HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-11-26, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST 1 NAN4N,....+++ *+++~:••••N:N*~�N� �~�µ �N�~F, • `N:♦!;♦,****++:N.*N:♦*.+N:♦♦**N:N4Wo 4,4441>1 !s! Do you want to change your present car on a .�+• New Used Cari•. • So -Bay .Now -Save Money- on cars dealt in on 1941 Models THE NEW CAR IS OUT s;. Used; Cars will be Higher r Take a f,. stsja of t'1 =,SL Cars that are listed ,1. ►i. ♦L „1938 Dodge Pick-up +♦+ 1938 Dodge Sedan Delivery 1937 Ford 1/2 -ton 1936 Ford 2 -ton Truck 1935 Ford 2ton Truck 1935 Dodge 2 -ton Truck 1937 Chev. 1 -ton Truck 1935 Panel Ford 4., A., ._. it .s. ♦=, II 4, t ♦j. :,�, :2. 'S4 ♦i. .4 ♦♦ i iii ♦2♦ sJ a2♦ ♦j♦ % The Beautiful Ne w..,•• ♦2: ♦Z' ori .2♦ i Ford V-8 for 1942 . ,21 s♦ .i. Is Now Being Shown' is .. ♦♦ ♦�• �� 4 %, __ / L. & W. JACKSON MOTORS Ltd. •i• +�+ 4 ;t; Phone 161 - - Listowel, Ont. ♦' 3:[Authorized Ford Dealer sor`Brussels Territory] ♦..+ , Just CALL .... ask for a demonstration and it will :i. i g� twill ba brougytt to your door....Drive it and be �,onvinced. *If *,,;4 RNs♦♦♦♦♦♦.♦♦N♦N♦N+N♦o ►♦.♦oP0♦O♦♦N+o♦♦N♦.1♦N♦'►♦♦N♦N,,,..♦N♦N♦N♦N♦N♦N♦N♦N♦N♦N♦♦♦♦N♦N♦N♦N♦+♦♦N♦N♦N♦ 1940 'Deluxe Ford Sedan 1939 Deluxe Ford Sedan 1939 Deluxe Ford Sedan 1939 Std. Ford Coach 1938 Deluxe Ford Sedan .1938 Deluxe Ford Sedan 1938 Std. Ford Coach '1937.Ford Coach 60 h.p. 1939 Dodge Coupe 1939 Mercury Sedan 1936 Deluxe Ford Coach 1934 Deluxe Ford Sedan 1934 Deluxe Ford Coach 1934 Chevrolet Coach 1933 Ford Coupe 1932 Chrysler Coupe 1932 Ford Sedan 1932 Ford Coach 4 cyl. 1929 Ford Coach 1929 Hudson Coach 1929 Chrysler Sedan TRUCKS 10 Work Horses and Drivers 4 Cows, 6 Head of Spring 4. 4.1* ♦ ♦♦ ++ i♦ii '. ♦♦♦ ♦♦ i' Calves- Wednesday, N ovolnher 2Gtlt, 1941 BLUEVALE The funeral of Thomas Stewart, me of the pioneers of Turnberry Township, who died at his home in Tlluevale on Thursday in his 87th year, was held Saturday afternoon from Bluevale Dusted church. The services were under Orange Lodge auspices and were conducted by Rev. C. Tamer. Interment was made in Bluevale cemetery.. Mr. S.ewart was born in Hibbert township near Mitchell and came to Bluevale with his parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart, 85 Years ago and had lived here con- tinuously ever since. He was edu- cated at Blaevale Public school and when a young man began working in the sawmill. He became a sawyer and later entered partnership with the late Robes't N. Duff and oper- ated the sawmill and a chopping still. He retired ed from the milling business in 1921. He was married 66 years ago to Isabella Thynne of Morris townslulp who died in 1932. Mr. Stewart was a member of the United church and of the Canadian` Order 05 Foresters For 70 years ho was a member of the Loyal Orange Lodge; he also was a member of dile Rcyal Black Knights, being the first preceptor Ile is survived by four daughters and three sons. They are: Mrs. W •®a u.......a. T� INIMIMMEIs J. Johnston (Maggie), of Bluevale, Mrs. M S. Watson (Nerene), Gor- rie, Mrs. Jas. H. Watson (Annie), Gladstone; Man., and Mrs, W. T. Wray (Mary), Woodrow, Sask.; William H. Stewart, Grand Valley I -Toward Stewart, Bluevale, and W'hdtney Stewart, 'Wingham. Two children, John and Pearl, died some years ago. Two sisiters and One brother also survive. They are: Mrs, M. Masters, Brussels, Mrs, A. Proc- ter, Morris township and Dr. R. L. Stewart, Winghnm. ETHEL Next Sunday, November 30th, Ethel United Church serbice at 5.30 P.M., will be under the auspices of .the W.M.S. In their special thank - Offering appeal. Miss McKenzie of Kincardine yill be the guest speaker. There will be a ladies' choir. The Ethel bridge club voted $12 Cor the Blankets for Britain Fund, At the Red Cross Society quilting in the township hall on Wednesday afternoon of last week the ladies finished six quilts. 10 RECONDITIONED PIANOS - for sale at the Mildmay Furniture Store, hear them played at the Schuett's FuruiAure Stora at Mrid• may. Car of No. 4lWheat About Dec. 1st, at -$1.25 _Cwt. No. 1 Screenings About Dec. 10th $1.15 Cwt. D. M. MacTavish FARMER'S STORE PHONE 46 BRUSSELS, ONT. Oft Sweet, Haat, Brand-new and Blue! Vaughn Monroe, America's young f,ivorite new 'bandleader, selects a tune thrill of the year ... "And So It Ended" ... as Weekly Song Hot No. 6 ... complete with -WORDS and MUSIC .. . in this coining Sundays issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. Don't miss. it! You'il love it! Flet The Detroit Sunday Times this week and every week for a NEW souk hit, Auction gale FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS North half Lot 17-18, Grey Township 1%4 miles east of Molesworth On the Highway TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2nd 1941 Sale to commence at 1 o'clock sharp 1 Bay Mare; 1 Bay .general .pur poseMare 4 prs. old; 1 Cow bred June 4; 1 Cow bred June 20; 1 Cow bred Aug. 5; 1 Cow bred Aug, 28; 1 Angus (grade) FIe•fer; 3 Herefords; 1 sow bred Oct. 1; 1 tow bred Oct. 2; 30 Hens 1 -year-old; 25 Pullets; 1 Dog, 1 -year-old; 1 McC, Binder 7 -ft.; 1 Deering Mower 6 -ft,; 1 Hay Rake, 32 tooth; 1 flat Hay Rack; 1 Hay Loader; 1 Cultivator (Hamilton); 1 Land Roller; 1 Twin Plow; 2 Single Plows; 1 4 -section Harrow; Doable Turnip Sower; 12 -plate Bisset Disc; Snuffler; Seed Drill; Turnip Pulper; Wagon and Box; Sleight and Flat Rick; Stock Rack; Hay Fork, car- riage, rope and pulleys; Fanning Mill; Cutter; Buggy Gravel Box; Spray Pump; Renfrew Cream Sep- arator; Pea harvester; 1 set Single I•larness; 2 sets Double Harness; Quantity Early Alaska Oats, I-Iay and Turnips; Cross -cut Saw; 2 neck Yokes; double trees; whiffletrees; 1000lb. Seale, double beast; 2 :Heves; Chop Box and otter articles too numerous to mention. TERMS -CASH Matt. Gaynor Auctioneer A. Ilicrbrun, Proprietor ;Hon of 30, 40, 00, VIM, VIGOR, Subnorssalf, 'Wad aormal pep, vim, visor, iOsatre '171 Mires Tonto Tablet". Contelna fated, ettmulants, n[t t1 relo entJ suds to normal pop or 50. fiat as special Introductory else for only t�ay. For sato at�all good pdrug storem ss. 23 SHOPPING DAYS 'TILL CHIRSTMAS Start ' Your Christmas shopping Now at the Great Christmas Store! istasassaidetaasuassainstsatroistpass Gift We've . been „fortunate in procuring a good stock of Hose f o r Christmas selling. But the stock won't last long. Put several pairs on your shopping Ildt, and oome here In a hurry for them. Each pair boxed. 3 -Thread Chif- fon Silk to Top $1.25 4 -Thread Bemberg and Rayon Hose Newest Chiffon Lisle .. Lingerie $1.00 $1.00 RAYON PANTIES Plain or lace trim ................. 49c up ,SATIN PANTIES $1.00 to $1.50 !Rayon and Satin NIGHTIES $1.50 to $3,95 Velvasuede ,PYJAMAS .. $2.50 Crepe and Satin SLIPS ...................... $1.50 to $2.95 Brushed Rayon $2.95 SHE'LL LIKE ONE OF THESE NEW House Coats OR Dressing Gowns We've assembled a magnifi cent showing of Eiderdown Flannel, Silk, Satin, Candle- wick, Print and Seersucker Gowns for a bumper Christmas selling. You must see this unusual showing to appreciate the im- mensity of the variety, All new designs, colors and styles. Eiderdown Gowns .... $2.95 Quilted Satin House Coats Tufted Candlewick HouseiCoats $3.39 to $5.95 Flannel House Coats .,,, $6.95 Silk House Coats $4.79 to $6.95 Cotton House $12.00 Gifts English All -Wool Coatings, Nubby Cloths, English Tweeds and gen- uine Harris Tweeds and many other novelty cloths in plain, swagger or furvtrlmmed models. All are fashion tavorites and are superbly tailored, and inter- lined to the waist with Chamois for extra warmth. The fur trims include Squirrel. Mink, Fox and Lamb, and the cloth shades are Black, Navy, Green, Wine, Grey and Brown. Come in and see the last word in smart Winter Coats. Every size is well represented at Coats $1.95 to $3.95 For The Home Kayos Lunch Cloths 50x50; bright patterns rayon Table Cloths 52" square; .lolored borders .......... 59c to $225 30 x 64 Cotton Table Cloths Assorted colored borders 98c Pure Linen Table Cloths 52x52, plain or colored $1.50 up All Pure Linen Double Damask Cloths $5 to $10 59c to 98c 19.75 to 45.00 TUNE IN TO CKNX FRIDAY NIGHT at 9 p.m - HEAR STEWART BROS. NEW BROADCAST "HOUSE of DREAMS" * This .new program wilt be heard every Friday night at the same time. Stewart Bros. Seaforth' Notice 'l'o Creditors In the Estate of William Burton, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of William Burton, late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron, Labourer, Deceas- ed, who died on or about tite Gth day of September, 1941, are hereby noticed to stand full particulars to the undersigned on or before the 16111 day of December, 1941, atter which date Ilia estate will be dis- tributed, laving regard only to the claims of whioh the undersigned shall then have received notice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any persons Of whose claim they shall not then have received notice. Dated at Listowel This 19tH day of November, A. D. DAL D, M, McTavish, Druseeia, Ontario, Administrator Per W. M. Pratt, Listorel, Ontario, iris solicitor herelit, SEE REID - A.ND SEE RIGHT! Thousands of people in Brussels and district are wearing REID'S 'GLASSES with perfect tat"iafactioie. If you have headaches, eyestrain, failing vision, cannot see to thread your needle or read -see Mr. Reid and have your eyes thoroughly examined by him. Lowest prices at all times. Lateg styles of Glasses It. A. REID R.Q. >EYESIGHT SPECIALIST £' 9PTOMETHIST Brussel Office --- Every Wednesday Afternoon Z.Ofl to 5.00 MISS HINGSTJN'S Store -- Phone 51 Ina