The Brussels Post, 1941-10-15, Page 6DIE BRUSSELS POST
ER 15, 1941.
pt. 1 Oc
pt. 20c
pints 35c
Phone 22-4.2 Brussels, Ont.
Honour Roll ,
* • *
Alcock, John
Alderson, .1.
Ames, T. B.
W. H. 'Bid'
"361, E. D. (Lieut.)
3ryan, Lorne
Black, Bert
Black, Donald
Bryan, Russell
Brothers Lylp
Brerwar, J.
Bowler, Harry
Burchell, Fred
Cardiff Clifford
Oardiff, Frank
Cardiff, Wm.
Campbell Jno.
Davidson, Scott
Dohl, C.
Dahl 0.
Doll, Mao
Earngey, Dean
Elliott, Ross
Galbraith, Geo.
Galbraith, Bowman
Gillis, Mose
Gibson, Harvey
-Cowing, Carl
Henderson, Archie
Hall, Deb.
Hall, Russel
Harman, G.
Harmon, Sohn
Hastings, Dave
Hulley, Jim
Lamont, Leonard
Lowrie, Everett
Lowe, Stewart
Locking, Wm.
Myers', Dr. 0. .4...
Meehan, Willis (R.C.A.F.)
McCauley, L.
Mitchell, Frank
McFarlane, Walter
McLean, Arthur
McDowell, Mao
McRae, Donald
Palmer, Jas.
Palmer, Wm. (Opt)
1'lum, earl
Pierce, Roy
Preet, T. A.
Prest, Robert
Rowland, Wm.
Russell, LOWS
Rutledge, Hartley
Rutlede,c, Jack
Roone)', Leonard
SPeir, Jack
Speir, Kenneth
Snell, Verne
Stretton, H.
Salesman, E.
Sanderson, Lloyd
Tunny, Ohas.
Thompsoa., A.
Thomaison, Norm. R.C.A.W.)
'lemmas, H.
Whittard, R.
Whittard, Earl
Wilson, Stan.
Worleman, Gordon (R.N.)
Young, Norman
Young, Ernest
Non Permanent—
Campbell, G. R,
Gloster, Fred
Nesbit, Fred
Thompson, M.
Lowe, J.
Woodrow, A.
Fischer. Wilfred
Gillis, O.
Fischer, Wm.
Hawkins, Herb.
McDonald, Harold
McDowell Zech
1VIoLol4nd, Harvey,
Peamon,, Ralph
Plum, Ernie
!Pennington, J. •
".. „
'1'1 Err
Howick Council
Gorrie, Oct. 7th, 19,11
The Council met in the TownshiP
Hall, according to adjournment, the
mei:ohms were all present, the
the Reeve, J W, Gamble, in the
The minutes of last regular meet-
ing, also special meeting, wore
read, and on motion of McCallum
and Winter, were adopted.
Moved by J. W. Gamble and El.
McCallum that a grant Of $25.00
be given the Huron Plowman's _As.
sot:dation for the year 1941.
Moved by Strong and Winter that
Reeve Gamble, Deputy.Reeve Weir
and Councillor McCallum be a com-
mittee to investigate the Situation
in regard) to relief re the • T. Reid
family, and to report at the next
regular meeting. —Carried.
roved by mciCallum and Winter
that the Road Accounts, as approv-
ed, be paid. —Carried.
Moved by Strong and Weir that
the following accounts be paid.
16. J. Hoffman, watches for
Active Service men 161.00
Isaac Gamble, part salary
as Clerk
J. G. Underwood, salary
as Sanitary Inspector ....
Ont. Hospital, Woodstock,
Expenses re Elisabeth
5. L. Walkout, burying pig ..
.1. H. Rogers, postage
and Excise
Geo. S. 13aker, wood for
Red Cross, Fordwicili
Huron Plowman's Ass'n,
F. A. Edgar, Fees on
Jardine Drain 46.30
F. A. Edgar, Fees on lIreller
Drain .... 17.50
Mongomery Estate, Sever-
ance & ditch already
constructed no. 15 51.75
Wililam Doig, ditch already
constructed No. 15 20.90
Twp, of Howick, ditch
already constructed No. 15 12.00
Amos C. Martin, contract
price on Mun. Drain
No. 15 706.74
Relief ..... 95.59
Moved by McCallum and Strong,
that this Council do now adjourn
to meet in the United Church Hall
Fordwich on Wednesday ,the 5011 day
of November or rut the call of the
Reeve. —Carri ed.
Isaac Gamble, Clerk.
money, The sa91.10000100 10 that» the
oil compauiea paid binwell for the
patent in order to keep It off the
Suoll allegations have been mode
'for years, but public opinion was not
easily aroused and there did not
seem to be much one could do about
Things are (Nacre% now. If the
goverument can oonseript men,
motley and 210414 •io order to carry
Qu the war effort, zvity can 1 net
couseriPt inventors? It iv not so
much in order to help motorists, .but
to help will the war, This is a
Mechanized war. The governments I
of Bri,lain, Canada and the other
DOmindons • are tremendous users et
gasoline for their planes, trtalLs, car-
riers, motorcycles, trucks and ,cars.
If, by forcing the 'use of new
carburetors which have been, invent.
ed, the government could make one
gallon of gasoline serve Where It
formerly reguired 10 gallons, why
Should Release
Gas -Saving Carburetors
Cheeley Enterprise
A. timely suggestion is made SY
the Windsor Star, when it says the
government should release the
patents which ail firms have bought
In order to do away with new car-
buretors which would enable a car
to go from 100 to 200 miles on 0
gallon, of gas,
It is pointed out that the Pogue
carburetor (invented In Winnipeg)
enabled a ,car to go 200 Miles on 1.•
gallon of gas, or ten times the dis-
tance secured by an, ordinary car,
The Windsor paper also declares
a man in that district took three dif-
ferent ,carburetors from standard
cars, built a new one, took the car
to a garage, drained the tank, Pat
in one gallon of gasoline, aealed 11,
and started but 08 see IS:lw far he
could gO on one gallon. He made
not quite 140 miles. it is not known
what happened to his invention, ao
cept that he doeSit't have to work
any mere and seenis to have lots of
deeft it not de rte? Isn't thte •31W
posed to be aS all-otit effort?
If there ever WA jn$tinentiOn for
using every Meaus to tiefeat the
eneinY, that time is now. How do
we know but that Hitler, With lima
ed of al, is not using suoh
carburetors? Why should we ponr
needless millions of dollars into the
war-ohest when they could be Saved
by taking advantage of inventions
by Canadians?
In last week's ifen0 The Gazette
it was rebelled that Lorne Roth a
•East Zorra had brought in a sample
of Wisconsin No. 7 COM that mete-
med just over 12 feet ,high. But
that corn was short, compared with
a sample brought to The Gazette by
Ezra Stocb on Tuesday. • It. Was a
sample of White Cony and measurod
15 feet, maven inches high, 1Vir. Stook
rePOrted that he had corn in his
patch that stood taller ,than himself
Standing on a horse's back with his
arm tupstretched. He mid that
some little difficulty was exnerienc-
ed in drawing the corn to the ban
for silo ifilling.—Tavistock Gazette.
Notice -
Brussels, Ont.
Oct. abh, 1941
To Whom 15 may C,oncerni-
I, He undersigned A. Don Camp-
bell will not be responsible for any
debts incurred in my name by m7
wife IVIrs. Eleanor Campbell after
thli date.
Signed A. Don Campbell.,
To take ONLY ONE motor fuel—a
pure petroleum product—giving out-
standing performance in any cur—
this will continue to be our POLICY!
... Me FINEST motet
oe welt made
HarryChamp on's Garage, Brusse