HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-5-28, Page 5THE BRUSSBLS POST •
WeetieedaY, My 2eth, 194
A. J. Pearson - Economy Store
Ethel 0 Phone 22r7
Rape, Millet Seed t
Also Seed Potatoes
Redpath Sugar - 7.75
HoneyijGooci Quality 39c1179c
Highest Cash Prices Paid For Eggs all !try
Morris Council Meeting
Minutes of council meeting Morris
held in the Towship Hall on Mon-
day, May 12, 1941.
Members all nregette the Reeve
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and on motion by Goultes-
'Wheeler, were adopted. Michie and
erohn,ston then shoved that a Court of
Revisionon the assessment roll be
onened and this was carried.
APPeale for a lower assesstnent
were received treat 'Robert Goliey.
Al. enon, James Shnith and The
Wilkinson estate, The sonnet), w111
examine these lots and give a de-
eisloe o the next meeting, June* 9,
wheat the adjourned court of Re-
vision will be re -opened.
Michie -Johnston 'that Robert
Smith be laid Ei2.00 refund dog tee.
1941. --Carried.
ICIrentes-Wheeler - that Wm.
Matindens be paid $12,45, error in
ItaxeL -Denied.
,Goultes-Wheeler - that we
advertise for tenders far sale of the
crusher. -11tarried.
Following account.s were paid: -
Wm. efatmderst, refund, taxes 12.45
R. Smith, refund dog tax 2.00
Edwin Armstreng, burying
camas 1.00
• Advance -Times, advertising 1.S0
B. 0. B., It. Stewart MnO. 20.00
MoNs.b, A, Meal:liven, and
Isratele Duncan, each . 3.00
Wheeler-Goultes - that we
to this store for the newest in
Summer Sport Clothes
Blue, Green, Grey, .Sand and
Rust in Cotton, Slub Weaves or
Celanese Materials. Shirts are
open collar style. ''Pants are
pleated with matching belt
' "4:50"t0 9.50
Washable cottons, Rayin & wool
tropicals, all wool English
tropicals, flannels and serges.
All are here in the' smartest
summer shades. Sizes from 30
waist to 44.
1.95 to 6.95
Knitted cotton mesh shirts, slob
Broadcloth in and outer styles
with short or long sleeves.
colors are sand, brown, grey,
green and blue. Sizes, small
medium and large.
75C to 1.95
Fine English cravenettes and
celanese materials, fully water.
proof. •Full zipper styles in
cossack or regular make. Colors
white, green, airforce and tan.
3.95 to 5.50
These coats are extremely popular with
for wearing with odd slacks or summer
Come in bright check tweella, in brown,
and blue • • all sizes
young men,
sport pants.
green, grey
.... • • • • • •
ereli,kpotaletee sftirte,d.,11.94 :type' Tarinus mesh
weaves -- Three ditte'reiie lines to choose from•
Sizes„34.to 44,
hi .1111
50c per garment
Lisle, silk, wool and silk & 'wool grades ". in regular
style 'or anklets with lastex tops. Every. color or
design you can ask for. ., .Size 10 to 12
'‘. Priced 25c, 35, 50c
spend $300.00 for spray on our retitle
Miehie-Jahaston - that we en'
jetint to meet at tee Halle MonditY,
June 0, 1.941, at 1230 Pan.
A. MacEwen Clerk,
Victory Bond Committee Meets
On Virefinescley night a large meet -
lag of the members comprising the
tee Organization of the County of
Heron Victory Loan had a meeting
in the Town ISall et Clinton at
eight o'clock.
The Mayors, Reeves, Clergy and
various Chatnnee were all Present
and 'the 'meeting was a great e'en,
MoNfurray, Mayor of 'Clinton,
was Chairmen of elle meeting
tee Rev. Mr, 13eecrote opened :111cl
a very stirring speeoh. Major
Knowles discassed the Organization
and Peter Jaffrey reviewed publicity
Mr. E. E, Pattersea of Clinton
assured, the Organization of as com-
plete no -operation frosn the Banks.
Mr. 10, K. Wuntelle of Goderich
explained the Special Manes List
and the "IP List of peoppeative sub-
seribens for the Victory Loan. Mr.
J. a Shearer of Clinton outlined
briefly the job of Oanvassjng Dis-
trict Chairmen and Canvassers and
Mr. J, D. Thomas, Chairman of the
County of Heron Victory Loan; Or-
gan lzahon, reviewed the responsi-
bility of the Couety and mentioned
that the Organization should aim at
obtaining the quota of $1,300,000. by
the end of the first week of the
three week campaign end that tha
objective should' be 'three :times the
Plie Comity of Huron has been
divided into quarters by the Execu-
tive Committee and Mr. J. C. Shear-
er, Chairman of one of the quarters,
challenged the others, namely Mr.
Herb Campbell, Me. W. L. Whyte
and Mr. 'Phomae Pryde and stated
he would obtain a lamer amount
from his Section than any other
single quarter, •
The boy scouts have been very
helpful in Goderich and at the pre.
sent time are filling sand bags to be
used to decorate the front of the.
Head Quarters Office.
Mr, A. R. Scott, Principal of the
Goderich Collegiate Institute has
been very helpful and has lent the
Organization, much equipment.
The Lion's Clubs are also being et
great assitance throughout Lite
County and have agreed to supervise
the decorations of the Towns of
Wingham, Sofvforth, Clinton, Exeter
and Goderich. A contest will be
run whereby a. prize of $5.00 will be
paid for the best decorated store in
each 04 the above live Towns and In
Blyth, Hansall and Brussels. There
will rash! be a County prize of $10.00
for the best in the Meaty.
Mr. Alex porterfleld, Chairman of
the Township of Wawanosh East
states that his (meta is an insult
and that he will triple it,
The Organisation is nearly com-
pleted but the names of some can -
imams and publicity men are still
lacking and •they should be sent In
ae soon as posstble.
Mr, R. In Wertele, Gitelman of
the Special Names Committee states
•that he will snake the total ot
Special Names Subscriptions here in
Huron County flest in the Province
at= at it is 'understood savings'
accounts in the Cbunty of Huron ars
many times the quota of $1,300,000,
it fact many times double the
quota, there is every reason wily tha
total of eubscriptiona obtained
(by the County of Heron should be
fleet hi the Province:
A publicity bookletwill be md
to all Publicity Cha.1lrmett shotele
and commencing at 10 am., Thera -
day, May Sete a Cauvasiers, Com
vention will be held in Gioderloh.AJ
this Convention final instructions
will be geren and Mr. Sutherland
has been kind enough to loan, the
movie tor the oteasion. Paltlieity
in a Chanpaign such as Lies is ot
great importance as only with mush
out:standing oublicIty will it be
Possible 00 miake Huron County the
Anse In Ontario, lather thaw I St
another .Ciounty react lug its ale
;leafy& Therefore, any sugges-
tints in regard to publicity will lie
Very 'welcome.
This Thilletin Will be 'issued et
often es possible tor yam' leteetne.
tion and If you have any Intere0-
ing Heels that yeti ebnstder Should
be mentioned we Would atpreciate
• hearing frOni you.
(-4. a vuge9 S
17' PAYS
Our Diamond Room Affords
Privacy When Buying
• East Huron District W. I.
Holds Annual Meeting
Bluevale, May 26 -The 39th an-
neal meeting of the East Huron
Dietriet Wionien's Institute was
held in the toyneltip hall, Ethel, on
Thursday with forenoon and atter-
neon sessions. The president, Ivirs
J. Harold Spier, Presided. The
secretaiestreasurera report showed
receipts to be $159,74; expenditures.
$07.50; balance on band, .$72.24.
Summary of BranOli financial
statement ; Receipts, $980.94; ex-
pentlitures, 3902.72, balance
heed, $1.18.22 The reports of cot`
visitors c standing committees were
an interesting feature, ehowleg
that Phe branches are having
Papens, emhibits, demonstrationk,
and •discussions •oa the different
lines of Institute work, and dming
the past year, war wank has filied
a large place on the Institute pro-
grams. Miss Durnin, Home Econ.
antics ectioh for Junior Work.
presented her work with the girls,
showing an increase in interest
and attendance, and also in core
Motion of work. Tale work is de-
veloping Aeadershtp. The address
at welcome was given by Mrs.
Richmond of Ethel and was re-
plied to by Mrs. Everett Sperling
of Gerrie. The president, in her
address spoke of ihe pleasant asso-
c ation formed through Institute
g therings and the genuine beset-
telitY of the mem:here
Explains Co-operative Program
teirs. E. A. Duke, provincial pees-
ident, brought greetings from the
clepaetanent and explained the 00 -
operation Program M Home Ere-
nennias. It was -decided to hold i,
Neal leader -training school in . the
distria "Clotting Renovation"
was the project cb•osen, to be held
t Bluevale in the tall. She spoke
of the Women's Institute as Rural
Viameses University, with the de-
gree of M. A. (Master of (rts).
Mrs, R, Milligan of Clifford, the
provincial board director, spoke of
the W. L as a bridge between its
countries Of the world, and said if
all would line up to ttile motto,
Home and Country, we' would have
peace. She spoke of Canada as a
hotneenakIng country,
Mee !Spier, the retiring president
made a few farewell remarks and
'introduced .thenewly elected presi-
dent. •Miss Goodfellow evoke on
the poseibility ''of the branches
halting an exhibit at the fall fair
and suggested "Thrift" as an ep-
• propriate name for the exhibit.
Mrs. Demerling cousin:Med a con-
test. Mrs. Ernest Dobson won the
• prize, taring 25 correct answers
out of a possible 33 . .An invitatim
from the Majestic Institute to hold
the next annual meeting at Brill -
sets was accepted. A sing -song was
conducted by Mrs, Leslie Lake
with Mrs. Speirati at the Dian°.
Officers Are Elected
• Mrs, Duke presided tor the elec-
tion of. etticees with the following
result; Presidenneers, C. Dem-
Fordesich; .. 1st • ytee-pees -
dent, Mrs. • G. A. •Wearing, Wrox.
eter; 2nd vice,president Mrs, Tom
Willson, Fordifich; secretaretreas-
urer, Mrs. John 'Seiler, 13ruese1il
delegate to con.yention Mrsi. 3, S.
Artnisteoug, Brussels; Federated
representative, Mrs, Harold Spier.
• 'Brussels; alternate Pees. Detest'
i0onvenots of
etentlitig committees - Health and
Cleld Welftare, Mrs, Tom Wilsot,
Fardwiehe Education, Mrs. 3,2.
Allan, Wroxertar ; Ifenee eleon.onlice
lilies Olive Seat Blueviale; Legis.
Istion, Miss Marian Nay, FOrd-
Yielll Agriculture, Cettedian
tries, Ales Bremner, Ethel; Peace
leseircatittn, Mrs, T3eet Hemingway
Brusselaq tenetlianization, Mrs.
Everett Spitelieg, Gerrie; Fisterical
• Research, Mrs. J. H. Smith, .131118'
Yelel Relief rind Community Active
Grey Township Unit
Huron County Federation of Agriculture
Will Hold A Meeting At The
Twp. Hail, Ethel
At 8.30 P. M
Speakers Are --
Mr. Raymond Redmond, Huron County
Representative at the Prov. Federation Convention
'Mr. J. W. Gamble, Reeve of Howick Twp.
Mr. James Shearer B. S. A., Agricultural
Representative of Huron
• All Farm Families Are Urged To Attend
And Enjoy An Educational And
liSocial Evening
Free Dance Arranged For Those Attending
ties, Mrs. Stanley Wheeler, Brus.
eels; War Work, Mrs. 0. Shera,
Gerrie. AK the close of the meeting,
menlbers at the Ethel branch servel
.Suaday visitons et home of Peter
S. McEwen were Toni and Miss
Jessie •Beechen; Mr. and Mrs., feel -
sons Cardiff, W1.1 and Mise Bessie
Moses. •
The Bray family accompanied by
Miss P. Raymond and bliss Olive
Macintosh went fishing on the 54th,
Mrs. Rev. 0, Tavener is vatting
with her sister in Toronto this week.
Miss Martha Fraser is visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gates
and fomily at Cherrywood.
Mr:and Mrs. Yoe Marshall of Lie -
towel visited on Sunday 'with Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Smith end daughter
at Bluevale.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris and
two sons of Drayton spent Sunday
with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Bd.
Johnston also Ctrl,
Mr. and Mrs. Sack
spent Sunday afternoon
and Mrs. Alvin State.
Mrs. Robt, Turnbull and daugh-
ter returned home on Sunday after
spending a week with her parents
ane Mrs, Ed. Johnetou and Cert.
Rev. C. Tavener left on Tuesday
to attend the United Church Confer-
ence at Windsor.
witb. Mr.
• Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Gates end
eon and daughter of 'Oherrywooll
anent the week end with her par-
ents Mr. and Mas. Robt, Shaw and
other friends in Bluevale,
The COWOREI.Li 0 II of Knox Presby
terlan church heard Rev, George W.
MacKay, late of FOrMOStl. Mr. Mac-
Kay bits spent his life on. this mle.
.sion field and he told of the progress
that had been made in misionary
Reb, 0 Tavener spoke at the
morning. ...service iri the United
church on the subject, "Sete'e Com-
mon, .Drud.ges.".Mrs. C. Tavener Is
in Terme>. tele,iveek attending the
Dominion beere meetlug ot the W.
Ma et the Teniced.0hurct,
Mayor Thee 111. 200)07 and Mrs.
Henry of Strafford at tbe Sander.
son thoinee Me. and Mrs. Fred
Hollenbeck, Seetend, with Mr. and
Mrs. Notenee -,..Walker; Mrs, L.
Palmer and Una, Ed:wanton, Al
'netts., with Mr. and Mee., Temps
Peacpok; Mr, and Mos, Joe Maran-
all leettewel, with Mr. end
Verson WWI= TOTODIO, wilt Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Higgins; M. and.
1VIrs. Roy King, Toronto, with Mr.
and Mrs. Richard. Johnston, Miss
'sate! Moliennom Kltohener, withMr.
Mr. and. Mrs. R. SI, MaKinnons Mrs.
Robert Turnbull and Patricia,
Byron, with Mr, mad Mrs. Edward
Johnston; leliss Donna Smith.
Clinton, 'with her mother, Mrs.
Milton Smith.
Visitors: Mr. and Me. Leonard
Gates.% Phyllis and Wilmot, Cherry -
wood. with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Shaw; Mr. and Mrs. 3. Marshall, Lis.
towel, with Mr, and Mrs. A. D.
Smith; Mr. and Mrs. R, leutebesons
W. 'Dhomson, Mr. and and Mrs'.
George Donaldsos, Miss Sanderson.
Toronto at their homes here; A. D.
Smith, Sky Harbor 'airport at his
home here; Miss Florence Fowler,
Miss Sean Elliott, Mrs, Smith.
Miss Margaret Curtis, Mrs. Roy
Turvey. Miss Olive Scoet attended
She diatrolt annual meeting of hte
Women's Institute at Ethel.
Be sure to attend the Ga.reen.
Party at the Presbyterian Church.
Ethel, on Tuesday, Jena 10the
Supper and play.
Ernest L, and Mrs. Gibson of
Homiliton. visited at the home of W. ,.,.
11. Moses last week.
I r
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. McLean ot
Washington and Miss Myrtle Dunbar
of Tomtit° were week end visitors
with Mrs. Peter Lamont.
Mr. and 'Mrs, 'rhos. Doughelee
have lett 011a motor trip to Olds.
Alberta, for their vacation.
Be sure to attend the Gardee.
Party at the presbyterian Church,
Ethel on Tuesday, June 101b. Supper -
and Piny.
End Curl $1.25 and $1.75
and $2.25
•theluding Shampoo
Permanent $21)0, $.2.50, $3,25
and $5.00 enclucilng finger wave
a.nd shampoo
D. Smell; Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Telephone 55x for an Appolntmert
Messer, Teronte, with Mr. end Mrs. • IRENE PEASE
Iternond Elliott; Mr. and Mrs. (ever L. W. Eckmier's Store
wasmommonommo, ANimilmkop.d.P.VM..=0.1111•10,0,111/11_.....
.1..,1•04. •
• The' next meeting of the Huron County Council will
be held in the Council Chambers, Cole House, Goderich
commencing June 10th, 1941, at 2 P.M.
All aceounts, • notices of deputations and other
business requiring the attention of Council should be in the
',nnds of the County Clerk not later than Saturday
June 7th, 1941.
• , N. W. MILLER, County Clerk,
Goderich, Ont.