HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-10-29, Page 1SE _-.. ,,:,.. T Wedllttaay' October 29th, 1941 POST Attend the Legion Dance To Help Buy Christmas Boxes For Our :Soldier Boys Overseas pveryaue knows new it feels to be the reniptent o8 a Onars box, no matter how small, it is -lice, inn t it, to 11ane friends -thinking of yen, es1?ectally a•i C1r1;1st Buis time? ` It Is mural `t$ile''fa) when the recipient fj.148iiffill home, among strangers. If` this does not conform ,with your way of thinking go to a legtonatre and ask him how it felt when he was overseas. So the local legionailes are staging a dance and social evening in arde: that ,everyone may help to make it Possible "to send the siaboys fr' woo 9 om Brueis and community, overseas a parcel this Christmas. .Tlids is an invitation from the sponsors who 1mcw .liow it feels le get a parcel from home. Tickets are being sold after Saturday and if you are not approached before the might Of the dance ou Nov. 5th, or think the old Joints have tightened up too much to step the light fantastic, bay one anyway, and come, there is also going to be an auction sale of vain - able merchandise and you may get it at a price. Lunch will be served, See advertisement on inside page. CARD OF THANKS T wish to thank the ladies of the. Brussels Red Cross for their gifts. They are much apprecieted. Pte. Carl Gowing United Church Anniversary Sunday, Nov. 2nd 11 a.m. & 7 p.m. Rev. M. C. McDonald—Toronto Guest Preacher * * MONDAY EVENING A Play "PIG TAILS" Presented . by members of Union United Church, under auspices of W. A. United Church TOWN HALL CAST,-- Gaye AST,—Gaye Brooks—Pig Tails Mrs, 4. Bremner Sidney Campbell—Blair McIntosh Mrs- Sid Campbeli' Mrs. Leslie Lake Kenyon Campbell, son— Vernon Speiran Annabelle Campbell, daughter_ Aileen Dilsworth Fiorabell Campbell, daughter— Mrs. Will Speiran Primrose 'White—Colored Maid— Mary McIntosh Norma Kirk --Mrs. Stan. Machan.. Brenda Baynes—Mrs. C. Spelran Watt Manners—Mas McIntosh ThurloW Ladd—Billie Bremner Ursula James -Mrs. H. Whitfield. ADMISSION -25c and 15c' —_-v— FOWL. SUPPER Melville Presbyterian Church Brussels Thursday, October 30th Supper served 5.30 to 8 P.M. Fowl. Placed On Tables PROGRAM IN TOWN HALL PLAY—' Presented by Bluevale Presbyterian Church Y.P.S. Admission --Adults 50c 'Children under 12, 25c y�. REGENT THEATRE PEOPLE WE KNOW m * * N „p a Lewis Russell, R.C.A.F., Belleville, silent Sunday at his home dere, * 0, *i3usc111en aud Ma'. slid 'Mrs, iIares were Sunday visitors' In 'O110sley, * * Miss Jean Walker of Brooklyn, N•T., is 'visiting at the parental home. • Misa Thelma' Little of the staff or the 'Canadian Bank of •Connnerce spemt the week end at her house 11 Atwo focal News Items:: 'Pommy. Dorsey Music Featured in Detroit Times CARD QF THANKS Mfrs. Samuel Walker and f0,e111;• wish to extend thanks to their many` friends for their kindness in their. t'ecent bereavement. CARD OF THANKS The .pareel coaitaining gifts irons the Brussels Branch of the' Canal - hilt Reil Ciross was received 'by •bre and my sincere gratitude is expieas- ed to thein for their kindness. ,The gitte are much ammoniated. Tte. 'Harn•y Tummy, od, "Somewhere In England" • * * Miss Elizabeth" Smith was a wen end visitor with her grandparents 10 Durham. * * * Mrs. A, W. Barker of Windsor leas been a guest at the home of Air. and Mrs. Robt. Downing. * * * 1Misses Mae Fischer, 'V. Duncan and I. Lowe were home for the,week end Prom Ressler. * '* * S: a .Fox and Russel and Mrs, I3. Bouvier and son Kenneth spent Sunday 10 London. * * ,5 Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Laycock spent the week end w11i1 the Porm- or's parents at Walter's Falls. * * * ., Mrs. Wilered Brown- of Chesiey is spending a.. week 'with her sister Mrs. C. Buachlen and family. . * . s Row J. T. Strachan of St.' Marys .was visiting with {}rawford and Amite Strachan last week. * * *. Mr'st Harry Bowler reeetved a cable on Tuesday, saying her hun- band' and arrived safely in England. * * 5 Mr. 'Charlie Mitter•wh'o has been in the Wingham Hospital for a codple of months returned Immo Jest week. 5 '* * tanntsep ;anc1 Mi•s. D. Hastings and son David spent Sunday in Londra at+'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hastings. * Mr. Murray Smith of R.C.A.F,, St. Thomas spent a. few days last week with his sister Mrs. , C. Buschlen and family. a Seaforth Ont. • NOW PLAYING George Formby — JN'_. Let George Do It Phyllis Calvert Romney Brent s Formby 1g the actor -musician .who turns the tables on Nazi agents. —a— MON., TUES., WED. Ronald Colman Anna Lee — IN -- My Life 'With Caroline Charles Winniger ' Reginald Gardiner A hilarious, modern, rontantlo corded/. Mr. and 1;14.t. Douglas Walker and children;' who have been visiting the former's parents, Thos. and Mrs. Walker; left' on Monday, for their home in Timmins. * * 5 Mr,'and Mrs, T, L. Prest were at Parkhill on Tuesday attending the tuneinl services of the, former'2 sister-111law, Mrs. Wm. M:• Prost. Rev. F. L. LOwin nor Parkhiil ofHciat- ed. Burial took place in Nairn cemetery. "Where there is no vision the :people perish." Melville. Church 10 a.m.—Sunday' School and Bible Class 11 a•m."They Failed Him' 7 p.,m: Evening Service With. drawn in fravour of United Church Anniversary.. YOU ARE WELCOME. CARD' OF THANKS I would like to express my sumer: thanks and alxpreciation ' to:I'm friends and neighbours for the gift of a wrist }vatolr recently presented to Inc. As it ticks away the seconds it will constantly remind me of friends back home. • 1 A:C, Kenneth Speiv; V Oas Stolen From Car Some person, or persons drained the gasoline tank of Dr. T T. ?Mc- Rae'8 'Cal` sometime Monday lliph' • Stealing gas from anyone's car, is a erieus enough offence, , but 2 we wonder IP - the responsible pl?rty w...1.1 have stolen all the gas from Next THURS., FRI., SAT. 2 Feil urea -Charlie Ruggles Ellen Drew —IN— Parson Of Par'amint .From Peter g. Kyne+s greakest novel ALSO -- Life With .Henry .1OMING -- Sunny —x— When 2 Features are shown, pat.'tns must be in by 8.45 to see a complete rho*, United Church ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 11 A.M. '& T P.M. ReV. M. C. McDonald, Toron`•P Guest Preacher Special Music by the Choir. The Public •Is also Invited to open meeting of the • Church School at 3. Mr. McDonald will speak. St, Johns Church 21st Sunday After Trinity 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer.a 7 p.m.—Evening Service With. drawn In falvour of United Church Anniversary. St. John's Church Welcomes All who are lonely and want yompanionshill, All wlto are tired and heavy laden, and wish rest and eneburagement. All d'li0 mourn and need cont for, ri All who pray. For You, • ..'reauy to play and sing in this coming �SuudaY't'.?otrolt Times Song No, :4 in the WEEK, LY SONG XOITS appearing in The Detroit Sunday Times, It's sele,t- ed by Tommy Dorsey .. and is brand new, tarohy and blue . , a fascinating,' 11101otlY, "The Night We Coiled It A Day'. Get The .Detroit Sunday Times ,this week . , and every week .. for a W E.KLY SONG HIT. Presentation For. Grey Couple Friends and neighbors of Mr. and. Airs: Fet'gus .Connelly gathered at their home on Friday of last weak to spend a social evening with thein before their departure from, he community. The time was delight- fully spent in games :and _dancing. During the course of the, evening Mr. and Mrs, Connelly were Present- ed with a dining room 'table and an add:less expressing. regret that they were leaving the eoualiiunity, The address was read by' George Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Connelly both thanked those gathered for the gift and ''the kind, thoughts expressed. Lunch wae.eerved and .dancing en.joyefl until the early hours 01' the morning. a doctor's car if -they had stopped to , JAar oT!! s W consider the, result such an fact JAMESTOW t"l ®0 ,might have occasioned. Dr. McItne Phe Jamestown Patrl.'ic groat' said he had left the tank at 'Last are holding their monthly tea a halt full. week earlier than usual tor the month of November --on Nova lith. Alt ladies in the community are cordially invited. • , • The Women's Asisociatlon or Roe's On'fted :Church will hold their bazaar on Tuesday afternoon. Nor. 4th, at the home of Mrs. S. Breckenridge. Two_9nilts, as well as towels, aprons and miscellaneous articles .will be on display and tea will be served.. Miss. Mildred Turnbull ' .'tea the 3131sfortun0 to break her ani N B. S. C. Notes On Friday, Oct. 17, the Brugsels Continuation School Annual Ifield Meetwas held. The Senior :aud Intermediate Girls' events wererun off together on account of the •mall number of Senior girls.- The:tkon- ners' were:— Iy Jundo'r Girls—Ruth MacDonald Intermediate Glrl9✓lean' Turnbull Senior ;Grls--Jean.; tDal,9,l as o Jutrior Boys—Jack -Willis Intermediate Boys—John Blake Senior .Boyer :Jim Prest -recently, ,, n,.......: Anniversary Services Held Anniversary services were held In. Melville Presbyterian church on Sunday with Rev. Dr. Palmer of Palmerston preaching both morning and evening services. Special mash' teas given 11y the choir and a large congregation attended. . Service in the United church on Sunday was conducted by the fin- ister Rev. C. L. Lewis who spoke at the morning service on, "The Open, Road.' .:tet 3 p.m. church ache 1 and Bible .plass were held. The:. evening service was withdrawn on account' of the Presbyterian anni- versary. Service in 01. John's Anglican church. on Sunday was conducted 10 the morning by A. B, Hutson ni Winghom. Evening'• service was withdrawn on account of annivers- ary services in Melville church. • , t niva 1fi1S i * * m, a: 4: Obituary * * '* * * U. n 5 5 0, SAMUEL WALKER On October 2,2nd, 1941, 'Samuel Walker, one o' the plcu0er rest- ueltru of I3;xussela district,' P9aus l away suddenly at his home in. Bro.. sets, in his elgbty•fourth year, The lute air, Wacker was bora on, the sixth oon005 4en of Morris In Hume Co., o11 ,Pnly 4, 1808, the x711 of Samuel and Rachel Walker, wao settled on a homestead in the bush, He spent his 'whole life In the com- munity where, he was horn, attend. Ing School 3n the village of Anes,- vdlte, ,'which later was • renamed IBrussels. He farmed for many years on the sixth line and for a time was in business in Brussels. In 1901 901'. Walker moved to Brussels where Ise resided since, Im 7,884 he 'married Mary Olver, of Bluevale, who survives him. in 193.1 they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary when all the family 'were 'present, as well as several guests who were present at the wedding do 1884. Mr. Walker is also survived by an•1 daTIg'Oer and three sous-: Mrs. H. I•• Humphrey of Sarnia, Ont., David 0., of Kirkland Lake, Gilt,; Everett 0., of. Regina, .Sask., and H. Olver or Toronto, as well as one sdster, Mrs. John Walker of Seaforth. The funeral was held from to home on Francis Street to the family BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Warden, Leiper Dies At CEntoLs Hospital . G1,IN I t.I Ont. , i I-Iurpu Coss - Leber; s vyaldelr, T<elrles Leber; 4,141., away ye..�terday' ..rnol'nln1 at. Clinton GaueraI Hospital it f 77,4 ,Year, vietilu .of a heart *,:, sustained less ''than a week while lie was motoring trout, a' 0t ic11 to 'Clinton, with his .Son. The late James Leiper was ;rssk. active many b'otli in his 1'.arni :taws. and during a 1`:fe;time of mun1CLDal work spent in the lntei'este Jit Millet township and the Oount r ti • Buren. Warden Leiper was a sea of the late John Leiper and Agates Mair Leiper and he was born is Bullet township, Concession 10, Os Apwl1 8, 1886, As a young flan 1a moved to the present Leiner farm om eonceslsion 11, Hnliet towna.U'ia which 11e built up by tireless wo>ic to he one of the showplaces of 'tiae county from an agricultural' 'an,gzae: His hobby was a good horse. tiara several oceasians-he .revisited Scot- land cotlanai and brought back with ;lb= sires for his stable of line draft horses. On December 27, 1899, lie vlart' e Annie Hamilton, who survives with.: a family of nye sons and tali, daughters. They are John b1 'of liniton, Robert, of Toronto; Gavka William and Thomas, at ina7.111s. Misses Agnea- E., of Toronto; oat Pilot in ' Br uesels cemetery. The J'ean, at home. A brother, 'Wiliam large attendance ant many floral and asister, Miss Martha, of Hal,. tributes Indicated the esteem wi".n lett, also survive. which the deceased was held in Alert and active, although• het the community where he spent hie was at an advanced age. Mer.: LetPer life. .climaxed a life'hue of almost: cos. Rev. C. Lewis conducted the seta Unman service for Hullett iotea< - vices and Mrs. Barker of Windsor ship and the County of Huron,3if,. sang beautifully "Face to Face." being elected warden of the cotalfi Pallbearers were, James Aude.• by a caucus of the Liberal members son, William Armstrong, Thomas of the Huron Bounty council. During walker, James Burgess, Walter his yealr oP service as warden `.tae Lowry, and Robert. Bowman. , gave his patronage to m --any patrician- -V— atiiatan- V efforts and encouraged such •ecorlit;s_: • * * * * * * * * * efforts as the Victory Loan 0001- 14 A D D I N G ipaigu. He was' a tireless wor•'laer n C• behalf of the 'Clinton Spring Slays- .* :s and at the, time of 1115 death he "ante • WHITE—M'DERMIA directori of the society. He was St. Aidan's Anglican Church, e'f' a3so a member of Constance (-;curt Miller McAr•ter and Gordon, Nichol were home ever he week end from Hamilton, , Mr. and Mrs. Divest Relllelds and Mrs. Win. Levie were visiting at the lionre of John and Mrs. McArler. Mr. and Mrs .Jv11111 Bosnian and family at Dutton; , Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Johnston and Mr and Mrs.- Carl Johnston visited 0(1 Sntlay with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Mathlers and daughters at Dublin. ulIr, Ross TurveY leaves this week; to train at Kitchener. Mtr. Ja,olt Wickstead returned home from the West on Tuesd&9 night after visiting'with lila brother and •other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Nethery ant daughter' visited on Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnston. ' Mrs, Ohms. Jones of Auburn visited on Monday' with Mr. and Mos. Raba. 111'teClennan, lot line. CHAMPION PLOWMEN WIN TRIP Gold 'Medalist • Silver Medalist Elmer Armstrong Morehall Deans es The Salads Tea Championship Class a1 the International Plowing Match recently held near Peterborough brought together leading plowmen from all over Ontario. Competition was keen. Winners of trips were Elmer Armstrong of St. Peals and Marshall Deans.*f Paris, If restrictions do not forbid, Salads will give diem a Transcontinental Tour, to points of agricul- tural interest in the Kilted States and Canada.' The next twelve winners in the event received prizes from $25.00 to..$5.00, lectlV* with Wilt s`"'chrysanthemums ;._di ' 11o:diait. Order oQ..; oresteraz. and candles, was the setting for a•t The funeral from the family resg- .es'ening ceremony on Saturday, I, deuce wee held en Tuesday after"- when fteriwhen Mils Barbara Eleanor McDer-', noon -nil <„,, f,..,ent made in Burne. mid, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs- remeter'y, Anllett. Harvey G. 11tcDer•1nld, was marrie 1 , to Flying Officer . John T. White, sen 1 V— ,.-- 01 Dr, and Mrs. J. H. White, For` William. Rev. R. B. English if zciated, and Miiss Rath Sense was at the organ. 1 Given in marriage by her fettle.% , the bride wore a draped gown of The "Muir of l'eunies” held white silk jersey, her long veil or Main Street. Saturday afternaa+ tulle was caught with miniature netted. $107.50. The Finance corn - orange lilasso'ms, and . she can'te;i min se wiob to take this opportuntt' ' •white 'chrysanthemums. Mrs. Jame'.•.• to thank all who assisted in any N. Sissons and Miss Betsy Doig, 1101 way. especially the ladies in charges attendants, were also gowned 111 of the booths, who stuck , to their white silk 3ensey .and carried whit: posts in spite of the cold breezes baby cilrysanthemnhis. Dr. Stanley which prevailed. It. Lowrey Pas' 510001 man, end the . We also wish to acknowledge with ushers, were lir. James N. Sissons thank a 'donation of $40 from 0.5•' and 11'Ir. William Hamilton. No. 3. and S. S. Na. 6, Grey; star After the reception at the home S.$, No. 9, Morris, of the tbride's Parents, the brli0 , The Oatober tea held last W,edarea and bridegroom left on a trip, and day realized $11.56: will live in Toronto. The bride travelled in a emit of hunter a green, with mink furs and brawn aces?-. Wroxeter People . Fight Threatening House Fire Wl1OY:ETER, Oct. 95.—Fire wIbs3lt aright have had disastrous Teras & broke out on Sunday in the hazat55 tom: Mr. and Mrs, George Allen on -,AVI 4iI%i' RED CROSS BP.USSFLS BRANNI sop'des. "Si --- Soldier Dies., From Injuries Kincardine Drummer Passes In London Military Hospital; street , Both Legs Fractured The •Hre originated armada GODERJCH. Oct. 28 Herbert' double chimney is an upstairs room Jeanings, 00, Kincardine, who sur' ander the floor and spread 'to :clean walls Neig'ldborsanicltly an'swereil the call and arrived with buckelts& and both men andwomen set 04) work 6rulmiting and carrying' "W #,• Considerable damage was done 'hat London, on Monday. bath' lire and water. Flooring was Mr. Jennings was hitch -hiking to ripped up and plaster was 11mnrrrseral Ms' home in Kincardine from the from the walls to get at the 33. Kitchener training depot, where he was a drummer in the Pipe Band. Tt is alleged he crossed the road Into the path of a no driven rbY John Ploda'ina, Kincardine.. He wan feed flotures to birth legs In 011 accident on Highway No, 21, two miles north of Kintail, on Saturday night, when he was struck by a car died in Westminster Hospital,' The Winghatn are brigade van called but the fire was under anon- tr•ol by the tittle it arrived. 1Vittelt credit is due Mr. 23. Patter- son and. Mr. Townsend for the east taken to the Gaderich hospital and tiring effort*. A5 it was' h'+u.. 6 - on Sunday was removed to London. 1 tersom received a bad srhoek bias V . DIED 1311,OWNTn Milverton on: Tuesday, October 21311, lames Browny ln' the bared hydro wire and retained burns on the band. Estimate r11 the damage done Is not 'krtowa sat Jiresent. his 87th year. Panama will take ., Personals: Wllltaan. Martin; Vers. place from 'his late residence in ton, with itis +Parents; Mr, and XS*. Milverton on Illicitly, October 81st Beit Mar'tfn; 'Miss Jane Valhars at 2 P.M, interment its Green, with. Mr, and Mrs. Neil Carse fat wood Cemetery, Milverton. Wingham., 7'? .