HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-1-19, Page 1I..
N, oilTAR11
Klin, PuOflK, hig0 CBEATE
is a
r liour
To help thein with Glasses. Nearly .everybody whodoes a lot
of reading, or serving, or fine work with the eyes, feels the effects
and most people know it is ix rest their eyes ;feed, But .few can
zy n
droptheir work because theireyes orhead aches. Not enough
people le know that the right glasses will give the needed rest.
Wear them while you work ---they will help you wonderfully,
Satisfaction" and comfort with glasses supplied by
, 0
Jeweler and Optician n orie 174
W Residenceme 1743 •
R w a ' . r, ....ate : urma-.ime- surm. r..
,the man with.
1 to a Savings .Account need never
'worry over the future.
Saving,' backed by determination 'is one of
the most ;satisfying habits to acquire.
A Savings Deparmentat every branch of
Capital.Paid'Up $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $5,000,000
Over 125 Pronchts
Opportunities to buy Cattle
horses, farm implements, , etc., cheaply are
constantly turning up. The farmer with money '•
saved is the one who gets'these.snapo,
'•,'-'race'Y aur ero yearnings in'a Savings'. Account'c.•ith the
nearest branch 'ofiThe Maisons Bank where,tvhileearning
interest andteing absolutely safe, your money is 'avail.
able at any minute. Deposits can be. made bymail.
H. R. SHARP, Manager
Safety Deposit`13oxes to Rent
READY-To-W05it 2 he glorrish
On:nr nEn'
Sale of Mens andBoy s Clothing,
shinps, Hats Caps, S} Etc.`
Its not a question frO t it
We want to clear our shelves of all winter d
and we have cut the prices to do it
retia . Suits
$20 to $22 suit, sale rice
t P
25 to 30 ri
35 to 40
45 to 50
Mina's Overcoats
to $30 overcoats 's.le price
35 :to 40 : , t
.42"to `45,
Odd Trousers
56.50 to 58.50„, Striped worsteds
54:50 to, 56.00 Tweed's and Worsteds .
salt' Price
.fi0 Goat woateLs r a 53; 75
510.00, 512,00 Coat Sweaters,sale Price:. „ ,.,, 8.50
52.60'and 52,75 Boys'' Pullovers,' sale price , 1,95
$1.50 to $1.7 Plain black, 1lxaIcr and b1}
o stripe
>, sale price 1
$2.b0•to 52,50 Plain black and blue stripe,sale price
....,,•, , 1,69
$1O -r$12 Boys Suits, sale price . ...,
515-518 Boys Suits, sale price
56— 58 Boys' Fancy Snits sale price
Seto r o bills for complete list o ag smp
Sale ends Saturday, January
a1 .21* 1
., 57.90
.,, 4.90
nate Del for
Every Matt,
'Wheat, $1.00,
Oats, 454.
Barley, 504
u'1 leat: 0s ,
Eggs, 404 t• 414
.. I
Butter, 301: to 350.
Live, Hogs, 910,50.
The Victorian Artists will give the
fourthconcert in the -Lyceum -course
in the town hall on the evening of
Friday, Jan, 27th.
Miss Grace Callahan is an accom-
plished musician, playing en various
instruments,, one of them being the
bassoon, and always charms her Audi-
Mr. Hubert Small plays the 'fluto.
and also is a fine'tenor singer:
Miss Joy Wilson plays the piano.
and sings, having, a ''h contralto
Mrs. Vera Small is s soprano a
critics have been lavish in praise of
her concert work.
This is sure to be an enjoyable en-
tertainment and music lovers will not
wish to Truss it, The plan of the hall
is at Fair's.
9u Thursday evening the executive
o£`the Toronto Huron. Old Boys' As-
sotdation Met' at the home of 111r. R;.
0, jKing', Cooksville, about seventeen'
mi'es' from .Toronto' ,going-by=auto,b g
Thb reason for 'bolding the meeting
-th re was in order to' give the, mein
{'s'.. outing, and _al cc
bei+ 'tn g also ,use both
Mr. -and :Mrs, King•'coMe,frott I-Iur-
,.' on (he being' a brother of --the. ber elect ,Cor North Huron,) The ex-
ecutive ,-,,vas well represented, the
Wives of members also being present.
ht was decided to hold the annual At
Mae on the evening of Thursday,
March 2nd,' in the Oddfellow's Hall,
College Street. This, is the one big
occasion under the auspices of the
Association that brings together the
younger element el Huroniaas„ and
others, in the city,' and Isalivays
eagerly 1 oked forward, to; and extra
efforts Wulf -be nut forward. this year
to Make/it the biggest. and best of
its kind. After the -executive had.
completed, its business, Mr, and Mrs:;
King entertained the crowd: to lunch-
' eon, which was`i n eh enjoyed and an-
prei iated by all which was expressed
by the crowd "singing "Fer They are
Jolly Good<Fellws."
Wesley Church
A.sermonette to jnni6ts tit 11,'aiif;`
Pubilc Worship.' Subject; "A Bag
with, Holes," S. School, '2.80 p.m..
Evening, service at 7.00. Subject:
"Religious ; but . not Happy,"
Baptist •Church
The, pastor will preach.at,both ser.;
vices'. on Sunday.
Morning Subject: ".Elijah at.
:) Everting Subject: "Power of Son-
. cordial welcome extended -to all.
Ontario Street. Church
e pastor, wreSttnhis study of•
the Th`fProdigal Son" :.'atre the' evening
sezvice on Sundillay.
'The quarterly and •trustee boards
will sheet on Thursday evening next.
4 frill attendance is requested..
At'the opening of the evening ser-
vice en Sttnday last there was' 'a
short musical, service. Mr. Roberts,.
soloist, in Askin street Methodist
church, London, sang acouple of so-
los and 'Miss 'Gibbing•s-and Miss Tre-
leaven and Messrs. Roberts and Bert,
Totter' sang a quartette, It Wa
such enjoyed by the congregation
Last Monday evening the unveil-
'ing of the Memorial clock toolc'place.
in connection with the E. 'League
Messrs, Bert Potter and Bert Jervis,
returned soldiers, unveiled the clock,
and-1lLre Rev. ilIr. ?Willson of Auburn
gave .00 address. Solos were ren-.
dered by Miss M. ' Gibbing's and Mr: -
Bert Potter. The ,. meeting next
week will be in charge of the citizen
strip department. ' '.
'The' Philathea class meets on •lirb.
day evening at the parsonage at sev-
en o'clock, sharp,, All inefubers are
requested to be present as important.
buisness will: be discussed,
St. Paul's Church
The annual Vestry meeting, of St.
Paul's .church Was held on Monday
evening,' there being a very large "at-,tenclance, The Rev. "C. ' L. Billcey
M• A. B;D`.'' rresided :Lor th first
, . 1 a St
•trine in, this parish,
On' account- of the removal of Mr.
0, D, Bouclt, front the parish, Lt.
Col. Rance was ilppointed Vestry
Warden C. G Middleton then
read -the financial statement, which
showed the Parish in a very healthy
condition. The reports of the differ-
ent -societies in connection with the
Church Wete read, and each 'report-
ed a successful year. The Wardens,
IVfessrs, Middleton and Ford, were
re-elected and congratulated: on the
year's,. work.' • The following sides -
'Men were elected:.S. Taylor, Chas,
and Weldron' HoVey, F. W, 33ovey
and G, • Elliott, Messrs. A. J.
Holloway and J. E. IIovey were ap,
pointed auditors The following ware
appointed a Select Vestry: the -War-
dens; Vestry Clerk, 3.,Ransford, J.
a Hovenan Wm
Jaclt o ,
d s
vete- i of than C
s was rased
1 to
and masers .and Secietles connected
with the Chitr'ch,
r, ;Yolrn 1ansforrd and 1,1. Cnl.
Combe' *eke a einterl Le :. D 1e -
PP, y e
gatee''to 5`ynod " mid 4,Wm. Jackson
and IA, CaO.: Ranee aflbetitutesi
, Oth,
Word has boon received in town of
the serious illness- of Mr. Duncan
Stevenson,, only son of Mr. and Mrs.
3. G
Stevenson of ]t
t non Oakland, Cali-
far is r
n the result It of an auto accident
Mi'.teven n
S so was as , going With a
company of friends ate' spend art ev-
ening with other :3rierids,:when the act
cident occurred At fi'sthis recovery
was almost dispairedpf, his injuries
were' so severe, but later news was
more encouraging. -Old friends of the
family in town and 'community will
sympathize with than and hope that
the stricken man may be restored to
After several preliminery meet-
ings a Choral Society, was organized
in Clinton on Tuesday evening, Prof.
Anderton, A. R. C. , 0, of Exeter
bein •
, g prese nt to assist in the organ=
o g 'officers Were ap-
Hon. -President, Lieut=Col, Rance.
President, J. 1J. Doherty.
Vice -Presidents; the resident
.Secretary, B. J•. (ribbings.
Treasurer, R. E 'Manning,
Patronesses: Mrs.- Bilkey, Mrs
H. T. Rance, Mrs, D, McCanxus,
,Ma's. R. 7;. Manning, Mrs., S. An-
derson, -Mrs
nderson,-Mrs, J. W. Treleaven, Mrs.
J. E. Hogg, Mrs. ';• Gunn, Mrs.
G I. , Burris, Alta. Alcatn
The practises will be held each
Tuesday evening in 51: -Paul's parish
It is the intention to^give a con-
cert in the spring, The `member-
ship fee is one dollar and anyone in
town orr surrounding oaniiitimity who
wishes,to join thesociety is cordially
"A marriage was solemnized on
Tuesday at the home of 'Mrs. John.
-Mills, when her cousin. Mrs. 34. A.
Mogridge, of Clinton,: became the
wife of Mr R. W. Cole, of Los An-
geles, Cal„ . Rev. A. C. Tiffin per-
forming'' the ceremony, 'The newly -
wedded couple will leave, early next;
week for their home in the South."'
The foregoing, copied from the
Blyth• Standard of last week, refers
to a. fernier citizen.of , Clinton, the
bride being very well '1.:-nown here,'
where she lived for .: a great many
years, 'having ,last- fall rented her•,
honie 'here.. Quite ,.a little...retnanee
surrounds this marriage. It, appears
that these .two '.were.,lovers in ,their
youth but circmntances were against
them, and both •chose other manes.
Mrs Mogridge'was a widow for some
years arid about ,a, year ago Mr.,
Cole's' wife died;,;and sopies months'
Inter he came east to hunt up.the
sweetheart. of his youth, She. sent
him away the first time but, moth-,
big ' daunted, he returned, and his
suit was accepted. Mr: and Mrs..
Cole called on friends in Clinton the,
beginning of 'the week and on Tues
day left for their home in California,
They are followed to the Sunny
South by t]re' good wishes. of their
The annual meeting of The C1in.
ton Horticultural •Society was, held in
the office of -Mr.- S. B, Stothers on.
January 13th, ,' 1922. :The. Vice,
President, Mrs. W. D. Fair,in.the
chair. The minutes' -of the previous
annual meeting were read aril con-
firmed, The financial statement dor,
the year 1921 was read and adopted.
The following officers were• eleeted
for 1922. by acclamation::
Ikon. -President, G. II, David.
President, 0, G. Middleton.
1st Vice. Mrs. W. D. Fair.
2nd Vice, Miss W. O'Neil.
Directors for two years, Mrs W.
Brydone, ; H. R. Sharp, James, Scott,
W. 3, Coolt,•R, Bowland. :
," Director for one year, T. 3. Watt.
Auditors, Rey. J, E. Hogg, R. E.
',Delegates' to Ontario Horticultural
Association, „Mist F. Curtinitham, C.
G. Middleton, It. R. Sharp.
Moved. by Mrs Chowen and Mr.
Middleton that the secretary be in-
structed to 'write letters to. Mr, G.
E1, David and Mr, C. •D. Boucle for
their excellent work in behalf of the
Moved by Miss O'Neil and Mrs.
Brydone that the `secretary be in-
structed to write 'n letter of-cdndol-
ence tit MSs. T. Cottle,
Moved By Mr, Cook and Mr, Scott
that ,lin effort be made to have Jack
Miner deliver a lecture here.
r'MOved by Mr. Cook. and Mrs,
Cliowen that the civic improvement
committee be authorized- to improve
the corner. at the property of the Olin_
ton Creamery, Limited, 'and that the
Council be asked to ,put in a drain'
there and also be asked for a grant
of 5100 for the general improvement
of the street.
A meeting of the Directors of then
Society was held- ildmerliately fol-
lowing. Present, C. Cr. Middleton;
Mrs. Fair, Miss O'Neil, Mr:s. B5r,v-
done, Mrs, Chowon W. 3. COok,'W.
Hamblyn, James Scott, Ii. R,: ,harp.
Moved by Mrs. Brydone and Mr.
Scott that Mr, II, R. Sharp` he ap-
pointed Secretary -Treasurer,
Moved by 51.,11. Sharp and W. J,
Cool' that the civic -improvement tom»'
snit e ee
, nszst ofd s
Mss unt .. B
don> l
airaGhowetJenkins, ns Miss
Miss O'Neil,
Moved ha ' airs. B;yorino and Mrs.
Chows ttlt tb i
tl e Tern n1n 'r...:.
n u h azrd; 1n t e,
list Committee, consiSt of Messrs W.
J. Cook, W. IlaStaiilyft' and 51. I$.
The W, C. T, U,• will meet in
Wesley' church lecture xoom on-Fri-
n-Fri-day afternoon at three.°o'clock, when
the county president,
Mr•s McGuire
of Brussels, wilt be present and give
an address. All ladies are invited,
specially the young mothers, Re=
freshments will be served,
Frida the thitreentli had to ter-
rors for the superintendent of Wes-
ely Sunday'school primary depart-
ment, Miss Cuning-hame, and her as-
sistants, as they planned to .have a
party for the youngsters on that ev
ening, and their faith 'was justified,
as everything. went off as pleasantly
as could be. The primary roam Was
very prettily decorated, and the chil-
dren were entertained with gaanes of
various sorts until the supper
when nearly fortyt
Y b
tle girls and boys sat down
to dain-
tily, set and beautifully decorated
trebles,: The feast began with saatd
wishes and,ended with ice cream, hav_
ing in between hosts of good things.
The mothers were also invited and 'a
number came and were also served"
with tea, the primary ,stair and a few
friends serving. It was a most suci-
cessful little party.
Clinton team went up to Goderich
on Friday night' and put 'on a whir:'l-'
wind game of hockey,' ,taking the
breath of the' slow going citizens of
the 'County town to such extent, thad
they were rendered literally speech-
less, At no time was the result in
any doubt, The score at the end of
the game stood 3-1.
The team play was good all
through and the goal -tending ot`Mc
Goeth' was 'simply great. 13 wase im-
possible to get anything; past him.
The Clinton Boys were not so :suc-
ces$ful ab Exeter on Monday, night,
however, when they were defeated
8-1 by the Exeter -Zurich team,
The southern team is an aggrega1
tion of strong players and -were a
hard bunch to 'Meet. But better luck
is -expected in the rettirn'match.
Yesterday evening ;Clinton won.
from Mitcltell on the home rink, the
score, being•8-7, This was a good
Yesterday's Free Press •had . 'the
fdllowing.item,of interest•to News-
Record' readers. Clinton friends' ex-
tend congratulations:
"Yesterday afternoon' the marriage'
took place at the, First Methodist
church of 1Vliss Mary Blinn, Who has
been, living with her cousin,
Ilarold Thompson, 244 Briscoe • street,
to Mrs David G. Forrester, of Hamil-
ton, The bride; who wore a suit of
brown broadcloth, trimmed with beav-
er, and a 'brown satin hat, was given
in marriage by :her brother, Mr. Roy
Blinn, ; She earried''a silver mesh
bag, the gift of the groom, and wore
a corsaie ibouquet, of orchids :and
roses:- The bridesmaid, Miss .13elen
`Fori'eter;'siater.of the'.geooni, was rin
navy 'bluer ; with' `hat ' te; match, and
wore - a beytage- bouquet : of violets
an roses.Mr. RoyFo ' er th-
clcrest ro
er of thgrooni,'acted as beat man.
:After the 'ceremony, which was per-
formed 'by Rest. Mr. Jewett,' Mr.'
and Mrs, Forrester 1eft ;00 a wed-
ding trip-te' Buffalo,' Washington' and
New York. On their return they will
reside in Hamilton." '
As a result of a fall down the eel -
ler steps nine:days ago, Mrs: Har-
riet D. Swan, widow of. the'late'W,
H. Swan of Goderich township, died'
on, Monday morning at the house of
her - daughter, Mrs, Geo. Abell, of
Stratford. Mrs, Swan had gone to
Straitford the clay before 'Christ -Inas
to be present at the wedding of her
granddaaghter'and to v#11; her daugh-
ters, •
The. late Mrs. Swan, whose maiden
name Was Harriet 1), Parker, was.
born in England 82 years ago. She
came to. Canada about 1865 and her
fancily settled near Clinton. Mrs,
Swan had spent till her married life
on the 16thof Goderich to vt ship,,
Her husband died 14 years ago. Four
daughters and three sons survive:
Mrs. G3o. Iiltherington of .Exeter;
Mrs. Geo, ' Abell. and Mrs. It. II,
Mckenzie, Stratford; Mrs. Fred Por-
ker, Wilton Saskc,;" Goo, Swa11,.Luck.
now; Charles;' of " Saskatehewan, and
Joseph of Luclntow. •
. She is also -survived, by three sig••
tors; Mrs • Doddswoibh and Miss 1..,
Parker of Clinton, Mrs. 'George Goa -
don' of Kitchener, and one brether,
John Parker Banneramn, Man, ,.
The'•remains were brought to Clin-
ton for interment, the funeral 'tak-
ing place from the station on the ar-
rival of the morning train'yesterclay,
The service at' the graveside was
conducted lry the Rev. S. Anderson
and the pallbearers were: .4. 11,.
Lindsay, II. J. IlibbS, IT, :Jenkins
and R. H. McKenzie.
A the'oil we'
Allchildren re yiresent at
the funeral with the exception of the
100 in the wort, also Mr, Mckenzie
and Mn. Abell of Stratford,
Mrs. Fred Parlter came all the
way ,front Wilcox, Sesta,, on hearing'
of her mother's illness but arrived
too late to see- her alive,
The fancily and a number of sym-
f>irads n1riced lovely floral
`offerings on the casket
The sous and -slaughters t,p ,re4
lanai vera' ninth rind wish to express
tlit.ir tlriinlrs inc the)kindness of the
old .;neighbore lend friends en ' 'tthe
:day of their inot.her'S.feaerei,
Miss Lena Bolton had the'"misfor-
turie to break a bone in her leg last
Friday evening while skating on the
Mervyn Elliott
nh d hz • sli 1
M Yt ou de
s z
knocked out while playing hockey at
Goderich on Friday evening.
Mr. E, 'Kemp of London, father
of Councillor S. Kemp of town, and
a forayer citizen himself, on Wedztes-
day last celebrated this eighty-second
birthday, On Monday he wrote a
letter without the aid of spectacles.
Old Clinton friends will be pleased to
hear of his continued good health.,
It is about time we had hydro in
more common use: During the past
fortnight •Dungan
non and Gerrie, , two
snniirt Villages es an the countyof
Huron, have bad explosions ons in
Ione gas generating plants,
wrecking buildings, nearing win-
dows and dealing destructiong'ener;-
ally. It is most remarkable' that
there was no loss of 'life in either
Mrs, (Rev,) .George" Long 're-
ceived- word yesterday morning of
the sudden death of her daughter,
Mrs. Arthur 14a11 _of••Detroit, and
left, this .,Inorning for that city„
The deceased is survived by her 119S -
band. Ma•s.:Hall shad ,not.; been 111
and the news of ber `death was P10at
unexpected. Mrs, Long's friends will
sympathize with her in her .sudden
Tso3rD wW
The Women's Institute will meet
in the hall above the Patric Library
on Thursday 'afternoon`next at three
o'clock, sharp. Papers will be given
as follows:,: "Lives .of Noted Women,"
Mrs..W,::Plumsteel and Mrs, Sevier;
"Canadian Women and, the Econonri
'Situation," :, Mrs. H. Jenkins; `' RolI
call will be answered by Suggestions
for 'the new yells..' Solo, Miss Gert:
rude' Fowler.;
Mr, James L, Sheppard on Fri-
day .last, Jan. 13th, passed his nin-
tietlr birthday. -Mr. Sheppard, is a
native of the Land of the Heather,
having been born in Dundee, Scot-
land- He liots,.been, .a .resident of: Clin_
ton' for a inunber of pears, however,
and is a very well-known figare on
'Clinton streets. He is enjoying
good health, takes his usual daily
walls and spends, so it is said, 'a
good part of the, day, in reading the
Globe. Although 'we think he "night
perhaps be. more profitably occupied
than in reading the Globe, still'we
hope he may. long be spared' to' read
it and to enjoy his present good
.healtlr. -
.January sales are now on in' Clin-
ton. Those who, study thrift will
take advantage 'of 'thein:
The 'Murless Players o£, Seaforth
appear in the town'hall on Monday
evening next' under the auspices of
the. Public school. staff.'
Thee cold spell' we've been having.
diming the, past week'or so has been
useful fox the' formation of ice for
storing. With'a hot summer in pros_
pect we should not like to' do with-
out a good supply of ice.
Miss. Eliza Mountcastle, Who Jell
two wcelcs.ago and injured her'cliesI,,
is 40i 1
to ill, er •
q She being c' 'c
eared r
i 'k t
i her v
r o ihome r i b Miss Ba
M s w
y di
,. ei,
While he /Sister, ter t
s Ms Ellen r
z s s I n 11 o f
un ,
castle is still in the :hospital suffer.
lag front a fractured hip: Both lad-
ies have many friends, who are con-
stantly ofi'.oring small ministrations'
to them and who Would he glad to
see them restored,
People .
rL' l l11alY'
Rev. iA, L,.'Millsoxi was the •tient
of bit, and Mys• A. J. McMurray
while in town this week.
1Vfr, and Mrs. R. I. Colquheen and
family, who have been visiting rela-
tives here, have left for their` horde,
in Winnipeg, e'
W They visite Email..
p g, d .Fla n l:'
Y r
b or
n of a of
Mrs ,H
W:. of
C nhoun leaves 'n':
q a s o..
' Friday for her -borne in VS'innrpeg,
after spending a couple of months
with relatives in Clinton, Seaftent11
and. other points: hereabouts: Her
father, Mr. Kerslalse of Seaforth,
was buried on ,Wednesday.
A nreetiirg of the,'Conuttitnit -Club
,was held 'in the town hall on 'Fri-•
day evening last. The main bort cif.
the' programme was' a debate, "Rd
Solved: That Travel is.,xnore Educa-
tive thanReadmg;."'; Captains,' af-
fiimative Colin Cam bell•, egative
17 a a, r
:117 ss Bnihy' Woods. Judges; Miss'
Spinder, Mrs; Waalter'Wallis and Rev,
G. Hallowell: Decision in favor, of
affirmative , by four points. Music
was supplied by the Peck Orchestra.
'The meeting was fairly well atten-
ded and all enjoyed • the program.
The. next :meeting of the club will
be on Jan, '24th.
The. annual meeting of the Bay-
field Public Library was held in the
Economic town hall on Monday afternoon, of
this .week, when the following c:.
ficers and directors for 1922 were are
pointed: President, Rev. R. (a.
Pitts; Sec. -treasurer, George 70.
Greenslade; Librarian, Rev. A. Mae.
farlane, Assistant, Miss Hilda' Kink'.:
Library ` Board, Messrs.. F. A, Ed,'
wards.'.' James Reid; John 'Fraser,
Mrs. Ferguson, Miss Josie Sterling,,
Rev:; R. C. Pitts 'Rev. A. Macfar-
lane and George ' Greenslade. Book
asConmtittee: Rev A. Macfarlane;,.
'Rev, • R. O. Pitts,' 'Mrs.' Ferguson
and F. " A,.l Edwards, The
membership fee was: fixed ,at
frftY cents foaf 1922. All beaks '.be=
longing: to•tho Library areasked. to
be returned by Feb. 1st, when the
Library will be closed for stock -talc.
ing. The `hours of service will be
from 9 till 12 arra., 2 to 5 and 7
to 9' pan., each day of ,the 'week ex-
cept Sundays.,
The, annual meeting of St. And.
rew's'church was field on Tuesday af•
ternoon, when there was a,.fair' at-
tendanee ofmenubers. Rev, A. Mae.,
,farlane presided., in spite of harri
tinges 'Miring, the ,past year of re-
const34ction, the, reports of all.'the
,organizations showed signs of growth
and advance. There are now 110 ae-.
tive m'eaabers on the toll, as com-
pared with 108 in 1921.. The intorno
for current expenses Was $1605 and
the expenditure 51490, leaving : a'bal;
'ante of•5115. For the.Porwvard Move-
ment ''Thankoffering ' 5348 :was re-.
ceived, leaving 5125,' still due of the
promised of. $1034. The budget;
offering was .$271, Sunday School,
5161, W. M. S., 5197, Mission Band,.
537, Ladies Aid Society, 5450.: Total
income front all sources, 83069, fe-
tal -expenditure, 52807, balance, 5262.
Miss M. E. Campbell was reappoin-
ted secretary -treasurer, and Mr. Cols
in Campbell, missionary tree 'Tree.
The following were elected managers:':
Messrs. Jas. Dewar, Wm, : Stewart,
David Dewar. and Don. McI3enzie..
Mr. and Mr, . J. B, Whittingham
celebrated the fourth -anniversary of
their marriage on Monday. Mrs, Ar-
gent, Mrs. Wlritingham's mother, on_
tertained a few friends in the 'even
ing in honour of the 'occasion:.
The annual meeting of the Clinton.
Council of Chosen Friends was held
on Wednesday evening of last week-
eekend the following officers appointed:
P, 0,, Oliver Johnson,
C, C.,' Cr. B. Hanley.
V. C., H. 'McBrieia.
Recorder and T3'easurer, W. ,I.' Mil-
Prelate, 3. T. Meknigltt,
Marshall, Guy I-Iieks.
Wardcn, R Govier.
Guard, A. .McCartney.
Sentry., A, Lovett.
Medical Examiner,. Dr. Shaw.
, Board of Trustees, 0, Lovett, 3. T,
MMI1:night,It. ,Gooier,
The "Friends' had 'their animal
supper at'Jbhnston'srestaurant, on
Tuesday evening. A pleasant time
was enjoyed, Some speeches Were giv..
en afterwards.'
I. 0: 0. F. 011110LRS.
At the regular meeting of the I.
0. 0, F. on Tuesday night, W. Pin•",
der, D. D, G. M., and staff, Messrs.
Sturdy, Wallis, .Moore and Able, Ira
Stalled the officers of Clinton lodge,
After installation lunch was served.
The :following' officers were installed:
J P. G., 'C, Hawkins.
N. G., :W. 1x, Johnsen,
V, 0, , G, Tomlin.
Rec.-Secretary, H, W. Gould
Fin. -Secretary, Jelin Wiseman,.
Treasurer, I.1. B, Chant.
R. S N. G., J, A. ,Sutter,.
R. S, V. G,, T. 7, Monaghan,"
L. 5, N. G.,, 7. Livermore.
L. 8.V GI
4ondurtbr, C. Droller,;
Warden, T, hardy,,
13. ,5, S,, E, Mittell,
. s" ilea 1
, Sr,
Chaplain, S. 'F,, II'till
f. c„ R. 'Casket,.
0'. 0,, W. Wallis. y,
Cocierk 3h Township]
Miss C•,ertie Ferris of Htirlock i4
Visiting Mrs, Win, 3. Voddeti, Gods
eriell Tp;; this wee].,
The /denial church supper and veS-.
try meeting of St, James' church,
Middleton, , was 'held in the Sunday
school, on Monday evening, Jail: 16th.:.
After some 135 had _partaken of tha
delicious areal provided by the ladies-,
of the church, the Vestry then pre•
ceeded.t'o the business of tate even -
Mg. The Incumbant, Rev. C. Hallow-
ell, gave a sketch of the past year'sr
work, noting''tliat the average atten-
dance at elimeh had increased, and
especially the attendance: at Smitttty'
School,'at which he expressed
faction„He thanked the retiring cliu.rt.h
officialsg for their faithful nerviccit•
and; outlined; the Work let the coating
year. He was followed by the. Ree-
tor's; warden, Mr.' Fred Middleton,
who gave the financial statement for
the ehxtrelt's year, showing ,that most
of the obligations of the congregation'
had been met, and that a respeetable
balance roughed 'to date, Votes of
thenks were then'extendedto' the re -
'tiring officers, Mr, F Middleton and
Mr. 0, M. Steepe, tis also to Miss
E. Wise and Mrs, Hanley for their
services 00 organists, an'd'to'the'lad-
ice of the clutch for the excellent
supper. The 'election of offieeris 1,0•34
the ensuing year then took paleey rain
sur ]
toga follows: Recteda Wrird
tYh '
Mr, ( 1i, Middleton; People'a:'Witt,,
deli, Mr. W. Wise; Lay Dolegate,'[r, -
J, I,Tualie;Sidosnion,:Messrs; Is-c1'lli1
more, td, M. Steep; 1), Lindsay, , a
Tho meeting closed.with tlte
diction by the tnaunibent,