HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-7-30, Page 2ANIIVJALSDEAD or ,�yy` D $ABL tD Quickly removed in Clean Sanitary truck. Phone collect. Phone 72, Brussels William Stone Sons Limited ief in By Cyt a in hia Dare CHAPTER I. Early Days. When the news got out and about that old Smedley of Smedley's chain of Provision Stores had bought ten acres, intending to Put up a hou<e, all those who had lived in peace and quiet at Rosyth -by -the -Water were up in arms. Rosyth that quaint, old-world village, with its funny cobbled street going down to the cliff, front which the sands could be reached, had been so exclusive up to now Never a oharahane came here No motor 'buses weat along the windy, twisty lanes. Par from the madding crowd was the only true way to describe Rosyth. When Robin Connaught, taking his basket of eggs to the market town, of Dorchester, passed it, he i Cream Producers Creamery Will Be Open From 7.30 to 9.30 On Wednesday and aturday Evenings To Receive Cream BRUSSELS CREAMERY PHONE 22 BRUSSELS •dam 1 Men of 30, 40, 50 PEP, VIM, MOB, Subnormal? Want normal pep vim, vigor, vitality? Try Ostre6 Tonto Tablets, Contains tonics, stimulants, oyster elements— aids to normal pep attar 30, 40 or 50, Get 114, ' Try this aid to normal pep and yllin today. 101' Gale at all good drug stores, THE BRUSSELS POST iuost entlluslastie ravings about 'it. I ,Isn't it like a palate, Tony darling?" said Aunt Lavinia, radiaat with the pride of posaestsiou, ,"Indeed it is, Aunt Lavinia," said Tony. Later 11110. "It's not really what I meant, Tony," he. said. "But your aunt like., It very much indeed,;" '1've been busy; and the architect came to her once or twice. 1 don't think 1 ever meant it to look Quite like Wednesday, J0IY 99tli, 114.1 turned to tite slender gtt4 beside Haim "That'llspoil us for good!" "11 might ,bring trade, Robin. Winter's t0 baa," said Plower. , No one else thought of that at the Moment, One would have imagined he would have been content to go to. one of the big seaside places,. and Have his ornate picture palace of a house bu!it there. Deep down, Orr weld Smedley was extremely re, mantic—had dreams. "It's a bit out of the world, my dear." That was said by Lavinia Smed- ley, his equally plump, rotund wife. "Not many shops for me to spend the money you've made, Oswald." "I've always wanted a Pl(tce, by the sea .where I could forget the shops and motor traffic and every- thing else that belongs to the world" he :aid, and his pale blue eyes he'd a wistful look. `Shall you mind, my dear, if we settle down; here? Why, when I come out on the lawn I'I1 be able to see the blue of the sea ! I like the salt taste of the air ! It's mild, too. I'd feel it was home." Wiluen it was actually built Oswald Smedley was sometimes amazed to think that thgt great staring white stoned place could ever' have been the home he had visualised. Oddly enough, Ostwald had imagine that It would be something dike Winds"r 'C'astle, certainly not what 'eventu• ,wily he got. Lavinia liked it. Sia thought it ngarvellotia—a regular palace! If she had said a regular palace she'd have been more right, so thought Tony Lorimar, her nephew, and the only relative `'he almost millionaire and his wife had. Tony bad came from coldegel to s+faly With them, having heard the } 4 I Running Water is an Everyday Necessity in Kitchen, Laundry, Bathroom and Barns ADURO Pressure Water System will furnish an ample supply of water under pressure to all parts of your home and farm. Without running water, sanitary conveniences and modern facilities, so essential to health and happiw ness, are not available to your family. The cost of EMCO Bathroom, Kitchen and Laundry fhdures and fittings is very reasonable and can be spread over a period of time under yment Plan. .l our Easy EMCO products are modernly finished, of high quality, and will give years of satisfactory service. r A THREE-PIECE EMCO BATHROOM—Tub on Legs, Toilet and Wall Lavatory with alt TYfmmings can be purchased for as little es $r • $84.50 ". (Soil and troy pipe 'end fitiing. extra) THE DURO SPECIAL PUMP, shown above, has a capacity of 250 gals. per hour. With 25 gal. Galvanized Taink and 25 or 60.cycl• Moto:. ft costs only $ $86.0011 For Sale `By WILTON &I, OI LLESPIE. Deft BRASS MFG. CO. minim L0nr on arm 140 IUI 3OR kgtt10 ito 11=1111iT WOMB= •fit uncle Ostwald butlonhol ad that." "It's grand!" said Tony empltati• Cally. "Aunt Lavinia loves. it," "She does. I really think site lobe does, No doubt about that, It's so big anti white it sort' of stands out mare." Pr:de ID the old naan'S voice. Tony took a second look at .:11, shuddered took a grip on lumstlf,: "Aunt Lavinia says$ it's like a palace—and it is!" They were so pleased. They rads• ated in satisfaction. Tony was touched at their happiness. "Of cowrie the gardens wren't made yet, but they'll be heautful when they are." "Yes, I expect they will," said Tony. "Now I'm going to spy O'tt the land—go and see where the $ 3a• is, and get my bearings." Tony strung off, whistling. Look ing after him, Old Smedley sighted Re had wanted a soh, but they had not been blessed with a fancily Some day everything he bad would come to Tony. A good lad Tany, still at school, too, for that was what college really was! Funny to think he'd lett school at thirteen and gorse straight into a job at the Mlle shop! Errand lad, that Was how he had ,starttd. Bit by bit he had clbm'becl up until he was a prince of provision deaiens with a chain of shops all round England. Not a place in the United I{ingdom of any size without the name ' of Smedley Stores across a block of shops. ,Furey to think that he couldn't ask Tony to come into the business.• Tho was what college did to a younglmaa —made Mtn above trade! i Quite unaware of what his alae° wtas tlhlilniking about Tony went off ,He paused for a moment to telt Aunt Lavinia what he was going to do. Them his step quickened.' ;Standing in front of Aunt Lavinia was a girl, a slender, elfin creature, but, my mord, how she stood out! She had golden hair that was almost red. The sea wind caught it and tossed it this way, and that as if in glee, little curling electric tendril3. There was something defiant about her poise, as if already life had to fought, or you'd go under. Quear that mused Tony, as he strolled 'ID. "Aunt Martha's sent me to see if you'll be wanting a cook. She's ve'y clever, but she can't live in," "Weil there, my dear, I'm so sorry to have to disappoint you, but I've already got my cook, She's corning with me from London. I'll remember your aunt if I want anything extra, Peilhaps when I'm giving a party or something like that she 'can come and help," r "Thank you very much." What a sweet yoice it was! "What's your name, my dear?" "Fiver Garden." Depressionin the sweet voice now. Tony didn't wonder at it. It must be rather awful to be saddled with a name like that. If you hadn't have to- live with it all. your days it • was attractive, reminded one of a summer day, with pnimtroses and violets starring .. the dross, or a cottage garien in whish peonies and larkspur and mignonette bloomed by each other, Jostling each obiter be- cause of the crowding, "You ought to be called Goldt• io'cka," said Lavinia Smedley,) (in a, kindly voice.. ."Wien you came up .the drive I thougfut you wee a princess out of ttte.fairy tale; book. I'li wee wibtat I can do for you,1 my dear. At that moment Uncle • Ofweld .joined thein. , - "Thus is little Princess ' Ioldi. dot's," said Lavinia Smedlen ;srnii• lag. "She lives in the village' 'here, Ostwald, and., her aunt is a every goed took, eche te11s me. 01 0ou„S0, I can't let cook go, but----!" "1 knpw� dear," he broko in pleas. an(ly. ,"Pon, want to employ. !local .labor if you can, I'agree with 700." Tony, inoveci, off rather tquche'd, . They were deans, these relatives of his. Unicle Oswald wad a Wick in 1 many ways. He ,,,wutsn't really related (or Uncle Oswald, for his mother had been Lavinia's sister, but Osavald ,Senedoey treated him JUL as though he were his owfr sou Ne hard a 'goal allowedee, every. thing the heart of a young matt P When in Listowel EATAT -- Weston's Restaurant Horne Away Fly.:t'm Home could desire, Ho had never asked him to go into the business either, which was a jolly good thing, fir Tony wanted to go in for flying .Yes the mechanized pant of it, too. Goad old' Uncle Oswald had tpromisod +that he should have every assistance in the career he had dhoseo, As he sauntered out of the great gates, which were far too shining 10 their brass and iron newness, Tony tame out on to the loveliest view in creation. Sea --blue, blue sea! Little white -sailed boats bobbing on the water. In the fair distance the line of smoke let by a liner could Le seen. A wonderful world, spoiled 11e had to admit it, by the huge mon- sitrosity set on 512111. How the peopie all round mush hate it! Rosyth-ou the -Water was such an ideal llttlo oasis. Well, they'd got this con- solation. It would bring prosperity to the district. Now he went down the funny littla cobbled stone street. Mere was a shop with the sign up—"Butcher, Open on Tuesday mornings and ;Saturday mornings," In the window of a house was the legend—"Doctor Jennett conies Saturdays, three to six, Wednesdays, eleven to one." At another house was—"Royal Southern Bank. Two to four, Fri- days." There wras one small provision dealer with a post office attached, Tony smm111ed. Just to think that this was Uncle Oswald's ideal of happiness! Penrbaps he had had so much to do with shops all his life that this was time thing he really loved, was amazing. Coming back he saw Goldilocks again, What was iter real name? 011 yes! Flower Garden. She was 1 watering the flowers on the whitlow. sill. Mere was a geranium plant. Just outside the little door was a narrow flower border, na,turtinme crept cheekily right over the cobbles. TO 1311 CONTINUED. JL:4..:o o 444. Oise♦o.0o9dp1-0�'POS?O:'r<6^uie4.0,y"o + >4:14:++:+o -oloap4 44.4:♦ .. = Business - aids is 1Z4 i. ALLAN A. LAMONT • 1 ! 4,4 Agent tor—Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile Insurance, ot Get particulars of our Specia, Automobile Policy ' .=i for farmers. •• 'Phone 657 Queen St. Brussels. s♦ ego ��� ♦2♦ • W. S. Donaldson — Licensed Auctioneer, e2e for the Counties of Huron and Perth phone 35-r-13 — — Atwood, Ont. All Sales Promptly Attended to CHARGES MODERATE For Engagements phone 31 'The Brussels Post' and they will be looked after immediately. WILLIAM SPENCE Estate Agent • Conveyancer and Commissioner 2 GENERAL INURANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET, — ETHEL, ONT. .2 CHAS. T. DAVIDSON IN8UF?AN^ 4. CANADIAN GENERAL CE` AGENT FOR' e♦ EMPLOYERS GENERAL INS, DOMINION OF CANADA PERTH MUTUAL e2♦ ZURICH GENERAL ♦je CONSOLIDATED STATE FARM MUTUAL ea eZe 'PHONE OFFICE 92X RESIDENCE 87.s-2 e2♦ usrmmeE ;2♦; Harold Jackson e4♦ SPECIALIST iN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD BALES. =♦ (Licensed In uron and Perth Counties) 'PRiCtS REASONABLE; SATISFACTION GUARANyTEED .24 For Informatlon,'etc., write or phone Harold Jackson, 12 on 658, Seaforth;R.R. 1, Bruceneja. e♦ Make arrahgemcnta at The Brussels Post or Elmer D. Bell, !!!f e2♦ Barrister otsee. Brussels, Ont. D. A. RANK 1 FURNITURE i ..�,ion,1..,.u.o�n�• �e}�u'�'�u�.�,r ....— „moo— ,•t: FUNERAL,, AND A• MBULANCE SERVICE 1 1 '/1 '3' Licensttd Funeral ))irector and Embalmer • + B.A. l33 PHONE 36 or 85 .— — BRUSSELS, 0 ELMER D. BELL BARRISTER, ',SOLICITOR, ETC. PHONE 29X.- L__ Bt;USSF,.L,S„ ON'1' JAMESMcFADZEA1lI ' t+ Howick Wei Fin insurance 44 'Hartford W' ! 1 Iltorni, F Tornado Insaniace hutonieme "iuses l• MAMMARY M ARY 3T. -- ---.r— BRUSSELS, OMP. -1 X ♦4. +2♦ PHONE 42 . P. O. BOX 1 �� , n