The Brussels Post, 1941-11-26, Page 1THE
Wednesday' . November 26th, 1941
By the
Male Voice Choir RAF., Port Albert
Brussels Town Hall
Dec. 4t h
Program at 8:30 P.M.
This well known choir will present a new program of skits,
comedy choruses and other musical numbers.
Admission—Adults 35c, Children 15c.
(Good Entertainment for a Worthy Cause)'
Under the auspices of the Finance Committee.
North . Htuon Plowman'&
Association will hold their annual
meeting in the Brussels Tawn Hall,
on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 29th at
2 osclo.Cdt.. All interested in good
plowing. are asked to attend.
Gordon McGavin, L• E. Cardiff,
Pres Seo.-Treas.
Melville Presbyterian SundaY
School Christmas Concent, Tuesday
evening, December 19th.
Jean and Ross Patterson
The very nicest gift
Your greetings to convey
Is a photograph
Of you and yours
Taken our special way
The Russell,Studio
Evening sittings by
The Kansas Farmer
—and --
His• 'Hired Man
* * .e * 4 * * *
* * * * * * * 4 '•.
Miss Mary. FOX, 02 Toronto; is at
her hong here,
* * *
Mr: Alec Woodrow received a mull
and left ou Sunday to report.
4 Po T
Mr. and Ars. lie, McLean and
daughters called on Brussels friends
OP Saturday.
* * *
Mr. W. A. Lowey went to Toronto
rhic week to attend the funeral of
his frleud Mr. Geo.'Irwfn.
* * *
Rev. Armstrong of .•M . Brydges, ners enjoyed g social period. Miss
was the guest of Rev. C. Lewis ansl Carrie Kingston: sang a solo aid
Mrs. Lewis thus weal;.' .
' '2 * *
R, W. Kennedy was a week -end
visitor with his father who is in the
Peterborough hospital with 'a ser-
ious heart condvtion.
* * *
Mrs,. John Oliver went to Detroit
on Sunday where she expects to re-
main during the winter months. She
returned with her son
had come for her._
Local News Items
Official Urges Care SPECIAL NOTICE.—
lin Purchasing Hogs All persons interested la then'
J. C, bttearer, agrcultura1 repro- tlraiu tax are urged to elteud a
selitat:ve, told the COOLY coauoil special meotin•g in the
that hog cholera, which had been Hall, Morris ou ieridaY,
apparently cleaned wp, had; broken at 2 Pee
oat again. in Grey tewttshlp: Huron
is leading the province in marketing
of frogs, and he urged care lu buying
the animals. .
Former Brussels Man
George H. Irwin, Dies_
George 12 lrw,u • whose
occurred in Toronto ou Friday
former resident of Brussels,
father was editor. of the Brussels
Herald and later went into
drygoods business whicli he
ducted tar a few years,
con -
1 before
United Church W.A.
The Women's Auxiliary; of the
United .Church held their " monthly
meeting the hems of r74e. tlliam
Stewart on Tuesday
the president, Mrs .Walter" Huggins,
presiding. Mrs. John D. Smith
opened hire meeting with gayer.
Mrs.. A. Lowery conducted' e, Bible
quiz which was qufte interesting
Lunch was served and the mem-
*.. *
Jim Cameron, son of Mr. and 14 Ira.
Wilford Cameron, underwent au
operation In +the Clinton hospital
last week. His many young friends
hope for his speedy recovery.
Mr. Gordon Best, and his bride .r2
Detroit were here Lor the week end
His mother, Mrs. Geo. Best, return-
ed •t' Detroit with them where she
will remain for a fen weeks.
Mae Millie Grower lett •on Bun-
day for London where she entered
Victorira. Hospital for observatio.t
and treatment.. Her many friends
hoee for a speedy recovery.
♦ * :*
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Anderson,
Miss Agnes Mair and Mise Ratite
('Right off the Farm) • Anderson of Chesley, Mdss Phyllis
Music—Song—_Comedy wheildan, Chatsworth and Ser, Jas.
Concert—Dance—Lunch Anderson of Camp Borden visited at
VICTORIA 'HALL, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
JAMFSTOWN • Ireland on Sunday,
Friday, December 5th
Proceeds for Red Cross Asnoeg the * graduates of No. 5
All for 25c Children 1Uc 'S.F.TJS, Brantford on Monday- even.
ing, Nov, 17th was ,pilot K. M. C.
Sheehan, son of Rey. J. T. Strachan
B.D., of Si. Marys and nephew of
,Cra f d d M
"Return unto Thy Rest,
my Soui."
NNW xi
Melville Church
10 a.m.—Sunday School and
Bible Class.
11 a.m.—"Truth In the Letter
and in the Spirit..
7 p.m.—,gveningService with-
drawn in favor of Mr.
Watlts' farewell service
In the Anglican Church.
United Church
10.30 '"A new ideaven and
A neW Earth.»
11.30—Church School
Notice Change of Time.
No evening service that all
may worship in Anglican
St, John s Church
First Sunday in Advent
St. Andrew's Day
Service at 11 am. and 7' Pen -
Rector's Farewell. .
St. John's Church Welcomes
A11 who are lonely and' went
411 wibo are tired anti heavy
laden, and wish rest and
All who mourn and need coin'
All who pray.
• O9
wor an Mi Annie Strachan.
He obtained filen class standing and
owing to iris high flying record has
been appointed to attend Navigation
Flying School in Nova Scotia where
he will continue his studies.
Mrs. (Pave Lewis gave the prayer
and the meeting •closed with the
national anthem.
Huron Old Boys'
Assoc., of Toronto
The annual meeting oL the above
association will be held in the
Yeld.CA. Auditorium, College and
Ddveaeourt Road, on ' Thuttsllay
evening, Dec. 4th, at 7.30 ;' .m.
The annual reports of txlte Frew,
dent, Secretary, Treastu ere and Audi-
tors will be the order of +!the even.
ing's Programme. Generl business
and election of articled for the
ensuing year will follow, after which
refresbmenes will be served. Euchre
and Bridge will wind up the even-
ings' entertainment.
All Huronites in Toronto and
throughout the 'Province are esPe-
Jelly invited to be present.and take
.part in the programme.
Seaforth Ont.
Dorothy Lamour . Jon Hall
Aloma of the South Seas
In Technicolor
A thrilling romanticdrama of the
Finds U, S. Balloon
Wins Dollar Reward
While walking through a field on
his farm Lealie Vincent, 9th llue
of Wawanosh, found a balloon with
tag attached "to it. On it was
written' a "Dollar Day" adver'tise-
ment from a Bay City Michigan,
firm urging the finder to return it
and receive one dollar. Mr. Vincout
did so, and received the dollar. He
learned that this was the greatest
distance the "D'allar Day" balloons
had travelled.
Miss 4. Patterson, R.N., has' lett
for Africa in the service of the
Government. Site is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patterson of
Ethel and a former resident of Grey
Township. Her many friends wish
her a sate journey and quick return.
R. E. Knight of the 16th con., of
Grey has purchased -a barn in
Morris and is moving it home and is
to use it foe a &tranvelled when con-
eleted. He will have au up-to-date
*et of farm buildings. Russ is an
up-to-date fanner.
Mr. and Mrs. Johu MdNs,bb were
nut Guelph last Saturday calling on
their daughter Mrs. Lloyd Barkwei.
11iss Mary E. McDonald of the
staff of The Beacon -Herald of Strat-
ford spent the week erid with her
Parente Mr. and Mrs. ' Martin Mc-
Donald. .
Mr. and Mrs, Ceoil Robinson aid
sons Waffle and Rennie of. Kitchener
were calling ou friends in Grey over
the week end. They are always
Mr. and Mrs, Major Youngblutt of
Hallett called on friends in Grey
and their eons Lyun and Lyle, who
have been visiting with their.
grandaaarenite, returned with them,
Majestic Women's Institute
0 The November meeting of the
Islands of the South Seas. Majestic Institute was bald at the
Ethel and Staffa Hog
Producers Are Winners
OTTAWA, Nov. 20-0. Rudd of
Guelph, Ont., was announced win-
ner in the Canadian bacon etLiilt.
J. A. Hall of Lyaita, Alta., was
listed as reserve champion, follow-
ed by W. Emend, St. Pie De'Begot,
Que., and Gerrard Choivard, Rlver
Du Loup rite.
W. Potter, Grand Valley, Ont.,
was winner in group No. 2 with A.
A. Mcadden, Springdale, Alta., se-
cond and D. head, Shipmeu, Sask.,
Tm groin, No. 3 C. Cochrane Eth-
el, was winner, Lorne Bodge, Staf-
Omt.;tvas second and Ferdinand
Paquette Daseuette, Que., third.
Inspired by the Light
The inspiration tor this little
item was the light or the • Coleman
lanterns and lamps berg ovenhauled,
in Davison's hardware one night last
week. To begin with they inserted
an advertisement in The Post saying
that anyone wishing to have their
Coleman lamps, lanterns or stoves
overhauled by a man from the firm
'should have then in 'on " that day.
The result was 47 lamps and lan-
terns, 2 irons and 3 stoves were
brought in and the store was all
a glitter that night with lights being.
tested. It was not the sight of so
much light but the fact that nearly
that number of persons read the
ad. Only four having bath lamp and
lantern. So you see it pays to
�► s * 4' * 4
* * Huether Coutts t
The marriage of Miss Isabel Coutts
second daughter ref. Mr. -and Mrs.
James . (.Putts •of- Walton to Mr.
Glenn lluether, eon ell Mr,
awl hire, Dan Iiuether of Grey
Townshiv, took place in the United
Clutech manse, 'VAilton at 6 o'clock
Saturday evening, November 22nd
Itev. Gilbert officiated.
The bride ' was becomingly attired
in a Heaven blue sheer, .floor -length
:Mss Edith Jewell of Brussels
attended the bride, wearing lavend-
er Moire satin. Mr. William Coutts
* Brussels Quota For The
Duration of the War Is
* t
Two Machine Guns Montb1y
We feel that the citizens of 11
comiuuuity and surroundiug aIZI+
should have keo'wledge •o1 they "'"�
;spunsib:lity which is pieced. ,be.
them, and mate every effort to
sure the fulfillment of their tris
rive, it is litaportant that prey~ t;
Pledges eer'mittecl to drop be xeviv-
ed; that new 'pledges be procured
and *der Savings Cec'tificates jn• gen
eral be purchased to ase substantial
enemas as .possible. They balls
been .designed to effect wartime
economy and promote a\backlog at
savings for use [taring the Peeled
when our eoldiers, sailors • and air-
groomsman• men will be resuming their POsitioae
Other attendants were Miss Dor- iu elvilinu life. The request ed
othy guether of London, wearing "SAVE MORE AND SPEND L lSS"
pale pink net over satin and Mr, which is becoming country wide
Murrey width r of Croy. today, can then be reversed into
The wedding dinner was served "'Save Jeers and spend more."
at the home of Ibe bride's parents,
Tete happy couple left for a short
motor trip. On returning will reside
in Grey Township,
A quiet fall wedding took place in
St. MOhn's Anglican Church,, Brussels,
at high noon Saturday, November
15th, when Rey. F, Watts united in
Your participation iu this - nation.
al eAopt will be appreciated, and 'rte
know that you will be anxious to
have this eommuniity rank aozongdt
those haying successfully sustained. _
their monthly quotas.
Chimney Fire
A chimney flee at the home of
John Bateman caused some excite-
marriage, Jeanette Mary Agnes only meat -on account of the high wind,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fleming bet was extinguished.
Grainger of Grey Township and
Charles Lloyd, second son of Me.
atel Mrs. Charles Workman Mortis
The bride leas gowned in a dress
of wine and blue crepe with black
accessories and Inas attended by her
cousin Miss ledyth. McLennan, dread-
ed in powder blue sheer with nage
The groom was attended by bis
friend Mr. Frank Rutledge
After• the ceremtony 'the bridal
party returned to the home of the
bride, where a wedding dinner etas
In the afternoon the happu rouble
lett en a motor trip to St. Thom'ts
Leamington and other .Points south.
* * 4 * - ,8 * • '* *
O1i:tuar i'
The death occured at his home
on Lot 12, Con. 14, MtiliilIop on
Tuesday i ov; 1'ith, of Charles Oase,
one of the pioneer residents of Mc-
Mr. Case had been in felling health
for some time and was confined •to
lits •bed for the past six weeks. He
was in his year.
Mr. Case was le nn at Kempville
but when about 10 years of age lie
proved with his teeter parents to
McIIIIIoP Where he has since re-
Forty-four years ago he married
Mary Coulter of Bruce Mines who
survives him. Besides his widow
he is survived by one daughter Mrs.
Jelin Mclnt'osh of Morris Township.
He was a member of* Walton
Orange Lodge, being secretary at
thie time of his death.
Mr. Case was a member of Walton
Anglican dOhurch.
Funeral was held on Thursday
Interment in Brussels cemetery.
Lou Herman, Guelph Junction,
with friends; Mrs. Charles Case has'
gone to spend the winter with her
daughter, Mrs. J. McIntosh, Morris
township; Mr. and Mrs. Marks and
Laurence returned from •their
hunting trip with two deer; Mrs.
Gordon . McGregor, Wingham, and
Mrs. McGregor, Blyth, in Walton;
bir. end Mrs. Henry Last, Welland,
with the latter's' sister, Mrs. R. W.
Hoy; Mae. I. Bolton, McKillop, with
her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Hunt-; 'Mrs. Fred Rutledge, Blyth,
with friends in Walton; Mrs, Peter
liecTaggart Oras returned home af-
ter spending a .few months ih Sea-
The ' U.F.W,O. meeting was held at
Miss Laura Knights en November
lath. Mrs. W. Turnbull had charge
of the meeting. It was decided to
wend $30. to the Wlar Victians. Fund
from the proceeds of the Holstein
Breeders' banquet. Mrs. L. Leeming
and Mrs. J. Marshall will attend the
United Farmers Annual Couveutiou
in Toronto. The topic . "Natural
Resources of our Community" was
very well given by Mrs. Donald
Buchanan, The following officers
were elected for next year, Pres.,
Mrs. oampbell; Vice Pres., MPs. L.
Learning; •Sec,-Treas., Mrs. L. Row•
land; Pianist, Miss Davidson; Aeet:
Pianiet,Mrs. Kirloby; Press Sec.,
Mrs. McMichael; Prog: Cam., Mrs. J.
McDonald, Mrs. ,l•T. dbhnston, Mrs.
J. Bewley; Auditors, Mr's. W. Leem-
ing and Mize Davidaoe.
A play "Headstrong Joan" will be
presented in Walton Community
•Niall on Dee, 16th, antler the aueple-
es of the Women's - Association , or
Duff's United Church, Be sure and
save this date.
We were Sorry to Lear Mrs. Geoi-
Wdteeler hart got a bone ishoe
throat anal dyad to go to I.ontlon 3s-.
pital to biave i4 removed. Glade 3e
hear she le better again.
' Mr. Alex McDwen bas been side .
and under 'tbe Doctor's care. We.
are glad to hear he is getting better,
Mr. Stewart MOcCiennan spent .tile
week end at his bone on the' 1 t
Mr. and Mrs, Russel Bone, Mn
and Mrs. Jas. Thynne and Mr. and
Mrs, John Thynne attended eIre
funeral of 'the late Mr. Thos
,Stawart on- Satie+day .afternoon.
Mr. Wilbert Sellers scent Imo.
week with Mr. and Mrs. Rohl. Me—
Clennen and helped Mr. McClennan
up with his turnips.
We were sorry to beer. Mts. T".
Hetherington has been very nick
and taken to Wingham hospital: Iasi
week. Glad to hear she is some
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tones ,tri
Auiburn spent Saturday evening avith
Mr. and hies. Roche McClennan ,snff
family and celebrated their lt.
wedding anniversary ,
Mr. Russel Barnard of the Plr
Force et Guelph spent the week tnud
with his parents Mr, and 119rs. E.
Barnard at Bluevale.
A very large number of friends
and relatives gathered at the United
church on •Saturday alternocn Yo
pay their last respects to the late
Thomas Stewart. The service eras
conducted by the pastor, Rev. Oamip-
bell Tavener, assisted by Bee. Ir.
Fowler of Knox Presberterlem
church. During the service Mee. J.
Wickstead sang "Nearer, Still Near
er.' Interment took place 'iu Blue.
vale cemetery. The ' service at the
grave was conducted by memhens ,of
Mrst Jahn Fraser gave her home L O.L. No. 766: The -grall;be tiF
fon' a very successful Patriotic tea were W. J Campbell, Henry 11Rat
recently, Many members of the War ere, Deward Johnston, R. J.
Workers group and quite a number
of friends enjoyed an interesting
program and the proceeds were very
Have you bought da ticket on the
home of Mrs. Thomas Davison oe
Don Ameche 1 Mary Martin Thursday afternoon. About 15
-- IN — I mom!bers, were present. The prase.
Kissthe Boys Good-bye dent, Mrs, Clare Long, conducted
One of the years bent pictures. the meeting. The secretary's report
I was given and adopted. It was de.
Next THURS., FRI., SAT, sided to send $5 to the central .fund
Sob 'Hope . Dorothy Lamour to be used for blankets and seeds
for Britain. The next sewing meet-
ing will be held at the home of Mrs,
Frank Nichols.
The school teachers of Grey had a
chicken dinner 41 Listowel last
Tuesday, ell reported having a Vern
enjoyable time.
The Annuai ,Ohristntom Concert of
Union 'United .Churolt will be held
on Dec. Parti. •
} — iN
Caught In the Draft
A comedy drama.
;OMING --.
Uncertain Feeling
When double endures are shown,
patrons must be In by 8.46 to see
a complete' show, ,
'tops in quality and low in
,price. Just what' all " smokers
. are looking tor, k for tt at ...
rest, Robert McMurray and Titer
as outs,. The beautihtl'8orai
Utes were borne by tyle Watson,
Gerrie; Borden Stewart, Grand 'Ural-
ley; I;oward Clark, Brussels, and
Jamestown Christmas cake -yet? A Russel Bond, Brussela,
draw for the hicloy ticket on MIS Personals, J. H. F. Timmins. To•
lovely threeratory cake will be made ionto, attended the funeral of the
at the Mack Thynne concert in I late Thomas Stewart; Mr. and Mrs,
Jamrestonnn on Dec, 6th.' Cross, Palmerston, with Mrs.
tis • and Mesa Margaret; 1Vtn and
ZY1 Memoriam Mrs. Gavin Davidson, Oshawa. with
WBITFIELD—In loving memory of , Mt'• and Mrs. W. S. Davidson; Mr'
Gordon C. Whidtfleld who passed' and Mrs. R. Aldridge and ;ami FV
away five years ago Nov. 26th, �
This world may change 'from year
to year,
Ard friends from day to day,
But never shall the one we loved
From memory pare away.
Ever remembered by his wife and
WE HAVE THEM 6 for 2601
For that health -giving brealdias
bracer eat grapefruit. We bays' AR .
Marsh Seedlete Grapefrtrlt, 6 for 33s. leader will organise a r.1414.5 to lrr
Also fresh Oysters. resmeotty8 tnedttutu and litlart 'tt
A. GREWAR instruction receive.
Foedwieh with Mr. rend Mrs. W.
Course Completed'
Miss Edith Collins, Taranto, ream
meted the Local Leaders' Trainin•
Sebool fee Bast Kiran 1YTedrlet WO
mourn Tnstittrte itt "The R.enoyatior
r11n.i1iinar" at the home of MIs'
Duff on Priddy. Those• aitendilr
warp: Mrs. F. 0, Tenoning, Tort*
rt*ic: 'Mies Edwards. Gorrte; 11r
Carl TTereingete. 'Ni'sjest3r, a1
Sutttll, 13lntvale. floc'