HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-8-6, Page 1■ THE BRUS POST PUBLISHING HOUSE ELS Wednesday, August 6th, 1941 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Brussels Council gid„ Held Short Meeting Brussels, August 6111, 1941 The regular monthly meeting of the Brussele MM'ntcipal °venal' wen held in the Public Library on the above date. ,A11 members' being: Present with the exception of W, Willis. i '.41P4 The minutes» a the bast meeting being read it was moved by H. Ohaantriou, seconded by 0'. iSamig that the minetes be adopted. --+Carried. The following bills were pre- sented:— G. McDowall, July salary #60.00 Geo. Camip edy July •salary, .. 1$50 It, S. Warwick, July salary 30:00 C. T. Daviderom, insuxance ., 23•Se I Huron County 4.35 � * .$ * s N * ,M PEOPLE WE KNOW * * * * « * * *. * * Mitts Karen Buseblen is visiting Dir Chesley, Mrs, Ire Parker •spent the week I • end in' Kincardine. s * s Mies Mae Wood of Sit. Catherines 1s Visiting Mrs', Downing. * * ,Mas. J. G. Hossaek of Cann'ingttn,. .is visiting Urn. 11[; Ballantyne, Mrs. M, Ballantyne visited is Steetord last week. * ,- 4 Hospitalization Comrneroiai Staitionery and Printing 1.63 Brussels Hydro, street lights 108.00 Hall lights - 3.20 Ed. Henderson, cutting park 2.10 Relief for the month of July 14.64 .Moved.lby F. 'Samds, seconded by W. Caaneron that the accounts be paid.-�Cwrried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Not Required to Return To School Until October Ontario school children helping on farms this summer will not be re - required to return to school until • October 1, according to a memoran- dum issued by the Department of Education. The schools will be op ened, however, on September 2, as usual. School principals are authorized to mark, the children working ou the farms on the school registers "as if present during Septemger on, the presenitaton of certificates from the employers which show thatthey have been engaged el tame work daring the-iperlod of their absence school." ` The memorandhm maid, "It is the Trish of the Acting Minister that these •pupils be encouraged to cen- time their help on the farms div- ing the month of September: These Impale are doing valuable war work, and are worthy of special attenti•m when they return to -school." REGENT THEATRE Seaforth Ont. —x— NOW PLAYING- Gene Autry Ann Millcr — IN — Melody Ranch `Gabby' Hayes Jimmy Durante The greatest personalities on the stage and screen in the year's most dazzling and fun-papked musical show. . c .",1119 —z_ MON., TUES., WED. ,DOUBLE BILL Conrad Veldt Valerie Hobson IN. Blackout His mission is deadlier than the the enemy in the sky. ALSO , Dick Powell Ellen Drew Christmas in July Next THURS., FRI, SAT. Jno. Hall Kit Carson COMING The Great American Broadcast 01 was glad when they said to me Let s go Menthe House of : r�,, d. 4" tht-oe-1 U-ni'ted Church `10 a m.--4horoh School and Bible Class. 11 A.T11.--A Religion With Vitamins No Evening Service. Rehr. Percy Allier, First Pile fiedIst Church, Corning, N.Y., Wilt Preach. COME AND WORSHIP. .s St, John`s Church Ninth Searle), After 'trtnty 11 A.M1 Morning Prayer. And Sermon Melville' Church Frank and am Oliver spent a few days witili their mother Mrs. Oliver. *. Stewart Hanley, Chatham, *pent a few days with hie mother, Mies Hanley.. * * * Mrs. A. D. MoCosh and Mrs, Dr. MOCosh visited with Miss Annie Strachan on Saturday. * * * Miss Marguerite Henderson, Glia• toe spent the week end with. her parnete Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Henderson. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Lang Palmer of To• rento were week end visitors with her mother Mrs. Root. Strachan. * * * Mr. Tom 'llhorntore of •Clinton spent the week end at the home of Mr. anti Mrs, Ed. Henderean. * * * Mr. •Charlie Miller is at present'in 'tlhe Wingham hospittal. His friends hope he will soon be better. * Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steles and Ruth Anne of »Clinton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Henderson. * * .• Dr. H. J. McNaughton and Mrs. McNaughton of PenYan, N.Y., were visitors with his •sister Mee. Ira Parker. * Warren Phil* ips*and Miss Helena Philips, Welland have been visiting ing wwith - their grandmother Mrs. Rout. Dark. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thomson sad daughter June and Mise Starling of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Seeker on Monday. • * * Mr. L. E. Cardiff, M.P., and Mr. Gordon Sanderson attended the funeral- of Sergeant Topham at Fordwieb on Saturday. * Elliott Breda"m,* Toronto, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gal- braith, over the week end. Missee Ethel • and Mary Fox of Toronto were Sunday visitors at the home of their parents Mr, and Mrs, Sylvester Fox, Mr. and Mian Bryson Merlook and family of Holstein were week 'end Visitors with their friends Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Buschlen. n fi 'a. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Brown of Chesley were week end visitors at the home of the latter's sister Mrs. Cliff Bustchlen and family. * * • Mr. Will M1Craeken and' Misses Mande, Eva. and Carrie MdOrackon. Mrs. D. Black. Miss Flo Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. Lang Palmer and Mr. Tom Strachan - spent Sunday at Bright's Grove where they met De- troit Mends. MT. and MTS. A. E Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. George Dixon. Mr. and. Mrs. Ward Buchanan, Mr and MTh. E. Delorme. 10 e.nn.-sundry School 11 a.m. Rw C ti MaoDonaldu 1 taudknow p.rtl...ReM. Gy H Milaoboneld, ra... .� ,,7,r 4..-4uQttrrcw. COME AND WELCOME ,Deal News Items CARD OF THANKS My sincere `thanks! is extended to the Ladles of the Brussels Red Cross Mr their lovely gifts. They are much appreciated. Pte. Leonard Lamont Hairdresser To Have' Vacation , &less Irene Pease, will close her hairdressing parlour for one week commencing om August 11th . till August- 17th. She .wi11 continue business as usual on Monday, 1.8113 of August. --x-- Carry Extra Gas Prohibited G. R. Cottrelle, federal oil cote troller, hast made public an order wagging dealel•sl Orom iselling gasoline or oil to private car menses in other than time tanks of their 0013. This» will put a stop to any attempt to carry snare canis full of gasoline or tinefitting of extra supply tanks to their cams. Tobacco' Grown In Local Garden Our good friend the -village clerk, R. S. Warwick, brought to our of htioe his week a tobacco leaf taken from a fully developed plant . gro-wn in hie own garden. In Bob's opinion. tobacco could be successfully grown ins this district, the only -- draw baek being that people here do not know how to cure it. ` Thanksgiving Day - October Thirteen - - Canada this year will observe Thanksgiving Day on October 13, the second Monday .in October. This announcement was made by Hon. P. F. Oasgrain, Seceetary of. State, who said a proclamation nam- ing October 13 as a day of "general thanksgiving" would be issued short ly. Rev. Percy Asher and family of Corning, `Cthurch Co Fta�t Methodist N.Y., w,ho have been making their hoarse at the Tinned Church *arson age here and conducting morning service in that church in the ab. sense of the. booster, Rev, C. Lewis, on holidays, have made many blends here who will regret to see them leave Brm*eels. ' Next Sun- day iherning will be the Cast owes - ion, on which. Mr. Asher will conduct the service in the Brussels (there'. RED CROSS BRUSSELS BRANCH The newspapersy books and magas eines have been sold and 325,00 .realized. We wish to thank the Collectors of 'this salvage and ' also Mr, G Sanderson for storing sante froar'odlleetion until date of Sale. l • • • A siplendtd tea was s'er*ed last Wednesday by the ladies of " the I Majestic Iustttute, the proceeds be• lag $16.60 o•io_1' GREY .Gtewn Wlteater of London spsut Aid holiday;*eek end ewith his home. 1 folks. • Denby :Work, who was hoild*yiae*. at the home of his nolo Jock, ,return. Wiarton on Wednesday. Early Harvest With threshing already underway and in some rases . harvesting com- pleted, it is the first time in many yearn we are told that such a record has been sweated. Continued beat and' dry 'weather advanced both haying and harvest season well ahead of the custom- ary pentads, and in spite of this fairly satisfactory crops are being harvested. —x— iEmerston Editor Visitor Here Mra, Wm. Ballantyne of Emerst 'n seventy miles south of Winnipeg, is visiting Mande in Brussels and ;points in. the Bruce Peninsula. Mr.'. Ballantyne has been publisher of the Emerson paper since the death of her husband and is Hon. Prest dent of .the Manitoba Division of the Q;W.N,A, ,Site is visiting Brusse:e. for the first time in nineteen years.' Mr. Ballantyne learned hie trade with the Brussels) Post. —a— Attended Drumhead Service At Fordwich A number of the Brussels Branch of the Canadian Legion and others of thits *omanunity attended d' Drumhead Service and Patriotic Rally held int Fordwich on Sunday, August 3rd. The rally 'was held ander the auspices of Howick Branch No. 307 ‘Canadian Leglin, BJE.S.L. The main address of the afternoon delivered by Major the Rev, H. FC. Cooks, s Senior Ghanian; ir at Military District No. 1 Other speakers were Comrade Rev. W Beebroft, Comrade R. E. Pooley and others. —x-=. Farmer ran Now Get Special Hog Scale Unless farmers have a handy means of checking the weight at their. hogs, it not always easy fo'r them to 'know whether the hogs are -'within the 200 to 210 prelude recent - mended' as the best weight. ter mak-. Ing Wiltshire sides,; so. urgently needed for Britain. To meet this dffhculty, a set of scales has been developed and is now being distri. Ibuted to fennmers at_ cost by the pros duction Service, Domtnfon. Departs 'anent of'Agineuitute. The scale iB a modified steelyard aid 'can be • up anywhere Where there 1* a strong overhead support and at' least eleen feet of elearanas, A kitting dev1t*e for swinging hog and orate aleaer of the floor Is part of the ootilt, Plans for making the crate'are a1sb provided. The stale hen a, weighing capacity of 260" Iby For full;pertieulare, write to ,,the • Seilliar Line stock 'Ye1l1m n of , till i'rovtriee, 1tsrodttct 1:'t iiartntent of A Mutlen, 48 Engagement Announcement Mr. and Mrs, Adam Sholdfce -au• nouns the engagement .of their Younger daughter Nora to Joeeeli Orval Whhitikeld son of the late ear. and Mrs. Joseph Whitfletd. The mar- riage ,to •talae place in August, —x— NOTICE-4.. xNOTICE= ,'f'; If there is a onffroient number of interested People I' will organize a violin Class in ;Brussels[ to begin Sept. Sst... Please get in touch with me at an early date. phone 34-r-16 ARNOLD EARL —x— Last Sunday At the Churches Morning se'rvi'ce was held in the United Church on .Sunday, Rev. Percy Asher o0 Firsit Methodist Ohm.eh, Corning, N.Y., conducting. Communion was held in ,St. Jobe's Anglican Oherch on Sunday with the Rector, Rev. lie Watts oonducttng Declination of Memorial to the lata 'Thos. Clark was also held. Servleee in Melville Presbyterian attach on Sunday were conducted Rev. C. H. MacDonald of Luck now. —x— Notice— Tenders will be received by the' undersigned up till Tuesday, Aog; 12't:tt at 8,30 p.m, for the hauling of sufficient gravel from Alex Spetr• an's vette on Lot 28, Con. 14, for 'the cement ea/veins .to be built over the Close Drain on Concession 4 and Sideroad. Gravel must be clean and suitable for concrete and delivered as the contractor shall require it. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 0. H. FEAR, Clerk, Ethel, Ont. -a— Facts Like These Should - Cut Private Use Of. Gas With various nneaas being em- »ployed to impress the urgency of cutting the consumption of gases line for private use by 60 per cant, .such facts as the following should. grave very effective, 'n was recenty pointed out that 3500 imperial gallons of gasoline are required to' fly the average bomber from England to Berlin and return. This amount would drive the average motor car a total et 46,000 melee. R.C.A.F. Welcome - Hospitality Shown Here - The - following account in the "Compass Newel" refers to hospital- ity r:ecenbly euioyed by Port Albert. ttootball team a.nl their friends at Walton: ' ilfennlbera of the 'Flying Squadron football teams and their drerty of stlpporter* had an adventur- ous night ou the occasion of thei: visit to Brussels on Friday, July 18, The journey to Brussel was marked by terrific thunderstorms and it was shill teeming with rain on arrival. in the hope• that the weather would clear, postponement was delayed un- til the asset possible minute, but eventually the match had to be pit off until the following Mendel'. Mr3. M. Kirby, the proprietress of the Queen's Hotel, ;had prepared meals for both .thanes, but as the Brussels team had failed to put in an appear- ance the oappreciative god faro wan ly tucked away by the R.A.F. team * * 'Saturday May Be. Obli�tuary * * Pham Your Lucky Night. Sergeant Gordon T. To Y There were a number in this com- munity wile were grieved to Meru of the death of Sgt. Cordon T. Tip nanny younger son of. Mr, and Mrs. 1„ery week y I ,L !Tear' eeeisenn4 George Topsham of Howlek' towushtp, "11n DOC many, r woe. 1 eta.' tate $''1• who died in his 36th year in the eryeue nue ore wane che: ancas Sydney City hospital, Nova Scotia, ntz,t weer it rwgut be you. Poss-se3y tollawing an operation for append!• the person, who held the lucky teiteme.., chis,. for the e5,e0 Saturday thought awes Get Your Tickets for, Beecher Club and Join In The Fun The deceased was for years keenly same Wut an all winners so fare Nimes-- in.terested in military affairs Ind a mostpleased smile and shoscle, was formerly a member of the Gan- every sign oe appreciation . when :Aim w . Militia, Last year lie tir0d the towards were handed to them beuiting for his own regiment to last week there were a number of mobilized and sacrificing the rank tdoreerus lett in the receptacle an held in 1•t. he enlisted with the Elgin be Roland's Bakery and they were sate regimenit then in London Ontario. gathered, he having dropped men Earning quick advan•cem•ent he ; the week previous and appareu.lsar rabidly achieved his sergeant's i those who put them there had stripes. He took a special course referred to the list of members nte In anti -gas anstru•etion and had been Tire Post, as that firm's name was an ctor Popir.r , ius. In future please refer to Usa m•enintryunder hiein ordersthis. as welllawith ae i lisltsingbefore shoppink in Brussnkle. his superior officers, his family By buying from I',00ster Club nae.a were recipients 1n many tokens of of bevy you show your appree-taitiuss 43,1the high regard in which he wan t what the Booster Club is doing far among his military asneela .s , you, a member of your family or as well as from his many friend* I yam neighbor. Atter all if you tares and acquaintances• n't,the lucky one you should be ,-dd He was released from the baseltrl to see that your neighbor is. on the Thursday preceding his . It is possible that any member tad death after being confined there the family may benefit from fuse with a truant infection. He was nn Brasse141 Booster Club, Take fair duty of Sydney Mines when he be- instance you bring your creast In came ill, He refused to leave his the Brussels Creamery and ash: Use' pest of duty until hen was unabke, to tiokets there; your eggs to eitlssr srtand and then when unable to pre- t the two egg -grading stations; You tea w any longer he wasavto get tickets at all three, or if Sydney Clay hospital where e ant don't you should ask for thean-BT,s • nem aper tion for acute appendcitis w i are two drug stares, two bntemee - performed on Monday. His conditi the 1. - shops, tour grocery, a barber sad n was critical from e outset and al- shoe stores Also a farmer see,,. - though everything possible was two dry good stores, a bakery; mini ni drone he Tressed away in the early furniture store. et which to a,ase - a.fternoom of Judy 29th. I the family and home with erany Prior to the hotly being sent home ; need• •But before leavingMr began hen t a 'Mittens service attend • each idme you ane in through tkn ed ber oftioers and mens Cursing , week, don't forget to retresls t asters and others of the hospital IColeman's restaurant, they Dowse MI ataft as well as the friends he had coldest pop le town. There fs vise macre since going to Eastern Granada a garage and service staton, ons salt wee held. each end of the business section,. 'The body came home by train and Tile winners of last week's awss•0Ts . funeral services were held Preen his , are as follows:— lst—cairn, R. McLean 2nd --John A-rrastrong. - - $1. each— Mrs. Noble McCallum Naoani Martin Mrs. R. McLean Harold Campbell Mrs, Wilfred Keller Nettie Jackson Mrs. Roy Thuell SHOP AT THE BOOSTER CLUB STORES es IN BRUSSELS, - They Pay Dividends AIlen's Drug Store Baeker's Butcher Shop_ Ballantyne, Mrs. Jas - Coleman's Restaurant ' Downing's Shoe Store Eckmier's Superior Store Elliott's Economy Store F. R. Smith's Drug Store: - East Huron Produce. Kelly's Service Station McDonald's Butcher Shop Mitchell's Barber Shop Rann's Furniture Store Santis' Egg and Poultry Ston - Sanderson's Garage Seddon's Radio Shop - Red Band Store Brussels Creamery -- The Arcade Store The Farmers' Club Stbre- Willis' Bakery Wood's Store - A Member - - b, l[3s Notice to Contractors- 11 be received,' a Tendo wt e Tendersby undersigned until Tuesday, itzegnalt 12th at 8.30 p.m., for the 'worir tics+ done on .the Hansra-Ootlis' Drat= ex title Township of Grey in %he Canninil of Huron. Tenders will 'be. received an W. IG Stoinburg, Ruth and Orval Binet awarded.only'In"Iualsp sum. 1 Plans 'and specifications 'mss- 1 Soy Friends, Mr. and s. Rob examined at'the Creations fh eiloid ort M,Kay, Mr. and Mrs, C3harled tile c00)ce of the Engineer, Geta. - Hurst The Neighbors, Friends and IVeeCrtiilace O,L;S., ClIatIsanls relatives were. present from Strat The lowest or any tenant fiord, Sudbury, Toronto, Hamilttn, necessarily accepted. ' Elora and Cromanty. Interment was r"H. FM/AIL-Clerk, made in Harvey cemetery,.osgan. 1 Ethel, Ont.. late home. con, 5, Hawick on Satur- ri».-. femme. 2nr1 under the aua'oices ref the L:n,T,. of which he was a county nffirin'. The ftlaPra.l service at the Fordwich 'United Cbureh and at the graveside was ccntluetee with trill military honors. A detachment of the 2nd Elgin Regiment provide i the escort' and tiring party. Legion. membeer-i of which there were a large number present, took part. The nag draped casket bearing the l,ri,14 r'a helmet bayonet and best, stood in a bower of beautiful Rowers, tokens of the love and re- spect with which he had been re- garded. - The funeral was the most targety attend -ed in that district for many years. He is survived by ,his sorrowing .plarents, one brother Job at home and one .aster Mrs, Wilmot Wallace fAlveretta) and nephew Meiv'n - Wallace. »Sergeant Tophasn wee a nenh'w i of Mre. Ja^ob Fischer of Cranhro�k end Na'hsn Chapman of Brussels, tip MONCRIEFF Funeral services were held Wed- nesday, July 30, at 2 o'clock at Knee Moncrieff Unfitted -Church, for Gla.i- atone Haig McKay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. MoKay, foranerly of Stratford, 'Phe departed young man Passed away at Listowel on Sunday, The funeral service was conducted by Rev. F. Gilbert, Walaon, assisted by Rev. H. J. Snell, Ethel. The palls bearers were: Scott and Ian Mc- Lean, Lundy McKay. Charlie Har- rison, Bob McNaught and Eldon Mann. - BeauU0u4 fiaral trihutesi were re- and their supporters. Following fie' aetved front the family. Howard am. I Florence, Mr, and Mrs. lien ther entertainment by the ihospit- t Lean, Mr. and .Mrs. Mac McLean, able citizens of Brussels, the party I Mr. and Mrs J. McLean, Lawrence, commented their return journey by Elinor, Glen and Isabel, Mr. and Mrs. way of .Seaforth, as the road eau- Mr. and A ns. Duncan McKay. The netting Brussels with Blyth was in parts under water. Striking Walton, the party were invited to a dance and were also regaled with hot c,0 fee and sandwiches by the genii- ;hearted people. Once more the _Air- men set out for camp and bed, but this was not to' bes for very . fest mites had been oavered before the Lorry ran out of petrol. F.•Sgt, Piele did a good scrounging net and ob•' tanned a supply of the aeeeslsary spirit trent a local farduer and onto more the party. wended, Be hurtle ward way. By this time they had lost the most of their livelinessi and Were huddled on the floor• of the lorry in an endeatlon both to keen wenn and dry., 7Vtetr misery was not 5* all helped, by the fact that owing to rsosne teeliniesi9 diffreulty It ons ueateenry to halt tat 'frequent intervals and tinker wlth the, engines bdi trio piurEg, ' 11i'4Iv e ti ,1 Brussels Booster Club 1st i $5.00 2nd,.. $3.O0* $1.00 teach"to next 7 names drawer bratelrin. front