HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-1-5, Page 9f,1RY STOR, itie�td crus NSON Next Hovey's Drug Store eall' IN THE CAN, DrAN HOME Si1BIBOT • W lVrI„ T s Pi CI<IV- IN"G MORE ATTENTION 1 )IN AR- TISTIC STANDARD OFA TIIE V, € :ERA(E HOME IS NOW HIGHER THAN I'.t IIAS INR PEo- 1PLR', ARE DEMANDING BETTER AND MORE 1ONGENIAL SUR= SOUNDINGS '1,VAf [ 1ANGINGS IIAVE MUC Ih T O DO VJTdi isiUNU ING ABOUT'• 1'HL, DESIRED BRIGHTNESS, BEAUTY AND COMFORT IP YOU ARI INTER- ESPED WE INVITE YOU TQ VIS- IT' OUR SPLENDID 'STOCK ,„AT,' REASONABLE PRICES: Ttra W.11 Fair Cao ,Often the Cheapest--41tvays the Best Why note come •.1n 1ICwt, re sunt for the e -down. T ,GUARANTEED. reliantTailor ;A. L. `Cole,'•Eye Sight- Specialist,' an Honour Gratdate of :the Cau td. -Ian' Ophthalmic College 'a Toronto.! Goderich,. Ont. Orme hours: 9 a,iri, to5; p.m. Practice limited to ;the eye. ENDS. AND OSPEROUS 1 13ros. LLS FOR LESS.- , ',NEW IDEA1 ;'-PATTERNS. •----The Store With is Stock torteemmenewamoverrprrommenzorsetemesamenk—atnarre. for $50.00 er•for $75,)q $1:(0,,00 -skit), ter. ppeal to the d i klulilMdING Mrs ' Thos. Mason is visiting vela- rtivcs in Toronto. ' Mr. Fred Lawrence has -gone. to .Ternloe to takeeliar'ge of a school., Mr. .Alex.•Mclntyro spent'S'Tevv Year's nix with friends in Qlven Sound. Mi'', and Mrs Ale Neilans `spent New Years'• Day with relatives in Seaforih M. Fred and Miss' Gertrude Wallis, have 'returnedtoToronto to resuinc their' studies. Miss E. Kenp returned an Tiiesclay to resume her ':teaching duties at BIind PudVor' ' Miss A. McConnell of Bnifalo visited lier parents 'in town <lnr.ing the liolidaY 'period.; Miss Evelyn Gi',oig• of •Seafor'th was 0 week -end guest with her aunt, • Mrs; T,:Jackson: Miss ” 7 ialrfe of ,Eitchener Was . a New Year's guest ; -4ith Mr. and Mrs. Zapfe of town. Mr, Willis Cooper `has resumed his studies at the Scliool of Praotieal- Science, 'Toronto Rev. ' 0.IV. Hallowell lies beeh bis iting his home at Walkerville dur- ing the past week. - Mr. and Mrs. Geo A. Bayley and Mrs. Hugh Camlabell'snent a fere' days, in Toronto; last`week-, Mr. Gei'shoni Anderson left for Pet- erboro on Saturday last, where; he has'talcen a school. for this tern. Mr.: Wilbur Ford returned to Peter- ' boyo last week after 'spending: the Christmastide` at his home in town. Misses Marjorie and" Ruth McMath haye- returned 'to' their respective schools near Stratford and in Huhn Misses`Mary and' Jean McMnrchie re- turned to Toronto on Tuesday to resume their'' studies : at the Uni- versity •Mr. and'Mrt. W. Greig and babe of • Toronto have :been Jisiting"their parents in town 'during the holi- day time. Miss Tillie Aicam' left yesterday for Winter Haven Florida, -where she expects to spend the- remainderof the winter. Miss Nora Kentiedy of Miidnnay-has returned to her school after spend- ing. the 2110 -winter holidays, at her home here. Mr. George McTaggart returned to Toronto on Tuesday after spending the mid -winter • vacation at his horse, in town. • Misses Jean and Mary Cliidley 're- turned to Toronto on Tuesday, ef- ter spending the holiday por(od at' their home in town,. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lawson and fancily have been heiiday visitors ni ,Clinton, leaving on Wednesday for their home in Toronto. Mt;. and Mrs: L. a..Wasman re,' turned to Toronto on: Tuesday af- ter 'spending the Christmas vaca- tion with their parents in; tovni. Dr,• and Mrs,' 0.W: Henry have re- +turned to Winnipeg after a short visit at the home of the former's father, Mr, W T, henry of town. Mrs. Helen Quinn and Miss Anne Abcry' of •Lonilesboro were 'the (guests op Net Year's Day of Mr. and: Mrs, W. T. Herman: . :Miss Cora Jervis returnee' te• Orono ton Tuesday to resume her school duties, after, Having spent' the hol.- Play; period at her -horde on i.he Base Line. Musses Echaa Wasnlail of Toronto and Etliyle Wasnian of Comber, have returned to , their respective duties after spending the holidays kvt their home in town,, that of Mr, and Mrs J. F, Wasinan:, Mr. and Mrs. •E. E. Brown and lit - tic Miss Nora:loft Monday morning for their home in Petrojoa after having spent the vacation period with the lady's, parents in town; Mr, and.Mrs, Alex, Neilans, Mr. A, P. Johns, the new.principal ob the Public school, arrived in town on 1Vontlay and assumed his duties on Tuesday. Iiis family have not yet arrived and will not coma until a suitable house can bo pro- cured, ed,. Miss Crane Shepherd, Who spent the Christmas vacation at her) home 111 tow, has returned to resume her teachi n; duties lit Ottiawa,' Miss. Shepherd's class again won the Stays4hecanai Prize this Yam', the loorth time in est aMi sies, in phps. ' exercise drill,. itz• ock-Takin mences For one month we. ll i e tee our' stoc•k at ':wonderful prices. e r• Cash. ibis week Special Value inRaisins, Brooms and Soap • Seeded P,Alsins, bulk, �at'22c pound, We have only a limited quantity. I3rooms---Extra good value 'at' ;3 3c Soap --,Lennox, 5 for 25c. 21 bars :for F1,,0O 301(1, Silrpf i,s0 and P. and G 10 liftT . for' 68o • Sipeel'aI e,.:. and ' '.agar blr•--,Tin's We n1111. 3 lbs 'Special Black' Tea •($1.00) and 12 lbs Granulated Sugar for $2:00 • 2 abs Special Black Tea (75c) and 3 lbs Granulated, Suga-r.for_ r'ea has already advancedand this is wondcerful.value. Try our Special Coifed, per 11; . >:. , Other Specials -- Good- New Cheese per..Ib. Pest Pastry' Flour, 24 10. sack 2 lbs. split peas •2 Ibs, green. meas' 6 lb's. 'Rolled 'oats .. 2 pkgs. • Macaroni Corn 'Meal . , lb. Pail pure Fig jam 4 lb, Pail. Loganberry jana 2 lbs, Dates,. ,per 10 16a2 2lbs. Cooking. figs . 3 pkgs..-Anllnonia, for . ,• 3 pkgs, Pearline fon . ,38 .24 03 :25.. 211 .22 .25 .19 ;60 .70 ;33, ,25 .23 .23. • Canned':Goode Good Pin! , Salmon, (1 lb,) , dbod Pink Sa1Ynen, (14 lb) -. ,• Canned Pineapple- , 2 cans Peas',......:: 2 cans Corn : . Fish Fresh Herring, per dozen ;.30 Fresh 'Red Salmon, per: 11, .. , , ,25 Fresh Halibut; per 1b. ... . .. Finnan Middle, per ib. , , h'iilets, pea+ lb, , . Lard, 3 lb pail Shortening, 8 111. pail 10, lbs. Sugar , 100 lbs. Sugar - .25 Tvi o Delivery Wagons at` your .5erNice If you •wish your goods;before nineo'elock-, kindly order the afternoon before. Goolerich Tow s s•/tip qSiss Lolo Mudie has gone to .Ldp- don Normal. Goderich, ,District L. 0, L. will meet, in Riyerston L. 0 L hall at two o'clock on the afternoon of Tues,• day; -San San, 10th, Hui ett' Township' FolloWing ownship-FoIIowing is the result of Monday's voting 'FOR REETE 'Div. No, 1" 2\3 4 4\6 7 To. Armstrong 43 47 48 61' 38 41 -16 284 Watt 40 61 ' 8 88 4 34 52 237 POR COUNCILLORS. en tla 'CI O, pN -.0• �; i ij c w• ,Q p3 • Div. No. 1 27., 24 74 20 31 Div. No. 2 73 41 75 51 96. Div. No, 3 89 i1.3• 87 24 -=21 Div, No,- 4 78 42 35 41 48 Div. No. 5 . 37 12 21 21 - 23,; Div.'; No. 6 66 27 81' -46 46 Div. No -7-.'39 28, 35 59 35 Totals . 359 187;308 262 300 Stanieg To unship Miss Edna Beatty of Toronto • has returned to the city :anter spending the ,holiday period in this .vicinity • Mr. Lytle Cunnniford of Winnipeg is visiting at the hone of 'Mr, and Mrs. Jaynes Jackson.'` Mr. Spence Jaoksoit has returned to. Queen's, ICiugeton ';'after spend- ing the Christmas' vacation at his Phome. Mr. Stanley Jackson is spend- ing a :Lew weeks tit' hid home here, . Me, W. Wise of Sailt- Ste. Marie,Mich, was a holiday. ;visitor at, the home of Mr, and Mrd, 'Lt II:: Wise. Th following is the result of ;the! polls at the eiee,bion for reeve oil! Monday in Stanley toWnship: Poll Elliott Hanley. 1 }j, 46 • ,2 r 12 84. 3 :LG i 11 4 5 61 ', 42 5 29 5 23 6 25 -- 16 7 , g '17 Total 155 189 Hanley elected by 34. • The Council, elected by aeclamatian, is composed as follows; Sohn Etue, Win. Douglas; Sohn •Manson, John Ra1;llwell. First meeting,;, called for Moiulay, .Ian. 0th, at 11 'Stephens Township Stephen .: elected its councillors on Monday, the following `•being' the re- sult of the vote, Sweitzer, Hayes and Penhalo being Ibe men' chosen: a ' ., h1 - W CO Div. Ntf, '1 80' 43 • 86 20 Div. No, 2 42 21 58 35 Div. No. 3 48 43 46 44 Div, No, 4 74 ,55 49 60 Div. No, 5 48' 53 20 43 Dav, No, 6 50 82 66 85 Div, No, 7 82 no ,28 50 Div: No, 23 19 32 32 Div, No..9 47 22 48 58 $;l 1164 8779 425 -.25 .20 .22 „50 .45 .78 7.83 (i s Loli?1xQDn Road (Mrs, J. H. .Quigley spent New Years 'with; relatives at Dublin, Miss Nellie Mecicl of Exeter visited last week with, Mrs",: G. W. Layton, Mrs. 4. G. -Steepe' and Miss A. Steepe of Clinton spent New .Year's Day withfriends here. Congratulations ;aide, extended to Mr, • G. B Hanley on his election to -the r'eeveship of Stanley township, Porter's Hill Mrs, Lindsay of the Bafield Line: is spending a few clays with her _daughter, Miss Sophia Lindsay. . Master Albert Vanderburgh eardine its spending his holidays with. his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Vanderburgh. • Mrs.. Prank Picot and three chil- dren of Stanley are visiting at her sister's Mrs. Allen' Betties. ' - Mr, anti Mrs. Alf. McGregor are spending a' few days -at Miss Sophia Lindsay's... ' Master Lloyd Picot of Stanley is spending a coupleof days with his mint Mrs. Alien Betties, 1YIi. ,Ernest Vanderburgh event to ICincardine 16 see his brother. Mr. WesleyVanderburgh, ,who is not well. Mrs,' Archie Malloy and .daughter of the West'are visiting the former's brother, Mr. 'Thos. ';Stragghan,' Mr; ,Simeon Graveston is^ hwii° from the West .for the winter. 1180'., and Mrs. Jos Carter and son of 'Port Elgin spent' Title holidays with:, Mr. and 1VIrs, Jas, ,Cartel', The Short Course 3d Agriculture opened on Tuesday in the Forester's Ilan with about twenty Young men in attendance, 'Mr ,`Andrew, assistant District Representative, is in charge, The Domestic Science` Ceurse,openecl on Wednesday with Miss McTaiaisli' in charge. The members of St, Marles'elnireh have shown their appreciation of them organist, Miss Celia Hamilton, 'by presetitin4 her with a purse of mon- ey, accompanied by the following act - dress: "D'ear Ceila,—We, the members of St, H'ark's church, wish to extencl to you an expression of our. apprecia- tion of your services as organist. You have' given your time Freely and tm- selfishly and we honor you for your Christian Spirit. We know the poli• tion of organist is riot an easy' one, butt you have fulfilled your duties -with such a pleasant •manner that it has been a real pleasure to work' with you, We Trope you will accept this' money as a slight token of our good will and °Steen) and we extend to yo✓. and to yours our heai+ty good wishes Tor a very pleasant Christmas season and A Happy and prosperous New Year." Signed on behalf of ;the con- gregation and rector; W. B. Hawkins, Ellen 13eadlo, Luella Johnston, Ellen Phillips. (Reeeiovcl too late for last weep) Rev, olid itirs, A, r. MiIloen spent a CGUAle Of IlaYs''With the for- mer'S parents at Mitoiioh., Mrs, 0, 38 Erratt is spending the Christmas hdlide,ys with her brother and sister at Clinton Mr. and Mrs, II, SI'retnlin or Cliti� to» Spent the Do)klay with tatter's parents here, ' Mr, Talwin IZalthty of the 0, A, C., Guelph, is visiting under the ptarseital tad, easonabl,6 ine lea .e Prices Cross -cut Saws . - Stable Brooms . I3fexbaueunaa 'Rick Saws` - Stable Shovels Sulphur, 'Handles and Filed: .Scoop- Shovt 18 . , So;Its '» A. es•' '-Snow Shovels ,Ray Axe Handles -'Walk Scrapers Zenolaum Lanterns.:. .Cgcoa Mats Oyster Shell Stable Forks •' Flexible,Steel?Vlats Grit ' •' GENERAL HARDWARE orles PHONE 53 Style, . it .and - , i"ork At the lowest pos`:Jible prices are tl,re'rnos't important points for a man to consider When ordering clothes. OUR STYLES ARE OF THE. VERY LATEST, OUST, FIT IS AS. SURER BECAUSE ,WE TAKE , YOUR MEASURE, AND CUT'A• • SPECIAL PATTERN TO YOUR FIGURE. WE DO' NOT USE THE SAME PATTERN .FOR EVERY :CUSTOMER AND TAICE 'CHAN- •CES.`"FOlR WE HAVE LEARNED TIIE SCIENCE AND ART 0F, DESIGNING' IN THE .BEST CUTTING ACADEMIES IM AMER- ICA. 0118 WORI';MANSHIP CAN BE RELIED UPON. ` WE ARE PRACTICAL' TAILORS. OF MANY YEARS' EXPERIENCE, 033R'- PRICES ARE THE LOWEST IJEAVE YOUR 'ORDER AND LET U5 PRONE OUR, STATEMENTS a`1 •• THIS VETERAN TAILORS Opposite Town .ilial' Brown's. Men's Furnishings Store . Our Motto: SERIVCE Ask your G rover for C 'ea aft Breda i01)o 88 ONI he T3ak;r. The Silver 'Lining i�,a kin Darkest Cloud is the Light from a i boas HIGH EFEICIGNiCT NiAZDA • LAMPS We carry a Wide range to choose from, i1eei0 the Ida. tory, office aiid home brigbl and cheerful by using 'West. irsghause (1v1 de in Canada) :f"'`•"� . LaE ps. j ma to and sec, Mew r, dl0Ul.,E3SS, OLI1vT'C"diNt