HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-5-28, Page 7Gilbert:.. Nethery
R. R. 5, Brussels
Iletin Honnenrmkerse It's May
a mouth of Dolor and sunlight . ,
sudden scturyiug showers , , glisten-
ing pavements, and a tender green
mess creeping Indo the brown earth,
May, too, Is a month when appe-
tites are sometimes a bit fickle.
Probably Ws fust good,old_fashione
"Spring 1lever," Anywey, after the
long winter'--Sneavy "meat-anti-po
tato' ',type •of menu—you may find
yom>self -taking a new interest in the
prepaartian of your meals—and
your Manny looking forward to your
latest effort. Here are a few sug-
u,gestions to give you a "lift" both In
appetite and nutrition. Try them out,
today, and let us know what you
think or the novel ice cream.
Incidentally our column today ane -
were several requests fo'r either sue,.
gested Sunday dinners or a Sunday-
night Supper dieh—Tar company—
we hope that all interested home-
makers will file these recipes.
Suggested Sunday Dinner
Rhubarb Juice and Celery Curie ,
Chicken Pie with Biscuit Crust
Battered Asparagus
Grapenut lee Cream
Boatel' Tea Cookies
Chicken Pie
One 4 -bound fowl
Boiling water
that r,x
In Ontario
Sales Conducted Anywhere
-hone 38 - Listowel
34 tsp, salt
i/s tap, pepper
3 cups sliced raw carrots
1 eaten, peeled and sliced
14 cup' flour
3 Melts,. butter
1 egg, slightly beaten
Baking powder Biscuit Dough
Cut the fowl In pi'soea for serving
'Cover with boiling water and cant
slowly until tender, addingsalt and
mapper whoa Yowl is half cooked.
Acid the sliced raw oarrots anal onion
during, cooking. Thicken the steals
with flour, Ackl a little of the stools
to elle bes,tetl egg and mix into the
gravy. Add the butter and pour into
greased casserole, Roll out tea bis-
cuit dough' and tuck Into the casser-
•ole over the mixture, bake at• 450 de-
grees in electric oven for about le
minutes. ,6 serviegst.
Grapenuts ice Cream.
'Vs cup 'grapenuts
14 cup granulated sugar
1 pt. whipping cream
1 tap, vcxnilla
Whip cream, fold in the 14 cup
grapenuts and allow to stand one
bout' or until grapenuts begin to
soften. Fold in fine sugar. Add van_
villa. Pour into. tray and freeze.
Scotch Tea Cookies
1/ cup butter
14 cup lard
2 eggs
1 tablespoon cream
21/ cups flour (all purpose)
2 tsps, halting Powder
1 esp. flavouring
Cream butter and lard, acid sugar
=and beat until light. Acid eggs, flav-
anoaring and cream„ and continue beat-
ing, Add In sifted flour and baking
powder. Chill dough until it is stiff
enough to shape (about 1/ hr. in
electric refrigerator, near freezing
unit).. Make.two long rolls and then
chill again in electric refrigerator.
Cut in Niin slices and beke et 430
degrees for 8-10 minutes in electric
oven. Makes 5 to 6 doz. cookies,Part
of the dough may be kept for 10 to
16 days in the electric refrigeratr.
Take a Tip
1. Wake up and live electrically
When you have a 40 watt Lamp,
could a 60 watt Trevent some of
those headaches due to eye strain?
2. blush old powder Puffs and
use to apply enamel polish on, year
electric targe or refrigerator.
Assisting Huron County
Mafor George C. Knowles, veteran
of 'the Great War, and second in
command of the Royal Hamilton
Light Infantry, Second Batalion, Is
Chief Organizer of the 'County of
Huron for the Dominion War Loan
campaign. Major Knowles has ea-
ceived six weeks' leave from his
unit that he may devete his entire
time to helping the war effort in this
country. Major Knowles served as
a private in. Prance during the last
Creamery Will Be Open
From 7.30 to 9.30
On Wednesday and
Saturday Evenings
To Receive Cream
Spring Time Is
Ice Cream Time
Soft Drinks or all kinds—Ice CreamSundaes, Banana Sphts
—Vanilla Pineapple, Strawberry, Chocolate,
Coffee and Orange.—Try a bottle of our Chocolate
Milk for school lunch.
Butter, Buttermilk, Milk and Cream
Please return you milk
bottles promptly
of DEAD or
tolled" tothis number
South Group Opens At St.
Columban When Greensh!rts
Meet port Albert
At a meeting of the Huron. Foot
Association at Seaton+ton on Mon-
day night, the following schedule
was drawn up;
South Group
May 26—Port Albert at St. Col.
May 28—Seaforth at Port Albert
May 29—'St. Col. at Winthrop
June 3—Wtnthrori at Port Albert
June 4--Seaforth et St. Columba13
June 19;—Wit'vthrop at Seaforth
1 June 13—Winthrop et St. Oo•1.
June 13-2±, Col. at Port Albert
June 1t--Seaforth at Winthrop
June 23—Port Albert at Winthrop
June 25—Port Albert at Seaforth
July 1 --St. ' Columban at Seaforth
North Group
May 29—Atwood at Brussels
May 29—fport'Albert at &Iildmay
June 5--Brussiels at Port Albert
Sane 3,—Mildmay at Atwood
June 9 -Port Albert at Atwood
June 11 --Mildmay at Brussels
Stine 13—Atwood' at Mildmay
June 17—Mildmay at Port Albert
Ante 19': Bnussele at Atwood
Tune 23—Atwood at Port Albert
June 25—.Port Albert at Brussels
lune 27—Brussels 'at Mildmay
The north group has the followins
teams: Mildmay, Brussels, Atwood,
and Port Albert Flying Squadron.
..South group -St. •Coiumban. Sea -
forth, Winthrop, Pont Albert S.H.Q.
(staff ,hea.dquarteiw).
Play-off semi finale will be be-
tween the first and second teams,
goals to count.
J'inials—Group winners play off.
gamest to count. Third game on nau-
tral grounds. Teams having highest
points .in eronp play-offs have choice
of grounds.
CSL tr-�
Establish Third Airport
In Huron, Near Clinton
$900,000 Radio School
W. H. Golding, Huron -Perth
Member Makes Announcement
In Ottawa Wednesday
W. H. Golding, Liberal Member of
Parliament for Huron -Perth, an-
neuncecd in Ottawa on WPedneseloy ire
had beeninformed that a $900.005
'radio air school' will he established
near Clinton, Ont., by the Royal Ale
Force, according to a otary from
that city,
"I have no details of the project"
Mr. Golding said. "All I know le
,that it is supposed to be a radio si^
school -T don't know just What type
—and that it Is to cost $900,000."
The member declined to disclose
the source of his information,
Officials of the Royal Canadian Air'
Force and Department of Munitions
`,and Su1M>dy said they lead no, word of
piens to build snob a school.
It was considered possible here
that 'tire school, if it is built, might
have some connection with the train-
ing of radio technicians to man
British devices used to locate night
bombers. Youths recruited by the
R C.A.F, to serve overeeas in this
capacity are prepared to undergo
courses of instruction at various
Canadian univei'aittes.
Meanwhile Norman Tyndall ^ nus
sold his 100'acre farm south of Olin.
tonand, work comanencecl Wednes-
day morning on the erection of
odlices, Mr, Tyndall is having a
clearing sale on Friday. He must
vacate by June lst, Acrose tate road
is ,the • farm of. Mervin. Hanley and 213
acres of this, property has bean
'titre farmers were paid for their
farms and an allowance made for
their crops. It is reported' that Nor -
men Tyndall received. $7,500 for hie
100'aore farm with $1,600 allowance
made for the 0000,
The Clinton school wilt be the
third In Huron Ooiinty, Port Albert
le AP. school has been in operates
since last fall, and Sky Harbor Ells
menitary Training ,School opened in
Odtober a last year.
—Setonth Hurtnilltposttor
Wednesday, May 23ili, 1942
A high -gloss finish for all
surfaces inside or outside.
28 sparkling colors.
nTINT' 100% PURE
For all outside homepaint-
ing. Gives greater protec-
tion and lasting beauty,
A sanitar
finishgYi or oust 413IUebI
and woodworl(. gs
F. R. Smith, Phone
rss e 1s
Germans Use Parachute Troops garding what may be
I Packing your parcel,
sing Greene .toss a junnpng off
and Gliders At Crete
sent before
point the Nazis have started an "air <==1
Tearing Up
Wingham-Clinton Tracks
invasion" of the island of Crete
about sixty .miles from the Grecian l
mainland. Op. Tuesday of last:
week approximately 1,500 German'
parachute and glider troops made it
landing on the Western Coast of the
British -Greek island baste but the
British and Greeks were not, long 'et
hvip rig them out, Three thousand
more landed on Tuesday night,!
Which authorities believe is the'
second phase of the air -borne offer -1
sive believed to involve an entire
parachute division of 7;000 men-{
This is the first time in history that
gliders were used for the transport 1
of troops. Despatches front the new 1
war zone describe the "situation.
well In hand!'
Nobody Can Read
Rural Ontario News
Like Andy Clarke
Frank Chamberlain in his inter-
esting Page in "Saturday Night''
about what is going on in the radio
world, makes these interesting
comments about Aasdy Clarke and
his Sunday morning broadcast
"Neighborly News."
"Just before the Church hour on
Sunday moaning 10 o'clook, if you
.live anywhere in Ontario, you'll
hear the voice of Andy Clarke boom-
;dpg over the airwaves telling of odd
little happenings going on in the
hamlets, villages and towns of On-
tario. Andy's program is called
"Neighborly News Prom the Ontario
Weeklies," It is sponsored by the
C.B.C. and it has a counterpart in
the other regions of Canada. But I'll
bet a cracker that nobody else in
Canada can read rural news like
Andy Clarke.
"To broadcast that 15 minutes of
Ontario news, Andy reeds 180 news-
pa.nees each week. And if you know
anything about weekly newspapers
You'll knew that the highlights of a
news story In weelaly isn't in lire
first paragraph, but more than likely
in the last. It takes Andy two days
to read the papers, another two day,
to write his script, and on the fifth
day this wife types this copy ready for
"It the C:13!C. designed the Pre -
gram to make the weekly news-
papers of the country happy, they've
done a good job. If the program
was designed to interest rural listen-
ers it is an effective piece of work.
More than that the program bas
given one of ,Canada's fine news.
panelanent a job be really enjoys
Yesit's the some Andy Clark win
used to broadcast from the news-
room of the old Toronto Globe,"
Mailing Perisrable Goods
The Posit Office Department has
issued repeated warnings, against
the practice Of Sending perishable
goods or goods that are apt to be-
come broken in transit oversees
the result that valuable mail matter
has been damged when eggs, maple
syrup, etc., leaked out of their or-
iginal packages. If goods of tens
nature is to be sent extraordinary
care mush be •taken in wrapping
same and even then it is good pro ii-
tree to consult the post office re -
Gangs of workmen are engaged in
tearing up the rails, and ties of the
Loudon, Huron and Bruce C,N.R.
line from .Clinton Junction to Wing,-
ing•haat J'unctio. Rails, ties, spikes
and other material is being salvage.l
for service elsewhere and the Lon't-
esboro and Belgrave stations, which
are closed, present a forsaken ap-
Pearance with their hoarded win-
dows. Station agent W. F. Burg -
man, of Wingham, and formerly of
Milverton, watching the loads• of
ties being hauled away, recalled that
after thirty years of seeing the Lan-
don, Huron and Bruce putting tut:
is bard to see it beta;
—Milverton San,
Wingham it
broken up.
What Advertising Means
If newspaper readers understood
what advertising means they would
see the real news in the paper,
the news that affects their pockets -
book, is found in the advertisements
j of the local merchants. The mos-
tchant who advertises, rs a reporter
' He reports to the people of the
community through ,the newspaper
What he has for sale. what bargains
he has to offer. And it is real newsy
It effects every family's pocket -book.
If some merchant is making a run on
shoes and selling them cheap that's
news that every person who needs
shoes ought to know. If another Is
offering special bargains in over-
coats, underwear, bats, turnitnre,
dress goods groceries, coal, wood,
stoves or anything that a family
needs—why it is news that means
money to every family and the
people know it. That's why the mer-
chant who advertises In the news-
papers and tells the truth in itis
adventiseunenits builds tip trade.
ADLTRO Pressure Water
System will do the same
for you, if that problem be
lack of running water and
sanitary conveniences in your
Outside pumps and toilets
belong to the past. In every
home running water should be available at the turn of a
faucet. Likewise, a modern Emco Bathroom is necessary
for the health and happiness of your family. A modern,
Duro Water Supply System
will furnish the water and make it possible to install an,
Emco Bathroom.
The Duro Special System, capacity 250 gals. per
hour, complete with 25 gal, Galvanized Tank and
25 or 60 cycle Motor costs only —
For a lovely bathroom, as illustrated, the EMCO
Built-in Bath, Shower, Toilet and Lavatory with
trimmings costs only
(Soil and iron p,pe and fittings extra)
Other Complete Bathroomequipment as low as- $, 84.50.
Duro Water Supply Systems are styled for dependable
life-long service. 'Thousands of satisfied users prove their.
worth, They can be supplied for Gasoline Engine operation:.
Can be purchased under our Easy Payment. Plan..
$ 86.001
For Sale By
London Hamilton Toronto Sudbury
Winnipeg Vancouver