HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-10-1, Page 2' THE BRUSSELS POST Mi gise Flower, and one Of these h.• toothsome airmayoombs, and I say, what a jolly -looking palloVer! aly faVourite Colour% WO: Twenty. e in one and sixeencel Dirt elteap!" "Hanknitted," said Flower Jia in e M k• eagerly, for Aunt Martha had spent much time over that pullover, and d By Cynthia Dare it had cost nearly aS Clinch as that in wool. "Then it's a scandal it should ge en cheaply. oweyer Ii1 beneftt.1' He had WA for the pullover and "Your name!" said. Robin Sofly, "Wh74 FloWer, It's the most lovely MUM) du the WOrldi Plower Garden! What more could yOu. Mk for In life?" Flower just kelt back the retort, feeling Aunt Martha's eyes on her. "Why, nothing in the world! But You don't like people to be amused at it," said Flower. Robin steady, 1rib en Is til eir ignorant e, ,saicl • i ' ITIUM Lunch over, she washed op. Robin lead gone off. He eanne flack es soon as he had shut up his poultry. It was late, but still daylight, "I'm free now," he said. "Shall we 'swim, or would PAI 17ead. rather not," saidFiowel, n Plower, titing sill' "There's nothing more I'd ask for in life than to swim With Yea, Plower," said Robin. 'Suddenly into Flower's mindthere oasne another face—a laughing, audacious, gay young 'face with A little feeling of shame clue. grey -blue eyes that were somehoW kind. Here was Robin, so dear and Idol and faithfull, and here was she wishing viaguely, but -wishing very earnestly„ that it hadn't been Robin, she, was going swimming with but Tony Lorrimer! * * WedneSdaY, October l'st, 1941 .--•••-•-••••il Now why should there flash ,amsessismommosmar•Wmi•Illooll• Wee eyes! +Someone who weS ler Blind thtother ce? A tanned young ftlee With rather laWY, gfer- American Coal kflbtof dream's, somehow different from everyone else on earth? "Forget it," gold Robin, after one moment's breathless pantie. "Race you to the groyne and hackle He was going at It hammer aad tongs, she following. Semething salt on her cheeks that wasn't the salt of the sea -water, something stupidly like -tears! Suddenly, she callg'ht, eight (f What looked like someone swine Ming. She trod water for a mo,, Jnent, then called to Robin. "Robin! It looks like someone in the water in diffIculties, Quick Robin!" They were going at it now with a vengeance, The was a, matter of We and death. She was right, Someone yens' clefinitley in difficulties. ' "Tut, tut, boy! We'll talk about that book—and do so." I had tied it round his neck, giving another time. At the Moment you'' 0 i "You're teasing me, You knew Plower a whimelleal look. staying down here. I've told Miss I You are. 1 sheet do any such "Wonderful how cold you can get for , Watkinson that I'm looting for a 1 thing!" after bathing," he said, regardless , , "Well, ;there's one thing, the l ing of the 'fact that the sun was 'brilliant wife you" "Fechava she'll lend a hand," said i er you. stay 111 this district the better and everyone els* was panting with Tony. "IllwerYone seems to be it'll be for trade. We can do with I the heat. taking ray troubles ar more serious. it, too," said Aunt Martha. Ilestarted the ball rolling and ly than I am, Honestcy, Miss Wet. „come mt, Aunt Lavinia, let's 1 quite a nice sum went into the [Pi f'S klnson, do you think anyone can i raid the shop! There's a top -hole L before `ch-eY. departed. choose a wife for anyones else." I jumper 'that would suit you—red a d "Well, you did a good 'stroke of "I'ca certain they can't, or, if they grey," said Tony eagerly, n- huiliness for us though y011 hinted do, they'll soon end it's waste , Aunt Lavinia looked' dubious, She shamelessly, auntie," said Plower, labour. What you really want, Mr, i as she Rung her arm's round her Tonyis for your aunt to say'The wasn't so sure that it would suit hsr. aunt's neck. , , . i "Oh, it's too •youtliful for me, moment you get married I'll out you i Tony,' she expostulated, "I say, what a morning you've off with a shilling!' Then, C'IntrarY- "Ribbish! Suits you beautdully been having! Your shop window , 1 i ' loolas quite empty."wise, wise, you'd go and get ma.dony. s curried to- 7, ' Robin's voice! Gay, laughin.;, morrow." ' He was laughing gaily now , his eyes on Flowers face. deal Robin! So diffeoent from that "Tirdee woman! You've got the masculine sex summed up in a not- ,What's the price of that thanga- . laz,y, pleasureseeking crowd witlf shell. There you are, Aunt Lavinia. me -jig?" I nothing to do. Robin had been up Take a leaf from Miss Watkinson'ssince dawn, working hard, too. Why "Thirty shillings," said Plower did he seem so ordinady after Tony? shyly, thought Flower remorsefully, ,„,...,......w,,,... ,,.........,,..,,,,,,....,,,...4. "I'll treat you to it, Aunt Lavinia. to, Such a good friend Robin inc • 2 graceless nephew," ing with the hundred -and -one things "Oh, Tony, for goodness saki, that eomehow F.'eemecl too much for hurry up. I want my lunch," said Plower. One thing Aunt Martha Janice petulantly. I did insist on, that one afternoon a I week the shop would 'be shut, and "After the cinnamon buns! Surety Flower should have her free Mine. not, Janice! Aunt Larinims got a i Aunt Martha had made a big Cornilli --• ---'t• pasty for lunch, Robin was invited. little more shopping to do, haven you?" he said.. I He heard all about the parts, at • "Sure thing!" said Aunt Lavinia, , The Hall—heard about Anthony chuckling. "I'd like that muffler.'' I t Lorriiner. As they put the shuttera "There, Inc a thought reader,"sle- ! up the 'two talked. Glared Tony, "Is that honey? I 1 postively make a pig of myself over , "I liked him," said Plower thought - honey." 'I fully. "He didn't seem so empty "'You can't eat honey as a sweet, or inane as the other young men, meat," retorted Littne. ; They were a little amused at InY "Oh, can't Il A jar of honey, name, bot he—he was quite kind." ; Mind you wear it in memory of your helping to 'put the 'shutters up, help - MOW IS THE TIME To HAVE YOUR HARNESS REPAIRED N CHAPMAN Brussels, Ont. Running Water is an Everyday Necessity in Kitchen, Laundry, Bathroom and Barns ADURO Pressure Water System will furnish an ample supply of water under pressure to all parts of your home and farm,. Without running water, sanitary conveniences and modern facilities, so essential to health and happi- ness. are not available to your family, The cost of EMCO Bathroom, Kitchen and Laundry fixtures and fittings is very reasonable and can be spread over a period of time under our Easy Payment Plan. EMCO•products are modernly finished, of high quality, and will give years of satisfactory service. THREE-PIECE EMCO BATHROOM—Tub on Legs, Toilet and Wall Lavatory with all Trimmings can be purchased for as little as $ $93.40 (Soil and Don pipe and fittings extra) THE DURO SPECUil, PUMP, show above, has a capacity of 250 gala. per hour. With 25 qaL Galvanized Tank and 25 or 60 cycle Motor, it costa only $90.50 For Sale By Wilton & Gillespie IMP= BRASS MFG. CO., LIMITED, LONDON, ONT. 11141.10MX011 TORONTO fiunntntT WiNNITEG VANCOUVER 140 "1 Love You, Flower!'1 CHAPTER Ws. J she 'Preoccuindl EV_arY now and again Robin stole a look at her. He loved her, this dear, I attractive little neighbour (2..f his, had always loved her ever since the clays when they had gone to the same school, and he had helped he' with her home lessons, bad been knight errant to the sweetest little lady ever created. Now, the eggs collected, they went in, emerged in the sunlit street in swimming -suits and bathing wraps. A quiet little street it was this afternoon. A bee buzzed lazily over the windowpane. The sun poured drown on to the cobbiid stone road, making it look like gold. Opposite the Odd Shop lay acres of heath. a purpl esea stretching away TO BD OONTINCIlD. is quite Slow Conning and we advise everyone tc ORDER YOUR COM. NOW ! As prices are advancing. We Sell Insul Brick Siding warranted by the manufacturer See Us we buy from manufacturer SeeUs Before Ordering D. N. McDonald .1 02111111111$111111111$4211711MallatIMIONWIMI When in Listowel —EAT AT' — Weston's Restauant Home Away From HOme smed.er P+++:•+:•44:44":":444,444.44-+.14:4+++:+4,•••44:** •4 ••• Business eards = .4ts' immibiamemaammemommorazoolemoesmarlemaut 4._ te ALLAN A. L.AMONT t Agent tor—Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile Insurance. ••• •••• Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy for fanners. 4 'Phone 657 Queen St. into the infinite distance. I y •• Brussels •• Plower took it all in a detached : At w s Dnn ld way. She loved it, certainly, but .!,, W. • ---« son - - Licensed Auctionee', : •• she was used to it. Together they went down the •0. cobblestone street, Past the little ••-• Post office, past the churchyard V with its yews and cypresses, A quaint little village in all ways, *Se charming enough &a the surnmor time' -but oh, in the winter time I. yery, very quiet. If it hadn't been for Robin there'd have been no fun • in the place at all Not that she asked for much. She and Aunt :4 Martha were very happy during the I ftt winter months knitting, knitting, y knitting, in preparation for when the I y Odd Shop evened, at Easter. No 4e use opening before. People began V to come down at Raster, and from •;• then right on through the summer • + • • •• for the Counties of Huron and Perth A phone 35tr-13 - — . Atwood, Ont 4 ' All Sales Promptly Attended. to _,•;!.... ----CHARGES MODERATE-- .--Er• ' For Engagements phone 31 'The Brussels Poat' and they 'Ff• will be looked after inunediately. .," +:* giummign. WILLIAM SPENCE 411111Rimmil Estate Agent Conveyancer te yand Conunissioner •• • GENERAL. INURANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET, ETHEL, ONT. 011111mmaumagegsmuminammeammainutaimmutosi until the end of September, It was INSURANCE AGENT She gave a little shiver. When 'SePtember came would everyone goaway? Would Tony? Yes! No one really young could stay down here for long. There would be ended, it came again. other summer throngs. If summer II311.1111111111111E ' CHAS. T. DAVIDSON ) ' OR le 4 CANADIAN GENERA 4•-• EMPLOYERS GENERAL INS, DOMINION OF CANADA PERTH MUTUAL CONSOLIDATED 1:1 44. ZURICH GENERAL rei O early 'September now.'42- STATE FARM MUTUAL •-• 40 'PHONE OFFICE 92X • IT 414 RESIDENCE 87.8.2 Brussels, Ont. •• 4. ••• ,brow they came to the top of the •4,41, oiiff. Here was the little path Harold Jackson Ghat led down to the beach. 2‘ SPECIA.LIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES. Plower had flung off her yellow- A, (Licensed In Huron and Perth Counties) and -black wrap, 'and was running A NAMES REASONABLE; SATISFACTION GUARANTEED fleet as a water,nymph. She plunged into the cold salt- ness orf the sea, .A funny place for a proposal. Afterwards the told himself so, and asked himself was it any wonder smau that she had refused him? Por no sonnet' had she come up dashing the sparkling drops from. her eyes and laughing in 'sheer enjoyment of the thrill of that cool header into the water, he had told her. "I love you, Flowed You're the most perfect little thing in the world! I love you!" "I love you, Inc Robin but ---"'1 won't listen bo any 'buts.' 1 To prove it, he dived and carne up gasping and choking beside her, "Plower! You. said, 'I love you, tool " Plow el"a laughing (face gdbered. ThIS 1108 no joke. Robin's face waa imploring so deeply earnest, that a t feeling of sorrow came. "I've always loved you,"Robin, bat Jest as a chum." "I want you to marry me!" Robin's voice gaveling 10 that terri, tying way, not a bit strong and masterful, She'd got to hurt hint—hurt her. self, {40, '1 &Aft want te Marry anyone' Robin, never, never! Ilm haPPY as 1 am. 1 couldn't get Married." 4.4 Foe information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson, 12 on BA y Make arrangemente'at The Brussels Post or Elmer D. Bell, • Barrister office. •••:, isommanumansommirer Seaforth;ft.R. 1, Brueettell.•a: D. A. R FURNIT ANN URE •'• FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer • IP PHONE 36 or 85 — BRUSSELS, ONT. .t.t 11111111111111111.miliMMIBIIIIIIIIINImium + ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR; ETC. 4t; PHONE 29X — BRUSSELS, ONT , JAMES McFADZEAN Howick Mutual Fire Insurance t. Hartford Windstorm, Tornado Insurance i Automobile Insurance' PHONE 42 P. 0. BOX 1 1: 40. TURNBERRY ST. BRussras, ONt c-g4::+3.:4:«•:***:•-+.14•34414.-*****:•7443.4:41:43ARtt ) •••