HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-6-18, Page 3-r Firm, Sparkling Jams and Jellies Without Fuss or Failure SHORT BOIL For jam you need give only a onc•minute to two• lumina full, rolling boil— for jellies only a half. minute to a minute. THRIFTY AB practically no juice has time to boil away you get up to one half more jam or jolly front the sante amount of fruit, NATURAL TASTE Tho boil is so short it can. not affect the fresh, natural taste or darken the colour. SURE RESULTS Follow exactly the tested recipes given free with Certo and you'll have lovely jams and jellies. 0141 Book of 72 Tested Recipes under the label of every CERTO bottle. ceRro gives t e�.r�: RES(;/(,." CSR' CERTO 'IS:PEOTIN EXTRACTED FROM FRUIT Clinton Scene Of Impressive Army Service Half Mile Parade To Recreation Park Prominent Military Speakers Are Heard Olinton, Juste 16.--Congra,tulations were freely extended to Major T. W Morgan and members of the local committee, Mrs. P. Vineland, Dr. J W. Shaw, J. C. Shearer. A. E. Haddy, 'Clinton. A. Y. McLean and W. L. White. Seatforth for orgaani-- log and carlyhlg out the beast and most extensive military parade ever, held in '011inton. A reasonalhle esti- mate of the crowd that wttnessei the parade and attended the drum- head service et the park places the number at 't.en thousand. Thav were from Huron, Perth, Middlesex and beyond. The parade. nearly a mile in lenehh farmed lin at t.hn nu'b•11e rollout end marching south nue biotic ewlr,c 'right on to No. highway. Vi'tnr'a s^h•eet. anal t.,n,nns h town to the-rPerea'•ton nnric \\',1 P1'P Ct'1F n,�•P.•n. n,nf1!nrrn had hen e,'erteft aD.'i 1)1.1:antr a.rl wtti, ftn.*a, ,,,,,.•:"- .a» is ,•Pr,•uitin,v n» -tens. The ,•nolo ,rnr,'hpPo't*adf in the follTw- 1". n,•rlrr• r''"'^n :Kilted Pine hand, nrnPr inn 1.e' nim of Frnrl 1r,,.trsh, ni:i»,ter• Brownies. under rte•"»nor't -nr Cud 7PC ,Tann morel 1, vr,,e+, lTi'1ar an.1 Luis Hanle,-' r•,,,,. ra,.aaa °"rn'ts. R,aneei's soil TTi„'nn cCP»Itres. under .,. n,,• ,na.,n,•c., NP•^. n,ii tltP fihn• 18, rthe march '— "n cn, the TT" RrnnnhPs Ca ^- n- T ^ ,n , Thev were followed A•• n..,.Pm.A.. iYinrv.PiteS under cunt- „ k. H. Maul, ▪ r, n TAbir.hrf t rTa,• Jovice Ford. • ❑n,n P,,,,th T .-hiA n,diprn Band led nolo Tdnrn , and Pa,•'it vestments If (`nnnAign "n no,OP T,n,•rP In battle Th. g" 'h hn.*.ta,'v f A C P • nndrrtn.r,'t{ tiro 00,'n, P.at,fevv R T7in,ham. the MI''r1leePv and Anrnn r A.,A'10 _ 4,01 .44,00 with under Lt: Col. L, C. McDonald, along E High-class Workmanship Designs that are different with four .armoured carriers' under Lieut. H. C. Lawson, Clinton. All trucks were from • the Woodstock_ buttery, • Ta the nbarch past the saute was taken by 'Brigadier Gen. D. J. McDonald, 0/0,, Military .Dia- trielt No. 1. For the service at the park, Capt. Rev. A, H. ' O'Neil was oblalernan :and introduced the speak- ers, A printed service of prayers, responsive Scripture readings and hymns was supplied to all on the grounds. in that .service ail local mdnlstters took part. Major Lightbourn Heard, Tee dist of .the guest spealt.TTrs oat,,„ was Major tate .1..0'v. .r. tx. t..s!,v.ueuin :or ,atuattotd, who opened his address. by paring a high, tribute ta, me mat coulul:..ee tor dee sp1eu- diasy organized and conducted mill, batt' parade. He also` warmly crop- grat:mated Duron County as a whole auu the individual muniulyalities and of which had far exceeded thaw gatgtla,, In ens Victory Loan cam- paign. He hoped that his home county of Perth would soon meas- ure up to Huron's status in the drive. J, D, 'Thomas, Goderich, chairman of the Huron committee, was next called. He warmly thane - ed.. the zone chairmen., sub -chair- men and.. particularly the canvassers all of whom bed done •such a splen- did job, Huron County, he said, was the second do Canasta, to reach Ole quota, He gave the amounts ial, ed by each municipality and the quota percentages, ranging from 133 to- 160%. He also urged further effort being made by the canrassets dur- ing the remaining six clays of..the oaanpaio.n. Brigadier A. 1. Nash, itf.C., was the nett speaker. After be'ng called by ,the chairman he was further In- tr'oduced by one of 1115 aides. 'who nutl„nec0 his military: achievements. FIe also warmly .commended the , 1•nral east n'tee an the ,1:\v's prn- ceedin;gs also the Vintory Loan • work,er. on `he rr,rnrs nr th? Cam,. pairn nr,l then ma de a strong BP - "l fn•• rcrri't,s. We neer) mea, l he said, anti we need, tl'r'm now. It I hakes- nine ploughs to train, o soldier, W. row have 20.000 1ne' in England I and 126,000 In, the RJC.A.P. in Can- ada, But we need more men. Ali Inc",.in 11411 vont audience between azPs 10 'to 45 4,ou8d be asking thein, selves, "In which of tdre arn,v aero 1 vices cern I bent serve " 71be ,los- . 'n,; prayer and benediction, by Rene.- k. I. --,e wan rellowe.rl• by the Net- t'ons 1 Anthem, The Tara de re- rpneed a' he"ore. Lunch to tlt4. troops and all organizations taking nn rt In the unlade was served by =,.a (t,'1,' Bounce Red Croe:a, 2211.1- tary ofd'^ern, in,..commihnsl. of units • '-e T.ien,t,.Co1. L. 'C1 McDonald' of thu Middlesex ',nal Hurons and Major Goesage, M.C„ of Woodstock. BE SURE TO GET YOUR BOOSTER CLUB TICKETS when shopping In Brussels AT A BOOSTER CLUB STORE MONUMENTS F. W. Kemp AUCTIONEER CLlcenaed) In Ontarlo Sales Cojtducted Anywhere -shone 38 - Listowel .44••o•N•eON••'►MNM•et•. * We pre- scribe insur- ance by ana- lyzing lyzing wlsat you need and by gell- ing you only what you need— WALTER eed— WALTER SCOTT Brussels Representing PILOT INSURANCE COMPANY Writing selected risks in Automobile, Fire, Plate Glass, Burglarx, Public Liability, and other general insurance. Head Office, 'Thrown. THE BRUSSELS POST 3,1W NIFSDAY, 1T7NIE 18011, 11141 •' IiCSYS";rI'+':1e ala ✓j' 1''""F "Et YI`fithitircidiv A 17 If I NABOB FLAVOURING THE NEW COOKING SENSATION! - LEMORANGEN OPure Fruit Emulsified Flavors. RASPBERRY, STRAWBERRY PINEAPPLE, RUM, BRANDS', Artificial Emulsified Flavors. BANANA, ALMOND. VANILLAROME (Vanilla Flavor) ALL NABOB FLAVOURINGS ARE COLORED SO THAT THEY COLOR AS THEY FLAVOUR. NOTE: You use only % to the usual' quantity NABOB irradiated COFFEE ALWAYS THE SAME FAMOUS FLAVOUR ALSO THE PACKERS OF NABOB TEA - NABOB FOOD PRODUCTS LIMITED HAROLD F. RITCHIE & CO. LTD. (DISTRIBUTORS) BELGRAVE A Large crowd of relatives and Intends gathered ;together Wedmes- dray night in ,the Forrester's Hall, Belgnave to honor Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Avm trte g who were married ,tsatur day. The evening was spent in, Social chart and dancing. Many beau- '1.1Yu1 and: useful gilts were received Ity the bride and gl'.00m. Norman 1 Keating, in a fey words expressed the good Wishes, .of .all for the fu- ture. Cecil, on behalf of his bride and himself thanked all . for their good) wishes, and gifts, Bible Class Meets The Members o8 the Triple V. Bible class of Knox Untied, chtnch Sunday School met at the home of their leader, J. S Fleeter on Wed- nesdn,t night for a social time, 'rho viceipres dent Bab Glasby was in ehaige. The election, of officers fat' the conning year resulted Its fol. lows ---President. Bob Grasby; vice pn•esiclent, 'mantes 'R. Couites; sec- retary, Charlie Procter; treasurer, Kenneth Wheeler. An adidmeS0 was given by Rev, S. 13, 'Downemd and following this tithe was spent in, 'games. A. solo 1.7 1 George Procter was also enjoyed Lindh was served e,nd a pleasant evening brought to a, olose. The annual memorial service, - 'n the ,Svtushttne cemotet'Y is plautied for :Sunday, 'June 22 at 2.30 pan. Rev, S• Kerr of Brussels will give the address and Rev. J, 13. Town, end of 13e1greVe will conduct the service, A band will be in, attend- ance ate lead the sinsghtg. ,Earl Andersen,. Census enumerator le busy in• the village these days, Mrs, Wilbert •Procter was hoot- e a at her home Wednesday after- nooit to tnenuben's of the Women's Ansette,tinn of Knox United ahtlrah, Ilfra. J, M. 'Cottltea presided at the Meeting, Mrs. George Martin read ,bhe scrlpiture lesson. Final arrange- ments for the Garden Patty to be held .Jame 12 were made. At the close of the meeting lunch was served. Mrs. J. B. Townend and Jennie spent the week 'at their cottage at d{iultail; Rev: 3. B. Towuend will .Dake the services in the James Street United. Church, Exeter, on Sunday in sun exchange:. with Rev. Arthur: Page who will conduct the anniversary services at Brick church morning and evening, '1L BLUEVALE Bluevale Looks Back Upon 24th That Was Lively Day (Contributed) Rluevale ages founded around 1256.66, and, in all its 26 years the Stores were never closed, on Queen Vdotoitia's birthday 0111 - this year. One could, always bey the "staff of life'' (tobacco) an the 24th. Toy more recent years the shaft of life in- cluded bread, because fewer fami- lies baked et 'home, „ For the first 36 yenta or so Rltte- "las'le hind its own celebration for the 24111, 51 bad its own band, foot rac- es-anid horse races, onthe highway, baseball, bole -vaulting, and a call• thumplan giaarskle guaranteed 10 sears cihlldree into tears. "there were f "c'nnacltet•s and, at ndght rockets and a concert. - W2en the village began) to site, it, and other Knoll- places, celebrated rot Wintdtant, where the same Sports. were played -as well as lacrosse. It was then that llicycleraces were oneular, And titOre Was stn ays a Maypole dance by school children, )Now even Wtng'@lann's celebration teas petered out and we hove tie- ^e+,ded, to Picnics fishing and niece vi'4tin c. Sone have even been, known, t0 put 111 a garden en tiro 24,111. 911 we ,have tett is like ' firecracker and from reports • current this year even, the dt'ecttttoker will not be ohtr+,'niable when the "24th" ,Ones ,round in 1042. , Join in the fun — Get : ouster Club Tickets TIRES you NEED r �� a�R LOWPRS'' t GOODYEAR LOW PRICED "R 1" A tow -cost, big+ value tire that on ads 00 in hard. service. • GOODYEAR BIG MILEAGE MARATHON For tong, tow-oest serdce oe any roads. Sarea you mini. GUARANTEED FROM OUR BIG STOCK • We have Goodyear trite*. tires at all prices. Each one is a big mile- age tire in its price class ... will give you Long, trouble-free ser- vice. It costs no more to ride on Goodyear'' .. and you get more for your money! 1. Anderson & Elliott Brussels, Ont.