The Brussels Post, 1941-6-18, Page 7ileton
slat ad
y, is
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ay to
, Ho -
It re -
:mend -
nee of
+s he-
m Mt-
ssels s Councils
lds Meeting
The regular monthly alleottng o
he T1rm'seel'e Municipal, OouUOUl was
held 'Us the ltwblie Library 0n t.he
above date, M1 members hemi;
present with the exception of It
The aatiu0tesof the last meeting
being read it was moved by W.
Willis, seconded by F. Gallia that
the initiates be, adopted, '--.Ciarl•Led.
following bills were pro
Gea. Campbell, May salary 12.96
G. McDowell. May salary 00.00
R. S. Warwick, May salary ' 30.00
Brussel:, I-iyd'ro-h8lectr'ic,
etreet lights , , , , . 108.99
Hall lights• 1.851
Jno, Allen, misc,.repairs 3,06
cl N,R„ ,,rale rental 2,50
Witton & G;hesiii�i, coal 02,02
Ed, Henderson; Miss. lajror 10.00
Fire Department, salaries
for drill 12.00
Stan, Rutledge, cigarette for
.Army 12.69
Relief for the month of May 17,15
Moved, by W Cameron, seconded
by P. 'Ramis that the 'accounts as,
read be ]raid, —Carried.
Moved by W. While, seconded by
9'. Saints that 200 feet of 'hose be
purchasedat $1.1:5 per foot for Eire
Deft. from the Gotta Percha Rubber
Co.. al,o 2 pair rubber gloves.
Threr bring no further businCarriedess
Pm the remain? session the Council
adjourned •to sit as Court of Re-
vision on the 1941 Assessment Roll,
Brussels, June 3rd, 1941
Following the .regular monthly
session, the Counlhil Fat as a Court
of Revision for the 1941 Assessment
It was moved ihv W, Willis. second-
ed M. P. S'lm 11,.031 Reit*. Dowell,'
he Chedernon of the,Court of Re-
vision, ,Carried.
Moved by F. Santis. seconded by
W. finmert',n ',haat the asseesseent an
Mrs, Sawyers property be 21100.
Movmil 1n• W, 'Mills, seconiledihy
x'• :�m,ls tint the deg tux of Thos,
Alex Cnlemnn and R. Somers
by "truck orf 111.9 R•alI, the doge being
de -1 •—.Carried;
Melted h.. Tug, Ci+m:ornn, aprnndod
by P• aamfa tl,a,t hie 'Roll es re•
eteaq be .l he Assessment Roll for
19+1 - fi�rried.
'1T t 1,; • W. 1-4'1111a, apnonllprl by
T. Rent's'thoi t111", Cnlirt of Re-
y'tin-, nm. +hn Aoan^trna.,t
be adjourned. for 1941
b Orb
to be held at the
1.30 o'clock P.M.
JUNE 28th, 1941
There will be general discussion on
Clydesdale type and the place of the
Clydesdale In Ontario.
Among those to take part in the
Prol;ralne are:- J. • '. Wheaton, Sen.,
Ontario Clydesdale Club; Dr, J. R.
Pewter. O.V.C„ 'Guelph; Dr. J. A. Canningtnn; Prof. R. •G.
Knox. O.A.C.. Guelph.
Judging Competition--
ompetition—A medal 'provided by the Ontario
Clydesdale Club will be given to the
Airier arab Senior Judge who most
smeres'fully places the classes of
Cloth 1nles being need lin the after-
REN,,G MASTER ---Professor M, W,
S:`n'ni'ea. Ontario Agricultural College
• Evaryhn,ly %c 'Welcome—Ladies
Cnerialln' Tnvitecl,
Local Committee—
T'"n'e. Path en•inwham S'eafortlr;
Jos, Leiper. Londec9tni•o; Wm, Dale,
met em: (1hes Lindsey. Clinton,
•Tnhn• Ti' VieRwan, 'Clinton;J' C. -
el,eerer. ("Maim'.
Ara,iAta nts--
lrlhn Glllritn.f Mt. Pneest; Nsdl-
}rTrirMnn, Hil'labnng; Geo. Gear,
,Gnsta of H'nnnr—
T1cm014 1pI11rtnc+mi, Ilarrisdonq S.
WM-1.1.r.. Anthill,. -
'11he Seern104 ,7nndor Tnrditn-te will
bs n. refrealtnnpoit bonflt om lite
whit serve me.ais
oruahout tate afternoon and even-
(Formerly W. E. Chapman)
Now Operated by
& Pryde
Exeter and Seaforth
You are Inlvited to Inspect
Our Stook Of
Cemetery Memorials
Seaforth - Tuesdays and
for appointment 'phone no, 81i'
The Brussels peso
84, 1941
A .ME T8.
You can bay your Victory Bonds by
instahnertita—ten percent down; the
i:.1t on easy. 'leanw over six 1110mtlla,
yaur credit and buy all the
Vida'y Ponds ytlir 01 1, on the instal-
lutul plan, Wheu you have .paid -Tor
your dollars will be earning a
• good. interest return•, Your canvasser,
• tl.antt, la•ust com•POny or Victory Lean
heaxlquartedt hill explain and Latta
vo11r older. ..
Urge Your. Menfolk to Buy
Victory Bonds NOW
You can no longer depend upon the Atlantic Ocean for protection: Any day
between breakfast time and noon, a bombingplane can fly from Greenland to our
own Maritimes and Quebec -a mere matter of 5 hours; to Winnipeg in less than
9 hours, to Vancouver in 103i hours. From German-occupied France, bomb -
laden planes can carry destruction to Toronto, Niagara, Ottawa and Montreal
in less than 10 hours. Night and day, in the British Isles and on the sea, in and
out of uniform, men defend your home from attack as surely as though they
stood and fought at your own doorstep. Will you help to supply them with
tools to carry on the fight—your fight? Will you help to make certain that there
shall never bean "occupied" Canada?
Your Government needs some of your savings to buy more ships, planes and
tanks—munitions of war that will hurry the return of our men to their homes,
insure our way of life. Lend your money by buying Victory Bonds NOW!
The money you invest in Victory Bonds will come back to you with interest:
Lend your money. We must win this war. Lend to preserve the things that
money cannot buy. Urge your menfolk to protect your home by investing in
Victory Bonds now. All that you hold dear is threatened.
Give your order to the canvasser who calls on you. Or place it in the hands
of any branch of any bank, or give it to any trust company. Or send it to
your local Victory Loan Headquarters. Bonds may be bought in denomina-
tions of $50, $100, $500, $1000 and larger. Canvasser, bank, trust company
or your local Victory Loan Headquarters will be glad to give you every
assistance in making out your order form.
National Committee, Victory Loan 1941, Ottawa, Canada
MOO Jean Elliott pr'esdded, for the
regular sheeting of the Women's In-
stitute at the bonne of Mrs. George
Thornton. The loll calf, "Name ,My
Favorite Flower, and how to grow
10," brought a fine response from
members and visitors, 'rhe coau•ea-
llondtence regarding the jams nvalutng
prodect was discussed. Miss, Fowler
was appointed to bring the quer
tion before the Winghaan Red Cross
Sodelty. The Dresden' Plate quilt
donated lay Mrs. Wickstead is com-
pletedl and tiddkets are being sold,
proceeds to be used for War Work,
A committee with Mrs, Archie
Messer as convenor was named t•1
:arrange, tor at Mystic Tea, to be held
next month.
The delegates attending the dis-
trict annual meeting, each reported
items front the meeting which were
of special interest, At the close of
the :meeting ,the Ihosbessl served re.
Mr. and Mrs, Milton McVlttie of
lnlint, Mteh., attended ;the - Ellin
1Follonving the dinner, a +business
meeting wrvs held with 'the presi-
dent, James Elliott, in sherge,
Claude White of London, was
elected president tor next year and
Miss Gdadlys Wilson of Dorchetser,
was reelected secretary. The invt-
tation one accepter to meet at the
home os Earl Ruddick a't Dorches-
ter newt year. Naimnbers ons the pro -
grain included a eomanundty- stng-
song, address of weloome by the
president, setters Of greeting from
re -unison on Wednesday and: also
visited, with. Mr, and Mrs. W, S.
Davidson; Mrs, Harold Harris and
two sons have returned to Dray-
...tonl atter a visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnston.
The 35th annual re -union, of the
Elliott clan wars' held on Wednesday
at 'the Biome of Mr, and Mrs. James
]�17dott, 4th concession Turniberry.
Slhe clan, numbering over eighty,
gathered in the morning and eu-
joyed a picnic dinner at tables set
in +tlte ,barn) which was decorated
with evengreensl and wilds roses.
John Elliott of Agincourt, Dr. W,
J. Elliott, Blandon, Mn-,aand Mrs
Alex Carrie (Lizzie Elliott,' Nel-
son, B.C.
During the aternoon, race's and
ball games were ,enjoyed. After
supper ell joined in singing Auld
Lang Syne and God' Save the Hine,
bringing to a close a very happy
The senior Tames Elliott carne to
Canada titian Scotland in 1795, and.
settled, in Toronto ('them .York), and
was married, in 1202 to Janet Thom-
son, of United Empire Loyalist stook.
They were the tlrslt couple to be mar-
ried in Scarboro 'township. Their
eldest son, James, came to the 4''h
concession of Tnrinberry'at the age
of twenty-three and got the deers fur
his 'farm. At the age- of 28 he mar-
ried end to this sullen. were born
nine children,. In 1886 Mrs, Elliott
passed away arid three years later he
married Jane Lottdtit and they hail
a fancily of five. Mns, Elliott diedin
1899 and Mr, Elliott in 1930,
In 1879 Mr. %Silcott erected a stone
house which still stands on the
Property Where the 1941 re -union
was. held, nem
Letter By
Queen Elizabeth
was recently eplpaintod acting
cipal of Huron /College, Mr. 1,26
well eisSun,8 his new 'dates about lift..
ends of July, In 'Cdlmton Rev. Moore
will just have the one congi+egatiolk
to serve and we understands it is a
fine, big church with a commodionla
0edio17 and, grounds,
Her Majesty the Qaleen, sent a C _ �— i
bougtuet of vh09ets, grown from Can- ' Not Very Compliment
adlan troops that she took home to m'y`
England, 'to the.Officers' mess of the
Toronto Scottish Regiment. With it,
sdre sent a letter addressed. to Lt. -
Col. Christie, the Officer Command-
ing. •This letter is now au display
in the 'Window of The ,Star Office,
Milverton. Sun,
Rev. G. W. Moore To Be
Rector At Clinton
Rev, G, W. Moore, of Millbank,
who Etas, been rentor of Christ
church, Mlaveptorh and Grade Church
Millbouilt, since November let; 1985, I
received wards lash' week of his wp• ff
polnitMesa by. Btehop ,Seat ar of
London, to tlhe rectorship of St,
Paul's Anglican Ohnreh, Clinton,
succeeding Rev. A. H. O'Neil, who,
To Perth County
"There is only one county in the
, Province of On!tartio with dirtier
roadsides - than Perth due to the In-
festations of weeds and that county
is Grey," declared O'ao4",' W, a
,Stephen, of the ,Crops, LSeed& and
Weedls Branlcli of '
Ontario tier
inartanent of Agrlcri3tnTe, in address-
ing the weed insspect'orts of Vie
County of Perils at a special meet,.
ni held at +the Agirichrltnral lisgte.
sentatdvesl otdce, ,S'tratford, +ane tidy'
]est week,
tt--,IVMliyerton Sirs,:
New Advertising Rates -
Classified .Ads 251 (Oen)
Gard of Thanks .. , , 35s
In Memoriam ,..,.,,..,.+ 60*a
Engageaneat .Ahnnuncenrent $bis