HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-6-25, Page 3Serve Cooked Meats .ts Tasty And Economic2! For Every Occccssion !' A Good Variety Always On Hand Seg Our Display Baek.er Bros. Phone 6 Butcher Shop Brussels IMPORTANT DO'S AND DON'TS FOR JELLY MAKIi1G DONT--confuse a gentle simmer- ing boil with a (0111 rolling boil as specified 1n most recipes. . A fall rolling boli is a. high, tumbling boll that cannot be stirred down. +DO.time the dull rolling boil by the clock. DO—cool jams before pi -luring and stir them while they are cooling. This helps to prevent floating fruit. DON'T—expose Jams and jellies APPROPRIATE JELLIES FOR MEATS, POULTRY AND GAME With any meat that you may serve there is a jelly whose flavour and colour make It a perfect accom- paniment. The following combla• atione are old favourites: Roast chicken with currant jelly. .Roast turkey with cranberry jelly. Roast Lamb with mint jelly Roast pork with eider or grape jelly, Baked ham with pepper relish. Filet mignon with spiced ma - to dust or dampness atter they berry jam, are made. Spoilage is caused by i Broiled lamb chops wi6b currant the growth of yeast and mold plants, jelly }(u ro which are-usua6ly carried by dust. Roast duck with orange Jelly. rise clean glasses, new Paraffin, apd Broiled squab with currant Jelly. clean covers. Paraffin hot jelly and Jam at once. Fill glasses only to Preparing For Jain within, halt -inch of top. so that there And:Jelly+Making w118 be a space between the paratfn Before the crop of summer fruits and the tin or paper cover. Store , has arrived, check over the preserv- jelly and jam in a cool, dry place. ing necessities. Your success with DO—use a large enough kettle Jams and jellies will depend a gre'tt so that your mixture has room deal on your equipment as well as enough to boll hard. A kettle of the method you use. Here is a list 6 to 8 quart capacity is recom of the various •things you will need- mended. If the 6 quart size is used' jars, paraffin, labels, rubber bands, for Jun. add 1,, teaspoon, butter large preserving kettle, measuring with sugar to reduce foaming. cups. wooden spoons with long handless funnels, (bowls, sharp RED' OR BLACK CURRANT knives and a colander. Your jars JELLY must be perfect, free from imper- fections which would interfere with 6 cups (21/2 lbs.) juice sealing and the rubber bands must 7 cams (8 lbs.) sugar be new—never use those from prev- 3 bottle Certo'ions years. With black currants, crush c=g311 about 3 pounds fully ripe fruit; RED RASPBERRY JELLY add 3 cups water. With red e'ir• LOGANBERRY JELLY rants. crush about 4 pounds fully 4 cups (2 lies.) juice ripe fruit; add 1 c1p water. To 7% cups lay, lbs.) sugar -prepare Juice, bring mixture . to a 1 bottle Certo boil, cover, and simmer 14 minutes. To p'r'epare juice, crush thor- Place fruit in jelly cloth or bag and °uglily or grind about 8 quarts fully squeeze out Juice. Measure sugar ripe berries. Blase in jelly cloth or and juice into ]Targe .saucepan and bag and squeeze out ,Juice. Measure mix. Bring to a boil over hottest ,sugar and Juice into large saucepan lire and at Duce add Certo, stirring and mix. Bring to a boil over constantiy. Then bring to a full hottest the at once add Certo, stir - rolling 'boil and boll hard r¢ minute. Remove fro mfire, 'skim, pour quick- ly, Makes about U glasses (6 Raid ounces each). ring. constantly. Then 'bring to a full rolling boil and toil hard r,5 minute. Remove from fire,: skim; pour quickly. Makes about 11 glasses" (6 fluid ounces each). VIIIIMMIEMP411 Hot Days Are Here! Don't spend them over . ah o t stove Equip Your Kitchen This Summer Wth An Electric Range - Refrigerator Call and See Them at The Radio Shop ALSO Electric Fans, Washers, Hot Mates Radios and Coal Oil Stoves Get Tour War Maps Free At The Radio Shop Phone 92x Brussels TIDE Pv";F'�USZ ELS POST Wedtlev y. June 23tii, 1641 r Jam AJelly entw. Sure Results and 'conomy Made Possible Quick Easy No Worry—No Guesswork By Modern Methods Experience Not Necessary j:rpet'ienee—ltard•earned over a long stretch of years --used to b3 i1eee-isery to ,successful jam and jolly niuk'ingArid even (1100 tli3 most experieced jam add Jelly mallet's soinatimes lied failures. There was the occasional beach of Juni or jelly that would not set, in spite nt the facet that it bed been' made successfully by the sante meUtnod time and again: Suez baffling' results made jam and je11y luadcing 50 uncertain undertaking at bec t. Now today—if You . use modern methods, turd use then: correctly -you need, not worry about your , jellies not setting or your Janis being syrupy. 'Thar with bottled pectin, you can control the amount or jelly - forming -substance in your fruit mix.• tura. You can elben make jams ani Jellies out of fruits that could never have been used by the oldfasbioned method, because they contained too little of this Jellying substance to jell the Juice. Bottled pectin' is a solution of that ,part of fruit which snakes jelly 'yell." It is a :purefruitproduct i f)nealt flavour, colour and texture. 3, •Glye jellies time to set. •Pliev 1 start to set almost as soon as pourer and continue to set more thinly, It is hent if the jelly does not Set too Orally during the first 24 'hours, as slow -setting jellies are always mo'e tender ilit texture. You May 'not have realized how anany interesting ways) there are of using jams and jellies, If you have tbougkt of Your jams and Jellies ,as furnishing just 'Spreads' for bread, there is a surprise for you when you try some old favour- ites—like jelly rolls, tarts, puddings and cakes—with the alluring modern touch of "home-m-ade'2 jam of jelly. RED RASPBERRY JAM LOGANBERRY JAM 4 cups (2111.) crushed berries 61/2 cups (2% -lbs.) sugar r/= bottle (1/2 cup) .Certo Use only fully ripened berries. Measure crushed berries and sug- ar into large kettle, mix and bring to a 2u31 rolling boil over Hottest fire. .Sitir constantly before and while boiling. Boll hard 1 mina".e extracted from fruit that has a high content of pectin, refined and con centrated to a standard of jelly -mak- ing strength. Added to fruit or fruit juice, even sltrawberires in, pineapples, which are very low 10 Pectin bottled pectin supplies the ex• act amonut of jellying substanc3 needed, Then too with bottled pectin the jelly -malting time is considerably shortened. By the old-fashioned method, about 30 minutes, boiling was required, whereas with bottled Pectin ashort boil of 1 minute is suffiebent. This very short boiling' time means more Jam or jelly from the same amount of fruit, with the fre:h flavour and colour of th•: natural freshly picked fruit Bottled pectin is 80 easy to use and so popular with jelly ,makers everywhere that maybe you wilt wel canes few hints on how to perfect your use o3 it. 1. Follow the manufacturer's re capes exactly. 'Mese recipes are based not upon one or two trials, but upon hundreds of. trials. The re. titres are as trustworthy as it is possible to make them. 2. Use only fully ripened fruit. The recipes are made for use with fruit of miaow ripeness because it makes Jams and Jellies of the Soola of 72 Tested. Recipes under the label of every CERTO bottle. Much Less Soiling Time For jam you need give only a one- minute to two.minute full, rolling boil -for jelly only a half -minute to a. minute, More Jam and Jelly For this short boil very little juice can boil away. You get up to one half more jam or jelly from the same amount of fruit. Natural Taste and Colour Boiling time is so short it does not spoil the taste or darken the colour. Sure Results If you follow exactly the tested recipes given with Certo you will always have good results. E151 quires about 3 quarts berries. Makes about 11 8 -ounce glasses. CRUSHED STRAWBERRY JAM BLACKBERRY JAM 4 cups (2 lbs.) prepared fruit .7 cups (8 lbs.) sugar 1 bottle Certo To prepare frust, grind about 2 quarts fully ripe berries, or crush completely one layer at a time 6o that each berry is reduced to a pulp. Measure sugar and prepared fruit into large kettle, mix well, and bring to full rolling boil overhotteet fire. Stir constantly before and while boiling. Boil bard 2 minutes. Remove from fire and stir In Cert.. Then stir and skim by turns for Just 5 minutes to cool slightly, to pre- vent floating fruit, Pour quickly Makes about 10 glasses (6 dull ounces each. Remove from fire and stir in Cer- to. Then stir and skim by turns for dust 6 minutes to coop slightly, to prevent tloa'ting fruit. Pour quickly, Cover hot Jain with flhn of hot paraffin when jam is colt, cover with '/a inch of hot paraffin. Roll glass to spread paraffin ,00 sides. Por a soot, very slow set. use % cup less sugar. Requires about 2 quarts berries, Makes 9 to 10 eight -ounce glasses. STRAWBERRY JELLY RASPBERRY JELLY BLACKBERRY JELLY • LOGANBERRY JELLY 4 cups (2 lbs.) juice 7% cabs (31/2 lbs.) sugar 1 bottle Certo Use only fully ripened berries. Crush thoroughly and squeeze through Jelly bag. Do not drip overnight as uncooked juice fer- ments quickly. Measure juice and sugar into large saucepan, stir, and bring to a boil. At once adi 4 Certo, stirring cenataultly, and then bring to a full rolling boil and gall hard 2 minute, Remove from fire lot stand 1 minute, skim, pour quiett- ly. 'Cover hot Jelly with film of hot paraffin; when jelly is cold, cover with '/ inch of hot paraffin Roll glass to spread .pkraffin on sides, Black raspberry Jelly sets sloyly. Re - 1 RED OR BLACK CURRANT i JAM GOOSEBERRY JAM 1 4 cups (2 lbs.) crushed fruit 7% cups (31/2 lbs.) sugar 1 cup water % bottle Certo To prepare .fruit, crush thorough- ly or grind about 2 pounds full) ripe fruit; measure into large ; kettle. With red currants, add 14 1 cup water; stir until mixture boils. i (With black currants, use % cup water.) •Simmer covered, 15 minutes. Add sugar, mix well, and bring to a full robing boil over hottest fire. Stir constantly before and while boil- ing. Boll herd one minute. Remove from fire and stir in Certo. Skim; pour quickly. Makes about 11 glasses (6 fluid ounces each). GRAPE JAM 41 cups (2% lbs.) prepared 7 cups (3 lbs.) sugar 1 bottle Certo To prepare fruit, slip skins front about 3 pounds fully ripe grapes - Simmer pulp, covered, 5 minutes- Remove seeds by sieving. Chop: or grin skins and add to pulp. (Oen- cord grapes gave best color and flavor. If wild grapes, Malagas, or other •tig+htskinned grapes are used, stem, crush and simmer with 1/2. cup Ratter 30 minutes, ;Sieve and meas- ure. Use 4 cups prepared fruit and add juice of 2 medium lem•^ns)- Measure sugar and 'prepared fruit into large kettle, mix well, and: bring to a full rolling boil over hot- test tire. Stir constantly before and while boiling. Boil hard 1 min- ute. Remove from fire and stir In Certo. Pour quickly. Makes about 11 glasses (6 fluid ounces each), fruit STRAWBERRYJELLY BLACKBERRY JELLY 4 cups (2 lbs') berry juice 2 'tablespoons lemon Juice 8 cups (31 lbs.) sugar 1 bottle'Oerto To prepare juice, crash _thor- oughly or grind about 3' quarts tally ripe berries. Place in "jelly clone or bag and squeeze out Juitie. Squeeze and strain juice from. 1 medium lemon. Measure sugar and Juice into large saucepan and mix. Bring to a boil over hottest fire and at once add .Certo, stirring con- stantly. Then bring to a full i rolling boil and boil hard r4 minute. Remove from the fire, skim, pont quickly. Makes about 12 glasses (6 fluid ounces each). • ,General Officer Commanding London Command, Lieut. General Sir ,lir. • N. iSengieon.Brocke, saw ,seretce in the 'Routh African add Great Wars. Re commanded lst (Guards) nt Alderahot, and was Brigadier, (general Site((; lulu.