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Wednesday' November 19th, 1941
Brussels Town Hall
Friday, Evening Nov. 21st
The working class in wartime England
"OUT OF THE NIGHT" — Training the blind
Tennyson's Land of Lyonese
Waterways — Source of Avon and Thames
Aida — Symphony
Under auspices of the Finance Committee, Red Cross
. ADMISSION - —; 25c and 10c
Seen As Show -down I rt
With Tokyo
Washington•, - A wave of conjec-
ture that the United States is 'Clear-
ing the decks' against a possible
clash with Japan followed Presi-
dent Roosevelt's disclosure that he
is considering the withdrawal of the
970 marines stationed in China.
A Pot Luck Supper
to be followed by
A Programme
will be held on
Wednesday, Nov. 26th
in the basement of
Knox Presbyterian Church
under the auspices of the
Red Cross.
Supper served from 6 to 8
Admisison—Adults 35c
Children . 20c
Mrs. Russell Knight, President.
Least costly and most
appreciated of Christmas
Your Portrait by
The Russell Studio
Evening sittings by
"The Fear of the Lord la
The Beginning of Wisdom.
Melville Church
10 a.m.—Sunday School and
Bible Class.
11' a.m.—"F. for Victory."
7 pans.—"V' for Victory.
Come and Welcome.
United Church
11 a.m a"Getting God into the
Daily Round."
3 p.m.—Church School and
Bible Class.
7 p.m—"Church loyalty
Worship God and be blessed.
St, John's Church
24th Sunday after Trinity
7 p.m.—Evensong
Percy Passmore Named
At Tuesday's Session
Succeeds James Leiper
New Warden Asks Full
Support For. Plowing
Match; Site Said Ideal
Goderioh, Nov. ie.—Percy 1Pass-
morre, Uelborne totivnship reeve, was
elected warden of Huron county
council at the opening session on
Tuesday afternoon, to fill out the
unexpired term o1 James Leiper,
reeve oR Hullett, whose death oc-
curred in October.
Mr, Passmore was chosen in a
caucus of Liberal members held be-
fore the session opened. His nom-
motion, presented bp Reeves Ray-
mond Redmond and N. R. Dorrance,
was endorsed heartily, and he was
escorted to the dais by Reeve R. J.
Bowman of Brussels•, a former
warden. -who, ,in .presenting the key
to the county, spoke highly of the
new warden's municipal experience
and executive ability.
An air of sadness pervaded the
council et:ambber when Clerk Nor-
man Filler opened the, session—
the flret time in the history of the
county that a warden had died
while in office, he said, expressing
regret in the depths of Mr. Leiper
and Reeve Livermore of Clinton.
"It is with mingled feelings I ae-
cept the honor you have conferred
en me," the new warden Bald. He
paid flirting tribute to the mem-
ory of +the late warden, and of
Reeve Livermore; and regretted
Ithe absence of Reeve R. ,S. Hether-
ington, of Wingham, now on active
service. He extended a welcome
to Reeves Evans and Trewartha.
11 a.m.—Morning Prayer
St. John's Church Welcomes
who are lonely ill and wentCompanionship, ,
All who sae 'tired and heat)
laden, and wish rest and
mismuragement. •
All who. mourn and need COM -
Alt whb pray:
Local News Items
At The Churches
Services in Melville Presbyterian
church en Sunday were conducted
by Rev. S. Kerr. The text in the
morning was, "Pull Your Weight,"
and in the evening, "Jesus, Leader
or Lord."
Services in the United church on
Sunday were conducted by Rev. 0.
,L. Lewis who spoke in the morning
on "Known By Their Desires." The
text flor the evening service was
"Voices Ogling Todey'' An an-
them was given at the morning
Services in St. John's church on
Sunday were conducted by Rev.
F. Watts.
Seaforth Ont.
Bud Abbott Lou 'Costello
— IN --.
In the itNavyh
The AndreWs Sisters
A bigger, better, funnier show than
Buck Privates.
...Mr, J, C, Blackstone Is in town.,
Leave your orders for piano tuning
at The Radio Shop, phone 92)i
13Nese Is.
Ripe Raspberries
Hitve you had any fresh raspber-
ries lately. Mr, F. R. Smith picked
ripe ones in his garden on Tuesday
of this week,
— v
We wieih to extend to our neigh-
bors and friends our sincere thanks
for their many acts of kindness
during the illness end subsequent
death of our sister.
William and Welter Smillie
Change In
Wingham Council
The 1'V1ngham Town Council has
nailed Councillor Jae. Evans as•
reeve for the unexpired term of the
former reeve, Capt, R. S. Hthering-
ton, KJC„ who is in the army. Reeve.
Hetherington was elected for a two-
year •term, 1941. and 1942. Cour.
Frank Sturdy has resigned his seat
on the Council, making the second
vacany,' and nominations will ''be
held an November 'nth.
Fine Broadcast 't
School 'Glee Chib'
Congratulations are due the girls
of bhe BJCJS. Glee Club and to their
capable musical dirbotor. Maurice
Laycock, for the splendid half hour
broadcast of school music over
CKINX Wingham on Tuesday even-
ing. The varied programme was
quite delightful and it is' to be hoped
that broadcasts suth' a6+ it will be-
come a regular feature.
—V --
Notice-- ...,
In order to comply with the new
order of The Whartime Prices and
Trade Board it is necessary that we
receive cash for all our business. It
Ls also necessary, at this time to
have all outstanding accounts paid
up. All accounts must be settled on
or before December lad, 1941 or they
will be handed in for collection.
In future all business must be on
e cash basis.
' Jahn Wayne Betty Field
Shepherd of The Hills
in technlcolor
A sweeping plcturization of (Harold
Bell Wright's noVet.
2 Features
Joan Blondell - - Dick Powell
IN —.
Model Wife
A stirring romantic comedy
Also—Dorothy . Lamour Joan Hall
Alma of the South Seas
Tom, Dick, and Harry• ,
—s --
When double features are shown,
1 p*trons must be In by 8.45 to lee
a complete sh'bw. , +
;Elliott's Garage
Hides, Fur and Feathers, Hieheet
market poses for horse hides and
beef hides1 aka fox, skunk, coon and
mink, plume Brussels 85-r-12
Percy Stephenson, Ethel, Oat
Haying in November
November isn't the usual time for
haying but J, Cattersen was ob
served this week +taking in hay. We
dont knew anything about the quaff•
AY of November hay but we pre-
sume he means to use it to feed hie
Brussels, Ont.
St. John's Ladies
Guild Meet
The regular monthly meeting of
St. John's Guild was held in he
vestry of the church Tuesday
afternoon. Mrs. George Davis pre-
sided. The rector opened the
meeting with prayer. Mrs. H,
Bryan ,presented the treasurer's re-
port which showed an increase over
last year. A hearty vote of thanks
was extended to the 'members of the
other churches . in the community
for their ]rind gifts and assistance
for the fowl supper.
The remainder of the
was spent in quilting.
served by Mrs. Davin
Howick Plaintiff
Given Lecture
We wish to thank our friends for
tlleir helpfulness and sympathY,
during the Illness, and at the thne
of the deruth of Charles Case, also
for the lovely floral tributes.
,Special thanks to Rev. F. Watts for
all his kindness. It was much
Mrs. Charles Case and daughter
Two Machine Guns
Per Month
A meeting of the War -Savings
Committee was held on Friday even-
ing. The committee has been re-
quested to increase the reuniter of
Bank Pledges. Brussels quota is
two machine guns a month, thus the
community must raise twelve hund-
red dollars each month. Canvassers
will call on you this week.
As Song To Skate To,
Dance To, Romance To
Fred Waring brings you a dreamy,
delightful new waltz, "Romance' On
Ice" . . complete' with 'words and
music ... in this - Doming_ .Sunday's
issue of The Detroit .Sunday Times.
It's Fred - Waring's selection for
Weekly Song Hit No. 5 in the
thrilling - series of eye ng . genateeeS.
The Detroit Sunday Times • brings
its readers. diet The- Detroit Sun-
day Times this week and every week
for a New Song Hit.
Newlyweds Honored
Tea was
and Mrs,
In Wingham police court Magid•
trate F. W. Walker of Walkerton,
heard a ease 1m which Ira Shaeffer
of Howick had charged that . Roy
Noble, also of Howick, had stolen a
board from school eeotlon number
11. After hearing the charge,
severe talking to for bringing such
a trivial thing into court. The
magistrate said that there were far
+too many of these cases and they
should be settled between the par-
ties concerned. -
A ' charge of careless driving
against T. B. Johnston of Belgrave
was remanded for two weeks to
allow the defendant to arrange his
rase and secure wbtneeses. Johns -
sten Was involved in an accident at
a bridge south of Weighem a short
time ago In which a ear driven by
a Mr, Paresis of Gorman .'Ackert
Coansany, London, received heavy
damage. The two ears met head-
ori a fen' feet north of the bridge,
A third' case in which ilarole
Kerr of Wi'ngihamr was charged
with eyelets driving, had to be
held• over when the; ;aocusee falled
to appear,
St, John's Rector
Goes To Windsor
Rey, F, Watts, 13.A., L.T1„ Who
leas been rector :of 5t. Jollies Augll-
eau Church l3rtossels and St.
George's Church; Walton for the
east two years received word this
morning from the Bishop that he
is to go to Windsor as assistant
rector of All Staines' +church. Mr.
Watts' new duties to oomrebce ou
December 1st, While the congre-
gations of this: parish 'regret tlse
removal of their rector they are
pleased to lcuow of his advance -
* :F * * * ! R
* * * ,a ,B :C *
A quiet but pretty double weddiug
took place in 'St. John's Anglican
church Brussels, at ten -o'clock on
Satarday morning, November 15011,
when Rev. F. Watts, rector of the
parish, united in marriage, Priscilla
and P0.tricia, twin daughters of
Mrs, E. Raymond of Brussels and
lobe late Charles J. Raymond, and
Clifford Warden Bray, second son
of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bray of Grey
township and James Henry Davis,
only son of Mr. and Mrs. George
Davis of Morrie township.
'Priscilla was attended by her
sister Betty (Mrs. Carl Gowing) and
the groom by his brother Kennena
Bray. iPatrlcia's attendant was
Miss Berva Mair, a friend and the
groomsman was . Wm. Kellington.
The brides were given Lm marriage
by their brothers Harold -and Bobby
Raymond. Mrs, Mair played suit-
able music.
Priscilla wore a dress of airforce
blue while Patricia chose a dress of
sacks blue, bath with wine accessor-
A wedding dinner was nerved to
the immediate relatives and friends
at the brides' home.
Later in the .afternoon the happy
couples. left :together, by cart. M.
and Mrs. Bray going to Merkdale
for a short stay and Mr. and Mrs.
Davis visiting at Barrie and Toronto.
* .
Last Thursday evening 'the
Jameatawn Hall was+ the scene of a
social gathering in the form of a
miscellaneous' shower, which was
held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Jacklin (nee Reita Kitchen) who
were recently married. Dancing
was enjoyed and +following lunch
Mr. and Mrs. Jaoiriin were called for-
ward and the following address was
read by +Stewart Musgrove:—
Dearl Oarl and Rei'ta.- ,
On this very happy occasion of
Your recent marriage, we, your
friends and neiglfbor1 have gathered
Isere this evening to extend our
very best wishes to you for your
happiness as you emlbark in the
matrimonial canoe. We hope that
there a^i11 be smooth sailing, fair
weather, a happy and a pleasant
We ask You to accept these gifts
not alone for their material value.
but that they may serve you in
lister years as a happy remembrance
of u's, your friends, who have gather-
ed here, an behalf of your friends
and neighbors.
• Aldeen 'Montgomery, Fred Mone
Both Mr. and Mrs. Jaoklin made
suitable replies and dancing con-
* *
• • * s * e . * •
County Tax Sale
only One.thira as Many
Properties as Usual Offered
At the county sale of land for ar-
rears of tastes, held last Thou•"'^v
only about one•teird et the
number of properties, luvolein
thira of the usual tota)s of a
were offered for sale, This A it'll
as an indication that at present the
farriers of Huron country are pros-
Perinig, Tc be exact, twenty ale
Parcels were listed, . involving e2500
in lax arrears. Before the sale date
fifteen of 'these had been redeemed
by the owners, and at the sale two
were purchased, bringing in - X1500,
leaving nine properties unsold
agimst which there is e940 owing..
Two farms were unsold, . one in
Grey and one in Usborne, Eleven
Menesetung Park lots, from which
trees have been cut for clearance
purposes at Sky Harbor airport,
failed to find a bidder,
Following a long illness, Miss
Mary Smillie of Grey Township
passed on Friday, November 7th in
her 76th year. Site was a native of
Hensall and received her education
at Harriston High School. She was
the eldest daughter of the late Jo-
seph and Jane Sanillle. A goad
friend and kindly neighbor, especial.
ly to the children of wbom she was
very fond she will be greatly missed.
In religion she was a Presbyter-
ran. Surviving are three brothers,
William of Grey Township with
whom she lived, Robert of Nelson,
B.C., and Walter of the est conese-
Ston of Morris. Two brothers
Stewart and Dr. Joseph Smillie Pre-
deceased her as did a sister Agnes.
Following a private service at the
home of her brother Walter on
Sunday afternoon, the funeral stet,
vice was- held in Knox 'Preslbytertan
Church, Biuesale. The offiteeting
ministers were Rev. Samuel Kerr of
Melville Church, Brussels assisted
by Rev. F. G. Fowler ,of Blnevale
Presbyterian Chu.rab. Pallbearers
were George Fraser, Wilfred Hoy,
Mac Shaw, David Johnston, Allan
Ramsay and William Peacock.
United Church W.MS.•
The Women's Missionary 'Society
of the United Church held their
monthly meeting en Friday after
noon in the -schoolroom of the
church. The meeting was in. charge,
of Mrs, Lorne Nichols' Group, The
opening and closing exercises were
taken by the president, Mrs. J. E.
Smith. The study period was con-
ducted by Mrs. (Rev,) Lewis as a
round ,table conference with ques-
tions and answers from the study
book. Mrs, Cousins, Mrs. Richard
son, Mrs. A. McStsggart told inter-
eating Merles of tthe Chinese nes.,
sten, taken from the study book.
Trio treasurer's report was given
by Mrs. R. 3. Mcl auohlin. and the
secretary's report by Mrs' R. Down`
ing. Mrs. Harold Thomas) gave an
interesting 'talks on the temiierance
o today. The meeting closed with
prayer by the President, • Tull, J, 7D.
Statile ,
Don't forget the 'Talking Pictures'
including a "Travel Through Eng-
land" in the. Town Hall, Friday
evening, November 21st.;
The Boys from Port Albert Train- t
ing ,School will provide an evening
of entertainment followed by lunch
and dancing on December 4th.
The Finance Committee wish to
thank all who assisted in making
the Baking Sale such a fine success..
The net proceeds were $44.00_
V '31
Huron County, Junior Assoc.,
Of Toronto Elects Officers
;Huron -Bruce Liberals
Meet On November 29th
DUNIG+ANNON, Nov. 1+S The an-
nuar meeting of the Liberal Assoeia-
+eono f Inc Fon-race eons Hu B titu
E. W. Hunter unanimous v
'Choice As President
At recent meeting off the Execu
tive Committeeittee of the. Huron. County
Junior Association of Toronto. ebn-
est W. Hunter, 'C.A., ,wars .elected de
by acclamation as President of the
Association for ,the coming yea',
Mr. Hunter, who Is one. of the
members ' refrresentiug, the Towne
of Clinton on the Comanalbtee„ was
largely responsible Mr the oagrenlza--
tion of the Association over Lee
years ago.
Other '00fices% elected were- Ger-
ald Stewart, neseneseVice-President',Mrs. O. Panton, ,Second Vies
President; Mrs., Fred Elliott, Sr -
retary Mr. Ralph. Carr, Treader
and Mr. Kenneth. 0.• Stanbury, 119
tor of Publicity.
At the Annual Meeting orf the
Association held last month the
following +Committee was elected Ser
the conning year;
GO+D+ESLLCH—Mus- C. Parton, Mist
•Grace Stirling and Miss Elul
ISEAZ'ORTH Mr. Gerald Stewart
Mies Ann Sutherland.
OL INTON—Mr. E. H. Hunter, Art
Fred Elliott and Mr. Mike Cook:
Mary McGree- -e•
and Mr. Ralph Carr.
EXETER—+Mr. Gordon Fowler au
Mr. Kenneth .S. Stanbury.
BRUSSELS --'Mrs. Lloyd •Greee an
Mr. Wesley MoCutcheon
atobeet Leiper.
Hii7NISALL—(Miss Margaret Coo.
The +Committee waled be gtac
hear of new arrivals %n Toronto
Huron +County and would ap5reee
it 00 such ,persons would get
tonok with the Committee Mugabe
represeniting their Town.
A Bowling Party at the Cents
Bowling and Recreation Olub,
Shepherd Street Is being arra
for Saturday evening, Novemk "
eacy for the 'Ontario Legislature is 221d at whfeh new members. 'will r
to be held in Wingham on Friday, ; welcome.
November 28, at 1.301 p.m. The new i V
president, Murdock Matheson, sh-
field, will conduct the meeting.
PINKER, George Wilson—At
v 1
Train Crash Auto, Toronto (General Hospital, en 1
Seven Escape I day, November I!4, 1941. Oleorge 'P
son Pinner, beloved husband
Seven Dorchester young people
with death but eosaped Lyla Sariltif and brother of IN
unscathed when their car was bit by
had a brush wiJ L. McCauley of Detroit and T,
a L. & Y.S. freight train as they Pinner of Toronto.
crossed the railway sicking to reset 1 Rested se the Funeral Ogee
a parking lot meat the corner Of Morley S. Bedford' 159 Egllnitori J
Batlnimst and Talbot streets, London. I nue Week, at T ass:Allee Bou"la"see
The car was demolished, • When the in the .eha1el e41 Sunday
train emasihed the cse a hurryees Hing, at 9 o'clock. Also service
call was sent out for ambulances but Clinton, Ontario, on Monday, et, 1 '
from the wreckage the seven acme prim• Interment Clinton Colne
pants were unscrambled without a IM'rs• 1Ptnner wits e' former P
acratctl. Sets' girl.