HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-8-20, Page 5• BRLISSEI,S POST Wednesday, August 20th, 1941 itS kt.ry 1940 Ford Standard Coach small mileage, heavy duty tires. 1940 Mercury Coach small mileage, new throughout radio, heater, white -walled tires. 2-1939 Ford Deluxe . Sedans 1939 Ford Deluxe Coach 1939 Ford Standard Coach. 1938 Chevrolet Coach 3-1938 Ford Sedans 1938 Ford Deluxe Coach 1938 Ford Standard Coach • Take Advantage of ` these Iate models in used cars, something outstanding in each automobile. New Cars are hard to get. Only 2 New (ars in stock. 1936 Chevrolet Sedan 1934 Ford Coupe 1932 Chrysler Coupe 1932 Ford Coach 4 cylinder 1931 Ford Sedan. 1929 Chevrolet Sedan ..++.............r..a+ .P.I..4.a..+++..,,r. 1 New Ford Tractor in stock New John Deere Tractor, real bargain fermall 10-20 Tractor Model A Auto Tractor 1938 Dodge Pick Up Truck 1937 Ford Pick Up 1937 Dodge %-ton: with stock rack complete. 1935 Ford Panel Truck 6 Long Wheel Base Trucks L. & W. Jackson Motors Ltd. Phone 161 Wallace St. Listowel a * a * * * * * WEDDING * : * * a: s: :i: * * WHITFIELp—S'MOLDICE At four o'clock on Tue.iday tl summer wedding took place at ilte United Ohur•ch 1?urrsonage, Brussel:4 when Nora, younger ddaugister sf Mr, and Mrs, ,A, Sholdice was united in marriage to Joseph Orval. Whit Aad, son of the late M. and Mrs. Joseph Whitfield, Rev. Charles Lewis officiated, The bride wore a heavenly blue rtreet length caress large blue hat and white accessories and corsage of pink roses, . The bride was attended •by liar niece Miss Ethel Mose wearing salmon pini street length dresa with corsage of roses. The groom was supported ,by Kenneth Fleming, The wedding luncheon -was .served at the home of the bride. The lin- ing room was decorated In pink and white, Mrs. Thos. Bolger poured tea. Later the bride and groom left for a .short trip and will reside in St, Catharines, ,GRAY—MOCALLUM Auburn The. parsonage of !Myth United Church was the scene of a pretty wedding when Ma garet Jean daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Duman McCallum, was united In marriage to Joseph Albert Gray, son of Mrs. William Gray, of Hitalr%`-, and the late William Gray., Ray. Arlhur Sinclair officiated, The bride ware a, Ioeey afternoon dress of white caraway crepe with turquoise blue trim, white turban, and white ac- cessories and a corsage, of Briar- cliff roses. She was attended: by her sister, Miss Irene McCallum, of London, wearing rose silk jersey with white aoces-oricst Her corsage was Killarney roses, The brdiegroom was attended by John Olegg, of Clinton. Folinwing the oeremony the bridal Party drove to Stratford for the wedding dinner. Mr. and. Mrs. Gray left later on a. honeymoon to Ottawa and Montreal. For travelling the bride donned, a smart printed silk jersey costume with whits acces smiles. On their return they will reside In Blyth where the groom is principal of the public school. The bride (Mrs. Gray) is a grand daughter of R. F. and Mrs• Hoover of the flth con„ Grey Twp. y Hugh Middleton Weds Catharine (Toddy) Walker Pink and .white gladioli decorated Melville Presbyterian Church, Brus- sels for marriage on .August 16, of Miss Catharine (Toddy) Walker, youngest%daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Winker, to Hugh Jlalrn Middle. ton of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Middleton, Clinton . Roy. Samuel Kerr officiated. Mrs. King was at the organ , and during the signing of the register, Miss Mary R. • Stewart sang "Until." The bride, given in marriage by her father, was' charming in a powder blue dress of bubble crepe with blue hat and brown accessor- ies. ' She carried a nosegay cf talisnfajn noses and forgetme•mots. Miss Mary Walker of Toronto was maid of honor. She wore a dusty pink dress of bubble crepe with blank recensorles and .carried a nosegay of roses and carnations. The groomsman was Carl Elguoetz of Toronto and the ushers were J'aicic Sealy and Fred Dawson, both of Toronto. - The reception was held at the horn of . the br4ide's parents, Eliza beth Street. Mrs. Walker received in hyacinth blue crepe with mansen accessories and corsage of ruhrum iiileef . Mrs. C. B. Middleton, another of the groom, was wearing old rose sheer with corsage or white carnations, After the receiitoin, the bride rid groom left for the Gaspe and will reside in Leasd ie on their return. 1+'on' travelling, the bride donned 4 blue coat with Kollin ate+ fUrs and bttown accessories. Her corsage was bronze glade. KRAUTER--LITTLE Avenue Road Preabyterlan Church, Toronto was the Scene of the marriage on Saturday evening, August 14tli, at seven o'clock et Einar* Loretta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Itoliert Little of Fopresteb's itl1a:Ns. int. and Kennelth Lamont, sbn of' 11.1r. and n%fi`s4, John Kraut'r of Ethel, Ontario never end A, Ross Skinner officiated: Miss Helen P`pncell, niece .of' the bride presided. at the piano, The bride was given In •marriage, by her iii*Esther J. H. ' Tattle of nshawa, was attired 4n sapphire blue velvet with elbow length tacit ed sleeves, the skirt being pauelie lit a matching 'shade of :crepe, evoleemuomounuow‘tmtv A mai navy blue felt turban with ehonider length veil "-of eapp'hlr bice completed her cosrtame. Sh carried a sheaf of write Picard itladitole. Her only attendant was her niece Miss riiayboui'ue Morrison of Cob den wlrowore queen's blue crap with yoke of Alenoon hue featurle a sweetheart neckline, Her hat all shoes were ' of wine and sl Partied a bouquet of rubrum llile in cascade effect Mr, Calvin Eraute. of Ethel attended ' ails ;brother a groomsmen.Followiarg the ceremony a meet;tion and buffet supper ,was held a 70 Creslcent 'Road for the immediat friends and relatives. The bride' table was eentred n41th the wedding cake and tall .silver candelabra with. white tblpera - While 'white' suananek• flowers dleeatiated therooms.'.. ' Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs,' Jahn Kreuter and Muriel . and Mies Dllizaeth Fear of Ethel. Mr. and MTs, J. H. Little and son Jackie and Mist P. Tinsley of Oshawa, Mrsl. Roy Morrison and son Bill 'of 'C:obbden, Onardo• The young couple will reside at' Stratblburn, Ontarlo, where the groom will be employed as a wire- less operator, aI e' yi 1.! re r s e, a v EARLS=DOIG t' A very y pretty wedding was sitem• nized 'Saturday, August 2nd, 'at three o'clock, in St. Andrew's Pres- byterian' Church, Molesworth. The ceremony took place in front of an. altar banked with ferns, gladioli, monkshood and phlox, the Rev, Robert Aloheson officiating, when Miss Dorothy Jean Dafg, daughter of Mr, and, Mrs. Williams Dale,. be • came the bride of Mr, Francis Mc- Bride Earls, son of Mrs, Agnes Earls and the late Robert Earls, all of Howick Township. The bride entering the ohur'eli on the aim of her father, was charming in a white taffeta floor..leneht dress with embroidered bodice, flnge'.,i, veil with halo head-dress of seed pearls, and carrying a bouquet of Riclranond roses, .Miss Besnie Munro of Ottawa was brideamadd, wearing floor -length gown of tux -cruise blue net with a .mat"ing finger -unveil. and carried a bouquet of pink roses. The groom was asisisted by the bride's hro'h.er, Mr. Hugh Doig, The ushers wee, Mr. Gordon Mundell of Gerrie, brotheran..law of the bride. and Mr. Wesley Lamblein of Drayton, the bride's cousin, ' at;r•, ... ' - a; Miss Jean Lane of Belmore played the wedding music. Whils the guests were being seated. Master Wayne Ankenman of Gowa"stows sang "4 Love You Truly" and during the signing of the register Mrs. Rus- sell' Kidd of Lynhttrst, Ont., sang "All Jloy Be 'Mine. Following the 'ceremony, sixty five guests were received at the home of the 'bride. Receiving with the bride and groom were *heir attend- anits the bride's parents and the groom's mother. Mrs. Doig wore a blue sheer dress with matching hat, and corsage of Madame Butterfly roses, .Mrs. Earls was attired in black dress and hat, with corsage of pale pink roses. The decorations were pink and White, featuring garden phlox. The bride's cake and tapers of pink and white adorned •the table. A delicious buffet supper was served. Amid showers of confetti And good wishes, Mr. and Mrs. Faris. left on a honeymoon to the Thous- and Islands and points east, the trifle travelling in a suit of navy blue, with white accessories and mink fur. On return they wilt re. side on the groom's farm near Wroxeter. Guests ,present included those Pram Toronto, Ottawa, St Thomas, Windsor, Milverton, St •atford, Har- ristont Walton, Drayton, Lyndhurst, Locust Hil and IKineardtos . v Auction Sale At the residence of the,. LATE W. A. CRICH Main Street ,Seaforth. The undersigned auctioneer has' been Instructed to sell all chattels on said premises including' an. excellent . Hostess „ yrefrlgera'or, elceaeto +stove, , furniture; kitshth' ufensiia hada, etc. Time of Sale: SATURDAV,''AUGUS I'' 23rd Terms—Cash HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. SEE- I AlkID SEE IGHT I Thousands of people in Brussels and district are wearing REIID'S GLASSES with perfect satisfaction, If you have headaches, eyestrain, failing vision, cannot see to thread your needle or read—see Mr. Reid • and have your eyes thoroughly examined by him. Lowest prices at all times, Latest styles of Glasses R. &REID R0O,, EYESIGHT SPECIALIST • & OPTOMFyTRY,T, Brussel Oflnce -- Every Every Wednesday Afternoon 2.00 to 5.00 MISS HINGSTON'S Store . — Phone 51 1 Passing Of Former Resident The following, from the Hamilton ,Spectator, Aug, 7th, refers to a former resident of this village. Miss Thompson attended school and grew to young won2anhood here, .being a very ardent worker in col- 1 rection with the activities of the Sunday School, Young Peoples So- "siety ;'and: choir of the former ',Methodist Church. Her passing will be regretted by iter,,former friends in this locality. Miss Fannie (Fences) M. Thompson A. teacher in. the Sunday school of Ltvthigston United, church for I over 30 years, Miss Fannie (Fran- ces) May Thompson died this mora- ing at the residence of her broth er-3n-law, D. A. ,Shelton, 22 Park Row north. She had been in fail- ing health for the last few months , An Active member of Livingston church, devout in her church dut- ies. Miss Thompson; leaes among the members of the eongt'egetion' a singularly large nunnher of friends She was the eldest daughter ,of Mfr's. and late Jos. Ii, Thompson• and for a period of 25 years was employed by the Right House. Miss Thompson held nrembershrip in Juaitltsla lodge I:O41O.F, (Rebekah) Besides her mother she leaves two brothers, John M., of Winnipeg, and W. C. of this city, and her vistas*,, Mrs. D. A. Shelton, The remains are at the funeral home of J.. H. Robinson & Co., Litd., and servloo will be 'held in the chapel on Satur. day afternoon at 2 o'clock with', la. terment in Hamilton cemetery. BELGRAVE ' Mr, and Mrs, Charles Anderson, Bobcaygeon, Mrs. John Anderson and Mrs, Roy Mundy, Winslvam, at Belgnave; Mr. and Ilfrs. Cegil Area strong, Kitchener, with relatives here; Mr, and Mrs. C. R. Coultea with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reid, Varna. ,. • This New WAR SAVINGS PLEDGE has been mailed to you For earh monthly deduction of 141on receive a certificate for S5 se" " ' '• "510 S20 " " " " " 525 540 " " ^ " S50 SIGN UP FOR THE DURATION in Canada's Army of 2,000,000 Regular War -Savers Be one of the first to enlist. You will be receiving your official enlistment blank—the new War Savings Pledge. Use k to instruct your bank to make purchases of War Savings Certificates for you every month — automa- tically, Your bank looks after everything for you—sends your money to Ottawa each month, and the Certificates are mailed direct to the registered holder. There is no charge fer this service. Here tai •ail• effective way to nerve --- and a sure way to save. Anti remember, too, you . are not giving your Money, lint tending it, and at a good profit to yourself: a fail' 26% in 7% years' So watch the mail for this new °MOW War Savings Pledge. When it arrives, use k to Help Smash Hitler,, Additional Pledges are avail- able at yoefr batik or from your local War Savings Com- mittee. Sign: up -now! "Yort Serve by Saving" Invest Regularly ar'ly in War Savings Certificates oloomom000nsmomsommomomm000m Ell ir 0.