HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-10-29, Page 4.111E BRUSSELS POST,„„,... °tilt Deny Yourself ‘„,••• '.".55.90,1AVVOIM4 the enjoyment a Radio can give. When they can be had for a very little outlay. "A Radio for every home and every purse" deb from $23.95 Don't delay as quantity is limited See them at the Radio Shop Phone 92x Brussels "Buy where your dollar has more sense" ":11.• tig...M....01.02•101M.I.NIMINE,AlmeammumWasaml••••••••••••••0.....“1.-a.ar BLUEVALE includes leetaree, deluenstratiOna and practise in PrepalatiOn of Ma. terials, 1615UIi111, steannug, and invisible, Mending, reconstruc. tion, 'cutting, fitting and finishing. Communion service was olnlerved 1t1 Kn,ox Preslbyterinu church ort Sunday morning, One new' mem. ber was received by certificate, ; Tile Woman's Assuedation and tha Mission Band of the, United church co.operated on Friday evening and ; sponsored a supPer. The president, Billy Gallaher, presided, Recite.- Lions, dialogues, exercises , and chorines were given by the chil. dren under the leadership of miss Mira Procter. Mrs, Carl Johnston contributed e piano selection. Mrs. J. Wickstead sang a io10 and Mrs, Tavener gave a short address Mrs. W. J. Johnston was the pianist anti accompanist Miss Duff opened 11321' 1101116 on P.1. day for the training achool 'Reno. nation or .elothurzP Mr the Bast litu'On District 'N'T'an's Institute. Miss 1,1(15111 Collins of the De. pertinent, conducted the actliool, Mrs. F. C. Demerling, district President, was the local leader from Fordwien, Miss Bdwards from 00iriG, MM. Carl lienvingway shit Mrs, k spi from the Majestic and 11/1rs. 3, 13, Smith re,presented the Bluevale he T,Seeond class will b -h e e111 on November 21, The course of study Auti con Sale .Notice to Contractors Farm Stock and Implements W'/2 Lot 12, Con. 14, McKilloP TWP• ft ,rders will be received bY 'ills 33/4 miles East of Walton Ig.,..trsigned until NOVEMBER 1st, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1st rg...1 o'clock P.M. for the repair of HORSES- fat-.Jaoltlin Drain ln the Townsh1P 1 team aged Horses, heaicy • 1,04 Grey. 1 team aged Horses, general ;purpose' Tenders will be received and con- CATTLE-, tract awarded only in the form of. a ' 1 Durham 'Heifer, fat m lup sum for tale completion of the 4 Yearling Cattle whole work in accordance with the 2 Calves plan, profile and specifications or PIGS- •• the Engineer in charge-. 1 good York Sow, bred -2 rnonths, Cotiltractors must esttitiate for IMPLEMENTS- ihemselves the quantity and value 1 Deering Binder of the work required. Plana aad 1 Deering Mower specifications may be exam tL1.ed at the office of the Clerk at Dthel, Ont. tender must accompany each tender, Bond will be required, 'The 13W051or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. 3. H. Auction Sale FARN1 STOCK & IMPLEMENTS Lot 10, Concession 3, Morris FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31st Sale Commences at 1 P.M. Sharp HORSES - 1 Mare, 14 years old 1 Mare 5 years old 1 Mare 3 years old CATTLE - 1 Red Cow, due Feb. let 1 Black Cow due March 27th 1 Red Cow due March 10th 1 Grey Cow due July 3rd 2 Durham Gows 1 Steer, 2 years old 3 Steers, 1 year old 2 Heifers 1 year old HARNESS - 1 Set 'Harness 3 Collars IMPLEMENTS.... 1 Massey Harris Binder 7 -ft. 1 Drill, 13 -hoe 1 Deering Mower, 7 -ft. 1 Deering Cultivator 1 Ma,sey-Harris Rake, 10 -ft. w 1 Scuffler ' 1 Single Plo 1 Massey Harris National Plow No. 8 (2 furrow) 1 Set Sleighs 1 Wagon 1 Wagon Box with shelving and stock rack 1 Fanning Mill 1 Hay Rack 1 seat 4 -section Harrows 2 Whiffletrees 2 Neckyokes, Forks ,and Chains Quantity of Hay Articles too numerous to mention TERMS -CASH W. J. SOUCH-Pfoprietor MATT GAYNOR, Lucknow, Auctioneer, FEA.R, Clerk, Ethel, Ont, 1 Hay Loader 1 Deering Manure Spreader 1 Horse Rake .• 1 Sulky Rake 1 Land Roller 1 High Wagon 1 3/4 -Wagon, a good wagon 1 Hay Rack with sliding half rack 1 set Bench Sleighs 1 Gravel Box 1 10 -hoe Drill 1 Spring -tooth Cultivator 2 Gang Plows 1 21 -Fleury Walking Plow 1 Hay Fork, hay car, 160 feet. good rope, pulleys 1 Sling Chain and Trip 1 Fanning Mill 1 set 1200 -lb. Scales 1 Wheel Barrow 1 Pig Crate 1 set Breeching Harness Cream Separator About 12 -ton Hay Quantity Straw About 20 bushels Grain Sap Pan and Buckets Sooup Shovel Barley Fork Pitch Forks 2 heavy Screw Jacks Tools and other articles TERMS -CASH I CHAS, CASE- Proprietor ctloneer ---A AUCTION SALE Effects of the late Wm. Burton At His Late 'Home ;VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1st Sale commences at 1.30 P.M. Sharp One Jersey Cow due to freshen Apr'l One Jersey Helfer to freshen Feb.' One Sow and 11 Pigs 6 weeks old One Sow and 8 pigs 9 weeks old Model A Ford Car Trailer with Rack Quantity of Mixed Grain 40 bushels Also Parcel of Land, 2 acres with Good Stable Number of Small Articles TERMS -CASH W. M. Pratt, Solicitor D. M. McTavish, AdministratorW. W. S. Donaldson, Auctioneer THERE WILL ALSO BE A FULL LINE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. EDWARD ELLIOTTA- u Wedneaday, 0 kiber 1041 Repledse for War Savings oe - .......,....................--..............--..................---......................-,........ ..05m1) Borden and Mies Beth Mc - MI's. Robertson, Brussels, with Mrs. Wil. MIS'. Alex McCracken. guests A. 0, Walter Sweetapple 02 A 1115111 Robertson. Duncan Stewart, S. Machan. He bad with him as 1 --------..-- attend' wireless school, to Toronto on Friday and on, Satur- of , St. Thomas. All three day were transferred to Guelph to returned Cracken, Wingharn, with Mr. and Nova Scotia and .C., 13111 Don'nesty Personals; Miss J-TentHe MaIvor Whigham, with Mr. and Mrs, Ilai ; 1VLies jant.t pot, Toro, visited with their parents the home of his parents, Mr, anu Keys, lith con. LE cR.Y Ilomilton; MUG Isobel McKinnon Willis, 'Aachen, MannIng De. Mrs. Clay Bruce of Toronto 5s ,r1 G and brother Spence, Kitchener, ntolast weals at the guest of her sister, Mrs. Haroll :4* 4t"tit',,,• 'it+ 4:44+44-44 0:4 • - • - 44- • - • • 44 44-4:4 -0 44e.• 4:4 4:• • • • - 0:44:4444•-• 44.- 4.444 • .41+4444:4-4-1 . t More Hew (oats and Dresses ANNOUNCING - Coleman' swam ismousommismmilimwmismssommixim SERVICE DAY AT OUR STORE ON TUESDAY, NOV. isth 'HAVE YOU ANY COLEMAN APPLIANCE THAT NEEDS ADJUSTMENT OR SERVICE Bring it to our store --bring them all in! A trained expert from the Coleman factory will service them for you. He will not make any charge for labor or for gasoline used in testing or for mantles used in testing lamps or lanterns. if any parts are required you will be tharged only the regular prices for them. 1 ONE DAY ONLY This offer Is good only on the above date. If you cannot come in then leave Coleman appliances in before that and pick them up After. Service Labor Is Free The only cost to you Will be for any new, padts that may be needed. DAVISON'S HARDWARE 'BRUSSELS PI-IONE 11 1HAROLD JACKSsOcaNiorAttitt,ctolonnte,er •• +4, For Fall and Late arrivals alui new purchases have swelled our s. fine showing of Coats and Dresses to the greatest in our history! Style and value -wise folks will hurry here for their Fall clothing needs before prices advance. Winter Wear • o. 4 • •• $4. 41,• 07,4 0* • • t, Value In Coats English all -wool Coatings,13oucle Cloths, Nubley Cloths, English Tweeds, Genuine Harris Tweeds and many others in plain or fur -trimmed types... See the new Harris Tweeds in Swagger Balma- caan types. Lovely dress coats, furred in the latest mode ----------- l, mink, fox and lamb. Colors include Black, Navy, Green, Wine, Grey and Brown. Come here for the latest trends in smart Y 4:4 4+4, 4+4 4+4 414 +.4 ••• A .1 ',Hon Sale FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS Lot 23, Concession 8, Morris Two, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31st' Sale Commences at 12.30 Sharp 'HORSES - Bay Mare 8 years old Brown Mare 8 years old Black Mare 8 years old Brack Mare 10 years old 2 Sucking Colts CATTLE - Hereford Cow 7 years old supposed in calf Hereford Cow 8 yrs. old supposed In calf Hereford Cow 7 years old Hereford Cow 16 years old 2 Heifers 2 years old 4 Heifers 1 year old 4 Steers 1, year old 6 Spring Calves PIGS - 40 Chastise IMPLEMENTS - Massey -Harris Binder 7 ft. cut Massey -Harris Mower 7.ft. cut Massey -Harris Manure Spreader Massey -Harris Loader Massey -Harris 15 -hoe Seed Drill Massey -Harris Side Rake Horse Rake 10 -ft. Truck Wagon 1 High Wagon with Box 1 Cutter Set Sleighs Disk Narrow Set Harrows, 6 -section 21 -Fleury Plow 1 Single Riding Plow 1 Double Riding Plow Cultivator with Seeder ISteel Land Roller 10 -ft. Harrow Cart Wagon Rack and top half Stock Rack Set 2,000 Ib. Scales Fanning Mill Hog Crate Set Slings and Fork 11/2 H.P. Gas Engine Set Power Clippers HARNESS - 1 Set Double Show Harness 2 Sets Breeching Harness 2 Sets Plow Harness 1 Set Double Driving Harness 1 Set Single Harness FURNITURE - 2 Bed Steads 1 Side Board 1 Extension Table 6 Chairs 1 Leather Rocking Chair 1 Tapestry Rug 9 x 101/2 Sap Palls Sealers TERMS --CASH MENNO JACKSON, PrOOrietOr R.R. 2, 13 Rack 9 • te. 4.44 • • •;• •-,t• 4,;.• •4 t • it + • .., •s 1-z ,47 44 .41.14 4.• 0.4 fusely remesented• 4. Priced from 19.50 to 45.00 3. Fall coat styles. Every size is pro - lyth imil.111111•111111rMININIMOVAIMMIMI."", kt4 44 • 4+444+ 4+4' * • • •44•44444, 1,4- 4- 4444•44.- -444+-4*+-.447+4"*" 40 1 4; .+4 41. :434 - ++4 - 1.4 " • 1 •j• •444 ..4.4!"*"*"•••• • • • • • STYLE RIGHT FALL DRESSES .;. .. Simply hundreds of fifigure-flattering, . style -right • Fall Dresses are assembled here for your choosing. Quality crepes, failles, wool fabrics and many others styles in + the popular tailored wanner- Jacket Styles --longer ••• waist line types, all are here in the newest sleeve and skirt lengths. Colors include Wine, Soldier Blue, •:• Green, Naby, Black, Brown and Beige. Gayly orna- mented with jewelry or shirred and embroidered trims. ,4t, wisaiMINESEMEEZINIINga PricedI3.95 to 13.50 See T his W eek' s New Arrivals I n Smart F ALL MILLINERY T hey' re Startling New&Dif f erent 74: 1191 tewartBros.3eatortn+. 3.95 to 13.50 WIIMMOON.