HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-8-13, Page 1THE BRUS
Wednesday,Anast 13th, 1941
May Not Go To England
Premier Hepburn Says
'Return Of J. P. Bickell
0 To Canada "Complete
4,• Surprise', He •Declares
Toronto, Aug. 13—Conjecture am
eerning Premier HePbura's contena
• plated stria to England to aid in the
Beitish war effort brake out anee
today with 'the question of tha mo-
ment being the whereebonts of J. P.
The Premier offered to assist Mr.
Blekea in ,his work le the ministry
of aircraft produetion and tee
Ontario mining magnate was to
have transmitted the offer to Lord
,Beaverbrook. Mr. Sicken assisted
the 'Canadian -horn British cabinet
mindser In his superb job of step-
ping up gin -plate production in
England during he past year.
A0111),11i1K 90afirrae4 earlier.
reports of his plans—reports that
have been revived from time to time
during the Past four months—when
ete gave an intervier in St. Cathar-
ines Monday. He announced at
the earae time his willingness to
ga to England immediately if called
Cannot Locate Bickell
It was learned. in London yester-
day, however,' that Mr. Bickel had
completed his work there and re-
tm-ned to Canada. Efforts to lo-
cate him last night for comment on
the matter were fruitless.
arr. Hepburn held a cabinet coun-
cil yesterday for the purpose of dr.
canoeing Ids proposed departure and
said later: "I tnay not be going to
England at all. - . . I may stay
' irrIr41/11191111111
Be said he was, "taken complete.
ly by surprise" to learn Mr. Biel
ell's task in England had been fie
/shed and added:
"1 knew he was returning about
the middle of ,August, but this Is a
new development. Ir had, no idea
le was here for nod."
eami I
*pio'pzEiviiN(*)14"; Local News Items
Me and ,,t.._ C Buschlen Were
Snday, eisitors at Cheeley.
Mrs. George Henderson is eisitla
j reletlyee and friends in Stretford.
I * * is
Miss Mae Alunstrong is visiting
her sister Mrs. Story In Tined°.
* * *
s. F. Matadi, wingham, visited
this week with her daughter, Mrs, F.
M. aerate.
* .. ,,
Mrs. Lois Hanley of Clinton ;was a
visitor idea week with Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Stewart.
e. * * •• • •
airs. J. Ballantyae and son, Jack,
Stratford, are holidaying with Mrs,
Jas. Ballanyne,
. ,
* * *
MISS M. McConnell of Blyth en-
joyed a visit last week with old
friends in Brussels.
• re *
Miss Gladys Davidson is visiting
her grandmother Mr. Hallenbeck,
Stratford for a few day.
* * *
Mrs. don Peterman of Winghaan
has been visiting at the home of Mr
and Mrs. Jas, Kernaghaa.
at * *
Miss Carrie Hingston an her
dine Mrs. .0w/1n were Sunday yid -
tors with Seatortla friends.
• * *
IVirst Nommen, Ireland of Climax,
Sask., is visiting relatives and
friends la town.
• * * *.
Mn. Geo. Walker, London, visited
with bis grandparents Mr. and Mrs
S. Walker last week end.
* * *
Mr. W. McCracken and Misses
McCracken were Sunday visitors
with friends near Exeter.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McDonald of
Port Eign were renewing oId frierd-
ships in and around Brussels.
Miss Madalon Srperan of Toronto
Seaforth Ont. was a week end visitor with her
—x— mother Mrs. Mary Speran.
illEa -
John Hall Lynn Bari Mrs. Norman Ireland of Climax.
— IN — Saskatoon, spent a few days, with
Kit Carson Mrs. John Oliver and other friends.
* *. *
Dona Andrews Ward Bond
The thundeirng spectacle of Ameri- and Mrs. Wile Lowry of London
cays most fabulous days • • •
• '
vetted last week 'with Mrs. Ida
Lawry. x
MON., TUES., WED. Jack Oa kis
Alice Faye Mr. and Mrs. Chas Robinson of
• Detroit spent the week end with the
The Great American Broadcast
lateral parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rabt.
John Payne Cesar Romero * * ,5
A picture packed with everything Mrs. Geo. A. 'Campbell and daugh-
Ithat make 6 e hit musical ter Helen, spent Friday at the home
a -x--•. of Mrs. D. L. Jardine and other
• Next THURS., FRI., SAT. Mende in Ethel
lairs. Frank Turville of Toronto
Edward G. ,Robinson
The Sea Wolf
John Garfield Ida Lupine
Long Voyage Home
( al was glad when they silicate I
me, Let us go nto tthe House ef
the Lard"
United Church
10 a.m.--Churcb School and
Bible Claw.
11 a.m.a-"WhIch way?"
7 p.m.—"FindIngs the trail • of
Si, John's Church
11 A.M.--MornIng Prayer
And &radon
•Melville Church
10 a.m.—SUnday teeheiol
11 tro.—Re,. P. G. Fowler 13
of uovsie.
neftee. f. G.Fowlete
* * *
Mr. and Mis. Arthur Helm of Lan-
don visited, with former's motherMr. Mra. W. Wilkinson of Towa, also
were guests at the MaCaulea-Bone
wedding, 4th line of Meads.
Mr. and les. HarOld (Starke, Mra.
Clark Sr., aid Miss Minnie Clark
of Toronto were week end alders
with their friend Mina Mary Lott.
* *
Mise Jean Somerville of Aeon, has
teen visiting her aunt Mrs, Beatrice
Camaebell at the home of Mrs. Geo
Baeker Se, for the past few weeks.
Mae S. M. Jamieson R.N., of
Prince Rupert, B.C., and Mrs. Lloyd
/Tapper of Quebec City, are visiting
at the homer of Dr, W. D. S, Jamie-
* • *
BHT. 3, and Mrs. Strachau and
Miss jean, of St. Marys were visiting
at Oftewford &rdi
aan's last week
enrode to their cottage at Sauble
Mr, and Mrs. W. Weaker, New
liarrelburg and Mr, and Mrs. Iteali
and tree sons a Taelistock were &In -
day vitildbre at the home of R, W.
and Mri, Kennedy.
• • *
Miss Mary IL Stewart of ClIntOn
elDent, several days with her coesin,
Mtge' (Toddy) Walker whose mar-
rlage is to take place inf Melville
Ohatiela Satettlay, 16th,
Notice to Contractors Notice—.
The contract of redwing out the
North End 01 the Nicol Drain will be
let by /albite .A,uetiou, on 1.. E. Ca:-
4ifV0 eideroad. on Tuesd.ay, August
19bh, at 5 o'olook.
Townehie of Morr.s
Gas Stealing PreValent,
Thieves Apprehended
The alleged. culprits of the gas
deeding, from service pumps ain
town, which has been going on all
sunihner, have been apprehended:
The 'case goes to trial on Tuesday
Engagement Announcement
Mr. and Mos. J. Robert Little of
Forester's Falls, Oratario, announce
the engagement of their daughter
Emma Loretta to Kenneth Lamont,
soa of Mr. and Mrs. John Kreuter of
Ethel, Ont, The marriage to take
;dace in Toronto the latter Part a!
• —v ----
The World Has Waited
7 Years For These Pictures
3.941a. Greatest pictorial attraction
. . "The Dionne Quintuplet Family
Reunited". . , The first and ONLY
group photographs of all 12 Dianne
ehildren, ,their mother and Lecher,
will appear in, The Detroit Sunday
Times. Watch for a full page in the
August 17 issue . . .and another fall
page in August 24 issue. Be sure to
get The Detroit .Sunday Tiraeg this
week and every ;week.
Sliced Bread and
Special Deliveries Banned
araffeetiere on August 11 Canadiaa
*ers and retailers were unable
to •seil sliced loaves, make epeeist
•bread deliveries or use multi -colored
et double wrappers, "The removal
Willie' wheat proceseilig tax emcee-
cea last weekiand these new enua-
,otnies in maarefacture and delivery
in the *pinion of the board,
render unnecessary any increase la
the reedit price of bread," a boars
statement said.
Church Services
Last Sunday
Warning service in the United
Chau -ch was -conducted. by Itev.
Percy A.shor of Corning*, N.Y. Ills
subject was "A Religion With Ytta
mina" Mrs. R. B. Cousins sang e.
olo. This is Mr. Ashe-'s last ser.
eke here. He let for Corning on
Monday morning.
Service in IVIelville Preabaterlan
church was conducted by the Rev.
C. It Macdonald ot Lucknow.
service in •St. John's Anglican
church was conducted by the recta',
Rev. Prank Watts.
London, Eng., were visitors with
their cousins, Mrs. R. T. 'Straohan
• and Mise Flo. Buchanan.
* *
Mr, and Mrs. W. Lott and two
granddaughters of -Oshawa and M.
and Mrs. Blake of Harriston ware
Sunday visitor with their cousins
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKay.
* * •
Mr. A, D, and Mrs. Lamont and
Don, of Carlton Place, were guests
'Of the eormeag brother and sister,
A. A. and Miss Mary Lamont for a
few day i this week.
Mr. and Mra Hugh Kennedy arid
daughter, Kathryn Mauna, Montreal
are vestore with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. N. Hamilton, Atwood and
with Brussele relatives aid friende,
* * •
Mrs. Gordon Shellabeer, daughter
of the late Adarra Red, and Miss
Jennie of Saskatoonand Mr. Ross
Hind o! Vancouver hare been yieit-
ors at the borne of Mrs.. Jobe a
• «
Reza Mr. Asher end Mrs. .A.shde
and daughters accompanied Mr. Will
McCracken and Misses MeCtsikeii
ttr Point Clarke last Thursdel %tete
they were the guees of Ma and
hire Walter Resta
Mr. A., A. Lamont and Mies Mary'
Lamont wee itests Of Mt. and
MIs, A. D. Lantonit at Thee ilea
Ma and Met !Neil P, Haines 01 end Mrld L lealetit et
1 Mies I. Pease fislas decided to ex•
teed her yacatien another week,
Her hairdressing earlour„.will riot be
open mail Monday, August 26th
Give Us Your News Items
bn niuest courtesy you, can, slaw
your guteas from out DA town is O
neveatuer visits, mentioned in the
laud paper. eine nicest courtesy you
canSOW friends 15 to let them
1e4,Z, of your visit throigh tile eat -
'tunas of title palter whenever you go
lam Post will consider it a court-
esy' whenever you will give ns an
itean of any kind. Just pliene 31, or
,droji us a postal card.
United Church
Missice) Group Meets
The W.M.S. of the United church
met an Friday afternoon with the
president, Miss, May Skelton, Dredg-
ing. " Ethel and Brussels Missionary
.Societies had been 'invited to Blue -
vale an Julya9 to hear the report of
the:branch meeting given by Mrs.
(Rev.) Tavener. Mee. Wfiliam
Proctor had oharge of the program
dezdonatrating the was of Christ
In social welfare. Mrs. R. J Me-
Lezebitin read the Scripture lesson
and it was deeded to raise $25 for
a special datact. The meeting
closed with prayer by Mrs. Proc.
This Is No
' Fish Story
wifsk4 iishertnen start bragain
about the size of their catch we are
apt to he ebit skeptical coacerning
the accuracy of their gtory. When
thee, have proof in the form of a
Picture we are forced'to accept it.
Charles Workman has a picture of
hiramelf with a base, he caught in the
Maieland river here on Thtrabday
afternoon ot last week. The Meas-
uring rule he es wielding shows the
fist to he 24 inches long and its 1
weight was 5 poundal, •10 Ounces.
Two other fishermen, Walter Scott
and Charles Davidson also caught
good sized bass at the same time. I
Four of them totalled 16 pounds.
L. Russell Joins
R. C. A. F.
Having been accepted in the Rival
Canadian Air Force as a pilot, let me
take this opportunity to thank all
my malty friends and customers, for
their frendship end business. 1 hope
You may continue to patronize your
Red Band Store which for the bene.
lit of my sister I have decided to
conyert into a Cash Grocerywhich
commented Auguet 11th, 1941.
To all those who have an account
with me, or I with them, I would
appreciate it if it were given, to Mr.
E. D. Bell av soon as possible.
Thanking you\tgaini
L. A. RIISSallar.
V ---
* W jj0o*/ i G * Friends Sends
The emulate WaS madly seine
.„ Note For
IPbooster Club
f. f.,,,fpwpf Mae Retell
&else of Walton to Mr. Casey
h acispn of Lletowel, youngest eon et
Mr. and iffre. George Hudsea,
A pretty weddieg toot place en the
learn et Mr, and Mrs. George Boue,
of Morris on Phursday, Augaet the
seventh, when their only daughter
Dorothy Marguerite was united in
marriage to Mr. Mervyn Edgar Mc-
Cauley, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs.
Newton McCauley also of Morris
The wedding -took piece at two --
thirty in the *afternoon with Rey.
•Sammel Kerr officiating. Ae. ' arch
made of evergreen decorated with
mauve dahlias and white hYdnangee
formed a pretty setting for the bridal
party. The- wedding march was
played by Mrs. Arthur Helm of
London, one of the bride's former
music teacher.
"Phe bride given in marriage bY
her father looked charming in a
street lengthadress, of dawn blue
sheer with white aecessories. She
carried pink roses with maiden hair
fern and baby's breath.
Her bridesmaid, Miss Betty Currie
looked charming in a street length
these of aahnon pink santoy elk
with white accessories. She carried
a iboquet of pink carnations axe
baby's breath.
During the signing of the register
the pianist played "Melody of Love,"
The groom's gift to the bride
was a three strand necklace of
pearls, to the bridesmaid, eilver salt
and pepper shakers, to the pianist,
silver candle sticks holders in the
grape design and to the groomsman
a leather billfold.
The 'wedding luncheon was serval
in the dining room, which was decor-
ate in a colour echemer of pink aad
white. Three girlfriends of the
bride, Misses Velma Duncan, Isabel
Lowe and Ruby one, served.
A. toast to the bride was given by
Rev. Mr. Kerr and WOO ably respond-
ed to by the groom.
Atter the luncheon the happy
couple left on a motor trip through
Nonitern Ontario. The bride chose
for travelling a navy blue tailored
suit with silver fax fur and ,nra,tch-
ing aceessoriest
On their return they will reside on
the groara's farm, sixth coaceseion.
The following is the report of the
July shipment packed by the Paco-
ing Conanabte.
25 pr. Seamen's socks
10 ens. sea boot socks
75 pr. day socks
14 turtle neck sweaters
WROX21 scarfs
ETER 5 ribbed helmets
The regular monthly meeting of
the Womenre. Institate was held at
the home of Mrs. Stuiderson. The
president opened the meeting with
the ode earl repeating 'de creel.
Mts. Russell Rae was in &large of
current events, and gave many
items concerning the Duke, of
Keeta visit ba, the wed. Mae M.
Davidson read Dorothy Thomson's,
Bret letter fallowing hex main)
overseas and Alia. J. N. Allen read I,
a very interesting article entitled
"Making 'Something Out of Notb-
img." A musical number "The Oid
Rugged Cross" was sung during the
afternoon. It was decided to Send
a bag 6f sugar to the Red Cross
/diadem for snaking jam ler over• -
A deacons lunch was, terved by
the hoatess, assited by Mrs. la
Van Velem I
Visitors: Mts, Grinishaer, Mrs,.
SterWart and !Children, Buddy aid
Kay, Detroit, are vlsittag at the
lisette of Mr, and Mat, A. iOde
dereon; Miss June Waller is bola
"lay(ng at,Kititall define Ilea and
' Mrs. Alex Sanderson, Monet Forest
are 'inisiting the f rn'iem' earents
Mid blaster Petor Dyer tif' Kincardine , belt Week
1•11•1011111.111011MIIM*016 Ur and Mt*. )3. la Sanderean.
26 pre, two-way mitts
alteraative caps
15 pra men's Pyjamas
3pre. pyjama pants
15 quilts
10 eight gowns
1 child's dress
3 pr. childs oemers
Do not cease knitting and sewing
for the Red Crass as the teed will
be great ter the long whiter seaeoe
Two weeks ago the Booster Club
column coatained a few remarks
referring te a threshing which the
manager had occasion to be at. This
apparently drew a sort Of retelletienn
from thet particular threshing crew.,
I and they sent in the following:._'
The happy threshing gang work-
ing for the Booster Club went. out
Saturday night, dead tired, to SU
the main street of Briessels, hoping
they might be lucky. Ilea all failed.
so going home one party said, "if
we've been May everyone else
was Mo.',
• We have noticed that same of
the members haye dropped out aa
here's a warning to the rest:—When
coming to work well tile haves"
threshng crew, make up your mind
to stand on your feet when building
a load and don't be squatting down
as the horses move along.. And to
Booster Club members keep heads
up like the 'heads of the sheaves
and keep the club up too.
Thank you,
The Repay Threshing Gang.
* * *
As is mentioned in the above
note telling the Booster oath scribe
to stand on his feet, he has this to
gay that it -Wasn't so comforable
sitting as every time he went down
there haepened to be a thistle in, the
shed he sat on.
As for the Booster Club members
keeping their heads up be it knower
that -tSe members now in the clue
are stieldng together to try aud
make shopping at Booster Club
stores a valuable transaction for
some of their customers each weer.
Last Saturday night's Booster
Club awards went to:—
1t—Mre. Ella Wthefield
2nd—'Wm. SPeir'
. $1.00 Each --
Russell Wilbee
Mrs. Frank Shaw
Watson Shoklice
Harold Speir
Gertie Alcock
1.101Vercl. Gowing
Mrs, Stanley Fiedler
IN BRUSSELS.They Pay Dividends
Allen's Drug Store
Baeker's Butcher Shop
Ballantyne, Mrs. Jas.
Coleman's Restaurant
Downing's Shoe Store
Eckmier's Superior Store
Elliott's Economy Store
F. R. Smith's Drug Store
East Huron Produce
Kelly's Service Station
McDonald's Butcher Shop
Mitchell's Barber Shop
Rann's Furniture Store
S is' Egg and Poultry Store
Sanderson's Garage
Seddon's Radio Shop
Red Band Store
Brussels Creamery
The Arcade Store
The Fanners' Club Store
Willis' Bakery
Wood's Store
It there is a sufficient number of
interested people / will organise a
Violin Class in Brussels, to begin,
Sept. lst. Please get in touch with
me at an, early date.
hone 34r-16 ARNOLD EARL
Brussels Booster Club
1st sg.00 2nd $3.00
$1.00 each to next 7 names drawn
Draw in -front of D. k Rann's Store
raturday Night
Roy from Booster Club Mentbere
Ask for tickets with your purchase