HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-1-12, Page 7VE SBS. AS STItblIRS 1-Ue• Tariff prOValiel.1, S ved---GreaL Britain, iappn and, !tallyAeSuJx100.1,ir?,0 Wtho Reservatio?, froin. Washingtou l'6111.,al A .1r, Timi- day after ,c-,, v,Clpsno onts tarC111, 1:141'41.c,) ‘n m O'a s Ijor ) 'pc the 1/1.13- - 1, 3 1 1 cal 11,C'*.t., t uh.e cm' ' • ' 3' t 1, tbe ro,irtion npreQ. 3 1111 ); fire W63, p, also va.and rt2e.,,ptan,e by . ' acii,,erap;e, porm., cap 11 MEllr ted Natkets World fciron o, i ',1idleat.-,-1)1.0' 1\l'othero, 2;•:,;491%,101 ,51;ZP; 1:9'0, a 114 .34' . q 01; f'eed, reno.o or; _ , The jAPa"-e'e 4'21egatl'51/ to and, the,other nationS Oti•,the eartl) ,.„..,, of a solotion or the ,Chin00004 .84,8I1 tic tho Root resolutaow.re., 0.‘ohINM vOoOrdlance 'kvith 1itle4.. of warfare, r,ecog'-. !deOrarOed 15-3T J''"P"n f")°,1,1„ undew• M4;sra,atiollal. 41W for the :tatr;;. An aigreennnt WaS ,,krote,ctior,. end' xkon-o-Pno- Mkh gives.Chinaan effeCtiV°_,' hat,a;110" at 'sea And Malcin'g• them all-. VItac.rely1 rate of . five 'per cont. on J,0 ephmarinee likeYvi.se was 'oaths impolle,di into OM", 5..,,n'23,,te4„,„,„d reoprded. these rules as .stated are: 'frve Fer tent. "`'.1.0`;l'A aneVehant Yessel.Must ta Ordered or SienV; 'effective rate n00'obtaining,±0 111±1111±4(0 vivit and Search. to deter- 2_„*.Agreement aonc.1,,ukleA y Lhe mine ite charaCter befOre it' can be ltci3'Stat,61111 Great Briaijn, ,V03i1ge Merchant vessel must not ma, j3P.16 01),,,0103tli011 to be Inn"Ved., be atba*ed it; refuses to sula- itv exauOing .1aPanes'e' licita:n" -mit to visit 'and search alto warning, fromthe. te1A100141 ggarla'n" so ±0 proceed as directed after seizure. lel. i1±1 V,CS 111116t 110t be di*rlayed. unle,r,.. 'the ca.ew aald pas- sengers have been • first • placed: m "Belligerent .thulinarineS - are not under any 'ciramostances ekeniPt 'from theunivewsat. rule abOVe. stated. and if submarme cannot ..eapture a .uaer. chant "'sress*I.j11(p4o.plity.,Wr1tilltheso r'al.k.9; 'the "Ctting. l'Ek* 9g."11616:711'S • I0- 1(o'ileSdot1004,1 nfrank.and froM, ante; Permit the nicr- ohantlYeiiel;.•,(O.PiOeeed .umpollested." of •the:reOlitioth:111 the Ocsurnolttecs„on The assent ofall powors toe of the feur-power Pectfie 'treaty. will be-a,ceenin eu, 1±11101 1115- eorteil through a series, of diplornatie notee designed,to clarify the interPre- ation pf the /met, no12,01...d±1aFts �f notes already have been completed nd approved, it was explained. Root •proposals to 'outlaw submarines as eommeree destroyers vas accepted by France', Japan and Italy without. reeervatidn, 'The 'United States and Great Britain previoutly aa hiklieated 'their assent AdePtion 31 THE GREAT CHIPPAWAXWEENSTON CANAL An,aeroPlane "Vie*" Of 'Bid tie*er libuse and.' the fOrebay,at Queenston. The 'portion oi t,lie i±0wer hu1se eeen,trear the .bottom of the photogiaplt is abut one-fifthi the size of the building when it will be completed. The fis- BRITISH AND "DUTCH- ' sures on the face of the rock are cutting,s for the penstocks.' The fall at this tkOYAL'irY MAY. UNiTEpni 'war '3() tke.1".°9'i t4e gate hone f°T ea9fr'011±ng fall ,water froni.the rerebaY. Son ' -nf • Earr of Athlone: MaY' - • Marry-Priikes5 Hori..eR,odoiphe' Lemieux', it is -an- nounced by tile Hon. MacKenzie King, '11, be elected Speaker of the IIiruse, a$ (Sammons; . - Wonderful 'Operation by French. Surgeon.. . it would have been possible te cepa- rate the we'll .knoWn.Slamese.. II -Abort° it liad. been 'obfitended. that they. could -not 'have lived to inattirity if 'separate, says a-Pariki:depatOliThis theory waVillsPrOved- Allnegast:Ineet, Mg of the Academy of .Medicine,bYthe .Of a '••vai- ferineir girl 8 years old. 'Dr. LeWiliatre, the surgeon, explained tira,t she was one of a 'pair Of united twqns named Madeleine and Suzanne, of whom MadeleMehad been sickly from birth While Suzanne Was Three manths after their birth it be- . came evident that Madeline was dying of a fever. She .werst Into convulsions and it was decided to operate to save Suzanne, Three days after the opera- tion Madeleine died, but though Su - condition wag serious for a -time slie:recovered an,d now •is per. feetly norinal and healthy, , RXISSia and'Pierrnany - May beblieritegii , „. A dtespateh from Paris- saYs:-A despatch to the Hans Agency from, Cannes says Premiers Lloyd George and Briant „agreed Thursday evening, On the 0611Clitions for the convocation of en International Economic Confer- ence: The' program far the 0001eTallS3 from whieh politica is to be barred, was settled by- them. • 'Phe desPateli ad(1S that it is liltelY Germanly,and,Rwsia will be invited -to send,ddegates to the conferencs,"but that -particina;tion by "Massie,will. in 31)0 way imply recognition of the Sov- iet Government. • Manly Gets Prince With Flowers , A despatch from IVIandalay, Burma, eays:-Demonstrations of, the lit -most enthusiasm greeted the • Prince of mhales on 1119 alls.0'5142,1 MgnAirloy 011 Thtirsdisy afterateon from Rang'oo.i. rlewera were sheware,d upon tile Witte eletg ±se entge.route of,the ...recession to Ooverament-house. - A despatch from The Hague says: - The prominent ,aippeaa.ance of the Earl Countess of Athlone .6,t queen Wilhelmina's,officiial New Year -recep- tion gives rise to an 'apparently well ifounded rumor that -the Earl's eldest „son, Viscount Tremalion, is to be a candidate for Princess Juliana's hand. The Earl 'and Contatees',alidlliair elill- dron are at present staying with the ctieen, where the young people .0130 brought, to.gother frequently. There, haS 'been considerable sPeen- lation regar'clirig-.`Princess Juliana's future husband; but no "names bare .been mentioned till now. There is no :doubt:the Dutch' wonid' welcoaho such connection with , England and the EnglishItoyal fanlily. PrilleeSS Juill- ava, is now eleven.and Viscount Tre- -nil'atia01 fifteen., , ,.. 'The Cauntess af Athlone is Princess .Mary;. daughter. af the Duke' of Al- bany`, and a-..direat descendant of Queen Victoria. ' „, The Barr' of Athlone denies the rumor that -he is a candidate for the Goveamor-Generalship'of Ireland. . .• Flew, 2,000 Miles to Deliver Xinas Gift. Alan -itiobbarn, 'Weil known, '.;dr pilot, has successfully Aravelied 2,000 miles by air in',orde'r'to 'deliver a Christmas parcel in Lon:den, He is touring Europe. and northern Africa en 010000 mile loUrneY with Ludian Sharpe of Providence,' R.I., a Wealthy', retired American, business. Mani. 'They arrived in.-Baredona on Decemliel. 22,1 when his "fareannounded he,de,sired to pass Christnias in Madrid, ' but wanted aparcel delivered .in, London before ChriStmas. Day. • . Cobham left Barcelona Friday morn- ing beforecChristinas and made a non-- stop flight to Dijon. _Saturday he flew from Dijon to London without stop- ping .After delivering the Parcel he ,went to.9ristc6 and Reseed Ohri,stinas Day with friends there He Started hi,s two day 'retrun trip to 'Spain' on „ , , Flying a De Haviland "nine" Mr, Cobham, is the most, successful "air taxi." pilot in the World. I -Ie travels "light," without a' Mechanic. He has fle.'vn 'over praetically all the Bare: peon 'ccuntrieg 'in 1921 and says that in that' period he covered ram &an 20,000 miles. He did net have a sitigle, . . s et ions a a eident. Cartade.s'Olidest Citizen Dies in• British Columbia.. . • A despatch from ICamlocps,,B. says: -Mrs:' Mary Ann MacAuley,, the eldest resident of British Colim- "da and probably of Canada, died at tilie home of her ,graniddaughter-isere Oil Thursday, aged 110 years. A da,ughter of an In,clian Chief, 1VIrs. Mc- Auley .Was born atSaaolla, 13,C., in 1811,, . and, at art early age married Dos ld ,MaCAuley, .a Hudson's Bay em- plovee. She is survived by four chil- dren, 18 grandchildren and §,3 great- grandchildren. NeWs ram Eastern Ca a a. , . - ,DeAosits. Of sandplaM of 'eohsider- able extent are'fepdrttd trona different parts (11 P110105 Edward Island, which, it is claimed are.cimable 'of producing glas oa.' a high quality and brilliance, _The Analie,rst, N.S., Winter ,Exhibi- tion held recently was successful from every point of view. The entries in- cluded 425 head of cattle, 2,500 Sheep . and 1,800 birds. Tulin Miller, of Asti- blirn,.Ontsrio, was one of the biggest Prlze-Winners, having zecured, seveii first and Sir second prizes in the four- teen.elasses, and also the sweepstakes and epecial prize for the best pure- bred ,Shorthorn heffer. The value -of building permil±6 issued in the Province of Quebec during Octo- ber, 1921 Was dOithtle that of the cof- reiponding period, dr 192Clieing., $2,- 636,394 respodtlyely. Building pernalte. issued. in, other pro- vinces during Oetoben were valued, as. follmis: Ontario; .$4,666,597;. r:BrAtish Columbia, $741,1244' Alberta,;.$280,1603 Saskatc-hewan, ,5274440; lVlanitoba, $253,025; ',New Brunswick, 5205,900; Nevf.1 SOotini $1.95,6.29; and Priaee Ed- ward, Island, $6,00,0. , " It 13 , the ,etated intention, 01., the ShawInigen..potten ComPanY t° large„tliteir „Plant a.t Shawintgan'Ealls, Que,;.,next'Spring, It' is also reported that; -the 'Eagle:Knitting Conipanliwilf build a Plant, while the Shawinigan Water -and Power Compan, are in:dal- ±Ing, new turbine generators to double PrOduction of electricity for the city of 'Montreal, Extensive Plans fin' Promoting the' reindeer industry have been put inth. operation by' ,the Hudson's 'Bay Com- pany in, alt 0111133301 13) raalte'produa- tive the Va;st stretehes ',of the North- land. Over'six hundred reindeer have been redentlY shipped. from Norway t'o Baihn ±0±afrd Accompanyingthese M11111315 were Lapland herders with their, families„ reindeer 'S(1eighs, skis,. and al)" the eqUipment necessary to launch the industry Properly: During the month of October a total of 6,175 immigrants entered Canada, of whom, 2,176' were from the firitiSh I , I - Isles, 2,129 .from 'the United States and 1,870 from other countries. The total immig,raticip for the first ten Months cif 1921 is. 72,015, the new- &niers by origin,being British 34,537; United. 'States, 21,532; and other cam- , . . , At the end at OclOber a total of 27,- 142 returned MSen had beemsettled on the land under the Soldiers' --Settle- ment 130ard. Loans amounting to $86,- 504,857 had been -granted to 21,039 men. who are .settled on' purchased and free lands., and in addifien there are 6,103 who have gone on free Dominion lands and have not asked for financlid assistance. To date,423 returned men have repaid their leans. 13 full. .Dr. Richards, of -Toronto, is prepar- ing to sait the raising of black loxes on an extensive scale near .Newbomi, Ont,, and ishaying ranch quarters P112,--, pared. Chan for Key Flings- , _ „ ' An ,elastie chain for keY Which will stretch ;severail inehes,, formed of coiled- »i300'*lee spring 11111M.- 11111M. Artificird Ostileh Feathers.— , : Artihcial ostrich feathers for mil- lirem, have been invented, niade,of cel- luloid and silk. ' . • a • Great BritainimS One Moter-car'foi 'every 110 persons oidts polnulatien. Shipwrecks in the Baltic Sea aver- age one for every day in the year., The mandrake raot contains more quinine than any other English -grown A distinguished teacher 'of English. requires his 'pupils first to viite fl. three -thousand -word essay and then to compress it into five hundred words' Of wed literary style.. To -the pupils the astonishing thing is ±1±11111it takes a longer time and mere, thought to write the abridgment than to ' write. the Original. The number of words, or pages, in a Manuscript tell nothing Of the- time and effort that went 11 to writing it. ' THE -PRINCE IN 'IND1A • The photegrapit shows the Amplittbeatre in. Bombay where 8710 Royal fg'irboose .receired.the addresS, of :welcoine," -' 09% 'le; 0014, , On, ; -No. 2, Nybite, 04101001 Onterie BarleY--.NO, 3 extra,' test. 41 AM or, better, 67 to 605, aecording to ±1000311±10 Buc'PzvYboat,---Ne. 2; 78 to 80,a, .1",ty,e,77-1\To.436 to Manitoba fl'onr--4,40.Pate.; ,167.40; acebnit patts„ $6'.90; Teronto. anittba flour:-.-90;per cent,'Phtent, bulib sealipard;. per !barrel, 50. ,Montireal, freight, hugs • included; Bran', per .ton, '326 to $27; shorts, per ton, $2$ to 529;, good feed. flour, 131.70 ±0, 81,80. Baled Iday-'Itrasek, Torronto, per ton, No. 2..$21.50 to. 522; nui30c4 $18. ' Straw -Car lots, per ton, $12. . ,Eheose7-N11w, large, 21 'to 22-o; twins, 214 to 224e; triplete;.'22 to 261/2c. 01c1; (1arge, ,25 to 23e; tefins. 254 to 260,;. itinleM,, 26 to 270; *Stziatons."aciv; 23 11±1 26c. ' " Butter -Fresh, dairy, 'Choice, ,33` to 354; 01110±08)3' prints, fresh, No:. 1, 43 ',45e; ,No. 2,, 40 ,to,41c; cooking, 26 Dressed ',Ponitry--Spring chielmes, 25to .3503, mestere, 20 to 25c; fowl; 20(10 '28-c;, dalckdings,,r3Ol ter '35e; tux:. keys, 65 to:60e; geese, 32.to,35c... Live poultry -Spring, chickens, 20 to ",25e; ree6teilS,"14' to 16c; 'fowl, 14 to 22o' 138010k210310, 22 to 25e; turkeys, '45 to 50e;' geese, 20 to 22e: „Margari3e-28 to 25e. 'Eggs,--NO>cl. storage, 51„ -to 62o; se: lect 'storage,' 56 to 57e; new laid straights; 75 to' 72c; new 151<1-, In car; tons, 82110 84c. . . • , 1,3,eans-Cam. hand-picked, bushel, $3.30 to 53.54 prirneS, $2.80 ±1o$3,10. Maple products -Syrup, p'er um), gal., $2,50; per 5 imp, &b., $2.35;. Maple sugar; .111,, 19 te,22e., Honey -40-30-1h. tin, s, 144 to 150 per lb.; 5-21/6-'11). tins,., 16 to, 17c per lb.; ,Onterio comb honey, per 'dozen,. 53.75 to, 54.50. Smelted meats.7--H8108, rocl, 24 *o , , 26c; cooked ham,' 36, to '402; smelted rolls, 23 to 240;* cottage 25 to 260;'..breakfast bacon, 25 to 30ce,:. spe- cial brand breaklast bacon, 80 to 35e; backsi,,boneles14. 82' to 36c. • Cured.meats-L,ong clear bacon, 18. to 20a; dear bellies., 18%. to 20%e. - .tierces, 14. to, 14%c; tubs,' 1,4% te.166; pails; -15 to 1541e; PrInts,.1.6% to 17c. ,Shortening tierces, 18.c;. tubs, 1338c; .pails, 140; prints, 151ho. , Choice leityy, steers, -$71 to, $7,50; butcher steers., cheice,, $6 to $6.50 <1o,, good, $5.25 to 56; d10,...mecrr$4,26:,t0 55125; 'do,. core.; .43.ft- 84. butcher hdifes, olnidoe; 56.75 to'56:40;" but/A.1er 81i016,e, $6.60;a'do, medi., 58 1003$4'8501511530 and= Cathay, 52,25110 $ 76* butelver bulls good, <$3.50 ,to $4;.50; $2.50 1358; feoders, gq0d, KO_ lbs., ,,$4.,50. to $6; ,,kelloy 54 ..tpt4,4i;goodI,,44 to ` ,541.56;r 3a;, 48 to $44--inillkensA80 $911;,in '$P67 caavest;'e bite, 511-th $12,50;Alicit"-m19dt; 58 td.,410; do, coni..„43-.119, 46`; lambs, go0011.411 to .$12.50;.,do; cont.; '$6.60 to $7,; etheesp, choice, $5 4o146;.do.;..good, 5413 51±; hogSaeol and:watened, $10.50 to $10.75; $,19,; coupio±0, 50 59.75.„ . ”' Montreal ' . . • . sOats, Can. West., 40o' 2, 6'7, to -68e; ' Flour, Mani 'Sjri±0-ivl21at pats., firstS; .hag..90 52.85-- te,-$2.95. 113m111, 525.25. Shorts, ,528.25. Haw, I No., 2,3er -tem.-ear lots, $27, to 528.. Butters, ClS0000St creamery, :37 to 38c: -EggS, .S 'acted, .48e. Pctatoee, pe'r"begi'air lets, • . Fat diairy. cows; $5;:light steers, $5,50; 53 1,0.44.50; cannerra and cutters, $2 to 53; -veal ealaaes,, $10 to $10.50 , for good-, com.„ 58; grassers, $4`;, lambs, $7.50 to $8.50; ,sheep, 53 to, $4;, hogs, $12.60. Sews, $8.50. ' ' „ • ' . Universities Raise Standards. " At a conference last week of .the four universities in. Onitar:io---Toronto Qtteen".a., , WePterns and McMaster -- with the Depertment.of Eldhostion, it was unanintauSay decided to increase the entrande :requirements to the gen- eral cour.o of the First Year. 11)1.923 stedents,:applying- for admission will be required te haVecomplete, j'Unior rnAriculation With 75 per cent. in four subjects., or complete juniOr matricu- lation with 66'per cent in six sub- jepts,or honor matricuatiom pUrposein providing -blue three distinct Means of entrance is to afford , the Evian continuation scho pia' in rural centres exactly the,s,ame opportunity to Trepan students ±1 or the universi- qie9"as -have the large ,urban eollo- giate institutes, This change does not mean any increased Coat in education -it simply means that .students must remain in their home -schools lintil they are Well grounded in their work and able to take proper, advantage of university education, 1-lence; the' now regulation puts a prenidiam 'on, appli- cation to wor±s andon. intellectual , _`(()OR,V.. -11'1V.AZ.t t'op4 Pcf T k11,1 fVr l'ALJt-E .311C;i7.5 - \ ONL'af ?Ln- --irkt.r, ON 1d4E8;80 ene Byrnes a a 02) y- ... CHIEF EVENTS OF JA NITA R 1--Deatl; von Bothn105001- IIoflwog, ex-CharsoeKor Of Qer- many and of "scruP-OfP0Per" am , 8-....,S1ei)ing at New Yorlt down to 88,88kt , 0-130itish White P11350' .1.15 '41Q SCE ±1)00±'Sinn Fein Irieb-A)aerieane .conspired vor10 Geimeny 'Ike war, , 1,--111Dee U. S. ballooniso, who, we110 steanded "elnee Deceinter 14, al - rive by sled at Mettice from Jaw after a hazardous ex- perienico. ' • , 7 ---,British force:, defeat ambush of 1310111 Feinr t Tbsooeagoie aria leapture twenty-frve. 21-7Alberta nited Farmers cicelsece f av or or complete prohibition. Death of the Hon, A. L. Sifton, 'S.ecretary a State of Canada, 25 -Opening pt, the Ontario LoIrit- ltiture. FEBRUARY. 1-13rit51n Mites over the Mland.ate ifor ivi,etoirotanaia- „ 8.7-1±outh Africa returns give Gen. Smuts 3 'Majority in the elections, 9 -Murder rife in Ireland; trwe :iliana'111510en .from bed and shot • 'dead by unknown men at :Veda; a 'young ex -soldier, Fred iNewson, shot and killed in Ennfs- icorthy, Wexford county, 1?,3r ,tpyrn- 144gpcming of Dominien Parliament, 16-81) S. Senate passeS th,e Fordney the (Miergency , tariff Mea - Ore, by 43 to 30. 21---Britis11 Privy, Council decide that Irish Homo Rule shall go into effect April 5. - MARCH. 4-7Inangurat4on of President Herd - 31013 et Washington. 5-051. H. S. Cumming killed from ambush lOY Sin'n-Feiners en Cork County road. United States in- - sista on peace betwedi Gotha 'Elsa teacher---usually--lives are end ',Panama Republics ire the 1,00,1:,p, in um, ,,e..bm,tivale.,,tc, of E YFAAR 19/11 cilia the alllas ea part -of -tho reparations indOntnitY, Thensands 4094o in China, ,Dolt, CoOtoinutt if Brant- ford appointed Lient,,,Covm'aer 01 Ori.tarier, OCITOI,IETk 4 -Dominion Parlianicurt 18 00-Ptirico Of Wales soils 111105a tot India, NOVIMBER 6-,4Ethio1ie1 Assembly .of dethron10.3 the Dormer Ring Charles and ousts the HAM:burg d.ynasty, ' 12 -'-The Ulster 'Cabinet rejects the proposal to have Ala-1204ml Parliament, Armistice Day gen- „, (wally observed in Canada an81 the Empire., 12 -II. 'S. Seeretary State 1,:108110,6 lays .bcfore' the fTist 'meeting of the Conference on the,Limitation of Aria -Lenient a program cadhng. for 3 ten-year, navel hall,day and the Scrapping: of' battleships, . 29_._1'he ',Mikado resig±0o ih favor of 'the Crown Prince of Japan, 27-A.d1nira1 Earl BeattY feted alb Montreal and.Ottawa. DECEMBER. 6--BritiSh Goyernaliefie and, S.Viita' . Fein leaders r,aaslt egieement to give Iroiana a Dominion. s,tatns. 6-1)eanolnion PrirliaMentary eleetiots 'result in' thii'dei'eart of the '114eig- hen Government, , 10--2/he recommended pact between the Un±te4l Stites, Great Britain, Fixiatee” tind 'japan made piiblic; . it iodides a guarantee for 410: ,years' ,peate and the freedom of China. 29 -Hon. William Lyon Macleitsle. Ring sworn in as Prime Minista... -of Canada, with 18 tithe' Liher,c4) as Cabinet Ministers. ' ,Teachers. d 'set:dyed rem Eng- Pantima area. 1 Cardinal 2/o'8"1.1e 'pleads Dor a, truce in Ireland, 7--R.evol3, against 'Soviet Govern- ment of Russia:, and Petrograd and Kronstadt are attaelted. '8 -Edouard Dago, ,Spanish Premier, assassinated. "Allie oceopy Gc,T- Mail cities in Rhine area- SO com- pel observance of i.eparatiers 0.013- " • Turkey, anti responstble,,for Are roution massacres, is assassinated in Berlin by an Armenian 8±010de11t,- 80-Greek cruisers "blockade • ASia Mimi°,1% 1. -,.--Strike in. the British coal areas. 2-terd Edmond Talbot aPpohatd1 Vicercy If r .d 4 -3 --During the y -ear ended Itarch 81 Sinn Edna's ' committed .10,8.04 , outrages, killing 242 policemen. , and 90 588(1185015 551113 wouralling sev.. know of- the woroari.or the man who eral thousands, teaphes yibuy• ehild , interest 18,--Ocutaria votes for fire1i0bol11ioat1±4.-.,hiivV1/1ll 'takenlif what is being done a majority of 1,66,885, but' cities ' aeTOronto, Haeolilitdai7and Ottawa -give ,1?ig piajorities -21ga,17i01: 28.2„ --Four 'Sinn Fedrier,S ansi execitt:ecl at Cork for fighting the Crown forbes. The 'amended G.T.R."hill passes the Dominion Senate. social isolation, created by the thoughtlessness a the world outside thks sehoolumern Parents look to the school to re- place the hoine for a few'hours each day. They delegate parental respond- billty and diacip1ine-7-s.emet4nies'W1t11 a feeling of great Fsladnens to be riA of ,a burden, for a little while, - r''.130..,-,t14Oholdoup' 'the hands a 'th 0Reb:ls'aPareft°g'o.-0ieaY}6Ote'si6k1a?°r11!ll17 16Tiwlat1ala,eGranVizier0f 41olt, P.anlan3parena,vith- ont uivestigateon, talce indagnentiy Whatever eomglaintet 3he.4h1d pldasas to .brin,g'heme. , It the ehila sayg.the tealolter is ;unfair; the parent,. instdad 37 haRing it out with the child, goes The MarYel'is not that Many of our nubile ,soli,osals at p9orly taught, 'the' Wander Ts thab-S,O'iriiich of the teach, ing-inaintairra so "high a fltandard,„ 'If 'Ton are a„ parent what do- you 2.4-Fre111ch troops advance toward the .Ruhr district., 9-, Sir 'Henry DraYton brings, down Budget,to the Dominion Par- ' Raiment; increasing the sales tax, t, " , anta d taking o unaness profits and luxury tgotese 252-81rin imam .the „Custom House in, Dublin, bald in the go- companying liots 'seven -civilians - are killed!, four auxiliaries and seven civilians wounded,' and 111 prisoners 4101±211 by-,p,okies. • -96-1-Ulster elections gife the Union- - ists a majority of 35 seats.in the ' northern Parliament. JUNE. 1, -;-Germany fuldils,agreement to pay 't ono billion gold merits to the Al- ":•• C flor yein. child beyond writing an, ac- easional note* 01 ,requeSt or remen-:' istran,ce? Is your child's -teacher y',oula frieltd?" Ile Vrahe .shOuld be. You otight certainly to have a 010111011003 in- terest in. the training of the young persion who carries youy namo and it.bi de the work of Man or 131001100 00 the days to cane. ' Take in the teacher's problem and with a little serious thought make it yonr own.- The -teacher's day is spent in a room 'not with two er.three chil- dren, lout with, it maY be, two 03 ±11111081 l'„ou.say to"the te,acher, "Keep them 111terestec1P-7and lsow would you d16 it if the t,ask were yours? What arts W01.1101 yall use to fascinate that room- ful and made the printed page and the oral recitation perfectly delta- -You need not wonder if teachers' 1101500 are sometimes rasped to the Mag. -You need not he surprised to find them human and fallible. You, in tile same place, -would be, The tea.ch eir needs contrast, reerea- Reparation Comamssion. tilark; refrehnlent n''Gre 1"11°3-' xnwt• 374Joaid Byng 011 Vinty, appointed , Governor-General of Canada. 10 -The British ,policy emits the Sit- esian fight. • ' • 20 --Meeting 'of the British Imperial C,onferenee 01 Praniers, in Len - 22 -King George , opens the ,Ulater to end stride. • ' Parliament and urges the factions JULY.7:h'e;cer0;090,002<1i121 the•Se13t:and Ana tO give to the home. 4-.Brit'1831 cool' mliners l'etuwn to 'Contacts for true friendship's sake n-leats' sinn' witae'etlyst.8641.1090b%°nelt.011.0'quaa'eallget oog3± in ,o(81. '11111 iilipefes,a.aien: Diu:telt .etohedatiteatinusalantartemnr,0 toleadestiead* desor le:31.4,9057 hoiaorod ' eat 'and Eastern Canada'„0010ses12.u,111- pupil -and at esides of Many flam- ing UP of o813338.'813338.'unrelated firin any 3507 ±0 her daily , truce in Ireland, to take effed routine. Parents who uorn'e to the at 11ee14 11017 11, 15 deaarad 6iter solvelhonse t0 interfere with, &get). - De Valera acceftsIao'Yd Georra ge's line nd the day's -work are a' pest, invitation le a Peoxe C''oofe'rem'e not to be tolerated; the other sort, "in London. who want to mThsh elp, ould be inside wel- 2/be leather must bave' a/tenses to play. ViThen the solagy is PRO the smallest part,of the earaninatites 011011 ±01,711 obligation is didehatrged. We pay those who_ rear houses -of briak 01130113ortal' ore than we pay those who are building temples -hot made "with handls wherein them human spirit dwells. - The. teacher enriched .by, the Yea- Miardrtialiatieln. of life between schoolroom sessions is the teacher Volio has, most to cowry to the '315)3)11 147 -Premier Lloyd George and De. come, aS partner's of the teaehers, 1:10 ;Valera hold preliminary confer- true friends of 'the taught, ence 10 DoWasing street. • ... 22-riveirty milliuns of Rtissians De- . - .,POrteC1 'to be fa,cing 'death 4:110011, Netable MeM111 ber6 0 ' Irish. Peace Comonli.ttoo corirpromise effected between Prance 'and Enghlna Te tlhe UPFer A despatch from Dublin gays; --The Silesia annauncement, Eireann of , , ,ATTGUS'I. . the existence of. a peare.e,committee JO -Arrival or Lord IlYng$ the new vale tbe oMod fsatnre of Thveccidaeg Dovernor-(ierieral, at Quebee, meeting. No meeniber of Cle (tilbilVer4 perid 'Conference of Teachers is include& in the 'committee, meets in 'Uoronto. made lip ahnost ecrehtsivellY ef i.mtbh 16---1)ea0h aOl Ring D,oter of Serbia,. mambos ott "the tank anti ilio oct ithe 23--Censu,s ' returns glye -Great BA- D±01 who have spoiten be and against tain a population af 42,767,636, the treaty, The roost notable ote tiheSe 0111 illCkTaRe of 1,986,134 over are Owen O'Thaffy, Liaison Ofileer 1911, Ulster; Diann- Mellowee, and John T. 24 ----The giant dirigible "L-421 on tra'al OreXelly, 1he'8131a1 Foisi 1'e3a48e00012iive over Tull, Ditgland, hackles and in Pati.:4. 0111100 111010230 'e110del;a::rl :l'lYia.7.,„-:----i,:s:aved utof a arew of 47Doth Ait'",i-ntto:'.000±i002 " ofSlPiu: .81thitc171-P-10:.-w61S7t' o -Minter of Mlitia. /:0 3, tgl l:ili;:0iell0-noea3:,.,„ft-Aito• '41 N.10,101111 lthLhibithill at Toronto, ,tt 14 yet, 29--Alcath of Lieutonant-f4 venter "I't""6-1107t,d&m itapz, Lio-,01 01-,,k, it 00115 11)01)11 e±0wi4 11±0)3.168(3 •STiPTEMDEN, g,arrived tome dolt MOM opectio ,(t.-:-Cierniany' pays one bilitio oli d 016 show,