HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-10-1, Page 5nut THE BRUSSELS POST Wedne-sd.ay, 0 her 1slt, 1841 Elootwoosirmarommarao. lr 11 pc,p Imo 2 Ink •AND SEE RI! 1T Thousands ofo pe ole in Brussels and district are 'wearing REID'S GLASSES with perfect satisfaction. If you haw* headaches, eyestrain, failing vision, cannot see to thread your needle or read—see Mr. Reid and have your eyes thoroughly examined by him. Lowest prices at all times. Latest styles of Glasses R. A.111E1'�p �n EYESIGHT SPECIALIST OPTOMETRIST Brussel Office -- Every Wednesday Afternoon 2.00 to 5.00 MISS HINGSTON'S Store — Phone 51 BLUEVALE The annual Rally Day prog"anr was carried out in the Halted Church on Sunday morning with the theme, "The Ministry of Teach - Ing.'' The scripture , lesson was read by Miss Jean, McLennan and Miss Helen Thomson read the story. The choir, composed of members of the Sunday school,' led the service of praise and rendered an anthem. The pastor, Ray.' C. Tavener, gave an ad. dress on "The Ministry of Teach- ing,'' The church was tastefully decorated which added to the DALY'S Garage, . Seaforth Did You Know! that we are equipped to do all kinds of Fend'r & Body Bumping on your car a Spray Painting lio ARepairs Anymake of Cars, Trucks or Tractors thoroughly overhauled and reconditioned Give us a Trial J. F. Daly Ford LS Mercury Dealer beauty of the service. Beautifully Decoratea. Baskets: of brilliantly eolore I fol flowers made a beautiful'settin torthe Rally Day sery'ce le Kno Presbyterian ' -church on Sendai morning. The superintendent, Mri. Elaryey' Robertson, .nducted th service, assisted „by. Mrs. Swart Mc Karcher who read a New Testa stent scripture lesson. The address on• the theme ',Christ The Hope of the World," waa.gdven by the min- ister, Rev. F. G. Fowler and Mrs. Raymond Elliott sang a soloT. The service next Suada`y will be with- drawn on account of the 75th anni- versary seryice •of Eadies' Ohu ch when Re*. Austin Budg,!, B A,, D.D., of . Hamilton, will be the sneaker. Personals: Mrs. Will[ tm L. Fier and daughter, Miss Isobel Ruh Lake, Saskatchewan, with Mrs. Mary Robertson and Miss Martha Fraser and other relatives and friends. Mrs. Fraser was for merly Miss Maggie Burgess and was e..restdenit of tine village before going to the Canadian. West. It is 23 years since she last •vislted Blue - vale; Mdgs Elizabeth Brower, Brus• eels, with Mrs. Elsie Lamont; Mr. andMrs. Lora Hiles and family, Atwood, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holten- back and family, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. W ,W. Mann; Miss Isatbel ,McKinnon and Spen-' Mc- Kinnon, Waterloo and Duncan Mckinnon! Brussels, with Mr. and Mrs.. R. H. McKinnon; Mr. and Mrs. George Love with relatives at Sea forth; Mr. and Mrs. James B. Ker• ney with Mr. and Mrs. William Kerney, Walton; Mies Jeati Elliott and Miss Lela Agar are atteudtng the training school for Junior Girls' Jiome-staking ' ,Clubs et 1 Wiugham. GET YOUR e_RMMNENT ON THE NEW ZENITH HEATERLESS THERMIQUE End 'Curiand $1.25 $2and $1.75 .25 Including Shampoo Permanent $2.00, $2.50, and $5.00 including finger wave and shampoo Telephone 55x for an Appointment IRENE PEASE Over L. W. Eckmler's Store g x e • Forgive the Coanrade, but ib see eJ such •.. J d opporturiiyy. Cartoon from the Lohdoe Doily Matt By Illingworth. Not arv40151610 British Isles WEDDING • * w • $ * * * * to ALGOCK—HOPPER A pretty wedding tools place '>' S'a'turday afternoon, Sept. 20th, tit 2,80 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mss, 04yle S. Hepwer, of Morris 'Township, when their eldest •daugh- ter•, Laura Frances, became the bride of Mr. Lloyd Alco k of Morris Township, The bride wore a dress of Eliza• beth rose dhade, and a corsage of OPlielia roses and fern. The brides- maid, Meals Muriel Hopper, slater of the bride, was dressed in navy trim, coed with white. The groomsman was Mr, Jacks 1'1p e, A recesttion and buffet luncheon was held rafter the'ceremony for immediate relatives. The couple will reside on the groom's farm in Grey Township. v JACKLIN°KITCHEN WIRIOX'ETi0R-4. pretty ,Autumn wedding was solemnized at the United church manse, Wroxeter, bodb', when dilita Isobel, only daughter of Mr. ons MrS. Charles Wesley .Kitchen., became the bride of Carl Jlacklin of Ethel M Grey township, The bride wore a street length dress of British blue sheer crepe with accessories to match, She was attended by her cousin, Mies Minerva J. Campbell of Wing - ham, who was gowned in Queen blue crepe with accessories In. matching shade. Little Grace Campbell . of ' Wilmglsam was flower MK, (rocked in blue and carried ' a bouquet of carnations, setters and gladioli. The' btiidegroom was sup- ported by his .brother, Robert Jack - lin. Rev. J. L. Foster etiolated. A' wedding dinner was served to im- mediate relatives at the home of the bride's parents, atter which the bridal couple left for a motor trip through Northern Ontario. On their return they will reside on the bridegroom's fern near Brussels. v TUNNEY — MILLER At ,10.30 o'clook Thursday morn- ing in the Presbyterians manse at Biuevale the marriage of Mona Miller, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas . Miller, Brussels, and Archibald Tunney, son of Mrs. Ben Taylor of Blyth, and the late Mr. Archibald Toloney, Rev. Frederick Fowler, .officiated, The bride was attnded. by Miss Isabel Lowe of Brussels and the bridegroom by Ray Dobbin of Blyth. The bride wore a wine canton wool dress, trinttnbd with transparent velvet with black accessories and carried a bouquet of yellow Joanna Hill roses, wore a geld brooch that was worn, by he grandmother at her wedding 65 years age. The bridesmaid 'woe gowned in beige wool crepe and carried pink Prosperity roses. The brideyroom's gift to the bride was •a gold locket and chain to th* bricledmaid a silver bowl; to the best man, a silver cigarette case. The wedding brealcfasit tools place ht • Winglbam and the honeymoon will .be spent at .Niagara Falls, For travelling the bride wore a navy blue suit with contrasting blue ac- oewories. On their return they will reside in Blyth. • COU LTES—GRASBY The 'Gaited 'Church manse at Bel pretty wedding at 11,30 o'clock Sat - pretty *eddiug at 11..,0 o'clook Sat- i l urdv.y ntorining, when Rev. George Dunlop united in marriage Marjory Hope, youngest daughter of Mr. . and i Mrs, Marlin Grabby of Morris Town- shtip and ' Jgames: Robert Coultas, Duly sou of iolr 'and Aims, Charles R. Oottltes, also of Morris Township. The bride wore a dress in metro - a wool dregs in sweetheart bine with wine coat nand hat uith brown accessories, On Weir retail), they wail live at the bridegroom'% ham's in Morrie i'owushlp, JACKLIN—HIGGINS A allied. 'but Pretty weddiug toalc place at Whughant United Church Manse, on Sept,. 201,11, when the Rev, 13se;Croft united in .marriage, Mrs', Rosetta Hilgg'las• of Wroxeter to Mr, Edward Jaciciin of and Con;, Grey Township, '11Iho bride wore a tailored suit of black with wine hat aatd matching accessories. After the ceremony the couple left on a motor trip to Godeich, Grand Bead card other points. Best wishes go out to the couple :for their future hal/Oasis. v GREY Mr. and Mr's, .Stewart Higgins of Wroxeter, Mr. Fleming dahnson, Bluevale; Mr. and Mrs: Frauk Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baker of Fordwdch and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sproule of Wroiceier were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jaclklin on !Sunday. Vent successful anniversary sar- viees were recently conducted ; at Roe's -United Church by Rev. Reil Vipond oe Trowbridge, who gave 4nspiring messages. A local choir was assisted in the morning by Mr. George Pearson of Ethel, and in the evening by a male quartette com- posed of Roy Hall, Quest Dobsaa, George 'Pearson of Ethel and P. N. Currie of Atwood. Tire caused by' a lantern, being kidked by a cow and exploding completely destroyed a frame stable and granary on the farm of. John McKay, Con, 4. The season's prop of hay and straw in stacks nearby was also destroyed. Through efforts of neighbors, a lien .house was saved. It is reported that no 'in- surance was carried. Mrs. Jas. FdFarllane was a guest at the marriage of Lily Ann Murray and Mrcrafbsman Arthur Brook which tool: place in St. Paul's Anglican church, Wingbaat, on Saturday, Sept. 20th. The young couple formerly resided in Saska- toon and Aircraftsman Brook was transferred to Ontario to complete lits trsining. Following the cere stony, a buffet luncheon was served at the home of the bride's brother. in- law Mr. Ernest Higgins cf •Ludk-now. After which the bride and groom left by motor for Gude- rich, Stratford, London and points south. Aircraftsman and Mrs. Brook attended the shower held for Mr, and Mrs. Tom adacJFarlane the following week and were guests of Mrs, J'as. MacFarlane. Milt and Mrs. Parr, Sth eon., held open house last Friday evening for Thos. :and Mrs.. McFarlane who were recently married, Lovely gilts were presented to the bride and groom. A very pleasant evening was ,slpenit by the assembled crowd in ,social chat and dancing. Lunch was also served. John MgIiinnon and his grandson Paul are enjoying a visit at the home of Dau and !Sara McKinnon, The gueste live in Fort William. Mrs. ,Charles Armstrong, Toronto is visiting the .Armstrong families, 7th con, A social was held in Duke's school house 4 con., laet Friday evening; lunch was provided by the Ladies. (Bruce and Mrs. Brown and Norm' an Shaw, New Liakeard' were week- end visitor S at the home of Joe and' Mrs. Shaw and also Mac Shaw, 5102 an., Grey. Teeswater and Gortie apparently wind`up the fall fairs for this year, Winglia.m and ,Brussels were cancel- ed, in this vicinity. penton shade with chanty rose wl'.h hat to Watch. .Her flowers :were a corsage of Talistinan roses. The brldesinaid, Mfes Mabey. Isaliell Graslby, atter of Lhe, 'bride. wore a dress of delight blue' sheer with hat to match and a corsage of 'Briarcliff roses. The bride• groom was sepiported by his cousin; George Rosa Anderson et Bei: grave. :Following the ceremony the wedding droner was serVed at' the home of the brides parent's, the member's Of the .immediate fsimilien helms guests. Later, the bridal couple left by motor for Niagara Falls, Toronto and Broci-1 vine= For traveling the bride NOVO -v BELGRAVE A• very enjoyable 'time Wad "spout when .relatives and frfeuds of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 'Hutton gathered lit Foresters' Ball in honor of • their recent marriage, The evening was spent in dancing, Lunch was served and later C. R. Coultes called' the young ramie to the platform where he°extended the best wishes of 411 went for a long' and' happily ma, Hied life And asked them to accept' a .shower of gifts t from their friends, Lloyd', in a few: words, on behalf of Isobel and himself, expressed' thanks. for the best wishes and,gifts, Personals: Nor, and We. Joseph INtnlbar ydth friends at Milton, En. lye. Wynne, London, with 'Telma Wheeler, Belgrave Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Arinbtrong;, Kitchener, wtf:i relatives here. Classified Ads FOR SALE— Potatoes amply to phoue 101X -r-5 George Manning POSITION WANTED-- Brant ANTED—Honest self-respecting woman re- eires position as house -keeper, by Oct. 2044, Phohe 77X FOR SALE_ Combination Washing Machina, either gasoline or electric, for sale cheap. 17d Collis, Iinefl'yn• or phone Brussels 35-r•7 WANTED -- Siam) and Plastering done by W. E. Brown, Brussels, HATCHING EGGS WANTED— We are in .the market for addition- al flocks to supply us with hatching eggs for the 1942 season, Flocks are oulied and bloodtested free of charge. .:Free cases are supplied and the express is paid on the egga and on the empty oases by us. We pay a premium. over Globe prices of 15c fer dozen, for a 65% hatch, 17c a dozen for a 70% hatch. We have a long selason• from Jlanuary until July. Write for full particulars. Also wanted to purchase pullets all ages. TW,EDDTJE =OK HATCHERIES Unlit.?d Fergus, Ont. Drain Tenders Wanted * * -* Tenders will be received by the unde15Igned until Monday, October ells. Tor the repair of the Betts and, Walton Drains in McKilhp and the repair of the Murray Lamb Drain, Hullett, which is the con- tinuat5on of the Walton Drain. Plans and specification of Betts and Walton . Drains may be seen at Clerk's office,. McKillop, Lot 35, Can. 3' and of the Murray Lanb Drain at Clerk's office, Londesboro. Lowest 1 o rany tender not necessarily ac- or any tender not necessarily ac - vary. Tenders will be opened at 4 p.m. on the above date. John McNay, - 1 Clerk of McKillop, P. 0. Seaforth, R.R. 2. PATRICIA • Id bowels 52475 Shop at RANGER 15 Soweto Scars Sa v k Ss ti.m e''3 IT PAYS Our Diamond Room Afford Privacy When Buying Notice to Creditors —x— In the estate of Catherine Long, late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the nineteenth day Of April, A.D. 1941 l _x TAKE NOTICE that all parties hav- ing claims or demands against the estate of the above-mentioned de- ceased must mail particulars and yen:tea:ion of the saane by affidavit to the undersigned adnninistratrix or her solicitor on or before the eighteenth day of October, A.D. 1941, upon which date the said admini,i- iteatrix will proceed to distribute the assets with regard only to those claims which she shall thea have received. DATED at Brussels 1 this twenty- iLsih day of September A.D. 1941. Margaret Russell, Administratrix by her solicitor 0. JOSEPH BEN- SON, Brussels, Ontario. tee! Is Rai in Canada T 0 gm Steel "priorities" have stopped the purchase of steel in Canada for all but essential war industries. This means that cream cans will become ahnost imposhible to secure. Already there is talk of an impending shortage, and prices have advanced sharply. We appeal to you to return all extra cream cans (whether damaged or rusty) to the creameries. These will be re- paired and re -tinned if necessary and put to their proper use. Good cans are urgently needed, of course. THE BETTER THE BETTER! We make the appeal to all farmers to give your best co- operation in restoring these cream cans to general circu- lation again. CANADA NEEDS TEIOSE CANS. BRUSSELS CREAMERY Phone 22-r-2 Brussels, Ont. 1 - GERMANS LOSE GUNS IN DESERT FIGHTING A British rd0idier, appraises the Wee of a dainegad German antitank gun, captttred 3tti'receet fighting ,in the Western ,I)osert. ., ft' The gun has suffered from a 011, and may have to loin counties* others oil the rapidly -growing stack destroyed Geejn si' ointment. tit 6 i