HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-1-5, Page 3ludo • �•ataoiiue-i ti n ui meat is bein experimented with la :Canadian, ational, Railways on its line out of JBrockville'to Westport.
!" 1 ire eq P g ..Y �,
Ontario. St charted four round. trills, or a total of 31515 miles; per de It is a`" • ircd torah 45 proles •ins 1 hour anti,45 minutes. -including
i r sgeu er da i *Mired
all ttop3,!i'hfs anti csx7lAmdlrng,;u large ;iiuearLe .of;,)Pa - � S
.1 J> 1411.).DL;ETQN' •
• Provrtigipl',Board.of;iica.j t ;Ontario`
ten'willbe'gladeto answeS•.Vuest[onroddIdabti 41ealtlt1 ttat.,,
ters.;through this oolumn:-"Address him at Spadina,Eiouse,,Spadina
(sextant, Toronto.-
hristiaas brinfs;.thoughta, of'pdace the of
-^Sgane assisydnce bo their fellows
Men.: At It is a . ood, ou gostion.and",i ..beaut
earth, and good,wyl,h�to � -. gS . , , _ . s_
oche; s:tson•of tlieyet>
do we sea.fully erpge orad' in the-se'woi•ds. by
David Starr Jordali•: "There is nokliing.
r.ssih of. the kindness' of heart .
n all, ills t onld :sq important • as little,
reit cameo rte.. l gvinity.: Nor is children=nothing so^ interesting, If
s to be wondered .at, f'br the signifi- ever you 'wish -'to go in _for_ pltiis
tui -
e ct the'gtcat event at D�ethlehem.thrdpy; e'
if ever yo wish -to be:of any
Jaden 1s- far ,over assoeiated-with use in the world; do- something' for.
theaaht of pewee , .parte ,among ':little children, If -ever you, yearn: to
0 ,,�eade" <mcuA fagtiens peace:. be truly wise,study children. We arms
Ong ind.ivldvals..,With this tii,ought dress the sure, bandage the wound
ace Conies the wish to,,clo some inrprison the erhuinal heal the sick
roc worth` hittlerita%nrale life a l,t1e-and"bury; the dead,; )gut theme `rs a1wi,y-;'
,re of sorvies.,i 4:e165s, of. self, a a chance that we %can save 'the child,.
;le more-,fillo,cl' With actions that^. E. the great ..army of philanthropists
y bgin'g,;,hoga and •en otitagement_;eter lexterrainate- sin and pestilence;
those who may need a thedeping.hand ( eve work out the race's salvation, it
ng the -way. We tarn this way and Will be becausea Tittle chid has led
ft!at. the':beginnir.,e of the Ne'ty Year,
ndering what- good resolution we
Y carr
e' New
iv plan to out 112a1 ing v
ar, resolutions is not a, foolish pro-
l'urre ''ae.eY nics,will tell you, It. is
In this regard do you know that
alter were e tee 72 s_t
1 babies barn 'last
year in Ontario^?, ,',Da youknow that
7,804 babies under one .year of age
llexltby.:our t' gn indication.:that ;died, last year in Oi4ario
xe.axe man y h ngs we can. do that Think-over-thee,fi
gures, They may
i.he', est Years' we'`hra've '1eft_nue ;-give you: a suggestion :for a New
t d win gaping to,offer a. su :res- Year: resolution that can to: & g 6�,J be made
rl.right-,mere to._those who:' want to wortla while.
Who'lalrt •s aTree
FIa who, rants a tree
:..]ie,1t antsf10 ve., .
. adfn out' above'
nca.of �coaingss,:sPt'e .. ,G
Xsers, he ni'b's. fiib't h't e :t5!ie0e•
lifts .that grave: are hest;
antis that b1esg,'aire blest; '
dant: life does the rest!
even and earth help him paha punts,
• a tree,
d°his' work its own reward shall he.
—Lucy Larcom.
r .
of i-Eor. a"Power.
When pterin re placed. horses . for
hoisting .and pumping ire Eritisli mites,
the ireed'arose''of stat ng'•how tit•my
horses Were replaced ley an" engiele,
Eeriments -siibweu that'dti: poxeiktul
dray -horse could =lift r 0 poiinde' out of
a mine shaft•at a rote of'100 feet per
minute, as 'a
'.horse -power:"
Tea in'iuoderation is a,usefial stin n-
1ant; but 1f drunk to excess it will
canoe.: O- at depreszon,
lie �Fi tiler.
t in .profit or loss, for
lay is long deferred, and
it may bear compound
1- iealtli is 'requited for.,
r coffee during earlier
etltkPn n' nes n' sleep- '
dashes, sometimes' in
lervous indigestion
rid the whipping of
to tea or coffee's Fill '
exit time comes? If
j. v011y'ii6t c'arieA tiie_;:
asantwa',v to avoid
ousands have found
m. It is a delight
ting and 3atisf3ririg,.
"the .little'chiidreu
ostuin, with• no fear
itiv'e nerveta.
ies for your lineal-.
to you. hr. -giving
and bdgil?,the new
r will sell you, or
yoti Polttim,.
iiant Postatn (in tine)
Woe of boiling wntei',
i< hulk, for those Who
eel is being prspered)
Training Goys for citizenship
When the Bay .Scout Movement'vras
inaugurated the " primary' and funds=
mental purpdse behind the'•org'.aniza-
tion`was a patriotic one, and that great
patriotic purpose • has not been lost
eight of as,' the movement has progress-
The work and training of the Boy
Scouts is: that whic'a best equips boy-
hood for good citizenship, and is, in'no
respect military, notwithstanding the ty. The Tabiets are sold by medicine
fact that some of the Boy Scout tram- dea:ters or bykinarl at 25 cents a, box
ing fits Ante 0 military notch in the their use the baby 7^i 1, be able to get
enun ry, m g i, =>3roekrille, 'Ont, ..:d_'
A Gwildi io i t)ue ,iiiltirel,yr
WItt cry 131D d.
The girl who lctura;;i boon) from
soltool pr irani'work tl?en:4011y tirod
out }gill bo 'fortunate if the escapes a
physlq ii breakdown, if ac:auso t1tiS:get-
ting ,t.rod ao-t.'shv lo probably, the
first warning pyntptcan of a thinning
blood .that nivtat not be disregarded if
her health is to be prosc'ry,,a0,
When the blpc:l becoj gg thin -and
impure the patient lieeontsA pale, hag-
gatd''and angular, She not only tires
out easily but suffersfrom headaches,
palpitation of the heart digay spells
and'a loss df, appetite, `his condition
will go from bad to .v,"qi if prompt
stere ere lin .taken to increase. and
e nr ielg the i;iup f supply. ...to make the
t'ah,`recj h1ocid' that brings the g'lo'w of.
health, no o0i0 equal
Di'. Williams' 1 ink Pills'. If giyan a,
fait trial their use-bringm rosy choelsa,
brlghteyes, a good appetite and good
spirits, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills'' hare;.
Made thousands of pale, languid girls
actlye and strong: On the first sign of
groor,%thin blood mcthersshCuld insist
upon their daughLenstalcufg a fair
&;ours° of, thele pills. They will not
only restore health, but will save fur-
ther doctor bills.
Dr. -Williams' Pink .Pills can be oh-
tained from ;any dealer -inMedfcino or'
by mail at 40, Cents a:box or:si : boxes`.
for $2,50 •froinaaiio Dr. Wllliams',Siedi-
cine'•Go, Brookville, Ont.
Forests and Water Power..
We wee just as caliche arid' in:differ-
ent over ' the destruction of.our na-
itiired resources.' People seem' to lose
sight of the tact tisa.t the wiping out of
large forest areas by fire ale:o means
the obliteration, to a large extent, of
our water power so that the perman-
ency and utilization of this great asset
is also' jeopardized; tht eateni.ng not
onl'Y the development of our Industries
but also transportation facilities and
the , thousand and- one other neces-
saries of life' which modern ingenuity
-has provided tor our .t.ontfort; enter ,
• taininent .and- pleasure. Deputy fire
Mar`shal,.Lelvis, Ontarip.
Whttei, is a i.0ngerianaSSeasou fiir'tl e>
littile anee. Tlie days' are sed o change-
able—one bright, bright, .the next cold and
sternly, that the mother is afraid to
take the children out. for the .fresh air
and exorcise thee,'need"so much,' In
carr.equence they are often cooped• up
iu overheated, badlb }'entilatetl rooms
d tire' soon: setied'with . colds' or
ggrippe: ''What is needed. to keep.. the
little ones weal is Baby's Own Tablets.
They will regulate the stomach and
bowels and • drive hest colds and by
their. use, the -1 itby wit be able' to get
Over the winter season in perfect safe -
.event that thet i I t
'some' day 1ir$e need' et the splendid
young mS0ba00d that has developed
from the Scents.
It is a matter worthy of 'comment
that the Pulp infill towue of Northern
Ontario, as elsewhere, have troops or
patrols of Boy -Stunts. Boys of many,
nationalities have m•initested a most
he work,and
+teso t in t
enthusiastic iu
the result has been that ^patriotisni 05
the highest te b
ypats been ,inatilled:int o
the young rnindcs, which indaiie honor
of the, flat e,i,spect too Canadian. in-
stitutiona 'and love of tie laudd of their
fathers' adoption,•
' ,Dile has seen the Boy Sooints in firsf
aid'*wiritddticafiip•and,on the tramp.
eon: erfect ddscipiie-e,Wand•
One :lxas s .p
orgaLuz tion. One has sceen the Scouts
on diuty during^-, days of'- sorrow .and
tragedy iu,.ega1 camps, serving hot'cof
te,',!to resane ;crews deloing ,among
1104 wreckage- fer;the bediesi:ofiluttfor-:
,tunate victfnisi-ef Mine bxplooiains,
One has seen the -boys taking part18n
liis$orical lta'gealits, being'',itand to'lt'gOd
people, seeing. ;lame cripple across a
street 10 safety, aiding in the search
for lost peilten!a' and'.furthering 'the
canrpci:ign of aanitation wherever pts,
Canada has heed of boys like the
. A Startling :Reply:
A. woman, passenger in an Atlantic
liner lead ars, experience that teS`kei• to
believe than, a'seaman is notp to ap
waste n t nit shcilrlht on his personal
Tette .sailor 'ilahad induced this d
ha be-
lief ' f received a bad: cut on the head
the second" day out. The womriu was
solicitous in her inquiries as. to his
Welfare when she said. the captain that
dight,° and wvdld have undoubtedly
continued. .her sympathy Irad`004 a
rough sea called to mind her own'suf-.
When she etherged"four''days;later,
white;: and weak, she'sattdenly.,reniem-
bered tlie•poo_r sailor' In the course of
.the, ,day she saw him with a strip of
plater .on his head. :
"Plow'Ys your head?" ," he asked, as
11 s asked =on Seine dnt - ' :'
e) list by south, mum! 'was the re
Quick! ,;,
Mother; <- Give
.Califoria Fig' Syrup • ..
for : Child's: Bowels
' d manhioo:d.tlia:t this kind Even a
1t sick child love.a the "fruity"
Scouts ,an:d,
ttle'tcn ue is coated or if your child
need 'of the useful ett' tzens lti I
p repro, is listle.a, cross feverish fur} of_cold,.
or has colic,: a teaspoonful will Bever
fail, to open the bowels. In a few,
hours' YOU Can see for yourself' how"
thc•rcarghly it works all the constipa-
tion from
tion poison, sour bile and waste fro"
the tet set little bowels and gives you
a well, playful child again.
Millions of mothers keep, °'California
Fig Syrup" handy, They know a tea-
spoonful tc-clay saves a sick child to-
tnaarrow. AskAsk;Voter :druggist for gen-
uine "Califon a. F'ig Syrup" which has
direchions foi'.,bables algia children of,
all ages printed ort bottle. Mother!ther!
Yon. Must say. "California" or you )nay
get an imitation fig, syrup.
taste o Ca `
lffornia Fig Synttp::' If the
of `;boyhood •represents:.. Canada has
Sas led'?au tfioa ,UoySe'wlra love ,and
htolor the fiag and learn;' obedience' to
the law,
Why^Wolf Cub Packs?
In 1914, the Chief Scout, doling that
wmearney dbeyisoyiurndefr btewcoolmvien,;y00tSsono12so nbguet
were prohibited
from doing e0 because,
of ,their lack of years, ergau.ized, the'
Wolf ,for boys Brom 8 to.
12 years. Since that time the move-
ment has grown as that now there are
'Wolf Cubs, all; over the world.: The
aims of the ' junior ergttaizaticn are
identical to the aims of the Boy
Scents" Association, the 'only difference
being the ag4 of the boys;` The meth-
od of training is similar to that em-
ployed in the Scout, Troops•, namely,
the utmost possible relPonsibility„be-
ing placed upon the boys themselves,
tltus'.devclopiltg the ability to 4esitrol
ethers and the true spirit 'Of leader,
'shill ;which 'i9 perhaps man's iuost
vital need intik world of to -day, 'The
training', for manhood ` through the
medium •of the Boy Scout Movement, be.
glass cariy'in life and'.lasta till' that
manhood dies.'
_Seoul at Arms Parley,
While 'attending the Scout Leaders
,Conference at Butfalo rcoently, Mr.
Anders, the looal secretary for the
Ilatitiltou, Association, learned some-
thing :that Will ,Iso of great interest 16
Scouts'. - When Secretary of State
Ilughes opened the DiriarmainentCom
fereiice at W:asdtiltgton,.add tnade the
appeal, for ell•the nations 10 serail per -
done of their navies, the only boy that
Iteard hon was a Bay Scout, • This
Scout was on diuty outside' the . con-
ference room, kind one of the British
deiegales, for when; the boy had done
a "good turn," insisted that the iioy
acdnmpany him to the eohfereltoe
room, lit spite o° (suite ,an. atnoilitt.of
disposition, the delegate rtuclt to his
request es-lclaldort crave way ani( -the.
adva we natulttea- 44+'tr'W.' e r.,;e -e04l'>oa,1li, tratza,rsi
Collapsible Desk Fits in Safe,
A compopt, 'complete, ; and fireproof
book-keeping system is 'a most wel-
come addition to garage equipment;:.
The desk folds up, sad is lowered'into
the oslo by a lever 'attached "to the
treat.' The lever is'tiuei removed and
'tile top of the safe is attiring into: place.'
Site --"No, Ioannot Marry you, All
our family are opiioa:ed to you"
Pie—"But, dear, if you are
She—"I said all our family!"
It takes from six to eight years for
the antlers of a stag to attain their
lull size,
MInard's Liniment for distemper,•
Hight heels, of exaggerated propor-
tions, may cause curvature of the
spirts and other
Buy your out o .town supplies with
Dominion bidopres il'5000y Orders,
Thee Dopers costs three cents,
Ersyiand exports two hun;lred tons
of plum,pirclding every year.
cage s To -night
f pr;.Liver, Bowels,
if Bilious- Headachy
L ii zr the 1
W1100 tltn teuurmitr iiiiy l pro hriG
4;zd the little birda.liip
"S Ns s04p,'ln tjte 'l45
Arn,i 0,100"4 :the l'os'es
. l iu15t slcy,
Drinking the while
'Wider the tdees, under. the trees,
Summer 04' winter, Oay cr xolght,
'rho weak,, tyre no ever nes 4giig) ot;
Tllay give us peace, they 'make us:
strong, ,.
Such wounesiful balmsto theni'belong1
So, living oi''dyirg', 7'11 take mine ease
Under the trees, under the trees,
--IL 11. Stoddard;
Get 0,,10 -cent box now.
You're headachy! You have a bad
taste 'in your mouth, your eyes burn,
y-eur::skio is 'yellow, your lips parched..
No wonder yoi ?eel mean: Your sys-
tem ' is full of bile not properly passed
off, and what you need is..a cleaning up
inside. Dona continue being a bilious.
itaisance to yourself and those who
love you, 'and 'don't resort to harsh
physics that irritate and .injurn.. Re-
member that most disorders of the
stomach,' liver and Untvels+are gone by
morning with ge$ele, thorough Caaoar-
ets—they work' while, you eleop. A.
L0.cent -box wilL.•:keep your fiver .and,
bowels clean;• stomach • sweet, ,and
your head clear for month's,"Children
love to take Ca'scitrets too because
tltey'naver gripe orsicl en.
When velvet ha§ been, trashed in
packing, and there are narks on the
ile it can be restored m th e,follow-
ing manner: Fill a•basln' with steam=
water and hold the art to be
inkhot P
treated over the bowhwith the under-
side .downwards. After a short pileinter-
val1terial re
the.. rises and the' material
sumes its a nginal freshness,
Lift Off with. Fingers
'Doesn't hurt -a bit! Diop a little
"Freezone"' on 0 aching' 0 it, instant- 1
ly that, corn stops.,Inu'titrg, then short-
ly you lift it richt off with -fingers,
Your druggist sells a ;tiny bottle of
"Preezcne" tor a few cents, aufflcient
to. remove every hard coru.,..soft corn.,
pr corn between the toes,'and:the cal-
luses, without soreness or irritation,
We publish : simple' straight, testi
'menials from well known people, not'
•Press agents'-inte views.
-:FronL,a11•oter America 'they 'stesiify
merits '
of MinardS lniment,
tb the -
the best of houiseitold remedies, •
Minard's .Linlmeft-CO., Ltd.
Yarmouth, N.S.
Branch Factory; 'St. delude, Nfld.
Do we say an unt'rhth in this, thXt
a healthy imagination, next to t ,ba!
anced-judgment and a clear conscience,.
is :the greateatblessing ofe ife? _ 'i L
#I�ANYAC �"rr►t1'�#
Eats Anything, Sleeps Like u
' Child Altdl lists Upt Feeling;:
Fine'Every Morning,
"I had heard so nuieh about Tanlao
I oxpeoted great things Prom it, MIA
we not disippoipted ter ftheldMXlq,
What they, rc ry, BewtU; gold Ml Wel,
Robinson7, 181 glads,tone Avo., ogontq
Ont, •
slmpi'y feel like a dnllseenat pard
singe taking Chic grand Medicine.
two yours I was In wietchel dhealtl
anti then, to cap the climax, I had•-tIi
'flu,'!wlilch left me iii a worse condi,
tion than: 1' had been before,„ �yli et,
needod^was soin:e:thlhg to hulid gee it
and this is exactly what Ta:nlac. h
"4 have a spleu'ditl' appetite ,now
nothing E eat giver me any bird afte
effects,; and I t lhho'p like 'a child .:o�
night long. •I feet ea' well and happy 1'
MorningthMorning that. it le i.
my girlhood. day's'Over again: Tarifa
has certainly .beena wond•enrful:tiles
log in ni '
Tattled, is' sold by leading `drtiggisi
Water, pure and eold, is ease of Ll
best 1emecbida for indigestion',
Taking a; Liberty,
Little Ethel, who was whopping with,
her aunt,, listened while the gruff, but
intelligent clerk remonstrated
r` Madani; I am eunei3on will,not used
ebMizell, materrtl :You vSill.;Rnd `fzvq.•
yards quite ample "
As seon'ras thgy 1i'a,tl left the i
L their elcelaimed indignantly`
,' AuntlP'd drdu't dike thkt"ma,p,
' W113 he ,ta}o,jou
likeone bitae if,lre'was'3wuahukedshtenii!'
Stops Hair Coming. Out;
Thickens, Beau ifie
t ls. '.
�iassihe lleiverSnsementt,
Ueitlsh' b ed suI eaot toeami o ill atalaayool
pia, shipped 1
prices5 ORK, smI BP TOI20N'LO �i'.:
-- m4nl.."catIQ4g
TOR003T0 .6A1:'i W,,9 Rid 8
HE pant and torture of rhea:
matism can be quickly relieves➢
1.13i an application of Stgatets
Linlineg. I�.br'ings warmth, ease aril
corn fort' and lets yen sleep soundly.
Always have a bottle ;handy. and
apply When you`feel the first twinge.
r rld,ptn:eIratos wit(dut rtsbbci;g., .
It a;s' lendid'tel take the pain out 0
tired; -.aching;, muscles,^'sprains:: and
etrams :stiff joints, -Ind :lame backs,
Fotfort p,, years iaia;eteneniy:
y our neighbor,
At all:druggist.G-355, 70c, $12.40,
Made 4'n `.,Cnnudd.:,„,,�.,;.
35 -cents buy O' bottle of"Danderine't
at any drug store.. After one applica-
tion you can not •find a pardicle of
dandruff .or a falling hair. Besides,
every hair , Shows- new,. life, vigor,
briglitneSS, niorh coldr and abundance,
Mlnard's Liniment for Colds, etc,
Since the signing of the Armistice
1,742 new branch ' oflce3 ,have been
opened by Canadian banks, :stud 214.
closed, leaving thelret increase 1,528.
Canadian banks have aver 4,700
brenches.'at: home,, and, 200 in other'
o' Liniment for Gar ei in Cows.
MEnar s, i_ , .. ¢.
Auisbbcs'/ Mooser Dot neriiodtee
Book•. Ill.
.and 'now to. Food, t.
Madlael Pre o. to ana!it-
drawl by tho Author,
R. -•.Oras t'. t1ovor'Oo,i'"Xno:
116"West 1+410` Street
. - .Now Yary,':Cr;f3.A.:r.
e ditch o'
` an � Ra•
d n
�QtigOd Fffce
Cried for Hours,,Lasted aVear:
is ed all over he
"A each a rt m lY it
girl's body, and :ehe had Borne on her i
• �. _ [seri:': -if q'iLrilcd in;;a.Pimgfs. �!
that was ilia ed water, tit d':
it gat,"red and itchy:' . 'She
cried'fopbo ire. Thio cranial@
leaked yea' r'.
tTt.i4n $ started with a free
aamplo' ' ob Guticiira ' Soap
a rid"Oibtolent. l bouulit•rtorei:and•'
$ used four eslsee;of.:noap 'lid three
boaes,of Olnttnentwhlch healed her."
(Signed) „*tai Dora tangly, 1332 ; i
iertrude,St.:•Verdun,=Que., Adguot
The'Ccticera Toilet Trio .
Consisting of Soap, Ointment auk'
Talcum le an lndiepensab1e adfunct .'
of the:L.4 y toilet tn:.rta intalning'
skiii=ptti•ity'itatd'sldn health.
Soaei,26,e pintment,'L6 and Sae Sold
tbtgrtglmuttheDbidlaldn, ConadlanDsPM, ,
04 ds ni;,4imttaa, St. Pau135.,' thotroai
y"l Cuticuis dhp.ehansa without mart.-
Unless you see name " Bayer" 011 yh:r are notgetting
Asp win i� ,all. Why. take chances
Accept only an unbroken "Bayer" package
: " ackage which contains directions and dose
worked out by physicians. during ?2 years and' proved safe by" rillions for
ia: Rheumat,Isnm
folds I-Iea,cfacl'�e 1��.ttral�,r,
Toothache r Neuritis Lumbago Pain i Pan
Alvvays say "Bayer" when you buy Aspl1.1n,..
llarid ".ita cr" boxes. vi 111 t: breis' --.Also bottles of 21 tour( 100-411'/Irnggiai's,' t to
e� ' h, Caitdd 05 r.Eay0r fltinafhetidd el bfenoaaptl.ua0hioatcr nP ealte.yllnaold. w'':'110 it '0
55511rin 1;a the, t Ild vitt i 1011tb:iru"a a)
tv,F.il Ttn4ivn 'net ANTi�rin rdriyns,:aavur rttii[iut4pture,'tb itseli(tittcrt)vUlic araliiet iaittnttaan tiro ?['aUicl.n at 1:int ai La 1 r.
talYvlsattdte.AodwlthbltotrtioiltrAYtrrade n[orlt tra,.._- Gta.a _ -