HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-1-12, Page 1a, n' na;11 BUILD, WOBK; CLINTON, ONTARIO T itI1R,`+DA r, 0 d�6 ANUA13Y, 12411, 1922 THE Y-JOME PAP EtlEBY tlAi--i1[ijrtifflY FOR ALL show you our stock of or, Records They are to'be the best Gelid us your, name and ill send you a: rnenthly >� Residence 1'74J Al ,E t/ I0a temptation lie 'hank and .rent BOX for your' Bonds, etc. OF CANADA• S .BAN.I 856 0,000 o,oOp ch'es if on the courtesy' how large or how usiness with the d_a courteous and reful attention: CLINTON BRANCH o Rent ,g Co. ORDERED" CLOTHING Ieanu 30Y 's Clothi'i g� ,ts9Caps, Etc. �'. 7 ofprofit now 31ves of all winter goods prices to do it lulus $113.90 19 90 29,90 .35,$0 rtcoats $t9.50 24.50 29:50 ulcers 4;90 3,50. �'rr' price 8.50 price 1.95 118, blue 0triper sale price it't'ipe, sale price ®uitt 1.19 1.69 0C ,., 4,90 convicts list y, 2181 January IiURON PRESBYTERIAL MEETS. The aroma 'business meeting' of the Huron .Prebyterial Seciety was held in Willis Church, Clinton. on Tues.. clay, Jan. 10th.; with morning and,. afternoon sessions. 'Phe, president Mrs, Ja110, Hamilton,' presided. The weather was ideal and the atten- dance was good. 'After the opening ,.prayer by the president and the,read 'ing of the Minute;; by the secretary,' Miss Ii I. Graham, the reports of the different depaii;nients were read by' their Secretaries, each "of, which\ showed encouraging progress ,and ac- tivity. g, The Presbyterial ]row C-011 )rises 24 senior auxlharles "with a liiembersliir of 704, a slights` decrease, 'contribut- ing $5,211,24; aiidsix,Young' women's auxiliaries, numbering 180 and con- tributing $1,662.82, also 12 mission bands, with a.membership of 532 and an offering of $1,125.24; a total con- tribution' of $8,000.00 Twenty-five life members and seven junior life members were enrolled .and one "1'11 Memoriam," subscription,presotec.1 to Mrs. Yuili, by the Union.Auxiliar_y of 11oderich Township in memory bf her. son;.: who fell at Passe hendale. 800 pounds of excellent material, val- ued at : $5975.15, , were shipprd'to Portage la Prairie Indian ochooi. 'Mrs. Fair read -a letter temp the uperhitenden't of .the ,school eemets sing deep appreciatier of the sanies: There are 251 Home Helpers, .2;a1- tributing $352.15. Interesting re- ports of Literature, Perss, Library and Strangers departments wer'egiv en. The Anna Fletcher memorial fund has just been closed alid $800.00 forwarded to China' and, India for translation work. A Young Woman's Auxiliary has been organized in connection with. the Egalrondvi}le church, named ' in honour of their former pastor, the date Rev. Neil Shaw. The Presbyterial .allocated $25.00 frons its expense fund last year for the fallible sufferers in China, a'xium- bier, .of Auxiliariesalso-responded to the appeal, • ,The morning - session was closed with prayer by Mrs. Popplestone of. Blyth. The afternoon session op- ened with the 'singing of a hymn, followed. by short prayers by Mrs. Larkin, Mrs.,Scott and iVIr; 311.0- tieth. A dedicatory prayer was of- fered by Mrs. 'Ferguson' oe Coder - CLINTON MAR,ICET$.. • Wheat, $1,00. Oats, 450: Barley, 501 Buckwheat, . 700 Eggs, '40' to 410. Live 1logs, $10.00•.' Butter, 30¢ to 35,1. MEETING OF MUSICAL PEOPLE. A Meeting was ] old after the meet- ing t in 1Villischurc}1-•lasl; Friday ev- ening for the puxpor;e of discussing -the 1oianation' of a choral society, A number of musical people and:. those interested in music were present and a :committee was. appointed 'to make enquiries and report at another meet- ing to,,be held Friday • evening of this week:` Mr J, E. Doherty, who is one of the p111110 movers in this pro- ject, is desirions of obtaining the ser- vices' of Prof. Anderton' of Exeter as a' trainer for .such an. organization.' All interested ,who can: do so should attend; the meeting on.Friday evening in Wesley church, alter choir •prac- tise. An. important feature of the ' af- tei.i}oon's:proceedings was the read- ing of - the' following resolution by Mrs,, Lundy of ,Ifippen, re the resig- nation of the president; Mrs, Harlin- ton, the; treaSiirer, Mrs.` -Greig, and o 1111111h00 of other officers. -•• ''11:,is,with the deetiest regret that we, the' members of ' Huron Presby- terial realize that we. iuust accept the resignation -today of officers who Have been so out standingly faithful and : effiecient . and 'have so unstint- ingly given' of their time. 'talent • arid executive ability, ,, in loving . service for their Maste1.-111 the work of this 1Presbyterial. Their 'earnest, conse- crated service has been an inspira- tion to every,.member.of: the Presby- terial and will always continue to•be, so. Therefore we desire'. these ladies to accept this. •resolution 'of•thanits and `grateful appreciation. At the same time 'we' would express the earnest: hope'. that they niay long ;tic spared to work with us and'lead its in the carrying forward of our great. wont, "Signed''oh` behalf of. Presby- ter••ial: Mrs P.opplestone, Mrs, Mc- Lean and Mrs Lundy." Expressions of sympathy 'were . eic- Neil : McGr es x 'o ' of tended to Mrs, Brucefield, on• account; of 11er, long period of rinvalidism -and' to Mrs. Lundy of ICippori in the loss of her brother. • Gider-ich made mention of 'tie•loss su5taineeb "heir'auxilxay by '.the passing'... of our honoi:a%:v member, Mrs, 'Henry, Others eineti to 111.11: - el service during" the .year ate.: Mrs. Melwan, ,Clinton, 11,1rs. I line,. MMarsh- all,•[Cii;kton, Mrs. A, ''l.'ayior, 111ytli. The afternoon session closed with prayer 'by Mrs. Kydd. Officer s for the eoniill?,' year arc Honorary Presidents, Mrs, Larkin, Seaforrth, MTS. ' Hamtlyoil, Gotlerieh. !'resident, Mrs. Hogg, Clinton. .I.t vice, Mrs. -McKenzie, T3ayfiel0, 2riq vice, Mrs. 'MCLgari'Egnlonil- ,ville. 3rd vice, firs. ICydd, 1(11ltton. 4th vice, Mrs, Gardiner, Blyth, Secretary,Miss 1..Graham,' Sea - forth. ) forth Treasurer, Sirs: Dunlop, Goderieh. Mission Band Sec, Mrs. DeLacy, Seafort}r, Supply Sec., Mrs, W. D. Fair, Clio - ton: Literary Sec., Mrs. Naftel, Goder- ieh , Messenger Sec., Mrs. Gladnlali, Ex - Strangers Sec.:, Mrs. Arnold, IIen- 110111e Helper's Sec., ; Mrs. Mon. teith, Kipper,. Press See,., Mrs. W. D. McIntosh, Iirsce1eld . Library Sec., Miss Annie Urquhart, Kiri- ton. Young Women's Auxiliary Sec,, Mrs, G. Telford, Blyth, Forward Movement Sem, ltT.s. Ross, Auburn. Convener of Nominafintr Ctntii1iit. tee; Mrs, 111o0re, Itirktoit. Convener of I'rograin Cone„ Mrs, 1 Der,i'id, Godcrieh. , C'olvorier of Itinati^e,Gotn., Mr.'s, ilrl::;ins, (111,10 Convener of 1t«salutian Untn,, 2Ire, ,Kipped, . CAR WENT -UP IN :SMOKE, The other clay Mr.. M. G. Raps- Ras - ford was driving his car along the road opposite his farm and stopped to go into his field to see abbot some_ thing, On liis return Ain less than ten minutes, all that was 'left of the vehicle was • the wheels and 'some twisted wire, plates, etc. A short cir- cuit, or something, caused it to take.. fire and it went u» in flames and smoke' quicker than ' ypu could .tell about it. The dar was a complete wreck. So speedily did the car burn thathad it been occupied those' in it would hardly have been able to get out. "There are safer vehicles in` which to ride than automobiles," re-, marked. Mr. J. Ransford, 'when asked about this accident. • FUNERAL' OF'TUE'LATE T. NOTT The, funeral of the late Thomas Nott, took place on:. Thursday last from the Boise of his son, Mr. Bert! Nott of Hallett. It was very large- ly,attended, 1VIr. , Nott having, been an esteemed resident of the town- ship for over fifty years. The ser- vices at house anci''igraveside were conducted, by Ilir. Stewart of Guelph, a preacher of „Abe Plynioisth Breth- ren, to, which body the deceased be- longed. The bearers:•were: Messrs. McCool, Carter Vodden, Ynngblut, Crooks and Tiplady. ,`Interment was made in Clinton cemetery, Mrs. Those'' Nott 'and: „fancily Wish to thank their, ,friends or the symt, patlry shown them in their recent be- reavement, the sudden death o1: My. Nott. BE SURE AND SIGN ,NAME, Almost every weekwe receive items of news 'which we .cannot use owing to -the fact that=thay ,are not signed and we have no idea where ,they come from and whether theyare genuine. W:e have just consigned to the wastepaper basket an item that looks all right and probably is all right, but it= -has no name and we will not take the risk of • publishing. We like.\to,; stet the news' and are grateful to those thoughtful enough to,send it to us but' we must have the name, not .for publication, but as ,a guarantee of good faith: We would like to ilflpress this upon all'"our good'. friends everywhere. • We take this •opportunity, also, of thanking all; those who have assis- ted us in ;gathering the news. during the past year and would solicit' a' continuance of the same,- Send along any item of interest of which.. you: are aware, duly ;signed, and • you will have our grateful thanks and will be helping to make - The. News -Record a real newsy paper, It: doesn't' intter whether you are a'subscriber or not. We want the).news about everybody 'anti/everything. Not gossip or slangs', bac -real worth -while, honest' to-n•ood- nes,:': 'news,Viand. lots' of. it • DEATH OF MRS, T. H. COLE. On Sunday evening lash Drs. T. H. Cole passed over 'the "Great Di- vide" into the " world beyond. Mrs.' Cole; whose maiden name was Jennto, Marshall, was the eldest daughter of the late Robert Marshall of the Hay- field road, Ten years rgo she was married to' her now bereft husband and for the past several years 'they have resided in Clinton., Mrs, , Cole }las, not 1,111 yecl ,good health'. for some year0 but"had o111y, been confined to bed for a couple of: weeks before }ler dearth. She was ready for the treat change, although' she 001110ssed a wish to live, it was not to' be. howoVer. The funeral tools place yesterday afternoon from her late home on Ute sola street, '!'11e services athoose and 'graveside were conducted by the Rey. • S Anderson, pastor' of the On, told aired thumb, and the palllrear- ers were two brothers-in-law, Messrs, James Livermore 01 Ernest Jackson' and ]two stopsan0-111-10W, Allen Mc:, 1)analcl of Goderi*li tne1 Henry Glow of. -the Ilur'e road. Mrs. Cole is survived by two' gas - Mrs anti one brother, Mn s . James 'Livermore, Mrs. Ernest :Jackson and J. Marshall, all of town. It is just a' little over it Year t¢hlee her mother was called away, .l Many beautiful 1101:11 tributes wore placed upon the casket synipa'thh- (11i .friends. Mr. Cole wishes to ekere..,Iis op- preeiittion of the sympathy. ,and as- 111Sta111ee given -him dewing ,' 11,, ;illzto ,0 of his Wife, OLD CLINTON BOYS SUCCESS. .In a list of those .Mitring success- fully passed examinations in 'Parente as clra:tered accountants we notice the name of C. G, I{ilty, who passed his primary '•exanir Old .'Clinton friends will coilgratulata1 ' hint and wish 111m continued :success. YOUNG SON ILL, Master Ross Fitzsimons; the six- and -a -half-year• old son of Mr and Mrs, harry Fitzsimons, has been laid off during the past week witha. rather bad attack of whooping cough; Ross.is a sturdy lad who bids fair to peas big a 'mam as his fattier some clay, and his enforced confine trent to bed doesn't' suit him at a11.' Ii; is hoped he will soon be all right again. THE THIRD.CONOERT, Tho third:eonceilt of the 'Lyceum course will he given in the town hall. on Friday, January 27th, by a quar- tette of musical performers, the Vic- torian Artists. Judging from the press notices 11•0111 various centres where these 'entertainers, have been this concert should be:one of the very best of the series, '. Pictures; of the performers 'appear on another page of this issue, A ROBIN AT WINGIHAM, It is not every year that pretty rob- in red breast visits Winghanr-on New Year's Day, but•one truly `'did this year: On' Monday morning a robin was seen in .the shrubbery;' at the St." Paul's: Church rectory, :Rev. • Mr, Snell and other members of his 'fam- ily watched it for some time. -Wing - harm .Advance. Now, if it ,hadn't been therector and family who saw this Tobin ---but' of course it must be all right. DONATIONS APPRECI'ATED. The Hospital Board held its Jan- uary meeting on Tuesday evening. The following donations were report- ed and thankfully ; acknowledged: ' Rev, and •Dirs. McCamus, $5.00,° Dr, Davis. ;$5.00, Butler Bros. $2.00. • The decorating of a room at tate Hospital by the _-Summerhill ladies, was also formally acknowledged, ^'he ladies of the Board viewed with de- light the dainty beauty o1: this room. The walls and over curtains, are of "orchid" tint. - A .beautiful old' En- glish "S workecl'on stand and dres- ser coyer, :i11 the same tint, mutely remind one, of the authors of the transformation,' The staled, dresser and table look' like new in their new coat of white, enamel. Surely it will help anyone back to health, and cour- age who finds himself an inmate of this room.The 'Board wish `to -place on' i0erd their :aprneciatiee of this genu tis .gift, LITTLE LOCALS,' .tin -open air rink is 'being got ready 'at the Collegiate. The Pastime .Club are liavjrne a dance on Friday, Jan, 20th. Miss 'Claris Ferguson is quite' ill in the Stratford ` hospital and • her friends are anxious about take her. It is hoped that she may soon , -r turn for the better. ,Skating partiesare popular with the pupils of the Public school , these days, or gather, evenings. A,bbu8 all the skating Clinton young people have had this season has been on the ponds. Gordon Lawson had a couple of tib, fractured -while playing hockey theother evening and has had to take a, few days off. Geo, Elliott • is tak- ing his work a -t', O'Neil'5 grocery 1n the meantime A prominent Clinton Liberal is au- thority for the statement that Mi. Thos. Mc1Vlillan, the def, ste:1 Libel•; al• candidate in the recent South Huron election, is mentioned as a possible 'party leader in the ':Provi.n- c,ial house: AMONG THE. CIIURCHES. St, .John's Church, Hohnesville Holy Communion at 3 p.111, Sunday school at 4 pan. '• St. Ja es' Church, Middleton ' Sunday school . at; 10.30. , Iloly Communion at 11,00 The ,annual vestry meeting of St., James' `Church; Middleton, will 1m held on Monday evening, Jan, -16th, commencing with a sapper in the Sunday school at, 6530. Wesley Church Se1'nronotte to juniors: "Give tis this clay our daily bread." The pastor will preach 011 "08ealc- i,1g Out" at 11 amt. and at 7 p.m., on "How to be Saved." Seats free and 'overt' Person welcome. Willis Church The 1 0.he pastor will preach. at both set- Vices on Sunday, His morning sola.. ,ect will be: "God, in Terms of Hu.-. man Experience." Evening: "A. Voieo from the Exeellent Oloi-v," The annual business meeting of the congregation will be held on Wednesday evening next at eight o'cloek.An the lecture room, The monthly meeting' of the Miff - Sion Bend will be held on Monday eV- cit;mfr ,next its the lecture room :at seven o'rloek. The monthly ineetint;• of the 'V,i, M, S. will' b'o'- held .a.'t the inan:f1' 111 Thuzsday evenine' ,Sart, ti.D111, At tight, rielock, addr ea sed izw,lirs: (Rev. 0),,1 I,tlrltiiit' of Safif tha The 1922 Council may take into Consideration Community Shed Got Down to Business Monday Night The newly,eleoted members of the town Cannell took .the oath of olliee' on Monday ,• forenoon, with the excep- bion of Councillor Nediger, who was unable to be present owing to 'ill- ness. A striking committee,: consis- ting' of Councillor :Middleton, Reeve Miller and Mayor Cantelon was form- ed, who immediately met anis appoin- ted the standing, committees for the In the .evening' the first meeting of the council was held, Mayor Can- telon in the chair and all members present with the exception of Coun- cillor Nedigei,- The Rev. Mr, Mc- Camas 'being present, the lecyor asked hint to open with prayer, Mayos' Cantelon, in his olrening ad- dress, congratulated ,the councillors` upon their:' election anal e,:pressed the elope that each one would be present. at •eve'r'y meeting' during the year and on time; that the members ' of . the several committees ' would each do his, best to further eche interests of the toivn,ailcl said if each Member would' do his best he felt sure the citizens would have'-iro regrets for having' el; eoted thein. . He called ' attention to the respons- ibilities of the street committee and said. he thought the bae1c greets should have more attention and more money spent on diem than had been. done in the past and called attention to a.nuniber of repairs needed about the town hall and said the pane com- mittee cold -make several im rov"e- nents -on Recreation Park, one being the planting of trees around it. He also said he would like to see a spotIs committee appointed . in the town, 'one member 'of which' would be.. a member of- the . council. In this way he thought more satisfactory'- rec sults would ,be brought about ns' the council would be in close touch with a11' legitimate " amusements and sports,. The Matter of aeconi 1 da - tion for the :horses, of those who come into town should• be attended to, Clinton should have a'public shed' for the. accommodation of the far- mers conning in, CCouncillor Middleton replied .to the Mayor's inaugural address; eongratu-: lating hiui unon his eicekio 1 arid; upon ,his keen interest in all things pertaining to the 'town's 'tt'eltare, He was especially pleased' that the mayor should be interested in sports, in the young people, and -7-1' tIt9pro- 053011171 or erection of a 'public shed. The only communication was from Mr, D. W. L. 'Cantelon, applying for the position of town auditor, position held for years by his late father. A couple of bylaws were passed. Bylaw No, 1 being for the appoint- ment of certain' officials, tete follow- ing being ,appointed; Auditor's, .1. Wiseman and D. W L. Cantelon, az a salary o£";515.00; member of Col- legiate board for three years, W. Bry- dona member of Public ; b c Libras �+ Board for three years, Dr. Shaw; Member of Board of I•lealth; D. L. Macpherson. Bylaw No. 2 was toauthorize the borrowing of $12,000 front the 'Mol- sons bank to meet current expenses until such .time as the taxes are lev- ied to beused from time 11 time as. Gi' D. L. 0; L. ELECTS OFFICERS. The Hallett Ditsxiet.le, 0. L. held its annual meeting in Clinton on Tuesday evening, a fine' representa- tion being »resent. The following list of officers were appointed:' P. D. M., W. J. Falconer. D. M,, II, M,' Hanley," Deputy, C. Tyer, Chaplain, rW . Ii. Hellyar. Ree. -Secretary, D. L. Stephenson. Fin, -Secretary; Mr, Montgomery. Treasurer, Thos. Rands, Lecturer s, G Palconer, G. Cornish, D. of C , George Evans. At the o1nclusion of the business of the evening lunch was served and a Social hour spent, CLINTON WINS, SCORE. 5-4, 1Iocltey. is claiming ea, good deal of atteutimi just: now. On Friday last Clinton team played in St. Mary's, the result being` a win for the lat- ter team in a score of. 4-8. This was not such a bad showing when one considers that the Clinton'teain had lint one hour' practise this season, the evening 'before' the ,match. Yesterday evenjng St. Mary's carne baelt and played the return match, which proved to be one of the most exciting games eves' played in the new rink At full' time the score stood three -all and after a rest' of ten minutes,ten minutes over time was played, Clinton scoring two rind the visitors one goal. Govenlock, McGecth and Elliott were the star players for Clinton, The Clintan line -ftp was as 1`ollows: Goal, 71,Goetlr, Defence, Elliott, Mali - ping;' Wings, 11111iett, Govmnloelt;- Ceti - tie, 124', 0n; Subs. Dicks, and GPay ham. ,Clinfon Roes to ixoderieb' tomorrovl evening mid as the malls are new in gogd,,reonditiolt it , would encouraga tete' jYo , if a remit(]• 'would iso tp a,zd e'liaoir tlwln• to victor's, ':ti''1'etitll ,]lays 3i1 C,1fntbu on 57"1- 0, "da, •'eVei hlg' (1(1$, may' be necessary, $3,000 to be pa'ic over to bhc Pithlic•school board, $300 to the Public Library board, and lad,, vancenients emcee to the Collegiate: board ' as required Chairman iMliddleton, of the Strik- ing committee, reported ;he folieww' iib 'standing conun'}ttees AS liavinig been appointed: 'Street: Middleton, Cooper, Netlir;er, Kemp, Property: Ned'iger, ll'Ii11.1, L rail- more. Fire & Water: Kemp,' 2-Iiddlet'un, Miller. Cemetery: Miller, Cooper, L'ver- moae. , Charity: Livermore,Kemp, Ned-' igen.. Park: Holloway, Cooper, Livernioro Finance: Cooper, Middleton, 10ilier:; Bylaws: Cooper, ';Kemp, Holloway.' GOMIS of Revision: Cantelon, Mid- dleton, Kemp, Nediger, Holloway. Special: Miller,',Hollowny, Necligeii.r On motion of Councillors Cooper and Livermore it 'was decided that the mayor call a ptublic meeting for the discussion of various public; aj5' fairs. Reeve Miller made a motion. se- concled by Councillor Livermore that the council advertise for sand for USO on the. streets next slimmer, the mov_ er; giving as his reason that teams could be procured more cheaply than later. Chairman Middleton . of the Street committee seconded Ly Counell- lor; 1Iol1oway, 'moved in amendment' that the matter` be left in the hands of the street committee and ;the amendment carried, Councillor Holloway then made a, ]notion to adjourn but Reeve 11lillei said there was a matter he wished to speak about. It was reported about town, he said, that tarvia had been taken' from the town, one Man going .- as far as to say that he saw barrels being 'filled and:taken away from the station. He 'thought the matter: should be investigated andmovet for an investigation, Councillors Middle- 1 ton and Cooper, got to their. feet at' Once ' to say' the motion ;was out 01 order and asked. the mayor to ' phis the ,motion 'to adaourn The mayor .said he believed the motion was out 'of-orcler,•that' if there Was' anything' in the reports 'andthe countycros11'a attorney were notified he would look into the matter. Tho •notion for' adjournment wag put and carried, Reeve Miller.•protest: ing'that he thought it was "up to",` the r^'n1ci1 to investigate the inatten' he -.,, brought up. .m m Inmiediately, after the council meet., ing' 'the council and town • officials Were entertained at•an oyster supper,; at ,Tohnston's • restaurant by tho Mayor and reeve. After the oysters speeches; were: given by both the: councilmen and the town officials and a pleasant''oo11ple of hours spent to., gether. Holresville • Mrs. Alcock' his visiting at Toren," to and Guelph, IN/Liss Maud' Howell of Goderielr spent 'a few days, with her uncle and aunt, Mr. J. R. and Miss D. Hollies. ' Miss Ida Tebbutt has been. calling on .friends in our village. Mi•, and Mrs, Fred 01110, who have been occupying part of Mr, Stock's house • have removed to'Mr. Albert Pickai'd's, Gut line. 'We ]tear Mr.'S. W. Miller has purchased the house and lot next` to his store from Mr. P. Pottea;,. lima:- around' rice around' $900. We are glad: l o hear that Mr. Wm.' Miller, who has `been 511dtirgoing" treatment in'. the, Clniton Iicsp}ta;l, is improving. Several; of the neon' . i17 tens vicinity . showed their sympathy for hint by cutting and hauling; for -him wood the had contracted for. We regret to hear that einne' nit'se. terious disease has appeared ',among the valuable cows of Mr, Glen on the Huron' Raad;' :and during the paist week he'ha1'lost five of then] The people of. this community are feeling •very sorry. for Mr. Glen in, his losing such valuable live stock;' The neem have amain been putting gravel on the Huron road; where the. heavy, grading•. had been clone last .rail. The fine weather of the past week. has been of great benefit to them, ' Thursday evening last, „was the oc-, casioil 'of a happy gathering at the home of Mr, and Mrs, W. Marsh-; a11, Huron Road, when the congrega- tion of St. John's church, Holines". vine, and a number off ether frienil9tii paid diene a Surprise visit. Mtor pleasant evening spent in games and nil tic 'an address of ;farewell w,it,1. read for the congregation by: Itev'.f C. Hallowell, in which he redd1ler the :faithful wiser of ,the 1: 1n11y : `111 the church, and e Preeeed ,t inr'eat«` teal of regret at' . their clzipssttlret from the parish, Mr.- add', r;8, , Maryhill ;were then preseited, with handsome: oak rocltisig chap a1ld;;ll5±,,,, Willi`c Marshall ''rite', ar shaving 'Seep n after which Mr. Willie replied, thanking' the congregation, Refresh' heists followed 'and sable more 1ntrS1,11 cwl.ed the "Voninfee dttteitairniropf..i XI'. and Mx +, Marshall intend 1'0 playing to the 13oib lop