HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-10-1, Page 1EB R FOST PUBUSHXNC� MOUSE k :K rF N h New Picking Machine Installed PEOPLE * * * * W F * KNOW The Plast Ilnron Produer Ng dune has installed , a new Pinking iticinf Marguerite uoa rso has ac. machine to speed 'alt :k chicken picking, .Miter the ffir;a Ili Venda dun have been stabbed• they are M s dripped tato trot 'water' and then the operator holds the birds to a nst n} e the suction cup's atbarctred machine wilrioli picks' them clean ie n1- 0 an incredibly short time With y gal feathers remaining, to be finished Ot r hand, The Picking Is accetnrpldshed by innumerable re- volving lubber cups that do the job without tearing the sista of the birds, K * * the process a Cepted a position giEn HOMEMADE OCTOBER, 4 h KING SAI -5 SATURDAY, at 2,30 oclock IN THE • UNITED CHURCH BASEMENT Anniversary Services Knox Presbyterian church, Ethel will be held on Sunday, October 5th MorningService viat 7.30 p.m. Evening with the Rev. Hugh Jack, t speaker. of-Seaforth, as Soloists will .be Mrs. Glen Eckmier and Lorne Eckmier LECTURE ON COMMUNITY 'HEALTH will be given by Honourable George HoadteY ,,,,.Division on Public Health—...... -- and. Medical Service •• under auspices of Morris & Grey Units of • the Federation of Agriculture 101 IDA BRUSSOWN ELS at 8ALL P.M. FRIDAY, Entertainment prided Everybody Welcome. No Admission L Wednesday, &day, October 1st, 1941 ,µ • Quota. Bas For t lne Is Changed BRUSSELS, ONTARX tlw * t rn ,r ilvasis Toa gas+olfnre suppllfls dctsi, n x r I 1U1tUN:l'�7 eel, �t—A near c� .,,.��•• MRS, I inequalities aid r� lvlrs, Amos salmi, a resident cf te. level tor Service stations. Isola CARD OF THANKS ��� $ & AMOS SMITH 10 level out lacunal t as a e areas where general 'MIS/11%a Tir, and Mrs. in Wood viten, to years a' erereaseh b enrol talSa Yearn.. and for tiro past three express their sincere aPpre�cSatiolr resident of 13111, noosed suddenly '. 1 . CARD OF THANKS the 2ud can Grey Twp for Kitty I would like to take this opPlr- lend 1Vlu,rgeer• tuna)* to thank the people •lf i, ite spent a tog days last week in Brussels and community for 'te Itaanilt0ti, Bearnsville and Niagara i gifts 'Which 11'eeatveu tiu^ough 3•11° Falls, • • Red Cross Society. They are' use• a ful and much appreciated. s , a Cardiff, t l k Card i an • el rl Pr Mott, Gu i, 111 Mass' Clara D , been, the guest of her sister Mrs v H. B. Allen, this week, ' * 4 * Nathan Chapman), Mr. and Mrs* litre funeral took plane oa Wed' .R. W. Kennedy and stone were Sun.' Head Y, Buried At Brussels a ' on the arrival tit the noon day visitors at Baden. train from Toronto, of Roy Ainto•v, M3esea Velma 1)ueean, Isobel youugeet son of the late Mr, and Mos. W UI*m ASn1:ey, fernier ,rest. Lowe and Mao Fischer aiave gone dents of Brassels, He Passed away to Idespeler Where they have taken on Monday following a heart at - positions, tack. He, leaves to mourn his load, * " e one brother, William, Niagara Mrs, Win. H. Hudson of Detroit, fails. 33130h., ban returned home sifter visit./ Yrientis in, and Pallbearers were +Cleve Baeker, ing relatives and R S Warwick, R J. MeL u , around Brussels. ' * * * We are sorry to report that Mrs, W. IL Kerr has been confined to bed With an attack of asthma. - r ,w VI Mrs. Baker, who has been wit;]' her uncle Mr. D. McDonald for e Past 14 mouths has returned . to her home, * 0 * avirs. M. Potts, Guelph visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Cunningham for the week end. •.' * 4 Rev. C. C. L, and Mrs. Lewis and Rev. F. Watts were London, yisitora on Friday of last week. • The many ikiends of .Mr. and Mrs A. Wood will be pleased to know that their son Kenneth, who has been m a London hospital tor several. weeks is improving splele didly - • ---V Anniversary Services Ethel United Church 1941 Sunday, Oztober 12th, .f".uest Speaker, . „r: *n'Rev.,C. A. McLean To onto. Morning• ervice 11 am. Evening''•tservice 1.30 p.in. Special Mue•c will be rendered by tiie Choir. 1941 Monday, ev'g, Qct. 13th, Thanksgiviing Night A Hot Fowl Supper will be served from bto n I eresting Followed PROGRAMME By Listowel, Brussels and Ethel Talent Consisting of etre Orchestral and Quart Selections and Other Musical Numbers Readings and a Humorous Playette, Community' Singing. Admission, Adults 50c Children 25c United Church 11 a.m.—"The :iia'I of God." Sacrament of thg Lord's Sup3e9 EYerY ,member urged to be present on this day of World Wide Communion 3 --Church School and Bible Class 7 p.m.—"LlvIng the ;Highest Life" YOU ARE INVITED. - St John s Church 17th Sunday after Trinity 11 a.m,--Morning Prayer. 7 p•m --Evensong. St. John's Church - Welcome* A11 who are lonely, and want • ,companionship, All Who are tired and heavy laden, and, wish rest and encouragement ,All who mourn and need con• toe, All who pray. Melville Church +•., 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Close 11 a.m.--Sacrament of 'the Lord's Supper 7 P•m+ "Clod Before. nd Bd Friday at E p.m. -- Preparatory ( es,toe. COME ANIS WEUCOME a chlin Geo. Manning, Bert Manning an1 at St. Joh'n's 'Church last Sunday Harry Querinr. morning. The Rector's subject Service at the cemetery was can- was "Anglicans, Awaken. " Even - ducted by Rev. S. Kerr, Melville song was said at 7 p.m. Presbyterian church. Interment,' yeas made in the family Plot in Brussels cemetery.. for the many inquiries and exprea Qr R. Gattto�ile, 0131 canto ic,t,. In Norwich ou Thurs+day evening, � Cerroda. edeas of kindness shown upon :he Sept:, 20, in Tier 7510.1 year, She had During Qctober deakirs: wsZst � occasion of Kenneth's illness, been yiniling Over brothers in Wo id- i -vsteak and Norwich for the peat • ceive 30 per cont ot their • Did I ar Home -tirade Baiting Sale —v -- three w at 0 to ate things to e g o h o. g For d g , er eupp I•I'ome-Made Baking ,�a,e when retiring testi .ill and passe 1040, 7.'he ail controller .�ait't C the l3 3 30 nt oY the Vru*y, a, y about 30.30 the seine evening Octobercureh at 2 30 o'clock on Saturday, Mrs Smidtth `vhose maiden name ryas Mal restrtetioe s for next month, in moat 41301. Elizabeth Ann Searls we+s born I, cases, would be mare severe '•i those prevailing this month WT,3e9 ' —_v__ ---- 23rd. Noiwicii, Oxford County, on Marchze,r Huge Pumpkin dealers wore allowed ?5 per• cent 23rd. 1867, She was united jn total supplies used In July. . Kaye you seen the 45 -pound pump•marriage.3m 1888 •to Amos Smith who os kin that has been on dispiitY at the An illustration appended In t predeceased her fifteen months ago• new cyder, being Issued to oil >p service station of Joe 7{0117" It wad Gonda] in diiQ0*1O?on she made brought in by George Il; 1 many friends and was highly esteem - readers today, cites the Case eZ cese Morris show hip, 'Oen any of aur dealer who received delivery rd, readers show a larger one? Surviving V s oe a 1940, supply with special pragdwlina colts. She ate . a hearty 1040 euppl im which She Jp1o' e43,m followed by 'a social time and to be held d business dayered frons that a£ J103W 1 are one daughter and 9,000 gallons in October, 1940 16360 one son, Mrs. Ed. A. MoMdllan cf , gallons in July, 1940, and 1:1602 At the Ch?nrches July, 1941. In this case ,the sear Holy Communion was celebrated Blyth; Francis W, Smith, 2nd con, Grey Twp. Ons grandchild Mac. wood C. Snaith. Also three brothers survive. ligbert Searls of Wood- static; Jacob and Franat Searls of Norwich, Funeral services were held Sunder from L. 0. Arno & Son's funeral residence in Norwich. IntermentI or 8,280 gallons, Through the anon - WAS made in the Searle fatuity vault in, Norwich cemetery. k parfson of July, 1940 and 1947„ V .1 effort is being made to adjust nm Valuable Prizes plies in a district where gets. For oowmennwmen throughout the Province ti ganged. business conditions may 3 sesse are looking forward again with keen Relieve Acute shortages: antSoLPatIon to the 3a7 . of their One of the main results- exprevin branch match to compete for some of the valuable pries• that are_being Dan the new buota basis is tae • offered, A cash prize of $10.00 have particularly acute s7re+rrisngss in largeritiSo overcome m sox,.- cities andv offered to each of the ,eighty branch.dition through which service ea - es -es of the. Salado Tea Company for the best land in jointer plow sod tions in summer resort az•eas� classes is of particular interest, to,' Plentifully supplied although the winners of this "Special" earn seasonal trade has dropped sd the ptivelege of competing for 'Cattrelle explained at a press eet* Terence this morning - valuable traps in a Special Oliamp- Dominion -wide consumptlexx extf• - ionsh:p Class at the next Inter - gasoline in October is aot7asa ry ' of two young plowmen from Hornly, slightly* in excess of September Ontario, in 1940 has become the cording to F. G. Cottle, executing . topic of conversation among 111°w - low assistant to the oil controller, • -, men ath.over,Qntatio. As a reward prepared the nen* Yormula:- Mr. C:ottrelte declined to conune*.1• on the 'possibility at rationing, "We will see how this 44,2_1_ Windstorm - - - Sweeps District Fruit growers of the - district prob- ably suffered the greatest loss from the stashing 60 and 70 m1le ;gale.. which whirled across southern On. Mario on Thursday of 'last 'geek. R. J. McLaucl11in of 3110 East Huron Cold- Storage reported that their orchard suffered at least a 50 ger cent Toss it not more. - Telephone and Hydro Electric ,services were dder0Pted and manY homes were in darkness for a num- ber of hours. There has been little prope,•tT 1 Sunday, Ootober 5311, Ezdies Pres - damage reported locally but some byterian Church will obseh,e the miles south of this district barns seventrftfth anniversary of - its were unroofed and houses dant'ged founding. The service, which will and many trees blown down. •be held in the ifternoon at 2 o' - While the loss of the apple crop clock, will take the sante form as in Huron was extensive, at, ,the the Covenanters' Service in 1560, P same time, it was felt that the'law D was a.great deal harder in Perth V and Oxford counties. Son of Early Pioneer The late Mr. Roy Ainley who was Watt Disney's buried in the Brussels cemetery on Father Dead Wednesday of last week vas a Mr. P• J. Cantelon on Monday re - Prisoner - Prisoner of War— .Rev. S. Kerr receiyed word that his 'brother who was repented mis- sing is a prisoner of war. A Annual Bible Society Held In St. John's Church The annual meeting of the Brus• sets Branch of the British and Foreign Bible Society took place last Dhursday evening in the base- ment of 5t. John's Murcia. Mr. G. Schnook was in the chair. The Bev. J. E. Taylor of Crairbroo;i opened the meeting with prayer and Rev F. Watts read the Scripture Lesson. Miss Carrie Iiimgston, presentee the treasurer's report which showed that the sum of 51 7 had been for- warded to headquarters from the Brussels Branch. The Rev. F. Watts presided daring the 'election of 'ofiners tor:1941-42. Mr. John Sc31no0k was re-elected &resident, and Miss Hingston, Sec- retary -Treasurer: Rev. Sam Kerr, Rey. C. Lewis, Rev. J. 'Taylor 0110 Rey. F. Watts were elected vice. presidents. the PIs• The Rey. Mr. 1VLcOreary, Wet Secretary was present, and { addressed the meeting on the work at the Society in the world to•dat. He Warmly congratulated the local society for their splendid work. dla Moving pictures dlpdeting - the tribution of the Bible in Algeria concluded the evening. Rev. S. Xerr closed the meeting• REGENT THEATRE Seafortb Ont. • NOTICE— — Advertisments and other copy for the paper must be in this office by Tuesday at noon or it will not *33 - pear is the paper until the following week. Tuesday noon is the dead- line for all ,Copy. —v— Last Wednesday In accordance witharrangements made by the b"ei,tess, men thiswill Ibe the last Wednesday evening the stores will be open this season. The Thursday ,halt holidays will camtinue, Eadies Church To Observe Seventy -Fifth Anniversary 1941, gallonage is 115 percent et I July, 1940, gallonage. Applying 115 per cent tet Oka October, 1940, gallonage of P. gives he "estimated gallonage' 'f 10,350 for October, 1941. The 'aCii : c- able" galiomage which may be an - livered to this dealer during OC n- ber is 80 per cent of the "estim' M d e rgrandson el the first settle,a en the fivetl Eord of the death of his old GreY side of main street of Brussele Yiend Elias Disney, Sather of Walt then known as Ainleyville, all of Disney; the famous creator or .which part of the village his YamilY 0Mtickey Mouse' 'and other screen owned. The Halliday family own - characters: Mr, Disney died at ed all the land on the Morris side. iNonth Hollywood, rCalifarlyda, :,n V .Saturday ,in his eighty-third year, Convention To Be 'Held as 'stated in an air -mail letter from Mr, Cantelonis . daughter, Mrs. Mite Annual Convention of the, Whittington, of Burbank, Cali.. North Section of Huron Presbyter forma. He was born in this count?. lel of the Women's Missionary near Bluevale, and as a Iboy attended Society o1 the United Church will Centrbl sohool in Goderloh, where be held' in Union 'Church (Ethel lois father worked for the late Peter Circuit) on Thursday, Oct. 9th. MwdRwen in sinking a salt well There wni1 be morning and attar - Bliss was a first. cousin of Mr. Can- noon sessions. AL the latter the telon and a boyhood companion. Two guest .speaker will be Rev. Brook 0t Tears ago last winter Mr. Cantelon Hensall, Oiafrman of the Presby - spent 'three mimi ya at Iiolly+w0oh tery. as a guest in the Disney home and V ---e was royally entertained by Elias' St. John's Guild Fowl Supper sons, Waiter and Roy, Walter is To Be Held Oct. 21st at present In South America. Goderich Signal Star At a recent meeting of St,John's * Guild, October 21st was a.slecteo a9 V the date of the annual Fowl Supper• Mrs+. A. Coleman presided in the NiE1NLYWEDS HONORED absence of the president Mrs, G. Davis. A large number et members The ileac of Mr, and Mrs. J. were present, and plans were made Wilton bright with autumn Bowers for the supervision of tablas and the was the steno of a deligatin- kitchens Final arrangements '*311 ev formal party last Friday evening be Made at the October meeting. when, the staff of to Public and.--V-----. Penny ,Sin Larry Sims Continuation 'Schools met to honour PRIZE WINNERS OF Penny Singleton one of their memrtrers. Maurice BOWLING TOURNAMENT - IN r Laycockand hes bride• The early The mixed doubles tournamsent $tondie In Society t pant of tone evening 'was spent in The Bunlsteads in. the best !hew ye • cards at the conclusion of which of 1110 Brussels Bowling Club hal and Martini MUTELY read an, address and successfully concluded. It was the Charles Starrett Mrs. Wilton on behalf of the stag source of a great deet theof healthY summer Outpost y The Mounties entertainment during -song+ of presented, the newlyweds with a Thrills of t`e saddle. silver 'water pitcher in the grape aeasom Some of the newer mem- the saddle, 1 desdgn, r. Laycock, in Bitting bete of the club were among the iM `$ I manner, egpreased gratitude to the winners as follows':-, Next Douglas FRI.,-SAT.Moe. 'Davidson fAerifyn p?ouglas Roslland missal, ' stair �btc� ° Socio and dndod good wish, let--Geo, avin :�• This 'Ching Called Love k also expressed appreciation 2nd—Walter Kerr The greatest rotoantic eomedYt ot kindly manner 'in whit silo 30Ilizabeth !Seeker ^x as i Ord --Harry dhaimplon • MON., 1fUErs., WED. had 'begs received since eomnl6 Jessie Utile . a �atranges',ta our anklet. I'. A tasty hatch was nerved by. the: 4111—Mhos, McDonald Iildit 0J NOW PLAYING— for their prowess they were given a trip wthich took them to points of agricultural interest in the' United fiast" he commented. States and Canada, from Toronto i o J .If rationing were intrec'E.cine3l Vancouver. 1 maUY retailers. who now were- *34 They saw cowthoYs, sheep-het and miners in the 'cooper" town r I Pressing themselves is favor cox' Bente, Montana. This was a live.' rvould he out of business almost Wild city 011et1 with the un- . trelle said. He also refused ttr .afhe expected, In Io'w* they sat in an 0. 1 cuss the poss4b13137 of chan:g f conference with farmers andanswer. ; gas°11ue 33rices- ed questions about Canada and her The general response of Itsen methods of fanning. Every minute drivers to the government's sg sa3 of their trip was an education and to save gasoline had been gains ?est they learned many new methods of "a great many Pleasure boat �- farming which they are using to con- tors did not pay much attenttiou d siderable advantage on their own I have not forgotten it,' tlxe tams. farms. Gordon McGavin, Vice••Pres• I troller added. dent of the Plowmen's ASsoolattelr, i Hayen't Got Gasoline ac0ommnnied them as guide and i "The fact is we haven t girt bra manager. i geesalise and gyam't give it to: 'f33Y7 It restriction do not forbid, a shit. 'people. Bveryone wants to lane -is alar opportunity will be given to the war as long as his ox isn't gesso " winners o fhte first St second awards Beery possible oil propestF Ore no of "SA'LAIDA?' eyent at the "Inter- Dominion was being cli'e'.Oleft i'by national' held this year near Peter- geologists with e view tr Ina e'*402n borough, They will also receive gold Production and new methods -ez' and silver medals for tirst and , being developed the oosiam er second prizes respectively, Twelve said, other, cash prizes, ranging' from I ' 'Owing to the tanker sitaatascin 525.00 to 55:00 are offered for the , the P*,cl8o coast •and the iasagas same event. •�� �t',a� 1 mot baling able to get 0130e $t e 1 i lHtG�l36 fuel locomotives on. the nam V�-~ I sections of the railway welt nit HURON LEADS IN HOG PRODUCTION 1 velaped large operations at IMF OLIINTON, Sept. 30,—,For the tour' million and Waiinwright it • dt Months Period, "Mat 5th to August for the purpose of prod est 31. 19411," the hog subsidy staid to 1 which will'bl} burned gas a feet at swine breeders of Ontario 001' railway locomotives.' classres A and Al quality by the 4 ',That 0114 contained sand =Et and oimtario . goverment totals 5243,326. -water antO betore we 'Could 1 ;50 and the total number of h755 we had to find a process of aver marketed on which the subsidy waas ing it. It was no tinily sr• este 11' paid was 382,386. ing it. It was not' only a doses 4 Ituron • County - was highest in •. method *0" treating it, *nit or *Dr Ontario in num1er ot hogs. Out hast been, dobe" of 26,046 graded 8,943 were in the ' V^^•`- two top grades and the amount, at subsidy 'paid to laurels swine breed- ers in subsidies totalled $17,124.60, Perth County is a close second , Sunday School will be. lie3331 agesr with $16,9631600 Grey third with and 3reachnng service a3• 3'n 0 MA,573.00 and Siancoe 4th with 513,' 1 United Ohuroli' on ac•�1ottni Nit Jr 818.50 in subsidies in the four r vorsary services tit be heyt 9n '33 et 'Preabyterlan (Thatch? 'Months period. The county • I alibunfloli marketed 1 hog bad VOOlture at the limn Sr` the farmer drew 51100. I King over the peek' enc, seam ^f .---43.—„,......t t and - Mils, Attcheeon elf Els \, Mr, and, Mrs, IL W, Kennedy sad llapida, Mieh:l. Mr ant.? ;Meer, a.' sone are spending several doge 11114011 of Wiughatur Chas.. '. ' Mos parents, Mt, wail Winn40er and Marneat. • /Castles $ , t :r'9�, Britain Ace Comedian* George Formby Its In The Mr •' hostess atter which a sing song They are O'olly flood );'ellows," phlohl 8 n8-r�10 weeks o Johnston Mrs. A„11., akennedy o1 Poterltot4tuBb': Mib1G SALE -- .)0M1140 . brougla a tilt,' rousting to a Olotle.. poo Mao 'line I.ssdy Eve EEL e 4 FOR SALE— M with th w0$ eni'oyed, concluding with, "For