HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-10-29, Page 5Ziegler's Suprior Store
C a.ano Milk • 2 large tins 17c
t a c ,. '.s ........ • .. • • • , •• 1 ill pack 15c
5trawberry Jam ,. •• , 2 lb jar 310
C itocolete Cr toted Marshtnalloy Cakes • , . • per lb 19c
Hallowe'en Jelly Beans..............per lb 19c
Newton Yarns, all colors • , • , , , per lb $1.49
Ladies' Cashmere Hose , per pr 49c
Ladies' Wool Coat Sweaters . . • each $2.49
Girls' Pleated Skirts Wool .. • , . each 69c
Boys' Doeskin Shirts • . • • •'• . • • . • . • • ••••••, each, $1.15
Men's Doeskin Shirts each 75c
Man's Fancy Socks..............................per pr 25c
Men's Work Sweaters , , • •••• • ... • • • • • .... • .•• each $1.69
Men's Turnbull's Wool Shirts & Drawers per garment $1.49
Phone 22-11 For PRICES on EGGS,
A. meeting of the Grey township
Federation of Agriculture opened
with the president, Wen. Turnbuu
in the chair. The first speaker
Mr. R. J. Scott, President ot the
U nited Farmers Co -Operative ser-
vices gave a very enlightening ad-
•de•ess on development and .aohieve-
,ments of Federation of Agriculture.
He made it clear that the Feder -
:aeon of Agriculture was not a Politi-
cal organization and will n)t
THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday, October 29th, 1041
Classified Ad 1. t' ":4' oN:"4"' .°:+999*99:"; 4t4.4.4i•9+H*•144 9`4.44,49 1.44:4 44:44:+ x•444:••1•A9••••9�1N
Do you wank to change your present car on a ;2
9 SALE-^-
9 Chunks of Agri,
• phone 50•1-4
1 FOR $ALE: -
( Soft wood,
I phone 42-r-1.8
apply to
Jonn Alcock
1 Cow ,freshened today,. calf at
fort—Roan. 2 Cows due to fre,ttea
1st Nov, phone i3' -r10
.Alex, Bryans, Belgra,ta
piece off washing machine on
the train ttlreet Brussels . (Reward)
b' Leave at ThePost.
for sale at the Mildmay Furniture
Store. Hear them played at the
Sennett's „Furniture Store at Mlh1•
•forgetting that her family must g? may.
outside the home to establish theta
selves as they get older. Therefore COW STRAYED—
tit'farm woman has failed unless Onpremises, Lot 21 Con. 7, Gt'eY
she has contributed something to Township, on or before 1st Sept•
the community sari country outside Owner can have same by paying for
the home. The next pressing worx advt.Rues tDobson
for the directors •«t the township
unit is the organiaztion of listening
groups for the !Radio Farm Forum
beginning Monday evening at 8.00
E;S.T„ November 10th over CBr..
The meeting closed with "God Save
The King."
nominate any candidates. The
aim of the Federation of Agriculture The Ethel branch of the Red
le to get the united opinion of 'Cross held their regular monthly
Tanners all over Canada so that it meeting on Mon., Oct. 27. The
may be placed before the ilnon,th's work was packed ready to
ment regardless of what party ig In be taken to Brussels. This include:1
Mower. Mr. Scott showed how the 80 pr. socks, 3 •pr. pyiamas (one 'pr.
Federation was able to keep the being returned to Brussels) and six
minimum -price of butter up be
tween 2 and 3c last summer. Alia
the Federation was able to influence
the government to raise their share
of the freight, east of Fort William,
on teed grain from IA to virtually
the whole freight. Mr. ,Scott show-
ed us that this organization 's
e ntirely dependent on the thought-
ful and energetic support of the
individual farm family. Mrs. 0. G.
Anderson, Pres., ot the U.F.W O.
Ms the second speaker and dealt
with the Jplce of farm women in the
Federation. She told that in the
modern world the farm women de-
vote oil their energy to 'their home.
Strays and means of raising mora
money to carry on the work here
was discussed. Further notice or
thesIe plans will .appear at a later
date. We would be glad to welcome
still more knitters. Sweaters, sea.
men's 'oscirs and mitts are badly
needed. Won't you try to het,
those who are so nobly helping us?
A "Major Bowes' evening is he.
Ing planned for the near future
under the auspices of the Ethel
Public Library. 'This will be open
to anyone who wishes to take part.
'Watch for date and further particu
10 young Pigs 8 weeks old. Also
a few Brown and White Leghorn.
phone 25-ir-8 Wm. S. Grant
A good comfortable house at a
bargain for quick sale.
Apply to The Post
4 Springer Cows, 14 feeder Pigs.
phone 20-r-15, Stewart Turner
Buick car, good condition; Ches-
terfield. Library Table, Cupboard
Table and Chairs.
Frances Dress Shoppe
df you are looking for a real
money-maker for high daily income
investigate otu' Plans Everyone a
prospect for our 200 guaranteed pro•
ducts!. Repeat business assur td.
Good commission. Steady work
for. right man. Write today.
Fantilex, 570 St. Clement, Mouteral.
Under the Auspices of Brussels Bran:h Canadian\ Legion
All Proceeds to be used to sen dChristmas
Parcels to the Boys overseas from
Brussels and Community
own Hall
Wednesd y, Nov.Sth
An Auction of !Merchandise dofla.ted by the
Business Men will be held during the evening.
Admission 50c
Lunch Serve Door Prize
rr ,tytw U.Car
,xe•i4 '„,r` tT9
If So- ay[Now-Save Money -on cars dealt in on 1941 Models ra
- t�
1940 Mercury Coach—New car guarantee 4
1939 Ford Standard Coach •4•
1937 Ford Coach, 50 h.p.-.-Motor like new 4,
1936 Deluxe Coach—Value far above price tZs
1933 Standard Ford Coach
1934 Deluxe Ford Coach
1934 Chevrolet Coach
1932 Plymouth 4 c'yl• coach
1932 Ford'4 cyl. Coach
1929 Ford Coach
1929 Hudson Coach
1935 Chrysler Coach
Used Cars will be Higher
-Take advantage of these Car's that are listed
1940 Deluxe Ford Sedan --New car condition
1939 Mercury Sedan—New car condition
1939 Deluxe Ford Sedan—Small Mileage
1938 Deluxe Ford Sedan -
New car condition throughout
1938 Standard Ford Sedan—Privately owned
1934 Deluxe Ford Sedan—in good condition
1934 Terraplane Sedan—in'good condition
1939 Dodge Coupe
1934 Ford Coupe
1932 Chrysler Coupe
1937 Chev. 1 -ton Truck
1936 Ford 2 -ton Truck
1935 Ford 2 -ton Truck
1935 Dodge 2 -ton Truck
Light Delivery
1938 Dodge 1/2 -ton
1937 Dodge %-ton
1937 Ford 1/2 -ton
1938 Dodge Panel
1935 Ford Panel
A car Toad of NEW TRACTORS
Coming in at old price
Buy Now Save Money
Farmer's Special Attention
10 Head of Choice Stockers
5 Cows
Matched Team of Clyde Mares
rising 4 yrs.
:. Jackson Motors Ltd. ••!:tt•«•••
s�,� phone 116'1 ..Wallace St. Listowel 44
(.4•41.44,4•244:++,44-4•444:44.••♦ ! ♦ . ♦. _.
. . �l�/♦ ♦ 1..4e!~.../../..`..+..♦�!.....4 44:, i
Heavy Clyde Mare rising 5 yrs.
5 General Purpose Horses
3 Drivers
Cheap heavy work Horse
A very enjoyable masquerade
,party wasp held Friday evening, Oct.
24th in S.S. No. 0, Grey, The
setting for the concert which was
Presented by S:S. No. 3 and 0, Brey
and No. 0 Morris was I•iallowe'en
The chairman Mr. Russell Wilbee(
announced solos, duets, cho:uses,
recitations and dialogues. The drnv*
for the quilt was made by Douglas
Shaw, the winner being Miss Annie
MacDonald. Nora Deibr,er won take
prize for selling the most tickets.
Lunch was served and the party con-
cluded with a hop, The proceeds,
($40.00) of the evening were pre-
sented to the Red Cross, Brussels.
Everyone who assisted with this pro-
gram deserves thanks,
Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. las
Bremneron the occasion of Union
Anniversary were 51r•. and Mrs Mer-
vyn, Grainger and slaughter, also
Mr. Wm. Grainger of ianrestown,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cardiff and fam-
ily nd Mr. nod Frs. Melville Dennis.
Rev. 0. E. Taylor of Tharresford
gave inspiring messages at the
anniversary services held hi. Union
on Oct. 20th. Rev. nd Mrs. Taylor
with their son, and daughter Lavelne
were guests at the borne of ins.
Bremner, ,
Here is a letter in acknowledge-
ment of t'wo boxes, containing new,
second -band, made -over and mended
clothing, received by Mrs, Frank
.Nichol convenor, for the Majestic
Inetti 1 ute.
Dear Mrs. Niche}: -
We acknowledge with thanks,
receipt of 1 quilt, 157 articles ot
clothing from the Majestic Institute.
Thank you .tor the Interest and
co-operation in this respect. We
'assure you that these penitents will
be vary much appreciated for
refugee work, t
We me/say tibia ctotl1Ing which
G clean, warns and In good repair
will he very grotefrrlly received.
Again thanking yen and lteveying
God to richly bless You each one,
I aur Yonne to serve,
inns Peacock (Mrs. octane!)
Cart ding 'War Ser ice
Nomad's Auxiliary,
38.40 Elwin St., Toronto
Successful Anniversary Services
were held in Union United Church,
Sunday last. Rev. C. E. Taylor, a
former pastor now stationed at
Thame1ford, was the special speatt-
er, who gave a very timely address
,at both services, stressing the need
of reconsecration and loyalty to the
,e Out Old and Young and Enjoy
Cotn Boys, for the Boys
Social ,evening 'with they
church. The choir rendered sPe-::a1
music, assisted by Miss Maurine
Lansdell of Brantford and Mrs,.
Leslie 1\fcDonald as guest soloists.
A good thankoffering was r.-
ceived from the large crowd who
We are in the market for
all kinds of poultry. We
pay highest prices obtain-
able. Culling is a specialty
of .ours.
'Export Packers
Thousands of people in R Brussels and district are wearing
REID'S GLASSES with perfect satisfaction. IE you have
headaches, eyestrain, failing vision, cannot see to thread
your needle or read—see Mr. Reid and have your eyes
thoroughly examined by hire. Lowest prices at all times.
Latest styles of Glasses
R • A. REID R.O.Every Wednesday
Afternoon 2t00 to 5.00.
Brussel Office --
& OPTOMETRIST I Store — Phone 51