HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-1-19, Page 54
11 Al ati111,,t,
I0V. or Pest,. 'IS the'
r•••• • •
erehe1ijd upS and 'Makes Peace
we thought the world i,vas re,
rig to normaL—Kiacardino, Re -
, The Farmer's Sun, is .auther.ity,tfor`
tho stateMent that out Of., 61(01 7,
Liberals supporting Hon, MaokenKin
$ing 87 are Roman 'Catholics',
SO Protestants 'Net quite three
Commenting on 5110 41.. Peace
Treaty the London, Observer .mys:
"15 18 the inot, 'generous, and .5110
.boldest moral risk. of 15,4 'icifid. that,
;ver has been talcen in the whole lie_
tory , of politics."
The woman %-t'Vlie Will hOt irOth
Sli0U1(1,. 108e her franehise.--Lendon
loree Press.
And what about the Man? The
men have, always had the privilege,
.surely if they neglect it they are the
worst sinners. ,
A 'number of our residents are
suffering from bruises in various
parts of the body, as a ,result of un-
premeditated eollisoins with the side-
walks, due to the ice. ---Pickering
fn. Clinton we just ttunble.
.The Woodstock Senthiel-ReView
;oays that,r;ow aS a Toronto:judge has'
'ruled that it a friend presents you
with a' bottle' of liquor at his/home
tit may be co -tidied, unopened,. t,o yOurs'
.4 -all., that is now needed „is a friend
who loves you sufficiently to.:Make
the r>resentation.
Several of the representatives at
"the Washington ,Conferenc,e... gave,
voice to. generons sentiments in re.:
to other nations hut we notice
Shat At is :the. old. British EMPire,, as
*usual, that is- actually ".putting pen
to paper" to, guarantee' assistanbe in
-'A Guelph Tp.. man ,‚was ,recent,
13 iy convicted: under the new Provinr'
eial 'Act, of failing to support his
, -aged mother and was ordered to pay
" $15 per week to her support. 'The.
, --old lady, who is ninety. years of • age
.and recently fell and- 'broke her hip,
has .been ;diving with hor daughter:
There 114 a campaign on 710W for
'She electrification of the London, Ifor-
,on and 'Bruce railway. The Toronto
'Globe is taking it up and has had a
man nosing about up here during the
'past week getting` copy. PerhapO,
if the earth keeps its tilt toward the
;south and the winters continue ,,to
'get milder, an electric road might be
all right but we'd like to see it up
;against snme of the St1ONV' drifts that
• that, old steam road, .bas -experienced
- "in some of the winters past. ,
ft is generally conceded that the
mse of the phrase "Irish Free State'
'played an .important part in the ac-
-ceptance of the treaty by the Sinn
Fein. The London Saturday ,Review
-thrts tells how it came to \be-uSecl:
"When the final draft of the docu-
ment was being prepared Mr. Lloyd
- George asked what 'Republic' was In
tim Gaelic language, As Gaelic pro-
vides, apparently, no other Means 'of
rendering the idea but 'Free State'
the suggestion /was adopted with'the
mtinost enthusidsm by all Concerned:"
Mrs. Gee. Alair, whO for number 'of
years lived on tho secomi of StanleY, has
recently been visiting her olhl friends and
'neighbors,who are always pleased to se •
Mr. Wm, Doig has been able to return
to Port Huron end resume 3s Jew law prael,
tise inter his'e0f.O.rced 11011(MY0ie,114vil,
been so fortunate as to breas. Pone a
his ankle.
Mr 'Freeborn Johnston, et one time a
resident of StioneY, 0911 woJ lcrioWn on
account of his high 'standing in the High
School and Onrc,ersity, waS recentlYimar-
tied to a youngauly of New Zealand. Mr,
Johnston expects soon, n company with
his bride, to visit hiparentS 10 Exeter, ,
Mr. Bawrence Godrnore of Britisn COIL
umbia, paid.0 pleasant visit to hie brother,
'Mr. S. Cudmore, and histsistcril here;
Mr. John Workman, who has been con-
fined t� the house for some time. is again
ablerto be around attending tulAlsinesS•
ste Calied,upon to record the death
of one of ontinost respected residentdm
the person of Mrs. ''Jas, McGregor, which'
marred at heilibine la'sffridaV n)orning
after an- illness which ',extended over a
number of Yeats The deceased, whose
maiden name was Mary Huliiston, was
born in Tuckersmith and resided, with,her
parents until her Marriage to Mr. Mc-
Gregor, when 'she came to live on the se-
cond concession, just east of Kippen. She
is survived hy 'her husband and four chil-
dren, who have the syMpathY, of the com-
munity in this,sadtereavement.'
Mrs, A.. McGregor Of Our village has
been in poor health during the pest week
we hope soon to heli -of her recovery
Mrs. A, McKenzie .was in Auburn , re-
cently, visiting her sister; Mrs. 'Straughan
who has not been enjoying ..the best of
health for some weeks. ' • .
The young people- of St. Andrew's
Church will meet in the school room on
Friday of this week and will enjoy a
Scotch evening. .
• ,
:fames B. 'Bowes of 'Chatworth has
issued, his 1922 progostigations as to
the weather, which should be ,worthy.
of preserving. for. future reference d in,-
i ti g the ,eenung months and seasons,
as. his -predictions for the past few
years are said to have been notably
aceurate, -- ,
Tanuarv---Very mild until the last
week, when it V17111 turn decidedly
stetany and cold. ,
Febuary,-Tiret 15 ,...days cold .with
very strinig'iVindS,i especially.about the
95h. Balance of Month very regd.,.
'Mareli--Irii•st`lfiveeitv'erage temPer-.
attire: second .iiveck,.'higli, winds, Jilin'
and stiowplast:nieek..v,er.y..high.!.wincis.
raki, frostand snow:-.-;, ......
., April--Very.cold, high Wiinis,,,With
snow .for about '10 days', Balance of
timah VerYniild;.' ' ':' ' ' ' ' ,' " ;
May—First 20 days very -Warm 'and.
likely very dry, rain, frost, ainnd ob.
ithly SII1T1V 0..b01.11 the 28i,d, . '
June—Very warm , and very dry:
with probably wind and frost about
th 10th . ' ' , ---. '
' Jilly.---.Warrner ;than average and
'V0 ry dry ndtb rain abinit the 1 Ith, r :
August --Average temperature and
rainfall. Rain the first week, rain,
with a sharp frost about.the 20th. , .
Keep This: See How 'It
Turns Out
'Tnikersinith Township
Mr. Cecil Oalce of SeafOrth has
-bought the Elcoat homestead, the'
larin,of the late Apnelton Elcoat. 'and
gels possession. later on. Mrs, Elcoat
will, have a sale of farm stock. etc.,10
the course nE a few weeks. Mr. Wal-
ter Rogerson was the pureher of the
fifty acre lot on the north 'side of the
oderich Tcrovirnaram
Miss Harriet Gandier of Clinton spent a'
few- clays with Mrs. George Connell, '
Mr. Cecil .Connell, who went west in
'Match of laSt year, returned home a few.
-weeks ago
Mrs, George Connell, who soldher farm
'some time age, has bought Mr, James.
Reid's farni in- Stanley township and will
:remove their shortly.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Cole spent Sunday
-with the lattm's daughter, Mrs. Chas,
Manning. Aft. an cl A10.9. Cole left on
'Tnesday, to spend the winter 10 Cali.
Miss Mary Wells of I3lyth sPent, tho
week•end the home of her' brother,
Mr. Alex. Wells • • _
Mr, J. 0. Lounsbery returned home
on Friday after spending the week in
Miss:lane GOVier of Paris, PIA. visit -
„cd Mrs. John Goyim' lant‘Tuesday.
A week of prayer WILS observed, in
' the village last week, the meetings
being woll attended by members of
both thelocal churches
Thu 0, 0. 'P. has °looted the follow-
ing oFfieers for the ensuing year:
Chid Ranger, Earnest Adams
, V 0 Ranger, Richard Govier •
108, J. 0 Adams
Chap, W. Mountain
S 3, C. Alen/ling
..I 13, A. Wey m th .
Conductor, P. JbLuistou
''.Crea,su rev, .1. Brown
• 'Trusters, Chas. Weymouth; oh; Willie
Al min to , Th00; Mill or.
ljos 51, Bat riot% 011 '1'110Sday to spend
11 cuttple of weeks cvlbll Toron(1),frouid,,„
ittlies' Aid or Kioox ciiiitch met
030 01 1M.N, 3, Campbell on
..,11114» risen visited at 'Wing
0..fiooerton returnoo
• ek atter spending 3,11 1(30
t 0100,
October. --,A verY4Wet and very chid
one,with sto.rny, persistent winds. es-.
pepially,at 'the end. There will likely':
be considerable MOW.
NoVember--Decidedly Wit0111 until
about the 25th; then heavy rains,
strong, winds, snow and frost.
December-;- A .record breaker for be-
ing so warm:, ,
Mr. Bowes also predicts that the win-
ter of 1023 with- '1118' -excepoon of a
sharp storm, lathe' first week.of.Jau-
"nary, will be the mildest possihre. Tbe
oo.nang soliallqr will he one ((1 5115 dr-.
'test ,4 the three -,20 ,121 ,22 -and the
st4arer; of 23 will also be a dry bus;
gotels, Restaurants, • Refreshment
, Parlors; and 'Drug 'Stores'
A. widespread misunderstanding
prevails with, resnect to the '.Sunday
business permissible in . the- above.
places. A careful consideration of
the Lord's Day Act and a review of
conrt clecisions,make clear the follow-
.RestaurAnts or hotels May on Sun-
-clay legally conduct their proper busi-
ness of providing meals or acconuno'.
dation or both as the case May 3 e.
is liniffed under the Lord's Day Aet
to idle. sale MC (Irmo, medielneS, Surg-
ical 83511ia31ee accessary tor the rt.: -
lief of sielcness and sufferthg, A
business in other articles .iO,le15 ;0
011011108, eigar, 01303 535, tobacco,
kodals, articlea, conies wi 5333
the same prohibition iroposed2,npon
initels and restanrants
Nevv,S kiappeitings
'in tile Countn,und
. District
Exeter school held commence-
ment exercises on Friday evening
last, when Col, Walter Brown ,of the
Western University gave an address,
on "Edncat.on for Citizenship" and.
the pupils gaVe a pleasing program .
The, -certificates and diplomas were
presented by the principal.
Mayor Wigle. ol' Goderich, at the.
first meeting of ',the. new council,
gave it as his opinion that the only
way they' would. get 'a boat Service,
between that town andDetroit, would
be to form a company and buy a
Miss Annie Morrison mf -near Wing -
ham fell on her way home from
Church recently and broke her ankM,
Councillor litimber of G00eri311
'wanted onlY one assessor appointod
thiS year to save expeime but Asses -
Campbell said one man conld not
Possibly do the work and get the roll.
returned in 'Proper time.
The acetylene gas plant at Gorrie,
which supplied the village with light,
exploded on Saturday evening, blow-
ing the building in which it was sit-
uated into kindling wood and break.
in'g, windows all over the village;
alfe townhsip -hall, the Presbyterian
and ,Anglican ,churches and the Pub-
lic school had almost all the windows'
broken, %chiding a fine memorial
iim,the Anglican church,' No,
services Were held on Sunday in any
but the ,-Methodist church. In spite
.the force of the exploSion and the
destruction caused no one wal..i in-
Mr. John Barr has disPosed of his
show steer to Messrs. Lurtz ands
&MS., P,),;eSt011,,51nd .it will be. exhibit-
ed ,at,the Fat .Stock Show,' Ottawa .
Mr:. BEM wasourfortunately, 311 and
'51u6 Mnable to -exhibit .rit either To-:;',
'ronto ,Guelph this year 'as is his
"The :Blyth Farmer's , Club 'shipped
during 1921 the: following-, through
theirshipper, Mr. James Cuble':
flogs; ra'983, 22,966,.02;. Lambsand
caledk 93, $1,070%-00; Cattle, 252; Annual Meeting
818,127.29'. 'A total, of' 540,193.31 the annual meant , f th
hers of the' 1VIcRillop Mutual Fire Mr. Ws -n. Wright, an exPert Xis-
man employed at the,Cirlin Gae..1 surance Company will he held at the
age, Seaforth was at work antler .a Town Hall, Ses.forth, l'obruarY 3rd,
1022, at two o'cock p.m. The bus -
car which was slung up by ropes bile-
dily last Week and the ropes slipped iness will be toreceive the annual
statement and 'Auditor's report, the,
aral allowed the car to come down' ori
him. "He stfstained a badly bruised election of three Directors and two
arm, a broken 11055 1111113. the loss ef a auditors and other 'business 'which
teeth., He was fortunate that he might be considered of use for 'the
did hot receive more seriousnjuries.
iCompany.The'ret ring Directors
are:' James Evams, John G. Gr1eve
Mr: and Mrs. Robt. Searlett of
McKillop gave a dinner reco5133tr to and 'John Benneweir. who are -elig-
ible for re-eleetidn. James Conno/ly,
sixteen members of theii, family con::
President, Thos. ,E. Hays, Secretary.
nection in honor of -their., brother,
, —33-3
vertislailg indtices a fitst sale
Once tried, is never forsaiten
$eallecl pa,c4eto only Blach•Cireen or rnizte2
In 1.922, by giving johnson, & 'Co.
'Prices you will' find as low alf any a
money cheerfully ',refunded. We, off
1 broom • • • • • • . • • • • • • .38
1 lb. prunes . , : .15
2 Tins Tornato 'soup , .35'
I)IcLarens' Jelly POwders, 3 for .29
1 tin Pork &ibeafis .20
6. lbs. Rolled Oats , .... .25
O share or your patronage. Our
nd Satisfaction guaranteed or -your
or fin, this. wek;
1 lb. Gmger Snaps .
. . . . ,.15
lb. Emmy Cakes .. .20
1 "lb. Broken Sodas' , ..,..... .12
2 boxes Matehes . .. .25
bottle. Ifiiglisti mixed 'pickles .39
1 tin Baking .poWder .22
Goods c0i,;;e'red te All Parts of the town. ; Get the Habit of .Dealing at
JOUNisCiet 4E7-co's GROCERY Phone.lit
Skating ,Party
Tuesdag, Januar g 24
Under the auspices of
"The Garden Class” of Willis
Church Sunday Sehool
Band ' Attendance
Admission 25c.
Refreshments 10e.
Miss Annie Parkhill, who had been
visiting friends ,at Gerrie, died sud-
enly. The remains were sent home
to Toronto for intement., •
.'Laiii-prepared.to' do knitting,
kinds; StockingS, -socicS;.. ,mrfde .rwear;
etc:. Will' SuPp.Iy the yarn - or Will!uSe
cuStomer's yarn, _evenly, woven./
Samples of goods 'taken 'to all parts
, _
of: the town, All - Work guaranteed, •
George Bolton; James
Mr' James Scarlett of Imusfail, Al -
berta,- who is. home on a holiday vis-
it, after an absence of thirty-one
years. - • ,
The remains of IVIrs Ryan wife
These places may not on Sunday
carry on a merchant's trade : 4Let51tr
conducted bY the', proprietor, or by
anyone.leasing a stand upon the pre-
mises. This means that it woni1 be
illegal to f'ell on Sunday goods to
be taken off" the preinises afid wonld
apply to the ,sale- of candies And
other confections, cigars, cigarettes,
newspapers, etc. Ordinary merchants
are not permitted 50 . do businesS on
Sunday. These places, therefore, are
required to refrain on that day from
carrying Ofl the merchant part 010"
their trade.
Only restaurant proper, that is
O place equipped to giVe meals and
regularly serving 11351515 1,0110)115 the
week, may keep open on Sttnclav. Re-
freshment places, not qualifying as
restaurants as thus defined may not
legally be open on the ,Lord's
their business being -unnecessary..
This , consideration would apply to or-
dinary refreshment stands., ice cream
parlors, , and to hotel bars.
has bedit assumed that since the
repeal of the license laws' umr which
hotel' hai3s were closed on the Lord's
Day, these may 11011 be open on St '01'
day and that since the license ef 1113n-
dard hotels permits them to sell can-
dies, eighrs, cigarettes, this basiness,
whether at the bar Or elsewhere 011
the premises, may be conducted 00
Sunday, However; the .Sale of ten
peranco rinks on Sunday is 110 1)1010
11000801153T 311(1)1 the sale of intoxicat.
ing drinkS and had thc‘sale of intoxi-
cating drinks,' on Sunday?, not been
prohibited by the license systom, it
vould have been illegal under' the
Lord's Day Aet, and the lieense to
sell candicS, oto., does not carry with
it the privilege of violating the Sun-
day law, No local 'or provincial 1-
(11001100 0011 supersede the I,ord's Day
FOR ii,E141 crt
The StnidaY husiness of drug stores -
. ,
of, the Rev. Francis Ryan, a fernier
reetor of St. Thomas'. church, Sea:.
forth, 'who died in Owen Sound last
week; were brought to Seaforth on
Friday, the funeral tohingi place from
.the station' to Bayfield cemetery.
Mrs (Rev.) E. knight of Cal-
gary, formerly of Hensall, was 'ser.
iously injured in an automobile aeM-
dent ,recently 'and' is in the Calgary
hespital undergoing treatment. Mrs.
Xnight 'and her husband were Liv-
ing in a closed car which was Struck,
by a street car. Mr. Knight 'gol;
off withont a scratch, though his car
Wail 'badly damaged.
Hensall has a new,, free, open; air
ilcating rink, whieh is managed un-
der the direetion of a committee an':
pointed by the council. Hensall 1S 1
thrifty little village, all right. -Last
week the trustees of the Methodist
church decided to PurchaSe '51 new
piano to replace the organ' which_had
done duty Son many years They did
not consider the purchase of a -pipe
organ 'for the reason that -church
union might come along any thife
Miss Mary 1VIcLaughiln 035 13rus-
esIs died suddenly on,Thursclay week.
Mr.' Samuel Burke and Miss Jen-
nie Pope of Wroxeter -were married
recently by the Rev. Dr, Harkness,
They will reside in Grey toWnsrip..
The funeral took place Wingliarn
on Saturday last of Thos. P jaines
Turnbeiry township farmer, who died
following a hut on his hand reeeived
while' butchering hogs, bleodpoison-
Mg resulting.
on Jan. 17th,: by the Rev„ Geo.
.Jewett, Mary , Blinn to David C.
Forrester, forraerly of Clinton. ,
McGEE—In Goderich township on
Jan. '12th. to Mr, and Mrs, L Mc-
Gee, a daughter,
TYNDALL—In Cocipi•ich township,
on Jan. 7511, to Mr. and Mrs, Roy
Tyndall, a son,
FERGUSON—In Kincardine, on Jan.
1.3111, o D J. ancl Mrs. Fergu-
son, a sen.
FRASER—In Alexandra Hospital,
Gederieli, on Jain, 1551s, to Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Eraser, a sem. `.
110 niottintira Hospital, (iod-
(3131111, Jan, 11th, to Mr, and
Mrs, John 1'. Knox, a daughter.
SW A n—b, Stratfortl,,,on -Jan, 16151,
Harrie t 1)0 Parker, widOW of the
late W. 31,, Swan, in her 83rd
Ann:dal Meeting ,
Of Huron, Central Agricultural So-
ciety will lie held in the office of 'the
District Representative on Saturclay,
Tan. 2801 at 1 o'clock. All those in-
terested are 'invited to attend, :-33-2
'Lineman Wanted,
Sealed tenders will be received by
theundersigned for the position of
lineman for .one year, Tor the Zinn-
icip'al Telephone -System, Twp of God-
erich, tenders will be received .un to
Saturday, Feb. 4th, 1922. The 'low-
est Or ally tender not necessarily ac-
cepted. Adam gallte1011, SCC. -Treas-
urer, Clinton, R. R. No. 3, —334
Wanted to Rent
House or cottage, must have in-
door water and light. State rent, al -
515 the • conveniences Bok 208 or
Phone 82. —33-1-p
Notice to Creditors
In the estate of Thomas Nicholson, -
Notice is 'hereby. given that all per-
sons having claims -against the es -
`tate of. Thomas .NichOlson, lath of 'the
township of Stanley in the County of
Heron, yeoman, deceased, who died
on or about the 26th -of May, 1911
are requiked to 411ver to Susan Niehz
olson, the. Ociministratrix, pi the said
estate or her solicitor on or 'before
the 101151 day of February, A.. D.
1922, a full statement of their claims,
together with particulars thereof, add
the nature of tho securities, if sty,
hold by them, all duly verified by of-
And take notice that after the said
last mentioned date the said Adminis-
tratrix will proceed to distribute the
estate of the said deceased amongst
the persons entitled thereto, having
regard only to such' claims as she
she.% 'have received due nothp and In
accordance therewith,
Dated at Clinton, this 17511 day of
January, A. D', 1922.
W. Brydone, Clinton, Ont.
Solicitor for- ti're said Administratrix.
Custom Sawing
Custom sawing will be done in Olin -
ton in the early spring, also con,
tracf,s for sawing at other points
will be taken, Far eau partionlare
apply to MeEwan Bros,, Hayfield,
Phone 20 on 624. —32-14
Theundersigned will sell
all the 4opi and wood cut
in Whitmore's bush for .
the sum of $160.00
This is a snap
The Geddes -Tyson Lumber
; Skating Party •
Friday, Jan. 2051, at the rink, un-
der 'the ausindein'billm Girl's guild
of St, Paul's church. Barka in atteit.
dance. Refreshments, 102...A.dni s ion
'250. —824
Stop-LLook-L-Listen ..•
Fiddler's .151 .your corners, Tamarack
her davit'. Hard time, Old time
dance in Walker's Hall,. Brucefield,
Friday, Jan. 20th, 1922.,Forsythe
Orchestra and Heyter.- in' attendance.
Admission gents in costume • 750
gents in dress, 990, 'Teton Special."
Ladies please, provide.,
Square Timber and Wood For Sale
Rock Elm timber un to thirty feet
long. Maple and beech shortwood.
Apply to 111. G. Ransforcl —31-3
Notice to Trappers
Do not sell your ,fun's to travelling
fui. dealers, they qua not travelling
for their health,. Their expenses have
to be paid out Of what Airs they bay
from you and. you get less money
frOm thein than you would if you
brought them in aria, sold them to a
dealer whose expenses are low com-
pared to a travelling dealer. Trappers
who held their furs for me got Ivor
10 per cent. ihore for their furs than
was offered by 'some of tlth travelling
dealers. I ain' still paying, the same
high prices I have. been payiag, all
along leg may have to reduee them
before long, so do not hold your furs
but dispose of them as you get them.
Glean skins _ taken at full value if
scraped, H. A. Hovey, Clinton_. 8141
Rooms to Rent
Rooms. 'suitable for light house.
keeping, or with board. Radiator in
each room. Bathroom and city. con-
veniences. Cheaper than buying fuel.
Apply to Mrs. Downs, Opposite Ont.
St. Church. —31-4-p
N otice ,
. Anyone hunting, shooting or trap-'
ping on the -premises of the under-
Isigned, lots, 42, 44, 45, 48, /2, /4' and
75 !Maitland Cron.; Goderich township,
will be prosecuted. C.W. Williams
and Sons.' —27-8-p
Plain Sewing,
Am prepared to ,do plain sawing!,
Mrs, J. Nellans, 1Cl51ton. 132-2-33
Meeting of Huron Ceunty Council
The Cormeil of the Corporation of
the Comity' of lInton will meet in
the Connell Chamber, Goderich at
3 &deck 'in the afternoon Tues-
day, the 244 day of january, 1022.
All accounts aPJaing the County mug
be in the 514008.035 the Clerk 0011 13(11"
er than Monday preceding the meet-
ing of. Connell, Geo, W. Holman,
County Clerk, --Goderich, Ian. ilth,
1922. —82.2
Feria Fer Sale
Lot29, Con. 2, I -I. R. S., Tacker-,
smith, containing. 100 acres.-- There
are 011 the premises a good brick
house with large Wood ,shed, also
neW garage, bank barn, pig pen and
hen house. 114 acres orchard, 5
acres mania brish, 8 acres fall wheat.
There is a running stream across
one corner of the farm. Hard and
soft water in house And piped to
barn. There is a running spring
about 10 rods from barn with large
cement trough. !Phis farm is well sit-
nated, baing 5 miles, from Seafortfi,
414 from Clinton and Brucefield.
Across road from church and 1. Mile
from sehoolr Reasonable if sold at
once. Will also sell stock and imple-
'merits if desired. Apply to FralICIS
J. Coleman, Seaforth R. R. No, 3.
Polme 19 on 4314, Clinton Central.
-For Sale or to Rent
A comfortable 7 -roomed frame
house. on the corner of Mary aud
North streets, Town water 'and gift
water.. Good cellar and wood shed.
'APply to J. P. Sheppard. —26tf
, ,
Solrella Corsets
Spirella Corsets for healthf.ulness,
style, toinfort arid durability. Ev-
ery eerset made to measure. Mrs,
Elizaheth Kennedy, Ontarid Street,
.01inton. —.12-1921
House for Sale
8-rooni, solid brick house, team
water and eleetrie lights, good gar-
den and ehickert house. Apply alti
premises. Corner of NOrth And
Spencer Sts. --A, C, C1arksori,-80-t0
TRY i17.1 viffrEiti,N
IL ST1151JN5$
.'010 CHEAP BOOTS 00
Opposite the •Pletu1,?. Show,
Genuine D. L & W.
Scranton Co41
rt. J. rialILLEil
Yes we have it in all sizes. DO/1'
put oft' buying as the price is grad-
ually stiffening. Delay will onlY
cause a panicky lattAng craze similar
to that experienced last fall when
prices ,went 051103'.
Let me advise you ,to fill up with
It answers the burning question':
We also stock,for your convenienee
Hardwood, in different qualities.
- Slabs, the ideal sununer fuel •
Cedar rails, fine for kindling.
Canada Cement, the sthriclard art -
Threshing Coal, convenient ancrsafe
Hemlock Lumber, et new prices.
2x, 3x, & 5x Shingles, at your own
Scranton Coal
w, he on hand for immediate,-
Also 101110
" 'Leave orders ;At ray Residence'i'
Hurn street, or Phone 155.
mEgigs CASH
South End- Grocery
A full stock of
Groceries '& Provisions
Hardwood, 'Slabs, Canada Cement,
Chestnut; Steye and Soft Coal,
Phone for Clinton 74.
Phone for. Bromfield 11 on 618.
Groceries, Fruits
and Cured Meats
Fresh Goods
Right Prices
Good Service
PriONE 45
A :41:04.."
We repair any make Of
Leave yoiirs With us for
the winter.
B ubbers repaired and hali- -
Pamitan Agent for Overland Cars.
Examiner for licensed drivers
Phone 80 Res. Phone 140
Will he 1 iv. in quality, al d rea-
sonable n price if ordered flom us
now; We have a full stock of the
following lines!
Feeding Moses
Ilave you any Wheat, Barley or
Buckwheat to sell? We are paying
speeial prices jUSt now •
W. Jenkins & Son.
?honest Elevator 109, ResidenOo 14
C,Ieetiet1 and Pressed
Clothes cleaned pressed And re-
paired, Wolollen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms over Heard's barber shop.
W. jag°.
• ' Ileare for Segsiae
Champion hred, big -type Yorkahlre
and Chesiiter White boars f oy service.
At home, .eVerY
1.40io8i Bherie -6 On' Clinton
in homes where Port Hope Porcelain
Enameled 'Ware is installed. We
-Can advise you on any -
plumbing necessity
Agent for Ueda Furnaces
Plumbing and Heating Phenol 'MP
Shop Over Corless & Venner's
Mr. Farmer
What do You Require?
Wheat Middlings (shorts).
Oat Middlings (fattener for pigs and
chickens). •
0a.t Feed (Special for cattle)
Manitoba Oats. (C. W. No. gy,,,
Calf Meal '
Purina Chicken Chowder .,
Pratts Royal Purple Stock 'foods.
Wodellouse & •International Stock
—.Foods. '
• -
Five- Roses, Hunts; Horton Flour's.
Silver CrOwn & North Star Flours
'We are expecting a car of ctornAdaily
We know our prices and quality
will interest you. Special prices on
large quantities for cash and we be-
lieve now while prices are low is a
good time to lay in your winter sup-
Plante 123. ,
Flour and Feed Merchants and
Grain Buyers '
Also issuers a Hunters & Trappers
Uve P lltris
We handle all kinds of live `an
dressed poultry. Special prices paid
for properly milk fed `chickens, It
will pay you to Antall your pOultry,
as our extra price will more than
cover cog of feed need. Inquire for
prices when ready to sen. Our pricee
are unsurpassed for all high, grade
poultry. ...„
N. W. TREWARTEIA, Manager,
Phone No. 190 Hohneiville 601 r 1/
The demand for our butter hi It.
creasing. '
To supply this demand wo require,'
more cream. ,
'We' reettest veu 50 abiti Us4oul
We guarantee YOu qui 1110100
Market Prices, *accurate lents' and
prompt service.
Our firm ie knovyn to yeti and nee&
no furthei recommencli
We' PAY all express - charges, furn-
ish crown taus and PeY ttikte each
, Wtite for tans or 'further itdottot.
'tion to ,thO '
1, A. BARBB11,,, MANAdBR,