HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-8-20, Page 1THE B 'T PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, August 20th, 1941 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO C.S. Upper School Results he B, C. S. Upper School Exam etIou results are; Key. I 75-100 • . H 60-74 e ,111 60-66 • 0 • 50-59 Armatrong, Dorothy -Mod. Hist. ii, Trig, III; Bot. I; Zool, I; Frau. A., 0; Preu, Coni., 0, ,Baler Nliabeth-Med, Histo 11. Alg. 0; Trig, III; Bot. II; ZOO, I, Davidson, Gladys -Eng. 'Comp, 41; Bot. III; Zeal. II, •• Gibson, Gerald -Mr, A.,C. Hall, Vein-M.O. Hist, 0; Zool. C. Lamont, jamee-Mod, Hist., I; Alg. II; Tnig., I; Bot., III; Zool., II: Pr, A., I; Pr, 0., I. • Ring, Janet -Mod Hist., 0; Alge 111; Trig., II; Bot. II; Zool., I; l'r. A.., 0; Fr. Comp., C. Lawless, Don-IVIod. Hist., II; Alg„ 0; Trig., III; Bot., III; Zool. 11. •MaNichol, George -Mod. Hist., III; Zool., C. Pliable, Barbara -Mod. Hist„ I; Bot., 1; Zool., I; Pren, A., lit; Fran.. 0. 'Mitchell, Luella -Mod. Higo 41; Trig., C. ✓ Plum, Lois ---Mod. Hist., I; Alg., Trig., I; Bat, I; Zool., I; Fr, A., • Ili Pr, Germ., 11. Sanderson, Jeanette -Mod. Hist., III; Alg., III; Trig., III; Bot., I; Zool„ I Fr. A., 0; h. Comp., CI, Scott, jean -Eng. Lit., II; MAI Hist., I; Trig., C; Bot„ I; Zool,. T; Pr. A., III; Fr. Comm, C. Turnbull, Isabel ---Mod, Bdst., C: Alg„ C; Trig., Ill; Bot., III; Zool, II; Fr. A., III; Fr, Comp., IT. VanNorman, Jeaune-Mod. Hist .141; Alg., 22; Trig, 13; Bat., C; Fr. A., C; Fr. Comp., C. Willis, Gibson -Mod. Hist, II. -v- REGENT .THEATRE Seaforth Ont- * * * * 4 * PEOPLE WE KNOW • * * * * * * idle* blar' Lott is violable in wed around Wroxeter, * * Pte, dlarry cowler Camp Borelee, was e weeit-end visitor at nis 110010 IlOs. • * * Mr. Sauey Sharp at Toledo., 0., 16 visitring Isis Ost'er Mi. A. J. LOW17. • • • Rebell PreSt et the 11.0..A.F., pert Albert, wax a week end -guest with parente. * * 11fr. and Mrs, att1t, 'Sharp Or Q1117,1140, 111., 47 visiting his sister Mrs. A. J. Lowry, * Mrs. S. F. mills ()wen Sound vie• ited with ner niece Mrs. A. H. Macdonald recently. ' * * * Mies fht ene Isiainuneb of New Pouneland were week -end vislitots • with Mrs Ida LOW1-38. '1'Mrs. H. B. Allen and daughters, rs are visitowith Mr. and Mrs. lra MfoLtlan, Port Manley. * IPte, Stewart Lowe, who' is now at Camp Borden spent the week 'end at his home here. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKay wave at Salem' last week attending ins funeral or Mrs. Dd. Pabner. * * Set../ses Dorothy and Frances Dennis are spending their holidays wittli. their, cousin Ruth Thomas. * * Mae and Mrs. Fred Burchell, Frances, Peter and Joe of Perth wore reneweng old NriendshiPa in town. * * * eir. and Mrs. W. C. McKinnon of Sarnia spent the week -end with NOW PLAYING- -x- EdwardvG. Robinson The• Sea Wolf • with • John Garfield Ida Lupino Another spectacular triumph „filled with adventure, thrills and •terror. -x- • MON., TUES., WED. • Irene Dunn •Cary .Grant • IN •Penny Serenade 1941's greatest heart throb. 'Next THURS., FRI., SAT. • Alice Faye •Don Ameche • That Night In Rio • In Technicolor Carmen Miranda • A musical romantic drama. -a-. , COMING --, •The Lady Eve A --- Ever heard ot nroder'n WeU 't it looks 'something like a type- • writer and a ',skillful operator, by • touching keys, ca0 reproduce any aimed o fvoleich the human, voice is otePleible. A product a the Bell be seen and heard at the Can- • adieu NatiOnal Exhibition. • "I 'Was glad when they said to I - , me, Let us go ato the House of • the Lord." . •..ag United Church • 10 cm,. -church (School and •Bible CIUS. 11 a.m.-el-he Power of Faith; 7 p.m. -"The Great En- counter." COME AND WORSHIP. St; John's Church ,. ELEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 11 A.M.-Morning Prayer And Sermon Melville Church •10 ctn.-Sunday RcboOI 11 a.m.-Rai. F. 0, Fowler • of Motivate. 7 p.m. -Rev. F. G. Fowier, of elitsysle. COMM AND WELCOME tememe•••••••••""saitimeeeleree his brother Mr. D, McKinnon of , • * * Itir. +and Mrs'. B .0. Macdonald and ohildiren ,spent 'Sunday after- noon With his mother Mrs. A, II. Macdonald. !Masi Margaelet Robinson, • Mrs. W. Bell, airs.;.A. J. Lowry attend- ed the faaeral of Mr. 1. Donaldson In Lastowel. Mr. J. S. McIntosh of Toronto leas returned home after spending the Past week with kis mother, Mrs. E. C. McIntosh. • ▪ ••• Mrs. S. 11 S '• eaman, .son Delbert and daughter Luella, Owen Sound spent Sunday with Mrs. Seaman coastal, Mrs, A. H. Macdonald. * * • Mits. !Harold 'Thomas and tura daughters joyce and Joan have, returned ftorn, an enjoyable bell. - day at Ingersoll and ,Woodstock. * * * Mt'*. �,L Wineberg Tortmerfly of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cline Scott, Jim Oakville has now jolined her husi and Marion who have been spent, Local News Items Former Brussels Resident Toronto 'E*Iiibibion Mute Injured In Car Accident Good going Auguet 21st to Seen - Word wad received 'by Mr, and eines' 6tb, reteemog any time tie • Mrs' hhierelt Pollard last week that to Sept. 10th, $3,65 return. their daughter Mre. Leslie Braddiolt (Ersther) of Vanoouver, was 'Oerieus- Library Closed ly littered In a caritcoldent, Site The 'Public Library will be closed is to 'the Vancouwer 110•I11a1. B•11' from August 25411 to Sept, eth, many 'friends here regret to knew While the librarian is oe, her va- of her misfortune and hope for a cation. oomplete recovery. ' -V-• May Visit England Bowling Jitney • Hugh Templin, editor of the Fete guts NeweiRecord, lies been ehosen • Winners of the jitney held at tho a's oma of a party of ten news:Paper. local howling greens on Prilday men Who may fly to Great Bietele eyening, August 15th, were as , • , Iselbel kracTavirSh-1 Mrs. Geo. Sarals-2 Elielabeth“Baelker-3 * * Cleve Booker -1 • D. M. MacTavieh-2 W, Stewart ) W. Porter 3 -tied for 3rd. 004,04.*********4•04444.**....O. • it .cousin, Miss Florence MoNaugh- ton. Dear Sir - Howe we a council or a wed stin- %intendant in this township, many or'e111:Oallt • 10 ig.r•Ot for ,the Close Drain was let 117 Aipril, yet 710 provision was made for Welding the mavens until the dredge went through McCartney's eideroad early • in Ale This is over a month with the road closed and no preepect •of a bridge inside the next month as only mast week the contract was let for hul- as guests at the Britiali Council in ing the gravel and not a load on London', where the jounialists will the job yet sipend three weeks in seeing pre- Iluectreds came from all over the meal:dans) for the Battle of Brittle. district to siee the bridge that was Mr Templin has beevvriting a knocked down, at Gerrie a year ago series of aritcles on .the •Common- We would. invite the ratepayers. of wealth Air Training plan, for • the this township to come and 'view the Canadian Weekly Newspapers As- bridge that has not yet been built „sedation and one of the instalments on MeCartney's sideroad and (ben appears in this issue of 'Pile Post. they will be able to form an opinion of the ofticiale that are Paid to lock • At the 'Churches Last Sunday • No, provisions were made for a •temporary bridge or a foot bridge, * ,l' * Services in Melville Presbyt•erian • in order that Mr. McCartney could CEd. Garton, Sky Harbor, is hall- Church Sunday w• ere• conducted ftY , get his mail or other neceos ties. (laying at Ids home here 111.0 week. Rev. F% G Fowler, Bluewale. I He having to arose over a dllteh * * Se -Ivies In the Unitedl Church. on I ' seven feet deep and fifteen test Norman Thompson, It, 0. A. F., ,Sunday were conducted by ROY. C. Aylmer, was a -week end visitor at L. Lewis, who spoke at the morn- his home, after the affairs of this to-washiP. s , ing service on "Which Viray,i' and Yourtruly * * in the evening on "Finding the A 'PaxPaYer. (Mrs. E. Rozell of Clinton, has Trail of Lite," been visiting at the home of Mr. IServicee in St. John's • Anglican * * * * * * * * and Mrs. Herb Manningchurch on Sunday were conduntee Obotuary • * * by the rector, Rev. Frank Watts. ' * * * * 01 * * • Mr. D. 0. Walker and daughter • •at Kirkland Lake are at • pre4lnt More Dionne Family Wilfred Harold Champion visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. Walker. •Group Pictures Mr. and Mrs. Harold Currie and Another FULL PAGE' of photo- ' son Weed, Toornto, have been vis• graphs showing ALL the famoos itbag friends and relatives in this Dionne Quintuplet Family Will be community. found in the August 24 issue of • * * * The Detroit Sunday Times 'See Mr. and Mrs. Sid. Speneer` and klamt and Pada Dionne as they Mr. and Mrs. Albert Faulkner of look etdday!. •Clampare the resemb- Miettertfon spent Sunday' with Mr. lances at the Quints and their and,'Mrs. G. E. Nurse. nu/Serous brothers and sesters You • * * et •need these' photos for your Quin - •.Mr, and Isis, H. O. Walker of tttplet ScnaPbook. Be sure to' get 'Parente were here attending the The Detroit • Sunday Times this funeral of the late Mrs. Prank week and every week. •Jeschke last week. •,V Mr. Roy McKay who eipent the •MORRIS * • suntraer 14. Muslkoa is visiting his Parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mo Master Walter Gowing of Preston -. is spending his holidays a , the hone May bdfore returning Witb. ems of John and Mrs. Speir. family to Florida Septernber: * * * Miss Helen Spelr ts holidaying Mr., and Mrs. Mart• with Gerrie friends.'ia Hunter and daughter Marie, and Bernice of Mrs. Lorne Nichol and Robert Smith Creek, Mich., visited during Mithie• JamPe and. Mrs. Nicht& and the week me wth their cousin Mr. family and Bob Grasby were in at - Ernest Dennsi and Mrs Dennis. tendance at the MartineCross wed- * * ding in Knox Presbyterian Church Georgetown, on Saturday. evenine. Misses Hilda and Norma Nellie• Morris Council Meets hove returned to their home in • • August leth 1941 Waugh= atter spending the vaca-' Thliel In Tile CO n • et in the hall on Eon with their grandparents Mr. the above da with all the members and Mrs. E. Dennis. • except C. II. Coultas, present. The * •* Reeve presided, • The minutes Were read and adopt ed on motion, of Harvey Johnston end, Cecil Wheeler. Moved by Cecil 'Wheeler and sec, ondeti by J'as. Michie that the town. ship tax rate be set at three mina. --Carried. 811114:11171t realized was $2,30, Thank Moved. by Xames Michle sseond- ed by Harvey Johnston. that the You boys! meeting adjourn to meet op Sept. Auction Clearing Clearing Sale Sept. Sth at 1 p.m. Porter s Hill, Goderich Twp. Elliot Harrison, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. R.R. 4, Seaforth 'phon e14-..1, Seaforth. band here, 'Ilhey are living in, the house recently vacated by Mr, and Mrs. O. Drummond. * * *, MSS Florence MoNaughton re- turnedi home this week,. from a three mouths visit ito heir mixt Mee. T. IL Boyle at •roam Lake, •Sasithtcherwan. Ore regiortri biavIng had a most enjoyable holiday. • * * Bill Rowland, ILC.A.P, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rowland, Brim, aele, graduated decently etrom. the No. 2 Wirelessf School at Calgary. He• ranked tweederdourth in class of, two briedred end forty. Hq.g„, rapw stationed at Daton flesk.'•";,,Gongratulationd Bill. , • •,• * ing their vacation with Mrs. ,Seott's mother, Mins. Alex Straoha,n, lett for their hole at Sault Site. Marie on Tuesday. • * * Mrs. felrank Mitchell and Teddy were Toronto vtisdtors for fa week and mean eetuming brouabt Mrs. MiftchelPs dyer and liVother-1n' law, Mr. and Mrst Jack Thompson beck for a mew days. • * Bowman Galbraith of the R,O.A.F. Brantford spent the week end with his. parents Mr. and Mrs. 3. Gal. bralth and with -his brother George o tthe RC.A.P., Defoe, Sask., whet haelbeen visiting at his home. While Reeit5t. *11:Prold Kerney, Suntley visitors at the home at ,DrIr. and Mra Ben Whittard were ,h1•34., of the Veterans' Home Guard 40.. Basi :t waittitod. dr nalitaz 000580 eth T,asoro611,:,ittgbitsa, wtistpeeciaisl 'Nova Scotia, Mr. and; Mrs:- Harold .Whtifterd at St, ''. Catharines anal visiting at the home of , his pareate Mr. and Mre. Frank Kenney ot Ide". and M713, auts. Middleton and 'ailiegre.g..sibeene ' eiliaphomat a Bongoes. Atwood. . . • Mr: anti Mts. Albert ' 'Sutherland • et . • • 5 11 Mr, Bob MoNatightort of ohteaso 'Boachville, eneounce the engage. f nearly of Bruseela Is netting • In ' mutat of ', their younger daughter, t°0,1,m. . 1y tarty ear* ' steel Jessie Ruth do Maurice Iatletock of 1 he was. hot,' " will soy ready Bruwielet sou' of Mv. and Mrs. J. L. 1 obangela Ile is staying with his ' Laycock of Walters Adis, the mat, - I. cote% Uri., Int Perker and With nage to take ,Plidoe. the latter Pert 4711.1111781111111. an saint Mrs. Addison Taller sal of moat. LARGEST CROWD EVER AT BOOSTER CLUB DRAW' The leeger orewth la town laet Saturtlay zadat was very enocuro7,- Mg and the • Booster Olab, Rabat Nichol mixiog the tiel made it more lateresting. The cash awards went to:-- 1$5,00-MIller MeArter v..00,-415. 5. .A.matroug $1.00 each -Mrs. Allister Bird, June Woric Jermyn Geo .1diairtim, Mrs. Geo. Davide,ort Sheila Blain Mrs. Jas. Sanderson, Wrorteter With the fall season coming on the weather is sotnetmes unfavor- able, and In future, 40 •each is the case the winners will have a little mere time in which to get their awards. A further announcement will be made Satur- dey alight. 'When ,doing your- .shepping in Brussels at BOoSter • Club •store.% doet be afraid to ask for tickets' with Your Purchases The members of the Booster Club' are only too glad to give them out. This is a means. to show their appreciation of your patronage" so patronize them, ,S110Sr yo alsh apIprecirate what they are •doIng for you or perhaps your neighbor. •SHOP AT -THE. . BOOSTER CLUB STORES IN BRUSSELS •-• They Pay Dividends Allen's Drug Store Baeker's Butcher Shop. Ballantyne, Mrs. Jas. Cplernan's Restaurant: • Downing's Shoe Store - The funeral of 'Wilfred Harold ( Eclanier's Superior Store- Ohamplon, whose tragic death oc• I Elliott's Economy Store curred on 'Saturday morning, F. R. Smith's Drug Store • August 1.6th, took place from his • late home, • tufternoon, Rev. Chas. Lewis Of the Brussels, " •Sunda' 1 McDonald's Butcher Shop • Kelly's Service Station East Huron Produce United Church officiated at the tprivate ,seryice. Intenment took Pratte in the Brussels cemetery. Pallbearers were Messre. •RioY, 1-larry and 1-lerb. Champion, Ei. ,Small, Earl Sproul and Ches. Darldsen. The deceased, who was in his 31st year, was born in Turuberry township on April 19th, 1911. He had been e, resident of Brussels since 1916. He was the sort of the late Frederick Champion and Mrs. Champion at Brussels. He is survived by his mother, five brothers, George, Harry, Wil- liam, Boy and Herb an -di five sistve, Mrs Ed. Small, Mrs. joseph .01ark, Mit, Earl Sproule, 1Wrs. • Thomas Champion ane Priscilla. RED CROSS Mitchell's Barber Shop Rann's Furniture,Store Semis' Egg and Poultry Store Sanderson's Garage Seddon's Radio Shop Red Band Store• Brussels Creamery - The Arcade Store' The Farmers' Club Store Willis' Bakery •• Wood's Store Asking For Courtesy • A word or two might be passed on about Parking along main street. .Angle parking bas been the usual way, but ellen you see a car or car with a, trailer attach- ed parked straight with the curb it doeen't seera fair . means that at least 'three cars have to ha parked on the side street, Which •isn't •so handy. Why not show - all th•oughtfulnesle ear your neigh- bor. It 1.611'i very nice to • have BRUSSELS BRANCH to atrry an amain' of parcels down • a dark side street and leave therm • Wednesday eventing, July 24th, in am unlocked car. a booth was' operated at the corner • 01 Mir; Mr. Wood's store, the Proceeds MEET ME AT GoDERICH- beirig given to the Red Grose Work .A gala a.equatic meet will be brad roams • The organizers of the booth in •Goderich on .Saturday enamor -or, • we Billy and Bobby Ra,nn, Laurie August 30, sponsored by the' RAT". and George Cousens, Bobby Walker of Port Albert. 'Me three local ant and Duncan Jamieson and the ports are entering teams in all the water events. Open events for men and Want* wad tanoY diving by the Mermaiire. of Toronto. Beauty contest- for tine" •title of Miss Lake Huron to)' SiTver - Cup and $50 in prilren • Water • Polo. • Carnival in, the evening en the; Court House Petit. Proceeds' to Wier - Victims. Meet me in Goderteb. 8.1h, 1941, --Carried. The following 'bills were paid: --e Dr. ,Stewart 61.061 •15.03 P. Duncan, member at Board of Health tett P. MloNabb, member of Board of Health • 0.00 G. Martin, member of • Board of Health • 3.00 Ontario Hospital, Woodstock 79110 D. A. Ibann (Victory .Loan Scroll frame) • 110 A. R. Ersleine (Indigent lee) 9.59 A. T•L Erskine (indigent fee) 25,10 Mrs. Geo. Groes (Relief) • • • 15.00 • Meg, Nellie Logan , (Relief) 22.00 GEO. 0.'MARTIN, del*. Premier King !Head Of Liberal Party For 22 Yearie- TPriniei Minister Mackenzie Ring, who was born In Kitchener, Thrive• , day last observed the 22 nanIvers- ary chosavi head ot the Liberal panty, a tonere believed' nle mated by anY present-day figure is Piddle fife anywhere. Mr. Ming epee( the .daY at work in Ottela. •Mr•••1011. Brussels Booster Club ist $5.00 - 2nd $3.o0 $1.00 each to next 7 names drawn 11 Draw inTfiont of D. A. RannisIStore - -. ..„,k.l." , iEaturdar Night nE , A Buy: from Illeoster Club timbers Ask for tickets:with your purchase