HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-7-16, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HNG HOUSE
T Cung
A splendid frolic was held in the
Bruesela Arena last Thursday even.
ing under the auslxice* of the Red rvtr, Leslie Lowry Toronto, i, •`''
Gross Washroom. The Iodise of tUs •(loulteis and RTbeelex uaNtdayln t Correspondents please send; of Walton to Robtear
ert Deal Nott sou of lte0ieeat batunony armors. elle rsm: w°
by Coulter, seconded by eeoige Lowry, ,his mettle. Airs, ' news in as usual, The office i Mr, and Men Bernard Nott of Mc• •belts and he people who 'sFrrafa
fLWauea ebutwi0tes wish to thank ail Wheeler that Blytlt Agriaattutal Snc'
who assisted! III ,um,uur ....n �, .�_ i will be closed from Monday until I�tuolr. • Brussela are showing' their elpar e
ouch a flue emcees, 'Me net pr'o• �• laity l•ecoive the' usual grant: * * * Thursday.
orris wp.
Wednesday, "..�,.Ju...l�l �t�, 194► 1 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO I
* * WEDDING You May e .
No Pa �r I�uxt auk � NOTT-MURRAY
l' PEOPLE WE KNOW p 1 A grist wedding w
solemnized Lucky
The council stet ati the lr'a7t on th a * * * * r * * * * * As has been the custom m the at Welton United Church Manse on
above date with all the member's Donald and Kenneth 'Walker, To -
yenta, ane vletth g frlende here.
Meeting July 14, 194
pesetrt, the Reeve prosidiPg,
The minutes of the last meeting'
were read anal adapted on motion et
pest the staff of "The Post" will Saturday, July 6 when Rsy. Mr. a�sit �� ;
take a. holiday of one 'Week Gilbert united is tnnrniage Dorothy
There will be no issue of this, C• Murray, daughter of Mrs. Murray The Booster Club is runnin€5 m..
er next week July 23rd. and the late. Mr, Alexander Alurray eineotUly Nhaan ever. 'Ahem „1•it''>
ceeidls were $326.00.
A. double wedding ring quilt kindly
made and donated by Mrs: Wesley
Slbolrltemsion, went to Mr, George
Bernard, holder at the lucky ticket.
A winter scene whims was Palmed
and donated by. Mrs, Drummond
welt to Mos. i0dnnund Brewer, holder
of the lucky ticket.
The executive of the local Red
Orme with to take this opportunity
to thank Mrs. B. G. Walker and the
members of the nuance committee
for •b1i very capable manner in
which they earried. out the entire
A number of pie plates have not
been called for since the time of
tresbleg the soldiers at the selmol
and also from the frolic. Owners
may have sane by calling at Mr.
Rsiui* store.
At The Home Of
14th Concession' 'of Grey
Followed by a Softball Game at 6.30
Good Programme
Admission 10o
Everybody Welcome
Finals For North Group of
Huron League
Sudden Death Game
Over -thee If Necessary
Victoria Park, .Brussels'
Port Albert Vs. Brussels
Hiram Walker Trophy at stake.
Game called 6.30 P.m. Sharp
Seafcrrth Ont.
Gary Cooper
Moved by Michie, 'secon'ded visited with her sister, M •s• F. M,
Wheeler slyer wages uf. men be ray act Semis, lest week. t.
Rvp cents per hour and ten tacell'a m
Per hoer for man and team
effect lath clay at June,Cartied,Mrs. M. Roberts of Elora visited
Moved by Coultas, seanilded b' withher cousin Mise Mae 'Skelton
Michie !that Road Superintendent . for a Yenv days.
peoun e a pole to be erected at the *
r`• •ation of the chance to will Iles
A pretty mid-sammer wedd'n ; prizes afforded by the DeasJter en -
took place in the "Untied Church The winnees of the awards L' Ss.:
Parsonage Breads, when Gladys, 'Saturday Aga were. --
younger daughter of Mr. and Mts. 1St- e600 -Mss, Alex Schustsa i
John Rowland Of !ewe, was united
hY Mies Margaret McLean,.Wingham
Township Hall. --Carried. Dr. and Mr;s. Jamieson and son
Moved by Coultes, seconded by
adjouro Ducar have been on. a 'holiday motor
Rename that the reeling trap to Muskoka.
until August 11 at 12.`x'0. --Centel.
* i,
The following accoun't's were Judge YJrialr McFadden, . Chatham
ordered to be Paid: a .90 was a week end guest of lids sisters
Advance -Times, • . 3.00 1 Mrs•. David, Walker.
Dr, R. L. Stewart
Thos. H. Wilson (Insurance) 166.80 Mr. .Lorne Turvey and sons Eiji
Geo: Alcock (Murray and Jack moved this 'week to
Lamb Drain) 300.00
FJeslrertom where they will reside.
Richard Alcock (Murray * * x
Lamb Drain) 50 00
Mr. A. Ii. 2apfe, Mrs. Zapfe and
J. S. Malley/ (Indgent burial) 50.00 03etty Lou Zapfe of 'reroute are
ee eeedese„ (salary) . 113.:5
Geo, Martine-C1eik.
Brussels Council Met
Brussels, July 8th, 1041
The regular monthly meeting of
the Municipal Council of the Village
of Brussels was held in the Publie
Library on ;the above date. All
members being present with the ex-
ception of F. Sanas.
The minutes of the last oneetine
being read it was moved by W
Cameron, seconded by H. ,Champion
taut the minutes be adopted.
The following bills were presentecl-
G: McDowell; June salary 60:00
Geo. Campbell, June salary . 14.00
Misc. work .•:. 4.00
R. S. Warwick, June salary .. 30.00
Jas. •Kernaghan, Misc. labor 10.00
D;. N. McDonald, Lumber ...•. ,3.12
R. W. Kennedy, advertising 7.00
Munie, spraying ee oiling .. , 90.00
Dominion Tar & Chemical,
oil 603.45
Guttke Percha & Rubber,
fire .hose 280.00
Misc. supplies ............... • 10„18
Huron Cotmty, bespitaliz-
atien ........................... 27.10
Brussels Hycbro Commission
street lights 108,00
Hall lights 1.57
Dl. Henderson tutting weeds,
hauling gravel & work
at dump • 69,00
Ino. Gi'bs'on, Misc. repairs 2'15
Relief for Jame 12,6E
Moved by W. Willis, seconded by
H. 'Champion that the accounts it
read be paid. ..Carried.
Moved by H. Champion, •seconded
by W. Willis that By -lay No. 2, 1941
be read the third ,times and finally
passed. K)arried.
This By-law stets bine rate for 1941
nt 35 mills. This is 1 mill Iowa
than the estimated expenditures ow-
ing to the Provincial subsidy cif 1
trill and Is the same as last yea-, is
County rate 41,ls, Local rale 121/4 060
school rate 1.8 milts.
CSI tter!.
The Westerner
Walter Brennan Doris Davenport
A ,sweeping spectacle of Romance
and drama.
Claudette Colbert Ray Miltand
• Arise My Love
The top romantic comedy Thriller.
Ray Miltand William Holden
1 Wanted Wing
Constance Moore Veronica Lake
Thrills -- laughter - excitement
Adbenture -- lave -
Sis Hopkins
try was glad when they said to
me, Let us go nto Ithe House of
the Lord."
United Churc
10 a.m,-=Church School and
Bible Class.
11 a.m.-•'Stairs into the
•No Evening Service.
.Rev• P. F. Asher,
First Episcopal Methodist
'Church, 'Corning, N.Y.
Will Preach.
St, John's Churct
•8tidth Sunday after Trinity
United services in St. George's
Chuch Walton to ...commemor-
•ate oath anniversary.
Service at 11 a.m. &. 7 P.m.
Rev. F. Levin, L,Th., Rector of
,Parkh1Ih at both setivicea,
Pay the Premium
'Apart Aero the natural beauties
that are an evet•-preseut lure and 2mdr $4,00. Joyce Oliver
attraction to tourists In. Canada, the Nine 91.00 winnera-
prenrIum on United States dollies Mese ,Amy Barman
it, the greatest posstbie aid to pro- Helen Blake
motion of traffic from that c^unary, Miss Carley Lake
In ,ter'me or dollars, it ,Provides aPMyr+tle Locking
bonus of ten percent. One enter William White
Prising group has pictured it . as George Tarelbult
"oue clay free in ten." To otbero', it Mrs. Alex Rutledge
l* a pleasing novelty. Mrs. Adrian MMTaggart
For any one of these cou..eitmns 'corsage of pink rose buds and white Maria Oliver
to be effective the premium muss. be ticeessories. The lovely diariznd There will be another draw Wed:
Paid by the ,Canadians catering to sunburst worn by the bride added a ,Saturday night and the awards :axe
the tourist. It s not onllyta national eentdmental touch, it being the one let -4640; 2nd --44.00 and 91.06 each.service to pay the premium, para- worn by her mother at her wedding to the next nine names drawn .amt an'
in wartime, but itis the law twenty -eve years ago. the barrel. So come on folks,xs,se
as well. It is an offence, Punish- A.ttenddng the bride was' Miss yourself same Booster ticksits, 5100:
able by. severe penalties, to team% Clara Thrasher of Amherateurg who them in any Of the Booster
United States currency at anything wore a floor length gown of red boxes and be sure to be azbend
white'odgandy, a corsage of Saturday night. ,Simeone Is ran ¢g:
red rosebuds and white accessories. to ibe lacky, it may be you -
The groom was attended by lits SHOP AT THE- -
brother Disaer Hymers. BOOSTER CLUB STORES
A wedding luncheon was served' - IN BRUSSELS -
at the home of the bride's parents They Pay Dividends -
in en attractive setting of bink and
white streamers and whlhe bells. Alien's Drug Store
The same colour being used for tae t Baeker's 'Butcher Shop.
brides table. Mrs. Lowe assia'e1 Ballantyne, Mrs. Jess.
with the lundheom bud Misses Eliza- Coleman's Restaurant:
beh Backer and Betty ,Currie, two - Downing's Shoe Store
7nenngers of the Brussels, girls' soft- Eckniier's Superior Store.
ball team, of which the • bride was a. Elliott's Economy Store.::
member, served. I East Huron Produce -
The bridal pair enjoyed a trip to i Kelly's Service Stationr
Windsor before returning to their
future home at Atwood.
eye 1
Harris - Phillips
Winton=A wedding of interest Sandersoa's. Garage
was ;olemnized in &t. Andrew's Seddon's Radia,• Shot.
• Prdi1byterian •Church, Blyth, wheal Red Band Store-
Jeanne Gertrude Phillips, daughter Brussels Creamery-
aE' Mr. and Mrs. J. G. H. Phillips i The Arcade Store •
Blyth, became the bride Of {leralt
In marriage to Gordon Sanford, son
of Mr. J. C, Hymners and the late
Mrs. Hymen-, atone -thirty prin. or.
Mrs, Hymens, Attwood et ona.tbirt
, .r
re , Thursday, July
visiting at Riverside with Mrs. other than ttreotflcial rate.
Robert Thomson for a. few week,. Because Canada ie in urgent need
▪ * * of United States dollars to buy
Miss (Betty Best tea gone to Por' aeroplanes and other vital war
Severn in Muskoka where she has equipment in the Ui$.A., this Amert-
secured a position for the rest of the can currencyshould be turned in to
holidays. - the banks without undue delay. it
4s an offence Is hold it for more than
* *
Murray Kees of Grey has been a reasonable period of a few days
slpenkling a few days. vacation at the after it has been received.
home of his aunt Mrs. Alvin Pride No Canadian lases by Payment of
and Oamtly, - the premium. Merchants, hotel-
* keepers and others pay the current
Ma. Peter Heryer and Mr. Murray premium of ten percent and the
Zapfe, ToroThto, were week end. tanks PEW out a Like - premium in
guests with Mrs. Robert Thomsen; receiving the American curreoc7
at Riverside. - The premium is ten percent, wheal-
hetlr* * * er it ibe tor U.S. paper currency,
Among the 'boys from Brussels hank cheques, travellers' cheques or
to Godericli Summer School, for "this e'ilver.
week are Donald 'Sanderson, Billy It is a - natonal service and a
Rani, Reg. .Sullivan. patriotic,- d,}lty-Q'AY THE TOURIST
Mre Eleanor Legg et Ridgetowa
has returned home atter viettimg her • Recruiting
aunt Mrs. Leitch for a couple cf A mobile unite, with Captain C. A.
mouths. Bryan, No. 1 District Depot, in
Mrs. Robt. Warwick was confinedcharge, was in Brussels. on Thu s-
to her bed for a few days last week. .day rnerttitng for all branches of
the service. ,There were two ve-
te pre prised to gay she is able to hulas, a 1r�.ton truck carrytrg
be out and Improving every day
s * *
Me. and Mrs. George Thomson, ac
companie,d by their grandaught.er,.
Miss Faith Thomism, Toronto, were
Sunday vtsdtors with Mr, and Mrs. J.•
0• Backer.
* *
Er. and Mrs. Gemmel, Stnanford
and Mrs. M. Eekmier and son Glen,
Toronto, Ives Sunday visitors with
Mrs. WmellielKelvey.
* * *
Missies Elizabeth and Hattie
.Downing are spending a couple of
'weeks' at the summer home of Miss-
es Ohldley, oast of Toronto.
Are women more affectionate
mors taettle4, mere ticklish, better
liars; .basses and dt•Ivers, than men
)r. Donald A. Laird, dietinguisheu.
, psychologist, writing in The Amari
rail Weekly with the July 20 Isere
n the leetroit Sunday Times, wit',
give an epportambty' to learn (11'
'ttaWers. Be sure to get The D
'roll Sunday Times this week all
.,very week.
l q{r1ifiay --
1'0 tali in line with other ' Muni.
Melville 'Church' i ` .polities in the Province, the
10 a.m,--Sunday School and
•Bible CIA's
11 a.m,•-_iiRenttng the house to
bad tenants.'
'7 p.m. --"When bite is too. bl
•. Or Us."
business people ask that
Monday, August 4th '
Be Brussels Civic Holiday
Miss Kay Morptty e.-
And 1 hereby proclaim the sane ploet nib the B'ntesele Dairy has m-
end Mk that all cjtlueria 0bsen'e tented le position at they Sanaa,
k as such. I3bted, f3tmfterdt Her mans" friends
ti..t. 'Bonin.*, 'Reeve. Yeish her e'fery mecum, - She lr
sound epulpnoenI and station wagon.
cls a�
Mrs. Pierce Enjoyed
' Trip to the West
Mrs. "Thos. Pierce returned . on
Wednesday from a trip to the West,
calling at Regina, Calgary, Demon.
tow and Grand Prairie in the Peace
River district. Mrs. Pierce re -
Poets the crops looking well and
they ba've had some good rains,
which are always welcome in the
West. She received the Post sae's
week and appreciated it very much.
e=mi - �t
.Hwang sold the Dairy business to
YIr. Copsdns we take this oppor-
:umdty Of thanking our customers fin
their patronage. Ata the business
change's hands July 2bat we would
ppr•eoiate the 'settlement of *0
outetanddng accounts by that date
The Bruoar+le' 'Dairy
Wm J Stewart.
It is with •sincere thanks I Vri:h
•o thank the Red Cross for . their
lovely useful gifts presented to me
by them- Ilk Is mudh appreciated.
Gordon, Hu1Sey.
t * *
Fred Bluebell, son. of Mr. and Mrs
,Freed Bttrelheid, former residents of
Brugsete, has joined .the R.C.A:F.
and. is now stationed at Winnipeg.
* M *
Corporal Norman Thompson of
kine R.C.A.F„ Aylmer Training
Reboot has been tranmferel to No. 4
Wiielessl Traitning :Select.. Guelnr
1.s fire Instruotor, spent the weel
end' at bis home.,
* * *
Mrs, T. T. McRae was on a
trip' to the Went, to visit her erste-,
Miss Dora Smith and brother Mr
Norman ,Smith. Her son - Donald
who has enlisted in the R.C.A.r, re-
turned with her.
* s *
10th, Rvr, Chas
'Lewis, pastor of the church a:fRciat-
The bride looked charming gown-
ed in, Roar length 'blue sheer with
Mns Splens, Mrs, Dunbar, Miss
Ella Kerr and Mrs. W. H. Kerr were
in Goderidlr on Sunday calling on
Mme. A. McKay, who Sinsbeen, vielt•'
..big her aunt Mts. /bout, who will
be 00 years of age this week,
U . i
Mr, and Mits, Dave' Lamont of Mel -
Men., are visiting friends and
relatives in, Drtt ests and Grey this
etre* week. Mr, : Lamont eras a
termer re'sid'ent of Brusselit, a sots
of the late Mr. ansa Mrs, Angus
Lamont of Orel.
McDonald's Butcher Shop -
Rowland Bake Shop
Rann's Furniture Store
Sam=s' Egg and Poultry Sty -
Robert Harris, Brockville, son of
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Harris, ,Olintan.
Rev. A. M. Boyle offciated. The
beetle, given in marriage by her
father, Was charming m a dress of
white moire in. princess lines WILL
bort fatted jacket rind shoulder veil.
Her coronet 'headdress was held in
place with orange blossoms•. She
carried an arm bouquet of white
carnations. Miss Virginia Harris
sister of the bridegroom wee maid
of honor wearing turquoise blue
taffeta. The bridesmaids were
Anne Phillips, Blyth, sister of the
bride, and Thelma Caldwell, Blyth.
The 'wore blue net over taffeia.
Glenis Bainton, of Blyth, was a
blushing mink taffeta.continue to live in Eruasels far e
winsome flower girl in a frock of . @r�ewt
similar to that t
of the maid of honours. W. Daisies"* =yT
//remedy, Waterloo, Que., eel= best i
man. The usher were Pte Robert! �Lxs of•Elizabctll�
Cook, Brockville, and, Sgt. Charles An '.pupbl
McCauley, of Vsleartter, P.Q. Mrs.C:M., who triedsuccessful "'vial*"
Toho. Phillips of West Moakten. again th 11015015 is
Ontt., aunt of the bride, was organ- mention ty Ole Toronto >
1st, Tomany Steep, ¢heron was the I rosy of wit1VIusde
;soloist. The reception ,teak place nt
the home of the bride's isarenta. Alr I -
aid Mrs. Harris lett for a motor
`rip through Quebec, the bride wear•
ing an evening blue minced set with
nape and navy accessories. They well
reside at Br*ckvillo..
Bayfield Anglican Church, on
THURSDAY, JULY 24th to Mr. and Mats. Strnclan' nam! s -
Supper, Bingo and other ,games way, a deuebte --,see eta 3'eole
Rev, J. Graham, Rector 60.
^nmimence her new duties an Mon-
day, July 21.
The Farmers' - Club Store:
Willis' Bakery
Wood's Store
L'.A Member
Local Creamery Mangy •
Buys Dairy Business:-
Mr. R. Cousins who hes alr*hoir
!tile creamery business here fear
,past year, When he pardilastr3 ra i rmsma
F. M. Semis, has now bo>mbt 81'5
03ruse,els daily and takes possess
on July 21st. The dairy '-••="I
has been conducted here ler uerser
two years by Wm. J: Stewart arehe
that time came from ,Clintoona �
installed a modern pastor,..
plant. Mr. and Mrs. Stever"
Bbs. IL, W. brothers and lire. .
Brothers of Quebec City
with hie 'Mother of Wroiceter and
friend's of Bruseele over the weak
end. Pte. Brothers Is now attached 1
.to the Royal Caued'lat Ordnaecs �
Corp as instrument aptifider.*
Mr. and Mrs. ltobt Davidson aril .
daughters Mien ,Agnes R•N. and, .Mrs's
Gladys, Mr• and Mrs. iliarlle David•
;.sole and Mr, -Scott Davidson, of
Preston silent the week eil&U with air.
and Mrs. Walter Rote a2 the lams
els ore.' ' Mit. and Mrs, RObt, Daviel
lean are tettemtiing their v1*tt 000 of
West s Week,
' Grace 5_305i1 Kdilor gee
Grade II--,Marie'Baitlt "
Grade 142 Lois G•dasiber -
. Ferns Pollard
made! v ---laurel Laugh-
i DIVITNIGWAY-Bir the _Piled% '
Ciente% Pavillon, neral Iitu halt.
Toronto, on MendaYv atalr lank
Brussels Booster Club
1.00 each to next 9 na,rines drawn.
Draw in front of Da A. Rain's Store.
Saturday Night at 10 m. p
• Buy Aram Booster Club Members.
Ask` for tickets with your. Burgle