The Brussels Post, 1941-6-25, Page 1POST PUBLISHINGIOUSWednesday, E._.....
June 25th, I g41,
E _
t{s, yyt leiso Fmal
Ask For
Booster Club Wicket"
�oaster flub raw Time r�Place
Ladies' Bowling Club
Held Annual Meeting "Indies' ndies' 13owling Olub held lte
annual meeting on Monelaay night
last in the Library and elected the
fa'Sowing oDUeers tor the seeming
W dnesad night football score; v *., * >i +v * * 1 Trustees, Ratepayers
e ,y
RU.Ss>=1.5-1 PEOPLE WE KNOW f Convene In Library
i• f s e a a �a * k
in th ti LISTEN FOR THE BEL��.
WJth President Robert Shortreed
e chair• the annual couven en
Carl Rluut, Rib., who has been in of the Huron County Trustees' anti
h ' been seat to llalidax, Ratepayers Association was held.
".x a• -a, - u .. a afternoon•
Mr, W. C. Derr is at Present en ;pragianr was interesting and , to
,1, *
y bete on Th ted Y
year:--- , s 1,' •
The lucky ticket holders of leak.
President -Mrs. D. A, Mann Mr, Editor: C 11 d hi ti He is Uoing 'relieved by week'* Booster Club draw werey-
1st ice -Pres,- ales. Buse11G The etticensi of Brussels are sus- d it saddened bu let -Howard Smith, $6,00
let Vice -Pres. --Mrs, Busehden twining 'their former reputation of S d eveusu• S or arid -Bobs Campbell, $400
2nd Vice-Pges: Mrs, A Blinker • 1 being the most persistent law break June L6th, o Wn p H ing lylt and Mts• Do aid o The silver dollar winners were.-- .
i kealttt with
fora contributing to out educational Mrs. D. McNichol Sr.
Secretary -S, Lowery ers of any village in Western
Treasurer -'T, Little Ontario. Sunday evening some McIntosh.
SY Miss .Jean Witton
The ladies are looking forward to ,bogie were playing foot -ball on the b in CO Mary Hodges
yi g 1 1371 * n. a units of ` hi h o g can Glassier
a soleatiid season of bawling and Park, The boys having worked c'f f Mr and Mrs
di t f their p Mrs. Russel Currie
will be pleased to welcome both o11 their surplus) enea•gy sat aown to
and net b Into their tub t anal h smoke. Any of v ca Mrs. J. H. Bryan
extended a lvelcome o
Called Homeswans On,structiYe,
Che comm n y was s Mr, R. Yule of Beigrave, in his presidential address, Mi.
the passing away on uu ay _' * Shortreed referred to several fat-
i i. Joseph em n. McIntosh of
way who had been to ailing
Detroit were week end guests tai' stem• Trustee s township eoun-
for soYno time, his mother birs E. C•0!16, imsnectors and •teachers all
Mr. 'Hemingway was born which work together to
rose te'wnsfltf Bruce County in .Mr. and llirs.. James Turnbull ci ' form our public school system,
kite sono snit o Kitchener
are seen ng par a g•• J• Borman, reel's of Brussels
Joseph Hemingway, Forty years ago a tion in and around Brusseis• { thedela.
he was united n marriage b W. J.
Isabella Watson who predeceased Mrs. gonion McDowell has gone tr s Hca of James
]rim one year ago. Tey made, Windsor to spend, a number 0i' Leiper, warden of Huron county
their first home on the 9th conies weeks with Mrs. Werner• s nt
akin of Cu oss, TWO Y ASr, M. A. Campbell, secretary
they came to Brussels ng Mi•• and e'er: equalm..
z treasurer of the Ontario Trustors'
residence an the 10th caneession of and daughter of Stratford stpent .the.`
v members n o era res a have a. m
I" M these boys are not old enough tri 1 5 r age to Weilington Marks
H +� * gates and n as followed y
DIED ' purchase cigarettes: How did they 113enderson ip the ab a Mrs. Adrian McTaggart.'
1QI11ID min Walton, in Tuesday, Juno{ eh.tain ahem? Are ,mere two ?Ricers Miss Clara Roseau
Julie 24111, 1941, Robert Reid in of the law In the employ of the Jas. W. Smith'
service i lr ears tarsi a * * who pas unable to be pre a The children who did the draw -tag '
whis 78th year. Funeral serf e ! village?
111 be Haid troth the
home of his ' A Citizen. B 1 tales .,herr M II rb G1ttt ler sun were:- Nancy Cameron, Maalase
son, Nelson Reid, Lot 20, Oonces- ]C:9
Masonic Church Service
.sion 14, McKillop ;township, en
Thursday, June aeth, 1941. Ser
vice at 2.00pen. Interment in
Maitland Bank cemetery.
= _ _ = Mae.
The Annual.'
Garden Party t Lodge A.F. and A. M„ with visiting
of Walton United Church brethren, marched in -a body to the
Friday, June 27th church where they were addressed
entertainment by:» by Rev. E, 0. Gallagher, M.A., B.D,
The Stratford Concert Company rector of Winham, who is also the
District Masonic Chaplain.
,Mr, Gallagher preached a splen-
didly appropriate sermon en'
Allegiance to God. Fellowship of
Mankind .and Patriotism.
Garden Party Ste 'The
of 'Union United Church Recipe Page
will be held on
Thursday, June 26th The Jam and Selly -malting season
Supper served from 6 to 8 P.M. has arrived and busy housewives are
The Program will consist of the alert to dad new recipes which
bright and breezy 3 -act Comedy will shorten their task and give
"PIG TAILS" them colorful rows of delicious jams
and jellies.
The annual Masonic Church sea
vice was held this year in St. John's
Anglican Church on Sunday even-
Members of St. John's Masonic
under the direction of
Henry A. Clark
Supper served from 6 to 8 P.M.
Admission -35c and 20c
i = The Annual
with special numbers
between acts
Get Ready To Laugh. '
Admission -•Adults 40c
Children 20c
Lawn Social
Friday, June 27th
Supper served from 6 to 8 P.M.
followed by
• • `a humorous comedy
• "Aunt Tillie 'Goes to Town"
by Bluevale Young People
Lucky ticket on Autumn Leaf
quilt will be drawn during
the evening.
Admtssic 35c
FA ldren under 14-15c
PPiseeeds entirely for
?atriotic Purposes.
e a
Garden Party
Knox United Church, Moncrieff
Thursday, July 3rd
'Supper served from "6 to 8 P.M.
Program—The Blue Buys of the
Royal Aur Force, Port .Albert
by kind' permission of
,'Group Captain P. D. Robertson
`.Male chorus of 25 voices and
other musical numbers,
humorous readings, skits, etc.
The Blue Boys have presented
their' prograirt before enthusias-
tic audience In. Clinton Goderich
Kincardine arid other
The entertainment treat of
the season.
Admission -4.0c and 20c
Mrs. Orval Harrison, Pres. W.A
Rev. F. A. Gilbert, Pastor.
Grey township for 111 years, then week end in town.
d Ratepayers'Association Seddon, Betty Cousins, Shirley li-
an Kay, Betty Cousins, Shirley Thom-
inlrodacing the guest speaker, pro-
1Vlr. Will 11icCraeken spent a Deeded to tellw Jett el Forest Whittard and Dere
i' a faithful means., pointing out that it acts as i
Y days Toronto last week Coleman
and took an active interest i all' ,
�w pa 11
they moved to the 12th concession * , a as Susie Work, Ruth Jewel, Jim
lint the Asasociation
•where they had lived since.
Mr. Hem ngway was couple o ay a medium between the department '
memlber of Brussels United 01 Irch attending I;0:0.8'. meetings. 1 JI The draw next Saturday night '
"Ceuta" is the answer to more and
better jam, and jelly obtained with
a minimum of labor. This week
"The Post" features a Page of earn
recipes' provided by General Feeds
and the people. offered enumerated
d b the he made from a truck, in frons oL`
church work Fie was , a a Mr. H A. Agee , watchmaker at
sena of the services off
ers y , D A.Rann's Store- This ainangts-
wi111ng to assist in any worthy Stxetton's Jewelery store is in To- 'department, maintaining it is lib-" men., eras in its grants, Mr, Oem8beli 'nes, been made so as to ensue -
cause in tile community where he Tonto dor a cetyls Of days on buss- introduced Miss L. M. DeI,aporte, everyone to both, see the iia
will be greatly missed by friends nese. drawn and hear names called saw
assistant to Dr, Stothers Impeder
and neighbors, of Auxilia classes.
There is left to mourn the loss of , 'airs, W, J. Stewart and Miss ,
Aids Dr. Stomore plainly. The use of the shr12ew' ,Rhers 1 bes`been kindly ofered by Mr. . A.
a loving farther one daughter Elva lylizabetlt Speir were in, Toronto g"WiseDel thcrs brought greet. Rant, 'Several plaices have bets%
Jean (Mrs, L. Turves, Bluevale); 3 last week attending the Rebekah Sloth who is e.
and Carl of the ibth concession of hied and as near as could be Seward
sone, Caseate, of Detroit; Berttam Assemibty. , -
ings from D
The wheels of time were not
made to turn backwards.
Everything rushes on toward
United Church
10 a.m.-Sunday School and
Bible Class
11 a,m.-The Gospel In
Christian History
7 p.m. -•-"Beacons," '
St, John's Church
3rd Sunday after Trinity
St. Peter's Day
11 a.m.-Holy communion
7 p m. -Evening Prayers
Melville Church
1 11 a. --Morning Worship
7 p.m. -Evening Worship
10 a.m.-Church :School and
Bible Class
r, ers
}`t native
none of .,trent suited ,perfectly sea
e x *
Grey. township. Two daughters, LBdr. David Hastings of the Pets
prnrer Huron County many a na-i this idea is to be tried this weep axe
of Ashfield town tile. The speaker S mare, than likely will be corathexasB
Anna Olga and Laurel Isabel died in wawa Military ()amp spent the week welcomed the opportunity of giving she ,same each .Saturday night tz+
infanOY, end at his home before leaping foe information regarding the work of the future.'
He is also strived by one sister the coast, this department to a body. of
the ad• its the bottoars
Mrs. Mary ,Clark Port Huron, Mich, * * * Read the a this page i The aim of the Government is to
and one brother Stanley of Nantan, Mrs, Susohden Sr. of .Durham s'
Alberta. visiting for a week at the home of give every child an equal opportuu-
The funeral was conducted by i her son Mr, Qliff. Busehlem . and i'tY• ,One of the main difficulties
Yesndty, Miss De -Laporte said, is, the belief
* * * - - that ail children are alike in aibialty,
Trite Woman's Association held a Some of 'the main, causes found to
picnic on the lawn et the United i be retarding children in making
Church last Tuesday afternoon. A11 progress, are: De3ectiie hearing, de -
enjoyed a good time. - fective vision or some mental pecui-
* * * - arity. She told of specific cases
Private Harry Bowler of the Perth 1 where the required assistance had
Regiment F.AJ'.V. Camp Blordsn i been given by .this department on
spent three days with his wife and which a 100 per cent grana is paid,
son Kenneth.•Goderich Class Successful
x ,a * E, C. Beacom, in leading the die
Mrs. Die. E. Smith who has spent ' cussion on the address of Miss
the past few wneks in ' lCtncarldine DeLaporte stated that a survey
Bas returned Home. Miss Glades bail
already been made in his in.
Ross accompanied her. I spectotate and that one .such aux-
* E 't 1 iliary class was doing good work
A Jitney was held on Monday eve+' in Goderich. Ile intimated that a
Hing when six rinks were In play ; survey 04 the rest et the county )
trustees. , a e for
the prize list -
Rev, Dlr. Lewis' assisted by Rev. Mr.
Taylor from his late residence on
Tuesday,.June 17th to brussels
Beautiful. floral tributes were
received, a. pillow from the fanlils:
shears from the grandchildren, Vire,
•Oliver Hemingway and family,
James Whytoek - and family, neigh-
bors, Official Board of the United
Chitral, Detroit Trust ConnPanY,
Office associates and friends Detroit.
Pallbearers were the three Sane,
Wesley Whytocic, Douglas Homing
way, and Thomas McDonald,
Typographical Errors
During the past week, the printe.'s
attention was drawn to the fact that
in the last issue of the `Posh there
appeared two dailies for• the setup
Performance on two consecutive
nights namely the garden party at.
Wanton. (Since having referred to
the copy, which is saved each week,
the 0097 for the 'a4., taken. over the
'phone by the (printer bore the date
'July 2.9hh and was read back to the
sender to avoid errors, proved to
be O.K. The cagy 0f Walton news
item referring to same function Ras
looked up andwas also correct in so
far as the printer was concerned but
the error was made by the sender
of the item. In the• -Mug past there
have been 'similar occasions drawn
to the attention of this same printer,
Under auspices of Belgrave Red Cross Society
at John McGi l's - 2 miles East of Belgrave
on Concession 4, Morris on
Friday, June 27th - -
Blue Boys Concert Party
of Port Albert Airport
Will present a Variety Program by the kind permission of
Group -Captain P.D. Robertson, A.M., Officer ConunandlflS
No. 31, A'Id.'S., Port Alpert. Concert at 8.30 o'clock.
Following the Concert 'FREE DANCING Will be held,
Good 'Music - Good Platform
BINGO Refreshment Booth BINGO .
Admission ---25c, Childress 14 and tinder Free.
Dew tor Yearling Heifer following program,
Come and Bring Your Ticket.
The winners) were Kenneth Ashton, would be made in the near future -
Robert Downing, Walter Kerr aad ' James FI• Kinkead, public school.
tank .Scott. j inspector for North Huron, follow-
* * * • ed with a comprehensive talc on
Kenneth Speirs, son 134 Mr. ani "grants" which, he intimated are
Mrs, Sohn ,Speirs of Morris, has join- used on three things, name
ed the R:C.A F. and is now stationed ` salary of teacher average attend -
at St. Hubert, Que. His younger 1 ante and equipment. At this point
brother Jack has been with the! in the program Miss Wheeler, a
11.0,A.3'. for some time, l 90hoei music teacher was intro -
* doted and, with pupils from three
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Elliott and I schools. No. 4 Morris No, 3 Gres'
sons and .the Misees Clara and Agnes and No. 3 Morro, gave a, delightfni
Elliott, Guelph, were Sunday visitors prognam of singtng to demonstrate
with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Allen. Mr. ! me valuable work being aocomp-
Elliott, who 11as been visiting kis
daughter for the past six weeks 1
turned home with them.
Allen's Drug store
Beaker's Butcher Shop_-
t0allantyne, /Vies. JaSt. '
Coleman's Bestauran "' ,.11
•Chapman'8s Harness Shop --
Downings Shoe Store -
EcLao1er's Superior Store - "
Elliott's Economy Store..' w'T
E ast Huron Produce" ''''
G rewar's Cush and Garry Store,-•"
Kelly's. Service Station }"
McDonald's Butcher Shop
Mitchell's' Rauber Strop
Rowland Bake .Shop
Rann's Furniture Store ,
Saints' Egg and 'Poultry Store.
Seddom's. Radio Shop,
'Dhe Red Band Store
The Brussels ,Oreamery-
Tdie Arcade Store •'
The Far111015' Club More - "
Willis Bakery
Wood's Store
A Member
Com, i
Seaforth Ont.
Rhythm on the River
Bing Crosby Mary
it has a parade of song hits all Plea
Errol Flynn Brenda Ma7shahgli
Footsteps In the Dark
Ralph Bellamy Atka SAD
A mystery man yho makes•• -
his hobby.-
obby.•_.YNext THURS.; FRI., SAT;
Carrot Fred M >
Typical'Southern love story 406411
horse racing picture.
Mrs. Palmer and Ydaughter Miss
(feel sorry for hien, poor devil), but Doe Palmer of Edatoitton have been
he said nothing (much) nor eves vtsiitin.g Mrs, palaier's brother Mr. I solved in ills inspectorate and
went to the bother of looking it the
, R.J. Floober and fainily. Miss Tina 1 of the grant of 50' per cent which
the department has. authorized, the
to see if Yte, the yroof-reader orbhut `ldelighlted the congregation of the
n e1
i 50
Writer of the copy' leas wrong, Umdted Church at the morning ser- remain g P
vice and Melville church at the eves-
ing service with her beautiful voiee
in very appropriate solos.
Engagement Announcement
Mr. and Mrs. John Rowland,
Brussels, wish to auaounae the
engagement of their daughter
Gladys Mae, to Condon, SUtnford; 5011
of Mr, J, C• Hymens, Atwood find the
late Mrs, Flyniers. The wedding to
take place early in July
lished in the teaching of music in
the schools.
Discusses Transportation
Mr, Beacm referred to the 'trans-
portation' problem that has been
this time when it was looked up he
was Overcome with much joy for he,
the Linotype operator was not at
fault, nor is be other times mistakes
are made.
If isi future, when sending 1n eon,
Please see if you haven't made an
error. Items are always welcome.
This notice le tot to discourage You
from sending in news, it is merely
to ask icor co-operation, and thanks
are extended in advance to those
who continua to send it in.
Also 'he' ain't got no
education, and depends entirely upon
your kaiow'tedge and ability to write
news, es you Would like to see 11 in
the paper, and "110' isi liable to matte
anietakos the same as you.
United Church W.M,S'
The W.M.S, of the tutted Church
held en expense tea at the home of
Mr. and Mre• D. a Rosa, Mrs. A,
Recker, r
in aervedR( and Mrs. C, I.
R• Dorn'n g
Lewis poured tea.
We sincerely wish to thank v,
Mr. Letwds, Rey. Mr. Ta•Y1or,
bora of the tinged 'Church choir,
neighbours and 'friends for their
Madness during Father's illness and
Out. recent 'ead, 'bereavement.
Wan. Iiemlntl+war tstn/S/.
when shopping In Brussels
most eases by the sections.
Officers were re-ededted es fel.
Jowls: Preaideiut, Ihobert Shortreed;
vice-president, Reuben Goetz; Bee'
rotary -treasurer, :Mrs. R, .Davids•on; COMiNG
committee, Lyle Hopper and Thea Love Thy Neighbour
dere Fiarberer. •:._..
Brussels Booster Club'
1st --$6.00 2nd"x$4.00
1.00 each to,: next 9 names diatoms;
Draw in front of D. A, Rann's 'Storm
Saturday .Night. at 10- p.m.,
Soy from $lobster any 1Nembers.
Atik for ticket* with your. 'purcbaseL.