HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-8-27, Page 3THE BRUSSEL"a POST '4'e av 11 ' 4t $ zo °vee a g° at gq, ,solg la1 a des _t`O eta1%6 e%Ceekee9 1a so 0141 g by VIP 9 /de. otos 3 VO91�e o d VWhigYgett a 1 Spaf0-1eage• gee o°"ei a aloe, q0. 5p/g °11a S4eea r°'t °'� the g. /da' sloote save ! ea aticg ,rite 306 tue11'ay°'w S/u+ne and5,hrzite. yo .GadoPc re. ooz.VICTORY ! Honor Roll Alcock, John Alderson. .L Bell, W. T. Bell, E, D. (Lieut.) Black, Donald Bryan, Russell Brothers Lyle Brewer, J. Bowler, Harry Burchell, Fred Cardiff Clifford Cardiff, Frank Cardiff, Wm. Campbell Tito. Rohl, C. Dohl O. Doli Mac Earngey, Dean Elliott, Ross 3albraith, Geo. Galbraith, Bowmen '47T, `I Gillis, Mose • .72E233 Gibson, Hervey A,L Sti3j Henderson, Archie Hall. Deb. Hall, Russet Harman, G. Harmon, John Hastings, Dave Hulley, Jim Iannotut, Leonard Lowrie, Everett Lowe, Stewart Looking, Wm. t : 4::ct: Myers, Dr. C. A. Meehan, Willis (R.C.A.F.) McCauley, L. Mitchell, Frank McFarlane, ,Waiter McLean, Arthur McDowell, Mao McRae, Donald Palmer, Jas. Palmer, Wm. (Cpl.) Plum, -Carl Pierce, Roy Prest, T. A. Prest, Robert Rowland, Wm. Russell, Louis Rutledge, Hartley Rutledge, Jack Rooney, Leonard Speir, Jack Speir, Kenneth Stratton, M. Salesman, E. Sanderson, Lloyd runny, Chas. Thompson, A. Thompson, Norm. R.1 .A.F.) Thomas, H. Wliittard, Whdbtard, Earl Wilson, Stan. Workman, Gordon (RN.) Non Permanent— Campbell, 0, R, (Cpt.- Glozrer, Fred Nesbit, Fred Thompson, M. 2' T5 Lowe, J, Woodrow, A, Rejected Fischer, Wilfred Gilts, 0. FIsell or, Wm.. Ilawkins, ILerb, McDonald, Harold McDowell jack McL0114314, IEarvey, earson, Ralph Plum, Ernie Pennington, J. Yuill, Sana, y— WALTON idea 'For Lust Week Gueslta at the. Dennis home for the week end were Mr, and Mrs. Cam, Bron Dennis, North ,Bay; Mr, and Alas.. D. L. Masten, Lansing, . Mich,, and Miss Edna Robinson, St. Cath. amines. Mr. Wiu. Taylor, Msotherweil,. spent file path week at the home le lila;daugter Mrei. 0, 11. Bird. Mt•. Wain. Rostsitor of London is spending this week with Mr. and Ma's. D. H. Bird. , Miss A, Forrest,' ,teacher of Oran - brook, is holidaying aft present with hes uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mie'. W. Forrest. 11tIns.,Roibettson, 'Toronto, has been ispend'ing a week's holidays with parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson. Bonn --On Sunday,August 17th, to Mr. and Mrs, W. O. Hoy, a daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Short and daughter Edwin and Charles Young spent >the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Campbell. Mr. and Mns. Ken. Rutledge and Colin, Toronto, are holidaying with her mother, MrA. Chas. Drager.. Mats. Russell Bryan and sons are spending a week at Fingal,- where Mr. Bryan is training lin the ,air force. Mr. Ross of Holland, Manitoba, returned last week after -Pending a month with her sister, Miss Marg- aret Kelly and her !brother, Mr. Frank Kelly. Mrs. Mary Weasel of Toronto as visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ennis. Mr. William Kelly who is training eft North Bay has been isiting at his Immo in Welton, Mrs. W. J. Humphnles and Mrs. Bert Anderson were in Seaforth one day last week. Moister Jerry Dressed has returned home after spending his holidays in Toronto. Mr. Gordon Murray spent the week end on a trip up North. Doreen Hogg of MclJilloop. is half. Baying with her made and aunt, M' and Mrs. Moody Holland. v Auction Clearing Sale Sept. 5th at 1 p.m. Porter's Hill, Goderich Twp. Elliot Harrison, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. R.R. 4, Seaforth 'phon e14-. .1, Seaforth. 111111•1=11.,. MINN Twenty-five Pounders from French Canada (Left) There is only one plant in North America where cannon aro made from scrap to finished gun in the one place—that's at Sorel, P.Q. (Below) The latest in field pieces is this British 25 -pounder equipment madcin the heart of French Canada at Sorel, P.Q. LOOK OUT FOR YOUR LIVER Buck it tap right now and fool like a Million 1 Your liver is dm Jargost organ in your body and nrostiruportenitoyour health. Uppers out Ws to digest food, gets rid of waste, supplies new energy, allows proper nourishment to reach your blood. When your liver gots out of order food decomposes in your intestines. You be- come constipated, stomach and kidneys ean't work properly. You feel "rotten headachy, backachy, dizzy, dragged out all the limo. For over 35 years thousands have won prompt relief from these miseries—with Frult•a.tires. So can you now. Try Fruit-a•tives—you'll be simply delighted how quickly you'll feel like a new per'onn,, happy and well again, 25c, 50e, ■ RUI VES ttlnodci Largest Selllog. fiver Toblvts The Devil's Lament The fo)ioiying poem has been re• calved by Mr, Dialers Harness; from his brother, Pte. Laverne Harness, who has been in England for over a (year. It ,was no doubt copied from a Batista Paper, * * s: When Lucifer kicked, and was'trans- ferred to Hell, !2e started a business that did yeas twe)i, Ile took all the sinners—one and all; He grave thean a shovel and showed them the coals. He stook them • in some tough ones ' .and same not so bad, The faster he got them bhe more he was glad. He went out for custoan, his luras sure were many, He stook folks with riches, and; some without any. Of notable people he got quite, n lot. They're shavellfing ,coal till their moor bodies rot, • "A " flourishing place," ,said the Devil of Hell. "Business is great. and. Pm doing quite well" In the year 1940 he wasn't so spry, Too many bad ones had started to die. Hell was too hat for the Devil as swell: , The German ebtldkillers descended to Hell. The Devil knelt down and started to pray: "Goad God Alnbighty, take them away; I've taken, your• sinners and those in disgrace, i8tit these bloody Germans are Pol- luting the Place. I've figured out torments, the wot;,t I could find. $art this bunch is driving me out of any niincl. Send ale their master, the chief of the snob,. And I°il do my best to teach huff the Jab. To be sent to Hell I thought was a curse, Bat worleing for Hitler's a bloody sight worse, Give him the horns, the tall and the fork; (Send down his nation, and put them to work. As a master, of Hell I find I don't Rt, In favor of Hitler I feel I must quit. r don't like his features, I don't like hie fake. I want nothing to do with trim or hUs race, Dear Lord in Heaven take me back Please, I'm begging so an my bended knees: My defy is done it's not hard to tell, Miler's the man to succeed me in Hall." —Listowel Banter v Gave Groom A Shower Believing that "showers" i'r bniiles-to+be are too much one-sided and that the groom has become very ranch' the "forgotten man" in such social events the tables were turned at a gathering of the male sex held at II, L. Goddatrd's cottage the other night, Hearing that Principal A. M. Thompson is shortly to join the ever increasing wanks of the benediots lits friends wiebedi to nark the occasion in the traditional way. So Andy was matte the centre of honor and, at traction when Bill Flaherty called the gathering to order and pleaded for a spell of silence while he read an address. The gifts included such_ nrltiches as a' hoe, rake, hammer, Screwdriver, coed shovel, stepladder axe, garbage' can and saw.—Bow- Inane/Ole Statesman, v Brings Trick Bombs To Mak British airmen into throwing away benaliS the Nazis 1n Hoilaind Unlit a rake ali'fielld of wood with hangars and planes painted on it, The night after it was finished• ,a British plane ilew overhead -and dropped a wooden bonab, ust 27111, 199:' Summer's Last Long eek -End GO t • roan Noon Friday, Aug. 29, until ZOO P.M. Monday, Sept, 1. RETURN: Leave destination up to midnight, Tuesday, Sept. 2, 1941 Times shown are Standard. For fares and further information apply to your nearest Ticket Agent. Jaw Bones From Ribs British Surgeon's Feats After The Air. Raids New noses, new cheek bones, new jaws, built up for the most Pant, from the owner's) sibs aa'e among the achievements of plastic surgeons in (Britain's hospitals today. Although\ the heaviest air "bliiz" kills or maims only a fraction or Coe total estimated before the Luftwaffe ;came, the proportion receiving facial injuries is high. Thirty years ago many of these mutilation -would have been beyond remedy. Today the plastic surgeon can virtually re store most of the features to nor maltty He will graft as much asa hund- red square inchesof skin, from 0119 part of the patient's body to an- other. A aeration of rib, six inches long, becomes a jawbone; A woman smil ng to greet a friend does so thanks to the section of sciatic nerve that keeps normal a fact 'Which would have been permanently twisted by deep glass wounds. lttverp 'week the surgeons of Beit - Jain are slowly and Successftuily re— building these tea/fres damaged by' splinters and fragments of fiytngr ;glassy wood, and steel. v �r•..t•.iur.vrvw.+N+�+�s'. Seaforth Monument Works (Formerly W. E. Chapman) Now Operated by Cunningham & Pryde Exeter and Seaforth You are Invited to Inspect Our Stock of Modern Cemetery Memorials Seaforth - Tuesdays and Saturdays for appointment 'phone no. 31, The Brussels Post ADURO Pressure Water System will do the same for you, if that problem be lack of running water and sanitary conveniences in your home. Outside pumps and toilets belong to the past. In every home running water should be available at the faucet. Likewise, a modern Emco Bathroom is necessary for the health and happiness of your .family. A modern turn of a Duro Water Supply System will furnish the water and make it possible to install an Emco Bathroom. The Duro Special System, capacity 250 gals. Der hour, complete with 25 gal. Galvanized Tank and 25 or 60 cycle Motor costs only ..,. ,_............ .... For a lovely bathroom, as illustrated, the EMCO Built-in Bath, Shower, Toilet and Lavatory with trimmings costs only (Soil and iron pure and fittings extra) Other Complete Bathroom equipment as low as.... $ 86.00 $137.00 $ 84.50 Duro Water Supply Systems are styled for dependable life-long service. Thousands of satisfied users prove their worth. They can be supplied for Gasoline Engine operation. Can be purchased under our Easy Payment Plan. For Sale By Wilton & Gillesdle 341 . EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LIMI"ikt London Hamilton Toronto Sudbury Winnipeg Vancouver t)`