HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-10-29, Page 9•a;
.. hen in ,, Listowel
— 'EAT AT —
Weston's Restauant
Home Away From Home
Flying School Reviews Year
G0D101ucir, Det, 25.—The annual
meeting of the INitron County F1y1a3
Training School Ltd., was . held
Here Wednesday . afternoon. The
company operates. No. 12 Elementary
American Coal
quite 5�ow Coming mo
advise everyone ti
is Slow and
we is
As prices are advancing.
We Sell
Insul Brick Siding
warranted by
the manufacturer
See Us
we buy from
SeeUs Before
D. N. McDonald
Flying Training School at : Sky
Fleibor. �+ t
President W. L. Whyte was in
charge of :the meeting and review-
ed the year's operations. Some 60
shareholders were present. The
company had a very suceessi
year. Approximately 26,000 hours
were flown during - the period nit
der review, which equals about 2,
0095083 miles of flying. " This was
accomplished without a fatal acci-
dent. However, two days after the
final period for the year closed, thu
company had its first fatal accident
at the Kitchener -Waterloo Airport.
The revenue for the period was
0314,7123.28 and bhe expenses $259,-
71350, leaving a total excess of
revenue over expenses of 055,009.78,
of whcih. only $10,378.12, represent-
ing the saving on offlfice manage-
ment and flying hour profit, tax-
able and available for profit for the
contuson stock under the terms of
the contract. The excess profit tax
amounted to $5,175.60, leaving a net
profit for bhe year of $5,202.52 for
the common stook. It is not an*
ciliated that a dividend on the com-
mon stock will be declared at tba
present time.
The balance of excess revenue
over expenditures has been trans-
ferred to the Dominion or Canada
Contingent account from which
OrWt 2efit
MANY users say
that their Duro
Water Supply Sys-
tem is their best in-
vestment because it
furnishes constant
running water; has
reduced the drudgery
of housework and
permitted the instal-
lation of necessary
sanitary conveni-
ences so essential to
the health and corn
fort of a family.
Are you doing without these ,daily requirements of
family 'contentment? If so, a small expenditure for a
Duro Water Supply System
will remedy the condition.
The Duro System can be bought with confidence.* Al-
though the design has not been drastically changed, the
quality has been constantly improved. Thousands of owners
have had years of satisfactory service from their Duro Pumps.
The Snow-white 20" x42" Enamelled Sink, illus- •
tratcd above, including faucet ready for instal-
lation, costs.
Sink and Cabinet with faucet.
(Trap, } on pipe and fittings extra)
The Duro Special Punip has a capacity of 250
gals. per Hour; 15 supplied with a 25 gal. tank and
25 or 60 cycle motor. It costs only
Running water throughout your home makes it possible
to have modern Emco Bathroom and Kitchen equipment.
Emco products are quality built in all price ranges.
The Duro Finance Plan enables you to spread the cost
over a period of three years,
For Sale By
Wltoln & Gillespie
Condon Hamilton Toronto Sudbury
Winnipeg Vancouver
Weduesday, October 29th, 3,94X
;r3U00U worth of Interest free -bear.
htg certificates Have been Purchas'
ed, along with $6,000.00 worth of
Deminian of Canada Vietory Wal'
Loan Bonds, due in 1951,
Directors elected wore W. L.
Whyte, Seoforth; G, L. Par3oar's,
Goderloh; A. I3', Erskine, Goderioh.
John Douglas, Kitchener"; R. J.
Bowman, Brussels; Knowlson "Nea-
ten, Gerrie and Benson Tuckey,
Exeter, -Retiring directors include
Flying Officers J. A. Munn and
Thomas Pryde, now on active ser-
vice, Hugh Iiil1, George 2'eagan and
Wilmot Macke.
Ontario Wil Need
Over Ten Million Bushels
Seed Grain In 1942
Ulf . Log1 t. i &gricsksl'e urge.l
farmers to plan early ler mixt year's
seen' requ.remeuts,
11„sea on the 1941 acreage sown
to wueat, oats and mixed grains; cu.
100,0 1a1me1swill require over ten
minion bushels of seed grain next
Spring even without any acreage m.
crease, says Jahn D. Ma.oLe•1d,
Crops, :seeds and Weeds Branch, On -
taro Department of Agriculture,
Toronto. With an increased
acreage 1n prospect as, part of the
"Food to Britain,' program, Mr.
MacLeod is urging farmers to plan
early for their 1942 seed r'egairn-
Ontario fanners sowed 6,760,000
bushels of oats this year. 920,002
bushels barley. 1,030,500 bushels
wheat and 1,500;000 bushels oi:
mixed grains. 'There was practi.
Bally no carry over of the 1940 grain
crop and this year's crop which was
below normal is rapidly disarlieal.
lug as a result of an extended effort
to ,supply bacon, cheese and con-
densed milk :to Britain.
These facts make it imperative to
give immediate thought to 1942 seed
requirements says Mr, MacLeod. Ha
advises, farmers to clean their seed
early as they will have a greater'
quantity from which to select their:
If seed is needed purchase early
when it is available and prices aro
21 a farmer has a surplus of high
quality grainy clean, grade and ad-
vertise it early.
"Investigate the possibility of
buying your feed requirements and
offering your high quality grain ror
seed, "says Mr. MacLeod.
weeuly review. or developments
•x.. n,,,ue fl int; 0010081. 1643,
.1. 1'11me Minister announces- Guy-
sesuisnt plans W control cosh of
11viog. nuective November 17, cell-
g vu all prices. and basic wages
w.tn Caiullul..ery extension from
November 15 of COSGAt.living bonus
Co all wave -carers; extra acreage
•payment to prairie farmers for
Eastern farmers, free transporta-
tion of feed grain and other feeds,
Rom West.
2. More thousands of Canadian
troops land in Great Britain. Con-
tingent included number of Can-
attia muttered units; volunteers from
Canada and the United States for
Polish air -force in Britain; detach-
ment of Netherlands trained in
3. Aur Vice Marshall Harold Ed•
warder air lneraber far personnel at
B.C.A.F. headquarters, appointed to
command 11.0.A.F. operations over-
seas. Air Commodore L. F. .Stev-
enson, now air officer Commanding
R.C.A.F. in Great Britain returns to
Canada as Officer Commanding,
Western, air command, ,headbuarters,
Victoria, British Columbia. Air
Vice -Marshall Edwards succeeded
as air men2Ib5,' for personnel by
Group Captain J. A. Sully, .present
Deputy, Personnel Division.
4, Government purchases Dufferin
Shipbuilding Co, Toronto, Plait
is to convert undertaloing into one
a larger shipbuilding units in Can-
ada. !Enlarged undertaking, which
Will be wholly owned by Govern-
ment, will be known as Toronto
Silu✓Ipbuildinjg (.1o., Desmond Clark
Director General, Shipbuilding
Branch, Department of Munitions
and Supply, president of next Com-
5. Forty nurses representative of
all parts of Convict selected to make
up second group of Canadian nurs-
ing sisters 'who leave before end of
year for service in military hosbitala
of South Adrdca. Total selected; 120
6, Living allowance for ranks
other than commissioned officers in
Canadian Army increased from 85
nets to 81,00 a day,
7. Disability lento/1S anlhoriged
for members .of the Canadian Wo.
men's Army Corps and Canadian
:viia 1,
...rN//G "lA rte/`:
;rfy<•4'�.".�Y's<j,�.'�+J"<Y ✓/ilii,.
A Our fighting men need the weapons of war -need them
at once. They must be provided. It is our responsibility. War
Savings Certificates are within the reach of all. More regular
purchases of War Savings Certificates means more war
weapons for our forces. Push their sale . wherever and
whenever you can. Don't wish for a short war—get busy
and shorten it.
Brussels War Savings Committee
Women's Army Corps and Canadian
Warren's Auxiliary Air Force.
3. From April 1 to Sept. 30, 1941,
Dominion war expenditure $493,510,.
624 compared with 0236,310,242 la
first six months! of previous fiscal
New Rector For Auburn,
Blyth and Belgrave
LONIDN—,Rev. . Percy Hastings
Streeter, rector of Trinity Angli-
can church, Aylmer, will become
rector of Blyth, Auburn and Bei
grave, it was announced by His
. Lordship Bishop C. A. Seager.
Mr. Streeter takes the place or
Rev. R. M. Weekes, who has beau
appointed to Glencoe. He has beea
in Aylmer since 1934 and in 1936 was'
appointed secretary for Sunday
schools and A.Y.P.A. in Elgin Dean-
He was born in Toronto and re -
calved his theological training at
Trinity College. He was ordamen
dean and priest in Huron Diocese,
however, by .the late Archbishop
Williams. After his ordination in
1914 as dean he was appointed in
charge of Merlin and Ouvry. The
following year he became O. priest
and in 1917 moved to Florence,
Aughrhn and Inwood.
In. 1926, Mr. Streeter became
rural deans of Lambton and in 1903,
after serving as rector at Norwioh
and Oxford Centre from 1928, he
was elected rural dean of Oxford. In
1934 he went to Aylmer.
Huron Boys At Peterborough
Prizewinners lin Junior Classes at
international (plowing Match
Huron's junior .plowmen had some
success in the boys' inter -county
plowing contest . held at Petet-
borouglr in connection with the
International' plowing match.
The single plow team--diarvey
Loyie, .Creddton; Kenneth Duncan,
Ilirkton and Wilfred McQuaid, Bea-
forth—ranked eighth, winning F21.
in piiize money. In the tractor
class, Geo. Robertson and )3111y Hill
of 'Colborne township were seventu,
winning 814.
The members of Heron's plowing
match executive who attended et
Peterborough got some v'alnable
pointers for. the ,international to be
held in this eounby'next year„ They
estimate the probable attendance at
not less than 160,000, and if any-
thing Like this number attend the
resources of all the towns in -.he
district, from Goderieh to Strat-
ford, will have to be called upon to
provide accommodation for ;ha
Hon Roil
* * a
Alcock, John
Alderson, .1.
Ames, J. B.
1e11, W. X. 'Bid'
3ell, E. D. (Lieut.)
3ryan, Lorne
Black, Bert
Black, Donald
Bryan, Russell
Brothers Lyle'
Brewer, 3.
Bowler, Harry
Burchell, Fred
Cardiff Clifford
Cardiff, Frank
Cardiff, Wm.
Campbell Jno.
Davidson, Scott
Doh], C.
Doh] 0.
Doll. Mac
Earngey, Dean
Elliott, Ross
1albr•aith, Geo.
3a.lbradth, Bowma*'►
Gillis, Mose
Gibson, Harvey
dowing, Carl
Henderson, Archie
Hall, Deb.
Ball, Russel
Harman, G.
Harmon, John
Hastings, Dave
Miley, Jim
Lamont, Leonard
Lowrie, Everett
Lowe, Stewart
Looking, Wm. ^!
Myers, Dr. C. A.
Machina, Willis (R:C.A:b!.)' '
McCauley, L. "'"""
Mitchell, Frank
McFarlane, Walter
McLean, Arthur
McDowell, Mao
McRae, Donald
Palmer, Jas.
Palmer, Wax. (Cpl.)
Plum, Gari
Pierce, Rol
int -•
Prest, T. A.
Prest, Robert
Rowland, Wm.
Russell, Louis.
Icuresnge, Hartley;
Rooney, Leonard'
Spear, Jack
Spear, Kenneth
Snell, Verne
Stretfon, H.
Salesman, E.
Sandersdn, Lloyd'.
Tunny, Chas.
Thompson, A.
Thompson, Norm. R.C...1VP.
'Thomas, H.
Whittard, R.
h -
W111ttard, Earl J4
Wilson, Stan.
Worltnian, Gordon (R.N.)
Young, Norman R.
Young, Ernest
Non Permanent-
Campbell, G. F,
Gloster, Fred
Nesbit, Fred
Thompson, M..
Lowe, J.
Fischer. Wilfred
Gillis, 0;
Fischer. Wm.
Hawkins, Herb.
MoTionaid, Harold
McDowell rack
McLelland, Burma.
Pearson, Rabb
Plum, Ernie
Pennington, J;•
Must Have License
Ottawa — Departreeniu3 maul oases -
try general stores, large lobes
soda bass, m9.nufactnnella mnif
ioneers, every person and /Iran to
Canada manufantm•Ing; .etr stag' ing• gti
food, feeds, livestock,. gonna,;yam
cloth clothing or f#otwonr mina case-
cure a. license from Worftere itricestis
and Trade Hoard' bar T2ecemiaan 224
this year. Atter that brae, tiny welt -
licensed person or fires Sony 'hey glee
resale, handle, or soli ' any or Vis!
commodtt!es. Therm vita Neese*
License eminentb Scrams waif jl5a
distributed tlilYbug9a the *spdi tete
this month ' and any 1icnstrxeifsetlatn
Who la su.1Jeot to the. licensing 44€,310
and does not reee1ve at: ap3,liras
form sluauld apply tor one at gen
Brost' office, Where coplee »1'
complete licensing order 'Asti$
t 10;1