HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-8-13, Page 6A •2 RFl •.eei LSfS: k"'r' LAY ROOFED AGAIN Your telephone says you are busy, but .it isn't cruel Maybe you are robbed of an even., ing's fun, Perhaps an important business nil can't reach you. Your telephone is gagged because o/ the "off the hook" habit.. Lost year, Brill Telephone repair nen found 120,400' trouble calls in. the seven largest cities of Ontario and Quebec to he just plain "off the hook" troubles! It's a real menace to efficiency, especially in wartime when tele- phone service must be fast and de- pendable. You can help by always replacing tate telephone care. ae sr," fully. Let's (Pe '_,,, h"ep our lines of communi- cation clear! !dos ecer �•'Ni re - Honor Roll Alcock, Jot. t1 Alderson, d. • '.' Is .Bell, W. E. 'Bid' .Bell, E. D. (Lieut.) Black, Donald Bryan, Russell Brothers Lyle Brewer, J. Bowler, Harry Burchell, Fred Cardiff Clifford .Cardiff, Frank Cardiff, Wm. ,Campbell Jno. .Dohl, C. Dahl 0. Doll. Mao Earngey, Dean .Elliott. Ross salbralth, Geo. ralbraith, Bowman Gillis, Mose Gibson, Harvey Henderson, Archie Hell. Deb. Hall, Russet Harman, G. Harmon, John Hastings, Dave ' Maley, Jim - Lamont, Leonard Lowrie, Everett Lowe, Stewart Locking, Wm. Flyers', Dr. C. A. Machan, Willis (R.C.A,P.) 'McCauley, L. Mitchell, Frank McFarlane, Walter NleLean, Arthur McDowell, Mao McRae, Donald Palmer, Jas. Palmer, Wm. (Cpl.) Plum, Carl Pierce, Roy Prest, T. A. Preet, Robed Rutledge, Hartley Rutiedee, Jack Roc'iley, Leonard Rowland, Wm. Russeli, Louis tele « &art i ''f'7."!' • 'ABM Seat Orth Monument Works (Formerly W. E. Chapman) Now Operated by Ca nlninghatm er Pryde Exeter and Seaforth rrortowirsirammir You are invited to inspect Our Stock of Modern Cemetery Memorials Seaforth Tuesdays and• Saturdays for appointment 'phone no. 31, The Brussels Poet Spear, Jack Stretton, iL Salesman, H. Sanderson, Lloyd ninon Chas. 'Thompson, A. Thompson, Norm. Phomas, H. Whittard, R. Whit•tard, Earl Wilson, Stan. Workman, Gordon (R.N.) Non permanent— Campbell, R. Gloz sr, Fred Nesbit, Fred Tar:. mpson, M. Lowe, J. Woodrow, A. Rejected— Fischer. Wilfred Gillis, 0. Fiecher, Wm. Hawlolns, Herb, McDonald, Harold 3irDcweli :are McLelland, Harvey, Pearson, Ralph Plum, Ernie Pennington, .7 '11. 1E13 (Cpt: V 1711E BRUSSELS POST Men of 30, 40p 50 PHP, VIM, VIGOR, Subnormal? Want normal pep, vim, vigor, vitality? Try Oatrex Tonle Tablets, Contains tonics, stimulants, wester elements— aids. to normal pep atter 80, 40 or 50, •Got a special introductory glee for only 861. Tr this aid to normal pep and vim today. Try this at all good drug stores. WJODNE.S)M,Y, AUGUST 1Skil, 1041 Howick Council Fordwioh, Augnst 5th, 1341 The Celinoil met in he United Church )Sall, according to alloure- inemt, the members were all present ,the Reeve, J. W. Gamble, in the chair. The minutes of last regular meet- ing were read and on motion of Strong and McCallum, were adopted. Moved by. String and Weir that the Oink and the Trea +urer be berm by authorized to sign an order for an additional dozen wrist watches, +G'arrta0 Moved by McCallum and Strong that the Hydro Electrio Power Commission roe requestel to cancel the contract en Lot's 3,01-302.303 and 304, owned by Dr: C. C. Ramage in the "Village of Wroxeter, as t'ie Property is unoccupied.' :Carried, Moved by Weir and Strong that the Township Engineer F. A. Edgar. be hereby instructed ,to prepare Plans and Specifications for the ereotion of a bridge oipposttte Lot 18 on the 12th Concession of How- lett owlek Township. --Carried Moved by Strong and McCall'ml that the Townhill Engineer, P. A. Edgar, be hereby instructed to pee - pare a Report on Municipal Drain no. 16 -carried Moved by Witter and Weir that the Township Ttoad Superintendent be hereby instructed to have the tires on the Power Grader, 're. capped. -. — Carried. Moved by Weir and Winter that the tender of Amos C. Martin to con- struct Municipal Drain No. 15 for the sunt of $742.74, be accepted, • .Carried, Moved by Weir and Strong that the Road .Accounts, as approved, be paid. —Carried. Moved by Weir and McCallum that the following accounts he paid. There are few people who do not love the okl fashioned hollykoeks that gloom so profusely in many of our gardens. But they are of mor;: than ordinary interest when they take such a growing streak as one oeauty has at Mors. W. J. M. Arm- strong's home on St. Andrews St. There one measures twelve feet, ten inches, with flowers right up to the top. So tall was it that Mrs. Armstrong asked a young man to measure it for her, and in its heal by growing sate, it may stretch up still farther yet, Get busy, citizens, and measure your growing holly- hocks and see it you can find a still more ambitious one. —Mitchell Advocate American Coal is quite Slow Coming ane we advise everyone to ORDER YOUR COAL NOW ! As pricesare advancing. We Sell Insul. Brick Siding warranted by the ntanufacturer See Us we buy from . manufacturer SeelJsBefore Ordeving D. N. McDonald —,Carried. United Church, Fordwich, rent of roam • Isaac Gamble, Part salary as Clerk John Harrifleld, sheep leflled by dogs C. 13. White, repair to side- walk, Wroxeter E, M. Creighton, truss for T. T. Reid Municipal World, ilei Statutes and supplies J. H. Neill, repair to piano, Wroxeter Hall County Treas. Hospital Ex penes for Eldon. Reid County Treas., Hospital Ex- penses for F. Gale & J. Mosure .. , F, A. Adger, By-law Etc., Bolton Drain Amended Schedule 65:00 F. A. Edgar; (intocing Treas. Account Etc., Amending By-law, Bolton Dram , , . , 15.00 Wm. McDonald, Work on Jardine Drain 37.00 Amos C. Martin, Tile for Jardine Drain 59.1.9 W. C. Ring, Bal. salary ae • Collector, W. Dib. 1940 65 00 James L. Walkom, Bal. salary as Collector, N. E. Div. 1940 Geo. Leonard Ast., CoIlect- ing scram iron, etc. 5.00 John Wallace. Collecting scrap iron eat. 5.a0 Edward Ortli, Collecting scrap iron bre, .. 5.00 Dr. H. D. Livingstone, Anaes- thetic for M. Linton 5,00 Relief, for month of Jnly ., , 68.66 Moved by McGaltum and Winter that this Counoll do now adjourn ti meet in the 'Township Hall, Wroxes• er on the Fifth day of August, or at the call of the Reeve, —Carried. ISAAC GAMBLE, Clerk. 1.60 35.09 10.00 5.00 15.00 4.15 .50 33.40 12,05 40.00 • e.• 1.4.6•44 lI N • Both Mechanism Shown At C,N•E.. In the Electrical and Engineering Building will be Displayed inters esting Mechaniatn for Releasing IBambs rCanedians have read for many menthe of the bombing of Louden and other British and 00arennu cities, but few -.have ever had the opportunity of seeing tate intricate inechaui=.an in the modern bombe: which carrier, the bombs and sends thein hurtling earthward at the totter. Of a button, in 17,600 stivaier feet of display 'space allotted to the exhibit Cif the Department of Munl-, gone and Supply in the Electrical and Engineering. Buildine, at this year's Canadian National Exhihltion, C.N.15, officials 'announce, such a mechanism will be mounted on e special frame so that visitors will be able to see exactly how the release is operated. Revolving Gun .Turret In the sane display a revolving gun turret, etrlla' to that used in the big OanadianJbuilt Bolingbroke t'There Notice to the Public: Having enlisted with the Canadian Forces for Active Servide for the duration of the war, 1 will be absent from n ' business for an indefinite period. 5' Auctioneer si f ess For the benefit of my clients 1 have arranged with Mr. Wm, Scott of Monkton to conduct my 'business for me during my absence, Arrangements for sales can be :rade at Kemp's Coal Office, Listowel. o fi iii ef.�'� i4usii�d�ess The Monument business will be continued by my partner,. Mr., Wellington Ronald, in the present location. I will gratefully appreciate the courtesy of the public if the. patronage given to me will be continued to the gentlemen conducting my business until I return, for which 1' sincerely thank you; • ,L' ■ W. KEMP Regulations Re Rural Mail Boxes To Be Revised s time permitting the courier to serve 1 then without dismounting from nis boaniber; will be in opera ion, er vehicle.*1.4.1 will be, it is stated, an actual 13o1- l Due to the increasing • danger of ( ingbroke bomber on exhibiton, out- ,traffic accidents, it is proposed to ! "If there is any doubt in the side the Electrical and Engineering revise the regulations with respe;t mind of the box owner or dispute BuiIding, the giant being muoh too to the location of Rural Mai) De- with the rural courier as to the large to admit to the inside dis- livery Boxes. The new rogulatinnt' ,proper location of the box, the in - play. Visitors will be shown at j will read as follows: I terested parties should consult the first how the turret is turned liyd- ; "A11 rural mail boxes mute be of ; County Highway Engineer or Sup- raulioally at a touch of the controls ' eoted on the rlgh-thand side of the erintendent," and liow tate machine gun within the 1 road, based on the direction of tray.. `7 turret is brought to bear om its i el followed by the rural courier it target. ; retying the reale. They must be FOR RENT— .. i Apartment tq rent at the Terrace. It is enipivaelzed that secrecy 1 erected in such a manner as to not apply to John Clarke will surround certain of the open- I interfere with • high way traffic, phone 72, Blyth ations within the Department of j highwlay maintenance operations. or 4�i....- Munitions and ,Supply war PM snow removal', while at the sante 'LOOK AT LABEL duction plant, where bongs, Brea will .""..1!""—. "'�"�'" "-' "` " guns and other war supplies be made at the Exhibition, Most I of the production of war supplies i however, carried on by a large staff of men and women worker;, will be ow full view. The workers will come term. munitions plants throughout the country and every article produced at the Exhibtttin will go to the s eV, NOW IS TWE TIME TO HAVE YOUR HARNESS Re.PA1RED N CHAPMAN BrUstsIe, Ont, assembly planks, V FOR SALE OR RENT— House and Lot, in Village or Brussels, also Cream Separator. aapply to Alvin Pride 85 Queen St., ' Waterloo, On`. i When in Listowel —EAT AS -- Westo 's Restaurant Home Away From Home ti. ACRE A AY ;;IL ‘‘ =14"; Zile 0 .1 ��1 ,11111 ( Ii reen wdreorei • THAT COUNTS There is perhaps no better illustration of co-operation between an industry and the people if serves than, that of the implement industry and farming. Its inception was the making available to other farmers the tools which One ingenious farmer developed to lighten his own labors and enable him to accomplish more in the always -too -short "Seasons. Its support by farmers to the point Which has enabled the building of organiza- tions financially strong enough and technically egbipped to carry on large scale experimental engineering has increased its efficiency and usefulness to the benefit of every farmer. ' In the implement engineer, the farmer has had a partner ever intent on finding easier and more profitable ways of doing the jobs he has to do. The co-operation of the implement maker, in this respect, has transformed, farming and made fcirm life pleasanter and more profitable—a co-operation that really counts. ' r1