HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-1-12, Page 5CNi niton ' flavus-188r,4w1 d Of interest -t0 You and Ono' es' -were ?cifea at the,• my Ontario dering 1920 t;., here as' only one conuseniptionh,b In the now'.Ltberal 'administration, the 'Hon W. 5.f'ieldinng . "The worst -',we feared in 1921 did- n't the . Exeter 1" i ,nalrpon," 1fl .� Times. It is all in the.way you look at it. Mackenzie Xing is Premier of eennada, Can you think of anything match worse than that? Premier ,King announces that Ilon, R.u,lolph° Lemieux will bo the next speaker. Hitherto the Speaker has been elected by the House of Coru- mons. Kincardine Review. pito spoke of autocratic govern- motif? James, 'Murdock the„ }new minister o flabor, is •irtahing shite a little bit of noise about what he's going, to do; We hese it isn't all noise but we'can- not forget that he als,'tnade,a loud. n oise about his work on the Board of Commerce-anddid nothing; • A'frientl of Premier King, called o)}: him at Ottawa recently, saying that he had just. dropped in to tell him a fewr new political jokes, The Premier replied: "Don't. I knew -them, I ap-, . pointed thein." (We- will- not vouch tfoe...he absolute truth of this. Be- ,...lieve'o' not, as you please.) We know- now Why the Liberals made so much fuss . -about appoint- rents to the Senate. `.They` wanted a Cew vcancies'to fill right from the start: The first act of 'the new, 'Gov- ernnient-was an, appointment to the Senate of one man who was elected by tbe•people to make way fon anoth- er"nian who -wasn't 'elected;and who h as been appointed to the cabinet. By 'a majority of seven t1teeelrish Parliament voted for ',the treaty and Ireland is now a free state in .the Empire.- May shese uher freedom -wieeIy and well, and : may all good" fortune 'attend. her. Asa well-wisher, she should ask us for a -bit' of ad- vice, we would tell . her to deport Eaamonn' de . Valera to America ,- or, Spain or any place where. he -couldn't.' stir up any More trouble for her.` A new member has'arrivecl in the family of periodigals in Canada, Na- tional Life, a .mont* magazine, the .second mmnber of which is before us: It is a magazine'published by.wonien iCtr women. It is published in Toron- to by the National. Review Company,' .ztnrd is twenty-five cents the copy and two dollars -'per year. From what we have seen of'this periodical the should say thateit is the best of its kind ap- pearing so far. It aims to both In- trect' and entertain women; to tell them a lot `of things they should know in an interesting and readable' Stele 'It is edited eber -a woman and for this reason' perhaps gets the -women's view -point the more, suecess- tully. It takes courage to start a new`periedical,at this time, we'wislt 'this one success. "It will peel you," says an adver- tisement, "if you have a moderatein- conne to exchange, your tax-free Vic- tory Bonds for those that are tiaxabl'e. :By doing so you will be able to in- . crease n-•creiise your income to a considerable extent." Weare not in the bond:buy- h otir in- comeor''selling business and 6, coni isnot byany" means so large e Y that an' increase in it has no interest for us, but we would advise anyone holding. Government or mi nidipal( bonds to continue holding them;' there's nothing safer and they pay a legitimate interest, as high an inter_ •estaas-•one is entitled to, proibably. There are ninny people at the present 'time ,offering higher rates of interest in all sorts of investments, some of then, no doubt all right; but many of them doubtful. One is offered an in- vestment with a high rate of inter- est, and to one with a limited'ineorife this is a strong temptation to sell outl and.invest in the new project. Birt" what one must consider in doing this is that one maybe risking even pie's. capital, Our advice, especially to those, who are getting on in life and who are depending upon a limited in- cotire, would be to.letthe young, those with the capacity of euinui„,'and the • h ak, the risks, First mortg- ages, t c r and nuttier � al a es Government t 1 .bonds are the safest Me -este -mute for those who have but small means and cannot afford to lose anything 'Don't let a glib talker with. a good story persuade you otherwise; Goderieh at peaceful a death as it is pos- sible to imagine, conscious to the last, supply -a sleep, and it eves alt -over—such was the, passing of the venerable gentleman,' the attainment ...of whose 100111 birthday anniversary -was chronicled in The Star only' a :few weeks ago. Mr'. McKenzie passed away at the Goderieh hospital, where he had been since his accident, Inc death ,taking•, place on Thursday /evening, ening, Dee, 29th, The funeral was e held on Saturday last,A funeral ser- vice was held at the =house, the res- idence of his daughter -ht -law,' Mrs, 3): Mckenzie, by Rev. R, 0. Me- Dermid, pistol, of Knox church, and the rmnains'were taken to 'Lochalsh cemetery :for interment beside these 0f the mother of his family. The. eel.- -vices at Lochalsh were conducted •lay Rev. Mr,' Bandy, pastor'of Asiditld Presbyterian church, and • the Pall- bearers were six rt•randeo ns of the deceased, Neil J,, Roy and Henry Me - Kenzie, of Ashfield; Neil 0. McKei-' ,ie,.eson of the late Doe. 'McKenizzie; Donn lel, .son of D,' R. McKenzie, tool 'frit; antl.Melefille-Scott, o.i Itin- sarxline township, •son of Mr, James Seat le spite of the atmmy day tire was' a large attentlaince at rho u2i+al '.Ihe cleegased halt linssed the' djtetry nutele by 27a'ieys,--Geticrich A LIFE -LUNG AND li'IGULY spEer l) REIfEl' T OF TUCK"'.; TItSMVIITII PASSES ON The death ocotured at h s:honie in Tutt gee ith, on Menday aftctytooat, arftee an illnc ee of two areatus, of Ap_ peltonllleoat, in his sixty-third Year. M. Elcoat wits born and had lived all his life upon the Lleoat liou.estead,,whene ho died. He. was known throughout all the cnrt nit} and wherever known was esteemed and loved for his many fine'qutlithw of head and heart. Ile had 'a cheer- eul,disposition and a kindly, neigh- boily manner, which won bhp friends everywhere, He was a Methodist in religion, being a member of 'runner's church, end in ixslitics was an ardent Liberal, 'He was also a rnenher of the Canadian Order of Fot,•esterS. The community is the poorer for his pus - It is in his own -family wit ".e' 1 e' will be most sorely ,missed;' however. His wife and two : daughters, Mrs Corbett of London' and. Mise Edea, who is a nurse in New York, survive.. Two brothers and two sisters ale() survive: David of California, William of Seaforth, Mrs. James 'Snell of Ilullett and Muts.'Alexander of brain The funeral took',` place yesterday afternoon,. the ,services •being combo - ted •I by; the Rev. D. N. McCamus, of Wesley church, ,Clinton..'The pall- bearers were; G. 31. Turneeel Ira W. Johns, James and' Herbert. Crich, Walter, Rogerson and Antos T rtvn- shend. Auburn Miss Elmo.. Mvtoh, who has been spending' the holidays with hek par- ents ,here, has returned. to Oshawa. Mr. Geo. Lawlor, who cut his foot while working` in the bush, is recov mins . ,. Miss Margaret King recently en- tertained her class( of boys at her Route, The •interest in the Shoft Course is: being well maintainebtl e The class in Doinestic Science is exceptionally well attended. Miss Edna McGowan of Blyth .is visiting Mrs. C. Straughan• RESPECTED RESIDENT OF nut, - LETT PASSES Mr. 'William Brown died at his home on the 8th of Hullett on Fri- day last after an illness extending over sonte,lnonths. The late Mr. Brown was born in Hullett, being a •son -of the late Ri- chard Brown, and had spent practie ally all his life there. He rented his farm ai couple or three. Years ago and moved -into Clinton but later he rent- ed his house. in town and went back to the faun. He is. survived by his wife, who was formerly Miss Eliza-Mellveen,' also of Hullett and' one adopted daughter, Mrs. Harold Morrell. Two brother and `three sisters also sur- vive: J. Brown and Mrs, Wm. Lee, Londesboro, James Brown and Mrs. Frank Gibbs of Clinton and Mrs,' Thos. Lawson of Stratford. :Miff., Brown was a Presbyterianin reliion, bing a member of Knox church, Londesboro. 'Hg was also an Orangeman, a member of 'Hie Sunn- riierhill Lodge. The funeral took place On Monday enClintonfrom his late -residence 'to. C n cemetery. The services Were conduc ted the RcV. James Abery,p as- tor'tof Knox -church, Lotdesboro, andttlie pallbearers were: Messrs. Al- bert Morrell, J. C. Forbes, Wan: Snell, .Robe. Watkins, Albert Neal 'and Henry McBrien, Mr. Thos. Lawson of Stratford' 'and Messrs: Hugh, and Arcli. Gal- braith' of Brampton were here for the funeral. , IT WAS'. A HORSE TIIIS: TIME While allying home late last Fri- day night with a'.horse••and buggy Wilfred Giant met with.' an exper- ience which -he won't want .to have cluplicated, curring the remainder of his life time. As he came opposite D. MclKenzie's' on .Goldie. St his horse; suddenly .lurched off the•road end fell across ,the sidewalk, Juuip in"• mit of the buggy he immediate- ly grasped mmediatelygrasped the annual's head in an t beast toits or toassist the "i a endeavor feet -as being a clank night he, could not see what the trouble -wets. How- ever in groping in the darkness. his. hand came in contact with an, electric wire and he .immediately became aware of the actual. trouble `and 'gen-; ger, and wasted no titre in removing himeslf from the scene of the acci- dent. Upon arousing the residents and procuring a lantern, it was found` that the horse hiolbee11 killed, almost instantly, There had been an antis., ually strong north wind that night and two poles supporting the electric wires hada been blown over ,the road, witli the above mentioned result. The fact that Wilfred happened to be wetrin g rubbers and gloves' at the time probably saved hint, but at any rate it was certainly a narrow escape, —Paisley Advneate . n. YOI,NC 141A:i SUICIDES TN ASII- FIELD TOWNSHIP William Owen, about 22 years of age, emend -teed suicide on 'Wednesday last ..at Maurice .Dt.l ton's fain, Ashfield township, The young mar, was sent to :the stables to tie no same Horses that were loose. Ahene an hour later•, whoa Mr.. Dal- ton went to the, stables to call hien fpr dinner; he found the lifeless-boliy lianginli by a empo>from a'bearn, dagehscd had apparently fastened the Trope stbout iris ueolc end jniupcd off some baywhich he had ';lust threwit reason fon the ttel;'Dahl be glo- p. The local' authorities decided an inquott tomeoceeety, News of Ylappen ti it) file Cotuttyand; District On Thursday Met an Q II..A. Match was playod et Exeter between the ExeteuZtfrieh ,and . Mitchell ]tock- cy teams the result beim a V nn for the fu cremated with a scof e of 6-3 On the Thursday before the same team defeated a edeked teem from London. 111r. John Ileeman, a Stunner Ex- eter resident visited the>home town recently after an absence el' seven years, Mr, I-7,earean conies I'senit Iaau•iinswoe Lh Mari, Mr, Alex, Saunders 'ef Goderieh, fell down stains last week ,Ind Am: - tined g coupe Of ribs, h[e was un- able to go up town to qualify as cane didate for school trustee the day fol_ lowing, the nomination Met'his palters were sent to himeeMrw Knight, who was in the council last' year and who was nominated again; was also in- disposed and unable to qualify aiacl consequently Was not a candidate this, Year. Mr. J. Elgin Toms of 'Goderieh ,:in-, spector: of schools in West Huron, was sent congratulatory; Messages from,the Central' school, Goderieh, and a buch: of roses on the fiftieth anni- versary of his life as axe educatien- alist, ,Inspector Tom began his teach- ing career at Canfield Ilaldimoiid county. He afterwards oecupied'posi- tions on, the teaching staffs of Georgetown, St': Mary's find Strath- roy Collegiates, Itt 1886 he was ap- pointed inspector, of Schools in West Huron. Rev, James Abery• of.Londesboro Presbyterian church has received 'a call to a church _near, Toronto and will decile soon as to whether•he will accept. Mr. Abery has been most Popular at Londes'boro and' -also has enjoyed his work' among the people there.• . Mr,. and .Mrs. Wm Joonston of Ashfield, -announce the engagement of ,their „laughter, Daisy, to Mr. 'Robert •Sowerby, of Goderieh teegnship, the marriage to take place this month. ,Dr. 'Heileman of Goclerich has gone to' Coldwater, Mich,,, and Dr. Heist of Kitchener has taken over the rodenich practise. . A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. =Donald C. Pope, Wroxeter, on January 4th, when their daughter, Jessie Cather- ine, was married to Samuel J.. Burke, of Jamestown, -son of ivfr. and, Mrs. S. Burke of Wineham,• Crown Attorney' Seeger of Goder- ieh was recently made a K C. Mrs. (Rev.), R. C. McDernid of Godei•icli received word .last week of the sudden and tragic.. death . of .her' ,. brother-in-law, Mr. Author Callender of, Port Credit, who .was smothered ,by gas ftunes in his own garage: A' young lady who was out snow - shoeing ae Wing'ham last week fell in crossing a fence and broke her knee cap, She was made as comfort- able as possible until a conveyance could ,be brought to take her to the hospital The Methodist church at 'Crediton was burned, .with, all its furnishings, - on New'/Year's,-morning'. It is be- lieved the fire started from a coal oil stove used to heat one of the class rooms. The loss is estimated about,$10.000, partly covered by in - The Maple Leaf Seevin-g Circle of Blyth, invites you and your friends t public dance giventhem in o a 1 d 1 g by Blyth Memorial Hall on ly Fridayev- ening, v ening, Jan 20th. Dancing to conn- ntence at nine o'clock, sharp. Lunch- eon at eleven thirty. Blackstone Buckley Orchestra will 'supply the music Marriages •POPE 'BURKE-At the Manse, Wroxeter, on January 4th, Jessie Catharine Pope, daughter of,Mi. and Tilt's D., C. Pone; of Wroxeter, • to 'Sam'uel J. 'Burke,. al Giese; -sett of Mi. and lvfiis, S. Burke, Wing - t hanr." BRAUN—LAMONT—At Zurich, on Dec. 27th, Margaret Doneilg- La- mont, to William F. Braun, both of Zurich. COLE—In Clinton, on San, Sth, Jen- nie Marshall, .,wife 32 Mr: T. H. Cole, aged 47 years and 4 Months, BROWN—In Hullet t township, on , Jan. 61-11, Wi1ltan Brotvn,aged 59 Years and 6 months, Births PLUMSTEEL—In Clinton, 071 San. 4t11, to Mr. aril Mrs.' Perry Phunt- teol, a daughter,,—Emma/ Marie, , ARNOLI)—In Seaforth, on December 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. F. R, .Ain- ' old a daughter. • .Deaths ELCOAT--In Tnckersmith, on San, Oth, Aphelion Elcoant, in hie 6^rd year. COPP—fat Goderieh, on January lst, Wjilliem Copp; -only son of Mr.' and Mrs,: „C1op,p, cif his 15th year: ALLEN -It Colborhne township, on ,fee tiary, 1st, -Reginald Chaalss Al- len, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, 'Charles Allen, in his 21dt year. McKE11TZI18-In Godei•ich, on Dec, 29th,'_Nail • Bain McKenzie, aged 100 years and 27 clays, IN MEMOIITAM MILT 1iiS --In loving : netnon'y o:f. James S. Miller, who died Jan, .10th,• 1919, "Our family circle is broken, • Within oruhappy h nit A :father dear, a husband bele, From loving. 0nee is gone, Life's golden cord is .severed, Iris soul /front earth has fled. Tliat faithful done, so deai•15 all, Is numbered With thedead. Now all Within t)ur house is stili,' Yet feet Cllr, moments fry;' 'Chis lite io ;but a ttassilig dream, lle'll weleotne'it gni Irigli;" --Wife and Family C7► you. d in: I�! ” r TEA? There's a- distinct di't1fei "Salada." nee tin fain " of RIGA.'_ ST Tn 1`3,22, by giving ,Tolinson&. Co. a share of your `patronage,. Our prices you will.' find as lowas any and Satisfaction guaranteed og:youti• money cheerfully refunded. -Wf e ofer far this wok: . .. ... ,38 1 Ib. Ginger Snaps:. :5i 1 lb, prunes .15 1 Ib Tartly Calces ,.20a i 1 broobroom,1 2 Tins 'Tomato .;,oup, - .35 , 1 lb, Broken Sodas .12 Mcl.,arens' Jelly t e viers '.far. -,29 '2 boxes 'Mafehes•' .. „25i 1.. tin Paris & Beans ... , . .• .20 1 noetic English mixed piikfess ..39' G lbs.'Rolled Oats ....C. ..,... ,,25 1` tin, Baking powder'.,... .99 Goods' deliveredtoall Parts of lye town Get Habit abit ort Dealing. at O NSC N & CO'S GROCERY phone.ifi 1 IIII STORE F(IR: EVERYBODY i RI EI1Di° HURON'S COUNTY COUNCIL Full,Full, 1922. The' following• will compos;; the Huron County council for 1922:. Ashfield •— Frank. Johnston, John Jariueson. Colborne—C. A. Robertson. Godenich Township -N. W. Tre- waetha.' Stanley—G. B. Hanley. Hay—Ebner Klopp., Stephen—Ar H. Neeb, D. Webb.. Sp Hotviek—W : ,T: otton,, Thomas fitglis. Turnberry—James Porter: lins . • , . Grey John McNabb; Frank Col - Morris -A. Fear'. East,Wawanosh'—•Rsbt. Buchanan West Wawanosh—B, II. Naylor. Hullett-M. Armstrong. 1VfcKillop—Frank McQuaid. Tuckeraiuith—Jahn McNaughton. Usborne-E(m, Coates., Goderich'Town—Dr.: W.F. Cal- low, J. J Moser: Clinton—R J. Miller, .Seaforth—'R. G. Parkes. Winghar=Ands Tipling. Brussels --Alfred Baker. Blyth—Jas. Dodds.° Bayfield—A. P. Erwin. Wroxeter—John' Douglas. 'Exeter.-B.W. F. Beavers.' ' ge Skating Party Friday, San. 20th, at the rink,: not der the auspices of the Girl's -Guild of St; Paul's cliurah. ' Band inittren- dance. Refreslinients, 10 , 'Admission 256. ' i —32-2 Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received up to Jan, 18th.,` for snow plowing. State price per hour for one horse and one man. C::. G, Middleton, Chairman,: Street Committee. CusLoni 'Sawing Custom "sawing will be done in Clin- ton in the early spring, also con- tracts for sawing at other points will be taken, For full particulars apply to McEw'"an 'Bros Hayfields Phone 20 on 624, —32-tf Plain Sewing • Ant prepared to do pain sewing: Mrs, J. Neilaris;' ,Clinton.: 32-2-p meeting of Huron County Council The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goierie at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of Tues- day, the 26th day of January, 1922. All accounts against the County must be in the ,hands of the Clerk not lat- er than Monday preceding the meet- ing of Council. Geo. W. Holman, County Cleric. Goderieh, Jan. 9111, 1922, —32-2 Stop—Look'-Listen Fiddlers in your corners, ,Taniaraele her down. Hard .time, 011 time dance in Walker's Hall, Brncefieisi, on Friday, Jan. 20th, 1922, Forsythe Orhhcstra and fC v tor in attendance, Acnisst n, gents in costume 75,a gents' in dress, 990, "Eaton Special." Ladies please 'provide., ide.,'—32=2-p Wopd $4.00 A Cord Hard Maple, Red. Beech; one ;foot long, $4,00 per cord, 'delivered, all, dry,_sound, body wood. Chas. Wilson, Ilolinesville, Ontario. —31.4-p Square Timber and Wood For Sale Rock Edo tirnlber up to thirty feet' long. Maple and beech shm.4iwood. Apply ti o' M. G. Ransfer•d —31-3 Notice de Trappers Do not sell your furs to travelling fur r dealers,: they are not travelling for their health. -Their expenses have to•be paid out of What furs they bay from . you and You get lees:iteney from them than`' you would if y+ou. brought them in and send them to a dealer: whose` expenses are low coin' pared to a travelling deal& Trappers who held their furs for me got over 10 per cent, moire for their .furs than. Wasoffered by 'sone of ,tine travelling dealer's. I am still paying the same high prices I. have been ,paying all along hut 11aay, have to reduce then: before long,., so do not hold your fuss but dispose'of-them•as you get them. Grim skins taken at ,Pull vttluo if scraped, H. A Hovey, Clinton. _. Anmial Meetiree The annual meeting or the Ilayfield Agricultural Society will be ‘hold itt tel{,town hall on Wednesday,, Jan. 18th, foie• the °receiving of nellots, 51- eetion of ollicers iaitd the transaction general business.. Meeting at one e'clocir, ' --31.2 All the Grocers in town sell Mir -A- cle —` Theg reat laundry aid ASIC for it FOR SALE The undersigned will sell all the top/ and wood cut in Whitmore's bush for the0311:1of $100.00 Th•is.is a snap The Geddes -Tyson Lumber Co., Bayfield • Rooms to Rent;' Rooms suitable' for light house - k eept inboard. Radiator ,, or with b nt each room. Bathroom and city con- veniences, Cheaper than buying fuel. Apply.to Mrs, Downs,.O.pposite Ont. St. Church. •31-4-p Breeders,,Ass'n Sale The Huron County Breeders' Asso- ciation intend holding their annual sale about March 1st, 1922. Any panties' desirous .of contributing cat- tle to this sale will'please notify the Secretary previous to January 14th. -S. B. Stothers, Sec. II., C. B. As_ sdciation, Clinton. Ont. N oLiei Anyone hunting, shooting o r trap- ping rip-pitg on the premiees of the under- signed, lots 42, 44, 45, 46, 72, 74 and 75 Maitland Con., Goderieh township, will be ;prosecuted. C.W. :Williams and Sons. -27-8-p Farm For Sale Lot29, Con .2, H. R. S.,''Tucker- smith, containing 100 acres: There are 50 the premises a good brick house with large wood shed, also new garage, bank barn, pig pen and hen house. 1r/ acres • oiichard'5 acres ntaaile bush. 3 acres fall wheat. There is a running stream across one corner of the farm. Hard and Soft water: in house and piped to barn, There is a running spring about 10 roils front barn with large cement trough. This farm is well sit- uated, being 5 miles from Seaforth, 41,fi .from Clinton and Bradfield. Across -.road from ,church nod mile from school. Reasonable if sold at once. Will aleo sell stock and imple- ments Apply to Francis r ' ne s if desred, ppY J, Coleman, Seaforth R, Ib, No. 3. Pohne 19• on 614, Clinton Central. -26-11 • For. Sale or to Rent A comfortable 7 -roomed frame house on the corner of Mary and North streets. Town water and soft water. Good cellar and wood shed. Apply to J. P.: Sheppard, •28-tf Notice We are now in a position to give unexcelled service .on batteries left with us for the winter. Our motto is and always has been, "Satisfactory work or no charge," Let us keep your battery this winter, it will save you a lot of trouble and by giving it to its you can rest' assie ecl;that it will be, in, :first class shape in the spring, We solicit your trade. P. II. Epps & Son, Varna. Phone Clinton, 626 r 14. —24-8 .Cottage For Sale... The cottage formerly occupied by' the late Mrs, MacRae, on Rattenbury St. Apply to Mrs. Geo, McLennan.. —19-t:C St irella Corsets Spi.rella Corsets for healthfulness, style,, comfort' and dutabality. Ev- ery corset :made to measure, Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy,. Ontario street, Clinton. , -12-1021 House for Sale 8 -room,' ,solid brick house, town Water and eleetrie lights, good gar.. den and chicken house, A:ppfy • rat Tirereises, Corner of " Ndetla and, Spencer Sts, A. 0. CIarlteoate•--30-tit 'PRY TILE VETERAN. SHOE. RERAIItII1d 1I. SE."AI2LIEC; I'191a «ILIf'AP' 1300➢.'/ d^~' I2:O,tE'PEId119 Opposite the ,i4ietttre Show,. Genuine 1). cif. &: W. crailtollOgal Yee we have it in all sizes, , Donit put off ' buying as the price- is' g+rad- upllet stiffening. Delay will only oouse a ,panicky buying craze, similar to that oxperienced last fall wdien, prices went crazy. Lotme»advise you no fill np, malt MUSTARD'S: COAT, It answers the burning; question,.. We also stock'for,,youm conrrenience AT CLINTON Hardwood, in differenh quelities. Slabs, the ideal summer Biel , Cedar rails, fine for l(rndlhrg, Canada Cement, rho standard art - 'Threshing Coal,convenient and safe, AT BRUCEFIELD, Hemlock .Lumber; at new prices. 2x, 3x, & Ix Sluhigles, at your own` price. Hardwood,, Slabs, Canada Cement, Chestnut, Stove and Soft Coal. J. B. MUSTARD CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD;` Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Brucefield 11 on 61S. THE CORNER STORE LIVE AND LE 1' LIVE. Groceries, Fruits, and Cured Meats OUR AIIV Fresh. Goods R i.htPrices aces Good Service Fa W. WIGG PHONE 45 a�sG3r��� We repair any` make of battery. Leave yours with us for the -winter, Bubbers repaired and half soled: J. It Paxman Agent for Overland Cars. Examiner for licensed drivers Phone 80 Res. Phone 140 YO]H FEEflSUPPLY Will be hig a in quality and rea- sonable in price if ordered from us, now. Wehave a full stock of the, following lines: KILN DRIED CORN. BRAN • SHORTS ' OYSTER SHELL LIMESTONE GRIT PURITY .FLOUR FIVE ROSES FLOUR WHITE SEAL FLOUR GOLD SEAL (Pjastry) FLOUR, ROLLED OATS. OIL CAKE reeding 'Molasses Have you any Wheat, Bayley an Bitekwiteet to sell? We are paying special prices eiust- now, W. Jenkins & ® i FLOUR' AND 'PEED Phones: Elevator 199, Residence 141 Clothes Cleaned anti -Pressed Clothes cleaned- pressed and re- paired. Woolleh goods dry oleaned. Rooms over t aid's . barber shop, W. s. Jairo. —884fc Boers or Service Champion bred, big type 'Yorkshire and Cheshter White boars /or service. At home every 'forenoon,—A, 0. Looby, Phone l on 680. Clinton tt.38.