The Brussels Post, 1941-7-9, Page 7en iSSELS wedaresday, July 801, 1841 gafgarizstausaa AVE Honored of the W.M.S t was held a ,ewant Procter land, when ,th ver were specire a good atter elite gave th ith chap.. Mr, d with a beast le bit of love. d charge of ih e close of th R the member iddress and Mr Mrs. Towne rs•a small take ,n for eervic .Bary, our loss Mrs. Tow :embers of tl ad us they won a spot in the A duet by t y Band sang "I r Jesus." T , prayer and r rved by the bo PERMANENT NEW 5ATERLESS QUE 25 and $1.75 !.25 Shampoo lent $2.00, $2.50 1g finger Wave rmpoo an Appofntmer PEASE ikmier's Store Men of 30,4.0,50 ove From Went normal pep, elm, vigor, vitelliTry Oare sublets, Com ns tonics, stimulants,, oyster elements—, Ws to normal pop after se, 10 or G0. diet a special introductory eine for only PDP, VIM, VIGOR, Subnormal,? The 6' By Ain, Mi,iler iously she crept along, She f a place whereShe could emelt amongst the cargo, Viii went out, was groping her way when ly the solid planks were gone. falling—+failing, into a pit peas and she knew no more fie.. re ca + one was forcing brandy be- er live, people were ,round e was a woman. But she only osed her eyes again, drifting m them all and his voice her. eant!" sed to thunk, after, that If been dead, she must have. d. She lay awhile content ear. * ,S not "till days later that there e any "talk between them, o he told her how Just after had begun to move down r, news had been brought to the girl who had been found Nconsieiousi where ,she had "8511. Try sols aid to normal pop and vim today. For We at all good drug stores. He's coming with us. Do fallen, down a hatchway. "I meant to hide anyeelf till We were out at sea," she told• film'. "But haw did you get on hoard?" X'lL have got to where Yon uveae dd I'd had to go through fire," elle said, "If I'd been drowned, it would :have been• better than living without you!'' Ehe.was iytng in his bunk, where he had; carried her. Hod body was bruised badly", and her shoulder heti been dislocated. �Eo she had sato, losing count of tdnre, faint, parched with thirst, while the ship was alive with all the ,bustle of departure, after ca@itain and crew and Passeug• ers had come on board in the morn- ing. "And I drought you'd gone to him when they told me you.'d run away! May God forgive me!" groaned Jan. ' "They --told' you?" "I couldn't go withou goodbye," he confessed•. "Then—you camel" saying 1 "Yee, darling." "Anter I'd gone. Oh, Jan! I left poor Troddies. I had to." 'I brought him away with me. He'll he wild when he sees you you want a drink? I have to go :u a few minutes," "I don't want anything, only to have you by me. You don't be. !fere, now, I've been bad?" "No, no, sweetheart never again— never after all you've gone through for me! But I was mad' Poppy.' "I know." "'Ari yet you _same to me;" 'You're my very life, Jan. I had to come—S didn't love him—how could you :think it I was just louely:' "You'll never be lonely any more. Wherever 1 go, you'll be with me: It'Il be a hard life for you sometimes little darling.' There'll be rough sear.and bitter cold, and cruel heat" "I'll be with you, Jan, however it Is. That's all I want." "And you won't be afraid" of me?" "No," aha said. "1 love You. There's only us two now. And we're going rotund the world together. And if it's for life, or for death, Ishall 'be with you and nothing else matters.'' THE LEND. One of the most startling studies in contrasts that will ever come you: way will be an Anderson shelter from Birmingham, England, and an underground ,bomil proof shelter set up next to six model Canadian homes at the Canadian National 77x• hibition this year. • . ; -;i'-1 FARM FARUM (A Department conducted by Pro. feasor Henry G. •Bell of the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, assist• ed by various other members of the faculty.) QUESTIONS ANP ANSWERS Q, We run our herd in a fairly lase paskure, pari'of wdtieh is natur- al pasture and the °eller^ part is brought under cultivation Deriodical, ly m the rotation, In a fairly moist year we get super -abundance o`+ pasture towards the end of June, but it,fades off in July and early August. Have you any suggestions? "JC. -- Wentworth Col' A, To take advantage of the nnitural growth habit of grass, steps must be taken to utilize the peak of production in June, One suggestion to better distribute this is to , llmrt cattle to a small, section of regular pa'sure wben they are first turned out and force them to graze this go':- tion closely. This allows the re- mainder of the regular pasture to get more growth, and after taking the cattle off this first pastured sec- tion it produces a substantial and 111 early aftermath, Two problems are ,serious whea i'rotationally 'grazing pasture; fencing ' and supplying water. With the introduction of the elastic fence the fenlcing problem he palatally solved, as it provides an efficient and In- expensive fence that can be quickly erected and readily moved. Its use in pasture management is highly reoomanended, but do not use barbed wire when fencing the milk -cow pas. tura. The providing of a s'atisfact- he United la and or- ated old nd other authenti.- 20 miles on Atlan- the west - to Nova th Saint Mined by e. Other ures still Royal In - ort Anne. latent, in - fort com- ptured in quarters h a few how's the the well ,wing the and -hewn ee. Nose for ACTIVE SERVICE RATES OF PAY 'iN THE RANKS $1.30 per Day with Board, Lodg- ing, Clothing, Medical and Dental care provided. EXTRA: (1) Rates varying from 25¢ to 75¢ per day for skilled tradesmen while em- ployed. (2) Dependent Allowances in Cash: $33 to wife, $12 each per month for 2 children — only 3 dependents per soldier. Join Canada's Active Army Now/ Yes, guns, tanks, armoured cars, mechanized equipment of every description await YOU to send them thundering down the road to 'victory. This is the opportunity you have been, wanting —the chance to talk to the Hun in the only language he understands. So join up NOW for ACTION Overseas in old ' England, or wherever the enemy rears his head. The Canadian Active Army requires men for Artillery, Engineers, S ignals, Armour- ed Cars, Tanks, Infantry, Transport and Supply, Medical and Ordnance and other branches of the Ser- vice. The Army is prepared to teach many trades, and to train you to efficiently Iluandle Canada's. weapons 6f war. Go to your nearest District Recruiting Office. Find out about these Units; how they work, what they do. See just where you'll fit in. See where any, particular' skill you possess can beat be utilized. Then join up for ACTION. DEPARTMENT OF . NATIONAL DEFENCE CANADA When in Listowel —EATAT - - Weston's Restaurant Home Away From Home ory Supply of water is largely an individual farm problem,.' and this will have to be worked out by each dairyman,. Pasture managt+ment in Supe is the problem of utilizing as much as possible of the best -quality feed with the milking section of the her";. Pt is often advisable to divide the herd into two groups, one the intik- hag cows, and the oilier made up of dry oonvs and heifers, Give the milking cows the fresh luxuriant pasture, and follow them after the best is eaten off with the non'lactat- 'ng animals. In this way the milking cows get the choice feed, Another important factor in utilivling peak of production in June is to have the cows at the peak of lactation when the grass is abund- ant. This means spring calving and breeding in midsummer. Watch carefully during the summer to see that the cows are In calf. Do not take chances on a shy 'breeding bait ruining ;t, planned breeding Program - Getting cows in calf at the right time; is a vital factor in keeping ug mills production. _"���MNIIYI NI,►NI NWIM MONUMENTS ' High-class Workmanship Designs that are different F. W. Kemp AUCTIONEER (Licensed) In Ontario Sales Conducted' Anywhere phone 38 Listowel t t.NN.•• Busirtess ear ds .io• •2` ALLAN A. LAMO!VT :Z: 44 ++ Agent tor --Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile Insurance. Ti • +Z. Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy ••• +Z+ for farmers. + +i+ 'Phone 657 Queen St. Brussels 1 1 +2+ s• Z`.1 � + W. Auctioned S. Donaldson — Licensed Auctione.Z' for the Counties of Huron and Perth . A.�, phone 3S_r-d 3 -- — Atwood, Ont. till Sales Promptly Attended to CHARGES MODERATE +t + For Engagements phone 31 'The Brussels Post' and they +l will be looked after immediately. 2 +i+ pZ°� 0 o WILLIAM SPEINCE..., .yo- o-� iaa GENERAL INURANC.E OFFICE MAIN STREET, — — ETHEL, ONT. teHartford1Winde/brill, Tornado Insurance yZ� Automobile Insurance A PHONE 42 P. O. BOX I +_" TURNBERRY SST. x BRUSSELS, ONT. ' Estate Agent Conveyancer and 'Commissioner ., CHAS. T. DAVID. ON � Zap +a+ INSURANCE AGENT FOR o -Io i CANADIAN GENERAL EMPLOYERS GENERAL INS. 4 . DOMINION OF CANADA PERTH MUTUAL Z+; ZURICH GENERAL CONSOLIDATED 4r, i STATE FARM MUTUAL 'PHONE OFFICE 92X RESIDENCE 87-s-2 ++, tZi� f , Brussels, Ont. )«i ZI Harold Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES. (Licensed In Huron and Perth Counties) PP.IICES FEASONABLE; SATISFACTION GUARANTEED4.,' F information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson, 12 on 858, • i a'eaforth;•R.R. 1, Brucefleld. .t+1;•. Make arrangements at The Brussels Post or Elmer .D. Bell, •t 1 1 Barrister office. .+• ' lowwwicaswommior 4,44, edf D. A. RANN FURNITURE +•t + l FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE + g Licensed Funeral Director and Embahner +i PHONE 36 or 85. — —. , ;BRUSSELS, ONT. 6 *O ELMER D. BELL, B.At +� :BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. +: PHONE 29X BRUSSELS, ONT' JAMES McFADZEAN Howick Mutual Fire Insumnoe it+