HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-10-15, Page 5T E 13 USSELS POST anti GET YOUR r ••RMANENT ON THE NEW ZENITH HEATERLEs8 THERMi4UE End Curl $1.25 and $1,76 and $2,26 Including Shampoo per ,ca„ent $2.00, $2.80, $5.00 including finger wave and shampoo Telephone box tor an Appolntmen' IRENE PEASE Oivar Prootorls Restaurant The time to buy a Good Used Car Is To-day. At 1941 Prices The prices on new cars are up, they will be out shortly, which means used cars will be higher. We • have a choke selection Used Cars 4.1941 Cars In Stock 1 privately driven Ford Deluxe Sedan. smalll mileage 1 Mercury Sedan. 2 Ford Sedans. 1940 Used Mercury Coach in new car condition. 1939 Ford Deluxe Sedan. 1938 Ford Deluxe Sedan. 1938 Ford Standard Sedan 1938 Ford Deluxe Coach. 1937 Ford Standard Coach 1937 Ford Standard Coach (60 H.P.) 1936 Ford Deluxe Coach 1935 Ford Standard Coach 1934 Chevrolet Coach 1932 Chrysler Coupe 1932 Ford Sedan 1929 Chevrolet Sedan 1929 Plymouth Sedan 1928 Chrysler Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Coach 1938 Dodge Panel Truck 1938 Dodge Pick Up 1937 Dodge 14 -ton steel box and stock rack 2-1936 Ford L.W.B. 1937 Ford Pick Up 1935 Dodge L.W.B. 1935` Ford L.W.B. 1933 Dodge L.W.B. New Fordson Tractor in Stock Ferguson Implements 16 Horses Heavy Horses, • General Purpose Light Horses, and Colt. JACKSON MOTORS LIMITED LISTOWEL Notice to Creditors —x- In the estate of Catherine Long, late of the Village , of Drussele In the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the nineteenth day of April, A.D. 1941 TAKE] 13'OTIOIl that all parties have ing claims or demands against the estate of the aboveanentioned de- ceased Irma' mail particulars and ya:rltleatton of the same by affidavit to the Undersigned administratrix or her solicitor on or before the eighteenth day of October, A.D, 1041, upon which date the said admin;r- tratils' will proceed to disttibufe the assets with regard only to thine claims which she shall thea have received, DATED' ' at Brinsels this twenty- sixth day of September A.D. 1041, Margaret Russell, Administratrix By her solicitor 0,, JOSEPH ,BENSON, Brussels, Oat.) v Classified Ads' FOR SALE — 9 little Pigs, 2 Durham Cows apply. at The Post. phone 31 FOR SALE - 2 good light work Horse or will trade for cow, Mos or liens. phone 77..r•12 Mrs. L. Rooney FOR SALE— International 2 -furrow riding Pint, In good repair. phone 45.,,•5 Clarence Hollinger WANTED_ Aged horses, in healthy condition for mink feed• phone 40. FOR SALE — Buick car, good condition; Ches. terfield. Library Table, Cupboard Table and Chairs, Frances Dress Shoppe FOR SALE - 1 Ayrshire Bull, rising 2-year•ald 1 black Flllie rising 2-year.old, apply S t1 Lot, 25, Con. 7, Morris. --� Jas. Riley. FOR SALE - 1 Roan. brown Durham 7 years old to freshen Oct. 10 1 Root Pulper good shape, knives freshly ground. fn,, either motor or hand Power. Phone Blyth 13-r-15 Torrance Dundas v DPI ('DAVE The regular meeting of the Wo- nren's Institute will be held on Tuesday, Oct, 21st at 2.30 P.M., at the home of Mrs. Cyrus Scott. This is the "Peace” meeting and the convenoin of tete programme are Miss Mae Frisby and Mrs. StanlsY Cook. Roll call, "one way in whish women can help to bring about Peace." Reading by Mrs. Wm, C. Scott. Current events, Address by Rev. Mr, Dunlop of Belgrave. Lunch corn„ Mrs. T. S. Scott, Mrs. Stanley Cook and Mrs. Cyrus Scott. All Hie ladies of the community are cordially invited to attend. GREY RANGER 15 jewels PATRICIA 53373 131tW*h 92475 Shop at IT PAYS Our Diamond Room Affords Privacy When Buying in“ 11w -.t eruLien.ry euu u,reertuuy yJU u,zV Co11 au u.•.o.uyl. of e,titustasm and unrgence, A ueignburs, we snail long remembe• your grauruus pereouaiicy and you. w.u.sa.,e�s to assist twuerever ant whenever needed. aast„ ,names, we shall often re. ecu auw you SO ably placeu the various 'patches in their proper po.itions a:ud so skilfully snipped the stitches. '4e hope as you font go to your new home, your thoughts and pray- ers wie often be with us. We shail think of you and remember you be- fore the Throne of Grace. We kuow taw. the Heavenly Father in the multitude of His tender mercies, will hold you, as it were, in the hollow of His great Hand, and thus keep you safe along life's pathway. As a small token of our regard. we aslt you to accept this electric table lamp. May its warm glow light up your living room so that Edgar away en- joy his newspaper, Mary continue her Red Cross knitting and Charles read the "funny pictures," and thus serve to remind you of your many friends in the neighborhood of the 14th concession of Grey. We hope you will return to visit us. Rest assured you will be warmly, welcomed, Sighed Mrs, Will Evans Mrs. Will. Blake Mrs, Hollinger made a suitable reply thanking the ladies for the lovely gift. Lunch was served by Mrs. Chrales Pollard, assisted by Mrs. Thomas Bolger. Mise Susan McNair of B.C„ has been visiting on ,the 14 con„ of Grey. Her many friends are very glad to see her. Cecil Robinson, who has been working the John McNair farm for the past four years is giving it 'up and has secured a job in a Kitchen. er Dairy. He starts on the 25th of Last Thursday afternoon the War this month, The family goes later. nulxers' Garb of Con. 14, Grey met We are sorry to see theist go but at the home of Mrs. Chas. Foliate. our loss will be IK.itchener's gain. file abtereo.,n was spent in makdat; Wedding bells are ringing again, quilt blocks and knitting. A sum this week as well as last weelr. The of money was voted to the CKN.Y_ Grey girls are the best. Queen Alexandria fund for crippled U,yna Evans, who has a keen aye ea,ldren. A beautiful emblem to a good horse bought a nice tearer ,quilt, donated to the Club by Mrs. lash week. Margaret Shannon of Walton was James A. McNair has a gang of much. a'ppre'ciated. Following the risen remodeling his house. business discussions, a gift of an —A pleasant time Was held in S:S, electric table lanae was made to No. 3, last Friday evening, Oct. 10, Mrs, Hollinger. Charles received e, when numerous friends gathered to pen and pencil set which he ap• enjoy the evening in a sociable predated highly. manner. John , Yuill called the Following is the address which meeting to order and asked Frank was read by Mrs, Will Evans, the Cardiff and Thos. and Mre. .Pea•ca presentation being made by Mrs to conte forward and Harold Catlin - Wm. Blake. bell read an 'address expressing^ gratitude to those boys who are se nobly serving their country.'A wrist watch was preeen,ted to Frank and also to Roy Pearce, a wrist watch was given, who bad enlisted and was sent overseas before' the cotiumunity wet aware of his departure and in dile time the gift will be sent to him by iris parents, a pleasant evening was spent in dancing. Lunch was else served, God Save the tang was sung at the close. • Glen Wheeler. London, enjoyed Thanksgiving holidays with his par- encs 8. and Mrs. Wheeler. Brussels, Ont„ Oct. 9tlr, 1941 Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Hollinger and Oharles:- D,ear- Friends:— We your friends of the 14th con , of Grey are gathered hens today at this home where we so often meet unreel' hitch pleasant surroundiugs. We have finished our regular routine of Red Cross work for the afternoon and would like to speak for a few moments especially to Mrs, Holling- er and Charles. We have Learned with regret than yotl folks are leaving Our midst Since otrr war work started, Mrs. Hettinger, you have attended the meetings 4atthtully and done your LOOK AT LABEL RLUEVALE 'Peltsonals, Rev, C. Tavener and a�Irs, Tavener width George Matters at the home of Iris son Wilbur and Mrs, ;gathers at Dublin; .Mr's, Arthur Shaw attended the fuaer'ac of her cousin, John Kahle, at Beams. ville; Jo 'eph Burgess, Ottawa, with his sister, Mrs. W. 1,. Frasor and daughter Isobel, at the home of Mian Martha Fraser; Mrs, M. L. Aitken, Hallai, and 'Vitas Dorethy Aitken, St, Marys; at their home Here; Mires Minnie Aitken, Hamilton, with M.^e; M. L, Aitken and Miss Dorothy, Rev. G. Tavener preached annivcr-. sary services at balem on Sunday. Rev, J. L. Foster of 'Wroxeter occu- pied the pulpit of the United Church here, He spoke, on the subject of "Spiritual Wealth versus Material Riiehes." Rev. F. G. Fowler preached anni- versary services at Belgrave and Rev. A. M. Boyle of Belgrave oc;a. Pied the pulpit in Knox Presby- terian church. Next Sunday, Rev. F. G. Fowler will conduct a special Harvest, Home service at Bluevwle. The sectional meeting for Mait- land W.NI.S. Presbyterial will be held in Knox church on Thursday, October 16, at 2.30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris and two sons of London and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turnbull and dauglner Patricia of Byron with their par- ents, E. R. McKinney and son, To ronto, with Isis brother, W. H, Ile Kinney; Mr. and Mrs, 011y Moffatt and family of Ingersoll with Mr and Mrs. Burns Moffatt; Mayor Thos. E. Henry, Mrs. Henry of Stratford, William Thomson, Mr and Mrs, George Donaldson and Miss Sanderson of Toronto at the Sanderson home here. v MONCRIEFF The meeting of the Farm Federa- tion opened with the president Wm Turnbull in the chair. The first number on the program was a :'tet by Ohe Misses Mann, which` was well received. Mr. Whitmore. Reeve of Tuckersmith and member of the County Agricultural boa •d was the first speaker and gave a comprehensive account of the 0"- ganization of the Federation in Hurpn• County, Miss Grace Dennis Favoured with a delightful song "The Yel`iow Rose of Texas.'' After mock applause Miss Dennis. gave suitable encore. Mr. Dorrauce, Reeve of McIK4llop, the second speaker brotight out, very clearly, the need for:organization. Mess Doris Machan gave n reading "Trees," which the audience enjoyed. The final speak- er of the evening Mr, J. H. Scott of 'Seafonth spoke on "The Farmer and; his Job." In this he brought out the foot that farm women will benefit most by improved conditions on, the farm and are a very Im- portant part of the organizatio-r. Cobperative buying was explained and its advantages shown. Industry is so well organized that farmers must organize to survive. Don't stay outside end knock; Join up and help make this farm Federa`.i.:n what it should be. The last num- ber was a humorous reading "The Ball Game," by Miss Lillian South ,Stanley Machan moved a vote of thanks to those taking part which was heartily endorsed. The meet - Ink closed with 'God Save The Kine,' v IT POURS (tEAN LY THE I1ANDY POURING SPOILT for the tumpoundtin• it's tree—write tor one NOW • Fits the special top of the 2 lb. tin of Crown Brand, Lily White and Karo syrups. • Is easily cleaned and ant bo used over and over again. , • Pours without a drip. • Provides means of accurate measurements. • m kis the e2 lb.. tin an excellent • Tho protective cap sanLary cover Tell the Tell the boys that portraits of famous hockey stars can still be obtained for "CROWN BRAND" labels. CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP The Famous Energy Flood 11N CANADA STARCH CO., Limited, NOW inmesimsemier WALTON Pr sana1e Mr, and Mrs, James Sanderson and baby, Wroxeter, with Jle', end Mrs, Bari Watson 15, Hal- lett; Jeek Carter of Kent Bridge spent a couple of days with his brother, Joseph Carter; Mrs, An. drew' Bruce, Grey, with. Mrs, Hugh Fulton; A. J. Carter, Seaforth, with his son, Joseph Carter, :vie. and HIT, Geo, Wells and Miss Joan Wells of Toronto, Miss Mary Humphries of Leamington and' Miss Margaret Glouson of Wing+lier:1 51)001 tate weeg end with Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Humphries. r Mrs. 11, Jackson of Kitchener is visiting her sister Mrs, I-Ialat of WDdYNJ3i$DAY, OOTOB3IL 15, 19 i1' Winthrop, Mr, and Mrs. J. T•I, Itumplhr'les of Windsor and Miss. Beth Shannon of Mitchell spent the week end with Mr's. Margaret Shannon. Mr. C, Seders has moved his rural,. tare to Breasleu where he Is tesehr- Mng school. The many friends, of Miss Marr Mowbray are sorry to hear of her Illness and hope for a speedy reeov. ery. 15 NI A coley Saving S le Persistent mild weather has forced us to make great reductions on our complete fall and winter stock For the next 15 days. We are offering to the public the finest and most select merchandise at lower -than -last year prices... The benefit is yours Take advantage of our store -wide savings Winter Coats A complete 1 -All our Coats have been Reduced 25% A complete range of Misses and Women's trimmed and untrimmed coats— ( Sizes 12-20, 38-50, 18%.-24.% Wide variety of shades and materials. A Fall Hat Inculded Free with Every Coat at Sale Prices Dresses Due to present conditions, it has become a problem to give to the public merchan- dise at former prices ... Therefore we are putting forth every effort to continue to bring . . Popular Priced Merchandise Don't fail to see our smart , new dresses— any type and every size, as low as $295 HA'Y'S—Every shape, style and colour is to be found in our range of millinery. Felts as low as • • • • . $1.95 Velvets as low as • • • • • • • • • - - - - $2.79 NOTE r We ' have no last year merchandise Skirts, Jackets and Accessories on Sale A full line of men's and boys' clothing, shoes and furnishings — at Real Savings. SIEGAL'S Economy Store [The Family Outfitters] ''Wallace Sts Listowel 'n