HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-7-16, Page 3AST SERVICE IN OFAiCiOENT When you let us write your auto» mobile and fire insurance, you not only protect yourself againat loss, but You ns end b .Pilet the otjofllces in other ck service provided Ontario places, and by Pilot automobile claims a service in the United States, WALTER SCOTT Brussels Representing no11:0111.Au 1 Writing selected risks irt--Automobile, Fire, Plate Glass, Burglary, Public Liability, and other general insurance. Head Office, Toronto. Honor Roll ACTIVE SERVICE Alcock, John Alderson, J. Bell, W. H, Bid' Black, Donald Bryan, Russell Brothers Lyle Brewer, J. Bowler, Harry .Burchell, Fred Cardiff Clifford Cardiff, Wm. Campbell Jno,' Dohl, C. Dohl O. Dell, Mee Earngey, Dean • elalbrateh, Geo. ieaibraith, Bowman Gilga, Mose Gib§on, Hervey $enderson, Archie Rall. Deb. Hail, Russel Harman, G. Harmon, John Hastings, Dave Hulley, Jim Lamont, Leonard Lowrie, Everett Lowe, Stewart Locking, Wm. Myers; Dr. C. A. Machan, Willis (R.C.A.F.) McCauley, L. Mitchell, Frank McFarlane, Welter McLean, Arthur McDowell, Mac Palmer, Jas. Palmer, Wm. (Cpl.) Plum, Carl PIerce, Roy Prest, T. A. Prost, Robert Rutledge, Hartley Rooney, Leonard Rowland, Wm. Spell-, Jack Stratton, H. Salesman, E. Sanderson, Lloyd Tunny, Chas, Thompson, A. Thompson, Norm. R.C.A.F.) •ithomas, H. Whittard, R. Whittard, Earl Wilson, Stan. Workman, Gordon (R.N.) Non Permanent— Bell, E. D, (Lieut.) Campbell, G, R, (Cpt.- Elliott, W. R. Glozier, Fred Nesbit, Fred Thompson, M, Lowe, J. Woodrow, A. Awaiting call Por Active Service Warwick.'D. C. Rejected— le seher, Wilfred Gillis, 0,. Fischer, Wm. Hawkins, Herb, McDonald, Harold. McDowell Jac1r McLeleand, Harvey, Pearson, Ralph Pivan, Ernie Pennington, J. e . crop ands canarot be beaten as a, smother 'crop for weeds... FOR SPOOK FBIOD The seed may, be sown, as late seethe first week in July in many sections of the province and. is adaptalble to a wide variety of soils. ,Silver Hull and Rough or Rye buck- wheat are the varieties usually sown at the rate of 1 to 1% bushels per acre. Weedy pastures and weedy Stay fields may be broken at this time worked thoroughly and sown to Buckwheat. if soil and moisture conditions are favorable, the crop will: be up in our to six days. If sown too early, Buckwheat will have a damaging effect on elle clever honey crop and it is suggested that seeding be delayed until atter June 16th each year. /Olean, well -graded healthy seed and a wel prepteret need bed are essential to maximum yield's. Mr. Maceeeee canteens that mouldy Buckwheat seed should not be sown as it .will not give good resrlts. a= -7t More Farm Help.Needed With farm helpers few and far between, Ontario farmers are rn de-iparrate need of immediate aid to salvage the hay crop, states A. Mac- . Laren, Director, Farm Service Force, Ontario Dept. of Labour. e 'Canada fe comranitteed to largo . quantities -of food for Great Britain - 112,000,000 pounds of cheese for 1941 and millions of pounds of bacon as well as; vast quantities of powder- ed. milk• This means that eve'y wisp of hay must be placed, in barns iu good condetion. 'chis cannot he done with .the pitiful amount of man- ponver at present available on farms and calls for quick action on• the ,part o•f menwho could spare at least one day a week on' a farm in the vicinity of his city, town or village. Already thousands of High .School boys have been placed, with farmteus in various parts of the Prey - hate, end the farmers are so pleased with the imognificent response of Youtih and the efficiency shown that the FarmService Force ,has bee's. asked, to supply an additional 500 boys. By enlisting for Farm ,Servic,>, Ontario Youth .ie letting Prime Minister Churchill know that "Here's ,she Food to finish the job," Adults who are ' not engaged in essential war industry should fol- low •the example set by, Youth acne heed the flamers' appeal by volun- teering to work one day a week to help garner the limited hey crop. The 6,000 Farm Service Foros boys and girls who are doing mien yeoman service have made a hit with .their employers and farmers 'wino originally were not sold on the idea are new clamouring for thein. Mr. MaoLarear has apielications from 600 farmers that have not been filled. A•dntits as well as Collegiate 'boys and girls, who can stop into this agricultural breach, should write at once to the, Farm Server's Ferree, Department, of Labour, Par- liament Buildings, Toronto. Your beim will aid in Ontario going over the agelouetrtrad top in providing Britain' with the food ueceseary to help '0lrurclrill finish the jots. ` They also serve who feed' the Empire! Buckwheat 'Has Definite : Roll Can Play Important Part This Year In War .Effort of Ontario Farmers Says John D. MacLeod Buolewlheat etas an important Plare tbmoug Ontat>fo grain crape, and this Is particularly true this year when mhtxininnti yields of home-grown grans are essential to Canada's.farm war effort, eels, NMI. D. Mao - teed, Crops, Seeds and Weeds, Ont. Dept. of Agnlcuiture,' Toronto Beelewbeat may be inclte:Ted in rations for alit classes of live stock and is resletant to soil Meseta it analtee tin dxadllent 'green =entire GET YOUR PERMANENT ON THE NEW ZENITH HEATERLESS THERMIQIJE End Curl $1.25 and $1.75 and $2.25 Including Shampoo Permanent $2.00, $2.60, and $5.00 including finger wave and shampoo Telephone 55x for an Appointment IRENE PEASE Over 'LS W. Eckmler's Store THUMBS UP (Cwwtribnted) When you're deWe the high wee In your coubll or litnouefue, And you bee by road or byway, Standing straight, erect and glean. A fellow dressed in, echulti, navy or air force blue, Just remember that be's wearing that uuiiorun for you. Don't debate about the danger, y . if you atop to give e, lift, He will puy you for Vhat ride, sir 'With his blood and Youth—a gift, That you and yours, friend driver, will appreciate some clay. ISP these boys weren't here, the Nazis would e'er this have had their way. Yes; the uniform he's wearng, is the proof that he's no sltirlcer, No, brother, don't start swearing, He's no ordinary thumb•jerker. Put your bakes on, Mr. Driver, and ,open up your door, And let tit's' fellow know that you're et least worth fighting for. be-- 7 Short Course In Grey Mr. J. C. Shearer, the energetic Agrictelltural Representatdve for Huron County purposes holding short courses in Agriculture and Home Economics in this township next fall. This will be the first time such a course has ever been held in Grey and we hope . all e'ha can will avail themselves of the opportunity. The courses will he held in Ethel and the approximate dates are from Nov. 16th • Dec. 15. rHE BRUSSELS POST I BOOK OUT FOR YOUR LIVER Buck it up right now and feel like a million I Your liver is the largest organ m your body and most important to your health. It pours out bile to digest food gets did of waste, supplies new energy, allows proper nourishment to reach -your blood. When your liver gets out of order food decomposes in your intestines. You be. come conatipated, stomach and kidneys can't world properly. You feel "rotten" --headachy, backachy, dirty, dragged out all the time. For aver 35 years thousands have won prompt relief from these miseries—with Fruit -a -tires. So can you now, Try Fruit a-eyes—you'II be simply deligtted how quickly you'll feel like a new person, happy and well again. 25c, 50c U IT (4 51 ve, ado's largest setiinq Liver TableN Average Married Woman Described Texas Newspaper Pubiisheh Description — What Would. You Add To 61 - The Cleburne Times Review Pub- lished this description of . an aver- age woman: She marries atthe age of 24. Quarrels at least twice a month with her husband. Spends four years washing dashes Is 5 feet 4 inches tall., Spends 2,784 hours (five years) gosedptng, Weighs 128 pounds until she becomes careless about her figure. ,Spends 1310 in beauty parlors and 1387 on drug store cosmetics. Attends 6027 movie matinees, many' of then. double featudes. Threatens at least eight times to go home to mother—'but never does. TRIES TO REFORM HUSBAND Spends three years and eitbt Wednesel'ay, J'nlr 1,6411, 1941 ' Make Jams and Jellies the Modern, Easy Way Book of 72 Tested Recipes under the Label of Every CERTO bottle. VERY SHORT BOIL—For jam you -m need only a one -minute to two -minute full,rolling boil—for jelly a half -minute to a minute. ECONOMICAL—Very little juice has time to boil away, so you average one half more jam or jelly from en equal amount of fruit. LOVELY TASTE AND COLOUR- The short Certo boil does not affect the fresh fruit taste or spoil the natural colour. ENDS GUESSWORK—With Carta you get tested, easy -to -follow recipes.. Follow them exactly and you'll never have failures. Elal CERTO IS PECTIN EXTRACTED FROM FRUIT months on the telephone. husband. Never learns to Play a golf game Darns 4,827 pairs o8 socks that satisfies her husband. Buys 369 halts and, 52,, dresses. Devotes the best seven years of her life attempting to make ber husband; over—nvithout success. Ruins three fenders on the car and teads off , one garage door, 'Ocoas4onally wishes shed mar- ried'someone else. Lives five years longer than her Never learnt, to drive a nail watt- out ibirout betting her thumb. And makes, a darn good wife in, spite of it all! �.'=4r'• ,1—..."""J "Is Bobby's now clog a setter or a pointer?" asked Mrs, Jones. "Ho',s neither," replied• Bobby's moiler. "He's an upsetter and" disappointer. Twenty-five' Pounders Roar at Dedication Ceremony 1.1 q;3 The thunder of gunfire was the crowning point in the dedication ceremony which intro- duced the first 25 -pounder equipment to the Canadian Forces. From now on these guns will be rolling in a steady stream from the great gun factory of. Soret Industries Limited at Sorel, P.Q. (No. 1). Firing a salvo of 6 new 25 -pounders. (No. 2). K. T. Keller, President of the Chrysler Corporation (U.S.A.) congratulates J. Edouard Simard, Vice -President of Sorel Industries. Mr. Keller was asked by the Canadian Government to help solve the technical and management problems involved in this great undertaking. So he appointed above work and oKeller worry (No. 4).Un eiling they Mansfield rthe reward new (No. 5). Mitchell of months of one of his Vice -Presidents Mr. W. Led and Mitchell to act for hi