HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-8-13, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST 1940 Mercury Coach 1939 Mercury Sedan , 2-1939 Ford Sedans 1939 Ford 'Coach 3-1938 Ford Sedans 3-1938 Ford Coaches 1939 Plymouth Coupe 1938 Chevrolet Coach 1935 Chevrolet Sedan 1935 Oldsmobile Coach 1935 Ford Coach 1934 Fora Coach 1934 Terraplane Sedan 1932 Chrysler Coupe 1932 Ford Sedan 3 New Cars in Stock Buy Now Special Attention1 1 Farmall Tractor i�-�j Farnall 10-20 1 John Deere Tractor New [Used Half -a -day] A Car Load New Ford Tractors Coming In L.& W. Jacks�n Motors Ltd. Phone 161 Wallace. St. Listowel NEIMIIMINIMMINIMININIIIIMINIMMIIIII sv++. 'Hepburn Going To Britain , t ' `1 , ;r, Will Leve Without Delay When Expected'Word Comes Ontario' Premiere Announces St. Catharines, Ont., Aug, 3.27-- Premier 2-Premier Mitchell •Hepburn's . four• anontit silent on reports he would go to England to engage is war work, has been broken. 'The 0•utario prime minister, who refused t o comanent e n a report last April 10th that he vas expected in Leaden "soon" and has ignored subsequent reports, said iu atm interview last night -the eve of his 45th •blrthdaY-that 118 was "awaiting words' of an, offer t" go to Britain. "When R comes, I'll go without delay," he gold.. Digclositre of the premier's lutea - ions was made oil.: arrival here ''Where 11e W21& guest ;speaker at the '• convention 'banquet of the 'Colbert.? Itiovinolal Codi mantI of the, Lail adieu Legion, cuss i1 with council today. a e dire ell. LOOK OUT` F'OR YOUR LIVER Buck it up right now and feel like million! Your liver is the largest organ in your body and moat important to your health: It pours out bile to digest food, gets rid of waste, supplies new energy, allows proper nourishment to reach your Wood. When your liver gets out of order food decomposes in your intestines. You be. cone constipated, stomach and kidneys can't work properly. You feel `rotten" -headachy, backachy, dizzy, dragged out all the time. For over 35 years thousands have won prompt relief from these miseries -with Fruit-a-tivea, So can you now. Try Fruit-a-tivea-you 11 be simply delighted how quickly you'll feel like a new person, happy and well again. 25c, 50c. FRUITATIVES vttsLer Tbli Bowling Notes -z- Results of .Draw for First Round Mixed Doubles Partners are as follows-, 17rnie Seddon & Isabel McTavish 11 W. WiJ0fa & Mrs. G. Lavidsoa 15 Chas. Davidson & Mrs. D. A. Raan 9 R. J. MoLauehlin & Doris McDonald 27 Cleve Baeker & Mrs. Ernie Seddon 10 Alex. Rutledge & Mrs. F. M. Sarnia 24 Joe Kelly & M. Helen Balmier 10 Thos. May & Helen Baeker 19 - Jno. Rowland & Mrs. Wilt, Cameron 16 , Arohi•e McDonald & Agnes Davidson 9 W. Stewart & Mrs. Chas. Davidson' 8 Geo. Davidson-& Mrs. C. Buschlen 17 Harry Champion & Jessie Little 16 W .C. Kerr & Elizabeth Baeker 13 W. S. Scott & Mrs. Cleve Beaker 14 A. Wood & Mrs. G. H. Semis 18 ToMcDonald & Marg. Downixg 14 Wm. Porter & Mrs. W. J. Stewart 9 R. Downing & Dorothy Ard estrong 14 Harris Bell & Mdss L Lowrie 1e R. J. Bowman & Mrs. Wm. Porter 19 D. A. Ramo & Mrs, A. C. Baeker 10 Peter Stewart & Mrs. Roy; Cousins 8 r Dan • McTavish & Mrs. R. Downing 19 Watch each week's issue for the score until tits schedule has baea played. Substitutes Men Ladies Geo. Davidson Mrs. Kirby,Kirby,Roy Cousins Edith McTavish Graham ,Scott Rules - Th 1 T' a offer to. serve in a wartime 2 caP city in Britain was made to Mr. Bickel]. who -twos in 'Canada rev ral weeks) ago. a The offer wasc ted to Lore Beaverbrook, then Mi nister -of Air- craft Production, through Mr. Back Offers To Resign :Ho said he has offered to rests as premier and leader of , the Pro- vincial illiberal Party, His plans were, he said, to go to England. as assistant to J. C. Sicken, Who 110108 a1 dtigh executive .po3ition in the Ministry of 1;it+eraft .1'yrOduotin8, Ate had not taken the Whole neat. ter' up - With the Ontario cabinet, but the premier said he intended to dill "I ami prepared to resign my of- fice and go as a private citizen if Ottawa would' like that better, or to naive a successor agreeable to tate Liberal party who would be acting Premier. I am not particular how 1 go over." ]It is believed in some circles 111at choice of a successor to the prem - ter, temporary or otherwise, nar- rows clown to Iwo Members of his cabinet, Hon. H. C. Nixon, provin- cial secretary and adting premier in Mr.' fiepbtlrn's absence, and Hnn, T..B :.McQtleOtettr minister -oaf avhYs, - Premier I-Iepburn's eniy comment when .asked 00)0211 a successor • w+is that he "hasn't gone yet,'' --V-- Fef1 From MoW Rae, W. A, Beecroft of Wingham, was badly bobsled when be fell from the mow at Tom ellmonr's farm oil Warder. He .1083 rendered ititen1.1 sciuoa by 'tbe flit, Be is Iiregretp, I, big tawornbls• , 4 games of 15 ends Plus of 10 allowed. 3. One dead end to each skipallow• ed, after that a penalty of one pori" to opponent., 1. One week allowed to play each game. 5. After second. game High against High. GREY ;;,..,„�:.,,, WriDia,1'ISHAY uST it, 190 Township Council Meeting-- August 2n, 194= The Connell Met on the above d.1te Members all present, Reeve PF0211l.", ing, Moved by W. R. Broadfoot, sea - imbed by Stan. Mahan., that the minutes of last meeting be adopted es read, -^•-•Cal rico, Moved 'by Stanley Meehan, sea- onded by W. R. Broadfoot, that we• renew the Twp Road Insurance. for another year et same rate, -Carried Moved' by, W. R. Broad�epot, see- onded by Geo. McDonald, .that jamas Machan be awarded the contract of building both culverts over the Close Drain at this tender of $250,00 each. -Carried. Moved by Geo, C. McDonald, See. onded by Stan. Machan, that the Engineer's report on the Cox Drein be provisionally adopted and , the Olerlc be instructed to have the' BY' laws printed and•served on the ratepayers and Court of Revision be held on Sept, 6th. -Carries. Moved by Alex Alexander, seg,- onded by W. R. Broadfoot, that this Council go into 'Court of Revsidn on the Hanna Collis Drain By -Law. 'Carrico ; Moved by Geo. McDonald' secoe 1 ed by Alex Alexander, that the Coart of Revision on the Hanna-Cdilte Drain By -Law be now closed and the e`& - B,Law be finally passCarried, Moved by Stanley MacOraii'"sedon' t ed by r W. R. Broadfoot, that bile; Clerk .be instructed to tenders for the work to be done of the OOanne-Collis Drain. .Carried Moved by W. R. Broadfoot second- ed by Stanley.Meehan, the .Twp. rate be 3 mills for 1941. -Ca 'son, Kitchener, with Mr. and hit's, TREAT YOURSELF TO NEILSON'S CE C'EAM Sundaes, Milk Shakes, Soft Drinks Milk & Cream, Chocolate ].Milk, !Butter & Cheese Brussels Dairy Bar Stan. Meehan, IinsP, McNair Drain Stakes for Cox and Jacklin ..."Drain L. D. Frain livestock valuator Insurance Twp. Road J. H, FEAR, Clerk. V ETHEL 5,00 6.26 2,00• 162.60 j, .{Yin's. J. Forrest of Winrillpeg is spending some time with Mrs. John King. -.,y.,isdtoro: Stanley Wilson, Hamil- ton, at his home here; Mervin RI'vby, Kitchener, and Irvine Rely, .'ICiltchener, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Ruby,•' Mies Ella Fraser, Brussels with 'Miss Elizabeth Bishop; Miss -Winndfred ,Steins, Brussels; wi':h .Mrs. M. Cleaver; Kenneth . Thomp- Moved by Alex Alexander second;. ed by W. R. Broadfoot, that all ap- proved accounts be paid. -Carried.. Moved by W. R. Broadfoot second- ed by Stanley Machan, that We - do, now adjourn till next meeting, onSept. 6th or at the call of .the.Reeve, Carried. The following accounts were pad C.N.R. 13xrn•ess ..., .....,. .40 1'. A. Harrison; cement tile- g8.00 W. H. Speiran, culvert 7.60 Elston :Speiran, culvert Colwell Speiran, culvert , . - Fergus Neable, culvert , .. , James Bremner, culvert Wan. Bremner; culvert 0000 Jno. Fischer, culvert Charles Fischer, culvert . , , Jas. Moses, culvert Archie Moses, culvert , , , 2,60 Jno. Pearson, culvert .,. 1.2 Geo. Brown, culvert ..... , , . . 8.50 Sylvester Raynard, ,culvert ; . i0 Alain Hull, cut weeds ' 6.00 Robt. Bennett, bridge 2.50 Goldwyn Thompson, bridge ,' 75' Roy McDonald, bridge . ,., , . 2.75 2.55 5.00 1.85 6. Skips resiponible for entry fee of 850 per person. ' 7. A11 scores Pius and Minus to lie given to"D. A. Rann. 8. 4 sets of prizes.tothe winners. 9. In case of any rink being unable to play their schedule: game they will forfeit game to the opponent with a Plus of Five. 10, There ,are several' names' at the foot of the list from which sugstit- nte players if" needed: mist be chosen. A BELGRAVE 150 8.00 3.75 4.00 2.26 3S5 2.25 2.55 !ilex McDonald, -bridge Tom Pennington Hugh Smith Z11lgx & Son, account D. N. Monald, plank and .pukes s 146.75 Roofer's ,Supply Co., signs 1051 1Steet Co., Hamilton, steel for bridges 164 3',1 Stevenson & Alcock, .Close Drain, 350 00 Thos. Wilson, assist survey Jacldlin Drain . 3.130 Sheldon Jacklin, assist survey- Jacklin Drain . . 8.5D, Andrew Jacklin, assist • Jeeklii Dram , . ., , . 3.50 John McKay, assist satiny Jackliu Drain Geo bOcKay, assist survey, Jackliu Drain 3.59. Lawrence Willis, assist .survey Jacklin Drain 3.50 Stanley Meehan, assist serV„a • Cox Drain . 7.00 Ralph Machan, assist survey Cox Drain 3',50 Leslie Lake, assist survey Cox Dram Charles Lake, assist survey Oax Drain E1gy Brandon, assist survey Cox Drain School Section NO . r E. Thompson. Merlin Pastor Conducts Service Here '.Rev. Mr. Wlltiams, Merlin, a former pastor in the Presbyterian church here conducted the evening, v Announce Regulations For Bread Wrappers Ottawa, Aug. 12 -Action taken b3 the. Wartime Prices and Trade Board last week to ban multi-caloaed and double bread wrappers and salt of slice bread, effective Monday, was supplemented yesterday by an order resrtictions the extent of the im- printing and the weight and quality Of the wrapping paper. Henceforth, the board ordered, the highest quality paper permitted for bread wrappers is either uufille white sntlphite er a brown krait of standard shade or ',shades. This paper is not to weigh. more than 20 pound's, dry weight, 24 inches LY .86 inches basis for the 480-sggtet ream, and not more than 32 pounds OD, the same basis when waxed. The paper must not be treated 1 n any Taylor opacity, *Painting on bread wrappers must +'bd •In: a single color, in standard type design, and must not cover more than 25 per cent, of the sur- face. Whale these regulatons ore ef- , fecative immediately, bakers are au- bhorrized to use stocks of wrappers on ]land or those now in process of being printed. Stocks of filled white sulphite paper in possession of the bread wrapper manufacturer, or ready for delivery to these firms by paper manufacturers on orders -placed prior to August 8, may ala! "•be‘tntilized. "; Plates currently used for im• •'gihtnting wrappers which do not in- wolye painting in more than one The girl's meeting of the Women's Institute will f.be held oil ,; .Tuesday; Aug. lOth, 'at 2.30 P.M.;'at the home of Mrst Lyle Hopper. The convenors of program ere, Miss Mnl'iel Hol1per, and Mrs, Stewart Procter, Roll call 'How the girls can improve the In statute.' Motto, by Mrs. ,Stewart Procter, Current e'entst Miss Ferrel Higgins, Address, Mrs. 33,1. Wdglrtnlmn. Mnita ;plinth Coin; Miss Maty Yiiill MIAs 1Vlurlel Hopper ant Mrs. "hltitsol Biggins, Alt the ladies of theceintittnity are 111- vitod' to this meeting 1• , , r ...8.50'.Izz.az •8 ,'../ D. A. McDonald, Str achav ". Drain cog, Wm. Agar, cut glass and weeds, :Stevenson & Alcock, Close Drain !Alvin Armstrong, ;Telma:61t. Draintlb fill „POS. O. Wilson, take Get. i McLaughlin to Co, Houle 6.00` B, MCF•arlane, NoNair Drain 6l Ir. A. Harrison, relief ac0ount 14.98 Co, I•Inron Hospital acct, ,, 37.50 Russel Knig11t, relief account 1.50, Percy Tyreman, .sllee,p 41104 ',0"1.3,40' 1. 14, Fear, Weed Insp.t't, '1ii 90 Byft,aws, Hanna -Collis Df till 1 i0b • r•_r:... .:. Glerk's Fees, Minna Collis. r • 1 •,,15;1 brain ..... , . , v .. . , ,1,' l r �15,4'Q• 3.50`t 100 00; 76.00 �u r het color and the imprint of which don not. exceed 25 per cent of the sur- face coverage are also permitted under the new order even though they may not be designed in stand- ard type. WALTON The August meeting of the U.F.- Wr0. will be held at the home of Mrs. Harvey Johnston on Wednes, fay, August 200th. 'The roll call will be, "a community need." Mrs, 0. G. Anderson of Wingham will bo present to address the meeting, AU.. the ladies of the comanunity ars in - 1, vited to attend. ,Mr. and MTs. Fred Rutledge, and son, Leslie, farmer rosid'ents of this , community, who recently moved to. Blyth, were honored by old friends ' an'd neighbors in the Community Hall here, and presented with gifts and an illuininatte1address. The occasion took the form of a farewell party, as Mr. Rutledge was ,presented with a leather ebb. bag, Mrs. Rutledge with a silver tea serv- ice, silver entree tray and dish, anal Leslie with an aeroplane clods Joseph Casngrebll; Mrs. William Humphries and Ronald Bennett made the presentations. Charles Sellers read the address, in which he referred to .the genuine worth of the Rutledge family in the com- munity, and the sincere regret over their departure, Mr. Rutledge was station agent • at Walton prior to his departure- for Blyth. -v-- War Scarcity Of Doctors ,Elora has no dentist now, though it has about 1,200 population, 'and a good many more counting !Salem. Fergus has two instead of three, so that in the two towns combined, there are now only two dentists. Ar- thur has only one doctor left in a village of sorbs' 1,100 persons, since the sudden death of Dr. John Rus- sell. Elora has two, but we un• denstand that one is leaving. in Tottenham, there is no doctor fnr a village of 600 persons. The near- est doctor is 10 miles away. --Fergus News -Record Belgrave Rector Transferred Rev. R. M. Weekes, rector of the Anglican. Church at Belgrave, Blyth. and Augur,n, has accepted an appoint mein to Glencoe, Wardsvilie and Newbury parishes. He will take eve- to Itis new charge about the. middle of Septeawbor. "71"44t ;VIYE LA•FRANCE.l