Snow Shovels Axe Handles Walk Scrapers Lanterns Cocoa IVIafs- Stable' -Forks Flexible ‘SteelMats Herbag euln Sulphur Salts . Raw Oil' Zenoleum ; Oyster Shell Grit Co 171 GENERAL •HARDWARE ,,;PRONE 53 1.1fifo• 1ffU011CO Give o v v ur order for .clothes to an unpractical Man who does not understand' taking a measure or details of your figure, and Iet lain Send the. order out of town to be made in a factory, and the chances are it does not fit, and is ,of poor quality and badly. "bade, and you are .dissatisfied'. But give your order . to tis, and have' it cut ex- pressly to your form to fit, and made by first-class tailors, who study 'every detail of your requirements. Then you do not only wear clothes that fit and :please. you, but • you also wear that satisfied look that' is so noticeable on all our custemer,s. Indigo bine stages, $30 to• Our business methods are the greatest value and satisfaction at the • lowest possible ,price. gem :k.; .ia atisnaetame et mall Davis & Herman Tt1E VETbRAN Opposite Town Hall Brown's. MF.is Furnishings Store °NE LL'S BAKERY RE !+ F 5I3 FOR tiAiURL1AY Dough nuts ire a,lrl Rolls Sliver Cake Cherry- Cake Besides the usual line. of voiles, pastries etc, CrOltlatalt Cread is ytr°7eTyal� i'�//''��rr,st adSERVICE -yy--77,'`taat(i 7 �iyt•� OUR MOTTO: SER Y.ICE R. S. O'NEILL, 1�1ii1nb 64 The Balzer Oi d Fashao>iaed. Tea Meeting b 'IN ONTARIO NSTREET CHURCH" ON-•-ee Thursday,Jan. 2 r Supper Served fssnnr 5,,30 to 7.301 x"ntl Ps'ogresni ot: READINGS, ;lE,tt thtt111rietty 6p,