HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-10-1, Page 341 iii 4• •• ♦aI a' r NY;i.;•N•, h((♦1 44,4* ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ - ♦ e♦♦♦eT♦• 4•+4.t 44. --• . +"441♦e'f0-44-':a : ♦i ei e ♦ ♦.44. fHf iNfNe49.et, 404P4f94dNi4+4.4,44H4H46f06♦0 44 f .P ♦ ♦♦♦44 f i 4*N4HfH♦H4N4µ♦• w�HNAH1♦♦fiN♦44•4044114444,64••••••••••44. . iii iai�' 4;{ •♦a4'r +f) Ir ++ it y♦i� ♦.40 1i ail ♦t♦ 3 ♦r + r-Zi9 a4 SJ• 11' sl TWO MILES SOUTH OF FORDWICI-I 4a, ♦a� ,a; ♦a� k �♦ t e �l a ;a ,ti •f ia. e• THE EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL Of Huron County Plowman's Association Will be held on the farm of John Holt, in the Twp., of Howick ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦>H}♦♦i♦♦p♦~Q♦♦H+N♦N♦H♦H♦iOH♦H♦t•♦♦H�HOH4♦iiH♦H+H4H♦H♦4OH♦N♦H♦N♦N�4,i�►♦H♦-►♦N•H♦N♦H♦H♦H♦OON�iN♦N♦H♦H♦N♦H♦H♦µ♦H♦H♦t1D"+"+"4",•4♦♦HO i.♦N♦N♦N♦i♦♦�i♦HHN♦N♦N♦N♦HHHN♦♦f♦4� ♦ * ♦ ♦ 4 * ♦ A ♦ ♦ i ♦. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ o i 4. * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ . ♦ ••••••••••••• ♦ ♦ . ♦. 1 1 `H,H••H••H••H••µo♦,►••H•*N.•N..H*N+H*.H••H••H••N.•H••H•♦p�p♦..H..H4H••H••H44y4�i4H•4Hji♦••H••H+•HpH••H♦N4i„♦♦�OiH♦µ♦µ♦N♦Hlµi'�'�' - - - - _ _ _ _ _ CLASS 5 --Boys under 16 years, in stubble, with skimmers PrIzes-1sit-$10.00; 2nd --$8.00; 3rd -$6.00 4th --$4.00; 5th -$2.00 (Six Entries or no fifth prize.) 1941 Prize List Of the Huron Plowman's Association Consists of 9 Classes as Follows: CLASS 1. -We have replaced the High Cut with a new, practical sloes. This new Green Class will use a jointer plow, any age can plow who have never plowed at a plowing match but contestants rnust be residents of 'Hutton County. There will be (eight prizes as follows. $10.00; $8.00; $6.00; $4.00; $3.00; $2.00; $1.50; $1.00 CLASS 2.-Jolnter,Plows with skimmers In sod, no cut allowed, open to all -except anyone winning 1st prize at the Provincial Match. They will be barred cut of this Class. 1st -10.00; 2nd -68.00; 3rd -$6.00; 4th -$4.00 (Five Entries or no fourth prize) CLASS 3 -Jointer Plows with Skimmers in sod, no cut allowed open only to residents of Huron County. 1st prize man 1 st-$10.00; in this class must enter in iCMse' 2 next year. 2nd --$8.00; 3rd -$6.00; 4th --$5.00; 5th -$4.00 (Six Entries or no fifth .prize) CLASS 4 -Boys 19 years and under, In hod skimmer allowed. 1st -$10.00; 2nd -$8.0u; 3rd -$6.00; 4th -$4.00 N. H. Cardiff Ethel, Director. (Five Entries or no fourth prize) CLASS 6 -Tractor .Class, for boys and girls under 19 years. Turning not less than a ten -inch furnow, drawing as many plows as you wish. Entry confined to residents of Huron County. Prizes -1st -$16.00; 2nd -$12.00; 3rd -$10.00; 4th -$8.00 (Five Entries or no fourth prize) CLASS 7 -Tractor Class, drawing as many plows as you wish, turning not less than a ten -Inch furrow, open only to residents of Huron County. Prizes - 1st --$15.00; ,.2nd -$12.00; 3rd --$10.00; 4th -48.00 (Five Entries or no fourth prize.) CLASS 8 -Tractor drawing wide bottom plows, turning not less than a 12 -Inch furrow and you draw as many plows as you wish. A free open class will accept all comers. Prizes - lst-$15.00; 2nd -412.00; 3rd -410.00; 4th -48.00 CLASS 9-A Special Class to include non Farmers and County ' officials, Prizes .-, 1st -$3.00; 2nd -$2.00; 3rd --$1.00 Write Secretary for Program including Special Prize List, ►♦•N+/i•♦f•N••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••+4,44:0444•414.•-•-•.••♦♦•µ• ••H•µ• • µ•H•N• • •, !4*♦µ•HreQ♦f4 M:N:Ai�N:♦d�♦4♦ V1teH• .7-0••:N:H'iH`~+41•H•H•H•IN•H♦HiHtµ�i3Aµ*Hi♦f • • e♦i•H4 PROVIDING THE JUDGING IS FINISHED THE PRIZE MONEY WILL BE PAID ON THE GROUNDS. $300.00 In Cash Prizes Our Prizes are Generous -Come and Show Us How You Can Plow and Get Your Share of the Money. 1' . Special prize list will be printed with the program including .,donations from Imperial 011, Salads Tea ,co., T. Eaton .Co., and Robert Simpson Co., and others. Rules and Regulations Rules governing Tractors will be the same as those laid down by the International Plowman's Association. There will be an entrance cparge for supply teams of $1.00 per team. Entrance charge in each class $1.00 i .. Excgpt in Class 5, bays In this class the entry is free And don't forget you mst finish your Six rounds on crown befor going to lunch. Amount of land to p)ow, left to' Committee to decide. ..Average depth of furrow ii inches. No shaping of furrow after 2 rounds on crown. Teams to be on ground ati9 a.m. to start plowing at 9.30 a.m. Finish to be made at 4 p. . Judge's decision to be' pl. No shifting of stakes after statit is made. Eaoh plowman allowed one helper only. Ail Crownsto be finished before lunch. Finish to be,mede by 4 p.m., or•plowing will not be considered. Plowman to Gee 6 rodnds on Crown, must be finished by 12.30 noon. Directors to be on grounds at 9 a.m., wearing official badges. All general purpose t iows must halve plane Irons, n0 I cut, either couiter or ahare, ; i DON'T UNHITCH FOR DINNER BEFORE YOU FINISH YOUR SIX ROUNDS ON CROWN OR YOU WILL BE BARRED OUT. Refreshments and Meals will A Cordiai Imvitatio Gordon McGa`in, President Gordon McGovin, President dtjj' the North Huron plowman's Association offers $10.00 to the. whiner o°f�f" the Salads Tea Special, providing he competes for ,the Salads Teal ppecial, at the International Plowing Match held at, Peterborough this yd r. Wskimraisomwsimaillearet be .Provided on the Grout ds Is Extended Bert Fleming way, Hon Pres, N. H. Cardiff) Vice Preside t.' 1..1j•-•-•;,44.4°•4•++. ♦ °H♦H♦N♦ ♦N♦44♦ff♦i•♦1i♦Hf♦i'r♦♦f4♦H♦H♦µ♦i4i!♦♦♦4♦H♦H♦f♦♦♦♦rµ*H♦4♦i4,6 ft♦N4$4♦♦µ4A4H4♦fN♦N♦ff♦N♦Hii4♦♦1♦♦ ♦♦iN♦f• ****4.444.•..♦~/.i_♦.»f♦1 4, 4•NiN♦♦f♦ • (,1 t; w • r Z' �♦ i R "�1 li 4 4, .a4 !ti 3412 Ott 44 I � : ae ToAll 4+ L. Ea ' Cardiff, ;M.P., Set reas, Brussels, On4,1 to a4 ttn _ • t. 4.....H 1.•...+ ♦+N•Neu•N.NDN•N.µ�N�♦...N�1i*N4M.�... .