HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-8-27, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday August 27th, 1941 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Why Unnecessary Expenditure in War Time? ilk there au urgent need for ovary lust dollar obtainairle to further the war caut.e and ensure final victo.y for the .Allies? We have been cold repeatedly that there is and we know 4t to be true. Why than•, are tOhoutlands of dollars being needless. 1y stpent 011 roads that !would, with needed. gravel, be quite sufficient for the needb of the counry dor the "duration"'! 44 While tha people of this corn' mahlity are putting forth every effort to raise money for the Red Cross, and other war causes, for I which there is a real need, they sea before them huge turns of money being sprint on the county road north of Brussels, It is true- that motorists rnaferto travel n i tar- ed roads but we Ventura to suggest that the large majoritywould prefer I to take a few blimps than to know that so inucbmoney, is being ex- pended on unaeeessany improv?- ments in these grave and difficult tines. We know that ours isn't the only community where this is being done and it is high time that governing bodies throughout the country woke up to the fact that unless they practice at least some measure of ecommniy the people as a whole wit' fail to gee why they should deny themselves only to see their dollars being spent in such a manner in war time. Various taxpayers have voiced their criticism over this matter, V No Tea Shortage In view of the alarmist reports about the tea. situation consum- ers will be glad' to have Ithe hope expressed by the Wartime Prices. & Trade Board that due to shipPing arrangements which have been con - eluded adeguate suRplies for the remainder of the year will arrive in this country. V—re REGENT THEATRE Seaforth Ont. —1— NOW PLAYING— Alice Faye —IN - That Night In Rio (technicolor) Don Ameche Canmen 'Miranda A musical romantic drama MON„ TUES., WED. Zane Grey's Western Union (in technicolor) featuring Randolph Scott Robert Young —x— Next _Next THURS., FRI., SAT. William Boyd iN These Men From Texas with Russell 'Hayden Andy Clyde A Real Western! _-- COMING Strawberry Blonde of was glad when they.eaid to -� me Leg us go nto the House of the ;Lards , Ada United Church,, 10 a.m.—Church School and Bible Class. 11 a.m.—The ,Ppwer of - Religion. 7 p.m.—The Search for Serenity. Remember Sept. 7 as Rally :Day for the fall program of the Church and the Church School. . St, John's Church • 12th ;Sunday After Trinity '11 arm. -!Holy Com,munlon: Melville Church 10 a.m.-Bunilay School ' bible Class. 11 a,m,•—,8er41oe Of Worship , PEOPLE" WE KNOW Local News * * * * • * *. *. _* $ Mary Helen Eekmer is spending a Ow days in London. • * a t Bi111e Turvey of Icieshetton i visiting his friend Mac Scott. * • a Miss Eileen Gibson of Toronto spent two weeks at her Home here, * * * Miss tBety Best is wilting in; Perla a Present atter her month's stay to Muskoka; * Mr. Jae, Laird and slater Francis 01 Detroit are holidaying with Mrs. D. Ewan. * * * Mr. Scott Davidson of Preston spent the week end at his home here, �. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ballantyne of London are spending their holidays in town. Mr. and Mrs, lvleivtn Willits of I Turnbea•ry spent the week end wits. 112r. and Mrs, Walter Huggan. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright and Dorothy spent Sunday with Mr. ani Mrs. Roland Grain of Turnbetuy. j' * * * Miss Jean Stephenson has recover- ed sufficiently that she returnedth work at Coleman's Restaurant, * * * Miss Katheline Willits who is em. . played at Cousins' Creameny agent. the week end at her home in Turn - berry. * * * Mr. and Mies. Ridder of Newark, , N.Y., and Mr. and Mrs, John Mogk of Ayton with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gillis, * Miss Isobel * Stebhenson of Mitdhell and f,nend of Stratford visited aver the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephenson. * * 1' I Will and Mrs. Long and son Bab, i ]llatlaylbuay, have returned home ; from their holiday after visiting the former's mother andi,sister. * * ;Mfr. and Mrs. John H. Johnstone I and son of Detriot and Robert Mc Martin of Hensali spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Wan. Wiltioa, * * * Ii Mr, and Mrs. Chester Lee and Lucille of West' Lorne visited over the week end at the home of Mr. Chas. H. Garnies, , The staff of St. Catharines Spring Service presented Mr. and Mrs. Orval Whitfield with a lovely table lamp on their return to St, Catharines: 4 h * Mics. Lydia Conway and daughter Winnipeg, have returned home from their holiday after visiting the f forinter'a sister Mrs. • John Long and niece Winnifred. { Mr. and Mrs. iiobt. Pierson of Oakville and Mrs. Richard Headacra of Toronto and Mrs. ' (Dr,) R. B. Field of Toronto, were recent guests of Mrs. Dan Denman, * * * Mr. and, Mrs, Clarence ,Steiss and Ruth Anne, Marguerite Henderson and Tom • Thornton af Glen Meyer spent the week end at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Henderson. * * Dr, and Mrs. W, D. S. Jamlesln and Duncan spent Tuesday at the home of bis parents Mr. and Mrs. Andrew' Jamieson, Brantford, Ont„ who were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Miss Many Helen Kerr who spent two months visiting relatives and friends In .Saskatoon and Winnipeg, returned home on the 1'5t01, then she and her grandbna spent a long week end in Stratford. 111r. Chlas, Rabi•ns*on of Detroit . spetl,t Sunay with Mr, and Mrs. Bobt. Davidson, his wife,\ formerly Mise Jean Davidson who ihae been spending a couple of weeks with her parents, retuned to Detroit twat him. ►erns B. C, S. Middle Shop Wherry You At the Churches Services in the United Church on Sunday were conducted by Rev. C. L. Lewis, Church school and Bible class was held in the morning. Services in Melville 'Church on Sainday were conducted by Rev. F, G. .Fowler, Bluevale, who. conduct- ed both morning and evening ser - .Services in St, John's Anglican 'Ohutch were conducted by the re.t- tor, Rev, Frank Watts, Margaret Wheeler. They returitcd by boattiinteresting vial ng other points, • * * * Mr. Russel. Fox of Belleville woe home for the week end. • W. 11. Bell of *thek Borne Guards, has been Mme on leave. * * * Mists Virginia Plum of London spent. Sunday at her home here, kt * * Mr. A. A. Augustine, Blyth, has been the guest of his sister Mrs, It. Walker. * * * Mr, Tom MoTadzean is camping this week With several of 1115 Normal chants. I * * * Miss Pearl Basket' of Toronto has been spending her vacation wita her parents: Mr, and Mrs. Will Backer. Notice--- The otice—The personsresponsible for the disappearance of a Poeitet Booh, eou.a,u,ug u considerable cant 01 money and papers valuable only 10 the person' of Jae, T, ELoss are asked t0 return wane bty 12 o'clock noon, nionoay, Sept, bit, 1941, Police area instructed .to act at that specified time Sch 1 Re -opens 1-teigl. ho and rack to school we go. Most children look forward. wilt eagerness to the re -opening of school on Tuesday of next week after their summer vacation, The i Public s i hoof staff remains the same as last year while Mr, M. Murray 1 replaces ,Mr. 0, Drumond as prim• olpal of the continuation, school and Miss lir Smith becomes the new menvbeof the staff. V, Presentation For I Pte. ;Clifford Cardiff I Miss Dorothy Wright and Miss y p.m. -Service 'of Worship Velma Wheeler returned home last people will remember Ws. Allan * * * misses,' Ethel ' and Laura Farrow of Toronto spent a few days with the,r friends Misses Elizabeth and Hat -ie Downing; * * * Mrs. Smith, wife of Dr, 0. Smith of Toronto visited last week wins her cousin Mrs. C, Buschlen and faanily. .L , * * * Harvey Gibson o1 the R:C,A.F.. has been in the hospital for several weeks. His many fiends wish him a speedy recovery. * ' Miss Margaret Robinson of tha telephone staff is enjoying a motoe trip with Mitchell .friends for ono week of her vacation. ,A. large number of friends and neighbours gathered under the auspices of the Red Cross of he 14t1t con., of Grey, atthe home et Mr, and Mrs. Mark Cardiff on Wed. nesday 'evening 'of last week In honor of their; .son Pte, Clifford Oardiff,..I - Dur1ng the course of the evening the guest of honor was presented wilt a handsome wrist watch: The accompanying address,was read by Rey. F. Watts and the presentation was'a ace by Archie Engel Pte, Cardiff 'extended his thanks for the gift in a most appropriate manner. The eve ting was spent in dancing and iunbh was served. V Window -Peeking Caught In the Act Having .heard out -of -the -ordinary noises in the close proximity of a local resilience the householder upon investigation found a man in RAY. uniform; and to the question of what he was doing there said he was looking for a place where he had called on a previous visit. This of course would have been quite satisfactory as an answer had he gone to the door but the appearance of small flower beds. in frontof the window would lead * * one to believe he mistook the door Bir, and Mks. Milton McArter were to be a glass one and decided to take a long peek instead ,of putting anyone to any botcher. Another resident on the sane street, entertantng 'some friends and during that same evening was told by one of them that there. was a man walking on her back I veranda, On going to investigate she founds ne one but was told later that there wns someone there again but when the lady went to look the intruder had again disappeared. Whether or not he had, been lurking there all along or haat returned was of course a mystery, as was also his identity or his reason for being there at a11. v—r--- week end' visitors with the former's sister's Mrs, A. C. Backer, Mrs. P: McArthur and Mrs, Brown. • Miss "Bud"*Par* ke* is confined to her home with a severe 'case of tonsilitis. Miss Betty Curie is re, lieving her at the telephone office, ; s . * Mr. and Mrs. George Dawson of Port Stanley are spending part of their vacation at the home of her parents Mr. and ii' rs: Philip Anent. * * * The Sharpe brothers, Sandy of Toledo, 0., and James of Chicago, III., called on their cousin Mrs, Susan Crich. John St.; one day re- cently. * * * Mr. ant Mrs, Campbell Ewen and baby Dorothy od Chesley and M,sa Vera Buchanan of Paisley were iSunday visitons with Mr. and Mrs. matcher ,Sparing, who had beat C. Bwsohlen. , a resident of this Village dor the • * * * Past forty years, died at his home in' Mrs. A• J. Lowry with Mn. and Brussels on Saturday; in his eighty - Mrs. Jas. Sharp of Chicago and Mr. third• Sear, R. MoNnugirton, or Chicago end W, He was the son of the late John A. Lowry are spending a few days and i0rnparlIMcKilloit in Toronto al the Ex, townshipily wherSe heng wasof born In 185, He moved with his parentis to the * * * 16!(1 line of Grey townsltpi when he Mr. and 'Mrs. Allan Babcock and was eleven years of age. He was son. Don of ,Sault Ste, Marie, Mich, married to Sara well of Blanahar'1 * * 5 * * * Obituary * * * * * * . * * FLETCHER SPARLING * * School Results Jack A. Allen—Auc, Hist„ Jrd, Geom„ 0; Physics, 46. 'Christina Armstrong --Ano, His". 3rd, Geom,., Sod P'iyyhics, c. Lloyd Arm'_ta'ong--ane, Hist., C; Gecm„ C; I'htvsfes, C, Elizabeth Backer—Lot, Auth,, 0, Lamin Comp. 0; Pr. Autt„ ` C; Fr, Comp., C. Harris Belt Anc. Hist,, 2nd; Phys. tcs 20. Louis Blake—tAnc. Hist., 3rd; Gaolu, Jrd; Phyetos 0, Gladys Davidson—Physics . 2nd; Lat, Auth., 3rd; Comp. 3111; Fr. •Ruth„ 3rd; Fr ..Comp„ 3rd. Jean Fal' nh q arson Anc, Hist„ 2nd; Geom., lat; Physics C. Margaret Gibson—Ano, Hist„ C; Physics 36, 071win Ban Eng, Comp. 1st; Eng. Lit., 1st; Alec. Hist„ 1st; Geom, 1st; Physics, 1st Lat. Auth„ 2nd; Lat, Gimp., and; Fr. Auth., Ind; Ft: Conip„ Ind. John Kelly—Eng, Comp., C; Eng. Lit, C; Ane. Hist., ist; Geon_, aid; Physics 0, Mary Helen Kerr—Eng. Comp„ C; Eng. Lit. ,C; Ane. : Hist, C; Physics 18. ski• I,, . Donald Lawless --Eng. Comp., 3rd; Eng. Lit., 3rd; Fr. Auth, C; Como. C. " *``%/ Jean McDonald --Ails. Hist., 1st; Geom., 2nd; Physics, and. ' !Helen McCutcheon-Ano. Hist., and; Geom. 3rd; Physics C. Get McNViiohol--Eg, Comp„ 2nd; Eng. Lit„ 2nd; .Geon„ 2nd;. P11y_sies C; Lat. Anth., 3rd; Dat. ,Comp., 3rd; Fr, Auth., 3rd; B'r. Camp. 3rd. Frank 'Marshall—Eng. Comp.; 1;; Ang, Lit. C; Ana. Hist., 3rd; Geom. 2nd;_ Physics and. Emerson Mitchell—,Geom. lst; PlygIsics, 44. Luella hfitahell—Geom. lst; Physics 1st; Lat. Aut1t. 2n1; Lot, Camp. and; Fr. Auth., 3rd; Fr. Comp. Ord. J1hn Pier0e—Anc. Hist.. C; Geom, 40; Physics 25. James Prest—Geom. 40; Physics C. Leslie Rutledge—Ana. Hist„ C; Geom., 3rd; Physical 2nd. Jeanette Sanderson—Geom. 3rd, Helen ISsieir—!Anc. Hist, 2n0; Geom, C; Pihysics C. Jean Speiran—Ana Hist., and: Popsies 30, Alice Stilea--Eng. Comp.. and; Eng Lit, 2nd; Geem., 2nd: Physics 2nd; Lat. Auth„ 1st; Lat. Comp, 1st; Fr, Auti.., 1st; Fr. Comj, 1st. Joseplb ,Stiles—Ani. Hist. 1st; Geom. Ind; Physics 1st. Della Thynne—Eng. Comp., 2nd; Eng. Lit., 2nd; Geom., 3rd: Physics 44; Lot. Auth., 2nd: ?tet. 'Comp„ and. Jean Turnbull—Ana. Hist. 2n1; Geom. C; Physics 42. Jeanne Van Norman—Geom. 45; Lat. Auth., C; Lat, Comp. C. Josephine Vaallorman—Anc, Hist., 1st; Physhcs C, Gibson Willis lsng, .Comp„ Ind; Geom. 31; Fr. Auth., C; Lit, and; Physics 2nd; Comp, C. Thieves Take 27 Hens ,From Goderich Farm Godeiuci, Aug, 27---'W. G. Cook, Reynold woad, Ooderich Townsbip 1 reported' to the police last night, that 27 hens- had . been stolen from his farm, Mr. Cook had been gathering 20 eggst a day, but on l Tuesday he found only a few, and 1 upon investigating diseovered, the loss of the birds, • Secure Booster Club Tickets Anther sweeesslful draw Wa$ spade last Salturday night, Tile Booster Club has gained favor with a larger number each week. The Booster Olub, will be punctual with the draw each week, as the weather is turning cooler, In 0500 it is fmpossible for the crowd to gather in Its usual manner 00311,9 means will surely be used in which to notify the winners ou such a night. It was rather a coincidence that the manager .happened along ;n front of the Express office just , a5 astrong supporter for the Booster 'Club came out with an armful 'of (hardware front a mail order hours. The manager said "you don't get Booster Club tickets 'with that,•' MI'. Supporter said "you don't get tickets with such articles in 'town either." On several oeeaaions our attention has been drawn to the fact that you don'thave to ask for tickets at Archie McDonald's meat market. That's the• idea of the Club, to make it as interesting for Brussels ,, shoppers as possible. Buy ma Brussels, get tickets with your Purchases and be on hand Saturday night in Base you are one of the lucky ones• We have the pleasure of announc- ing a new member for the Club, in the person of Mr. Appel, your local jeweller, is now giving tickets. READ THE LIST BUY IN IBRUSBELS AND GET BOOSTER CLUB TICKETS WITH YOUR PURC'HASES Prizes are listed at the bottom of of 'Grit page. Cast week's happy winners were: - 1st $5.00—Peter Stewart • ,2nd $3:00—Jim Warwick $1.00 each -Addie Cardiff Jimmie Perrle• _ Sanies McFarlane Marjorie Sanderson Jactk Lowe Mrs. Edd. Henderson Jean Hull SHOP AT Ti•th BOOSTER CLUB STORES IN BRUSSELS - They Pay Dividends Allen's Drug Store Baeker's Butcher Shop Ballantyne, Mrs. Jas-. Coleman's Restaurant Downing's Shoe Store Eckmier's Superior Store Elliott's Economy Store F. R. Smith's Drug. Store East Huron Produce Kelly's Service Station McDonald's Butcher Shop Mitchell's Barber Shop Rann's Furniture Store Samis' Egg and Poultry Store Sanderson's Garage Seddon's Radio Shop Red Band. Store Brussels Creamery The Arcade Store The Farmers' Club Store Willis' Bakery Wood's Store v BORN BORN -,On Saturday, August 16th, to Mr. and. Mast Arthur Button. 1st 'Con,, Morris, a daughter" Janet Elizabeth, .Ann. LowlyOnion ' Replaces Cash A pound of onions down and three onions each week for three months were the terms a dealer accepted for a radio he sold to a government employee in London, England. were week end visitors at the home township in 1892. Sn 1901 he moor of Mrs. Babcock's aunt MISS. Jas. ed to Brussels where he conducted Kerna,ghaa. and family. I an implement ,business.. He was a * * * .faithful member pf Melville Presby 1tev, A. Barker and Mrs. Barker terian church, of Windsor, who are returning He' is survived by hts wife, ono there anter spending their vacatiln son Wyman, and a grandaugnhtar at their sunilmer home in KiDella Sperling of London Ontario. ding were renewing old friendships A private funeral service was held in Brussels Miff week. I at the pore on Monday afternoon. i Rev. S. Kerr officiated at the home * * * and graveside. Interment was made Mrs, AVM, Mr, end Mrs. Intel to the Brussels cemetery. Turner, Mr. and Mrs, Cerl Bast of Tho pallbearera, Alex Anderson, Toronto, called at the home of Mary Fhtrry +Ohampton, (Cleve Booker, Helen Herr, returning from campLorne ' Wonder, George Muldoon and ins near Kincardine. The oldie John Gibson, • Rev. S Orr will preach ht 1 'Weak atter •epetiding a delt@httil and the Into Rev. S. J. Arlin at the Don't forget to'shop at the Arcade Brussels Booster Club 1st $5.00 • 2nd $3.00 $.00 each to next 7 names drawn Draw in front of D. A. Rann's Store Saturday .Night Buy fro*i !Banter Club Members Ask for tickets with your purchase At both services 1 tidey 10 Montre*l. They *erb parsonage. The ether ladies are *store, . Brussels. — Final Summer W_ guests of Doratbq's dust Miler daughters of Niro. Allan, I .clearing Sole Bargains For All. s�'-