HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-11-19, Page 6Notice To The Public Having enlisted with .the Canadian Forces for Active Service for the duration of the war, Tsai be absent from my business for an indefinite period. AA4CTIONEER BUSINESS For the benefit of 'Iv clients, I have arranged with Mr. Wm. Scott, of McAnktor, to 'conduct my business for me during my absence. Arrangerbehts for 'sales can be made at Kerlin' Coal Office, Listowel. MONUMENT BUSINESS The Monument business. will be continued by my partner, Mr. 'Wellington Ronald, in the present location. I 'will gratefully appreciate the courtesy of the public if the patronage afven to. irne will be continued to the gentleman conducting my business until I return, .for which I sincerely thank you. F W. KEMP ruE BRUSSELS POST 1.11e supply et a001 10 1.011t100 to the the end of 100, if the supply et 015001war ifirletetrY. It le eXplained 'Unit at ger Permanent Plates le • net avail- ' able, motariete will net he giVeti Plate?. far 443, but sackers will he %sued to Low they have taIrtifillea their 19411 ileenttes, and the Issuance of the Prematieet pirates suspeuded 'nail steel is available. k ----y—_,,_ THE THOUGHTS OF A VOLUNTEER orammummnammemn.n.m.mmmonanweremommasnmmmmeaeom• How Teeswater Fair home with the understanding he was Does It , to call for her on the return trip, went borne and got into bed before Seberal weeks ego au item aP- he discovered witey wasn't there, peered in The Sim in which we %sic- lied to get up, (frees, erIve beak, ena ed the question. "How does Teea- collect her. water, a village o3 barely 80t), pro- mote a fall fair that attracts a Medical Society crowd ol 15,000 people?" A number 7_ Elects Officers ,or.peeers copied the article witheat eau comment but last week the interesting Papers tvinghant Advance-Tinees printed Presented As Meeting he following answer which speake Of Huron Society Here rer itself; Maj. Hipwell, of the C.A.M.C., sta- -The first thing we wish to stress Waled at Toronto, addrestsed some lo our observations regarding the 25 members of the Huron County Teeswater Fair Is the splendid ce- Medical Society at their annual operation that the people bf the vit. meting held in Scott Memorial lege and the 'countryside _alsnlaY. Heepital Wednesday evening. Dr.. They work hand in hand 'together O'Dwyer, Zurich, president of the and when fair time comes around society, was ehairman, they are pulling In the one direction Maj. Hipwell's paper on 'Diabetes' and that is for the se.ceess of the proved Intensely interesting and in - Tale. Another reason that this fair structive to the memberof the has became a great district event Is profession who were present. the directors, and the management Dr. Baker, Woodstock district have a flare for what pleases a councillor of the 0.1vI.A., led a dis- erased. One can see a little of all mission on state medticine, while Dr. P. J. Burrows, Seaforth, presented a that Is best in agrieultuye, Some claeses are very large, andto batik 1 report on the -recent dietriet met. this up the special attractions have 'pleased the people and eaoh year they are better. In other words the -management strive to give the public be most they possibly oan for the Huron. - -money they spend. That they do Th'. B.. Hobbs Taylor, of Daeliwood. not need any other proof that the was elected president succeeding attendance figures of 15,000. The WhY (Nana! I wait .te be drafted ,Te be led teeo train by a baud Wei didn't I wait for a banquet Oh why ale I hold iti) my hand, For nobody said a kind Word The grind of the wheels ot an engine Wele the•;enly sound I heard, 006 'to ther 00017) '1. was hustled To be trained for one year In the Shuffle just forgotten I was Just a eloluitteer, tug at Gimlet. The meeting discussed arrange- ments for the district 0.F.A. ineetine which next year will be held in third and last reason for the sue - cuss cf tbis fair is the fine grounds at tbe disposal of the directors. it le well -kept for the purpose, splen. dldly situated and the full use is made of advantages it affords. This fair was not made in a day but came to be what it Is only by hard evork,, perserverance. and a great deal of foresighte' --Milverton Sun. Did Not Miss Wiley -- The absent-minded professor is a rank amateur compared with the Tabermory resident who went to town. left his wife at a neighborly , - Dr. O'Dwyer. Dr. lee M C'onne]l Win•shara, Vice-pres. Dr. W. D. S. Jetnieson. of Brussels, was re- elected s..eeretary-treasurer. ---Earon-ExPesitor, Seaforth Wedne5daY, NOVC,l111.)01.` 1' al, 1541 ,momeememen,mmmanwilmem We had given the others ger billets While We roasted alive in our tents We cleaned up a doze41 parade grounds For the fellows who were only swot. Then came the Natienal,eermy Tben it was all made lear The glory gbas to the drafted The work to Um volunteer. I waded in mud in Oanada 6 froze 111 Ganada's cold I walked my beat in the Moonlight In thee arany I'm geliting old. I dreamed of the time that was coming When over the top, I would go • Wattle the fellows back home were laughing At what a fool I was to go. I dreamed or the far off dangers Of that bloody field of hate I went over the top, by a bullet was hit Then I knocked at the pearly Gates. I .heard Saint Peter saying "We have no room for you here We reserve this for the National array Hell Wee made for the volunteer." May some day in the future When my boy sets on my knee And asks -seleat I did in the conflict His eager eyes looking at me. 711 have to look back as I'm blushing Into those eyes that so trustingly peer I only a volunteer. May Not Issue Plates For '43 Motor vehicle Oconee plates for 1942 will go on sale December 1st, Queen's Park officials have stated, also intimating this may be the last Year yhen annual plates are issued, and a system of permanent plates adapted. Art the present time a survey be being made in regard to permanent plates, particularly as to Signed Pte. Wm, Cardiff Sussex, N.B. GET YOUR v_RMANENT ON THE NEW ZENITH HEATERLESS THERMIQUE End Curl $1.25 and 31.75 and $2.25 including Shampoo Permanent 32.00, 32.50, and $5.00 Including finger wave and shampoo Telephone 55x for an Appointment IRENE PEASE Over Proctor's Restaurant Seaforth Mei:ogle:2r Works (Formerly W. 1E, ofiapman) Now Operated by Cifihr3ir$03/11 & Pryde Exeter and Seaforth smosmansommer You are Invited. to Inspect Our Stock of Modern Cemetery Memorials Seaforth Tuesdays and , Saturdays for appointment 'phone no. 31. The Brussels Post .rerrereversewentweraeeesbeiesser,Nerb"r•e.... One Man Dead „ Two 'Injured In Collision Guelph, Ont., Uet. 31-011e mantis dead and two others injured as the result Of a head-on oollisioa be tweet' a truck and, eear on the Gauyelpladianalton IfigalevaY early to de AC2 Samuel Elton Rozells 20, Louisa street, Kitchener, e member of the Security Guard at NO. 4 Wireless School of the Royal Can- adian Air Force here died in • Haze- l:1ton General Hospital few hours after he was admitted.' A02 F. IL Sharrard, of Toronto, stationed at No. 4 Wireless _School also, 1st confined to the entree hos- pital with serious Injuries, while Allan Rennie, Gueleth, is in Guelph General Hospital with; minor lab- lee-ations to his head end lett shout. dr. Fog Is Blamed The three men were passengers' in a ear owned and. believed driven, by Rennie which was proceeding do a northerly direction on 'No. 6 when the mistier') oecurrea. Fog was blam- ed for the accideet. The car •is al- leged to have collided almost head- on with a track travelling in the apposite direction. Pozen and Sb.er, rare have been stationed at the local air school for about two months, coming there from Toronto Manning Pool. Rozell, who is a ,son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Rozell, Louisa street, Kitchener, was born at Clinton and enlisted In the 11.0.. A.F. June of this year. He had been a resident of Kitchener tor 11 years and attended echools In that city, He is survived by his parents, two brothers, Arthur and Morris, of Kitchener and one sister Misa Marilyn Rozell, also of Kitch- ener. AC2 Samuel Elton Rozell was the son of Mr. Elton Bezel, -formerly of Brussels and grandson of the late Chas. Roza of this distriet. Mr. and elre. Herb. Manning attended the funeral at ICitchener as the young man was a nephew of Mrs. Things That Never Happen In Church Coal (ash Prices per ton Stove 4 Nut Anthracite , R.# • I • . • .14 . • ,• • " • $164100 „ , .. :1132;0500 Briquettes , Pochantos Stove . • • .. (Alberta . ,,• • . • . , $12.50 Coke „ ............ . , , • , • , , $14.00 • All coal is strictly cash. Small quantities cash with order • or paid when delivered. We have lost several coal bags and if you know or have any please,phone us. We need there very much. „ •D: N. McDonald • Phone 77 • Ihussell /1111111.11111111CP.11111W "Canada at War" NO. 2—TOUR OF LARGEST AUTOMATIC GUN PLANT IN ONTARIO First of a series of sixarticles by C. EarltRice formerly of the Springflele Times, Lac Du -Sonnet, Manitoba 1.044••••••aeleiaaavetteseaelaes•aeleseesevaveetere0.••••••••••••••••••- An auteheatic ;gun plant iu Ease the gune used in per eghtlug 9.1r. ern Canada, is now the largeit P1a01es4f!ilx, or eight being housed single producer of machine guns in in the wings • of Htitricanes and the British Daspire today. ; Spitfires. A Browning gun Is cap. In the • wine 01 3,93,8, the able ot firing mere • thane, cue Canadian Government decided to thousand rounde per, mieute, aid a make ; Bran. Guns for the Canadian blest from one of Mir. fighter Army. Now the plant consists of Planes,' six or eight guns, ,will mac - teeny cat an enemy plane in two. A Browning Gun while not quite as intricate as a Bren Gun., re- qaires ueveetheless, a great deal of care and detail in its Production. There are 178 different parts, re- quiring 2500 operations for its constructions The weight of a Browning, 86 pound's, is somewhat greater them that of 11 Bren. This plant also producea tee Hoye Rifle. It le used Tor an' entirely different pin -pose than the Other two guus mentioned. It Is a heavy, ,sturdy gun, Meng a single bullet, These bullets are armoureniereing however, azuP the Boys- Rifle is used extensively in action against light (auto and armoured vehicles. In the course of they next few months, production will be doubled. So perfect lune become the system of mese production of automate: gun equipped in this plant, that the United States • has sent representa- tives to study the details, The same firm Is also turning' out marine engine on a large scale. Triple expansion engines to power Corvettes are built here, and now production is under way on the engines that are to be used to power the Tribal Class DestreYe"s Canada ie. now building for the BritiL Navy. some 'e9 buildings, covering more than a million square feet of floor 'space. 'At the outbreak of War, the working personnel consisted of. slightly -over 400 persons, Today, more than 4,600 are employed en war production, and 1.0 another nine or' ten months, that number will be increased to around 9,000. Nearly 40 Meant of the. employees are women, and they can ha.ndle the machine tools . with all the dexterity tat men. More women will be used as .men are palled to other types nt War work.. The production of a Men Gun 'Is an intricate ' Job, and requires literally hundreds of operations There is a (total of 161 different Parts In each gun, requiring 3,000 separate operations. In the plant, there are more theta 4,000 machine tools and toyer 17,000 different gauges. 100 Per Cent Canadian When the Government let the contract for the '0011StnlOt1011 Of these guns, it stipulated that where Possible, only Canadian materials were to be used. As a result, these guns are one hundred per cent Canadian, with the excePtlen of tb.e walnut, imported from the Milted Melee, used for the gun Angus Shops Craftsmen Celebrate 100th Tank 01 The group h tea In lr Nevemia tendanct lo quilt „ L were e. le,1 Mr: month , lasting For ref 11 qe 1 sno 2 chit 6 chi 12 el 1 pr. 8 pr. 1 lad 2 lac 7 pr 1 Fr 1.pr 3 pr 3 bc For n 7 hi 10 260 1 is '3 si 101 1 Pr 4t1 13 cake shay' cheer needl germ eveni Tame :greet prevl quilt WAS was -vete Mee lunol good of Li $8.00 Gas • Cet 11 Mun ed li •ratioand meet Ply lielletelikereete'et, • r .1 ,1d 01oo u . s.eur10011FighlinsVerilt. - ...deeds more are en Iheir Way elways be on ENGLAND L0EANA0A•serA ,1911190ribr Ibis hill100th Figbliei Tank` Produced by Cnrmomn Pncimc Angus shop employees Ifundredsosoro will follow qelekly. • „11,,,,te.0101,119LER.Q0e PPf1.71l. t was a proud moment for em- ployees of the Canadian rad - f10 Rellwes eArettie, sheers at Montreal when/ the 100t1i army tank rolled off the shops assera- .• bly line to take its place with others in the British armed torces. 11110 ippprtaat modera- tion mileetonewas marked by a gala ceremonr (Beene, whieli • Tank 14o. 10gte ;oily bedecked with flags and placaras,ewas pat; aded down the, shop' midway to the larding' 111 She employees' braes band. Cheering throngs of shopmee ellned the broad runway as UM tank -of -honor rumbled by, Om- bollzing the steeped -up tempo of productioe since the first Cana- dian-built4 tenk was released from the big plant early in the summer. Large placards affixed to the Make' khaki eiders indicate ed the determination of. the em- pleyes, whoe staged the care - many en their own Initiative, to dee bele In their power to con- teibate to yfet'ory. As the proceesion drew tip be- fore the task shops where other finished tanks atoode'in a grim 11)10,, the, band played "0 Can - nide" and the -NationalAnthem and this was followed by lusty cheers as the Angus workers stir- veYeid their handiwork. Many of thet tank's 90 Angels -built pre- decessors are already in service with the armed forcer., and as the above .placard says: "Hundreds rade will follow quickly." The ceremony recalled the melegage P5 1). C. Coleman, vice - President of the Camadian Peet - fie Railway, when the first tank VAS produced at Angle ehope. On the% occaelars Mr, Coleman re - molted; "This maelane to the chtla of sweat and tear& It will be follotved by hundreds and thousands of others to belp the Empire to its victery," • 0 Ushers caning tor help in carry- ing the offerings.. Minfsteee insisting that the people attend only one service each Sunday in order te make room far others. .A. dozen people asking the minister for acme really definite work to ao during the week. A dozen families asking the ushers to place them on the front seat. Everyone in the audience reaching for a hyann book, when the number is announced and then stinging heart. 1ly. • ta'aitele "Every head reverently bowed dur- ing prayer. A choir that does not find a single thug to whisper about during the service. The minister saying, "I have rushed from one thing to another all week. I have spent. less than three home In revising Ude old sermon which Is tether out ot date, but I will endeevor to make it 115 5110 occasion." elo whispering 01' reading during chureh. , The Missionary Society hoping thnt the preacher's -wife will bring t o ih e next meeting a long list of bathes that ought to be done 111 the pansemage at once. The "old timers" graciously el' - Ing way to the "newcomers," con- fident thatthe newcomers will be able to do media better work than they have done, No one getting up 011 moving OW or leny-Ing Uhe roan during the see, Titre. The middle of the OM, filled filet. The names and address of all 'stria:gets banded to tile preacher the cense of the seevice. Eracb one speaking to tile perreal next to Irian and inviting lthe to Cottle agale.--The Oburelenam Bren Guns are as nearly foil Proof es 1,t Is possible to make them. They cannot be assembled incorrectly. If one part fits int) en tither, thee' must be the correct way, Otherwise they would net 500 tagether. They weigh just 22 pounds. Each gun 'IS equipped with a emare • barrel, and teventy-four magazines, each magazine heeling thirty cartridges. It is a simple matter to slip oue magazine Me and ptit attother in place; the ,oper. alert requiting only a few- seconds. Details, of the construction ef e.ny type et ordnance cannot be given. 1st -possible- :however, 15. mention a few pertinent -facts 110' 3111111117) teertale learte • of • gene:, wheal 10111 give one some ides( . Of the tremendous amount of work involvee in their preduction, The, body of e Bren Gun tarts caring the machine line as a rough ferg- leg weighing 46 nottnds. the body is the pert of llua gut whicb houses the firing eteethartilem, This forging Noises throtigh 231111leptirate otneratione before It is completed A9 many et One operator% re. quire. more than nun banning ,OOt1 Mild be , • gaug0a folloutig 0011' operation, 0 meattai that' 11161'011Y several fierrietle' have ° 4 band In llitt predtmlion of the Mtn beay, 41i Ametallotin 0111 nompli3o0, 001 Via nriginailY been s, fortyAte mama rtirKinx, weittlin only 11110 and' MI5' 111511 pounan. Guns 'POP Ill'"11111g 1114(411" gum10*11 $1116 proceeded 31 11111 There toe. BONELESs MEAT ADDS TO SHIPPING SPACE Mite problem oe trausportIng the greittes.ammatt, of meal. in the re- frigeratieg space avarrehle has been partly'solved by an experiment Iringlee in beef to Britain witb the bootee ,takea out and the meat feta - ed 111 Jibe form of regular _ shaped 'T11114 means, that each ton shinned .1aItea .up, 20. pee cent lees space and reprpsent$ an Increase of 20 per cent in food value, he .adeled. All Elven • Aker vainly trying 60 collect $40 doe .41.1111 from one of kis enetemers, the colored man coneatted lawyer. . , "What reasm," kis; lawyer mired "does he give for not ImytIng 7)011 Fite, 'Maley?" • , ."1104," said the colored gentle-. men 'Tenaciously, "be' s &name a -ervighitY_ good reasdn, sahe' "Well, wbeee is it?", "He dOne‘arty, i30s, lle's been owlet me dee moneY so long tlat 30 Inteersi has} .6tziil alt up," Miamaln. rm.* OOFING Do you want you Roof repaired? FLAT ROOFS TARRED Rest ,histteriat,used. Guatnnteed "lVoiltinanship. Assommosinnu for particidars rapply at -6 The.. Post 4. "phone 31 Brussels