HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-9-17, Page 4ME BRUSSELS POST 159 H UC:i COKE OVENS,LIMITER HAmIi,TON BY^PROD gAMC O uE NpM1LAON, GANA september 15, ;,941 TO oUtt CUST01 s Fuel Controller, vital *780 By request of tl'e.;.r consequently, trust be supplied lyith Homo Coke. or .our ,no7l ooneuaer quota will neoessarilY luetri0s Dillon Ding �h° amount available For the fiverader P. to war work' - rein_ .. be divarbed li,pited quantity to a very..: loons, you are domes -tin use of these unavoidable coni � viev+ with Coke at ones. Then. consult your r. Neil regali eats during the ed to rill our bin urged ant Homo dealer regarding drthe•$ b}e, to secure suffib For Should•Ybw or the Price to be paid tt*>do ides it t P emergency is past, Coke, please cons resent emerg Viotbry. 'vlhen bli9 p uantity quality and q C pilled ifse &valla iii.13 the same 4 L again Coke nil , s, a t.t1s>;':. labaps","^R For your patronaB°' *° ars sltontdn8, f Yo g very truly, a- SA'' � LD11TTsD rt {,� TON D'L-IRODIICT COOD '1••.i t. .t TPP T. P. Pinokerd 1 GENS' ItalAGSR Beatrice Feild Weds Maj. Boothe Bride in French Blue for St. Paul's Service A quiet wedding was solemnized on Saturday afternoon in the chapel of St. Paul's Church, Bioor Street, wth Right Rev. R. J. Renison °facat- lag, when Miss Beatrice Margaret Fetid, daughter of Mrs. Fella and the late Dr. R. P. Fetid, Owen Sound, became the bride of Major Walter Alexander .Boothe of the Governor -General's Biorse Guards, son of Mrs. Boothe of Chestnut Park -rad the late Charles Boothe. Mr. -Alex Maurice Was. soloist. GGuven in marriage by her uncle 11r. Frederick T. Bryan, the bride wore an ensemble of French blue ROOFING Do you want your t. Roof repaired? FLAT ROOFSTARRED Best material used. Guaranteed Workmanship. ;for particulars apply at The Post ""phone 31 Brussels t William Burton Dead Following Car Crash Wiljtanl Burton died to . Chatham General Ili/spite' on, Sattrl'day fat lo'�yiitg a. car accident jn which be was severiey burned, Ur. Burton was the driver of a coupe ear on. the Way to Wandler. accompanied by .Alex Anderson 02 Brussels and Glen Mpliercher o1 JWmlesteavii. .A. mile east of Chat. Main on N.O. 2highway they noticed that a coat lying in the book of the coupe had caught, fire from a box of matcin°s there which had in sem0 uudtnowu mannas been Ignited. Iu the eoufusiou of attempting to ex- tinguish the flames the driver lest- control of the oar as it skidded on the wet pavement and crashed lnrn a pole. the unfortunate man was 'thrown from the car with his cloth- ing set mite by the snatches. eausl1g severe' burns, He was taken 0) the Ohatlram hospital where be bassad away a few hours later, • Mr. Anderson's hand and arm were burned and Glen Molferoher suffered a knee injury and slight burns, both were able to leave. the haapital that evening. v Wednesday, September 17th, 1941 wool with silver" Lox trimming, blue Town Council feather hat and ' Weekaccessories. HoldsShortSession . She carried a bouquet of Sweet -1 Brussels, Sept, 2nd, 1941 heart roses and bouvardia. Miss I .,le regular monthly ;meeting o2 Jean Ferguson of Kitchener, was her attendant and she wore ais en- semble of Victorian brawn wool witth brown squirrel tnlmming and carried Talisman roses. M. Hardy Boothe of Hamilton attended, his brother. The bride's mother wore Cameron, seconded by F. Sams' crusader blue with black access -sr- the minutes be adopted. -Carried.. iss and kolinsty furs* and ` corsage The following .bills were presented of American Beauty ',roses. Mrs. G. McDowell, August salary' 60.00 Boothe was gowned in a rase beige print with brown -accessories Geo. Campbell, August salary 11.200 •and R. S. Warwick, August salary 30.00 corsage of rubrum lilies.''` - • Ed. Henderson, haul ashes '1.Ot1. A reception for members of the F Kearney, cutting brush ''1.25 immediate families was.,. held at R. Kennedy, printing '1.00 the home of the 'bride's allele and ''` Brussels HydroiElectrio the Brussels Municipal Coun:oil''was held in the Public Library on the above date. All members 'being present. •• The minutes of the last meeting being read it was moved by W. R PAl;TING Your present cal' will look ibetter and last longer ° with a' Complete New Pai1t Job. OR --In case of body or fender work, having those ugly dents taken but, we have the facilities for perfect workmanship and, color *matching. DROP IN TO -DAY - -' ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN. Lloyd Aches *% at Sanderson's Garage 'phone 16X Brussels,Ont. Thomas Connolly Burried Saturday 1wrTG0lDLL, Sept. 2 -One of the ia.ngest funerals in this community for some time was that of Thomas Connolly, beloved Logan town-- ship own•,ship resident whose death oecurre l last Wednesday. The funeral' was 'held from the late residence, lot 10, concession 10 to St. Brigid's !Church, Kennicott Where requiem high mass was sung by Rev. J. ',T ,Gilbbona at 9.30 a.m., Saturday, September 6. Members of tete Holy Name Sooiety of which the late Mr Connolly was a member formed a guard of honor to the church, Mrs. Mary Beale of Dublin presided at the organ and the soloist was Mrs. S. E. •Oonuroliy of Detroit. Others, present in tate choir were Mies tfleanor McGrath of D'ublin and Mos. A. Gaffney of West Monkton. There were numerous spiritual of. Yerings as well as many lovely floral tributes which were Indiva- tive of the esteem in which the departed man was held. The pail bearers were J. J. Dox, Jerry T. Regan, John Murray Robert Nieh• olson Roy Robinson and David Reidy. Burial was in the St. Via cent De Paul Cemetery, Mitchell.. Manty friends and relatives attend. ed the'services from Chicago, De - trait, Windsor, Sudbury, London,. Guelph, Hamilton, Kitchener, Strat- ford, Brussels, and the surrounding vicinity. Grey Township Unit of the Aurae Fischer last week end. County Federation of Agriculture Miss Amylene Steis has was hold la Ethel Twp. Hall, Mon- Roane after spending e. week 'n day evening, Sept. 8. The predt. Windsor with her sister MIS. Calvin dent Wm. Turnbull was in charge Cameron. of the meeting and was glad to see Miss Dinned Williatnus of Calvin so many of bits direct0ns present.' spent the week end wth Miss Mae It was felt that the average farmer Moeller. was interesed to the Federation of We are glad to hear that Mrs. 0 griculure but lacked he necessary Cecil Robinson is able to be up and information about the organization around again after her illness, we to become an active member. To wish her a speedy recovery. supply the Information required meetings will be held in several places in the Township. .The first Auction Sal e ,planned will be held tin Monerleff Lot 15, Concession 12, Huh'ett Twp. Hall and the probable date will be SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th Oot. 3rd. Watch for frrCher notice: in 2)he Post. returned V "ANBROOK Intended For Last Week Sgt. Obsere'er. Maidavyn A. Wel- llama of the R.C.A.F. and Ma wife Mre. Williams were visitors' gat the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Stanley aunt, Dr. and Mrs Bryans, the Street, lights latetr receivings g(? st;; inaa Clack en- Hall lights • sesnble with cosi ege of link carne" Relied for August tions. Moved by F. Samir, seeonded by The bride 5• e w®11.• ' +1Hrawn in W. Cameron that the aocounta be Brussels. I paid. •-Carrie& 1 j There being no further' business the Council adjourned. '108.00 ' 1.54 15.80 Little Stars ^;. Mission Bents t t The fall terns cL tke.. 1.tttle,, Stars C M ass i fi ed Ads Mission Band ,,,,took place in the primary room oil Sept 6, with the attendance of A,8 A4'.) opening exercises ititr .'liatheeos!' read an in- teresting story and MrsrXerr led. in prayer. At tbe,,close d ithe meet- ing we enjpy` d Pamesb' and were served with hot doge. FOR SALE- 8 Pigs, 7 weeks old at Wes: half Lot 22, Con. 18, Grey NOTICE - 12 ozs. of Khaki yarn was re- moved from a car on man street Sa'tu'rday evening last. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of this article please call 'phone 38. SEE REI pduone 29-r 6 Angus ,Carmichael p _ FOR SALE - AND SEE RTGH'T1 Thousands of people in Brussels and drstrjck'„are 4arearing' • REID'S GLASSES with perfect satisfaction:' ( 'If rill have headaches, eyestrain, failing vision, cannoer',see to thread your needle or read -see Mr. Reid and" have your eyes thoroughly examined by hum. Lowest prices at all times. Latest styles of Glasses R: A,REID R.O. EYEBI1I'HT SPECIALIST &;OPTOMETRIST I Brussel Office' Every Wednesday Afternoon, 2.00 to 5.00 MISS" ' l lIbl TON'S 1 Store, ,;-v Phone 51 MORRIS Intended For Last Week SePtennber 8, 1941 The Council met in the Township hall on the above date with all the members present and the Reeve pre. siding. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Iiarvey Johnston and Cecil Wheeler. Moved by C. R. Coulter, secondee by ,Cecbl Wheeler that William Brysiges be re -instated as tax eel - lector at the :mane salary. -Carr'e'l. Moved by 0. R Coultas, ',seconded by James Michele that the meeting adilounn to meet again on 'October 130i,' 1941 at 12.30 p.m. --Carried. The following bills were paid; - Blyth Standard 5.5d Robert Bird (IS'heep killed) 11.00 Gilbert. McCallum ,(sheep valuator) Mrs. George Edgar (lamb killed) Wallace Agar (sheep valu- ator) Richard Alcock (Nichol Drain) George A1gook (Murray Lamb Drain) John Eckert (Walton Drain) Nelson Higgins (stamps, et'atonery & exchange ... A. H. Fnts3tine (taxes) , Mrs, Nellie Logan'' (relief) .. 'Mrs. George Gross' (relief) Mrs. Cyrus Scott (Belgrare School Fair Grant) Blyth Agrcultural Society (Fall Pair Grant) Geo. C. Martin-Cedrk 1 Oxford Ram, 2 years old; 12 Ox. ,ford Dive 'Lambs. phone 15-r-11 George Millie F,Cfir SALE- s qj tge, 7 weeks old' • phone 412-r-8 1' W. Blake FOR SALE iSecond and Third Form High '5013001 Boobs, in good condition, 'Phone Brussels 84-r-12 • FOR SALE- 260 SC. Witte . Leghorn Hens. from Roe higth pedigree matings. Would Hite. to bay 3 ton of good quality mixed grain. phone 82-r-8 FOR SALE - 'Good serviceable work Mere will exchange on little pigs. Phone 17.049 M. A. Fraser 8th line of Mor4s -V 1.-d0 3.50 1.50 150.00 265.31 35.12 k. 9.50 108.32 28.00 15.60, 15.00 2,1,00 Grey Intended For Laat'Week Douglas Hemingway enjoyed a trip last week .to Toronto, and 0n. joyed a day at the Ex. , Mrs. Yoemans, Detroit, is a visitor this wetk at the home of her brother D. T. Strachan, add 0011. A meeting of the directors of the At 1 P.M. Sharp 3 'Horses 5 Shorthorn Cows 1 Black Cow 6 Calves Sow andel Chunks Farm-, 100 acres, good clay loam, good buildings, creek, spring and drilled. well. E.W. Elliott Mrs. Albert Brigham Auctioneer Proprietress R. R. 1 Blyth ,r OU/L Y * I s -VESTMENT j� /I ANY users say that their Duro Water Supply Sys- tem is their best in- vestment because it furnishes constant running, water; has reduced the drudgery of housework and permitted the instal lation of necessary sanitary, conveni- ences so•essential to the health and com- fort of a family. Are you doing without these daily requirements of family contentment? If so, a small expenditure for a Duro Water Supply System will remedy the condition: The Duro System can be bought with confidence.• Al- though the design has not been drastically changed, the quality has been constantly improved. Thousands of owners have hadyearsof satisfactory service from their Duro Pumps. The Snow-white 28" x 42" Enamelled Sink, illus- trated above, including faucet ready for instal- lation, costs.. Sink and Cabinet with faucet (Trap,iron pipe and fittings extra) The Duro Special. Pump has a capacity of 250 gals, pet 'hour; is supplied with a 2. gal. tank and $90.50 "25 or 60'cyc3e motor. It costs only Running water throughout your home makes it possible to have modern Emco Bathroom and Kitchen equipment. 1♦mco products are quality built in all price ranges: The Duro Finance Plan enables you to spread the cost over a period of three years. 444 .00.11.0444; 338.00 $71.50 For Sale By Wilton & Gillespie 541. 'EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LIMITED Winnipeg Vancouver Sudbury London Hamilton Toronto -