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The Brussels Post, 1941-8-13, Page 4
WDENESDAX, AUGUST 13th, 1091. 11-1E BRUSSELS POST ed Cla,ssif Ads * • * ClbOya ry • 11 WANTS p— A ,roomer. ',hone 18 apply to ' JAMES1.1400S "ON Mrs. Jack Ballalttyue ; l —7- The death of -,fames 120001on, a LOST— ltgltly esteemed, fernier resident of A wheel oft a babT 'buggy, on .Grey twp., accutt'®d on August 2nd Tuesday, on ,the, 10th Con, of Grey. in God011501 1101)1181 Where Ito haJ been confined for .several weeks, Mr, Rhone 41-r•19 Joltu. Gouley _-,_r...,_..T. k -- } Houston was lit his 67th year. A FOR RENT— •, son of the late,, 3rtanes Houston and Apartment to rout at Terrace . , a'p1 ly to Join Clarice 72, Blyth .almnost his entire ,life on the Houston Isabelle Douglas.And had lived .........._.......-7.-=e—.—=—- J hosnestead on i et 10, Con, 16, GTO',, FOR SALE OR RENT— On retiring about a year and a half 1.101150 .:and Lot, in Pillage Qf agothe family moved to Saltford. Brussels, also Oream Separator. ler, IIoutson Pas a,rnen rlier of the aapplY to Alvin Pride S6 Queen St., United .Church, a staunch Metal Waterloo, Ont- and a membeif ,of the Oanadiat Order of Forebters. V He is survived by iris wife and one daughter T.oiena. Two sisters' Regiment Will Attend,Mrs. J. Sellers' f ,Mortis and Mrs. Camp Near London John Hislop et Grey.,, Also four brothers John of Dauphin, Manitoga; Middlestx-Huron Sam of Fairvew, Manitoba; Robert, Compares Commence Of Gray Two. nand' David of Los Outing Sunday. Blyth Angeles, Californisi, Man Named Principal The funeral i ,was held' MotidaY Goderich—The Midd'leset - Huron aternoon from -,Walton• United Regtmeat will go into camp at Lon- Mira. Inteliment in Brussels don on Sunday. Aug. 17, 'tor two Cemetery. letidbearerj were form - weeks, training. The four conapan er neighbours palma. Knox; John Aid- es 'will go from the fallowing . Donald, Leslie011lver, James Smith, districts: "A" 'ComiP any, Strathrov: Wilbur and Andrew Turnbull, i ..• "3" Company from London; 'rC" Prem Godertoh and 'Clinton; "D" from Clinton, Seaforth and Exeter. Harvey Bryans, R.R. 2, Blyth, has been appointed prinoiPal of Central school by the Public School. Board. succeeding H. M. Shackleton, who has been given leave of absence to join the R.C.A.F. teacher id Mr,BrYanehas been a the township of Colborne for the past three years. He wes chosen hY the board from 90 applicants for the position. He holds a permanent first class certflcate and has been in charge of the athletics at the United Church summer school at Dania for several seasons. The salary will be 31,250 per year. Ile is un- married. ,.,outh Huron Wil ...,..-t ,.1,.,.-44.1.-. been 10 the Godol'lcb rnoea, an had proceeded home as tar as Ile uosv(lle tapuot a t when he beano° awavo that thei e * was about a gallon of gas ' in tank, The poor °harp Wa08 all the Way from St. aloe iba, on the other aide 08 Kitchener, He was getting plenty, worried about the prospect of ,get. ting gasoline to take him home. —Blyth Staatadard. Get New Airport '1 A eopel•t'a hatebeen. 1.11•. culating quite frequently during the past number of 'Months eoncern1ng a fourth airport to bo established til Huron County, it is geuerallY ag+eed now that a 900 acre trait of land in ;he Crediton and Centralia district of South. Iluron will ha the scene ?1 a new air field. Niue hundred acne of land have been surveyed about a mile and a quarter from Munger h Highway on the road from Credit'in to Ceti - trate. This is in Stephen • township, two and a half miles north of the Mount Carmel road, the diy'lding line between Huron and ;4iicidlesex counties. Reports have ueen eit•culatiee that the Pigott Construction- Com- pany workers, laid off at the Olin, ton Radio Air School at the end of the week expect to begin work with the same company at the end at this week. Pigott Construction Company 'ten refuse to comment ohm the proposed' project other than to say that they have not received blueprints for the new air school, Farmers in the Ambeciel district south of Kincardine in Berea township in Bruce county, reP.u9 that optans have been taken on their land. Over 600 acres of 'land are included hs these options and it is expected that developments will come in the immediate future. V. Always Address Soldier's Mail In Ink Postmaster General William -P Mulock has always shown' a Kean personal interest in providing a safe and expedious• service for mail to ouroverseas troops. One frequent cause of delay a direct ,fault of the sender - is illegible address on mail matter. It has frequently beenfound that pencil 'written addresses become smudged and unreadalble during course of transmission, with the re- sult that it is very difficult for the Canadian PostaI Corps to effect del- ivery. When ink is used 'there is less danger of the address fading or be- coming obliterated 'and 1perso-As sending letters and ,.,parcel's t :1.0 soldiers overseas can . help ensure their sale and speedy delivery lie always having care taken to see that the address is written in a clear end legible ma er'in ink.' All mail .Mould be fully prepaid and a return address given in upper left-hand corner, Letters, parcels and newspaper's for our troops overseas should be addresed in ink as fol. lows: Regimental Number, Rank and Name, Mane mad Details of Unit (t.e. Company, Section, Squadron, Battery, Holding Unit, etc.) Name of Regiment or Branch of Service, Canadian Arany Overseas. If tike soldier is still in 'Canada mall should be addressed to him gin• ing the:— Regimental Number, Rank and Name, Name and Details of Unit (as above), Name of Regiment or Branch of Service, Nasse of •the Place in Canada where the unit is stationed. V Motoret Out of Gas Monday night we saw our first worried motorist since the new gas restriction cause into effect. He had' —n—N7 Huron Jail Officials Overpower Two Youths Dashing For Freedom . Gederich, Ont„ Aug. 9—A hard - punching jail governor thwarted LY the sheer power of his fists an at- ,temlpted jail brook by two youthful ;prisoners who were awaitiag hear- ing on a car theft charge. The governor, J. B. Reynolds, in. tercepted the youths, Ralph J. Del- duca, and Max Glassco, after they The •albuudauce of beautiful floral had •sanashed the lock of their cell , tributes. ware tokens of the respect and were making their way along :Led esteem :with which the d.ceased a oarridor to freedom. Reynolds , was regarded: caught Glassco pointblank on. the ' jaw with a stiff uppercut. and knocked him down. Slogans Fbr Saving Gas At the same time Turnkey Kip Mrs. Frank Jeschke The burial of Anne E. Jeschke, beloved -'w @. t c te'r nic ,Jtschke, 1279 Meadowlbt'ook, . Detroit, took plica n the Brtt5seli cemetery 011 Tues- day atterno,en.l t The funeral, service held at the D. A. Rann,fuheral parlour was at. tendedby fpttner' neighbours and friend., and, i elatives in this com- munity es ,w41 as' "liy' those Woo ecconepanied the body from Detroit. Rev. C. L. t Lewis, of the United church, ,Brussels, eoridltoted the ser- vices. Pallbearers 'were:- Messrs. N. Getny„Fru. Gillespie, W. Sharpe, R. J. BoW.miari, J. C. Baeker and L. W. Eckmier. , Thedeceased, whose death occur- red in Grace' Hospital, Detroit, or. Saturday, Aug. 9111, 1941 following an illness of ten weeks was bornat Cranbrock, Ont., an Aug ust 18th. 1591, being the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dark. She was a resident of Detroit for the Past twenty-four years. 'She is survived by her husband one brother, Thomas Dark of Ed- nmonton, A1bMrta and a nephew, C. B. Howe cf'trindsor. 1 With ANIMALS D ABLED or Quickly removed In Clean Sanitarytruck. ' Phone collect. Phone 72, Brussels William Stone Sons Limited dritain's Fightire f'os cfvs White, hearing the commotion came To Appear On Road Signs rushing to the scene with drawn The Prolinoial' Highways Depart revoler and forced Delduca in sur -mens Will pixie. signs on Ontario render. 1 highways reminding motorists to ']Ohe governor was making his conserve gasoline. A series of eight rounds when he happened upon the sign1i,"each with a different .slogan jail -breakers. The one blow he dealt will replace the regular speed -limit fractured his right thumb and a vrannings. bone in the back of his hand. In stiheeesnon, the signs will read ‘Officials said a Piece of iron pips , „Reduce';peed—'Hanes Need Gas"; was discovered tied to Del'duccas leg ; "Reduce Slieed—Tanks. Need Gael' while Gl'ass'co carried the broken "Reduce Speed—Save Gas, Da Your paddock wrapped is a towel. The i Btt' ;',Reduce Speed — the Army pipe believed to have been used iI Needs • ,Gee", "Reduce Speed—the in smashing the look, had been 1 Navy Needs' Gas"; Reduce •Speed— torn from the plumbing of the cell Save Gasr'; "Reduce Sliced— eke Air black located on the upper rico.. Force,Needt Gas"; "Reduce Speed— Glassco and Delduca are two of i t 40 M.Ei11, Saves 20 per cent of 17 p © 5 rive Windsor youths being held Gee. 'here on a charge of car theft in aced to the newusigns will be (LA LY placed on the Queen Elizabeth h1gU• way, the Kingston highway and NO. t' 2 highwiay 10 Windsor. V LOOK AT LABEL FIE 1NSCRAIiCE TUT FITS With us no fire ilitltrance Pulley is just a policy' --it must give yotl all the protection against -. fire loss you need in your own I—particular circumstances. WALTER •SCOTT Biru s41 Repre8eifhting PILOTINSUL1.AN(E. COMPANY Writing selected risks in—,Automabile4,Psteula Public Liability, and other general insurance. Ifeey Toronto. THE HANDY POURING SPOUT for the tufo pound d fin It's tree. --write for ono IUOW O Pits the special ton of the 2 Ib.. tin of Crown tiraatt, Lily White sad l:lzo nyr"pa.- O Is cattily ,•ietnedand nenbobbed ' Over and (wer attele. •. Polite l1titout a drip. .1i1 • Peovidan moaflg bf accurate rll1oeur, .115010. M bioke5 t:le 2 lb. tin an excellent table container. ta. The protective rax r '''"'+ e' FAhfte.5 Tell the boys that po trait+ of famous hockey CROWN BP AN I)"'Inbtla, d ter Cliff NN m rlSYRUP The 11•rurtoud Energy Pebd Thi CANADA Meth c0., timed. torn% 1.1.reMuouaw,...a.. .w.s 1.ommero