HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-1-5, Page 2TRANSACTOD, NOTES ISDODNIED, Dil.APTS 3s,c-11111.. 11:tilt:ST ALLOWTID DD-. O1T ALH NO'rEs JE. T. HANOI: NOTARYVC..PT,1°'' C°Ni1111.* ANGER, FliNANCIAL 1.41AL EST...4.10 AND FIRS INSUR,.• ANCE AGEI,T. 1104 14 -yittita , l'i4;itittANcs 4011/PA:NiES' CQ,HRT tMPXC • ClCINTON. yjiomi, BATtRis'iBit, $t)LigiToit, N,OT.;1RY ..r.&B' Lie, 'ETC. • Ific Sloan. Bloc& ..--CLNTOI1 • 1)4. J. C. GANIPIALt. h;ou • Sunil4g 1210 . . thci beersliy apnoIntment „only. abd Residenca-:-171ettariii`,34, t. " DR, SCI)1,1.ABH' , „ • , Office in Dr.. ti•attli?s oldstand . tfn Stroet,, Bay,field. Tice Hours: 1 to 6 anti -7 to 9 p.m. Phone No, 21 'ell ,024. Graduate •Rpj totiee of Denta Surgeonsid .Toronto •Ilniversity.) DentalSurgeon , ae office 1iour at hayfield in old ost Office Building, Monday,. Wed:. esdaye FridaY''and Saturday ',from 1 o5.0 • HARI:XS B. 11ALE, • conveyancer, Notary Coniraissiener, „JA1i leSTAllEI,,NSLIRANDE1 . , e Issuer ef-lilarriagCleicents.Str V, RON STkiNT, CLINTON GEflliGE ELLIOTT . teemed' A uitioner far tho County -•`, of Ilium), ' .lorrespencleneti •pioniptly aniswered. • Immediate arraiigefilents can hn made for ..Saleit Date" nt News -Record, Clintonor // • calling Phone 203. •' ; , "Largos moderato and atitisfactioig gliarantood. ' • t.tIty ‘,74g1,h1111.1:2iii,17i1,=-4 Trains rwill:rail-lye:lit. ep,int r PM. C1J ou Stet ion, . as ,foIlowii' ;., . „ BUFFALO, A.N.1.).-tiObiellieDV.D114: 4oing east, depart ' eao. offg Went ` dp, . ",00,' dP. 'ek47,itene ,..^2."."- • • LONDO-N,•1-1U5tON••& ,•1310,3`e1j 'D117. -, ar.. y -,Ta " : ilorili deipart • - 11071; 1111 ani G uttlai Itsuvanoe UoInpally. ,•.cy J:n•ites;:, Co4oSy 00101,1, e.' 4aitei 3itichi4o04, ,'-Ticossitroti, • %pow; Directorii iGetirio Ii;_ t. Midi...tr.!". AV*Ittii )4610iven„. ei1ic04,11itio'ek; GOclefiii4. • cn4.ld Xot.01butent. 41tIchtasii ,eeafettit;. be". " ilia 'to Atoi?piatt: C1attiff.t-:f.76;,Cint Otitt)e tIroCcry; 1oderit11:-. . Pat-tit:0 desiri g 10 floctipsurano 'iTIOTS1itieti Ehcr buginEes hho }reinptly'atte:16gcl y, of Aho aupliti..uttitas ,ttt.ithsemse"ii" ke„ th'eit respeetlV� 3QZ erfic4: . puted '.y the. dlesctee v010o. ...ttarost the scone. _ t1;11<iTON''T ONTAIZIti. Forms Mt su0scriPtibu-42,00Per:your,:. ittlAtii&) to tanattiaa. addiosetit,;; $2,50 to' the '11,0.' ataibtrie. , No PtiPtr tatil all oprealivere.:Vahl. uniotts.44. "aP0aa :01.11fileher, ote ta-Wkfrb•eYerY' , pafd lo denoied on the late1-14,1ielept civet. titetnents, 0 cents , per, nonpareil bnc -fur' iirst IMO:Alen raid 5eopia per lino for cach subsequent inset - al 1 a dv tis'riaCritg not . 7*;&ce-ed`'-andineli, - such tA "LWOW ``StraYed." or "Stolen," etc:, bitgartz td oleo tor 36 cents, and ca.nitlitilag`ii-; (meet insertion 15 etats, tinif0ati�ct6 Onteii1 for,, on must, as a 'guarantee - of good Lith, be WeemlIPtur4etr Ily tho:n..6 ,o writer., • -„ G4,E. HALL, - _ CLAIM, • 'Halltor,e ' .ed PropriPlea, Destiny', Pat Mitrolly ,11.NO a groat favorite to woTkg, no Master would onetimeS Stop and traek A joke with Ono day the begs mot Pat, emojethig, Patl" ho geld. `I hear 'Wadi S--tived tite Wtshing Vhel7 Were("P'retty Shoes, and the m e0W)10`.1104 Melldpd all four llnixl1 verY, neatly, 100 Wry tuclted 'thorn into' hm, Dae,careffiltyj for they we're wif,hini, Shoes: lautki'therefore very yaluable• marveloils things happened when people put them . She smiled at the thought how 'pletised ber for litIlo fairykins would fbe to ggi% 'them The,ratrY town and ElfinYille Stage was 4he'?it,; to start on, -its return tat): The fttiry climbed into the Yaeant. seat an,d, stfraed eolnfettublY. There were four o'ther, pa ssengeys ; you'll ger fairy a good..natuyeel dwarf, a. i''')VY ,,Jan'd a trowy400ltiTig bird. She noticed. that all.wereIn good spir- its eieei)t {be cr"o9q.looldng bird, who ,shp dalteed rifeerllPe fetindl.goine bluets taitt'M P collar; then' site 040 boaf from ncar-by,lip to the other fairy to'3:14 'She scented 'much , thing, The others ;privately :that it, boutdthee fir he.i.,t0,;t4,1O'e the wiehing shoes out her bag stod gui thenl; Soiite Just dwarf hi0;M'il!O mihd to 'pay so bho7stig`e.ested that ,theY iifl eliipla oU,Iiho 'efone and difiee the Sleinidink tianre; „ITO •00nfilltnienn 'were anne.yed with J -)Pt ,sinee the &Add Pilnkr'ortfo- t@illg' gls to 0 with trh4r44,;OW03)1'eY' itOloipte'd 'her :s,gsion. 13;6y. ,794.61t. ubeil stOae',. ucl there 'they danced US eIdd so'sn'ijai '4*,e., 090?1. thjSr 11 forgot ,that they were ere'ip,>- and can to sing, and then' St1,04,* daily no- stone at 'All,`-'ga-v'e" a. Wren. hat name near the, agixinis11,, ed-seenviattY tnthe'.-kround. The fairy ad ,efit'tlirti to ilan:'ding f,the sleeping .ttirtlel had 'been Sleep So 'lank that the 4nass 'had rown over hin?,`:and.`he Itiolced 'like rY haei. tuitde; the . dis c overf 'while, she, 'WA S rubbing" away the -tear,' The olid `turtle .i:Yas aitonIshe'd 'an& Sornewhat,,efrencledeaS•being aWalcened and , began at once to ran away. At leag,t he went .hurryinge . as 'fast as he .could:- TO be Sure; it was not very fast, but the .ground • was t•ough and the ,fairy 'people- ha'd all, they . could 40 to kee'IS froin'fallhig.:oli,. Presently 'mite, a big Waelt fur collar and .griAiteblefl. every time the coach . went a over sone, , • Now the _first law fairyland reads, r "You must not grtunblV," and "Ullti0111- X041)51,10 b.e"gin to haPPen .the minute: anyine.breaks .that ittw; . The ,h othei,','Auissengersbegged ther cross. e companion to step, but he kept,right, On'. Sure enough, in a iew moments g oihing hilt a' great rock, The fai ;the stfige 'began to slow aewn; it n humped and' rattled and at length 'cubic to a.,deadnetop. Then, worst of alit, it fell to Pieces. The 'Wheels of water lily leaves rolled away; the grasshopper engine gave a jump and disappeared altogether; the driver vanished with ihe rest. The coach had been niade from an empty bird's, nest, and all at once the passengers found themselves dreadfully tangled up with sticks and st-ring. No one tvas, hurt, bet they were all 0 long way from )20ine;' and.- t.he autloak, was ‘diS- couraging. The bad-tentitered pas- senger hopped 1./p• into. the nearest Iran and went to sleeP ;. it Ted plainly his intention to fly.home by himself 05 SOOTI. ' Ise' had 'rested, whieh phowed that. he we's .seilish as well as cross,grained.ind, `crabbed.. The 'ethers. pieked themselves up and found a. singoth brownstone whei.e, they could st ancl talk things °Ver. ""How very ferturtate that I thought to 'bring this basket Of luncheon," said the elf. I The fairy sighed. ' "There are four pairs of wishing shoes j.31. 415.5 Ekie Said, "`bin they are for my four, ejtidldren. 01 cearse •they woild haip u. out, but, 'aS eVerYone knows, it spoils Wishing shoes g if anyone tor. I whom they are net intended wears they set up, it Wail of'desr.c.:r. for they realized all at once that the turtle was going entirely in the wrong direction. The Mere noise the fairy foga made the 1aster thumped and. btimped "There is 'no use in trying to put on the wishing shoes notiv:/"gasped tho fairy, "But if every one of you '*111 hall mousy still' I Will.try to persuade the turtle to etop." Then the fairy leaned ever and said snmething very softly in turtle Inn - nage, and sure enough. the turtle storiped .at once. • ` . • They an serarubled down in, a great hurry and shideltind abd polith thingS to the turile; thel'eVimrubbed ofr.the sbreds of, 31105.5 001t hung frdm his sides. The faixy'teld him all that, had Veen 'hafipVning in -the forest he was ,ti aing- his lang -nalt She- alio told him abont .her thildrere.s wiching • ,At„that the 11311.d in the tree, gave a' Being •good-natua•ed at heart,. he let croak. "Wear 'em an 9" h ( ywa , e said. them el.irnb on his back again abd The younger fairy stitrened. "We'll then he. stal;ted _Mr •once More; this: do 'nothing of 'the sort," she said time "in the, right direction. • Ile had Sharply. slept so long, ho eves-,' that whole' 'Of course We will not," chimed in forests of baby ;pine trees,had g.,rfievn the elf. Up', and he was not sure of the way; Sti 'tbat seitie4 the matter. 't,h4 caa dwarf •had to, Move tip and git •The .old tlyVarl,satesilent 102- long -where he coilti give him directions. •three."-A-4.9ast .he -spolea.`. there is 13ut it NV/1S a vi,ronclerful ride, a.n ly tryfti--* a :ale 'I onc.6.116akti,'.' he cehipmunke; came inntifug-,to see Ibe nitised,;‘,therr somewhere' near- this7"strange' tight. The "sulky Passenger' spot, there'iSert huge turtle Who craWl. in the tree waked,as - the nuitle'went _pa. into eg,,cobl- plaCe and fell asleep Past. • He did not, of course, deserve and' never has kenternbered to wake ,up. , place, bat his' former conipartionS` We ean •find him', we Might coax ino-iied Up and made rOom fir him He him to 'carry us honie.".. seemed really 'softened" by their. 'kind- . 'TIM rest el`,the CoMpany, neecte,d no nes-s. ' f irther hint. •Theysiipped down from That might, after the fairyltins" had the smooth ,stondand.iscanmered round ,put on their shoes and wished. one 'the woods, 'peering_ into every crack wish.apiece, their Mother 'p-tif them' tiu 'and 'cranny thattley could find. They bed in Mai' big pink tulips and told' sneceeded only in waking several very 'them all about her adventuues• and sleepy field irtjce who had neverso 'how funnY the ,old.turttle-hait looked, 'InAka's'heatd 'Pf. the -turIle. But stilIrT.he little fairies boblmil np•Mul -down 'the confpany-kePt On-hUraffig, ' the`riod,ding tulips,and clapped%hefr The:fairy 'with 'the: ;ensiling shoes hands. ' S.ayt-,t1 behind to, take .-eare'brr. tte I "Tell. therbegged. "what' it \via lancheoi.. As she sat wondering. whit that you said to the titrtle to make. Sbotiftl say,te „her any-' him stop." • • "Guess,", Said the fairY. • They all guessed, but ea -oh one guessed a different thing, and all of thern Were wrong. • • .; "1\1015,' go to .sleep,". said the fairy; "In the in,orning,you may ,guess shale el e Nyasa -nag, shoes .should spoi:led at tear 'relled- ;down. her Cheek ancl splashed en the sltone beSide her. NoW,„tears,. are 'a griat disgrace in fairyland,: and she hurriedly pulled ent-her ;kerchief '`-to .nioP the 'tear tip.; As she ,aubli4esiiebegant:8, stoile.,.. the Itkrder, ,the Mere' eheerfttl s'fite* her -smile. ,By the time the Others cathe•biA; ;hot- and!. tired, the ton a t11.1 ; and- the fairY was 7laiighin.g; • ' are ',yet.- so 'joyful?' they asked. For their o-wn part they felt. very doleful. - 3301 the children • *veld net keep quiet. "Oh, ten us now,' t ey °No," laughed the fairy. "Go to sleep!" The smallest got up on his knees in the nubile ef his tulip. ' 'Please," he begged. His mother kissed hint. -"There cm :Thlt the gaY fainy .onlY smiled'all have gnessed it," she whisneved. "•It the more, While her companions were was.---please—Youth's Companion. ; latE DAVSWORK ALONG:TUE MAIRNE tay Pierre Mille Translated by Wihhiaii L. McPherson :Pero Didat, the gardener, was busy irparing, .at the' bottom of the vege- table garden, a seceet storage place _Or hi3 . potatoes- He, made a bed of ehalky, 'reek .s.:...,ainst• the garden Wall, ta'Atl'the '1)ZiaTee8 .it; and .topped off with anether layer:Gt. sten e, , 'Iddlte, like . 5,, pile of waste ma- terial "the niasons,'.' thottglit Di. dat. "it is innocent Mid regeoctable." • „ He rubbed -eh -is •thands.witir. satisfde- thou. At that imenent his -wife called. tP him from ;the,other Mid ef closure,' PresehtlY site apPeared. She had her hands in, tate :pockets, ot her Mize . apron, But _She' was. b.urrYing diem; 'on her 'massive logg as fast ' as hir weight it'd thittY Years' of rliew, • „. • matisan permitted, "1-)Idutt:!,sho, cried, "hurry upl They are' oohing agair0 .The .gardener showed more 111 Mum.. or .that gear. In the -eight days Since 'the Oerrrians`'bad 'been marching to. , wax e "had become used to latoiy yoll'ye taken quite fancy itelY Vigite, 01, 1301'0j:or's villa, o" the 0116," .377,11Ch he hut oililllge Of, annie sniggered, • y045r fate yet?" er's hi th,e`epoh country', On a rocky spur two -Reeking' the Marne. Prom the front of the hong() au avenue oS lin- della leads te .tho main,highway. The rear services "of the Odiman army had ado ne Use of the property, The feW, men who- emild be lodged in the villa woUld, be too far away from the. vil lag -es in Whieh "the mint of the troops were quartered. Bet each time a de taehment passea by and saw across the trees the ,tilod roof, the lightning rod, surmonnted by a weather ,cock, the reseecolored brick chinineya, trim- med with white stone—all suggesting a. well-to-do henie—it stopped and came to, pay a' eall, , Didat had been afflicted half n dozen times with sueli undesirable guestS. The Germans rang, tho bell at the grilled gate with assur-' ,arice. Then they asked -It tr" ' wine cellar wicZ. Four 'or dye bottles' por.man was RCA tab much for- then), and they drank brandy out of Chant. pagno glasses. ".Afterward„ they be- gan their PerquitMns. 17t7hat always astonished Pero:Did/It Wai 'their al. most, total ignorance 40 .1.11.e. value a the' 'objects they selected., tindoubtod. by this villa had•boon neglected by the experts, who, before the war? had pre- pared 11.sts of 'the furniture, pictures and antiques .WhIch it would be idyls- abie to transport acro,ss the Rhine.. Oely once :011.ot:heel. out out of its frame a Canvas of mediocre value` and gave to his orderly to oarrY off. The silverware, the wearing apparel aban- doned hy the Owners and the, iron's& linen •Wel'd thi3 S9eCial• PreY of thc0e helmeted robbers. 'irkt they over/leek- el nearly all the lades which Mine, )1orquler had left 'in the clogiotg, Qu the ahem hand, the servants' rem's had- ifeen emptied dean, Rore the sot - diets recogniued `What they were 118•ea 41 'seeing, and adiniting, They cbilld Meal what they; apPreciated Most, riAyi$ C,ONSUMED. .1,1-M '09LIDEN , CGCS- -1,1iaa. Pore Dhlat 'shrugged .1730 ; u,ppoge "1 How ajaany are tfiere?". he asked h10' "wife. • • ' . • ' •,je :e • 1,, , : `saw r. one,?, ,she, answered. 111'1 311,63118": .6111v! tile ,c7. They ,went back to the house. This • P't41: will f'ollaw, 316:416"it. '0;;;;(t11:'11e:3;;' „ ti100 the 'ben didn't ring. The gate ei.,;„,„ will , oot isiso yielded to the blow from the butt of e. ti:4:817s:ei15111: taniShed, almost:Scend I' snualtet: D,Idat.exclaimed, as- (1:°:).:61.,:,ayv.owiitll ta;:170,2„1: 44 -, dllrtain, "Why, th-Cl. ro enree`thl: inetnetets ., the . temptation, -became There wasein fact>, only one 0.erman stronger 'encl.:he- :reiturtied 'Li Alto kit - at the: gate,' -Ami: tiO'oto ; the Whole ehenetd..get,the-linife:' pntelt -length Ofetlie linden, avenue •as.:fan ag -down Sg.am,oe..eh. time. aia.,,d.,went.hack` the ,Main road no, citifer could he seen:. -to the vegeta:hie , The wil'Oe The arriVarwas a -Ponteranian,,ein niglit'llaSS.,:thas. When the dawn `a frightfully sof:106'505n :uniform; car- came, he- -wiped pane r big 'drelis-ef • cold .rying, on his baelt, besides • 1118 sweat' froniehlObro1 and went up -tee knapsack another hit 'bee ,of .1PrenOh awaken -Wotan it picked ,up ' no. detibt, oar. Some- , The latter '111-adV ""tdilet- ,16115-54, battlefield.' It was, craipmed "teethe .BorqUier's comb', k.'herguter'g • bursting point ` with: things :they coult hrush -and what remained -•ot r3eT- riot see.- quierts perfumery. But fire, ,WaSi in 0: notiee: at 'the tine that heriy. Hene,leliger seemed to: .1).6. sst- the Soldier had striPped 'Off lift{ Tqgin his ease. ' '• • • • mental nuMber... ,eheelre• were hid- 1..'.:ook," he said to Pero:Bidat. "Leek. taeo yitoOk'o'gielyto be4rd;, out el the window. -Do-- Yen :see; any - reddish and stifii bear e*. : 'Hit, lutridS. were, covered With 'dirt;_en` 'There was nobody. in .siglt. But tIrIel''`Altit.' whitish streaks .sitoired- aliont 6e7eloelt the 'shrill,f3S121-iti fifeg Where his,:fingernails had, touched, the was tai, 4111466 distance. • The' ' . an 'air ef , eh 14 man,chang ed. color, e The ,seund '.ot, the „and Alefianee. He .) &eked , .a ifies "gcoW,..merti kih,y 'arnied with ,eterift_e. ?And that WAS .1.:fde 'ci4mhip...reaine vieW oteihe high roadlvhet he , -Was.'-irgier ' Tlie`nian'erenched 'under.,:thje 'windoW, • • 'the said. :"Sente:, "..2tA titoy e'otetifg.?" he asked. ''"Are thing to drink." , • ; :they ,C,oining ?", , • • 'Pere Ditlat'' shrugged hie shoulders- They..were 'coming. Sincethat Wag once more eineeted that:, ,,` ; :the ieng:tentl 'Fifteen 'Ore*entY in ...Then be took the Oermaii clown into .-fantYSTnlen", the cellar. . '` • ' :ant, " out` to *.e%'• Merifirig.drink, 1 "Champagne!" the manShonted, , 'the -Villa. 'Pte. 'Man' for' 'tile The`re'•ISii,..t. any: *03,13,", the garden-. dressing rdont himSelf la el-'rexphained. "The ether Goriimas' patting, a,,tiger otelfis-,f.1.1pe.'c drank if .a1)..up..'",,, -a;yr The rucrued trintp:•lookedlilisappOint- The .G.efitian 41'etitenlene•*OSO 0 mon.- o ale. 'Hee tvasfa.:-:'`g-ernaan `liei:itenan:t; -pea:14010g ?" riy,tiat,4gkeito,c1. like all;,•the *Wet Gernian iteiRenaiistil., :9 Theesoldier the:neck 'af..a•bOt- 116. asked-tesee Wingeo-ell'ate.ag fl tle and .found,the wine too weak. , ;thii others.did.- lint In, hisAurn•Pefe .e,r; _ "Burgandyl" he ordered, Didat•pnt Wagon' to his-IIIPS. Terb Didat finally' disceverea, „am, ,./1413 movement he•ma tt• was purely .10 bUrguntlet.'' The,aoldier,seleoted three :instinctive. .The seoutiblrej. who had, bottles, to which he .`addefl task of .browbeaten hiin and. `ribbed hint 'dida't jai .ben,e,diotine, ' ;seem le want to have -his, preg•ence re. 'Carryethem upst'airs!?.he said. • Therefbrehe felt :he' ought 10 c . 'Coming out, of the ;cellar ..tho .two ,Xo'veal • The 'tine upatairs .t 01.041 met' mine,..DR14, , eount" „any.. more . „1058 thah the .0 Driimm'," the 'del' man: called got,' :Others. .,Bu0. that wasifed reason ••WilrY• n '41.e:.atett4ed pie.bottioo over, her.: ?lee' 4110, aldn't:.PaY.,,for the :1-fasdeedli ef tl "A 'geed dinner—,-sohk, ,orneiette, mut- the otherii'.;!.. Didat, letl'the /16nant -0 LOSS C y , ..„ 1,ViOrtgetkEt'ICOMp4"1116 State ""-;•:-Iilkiik4ff.are's , „ 'IP1'941*'C't1P104 dellars ,were inyested -i/prite4 S,tat'e,<P1-4reiq luWcitern qiin.ada tow' indieative 0' the intereet'and'aimreCiatiou across international hOr4en el the Da- n1,4nri3OVe,` rich area lying west of the 0.,rcat! 171hthluereasing know- ledge:Off:the ,Cariadian West which per. tqrce. ,breed.o.. beundlese faith, hs tis I s,camenese :and a,sgareduese of its` I' greater ',Presnerity In Ute fOture, lbas ' ;protaaiitt.itrid „widespread chit- Yeldt,19k.ithdelhts territerY offers One oi ;Ole pe.gt`IiP$61bad oitiWtei f'.6Y:the fiknadp,•t 'so-toge fora: eoulation forM this .11as taken lute been .fito, farm mortgagee Years.'of ex - 'Alert efi CO, ng (Piroirea: 'neA' 4,411`in1P7'agnclhiliO4fInT44.SY`.ite, 'Vegted`ilit thhii,,,main4erelia4he' OPeild1a71 Stitek'efreinatli,"eit'eeprefimis 'a714`*,1;tia'411,01,1ti.,e4ner,,Of 4jVliestintnite Or'`frOUPOrgoniletrisitget.44.1iiseterritory.. in 'queghtin. 1..e.i0e 2/either. •metba de; of Placing ; their seViiigat, seen*, ethe- bet pres-' 4nitty.4,(1 integrity' a toAfisa.:-.&,,w6t:,- 1 Jo-dn-q-ugequitintetwith' the gittia- 1,fonAt, May peSSIbWatiggigi itself. that' itefar'nt: nioi.tgarge , .atneintitcatiin, ,1 ,itigfeenrlty 'and' ..lientikent calamity. iniped,det, 'and 'p;fg,[1-41,'',11-,:iff::.6.(3.. suP" a a little refloctfm Will prove the eked reverse., 17,7•hilSt it' -501C11014e'lg150.1y 1.1.T.C5; eigable tG otter Mimi the.' pureui o farzning, eVen on the cheap' lande.d, Weseern avithout I certain:, monetary- xes,eprces, it; camiet.be de' Med . that' littaciiede" ' haye'.the-iniaiiniinteeof ,finanelarebaCke When,. theyr2,111eletin honiesteads. and ,roakeeit• beginning: ...They. natarallYedci st.!1.4411.,:'M.ogrdss,-. as. 'theem,,ivito. nfence with gtleater oP7eit'01..and firgt years flo liOT Show it grealdal 02 prat. But .the time edineer when ' the• fa•rm fully-proVed and tewnede and ageuXed-i`defizidte inceine, and the Owner_ 'ge-els Justified eia, adding the etinigramit,tec,esearY to cenduct it In the; niciSC efficient -manner -And also to , Provide a ;..ruore comfortable heme for `. • ' ' ' MeihOds of Securing Credlt.. , 'eThe arrival eof-Auch a stage' 'fie- qnenlhy ii.ip.ineft:rmatingEn..174) ei:ettriece:s.. utxthie. adVisibility and, dasjobility ;of linarl• bing;Earecognized, • thotigh. lia;'the,.inethods of effecting thi,g May t,,d.olf;f:eldratuntaoino3neye; ,..cacesee-inbanpltts Vinsees have arre'tiked'fo`r crette "' in "htherg the Same .`iihject 'IS; aeh'ieved ,by the tormerik, cbroperwtbire7" Y. ',A:nether systein thefarrit through Which ,theefaiinet. MaY. eC61V6---nitniei ;bit :tkroi407•tter; 1.!:tc:101"111-;oeth-abiaterYouTel:21;•)1,;rxil'i°4.b' He regards the interest he pays not fecegsailly as a barden,but .io asell xint: el It:fot 01 lty to- t,ittl,hiypral,:e,.,:ttl d.4.teg:h;11 its1":ieynip t an.:i1.1:nierine:,pcia:se. reiluetien. , ' who, oPerate inneetions wle,ere the oat Of prodtietion' is. least -in pronto.- itht to the value ,of the Crops pro- iiieeitet&iriP'llthde.41piartlithdieale' 0t3.1;ar'Clati 9-e_ffiooPlp`eT- teen...pet pi.oducttti,e farreing`is Whte'i'e 61;i:he:Acrid is the cleanest ' This" Is 156 eit..th.re Which makes the Western itritadlin farm mortgage ,so attractitto 0 InVeSters. ;Maitteage, companeos ;state that lass impoSsiblo in dealing ith :Western Canadian farms, Land Mos. In- Canada are centinually in. Lest year the average price 'land ..over the boinition rose to 45 er acre from, $46 tate Year before, hilst in 1916 the value Was only 635; 11441041S the:eecurity 1:111 the inert, ago, So far froin being:denticiablend, g 10- 1054 en ,P steady trend upwards, e-seeerest basis an investinent could -ten, eyeal; !bedie.,,;haM; sweets.--eplenty, find 'Seine Men, withilixelfbayenetiip utf, Iedon't 'got, Av good, din; toithe door -of the dregsing roam ne-r, Vilesaoot you.' 0.130hau,'F.11b p.ohrteclmaOermaine go J,t140,..iigh :the house,' 81',Ow- ibe,everythingl",, , , ,,arts-wer gime. ,:, ,they ,Itrekerinto.4110 „ He ;Seelied genuinely 'annoyed that ,,r06111,,,,:-The:Petnersaiart.,,,wielhere'ai.oa, tife: Silverware hall dleappeared. In' hm knees, ,wItIth1s:handsletItled,.'.t .tit-e•dining room- ,priefir Mose, , ,12 exPlai,u'epiearly. etirMer •Iiraeltbt'a 1whialie big -`11retleceS.-_, What ...happeiled,'" since; herminlerSto41-410 • stirs ,ehad..,left.:belii`,1u1 ,So littleAeratan, ,Thi,'hnews• only:Vtat were .serewed `t104,fe the -14B. kle. they :'''Opene'd•' 'the 'Seldier's bit eg eipened.his,kit liag,to put thern jeSteo. that,. they teolt out of It 110 opiwoK and `the gardener c.aught,alliMese of bracketse.the.,ailvar senp:ladle.indethp it silver soup ladle,. some Silver Cups, billiard balls, anebthat.tho lienieUent, O gold bracelet,: even' three' 'hil. -with a leok of disgusiketok a, whiff .-et Hard.. halls, -booty -Irma previnus' ex- th,e poinera,nlaWs, scented loelts: and Peditiens, , • 'pointed with- his .finger at the bottle:4 "Shirts,”: Ile said ;I "draWer6, Ltibins's, nOW.emptY, deplorably enap. . Then lie laid ,h3z51;and on- the ,gar- thea'e,"' • , , . „ .den'er's..glaoplder. '• • .1 The .116ntellan't hurled an, artler .to is To. the average investor, conten that hiS money is safe against loss, there is a less =Oriel ',side to the In- stment Ile has the gratification of owing that his savings are working 'such good end. The prosperitY of e world is dependent npon tho agri. Rural Industry, and in addition to paying a regillar and handseme in- terest, the capital invested Is aiding some farmer' to. Increase his produc- then of the crops the world Is -very much in need of, y. Hut all 'these had been '-taken. I -Ie, ()Meer etruck the seldier twice to became furious, and ;seized- Pero Didat and gave hins a ltiolt, „Thom he issued th by `the throat. , mote.eDfdat, hearing ret,..u,]epolieltingtanilia. `cTuliffee0B,Saa (.111;icial:SiaStekiZ9ead t fittcae, ran,a,nd got .one of, her hus, band's shirts., 10 ,order to -,gut 11 on, d'o*13. the•btaighs. Pere Didat f9llo1ed 'The aoldler ,entered 54.../Dercinler's, wlint 17.791.1.41 Jlalinon• 1s saw: dressing Tooth and, diScotered thore eanntderapilliolla,ti a ;bath tub and a kektiag apParatus, babiii" he cried. 1'1/e0)t the 50000 5110e1C Pere P1441,'5, Vt8:1,0?—.410Teid" - ' ,n5,1we's a little', re•entereqe pore,pidat bad to heat the water house, much :excited; and toceild, the' for him and rith hlin ,dews when Ile Iiententint in. the came out 00 the tllb• Naked,..klgantle, n'4'.8`Sheeeat,;:dalwtofile,a lis hilO 54n4 P6ne covered a bottle of, tierfulne and a secDidEit - t° prOwled about •tife room. Ho, aitisi,t know at first just uruy); inetie dick: Mdni5hbalS the ``cesinetic "no individual Pillages he Pill°, into hie hideous beard and poured 'the perfumery bottle on his heath Then' hi- He "drink the three bottles of bur., gundy, "1-10 dranit'the ilAsk of benedle. tine, and when he had. -finigliett it he asked for something. moie. They pre. (laced. a bottle of brandy and to 'drank it. Dat the more he drank the more melancholy' he became. His dePrea- Electrl°111Y ,VV'und Plock elan inereased In iiroportion 'Io drinikariness. ,seleeted 1/.. Bar- An eleetrically wOund chick for ugo quier's bedreent to Sle,ep in, But .he tiNtirplaties, and balloons has recently Msleted thiat'Didat-elitruad put it mat- body, devolonect,-atid tested by the 17.11. tregg atreess the doorway and sleep Bureau of Standards. It consists there. The gardener did sentry 451 y- priMarily of a watch movement with natil he hoard the soildter Snore, Thell an eleotrical winding' attachment oper- he lett big pest ank went deft ince hted.from a:three-eel), ,s1x4Volt storage Ibe His heart wile With rag0 'Will a gat"117 battery, ' '80/100 of 1111711.1114tIon, DefororWlleae ,Mie, pollion.. to the-PTilloiPal a the - detachments,' fifteen to twenty men, atheol atterided !by' her •ctlry,ggrter: had invaded the holise. and pillaged' it. "Deai" /10Oh•IIS What Couid he do a,gainet isa10531Y? Ine."that.RaSt term idle 'was obliged to But this ono,,,thie tr0MP,-th11.1nsolent Stlidy'Volgar lritetboos4, "Please do not brute,. this highway .robberl. In the let this 'happen 'again; If 'my ehild kitchen his .e1q41 `fell eat" the knife introt,.Study fractions, let theta be aS 'Which he need' to 'elaughtor 14s5 ' refined -as ' withent ercierS, If; yea Pillage on your oWn acconnt you ar-e shot.":„ '• "Wherminon he inserted the point of lin Sward in .be drawer. of aeiittle 'Cabinet Which had . been ,fett Ricked, Pried it open and topic out .two orithree miniatures, which were not witbout value. $011`iroh1i51 , Most Sensitive Part, t is a mistake to 'suppose that, the of the tongue Is . the most--sonSi- veopi ja4tInegf btliiieliableddyi;ailT8,11001rEtney,ngcatgheedr 'Stances that 17eqUire .a. -very high greo of smoothness, invariably use theek-bone.as their touchstone for ecting any roughness., ir5411- eve s What ha et home yait,e1 Star Snlosuieil. you nutY bo $ol Jwit hnewer 511 Year? Then g without oat Memnon; X t Vreo EmploYnt 1111COAS 551 WI $10 000 and Tbozo A,mazIng Storion of SoonOon ton., 00 in 1$5 tgAllanre01 050 i ii50157 Natorial Conn