HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-1-19, Page 7nion, r,g...T.---11he develop-, VSheen, There were, I.:3,0'A nye Edward Island and fortes on the farms le ;1.92t), three blu 11 in particular is synibol-}f0700 1111A (%11'1;:, 0110 White /fx.., 1`1 of the inisine•-is of total. vahio fir:4" theso. animals was Dfri„ claimed to he the 74,05, Thefetal value of fur -1)6,a' 1 tpW4 i4k animals sold from these fur ..1!arrn. ***Nr,111.01. Tei!ClItAY lle4ebtAt":14,t year was $703,221, he nunibe; •45111. hiitlidaY 17 11, consideruble • °Clive fo:kfes ex.poird dr,riag f44 Ityn,pz000ry, Th, annu.lil your ei$,I•erl 30.21. was 1,070 IsS of , the ertahlisinnel'A O••'!'"ulue9;017 00, Ss in volume the .$2,000,000 \Yo, ' ' ••• of 22;i; iroshel.4 acre of flaxseet ! special six wao secured from. a 25. -acre flold Ci,sonln*I.' 1(42,4;05 beT the A.Virmipeg• 1115tr0et, codn lc 3,1)1.014)k Nkive0lber Iso gra01;&1 by the advice Of Howe. 'Ile flax, was ot (minion Fisilleries I/epiletplrit' se-, hit...,11- onallty and the entiro croP wos ed in a catch valuel'at about $200 fOr eed• t so bstantliri premium The ugh in Ja1ifsx c.'01.11-YtrY ab ant ATVC-1,' ihe 11,11iTket 0l100-,,p,r.,boat pet month was e0eare0,1 Regina, Sask.--4urther !eo-oPera- the whele returns represent only ahorit' idol in the matter f ecnial education. half o0 what v,,,,,,,,,..6x,pectedr, there being, ,standards 'between • the lour WeStorn ..• •rn extensive "lesS oI traps' doe Di se, Cana dian ' pro V in c&a has been tUNeVed `vere Storms,in a s.tandardized rearler.for the.entire ' 5'i... John, "N,B,-,-Oons,ilietable ,..prOt- West, - Past educational conferences grbss has liege, no do in',the ecnitruri- „between the • provine'es have been se - of the new looktout. tower and Apensibie for the develnplitent of 'a rangers' cabin on QuiSibis• MOuntain, S.taridaddi' trainir..g in normal schools near Green River, Now •/,3runswicit., ;anti ,a,st.andatd. standin of admission. The cost is h4ing • equally h3r CalgaiT,- A Ita7-One 00 the' in terest the , Pop artincut of LandS,':aird. Mines ing functions '<if- the winter in .0a1gilt and the New-Brunswielt SailWaY Co., will be the re,itinion of Alberta, Old - and is ono Of .the, nruntbervof- towers :timers On 'Calgary on, January -18. NO .10iich have lieep built 'cio,e;peratively one is, eligible unless thirty years a for th,o protection 'of and rail- resident. The piOneers meet, ',SWap VIP*7,J5 EttOreS and ,exPeriences a the 'olden Quehee.-The grand total. daYS ,1,1(1) wind up, with:a real wesi4er11 Of: Canadian" trade for the`:lnoniii of dinnor of the style ' of 'a .qharter of a November NOS 41151,911,000,.' 4f which tentury. 00 more ago: . . surn imports 'amounted to:''$64,271,060 ' Clairmont, Aliar-L-The first Carilad ..fia exports j,''87',650 000, 'Mose than Of elre,s,sett.. poultry ever shipped from fifty' per - cent. of the-, exports Were the Grande P.raione countrY, left dur- •agricultural products, chiefly grain; ing.:the week anclwaS loaded, to over , ;pulp arid-opaperrexports were $17•,700- ,its capacity a ,g9,09..:. .po:in$4,s wjth 000'. During the.first eightmonths- of i.dressed turkeys, chielteng and ducke. the current fiscal year issoade tax :c02-J'This is thP.,:nr0 at.t4mtn;:g,npmlniniV,Y- lentiona'sVere ,y70,000,000, ;against $4,- abip froanthis ',(1.15triCt aiici 0011n- 000,000 for the ,Whold of .1020. prised a14 firSt-grade,loirdS, Toronto Ont. -It is eiriected that Victoria, the first. Offiee bo teeetiie",,.sving, de- roetly the -.timber ind4StrieS• of 13ritiSh poSits Will 'be'pliened in 'Poicrito early Columbia reniesent nearly half the bn Jaandry by the Ontario COvernmerit :trade 'end- commerce' of• this •PrOvincsi VingS Dept Arrangements are:being,. In 1020. hey produced nearly 593,000 - completed for the.,opertingef offices at 000 Worth of 'coMmercial material and a thuthher-Of ;pointg,i57,'"Ontarin. "'The' dt'' is estiMatnclIthat.thia•YearWiliithn pi:edintin ary • Of entern:Pi.Sted. mTeluover tthe 100,600,000rinark!: There 'braii:chersiin-the 135'OVitn'ae- ''rzuli-tbereA'-hafte 'been -1,406.: logging.onerationa."in ortwelvd,,Thut, it is expected the prowince airing theVast-tyrb yeara that' Ire-Urateriallly exceedech-340% SaWatilq.s;.' 100' Shingle,spifld, six Ottaiva; On't...,-,Tliere are no less -gap and- paper-.P19n-e. '843-c-Patilig , . 587 fus farnos hi* •Ca-nada,•-•!4e-: steadily. The'Ou0pUt,in1620'..WaS,ap, cording to. the- Bureau, of ;StatiStf,e.S., pro'xinMelY":2;00-0,000,060': feet Onvood Pateh,•..red, bhie arid White prodder's, . and mita. 20,00 Men were foxes are bred; • adso Mink, raCcodir, employed to produce :this enormous skvnic, Asher,. /.3.'mx, 'marten and Kara- .qUantity. •; ' • 0,1 SUPREME COUNCIL HAS .-ADJOURNE'D • !VOWS. of BriancrS eaksUp, can:466 Meeting. A- .despatch 'frein Pori's -".says:-, 4.-rist.4do Briand lias.resigned fromth PrentiersliK and RaYniand Poincate " farther. President of 'the Repuhlic, wil Briandts reeignation.,eanie' with draniatio 'etzddennOs in the ;Chanrbes of' De -pities!, for the Presnier, return ing ',on Thursday.: morning ..from :his cOptference • With: the . "British , Prime Minister*, Cariciee; 71lica 'bronght. the !opiiersing meinheri- e00fit61 Cabinet' iii16,5 accordwith hiCpelieles; and, bY poOretful-Speeeh the. gliamber, had :apparently won over the great Major- irt,It,; to his. gide. His hlunt eltoquence• evOlted a tremendous 'ovation and:When 4:abruptly dearared his ipterttlen of ',withdrawing from the GOvermilent, the, members of the Chamber seemed overwhelmed: , Plthongli-the -retirement of Premier' Briand'wes, unexpected, it Was appar, emr61 from the beginning 'that he Telt ;keen resentinent ag,a4ps!t the manY.ob-' etaeles placed in his Way in the portant-riegotiatiorie'in'Whieh he had beeMesigaged.,,,,He!had,the anfiertrinee ef amanaged and!plorsiCally fatigued thronglient his 'entire sgieeeli. NotWithstanding this, !however, sel- Joni his Briand riserko the high pitch 17,f,','el.0(Piellee. attained it Thursday,, whin in a voice trernbling,mibli 111'- asij1oreased ernotion,;•, and ;facing. his nolinagues on the, Ministenial henChea; Ire Said!: "A stri'te.iniart.haS no righko `..to the ;post of ti:aftiCfif he has' riot theeerteinity that he,Shall._ not. receive •Iir.4ets behind.. He Can face #1,p bullets of...the 'nnemy, ,but .ho .ninat :not receivelanylrein his:6m ebnittry." ; SiXt-y-gight Years in Fkuse - Coneitians' ha Northern Alberta. In a report ink, published by the Natural -Resources Intelligence Branch of the, Department of the Interior dealing with the Lower Athabaska and Slave River district, much information e,r.s.givon.of this 'portion of 'Canada not 1 hitherto, generally known. The area has.corim..to the forefront during the past two Yearn, ()Wing' to nroaPectorS 04t -ethers en route to. the, MaCkenzie . distriot traversMg it en their ,way _ northward.' Much pessimistic informa- tion has-been the outcome,of this trdf-, 'fic and this has very - often ,ben the reknit Of Personal- incon,verrience 'dire to carelessness.; in outfitting- -or • the •iion-realiation, of a toe oPtimistie out- look... The lin-Preludiced.Q.inV,esct*her, however' has found riraeli to cirri:mend in the natimal conditions df the coun- try, in its climate, its vegetation, ag- ricultural Possihilities, and ita forest and mineral readnares. a recent address before the Can- adian '61,0 • of . Tornnia, Mr. John M. IMrie, Managing Director of 'the Ed - mentor). Tourrieff, and until, recently! Manger 'of. the Canadian Presb AsSo. , • : deep inimession WaS 11:Latie, br tangible,"laiideime' 'of -.the ;remarkaible. fertility of"the boil and ibe"falitirable' .piln.,,,,srticanniditions.,At 'Flirt Vermilion,' 640 miles' from Edmonton, 111 a lati- tude.-almost....that,,of the, ,floithern pat& ,e1 tit/racier, I saw a .display of grow- ing vegetals equal s in size to any- thing I have , aten in Eastern- Canada. Although that,latitude 4s, 1;000, Miles nerth of 'T'Oron'to .and;over 500 nilles r,orth Ofthe s'noref James pay, T. p Sitiv there'a &splay of growing. flow- ers' equal to anything. I have seen in the gardens of ..Ontario, Wheat ,fields around Post Vermilion gave promise 3. of 45:buehe1s to ileacre.' 5•sav-oien- did cattle in that, district, and was told of equally void 'herds, 011 - the ranges of. the Hey 'and 'Battle 'River," Such. a repot. ,froni a ,Inews.paper 13 man of Mr: 'Inirie'!s standing places 7i the coantry i00.. a. true light, as await-, of il?g the day when an influx of -settlers Po will bring. trade and proiperity with N them. The report ebeve referred to has been compiled: with a view to ac, curacy, to stating conditions as they actually exist, and with no desire to be overly optimistic, It will be-for- w,amied on request to the Natural Re- souries Intelligence Branch Denart- litellit..,of Interior, Ottawa. , „ , of Lords. .The Earl.of Duels, who died in Oeto-. ben, was the "father" of the Ronne of :1/00s, having sat in that body since 1852, more than sixtkeight,years: Alt thdugh he was in, his ninety-fifth year, he was'not the -oldest meinber of . the upper 'House. Lord Hailsbury.ls ninety - but he has been in the 'House of, 'Lords .ordy, Sittee' 1885. The Earl of- Coientry-becaM'e a peer in ,4343, but 08 he Was then only ffVO yenta old he tild'mot enter the House -until ,1858, The, Earl of. Duoie was remerka.ble notonlifor his age but also as a mem- bor.* of a large family., He Was old - s6 of ten brothels and four.. Sisters. 'His title now goes to one of the broth- , ere,virbo is eightytseven years oid and tiltd has tWO s0115 fltnri seven tlaugh- tors. A New. University CotirSe. On Monday of this weelt the Short 631111'53e in Civics and Town.pkinning opened ,at the EniVersity of Toronto. Though only twenty-five students had leen expected, forty-one On'OMea' 017 the first day, most of, them architects cod civil engineers. This is the first oourse the kind ever given in Can- ada and is, therefore, something of an .640erinleilt, re .tOwn-.-blanaling al edente (and most people agree that it is), then, town -planning should be taught; tr it idionld be taught, the provincial university is the place to {each it. To judge by the umnbcre Ona tbi) enthudasm of the stbdenti, it e4y vroaktea that this to' Oto Prot of a t,erres of an - 4 on the subject, --,,,s-- opper can Jump 200 tmios 012. „ IlltSs GLADYS aoemsor4 . , . . . eanadiam,and interna,tional Vernon Speed SkatIng Oltamialeu, who -defeated the 'United :Btates National CliampiOn,!Miss Elsie Mall.nr„ in the 440-yarddaah at .-STefiiurgli; N.Y. ' She covbred- the Viattinee fa.'52.,,ainf 2/5 seconds,. ' ' ., . . . . , . . POINCAREilIKE.LY ,, „ ,, MAINUOBATARIVIIERS TO'SUCCEED BRIAND ' WANT WHEAT BOARD. AskDorninton'',Govennment.to mixer owentx sternly , estore, _oar. n er 31-oer management. ' S'Pne' ' d I 1 W. ' --s•• espa c,i from mnmeg say .- A despatth from Cannes says: ---The The eo•nvention, of the 'United Farmers maTed .supreine Council adiourned in- Of IVIanitolia 011 ..Th1.1r5dElY declafed definitely on Thursday night' follow,' tmanianouslY for the re-estabilislime.nt ing. receipt of the 4eW5- of the resign- of the old wheat '.board 'under its ation oPthe Briand Cabinet. , ' Adjoutriment was taken when Wal- ter Ratatertau,.German financial export, had 'finished ^addressuig, the counerl, conrinene was,' made upbn ,concerning' Ger- niany's defaultof her januarprepa.res t'' a .inerit:. • - Rdignation of French prc- B dud F or - ions 7), y.- , Tife newk,ef-;M.-Briral's resignation reached- M.:-,--lartitheur,while ther-Sur-, preme co -Until -Was at Ica and created 011 laximense impression. , .German reparations..is the only sub; ject that remains On the council's pro - The action taken prior to Id. Bri- and's resignation, notwithstanding France's present defection, is regard- ed- generally in. conference circles. as hln,ding M. Briand's retirement, ac-„ cording to this theory, does not,affect the Genoa conference or thejliterna- tional Comporation, plans for which have already been adopted with the outlines of a central comPany. The Council, in ,adjourning indefi- nitely, -after Dr. Rathenau had. finish- ed his explanations. to,ok no action; 'therefore,. the 'qbestion goies haelc to the • reparaions, commissiOn, after ranuary 15, when the. payinent is doe, -win again 'call it --„to atten- lion ,of the,•Stpreme Countil. Dri-Ratheriatii; the &Jose' or las speicii, said .that Germany was able to..--ineet the London terms of 500,- 000,090 gold marks in.cathand 000 060 gold 'nlarks kind annually; hut 'could not go beyond t ! es. I -5s that Germany's inability to pay was due' to the disastrous ex: - change which 'had made it 'necessary for"G.erininly use"nimics to buyifor-, ergrr enrrency, until the mark Was a drug on ,the market. - • Why- eeth-Decay.; Giihnnany's. exportations' amonnited, Dr, Clarence 3. Griaves, chief of the in the -past year-. to ;only elle-fourth Johns Hopkins -dental Staff, has found of the exports in 1914, and thebalance. out.whihninitb. teeth decay; 'also,$why of trade' a.gairiat her arnolinted• to 2,- a ra-tcS. teeth ar.e"theblieSt of ail. The .56006o,000 veld niarks. This could rat eats a balanCed diet and human be - not be .offset trSorei6dng imPoittei Inge': do not. lie 'tetik 111r; Rat' and because Gernran•y was . now • buying •fe/d •him ,the •average human. diet abrOad only foo•cl arnd necessary raw and the rat began to losf3 his teeth. niaterials. • ' "13sople should •eat ,nrcrre greens- ' .So far as coultl be, /earited, the ,which.contain thes,e ,vitat; otemeuts- tnetitbers, of the Council were not 04V- and -mere dairy 31roduct4, such its milk ofithlY impressed • by, Dr Rathenau's and cheese " Ile aay • I statement; asserting- that it laclted --" formea.• management, and with wide powers. over wheat' and otlier grainS; adopted- the' greater part of a plat- form on which the association expects 10 con,test the. nerd Provincial elec-, tion in Manitoba,. and elected C. It. ,Buracii of O'akville Manitoba pre -i dent.aittl W.- G. .Ratoltive lir oilieresford, AranitOha Vice-preqdSnt of the orggn- izatien. Tlie convention -accepted the follow- ing resolUtion on grain marketing: - ."(Wherea.s -there is general dissatis- faction With the present system of marketing our grain. "And whereas the deplorable concli- .tion of our agricultural industry is such that It demands the attention ol the Pedel'al Government -to the need for national marketing of Wheat and other grains. • "Therefore it resolirea,that we urge upon the Daninichn ',Government the necessity for re-eSta.blishing the t 'Canada Wheat Board,IlIder thelOrin, er management .with -wide powers to .seIl wheat and other grains." - IS It a Fable? t c Once upon a timebthere was a Cana- Nfilio regretted the sad . lack-- of g Canadian ‘literature.. . h . In a bookstere he.would moon about a a" counter, of Canadian Nolte, and his T soul was -filled with sorrtilw that there was no Canadian; Shakespeare or .S0711t, 00 even, a .Canaclian Wells Or d , s • " I Then he would buy a copy of Dere Mable and go ',out, regretting exceat.• N ingly that Canadian authora were not producing a literature of E patronage. -Robert J. 0, Stead. b e World TOMI(Oo 41411/tOha W.13(:61t,--:NO. 1 Noribet», 71anitoba ost$---No, OW,, extvit No, 1 feed,. 51be; No. 1 feed, 51%e. Al an it ob a b rle y --Nom no I , AB tbe above, traek, Boy ports. American cern-No, 2 Yellow, No. 13 yel' ow, 08?Ae; 1$. o. 4 yellow, Wio; track, 'Toronto, Ontario oats!,..1$To, 2 white, n010111101. Ontario wii ea 10 -Ns 111010, 0:aitiri::y-No. 3 eMro, test 47 His,' ar better„57 60,c, a,e,ording to freights Bueltwheat-No. 2, 78 to 80e, ..R2v,oartoNI)on, 1,12,0,18aLtroil,SsEt"c,ptits,, 57401 second pats.; 50,90, Toronto, Manitoba flour -90 per cent, pat., bulk scaboard,,Por barrel, $5. , Montreal freiglit, reed flour., 51,70 to $1,8,0, 43$24)374';:iseibncloe.1111•utsa:,:pd'en,' r1,a3t'oc:1:1,, '52,21:8:12tnott :$1,12'p8e4;12, g(itoboti No, 2, 52.1',50 to 522; mixed, $18, Stnaw-Car lots, per ton, $12. Cheese-NeW, large, 20 to 201/2o; twins, 20i/b to 21e; triplets, ,21 213/2c. „Old, large, 25 to 260; twins', 2554 to 20Vcc; triplets, 26 to 27c; Stil- ton,„ new, 25 to 26c. • Blitter---Fresh dairy, choice, 43 to 45e;! essamesy prints, fresh, 40 to 43c; 38 to 39e;,coeltingt 26 to 30e. pressed 'poultry -Spring chickens, 25 t,o 35c; l',005terS, 20 to,25c; fowl, 20 to 280; ducklings, 30 to 35c; turkeys, 55 to 60e; geese, 32 to 35e. toL,215Nee; ip,o.00kis,teltrya;!-e, iloelwcrs1,4 200 22e; ducklings 22 to 25c; turkeys., 45 to 500; geese, '20 to 22c. -"Margarine-23 to .25e. Eggs -No. 1 storage, 45 to 40c; se 1.ect,' storage, 60 to 52c; ne-,v • laid: straights, 58 to 59e; 'new laid, in ear tons, 60. -to 61c. Beens--Can, hand-picked, bushel, 53.30 to"$3.50;'. primes, $2.80 to $3.10. //pa:file products -.-Syrup, per imp. gal., 52.50; per 6 imp. gals., Maple sugar; lb., 19 to 22c. *II-orpaY60-30-16. tins; 142h to 15e per lb.; tins, 18 to 17c pa Ontario comb honey, per doz. 53.75 to 54.50. , Smoked. rneata-,-Hains, med., 24. to 26.0*;' eooked 36 to -40,c; smoked rolls, 23 to 24c) cott'age rolls,. 25 to 200; breakfast bacon, 25 to '30c; spe- eiar brand breakfast ;bacon, 30 to 35e; boueleSs, 32 to 36e. Oureci,ineatS-Long clear bacon, 1,3 to -20c; elear bellies., 18,4; to.201/2c. , Lard idereeS, 14 to .14.1/4e; tubs, 1 to 15c; -pads, 15 to 15'ke; prints, 183/2 to, 17c. Shortening, tierces, 1.2e;• tubs, -13%c; pails, 140; prints, 151/2.0. • Choice heavy steers, 58 to $8.59; do, good, $7' to 58; butcher steers, choice, 56.75 -to $7.50; do, good, $6 to 56.50; do, med. 55. to 55.75; do; cont,, $4 to 54.2'5; butcher heifers, choice, 56.75 to $7.25; do., med., $5350- to.$8.,0; cle., com,, $4 to $4.25; butcher cows, cltoice, 55 to . 56.50; do,• med., 53.50, to 54.50; canners and cutters, 52.50 to- 53, butcher bull's grooq, 54.50 to $6; -dom., 53 o,$4; feede,i$S,•goed, 55.60 ,to 56.60; o, fair; $4• '55"; stockers, good, 54 to 5; do, fair, $3 10-$4; milkers, 5,65to 85 springers $15 to $95; calves, , Doose, $12.50 to $13.50; do, med., $9, o $11; do, edam.; 53:50 to 57; lambe,, hince, 513.50 to $14; do, Corp., 57- to $8; 'siteep.,,,clibtice, 55.50 to -$6.50; des. ood, 54 to 55; do, com, $1.50 to $8; egS, f0; entr watered; $11 to $11..25;" fo.h.,.$10.25 to $10,50; do, country, *inta, .510 25 - • • Montreal. Oats, -C,an, West. No, 2, 58 to 59e; o,- No. 3, 56 to 67c. Flour, 1Vran. ming wheat liate., firsts,. 57.50. Rol- etl oats,- beg 90310., 52.85 to $2:96. ran,' 526.25. Shorts, 528.25. , Hay, o.:2,• per ton, car lo-te, 527 to 528. Ratter, choicest creamery, 37 to 380. seleetet, 47e. Potatoes., per ag,icar ,lots, 9oc•to 51. - Coin: damy cowS, $4; goodCfat cows, 7; mech. heifers of, dairy typo, 54.75 a25; good , heavy bulls, 56.25; irry . fleshy' , dairy bulls , wejgbing round 1.250 52275.;, enders,. 52; Sucker CalveSi $8, to .510;. tter, quality, $11; hogs;•seledt,..$11.50- ' $14/ Bo'cv8., 570* 58; DEPARTU OF POLICE FIRST STEP YITIMR410111AL OF RRITISO cONTR( I rehud Out of Dublin for fle ntobiliztAion Ertgia.n.1,1 WtII BOnd Playing end Flag s, flYing--f-ficMg4es 'PX;601kint20 .44,i)00es.tY. A despatch freesDublin sa o: --01'1D - first evudence of the relinquisirment oi 13yitish, cdn'trol in Ireland was gives to the PeV.1)10, When .a, contlagent ol peliee auxiliaries nitrObering between 260 and 300 cadets, inag$ched out of Dublin tobo demobilized England'. CarrYing riiks and sidearms and with band PlaYing and flags .flying, the auxiliaries emerged from ' their hat, racks at 6.15 o'clock in the evening and Marched through the streets to. the Westland. Row Station, ' 'rhe$withdrawal of the remainder of the auxiliaries will quickly follow and Ole evacuation of the army will begin in a few days. This action is inter- pretecbas an earnest conlidenice of the British Government hi the faith of the ProVisional Government: Members of the Griffith Cabinet have discussed the advisability of po, 'icing the lines of March of the aux, ?harms and it is interred from a state- ment to the press that adequate pro- y,ision will be made by a guard fvom the Irish .Republican Army 'against ani"attempt at hostile demonstration's. ,The King's proclathation of amnes- ty, announcement of ,the departure of the a,uxiitatios, and the resolution of the Sinn Fein Executive Cenneil, to Suintivon an extraordinarY convention ebluary 7, to decide...upon the future , of: the' organizatien and its Polley,' after Eamorm Valera^had predicted a split irt the organization, were -the, tliciletfatnlevilpo,:ipwryt.s in the Irish ails:0,11 13,ehinti tilP. ,Eireenn stand's ihe Sint ,Fein.organization of nearly 1,500 , clubs fromeverydistrict; in Ireland. • It is responsible for the sueeese of Farliamentary`ah,t1 otbdr,eleetions, and is regarded authentic popular voice by all Sinn loaners. De Valera ' is' tS President, and all il$ les',i3:vaelliayeil:tataoffv°aTrQd hnilltibeliee°191de'd/Ti;2:ellicrv! The transfer of the functions of tho lvvatii•icohn si eapxavratmeteeiaitsi.anatmaDdniiabtlienvqe,:rez., iSvadaulthperronba,lb-Tyrllkai; effected without the presence of Sir' Hama r .• eenwoo Chief SeeretarY 1,0001,;lifilo'nel:cnd', J70,1h43will3110Iteulyzoirocini,tainthitc: Trrider-SeareCary, who in the absence of the Chief Seeretarz, is the princi- vi executive autharitYi Probably make the actual transfer, a qpihrearaainnueinetstypap5ritoicalna,nrnfiolocpcuzikuto, papers and has been the cause' Of great satisfaction. It hall been feara that attempts might he made to 014- oernienr' inaat'iccle baenewtleieell'1, °baulet pthc'eltitai eVoing- oho-rooter of the amnesty a/lays such appreh,ension, Only one difficulty remains, At one stage there *ere incentifirry fires and ' disturbances. iu'England 01.* Avilia al- leged Sian Fehiers were convicted,. Amnesty' does not include them, 11. is.undefstood thSt their etla *- Main over for disense,ion between the ti C,ovein,ment and the .GOVeril, ment •of •the now Free State, With reference' 'offences 'econinitted since the truce, the Free 'State 'Government wild have complete power to deal with all 5.11th eases in -clue course. Tire first prisoner to be releaed, reciion and logic. WelVe TreatieS as ReatIli of Conference A despatch from Washington a10: ---„Statements by American aral ritish spokesmen revealed that there la be at least 12 treatdes growingout the conference. They -Will he: wer Pacific Treaty, Five -power aval Treaty Nine-poWer Far East- ern Treaty, Two -power Treaty on Shantung, Treaty on Fortifications in the Pacific, with the United States, ,Great 13ritain, Japan, and possibly Franco as signatories; a•nd separate treaties on submarines, poison gas, Yap, Paeifie cables, and revision of the tu.les of warfare. to fa a %he tO The Ontario egislature will meet on_February 14. Ti& Irish Free State 15 entitled to representation in the League of Na- tidn.S. FIERE'S THE NEW cANADIAN "NICKEL" , Made of Canada's own important and almost eXclusive metai, nickel. The coin is the same size as the United States' nickel, but is of better quality. Lord Elyng struck the first of them frorethe new dieS now busy turning them' out at the Ottawa mint, under the amnesty-proclantatlon 10 110 MeGonylre, of , ltionaghan, who left Mo,untjby tdila at'terndon. Dolbiiio -Castle has issucl a list of 370 pridOn- ers for .release Saturday. Five per - sant were, liberated. from itto.untjoly and 38 -from Limerick on Thursda • Being Where You Are. The woman. successful EIS a social being, the man, successful in businesk; • has the peculiar fa,eulty of being 100 per cent. present in every personal interview or contact,. • Hofm is a woman,who is celebrated fOr personal charm, or magatetiern, or whatever name oTie cares to bestow upon that indefinable but very real quality, rIow does, she do it? What - is the. recipe ? - Answer -she devotes herself wholly, for the duration of the meeting, to the one with whom she is conversing: She is not thinking of the domestic cares she left behind Or the nekt ap- pointment to which she is hastening. For -the time being, sheidentifies. herself in -a coMplete cominunity 0-11 interest -with tlie one to whom she is speaking. . And the one thus add•ressed feels pleased and gratified. There isn't one of us who does not care , for what seents„to us to be perceptive and corn, prehensive appreciation'. We are aar .'"warnied- and 1lled,i'7'es 'St:'James- w000td saYea,aa , W,1`11,en:eraitinengetat00 crite11?-vhle o -o, giv :a:: at a vaine •surpTieing/3r and 80t- terinigly higher that we thouight we , .Here is.the magnate of bueinerss who a real =after of Mai and, of affairs, What is his „power? Iris hold, on a situation (0017 a situation is controlled by a' firm, grip on the chief actors in it) is his bold con the loyalty 60 lieu"- teharits. And when he Meets a Man, at the top or at the bdttom, in what- ever :enterprise, he concentrates his whole intellectual force on the indi- Vanal before him. .The politician, whether ha uses it to [swarthy ends or not, develops a pecu- liar facility in making each man he can. use think that he stands in an "excep4ienal relation of trust an,t1 con- fidence to -his principal. , Ile; greets a crowd at a reTeption not -as a crowd, but as first -name, "gia&hand" pals. Each man he ,greets is led to feel "the others are preiealt, but 1 reallram the airy one here." By tlite some process, strangers are eon% vented into friends. Dein Briggs, of Harvard, has el in one of his felicitous addreiies the man who is "all there"-meaubcg the man whose wits are not wool- gathering when he meets others for conference. He is thinldng of one thing only -the immediate business of the. occasion. One who has io dis- patch: litany transactions under con- stant pressure -let us say-, /or ex- ample, a F.'remie.r of Great Britain-- has to acquire WS lie must -give himself wholly to those with Whom he may be and to the' taSk fare him. He must meet 'pep& as they Come and crises- us,they arxive, The lilleeeS5tella ones are those who ate Gene yrnes 'Ws a Great Life if You 1.)on't Weaken." ARE - *5%6E7" Mulm,4 ek. 4Pop, CoccIlt , CHURC.14 -vtg 4e..ns!55 .10B IS N h C SfoUR.S ' 178 A ‘Rtetr Lire. IF '•foU Dortr 1) VieNKEN Vincent Massey , P •ominent member of is well-known Canadian familY,,ylio at the earlY age Of 34 has been appointad PreslaSnt et the, Massey-Tiarrls Company, Ltd, He •WaS -recently elected. a .Direeter st the Canatiltui Bank of Commerea. neither. perturbed by ,the hour before nor apprehensive, ,about the. hour. te, Come, They give all they have to give to what:-.-or.td the 'dile whOr&L-the in- stant brings. , - The Winter VaCaltions tl2s. is the season for the fanner's rea4..Vaeatiep.., 'ft Stionld, be deliniteV ,gPoteitint'16} ta0P12,6,9,0rattii.,a. itEiti,oe5s Ocr Daze, in. summer. • made in; such haste es its .so.often the, ' Ole 14 -vs stook !mbriths 'and trips not need to- he • are aanV/syS ..,greateSt the cold ioodIdey oniglot be 110'l by aVt7efint:tirt.::'7' one ar more -of the short course 00.-1 ranged by the OntarioAgricultural College every winter. these' CD111'5% cover Many 'branche of farm wort*. Some of than are a11sn,c1,v in Prograss iloliahre4rais, .ab tr.e e"i, , during February end De,ertnierit of Horticulture offers. thrse. most attracti4 COUTE105 of two weeks Which would ap- peal*e$..-eciaBy' to the boys and girls. -1-nstrotit0cn in Cow felting, Soft cheese making, ice erecim niakins, anti the spacial ereainerY course, enardis our young men and ''woMen to equip phomaelives thorougbly in the saieri2e. end mac -tree of dairying, young people thus prePareci, thecm in a con- stant demand. • Gasoline engines eleer',- motors anti .,tractors are..rapidly coinnig into favel' on Ontario faitiM.,Theref.(ire tha Inettires on Farno r:ower, frOni januarY 24th. to February 4th, shotild b r!2 052900550117 yspIDsr. I t A.07 uitsl401los 1550 yttottalar nyi wi-osion, Iso 1:115,54).eibe -Mai People Who dPilV ;he same work- as ourseEves. We see life from new angles;,lye form usef.'n1 xiendshipS. A hollel'ay spent in, this e of '''ak• se -210'14 fernier hack to his mok with. 10 broader nutlock,, ancl .4 tigher vision th, griculture iio his .horne To Revise tile Callendan- Ramat Catholice arid PrOteatani.,S save ,fixed taster 1$7. the Otietriowtaik atewlar; 01.10 the areelrdlinrcla..0114416 omaniinicants haVe held to- thelulillai, t tarte years, the lacOnVenience Of an eater that, can, ,fall on any one ot, dateschae people.to pea either to iiioice festival r greatly to restrict the mange a "ite bssible incItlienCe, the, Matto-au*551 0511003 11 0500001153100 tt to, talto Place in l'oeito zest Aprilh , -wit al callendar and fix14 Itateert, Should 'inob,s yet •inia pgittl6 hest means; of 001145003J0597 'Warn* w, eliate'l 1)1.1evCalt0-1111114646111*': qUirt this Inside the inStitnie , of a scent openy, pe any a yringe, Use Seven partkoof th040/41-,, 006 to ono of tutporttitte, anal adId ite ow drops or, Oil of 142310105511142310105511 55 0 751 31 51 00 S -deans 14