HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-1-5, Page 1BIJILII,
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'111' sen y0u'a:'monthly
Residence 1,74J;,:,
,' !I TS SAVE'
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to aee1 ire, ...:
every branch of
y in. the Llouse?
e this money to the
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it will" be absolutely
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Rent •
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uce our stock
n Page 4
Wheat, $1.00;
Oats, '45tt
Barley, 5Oct
Buckwheat, 704,
Butter, 30e to 32nd;,"
Eggs, 40!1 to 41cl.,
Live flogs, $10,0(4:
There will be a public meeting, .for
the purposeof organizing a Clinton
Choral Society, on Friday evenings'.
Jan. Gth'., in Willis church, homed,
lately atter the union prayer; service.
Anyone interested in the advancement
of good music is cordially- invited to
be present. ,
Int Exeter just before Christmas
the 'EMessiah" was put on by a choir
of some seventy •voices and it was
greatly enjoyed. It would bea rath-
eit, lute t'-ing for . Clinton to have
something like this and, those taking
up the mater 'should be, encouraged,
by those who have good voices join-
ing the Society, and those who can-
not' sing•• giving their moral, and fin-
anclal„ support to the movement.,
Willis Church
' The pastor's sultjeets. on -Sunday:
` J
will be:' -
Morning "From` Tent to City."
Evening: -"A. -Lawyer's Difficulty:"
St, Pail's- Church
'The Rev. C. L. Bilkey,'the• new
rector'• of St: Paul's parish, occupied:
the'.pixipit'+on Sunday last,'proaehing
racist 7s :'aceeetabl=' at`both•'services,
The 'ann'ual•miion' week 'of Troyer
isbeing observed iii the churchesin
town, good congregations 'being pres-
ent each evening'/ The service. was
'held in the Baptist church on Monday
evening, in Wesley church on Tues
day evening, in St. Paul's yoSterdap
eyening andwill be in Ontario street
church this evening and in Willis on
. Monday was generally observed as
a holiday, with„ the exception that
municiplalcouncils tad to be elected.
The election in Clinton was a genet,
one, although the "'ballots contained
the' names of candidates for mayor,
reeve and; councillors. The candidates
did some canyassing, of course, but
it. all seemed to,be done very quietly
and with the exception that there
•were a few more people around
throughout the day than <1s usually.
the .case' on a' holiday; 'there -Was
little indication of „anything going en,
L. 0. L Distrki o.f 1Iullctt.will.
hohl. their annual meeting in the
lodge room Clinton, for the election
of officers, on Tuesday, ,Tan 10th, at
8 p.m. A lull attend ancl.o, is requested,
Refreshments will be ,Served,
Clinton' Club of the United Far-
mers pl'awill meet on 1st SdaY, Jan.
12th, when J. H. Scott, president of
the Seaforth Club, will/give an ad-
dress., Also a report of 'the -.recent
convenztion, will he, giv9n.by, the dele-
gate.' An invitation 1s extended to
the wives- of members to attend this,
the first meeting. 'of the new year:
The old council met: on Monday
night, 'passed, some te accounts and
wound' up business 'for the year.
Mayor McMerray made a little
well ,sneech, which wii$ replied to by
Councillor. Cooper. Thd new "council
will bes0vorn in at eleven "o elock on
Monday' next and -rill. Meet for the
transaction of Business in the even-
ing .
except in the vairous polling booths.
As aresult of the Dolling•Mr. Da
vi 1..Cal telon was elected uu1yea, de-
feating 1VIr.""A, J. McMurray, -who
filled 'the position during 1921. Mr.
Gantelon served on the council • and as
reeve •foi•:rnany years- and -,never lost
an election; but- this was the first'
time he came out as a candidate for
ayor,: but • his friends rallied to his
sniupport as, of yore. 'Some of.. his
friends told hint frankly that he was
'getting too old td;: be fooling with
public offices' but' "Dave" just laughed
and 'went on his sway' and when el-
ection day came his hopes were jus:'
"We are ' prompted this week to
place on '• our subscription list the
name of the Huron 'County Home.
thinking 'rthat- some of the inmates
Might appreciate' The "''fires. We
mention this thinking'`"that it 'other
papers '•h1 the e juutyi would do- the
"saute, ;1t might add 0 little pleasure
life•of.the inniites."=Exetere
TLl eS", ^- We may state that 'The'. Ad-
'vocatis 1158 been 'goblet, t1` the Huron'
County Honte ,;tree `ea ' charge ever
since the ITofire was built, a score' or
more. years ago..—Exeter Advocate:
The News -Record 'has been going
to -the -'H. C. H. ever since the in'
stitution was opened, also.. Perhaps
The,,Tinies was the ontly one not be-
iug, receided there:
The following • oflicers were in -
installed in Murphy Lodge No. 71,9,
Clinton, on Friday evening last, Dis-
trict Master W. "J Falconer occupy-
ing the chair and 'presiding at the
Master, D. L. Stephenson. . .
P, M.. M, G.,;Hanley. ;
.' Deputy, H. Glazier.'
Chaplain, J. Sterling•.
Rec.-Secretary,. R. Tasker..
Fin: Secretary, W. "J. Shobbrooir.
Treasurer; J. E Cnolc.
D 'of' C:, G, -N Frhno.
iLecturers, G. Corrrish,'',G. T. Fal -
Mayor r McMurray, into whose
stocking, Santa Claus slipjied .the'
muayoralty:last 'year, .he "having been
elected by; acclamation after but one°
year in the 0ouneil, a most rnusual
hin < p1'e a good vote" butt was not
d f "4a`"
able to stand' before the olV1 "w,1ir
horse,"' the hero ,of so anany nlunici-
pal b1uttivs. Mr:` McMurray is 'a
public-spirited man- and will -"conic
back" some day,,,witliout a doubt.
And: Mr. Miller is again reeve,
having"won over. Mr. Langford with
six votes. Ml, Miller always makes
a good run but in this case only won
over 091:. Langford "by a nose." We
wouldn't be much afraid to bet that
Mt. Langford will try it again, when
('lle has rested up for another year.
For : councillors' Mr:': Middleton
reached, the winning, post frust, get-
ting; 385 votes:, Mr,-Nediget Nedigereame"
second; ,with 362 and Mr. F. W . Idol,
loway, an entirely new man, third.
Mi Cooper also went over the 300
Mark, getting 319. Mr, Livermore, an -
Other newlnan and the only one from
the south end of the town for Many
Years, , polled a good vote, 295. 13Ir.
Kenmp. came next and Mr.. Johnson
footed; the .boll, „this time, but he'll
probably head it some future time.
--Mr, 1Iofloway and Mr,. 'Livermore
will be the only now faces the
hoard this year as Messrs. 0009e3;
Nediger and ifenip were in lastyearts"
-,council and Mr., Middleton served the
year before last. •
The vote by wards in Clinton was
as follows:
St. AndAndrew's Ward 56 (34
St. James' Ward: 71 75
St Johns' Ward • 61. 77
St. George's Ward , 30 79
218 295
Miller 'Langford
St, Andrew's Ward 70 50
St. James Ward: 7J. . .75
St, Johns' Ward 68 71
St: George's Ward -48 .' ' 59
A (100I) P:kOGRiLM,
The Cantata put on in the town 11x11
opt Thursday eventilg lastby the'Sun-
day school of :Ontario street•clrureh
[roved to be 11 great success, The en-
tire p3ogrt,iii, in which 'ia great many.
look part, from little tots ,to grown
men Rind women, was well rendered
and most interesi,fi t to the large au-
dience present. The members ofthe
school` were assisted by the Sheppard
brothers of L'on'don, who`cgnteibuted
to the musical part 614 the program.
The hall Was crowded%and many' had'
'to be :turned away, being unable to
obtain even standing room.,
-When the county council meets: this
month the first business will be to el
'ect a' warden and the choice this year•
will be between Reeve Erwin of Bay.
field and Reeve Trewaitha of. Getter -
lob township. 'As•" one contemplates
this fact one is forced to the wish
that there might be'two• wardens, as
it will indeed be difficult to make a
choice between two '-such .excellent
Men. Bayfield, it,appears, never gave
the comity a warden and it is 0 great
many years 'since Goderich township.
had that honour, But no matter what
the members decide one thing ,is cep-.
tain,. the warden's chain ' this year of
grace will be occupieclby a man of
'whom the county may be proud, '
Committeemen, A. 'Groves; R. Mc
D'onald,'A;,Dee'ves, L. Harland, J. H.
• A .bright -social. affair of Christiias
week 'was a progressive'•euehre par-
ty given last Wednesday evening' at
.the.home of Mr. aiad`Mrs
Reynolds; Mrs:' J. J. 1VIeCaughey
and -.,Mr. Andrew Flynn; carried' off
the first -prize,. while 'Mrs. P. F.
Reynolds and "Mr, Owen Reynolds
get the, consolation prize, Among"'the
guests: present were: MY.. and Mrs'.
J. J. McGaughey; Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Flynn, Mr. and Mrs. J F. Reynolds
and' Mi. and. Mrs. J. B. Reynolds
• of Clinton, also Mr. and Mrs. John
Shannon„ Mit' and MTS.,' George ICar-
bettMr.Joe Reynolds; Mi, and Mrs.
vominick Flynn, 11ir, :and Mrs. P.
F. Reynolds, Miss Kitty Reynolds,
Mr. and MTS. -Andrew : Flynn and Mr:
Owen Reynolds' of °Hallett, Mr. and
"Mrs 'Tom Connors ,of Kitchener and
Misr; 'A. L. Reynolds of Goderich.
After cards a delicious luncheon' was
served by the hostess:;
261 ' 255
St. " St, "St. St. To -
And. Jas. John Geo. tars
Cooper 74 101 7
$ 66
Holloway 77 , 110 92 66 345
Johnson ' 37 34 .50 34 + 155
Kemp 68 82 : 58 ' 4'8 ,256
Livermore 56 `' 92 79 68 295
Middleton Bit- 107 103 87, 385 inent will be made kat Clinton cetrie-
Death_ camesuddenly early on
Tuesday morning to Thomas Ilett, an
old resident' of'Hullett:township and
for the Past couple of years; of near
Mr Nott had been in his usual
Miss Ellen , Meuntcastle, who had
the iiustfortune to Tall ,and "fracture
Iter", hip a. few weelcs, , age and who
has been in the hospital since, wishes
to 'extend to her • friends 1n. general
very 'sincere thanks for the ,many
kindnesses shown her since the .aeci-
denf; ,especially for the flowers, gifts
and remeurbhances sent her diuus9
the Christmas; season: In this ex
pression of ;thanks' she is joined by
hersister, Miss Eliza. who is herself
not in•the best,. of, health ancl:'who.
sorely, misses her sister since her re-
moval: to the. hospital, but who ,is
grateful for the attention,•shown both
her -sister and herself 'timing the past
few: weeks.
The Misses Mountcastle, :.who are
-probably the %oldest natives of God-.
erich township, "have Many friends in
Clinton and' vicinity who wish them
well' and would be 'pleased` to heat•
of their recovery of health.
1 1S WAY 0]8' "SAYitl(1
ilIr, Jas, Stevens,
to a Ser111011 by tite Rev Dr. Dens-
more 011 the subjeet " S 1 So," Ira,
impressed with ' the fact 'that he
might in a practienl tray say to the
choir of Ontario street einrrch that
he enjoyed rind appreciated their mus-
ical eifotts
us-ical'._eilorts and he accordingly in-
vited them to an oyster supper at
one of the local restaurants one ev-
ening 1•eeenl;ly, kb WaS-e nice` Way of
expressing. > appreciation 1109 'wile
niu0h enjoyed by the aiie011)013 of the
Arthur Ilrioxt'of Wing'liam, a
former resident of Clinton, today cel-
ebrates Tris one °hundred and firer
b'irUnlay.' ..
The Public school Opened. on.
Tees -
day, with tlxenew nci al,• r. .
F: 3onhs, in charge,' and the Colleg-
iate resumed*v erre/on, Wednesday.
The Misses Beattie' of Toronto have
purrchased`the'millinery business ear-
Tied on by Miss Elston " last season.
and Will: oven up 111 a month or six
weeks. -
The, liocleey -Batch, which was to.
have been played eft •last evening in
the lecal arena between Clinton and
Godcrich had to be indefinitely post
honed on account of the'soft weather.
Hydro was. "off" for a short time.
on •Sainrday-morning•-arnh on Sunday
evening went off about 10.30 and did
not come on again until nr0rly 12
o'clock on Monday. ..Frobabb' many
were 'not aware that the juice was
off Saturdayrsiosuiing, it was so early,
bat Supt. Chant Naas (called up from
Stratford and asked to go down to
the -power house and then out to the
• cemetery corner to change the wires,
so he was. "on."' Supt; Chant was also
aware that' it was "off" on Monday
as he was going out to dinner'onthat
day -(toa; house where Hydro 'Is
used In 'cooking) and for 'a time was
afraid that the New Year's" bird
.would not be rooked, but 'we under
stand that ' he got his'- dinner ,all
On Saturday evening' Stratford be•
came anxious, about Line .Inspector.
Hood, 'who was up in this direction
looking after lines; and who had not
been heard from for some hours, and
Supt.` Chaistwas`asked to go out and
hunt him ui but just as he was all
redly the missing man was found'
at -the Rattenbury. IIe lead been uti,-
able to communicate 'with the. Strat
ford `'office, on accounts of ,tr'ouble,'en"
the -wire.
The following frons. - the Stratford
herald of last week will be read with
interest by many in Clinton' and vi-
cinity, 'the bride ,being an old Clinton
"A very pretty Christ -rias wedding
M1 George T, 13]achtsoc1, at one'
time one of the most "lirphlinent ,an .i
auee ,'sinl.,:lalvvers in Canada, ,died zit -
'his residence, in Toronto last'•week,
after an illness extend me over some
years. He was the eldest son of .the
late Rev. W. S. ,;;;U1a.kstoclr, and
was at'requent visitor. to Clinton dar-
ing the .years:' that' his 'father was
pastor of 'the old-lta[tenhut'y street
Metliodist..Church.: He sprang into
legal prominence as the _defender of
Birchall, who was suhsoqueiitly Ming,•
for murder 'and/for years held a lead-
ing place itr'the legal fraternity. Mr.
Blackstock was' a Conservative, and
ran tor -:bath the, Local and Don -On-
ion, House, but failecl\of election on
Miss Agnes Walker has returned to
her teachihg duties ut Clifford,
ills. Osvva'Id IIrina was un :lion? Loh -
don over the week -paid :x111' holiday:
Miss i. athlcen M 001011 ' lt.:s , ten
turned to her 3011.001 at Southaa:npa._
Miss X,ottie Sloman leas returned to'.
Toronto after spending the h>1ulay
0(.15311, in ,town.
Wise mintl Mrs, it, aughla
spent New Year's Day ' with rela-
tives i5( Seafar'th.
Miss Maud Livermore of Toronto has,
been visiting relatives in town
ing the holiday 'kerion,
Miss Mabel L. Clark of Toronto vis-
,ited her aunt, MTs. T.'Jackson nv,-'
' er the week -enol and ,Iioliday,
Mr.' Frame Pennebaker returned to'
'Toronto on Tuesday to finish bis'
course at "rho College of "Pharmacy.,
Mt. and
Mrs. Russell McCaig
retinal, -
efl on Monday evening after 3,
week's 'visit with relatives near,
Mrs. H. Pennebalter lifts returned
home after spending 11 1110th with
her daughter; Mrs, T. H. Watts 'of
. Oshawa,
Miss Charlotte Sheeley left this- week
for Niagara -.on -the -lake: for the
winter teaching terra. Iter mother::
aeconslianied her for a,..few Weeks
Miss Emma E, Sonthcombe of Ni-
agara Falls was, . a ,guest at her,
hours in town over the Nevi -Years'
holiday. She returned to The Falls
on Tuesday.
Mus,_..ClaineElliott and little dough,.
ter, Miss Katherine; ne; o ''Toronto
• are "spending tJie lioTiday: period as.
the guests of the lady's parents,
Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Lindsay.
Miss Mae Smith' of 'Sandwich was in
town last vveele attending to the ser
thing up of, 111''ss Lydia,; Smith's af-
r' fairs,'Mise Wtlk having• tokeirhp
her residence in Sandwich, 0(110111
1 Miss Mae is, now teaching.
The recount of the votes cast in.
Sou'lbi Iluron was concluded : in God-
erich last 'Thursday, .the result being
that Mr. Black, the U, F. 0. candi-
date, is forty-four votes ahead of
Mr. McMillan, the :Liberal eand1date,,:
who came next. It will be remembered that on el-
ection _night it was first reported
that Mr. McMillanwas elected,' with
a •majority of forty-three. This was
corrected in the morning and Mr.
Black was declared elected, being giv-
en a lead of thirty-eight in the official
count, by the returning officer. Mr.
McMillan and 1%ls frlencis were not.
satisfied, however, and a recount was
demanded, with the above result. The
vote stands as follows: Black; 4105;"
McMillan,'.' 4061; Meurer, 3566. Each.
of the candidates' gained something in
the .recount but 'their relative stand-
ing is little altered. ,
One of those jireseaxt at the 1,ee0unt`
stated to The News-Recorfl ,,that it
was a remarkably : intelligent vote,
that in over twelve thousand votes -
only a few over slaty ballots wei'e.
'spoiled and some of these were ,re
turned by the elector and a new bal-
lot marked. ;;Two ballots were
lost,. Could not:' be accounted for.
It is now a settled thing that Mr.
Blade is the federal member for; South
Huron. Huron will be representedby
two i31.:1! F. 0. members in •Canacla's
fourteenth parliament.
The following clipping -from the
Marlette, (Mich.) : Leader .of Dec.
30th, has reference Ito ;the, death of
the daughter of a folcmer resident,
Mr. A. W. 'Redmond, now and for.
health and on:. Monday, in company; was . solemnized at the residence of many years, a resident in Marlette;
of Mrs. Nott; had gone out to the 1VIr. R. H. McKenzie, 237 Brunswick "Mrs. Thomas G: BroWat died at
old homestead' in Ilullett and 'eaten Street at high nbon'Monday,' Dee. her home, Yosemite avenue, Detroit,
New Year's dinner with,his son, and 2681 1927., when his stepdaughter Friclay, Dee. 23rd, of valvular heart
his fancily. On, his return home in Miss Dorothy Mae Barge, was united; .trouble. For several years Mrs..
.the evenim, he seemed in goodbealth in the holy bonds of mati3hstony to Brown has been affected with .. the
and retired to bed at his usual time.
Buthe was, sitdcicnly token ill during
Oie. night anti died before anything
could be (10115 14 05 him.
Mr.-Nett'was a native of Devon-
shire, England; but caane,to Canada
about fifty-three years ago.. I'Ie set-
tled' in.Ilullett,' op the 8th ,eouioessiou,
the farem now; occupied by his son,
Bert, and there Ire contimted''to ros
side until 3m and Mrs. Nett
retired• and cspie to reside near Clin-
ton -a year or k9 ago, He was an :in_
dustrious man' and made; a success of
farming. In religion hebelonged to
'the Plymouth Brethren a , and 'was a'
very conscientious ,and .upright moan.
He was neighborly and sociable' and
enjoyed, a chat with his friends. His
t.,`aking.o1F was su ddon but if he•46n11
have known he woulclprobably have
chosen just such an ending.
Heis survived." by his wire, who
was formerly Miss Emma Lear, and
two Son,: Josip11 aid Beit, both of
Mullett, and one daughter, Mrs.' R.
G. Smith of Goderich'township. To
the family,,'and especially to : Mrs,
Nott,•'who' was alone with her hus-
band at the' etut and fp whom bis
sudden death -was' a great ahoelc, the;
snlnatlly of :t1 coomi miry 1„0011 out
'(Vire funeral" takes place troni the
homestead nn the $nth of Mullett, the
home of Mr. Bert Nett this after-
noon at half past two, The service
commeitees at two o'ehick. The'iirter-
Nediger 86 107 85 •,s4 362 1 tory, 1 •
31Ir. Frederick James Buckingham,
second Son of 'Mr: Robert Bucking -
limn, Albeit Street. The ceremony
was,.performed by Rev, J. W. Mag. -
wood. The house was to tefully de=
corated for the occasion) the color
scheme of red, and green being in ac-
• cord with the season. The ceremony
was :performed while the bridal cou-
ple 'were standing against a back-
.groiusd- of ,evergreens -1 and dowers,
The.bride wore a costume of white.
satin with overdress of silk' net,.
trimmed with blanc lace. The
bridesmaid, Miss IJlsie Barge,; a sis-
ter of the bride: wore -a costume of
old' rose satiin with overdress of lace
trimmed with blacic lace. The bride
carried a bouquet of white (myna -
[ions, and the bridesmaid' a bouquet
of white cantations. Little Mus,
Ruth MacKenzie was the oharni-
ing-; ring, -bearer and flower
girl, She, . carried a bouquet of
steer peas. The groomsman was
1Ir George Green, a half -broth,,,' of
the grothn1 Following the ceremony
the young couple left fora wedding
'trip to Sarnia and Detroit:, the bride
wearing a handsome coat, rile gift
of the groom. Approximately forty
•guests were present for the wedding.,
am,bng those from otit of town hating:
'Ara. Etheringtoil and Will and Hata
Co, of Exetert IM's. W. IT. Swan,
of lax:know: Mr. Brown,' of 19ipicy;
and Mra. Hugh ±erguaon, of Tapley,
Upon their return from their trip,
they Will rea4e iii Stratford.'
disease, but only during the' last sev-
en weeks has she been confined to her
bed. The, besi: medical aid .and care
failed tostop the ravages of the tit-.
Loin • eshora
Dr, W. R. blinuno of Toronto
spent, Christmas week as,the guest
of Mr; and Mrs. John Yodden.
Mr.Lux Hill 61 Lotrclop spent the
week -end at Mr. Fred Johnston's. s'
Mr. • Frank Fingland returned to
Varsity on Monday after spending
the -holidays at hie home in the'vit•
rage• -
Mrs, Jas: Campbell spent Friday
with Blyth frjends.
1 Miss Belle .3[ berton "visited friends',
in Stratford Over 'New Yeas." ° '
Mrs. Helen Quinn•and Miss 'Anne
Abery spent; New Years at Mr. T
Herman's; in Clinton.
' Miss S.a.l3arr entertained a few of
herfriends on Friday evening of last'
' Mr. Dennis Roberton spent the
week -end with friends at•,Itipley.;.
Mr. and Mrs, E. J,raw ford, of.
the ,13th con., Who have: spent Vie,
past few: months in New Ontario, re-
turned' home for Cluistmhs,. ,
,,Mr. ' and' Mrs . "E. Dewar and chil-
dren of
hildren'of "Toronto, ),,hi•expect to sail
England'en Jan: 13th, where they
intend living for a year ,spent alai.)'
Holiday ivith•.Mrs. Dewar's mother'
Mis. Jas Lyem3'
Miss "1 sther• Jamieson of Toronto,-:
who:. •11118: been at home over the boli_
-day ;season, resumed- her teaching'"
duties; at, Rega1`Road school, on Wed-'
nesdayon ' '
Mel). A; ,M. ,C D.: IO 'Club of
Ilarlooki'held' a` very enjoyable dance
in the new'BIall on Thursday evening,'
,Dec. 29th. The Redmond' Orchestra
supplied- excellent music, and the,
danee was' thoroughly enjoyed by ail
Miss Ada Johnston of Blyth spent
a few days of last week with bierars
ter: Mrs. Archie Radford of the 13341t.
Maggie Maude •Rechuond was the
1 au It ' f 'fir respected towns-
on y d gl oro o- p d
man, Albert Redmond, and ivas born.
on the old honie'farm :east of town
on February 15, 185"1. On Nov. 21s,
1908, she was united in "nitai "1x90 'to
Thomas Cx. Brown of Flynn and 'they
immediately liogan housekeeping on
the grout -0'a 'farm;, Jh,:ee Years ago,
`011 account of failing health, they de -
aided to leave the farm 'and move to
To the', union were burnt two daugh-
ters, Mildred,. aged 12, ° and Anna,
aged 10, who with the husband sur-
vive her. Mrs. Brown was n member
of the Nind" 111," E church of De-
troit, The. body was brought to Mar-,
lotto, Monday evening and services
were held .in the 'First Presbyterian
chprch Tuesday afternoon, and inter-
ment was made in the Marlette cent -
Throe from a distance who atten-
ded the 'funeral :were: Lloyd Reit.
mond, Arthur Jarvis and wife oe Loa
J A.Redmond
i '11r: and Mrs,
and Russell Murphy of Sandusky, Iti _
chard Scupholm and Mts. Ticnry Liv-
ingston of Port Huron, Mr, and Mrs,
Oliver Fee of lIensall. Ont'., and Mr,
and Mts. Joseph Watson of Fern-
dale_." '
rvicet ehLL
The Christmas tree -in conned
with the kresbyherian Sunday schoolWeis g rite •° "a success. ,The offering,
amounted no about $65.00 and the
program Zeas' Very -good..
Dr. Will Swan of 'T'oronto spent,
the holiday at his Morrie here,
,Miss Rhea Rouatt of London is hal-'
idaying at her home\here.
Miss Jeanie'Gilmorekig spending a,
few days with :her sister; Mrs, Willie
Mr. Brock and daughter, Miss
Pet}r1, spent Chi•isttnas'with Sco9ortbt
1VIrs, Charlie `Simlison and cllilcIresu..
spent Chiistmas.Day with the lady's,
motlioi Mrs. Bonthron of Hcnsall,
':1•r;"N watt and brick; Have arrived
our- Vll, age.
fib!' ` and have taken tilt'
heusekoeping,in Mrs, A, Dougall`+:
Them ny friend of:Mr. Ilam,.the
a y friend*
manager of 'rhe Molsoius Bank hetie,
Will be sorry to heat he is to :b
moved to Hamilton., IIe gees abed(.,
Jan. 121.11, '"
.Mrs. -John Walker 31 •pandilig
1wv- holidays as the guest pf her
daughter, Mrs, Hugh 310119091111 `nf
. ivert3n,
Mrs; Weir 'of SeaCorillt was the
guest of Mrs, D. Ross for a ler
days th'is'week,
Mr., George McCartney, ba fs talc.-
ing a course in the Clinton Sehool.al'
Mx. Sandy Baird ars
from the Westfol