HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-6-18, Page 1THI! POST PUBLISHING HOUSE POST" PUBLISHING HOUSE BRUSSELS POST - _ BRUSSELS, ONTARIOWednesday> June 18th - 1941 r P. Silver Dollar Night with the Booster Club - - Draw in front of the Post at 1 • Grey Township Barns Struck By Lightning -maws +A very heavy rain, passed over this town on Friday night accompanied by 'amidst and lightning, William lienaay's barn on the 9tlh concession, Grey townshle Was stnuek and mom' ed to the ground. Four barns at •Csanibroolc were struck but not. des- troyed, 'and telephones were put out a business. F. 04T•B.ALL 1 ■ Joins R. C. A. F. MT. Frank Mitchell of Brussels is the latest recruit from here to join the 11-C,A.F. ¢ie is now stationed at Manning Depot lu Toronto, Mr. Mltcholl, Who has been employed at the Deist Heron Produce Emporium, served! during the last Great War and was see treasurer of the local branch of the comedian Legion. The many readers of the 'Brus!sels Poet knew him through the Ennpire Set, vice Column to which he contributed many interesting items. Mildmay Vs. Brussels e=rr— `c In Victoria Park, Brussels Census Being Taken ,Friday, June 20th Game Starts at 6.45 P.M, • Admission 15c Children Free c=1= The Annual Garden Party of Walton United Church Friday, June 27th entertainment by: - The Stratford Concert Company under the direction of 'Henry A. Clark Supper served from 6 to 8 P.M. Admission -35c and 20c oma == = = The Annual Garden Party of Union United Church will be held. on Thursday, June 26th Supper served from 6 to 8 P.M. The `Program will consist of the Have you the answers ready for the censusstaking which is Progress- Ing very well in this district. Robert Patrick isnow busy taking the census in the village of Brussels. School Closes 'Continuation school students con - eluded their examinations Wednes day of this week end are now free to enjoy their midsummer vacaition.I The public school pupils do not ankh the present term until the 27th of June, ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Wt11'laur Amen!t, Sea - faith, Ont., announce the engage= anent of their daughter, Helen Margaret, to Mi. Stanley Forrest Grainger, of New Toronto, eon of Mr, William Grainger and the late Mrs. Grainger of Wroxeter, the wedding to take place early in July. bright and breezy 3 -act Comedy .. "-PIG TAILS" Receives CatI With special numbers 'between acts Dr. W. T. McFadzean, M.O.H. for Get Ready To.Laugh. the Eastern portion of Brantford Admission—Adults 40c Township, who will report for duty Children 20c shorlily at Cirorley Park Military _ i� Hospital, Toronto, is a nephew of = James McFadzean, Brussels. Jamestown Lawn Social Friday, June 27th Supper served from 6 to 8 P.M followed by a humorous" -comedy . "Aunt 'Tillie Goes to Town" by Bluevale Young People Lucky ticket on Autumn Leaf quilt will be drawn during the evening. Admission. 35c Children under 14-15c Proceeds entirely for Patriotic Purposes. ez=3 = _ = G� Garden Party Knox United Church, Moncrieff Thursday, July 3rd ' Supper served from 6 to 8 P.M. Program—The Blue Boys of the Royal Air Force, Port Albert by kind permission of Group Captain P. D. Robertson A. M. Male chorus of 25 voices and other musical numbers, humorous readings, skits, etc. The Blue Boys have presented their program before enthusias- tic audience in Clinton Goderich Kincardine and other towns. The entertainment treat of the season. Admission -40c and 20c Mrs. Orval Harrison, Pres. WJe Rev. F. A. Gilbert, Pastor.. -et* The Kingdom of character lies upstream. It is never reached by drifting. "United Church 10 a.m.Church School and Bible Class. 11 a,m,—"The Gospel accord- ing to the early Christians.' 7 p.m. -"Experiencing God." Service on Church Lawn. YOU ARE INVITED. St, John's Church Second Sunday after Trinity 11 aen.—Morning Prayer. 7 p.m.—Annual Divine Service Of St. John's Masonic Lodge A.F.&A. M. Speaker: Reny. E. 0. Gallagher M.A., B.D. Rector of Wingham and District Masonic Chaplain Melville Church 10 a.m —Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m.—"The Menace of Stagnation." 7 p.m.—"Jesus Searches the Soul of Peter." COME AND WELCOME. Brussels Beaten By Atwood Club * * * * * s * * * w PEOPLE WE KNOW Atwood, June 11 ----The , Atwind a * * e p '' s` `t` football team scored a 2.0 vietorY Mies Addie Cardiff spent the week over Brussels in a Duron .Football in Torento the guest of -Mrs. Oliver League fixture here Monday u ght.' Walleer. The,game originally was scheduled A for 'ihursday night, but that date is was not satisfactory to the Brussels Mrs. Hugh Fulton, Walton, team, so it was played Monday night. visiting Mrs!, Joseph Hamilton and Len Ward scored for the home- other friends iii Brussels.. stern in the first half. In' the second .n * e half, Al. Danbrook made • the score Mrs, Harold Thomas was in To - 2 -0 for. Atwood. ronto over the week end, attending Brussels: goal, Riley; backs, Nich- the funeral of Robert D. Thomas. ol, Gill; halves J. Bryane, MOCal1, b * * Rutledge; forwards, Pearson, King, ,. Lowe, ,Stiles, Marshall; sub. Stein. Miss Marton Forrest hae left for Atwood: goal, leyaners; backs, Woodstock where she will ,spend a Hanna, Ward; halves, Baker, Sound- fewv weeks with a niece and bee ers, :Gordon; forwards, Little L. family. Ward, G. Danbrook, E. Danbrook, It. r: ,k * , Danbrook, ,Russell Fox ler„ early Monday Referee: D. I. Hill, Listowel, morning for Belvtile where he has c=::ft secured a permanent position on the St. John's' Guild railroad. Entertained 5 a; a, S. George's Ladies' Guild, Walton Mr. W. A. Lowry has been spend - met at the home of Mrs. Joseph ing a week `or so in bhe north Hamilton at the itectory, Brussels, countrY, North Bay, liai1eybury au.l last 'Wednesday afternoon. The New Liskeard- , ladies of St, John's. Guild, Brussels * * r also em i attended `as guests of the Miss Potts, Guelplle,.and Miss Evelyn Welton Guild. The meeting opened Cunningham, Brantford were week with a hymn followed by ascripture end guests with the latter's parents lesson read, by Miss Margaret Kelly.. Prayers were said by Rector, Rev. F. Watts. Very eats aotory reports were given' -at •a !brief business session over which Mrs. William Humphries wedded. A feature of the meeting 'was an apron shower ia aid of the annual Walton bazaar. Many beautiful aprons were donated and Mrs. William Hun uiries was awarded the prize for expert work- manship. A musical Programme followed whit* included vocal and guitar selections 'by Miss Mildred Sellars and community singing led by Mns. Bert Anderson. Games were then .Played and Mrs. ebonies Ilifirs was winner of the 'bean guessing contest. A Dutch • Auction was, keenly enjoyed by the guests and Master 'Charlie Hollinger was the lucky bidder. A brief W. A. meeting stook place with Mrs. Edgar Hollinger in the (ehair. Mrs. Beat Anderson presented a report of the recent Deanery' meeting held in Blyth. Mrs. Huan>iPOrries announced that the W.A. was making good pro. `grese in Its malsstomary activities. At the conclusion el the afternoon Mrs. 'Chlarles Sellants of Walton was presented with a beautiful gilt on be- half of ire Walton Guild. Mrs. ,Sellars who is moving from the community will be sorely missedby the ladies 'of the Guild. Mrs. Aardenson read a very suitable ad- dress and Mrs. Humrbhries made the presentation, Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess of the afternoon;' Mrs. Joseph Hamilton from a table attractibely arranged with lace and spring flowers. OPEN-AIR PLATFORM DANCE — AT BRUSSELS On Wednesday, June 25th under auspices of Brussels Fire Dept. Music supplied by:—Scbatte's Orchestra', Wingham 0 M. Congratulations The people of Huron County 1.i• serve to be congratulated for the ex• cellona way they have responded by reaching the Victory Loan quota in the first week of the present cane Palen, it is an achievement that M greatly .appreciated. Howewer, there it -still canvassing to be done, especially in the town - Ships where a number of calls have yet to be made, and when the cam paign'closes on June 21st no rest - dent of Iluron County should fell eontemct unless it may be said that all who could have ewbscribed to this important war effort by pur- chasing Victory Loan bonds. Wait for The Signal The Booster Clnb attracted' a rs :. enthusiastic Crowd en Sattlydarlr . last week, Each week shows slag Interest displayed by the errefraa mlty'T1 e giris, dblecmrleyum.,pun,s awond Phittlyllis Sullivari were celled out of the crowd lo draw the winning tinke'te. Mrs. H. Bryans, was the winner of tbn $7.00 prize, Tire remainder of the $21. in cash prizes was distributed as, follows: Mr. Glen Cuthhill $4 and $1, prizes to Lynn Evans, Teen Xuill, Mrs. Alec Woodrow, Roes McNichol, Mrs, W. J. Warwiclr. Melvin Jermyn, Jes. 'W. Srniti Ed. Pollard and Mary L. ideDonall- Mrs. Sam Beirnes of Ethel who was also a $1.00 winner was not present When it was announced that the so there will be an extra 21.00 priers present Victory Loan was for $600,- this coming Saturday night. 000,000 it was believed by many Wouldn't you like to be a winner that that amount is all that is re- next Saturday night? It you would, quired and that once each individual' shop et Booster Club Stores and be quota has been passed no more need sure to ask thein for your Tickets. be subscribed. However, nothing It is the Customers' Duty tot could be more false as the Govern- Ask For Tiekefs ment needs aver a billion dollars and This week's Booster Club Drays' not just six hundred millions for this Will be held in front of the Pre& Arany, Navy and Air Force. Puibdishho'ciot sharp. Asing dt ieouse againatst10 the rules Most quotas for the Victory Loan ' to block the traffic the management were set low on purpose in ,the be- seise all to please co-operate be'lief that the people of Canada would waiting for the signal after whittle Mr. and Mns. D. R. Cunningham, a support this loan with their whole me minutes' time will be allowed to Manager Hanley of theRoaithis y overisubscaibed. The effect o2 If by chance you dont get them nn GALA EVENT Under auspices of Belgrave Red Cross Society at John McGill's - 2 miles East of Belgrave on Concession 4, Morris on Friday, June 27th Blue Boys Concert Party of Port ,Albert Airport Will present a Variety Program by the kind permission of Group -Captain P.D. Robertson; A.'M, Officer Commanding No. 31 ANS., Port !Albert. Concert at 8.30 oyclock. FREE DANCING FREE Following the Concert FREE .DANCING Will be held, Good Music - Good Platform BINGO Refreshment Booth BINGO Admission -25c, Children 14 and under Free. Draw for Yearling Heifer following program, Come and Bring Your Ticket. Trustees and Ratepayers To Meet At Brussels Meeting WiTI be Held Next Thursday, June 19th, at 2 P.M. The convention of the Huron County Trustees!' and Ratepayers Association will be held in the Library' Hall alt Brussels on Thurs- day, June 19dt, at 2 p.m. (standtied time). The programme will inolnnde the ,president's address by Mr, Robert Sliertreed•, address of welcome be Reeve R. S. Bowman of Brussels. nMee Notice— !Ladies' Bowling Club de holding Its annual meeting on Monday, June 23rd, at 8 gran. at the Library. Any- one nyone who intends to bofvl kindly attend. * * * heart and that it would be heavily veil get your tickets in the barrel. l Bank, Chathaim visited With his mother, Mrs. Geo. Hanley on the bank holiday a+ * Mr. and Mrs. Ward Buchanan will 'Bunny and Joyce of Detroit were week end visitors at home of Miss Flo Buchanan. * * * Mrs, Art Smith and son Donald of Edmo4on are visiting relatibes in town namely Dr. and Mrs McRae, • Mr. Frantic-Smtblr; eat Dr aid Mrs. A St; Hamilton z °' s s The Acme,; of Mr. and Mrs Walter kerrshedc,a'nV: escasie on Friday night last when it was, struck by lightning. No great damage was done. s * * Trooper` S. E. MtiCanley of Three- Rivers, Tank Battalions Camp Borden, was home on six days' • em- barkment leave recently, looking as if army life agrees well with him. 9, ., MT, and Mrs. Archie Holmes and sacrificing now that we will have daughter of Brantford and Mr. and any chance of avoiding the blood aid Mrs. Howard Holmes and son of tears which aro sure to follow unless Stratford were Sunday visitors with the Germans are beaten decisively Mr. and Mrs. lilarl Somers. , and soon. * s All that le being asked is that we Sergeant Geo. Scantlebury, wire- should lend our savings to assure Willis' Home Bakery less and 'signals instructor, at the victory. Surely that is the very Wood's' Store !Stratford Armouries, Mrs. R, W. least that we eau do. Never wan A Member lid Jacques, matronof the old peopls's�' so much owed to so many by so taw . sir grandmother,Mrs, Hanley. 1 REGENT -'I'HEATR home ,Stratford, were visitors with l in thin war. The least we can di * * * � is to make It possible to equip our Arany, Navy and Air Force with Seaforth Ont. Mrs. Susan Crich, .who has spent better equipment than any other much mousy NOW .p ori the' British people would abalone - this week they will !still be gond ly be of very great importance and nezat week and you can deposit Them would hearten and cheer them great. - PLEASE any Booster Club ticket bas ly, v+Jrereast on the other hand, it PLEASrI WAIT FOR THE 'SIGNAL. would have an opposite effect on the Germans and would serve to illus- This Is Silver Dollar Week trate the determination of all Can - adieus the adians . to conquer the Germain Brussels Booster. Clubs nation. Read the ad. in the bottom: corner ,of :.this page for Here in Hurons ix,anny a quota of 'the prize list - $1,4 Q.d0O .was- set Whish is coni- LIST OF MEMBERS— paratdvely low when'` the Savings ru Allen's Drug ;Store this County are taken into constler• Backer's Butcher Shop anion as they are understood to be fi eUantyne, Mats. Jas.. many times the quota. Much more Coleman's Restanrand: than this quota is wanted and ur- Chapman's Harness Shop-, - gently needed'' and fibs objective Downing e' Shoe Store should be to see how much above Be,knderls Superior Store- the quota can be subscribed and Elliott's Economy Store - not to consider, now that the quota East Heron Produce t' has been passed, that the joy Is Grewar's Cash and Carry Store; done. Kelly's Service:Station The life of each individual C'an• McDoyiztld's Butcher Shop kt adieu man, women and child is in Mitchela'sl Barber Shop extreme danger this very minmte Rowland Bake Shop and it is only by toiling sweating and Rann's Furniture Store Seams' Egg and Poultry Storer Seddomis Radio Shop The Red Band Store The Brussels Creamery - Tine Arcade Store Tlhe Farmers' Club Store ■ country—x— and to do this, 'PLAYING - 1 sett winter In Clinton Hospital, David Nh e p is needed and needed now. 1 av lven Olfivla de Reviler. has arrived baok to her own home, . Many people have already* Seib Raffles where she is •still convalescing under ! the care of a competent practical soloed to this Victory Loan and it Adventure Laughter & Rom^G'= nurse, We welcome Mrs. Crich is very eredn• tae bl that Huron County —x _ — quota but much more "than"than the quota \' Vivien Lei , Is needed p, 1, and ,tea very `back to Brussels and hope she will shouldbe the second to reach its MO soon be fully recovered, •N.; TUES., gh• Ldwr -cr, n,- ends, IN Mr. and Mrs. Ervan John Stegner Stratford, Ontario, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Helen Iona, to Mr. Arnold Duncan Mc- Nair, son of Mrs. Mohair and the lame Neill McNair, Brussels, Ontario, the marriage to take place early In Mrs'. Busdilent ' I. Lottery, Vice -Pres. Secretary.' CARD OF THANKS Brussele, Ont., dune 18, 19.11 Kinner Dean, Earngey of 'I{dtche'n. er, who wee home over the week end, Wishes, to • extend his deep M't guaude to the iced, Cross of Brusee'lls who, so kindly reinsnbbered him in gl8ts', •alto to .tOie many friends in this camanuntty. BORN BORN To Mr, end Mrs, Jelin Oa fomes, &th eoitaesedon, Grey town. 1111p on Monday, June 18th, A daughter. If you can subscribe more than you have already, or if yon felt before that you were unable to but realize now that you can help, a canvasaer will be glad to call on you and it would assist greatly .if yet would , tit ir contact your local Victory Loan Bine Committee land request a canvasser That Hanalltoa'1EE The story of RICES' romances of al! who played July. 1, be sent to see you, or it you wish, to the whole bS GUARANTEED i e pleased. matter on0JDYEAR` At the Churhes has heard, from you. W PRICED !Services in! Melville Presbyterian Mune)), on Sunday were concluded i r opo ..oma ems„ Your banker world! li attend tth4 the minister, Reb. S. Kerr. - = The Sacrament oe the Lord's Supper was! held at the morning service'. An anthem was sung .at the morning service. I Services in St. John's Anglican Oh>urch on 'Sunday were conducted yseree by 'the Rector, Rev. F. Watts. : d..fe Services in the taped Chzelebration on Sunday were conducted 1.1 have sing and Let; de - minister, Rev. O. L. I•;$'va even been, snubiect of the morning a pardon tin tho "The Gospel That ,> in the evening Woe lett is tete firecracker ed on "Clod int.,' reports • current this yeah fie ftr'eoila*ker will not be anWnem .hulsble when the "24dih" cantos servteet,oimd 1n 1942. .O ''R a„ FROM OUR BIG STOCIC A low-cost, big- • We have Goodyear value e p In h,uatruck tires at all prices. - Each one is a big mile- age tire in its price class ... will give you long, trouble-free ser- vice. It costs no more to ride on Goodyear&' and you get more for your money! GOODYEAR BIG MILEAGE MARATHON'' For long, low-cost' mental nn say roads. Sava You roarer, Anderson & EiI ott Brussels, Ont. -i