The Brussels Post, 1941-5-28, Page 3THE BRUSSELS POST Seaforth Monument Works (Forvnerly W. E. Chapman) il'Qw Operated by Cunningham & Pryde Exeter and Seaforth seasemaceasoscameassc You are Invited to Inspect Our Stook of Modern Cemetery Memorials Seaforth - Tuesdays and. Saturdays for appointment 'phone no. 3t, The Brussels Post ' EMPIRE SERVICE COLUMN ACTIVE SERVICE Alcock, John Alderson. J. Bell, W. H. 'Bid' Black, Donald Bryan, Russell Brothers Lyle Brewer, J. Bowler, Harry Cardiff, Wm. Campbell Jno, Dohl, C. Dohl 0. Doll. Mac Earngey, Dean Galbraith, Geo. Galbraith, Bowman Gillis, Moae Gibson, Harvey Henderson, Archie Hall. Deb. Hall, Russel Harman, G. Harmon, John Hastings, Dave Lowrie, Everett Lowe, Stewart Locking, Wm. Myers; Dr, C. A. Meehan, Willis (R.C.A.F.) McCauley, L. McFarlane, Walter McDonald, Harold McLean, Arthur McDowell, Mac Palmer, Jas. Palmer, Wm. (Cpl.) Plum, Carl Pierce, Roy Prest, T. A. Rutledge, Hartley Rowland, Wm. Speir, Jack Stretton, H. Salesman, E. Sanderson, Lloyd runny, Chas. Thompson, A. Thompson, Norm. R.C.A.F.) •lthomas, H. Millard, R. Whitford, Earl Wilson, Stan. Workman, Gordon Non Permanent— B ell, E. D. (Lieut.) Campbell, G. 11, (Opt.. E lliott, W. R. Gloater, Fred Nesbit, Fred Thompson, M, Lowe, J. Woodrow, A. Awaiting call ror Warwick, D. C. Rejected-_ Fischer. Wilfred Gillis, 0. Fischer, Wm. Hawkins, Herb. McDowell Jack (R.N.) 1 1 Active Servk HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR EGGS AND POULTRY. F.M.SAMIS PHONE 80 BBR JSSEJI,S SIIINNInsingpiaamMaillsaik 1 ADA MUST BO $600/000/ Wednesday, May 2•84.h, 194t A Statement by the Minister of Finance In money alone, this war is costing Canada in round figures, $4,000,000 a day. That is three and one-quarter times the daily cost of the last year df the Last war. This conflict costs so much more because it is a battle of giant, swift machines ... as well as of men. And to build other than the very, best machines would be futile. They must be worthy of our men. Canada dare not ... and will not ... sacrifice men for lack in quality or quantity of fighting machines. Hence we must produce them on a scale hitherto undreamed of. To do this, Canada needs now to borrow from her citizens at least $600,000,000 in addition to the revenue raised by taxes. To obtain this money Canada will on June 2nd offer Victory Bonds. Fortunately, Canadians have the money to buy these Victory Bonds. This is shown by a greatly expanded national income and by record savings deposits. If every person who has savings or who can make payments out of wages or income will invest in Victory Bonds, the Loan will be quickly subscribed. But the wholehearted support of every citizen is necessary. What Canadians have done before, Canadians can and will do again. Our population was less than nine millions in 1918 and 1919. Yet in November, 1918, our people invested $616,000,000 in Victory Bonds. Eleven months laxer, in October, 1919, they invested $572,000,000. The total subscribed for Victory Bonds in those two loans was $1,188,000,000. This year, with our population increased to more than twelve millions, the nation that did it before can do it again—and in greater measure. The terms of the Loan will be an- • nounced May 31st. Get ready to buy every Bond that you can. MINISTER OF FINANCE " Belgrave The members of the Belgrave Branch of the Women's. Institute gathered at the home of Mrs. Earls .Anderson, Nth line Morris. Theis Yere also a nunvber of vialaors Pres eat, Mrs. N. Keating conducted to business part of the meeting. 'Phis .meeting was under the leader- ship of the convenors, Mrs. Earle Anderson and Mrs. R. W. Procter, who had .Cenadianiaa,tion as the theme for the meeting. Plane were made for planting the flower'bed :at! the cemetery. A letter from the Red. Dross heedgnarens wee read'iti regard to the making of jam. It was decided Ito hold a series, of galloping teas to raise anoney for rigs work, Officers Are Elected The following slate of .officers for the coming year wee presented by the nominating committee and ac- cepted: Presddieitt, Mrs. N, Keating: First vice, Miss Edith Procter; Second vice, Mts. Earl Anderson; Third vice, Meg, It. J. 11•IaoKenzle; Secretary, Mrs, 3, C. P•rooter; as. sletant Secretary, Mrs, it I3, Proc- ter, Pianist, _ Mas, Ceotl. Wheeler; assitinnt, Mrs. J, M, Coulter; Treas. tater, Mrs. J. M. Couites; District ' Li rector, Mrs, 0. R. Coultes; Branch Directors, Mrs. R. J. MacKenzie, Mrtt J. Wheeler, Mrs. Ray Craw- ford; Outlook Comnnittee, Miss Mae Frisby, Mrs. Harold Procter Mrs. Earle Andeivion, Mrs. Clifford Log. an; Auditors Mrs, Nelson Higgins ' and Ma's. H. Procter; Press Report - Mrs. C. R. Coultas; Program Committee, Mre. W. Armstrong and Mrs. E. Anderson. Mrs. R. H. Procter took charge of the remainder of the meeting. The roll call, "Name One Nationality In Canada," brougiat a. good response A vocai duet was sung by Ivy am,. Ronald cam•pbelli, accompanied by Gladys Campbell, Mars, R, 13, Procter who had charge of current Events distributed: gne :tione relating to Canada which were enewered and proved qui to interesting and in- structive, G ves Stlendid Address Mass Donthy Colley' gave a splen• did address on our responsibiilities and privileges as a Canadian citizen; Our efforts to ,lieip newcomers affionglst Us to leant our taws and customs would help a great deal '0 make them worthy citizens. 1t ,was also poinded oat that it was not pill,, Fur Industry a privilege but a duty to vote in all Atheffected canna a elections and take advantage of the Seemingly, ul"J paniiof he ' o and successful" fur Fnr,nitig, to privilege as it might be withdrawal Where mink and fax are •being tai because we laded. interest, A very ad throughatat Bruce County th approg fate reading by Mrs. James sound rf planes flying over Stas bad Michie was silo. enjoyed, Lunch was detrimental effect o'n` the industry served by •ithe hostess, assisted by It is claimed that the ;female„animals Ma•. Cecil Wheeler, Mrs. John Me- become etc frightened at the sound Gill and Mis. W. Arinetrong. The of planes, they often, desttlo' their June meeting will be held at the 1 young. Fur'fai•mers are flying red home of Mrs. R. J. MacKenzie. + flags from hares to• indicate that Privates Borden Scott end Gar- f there are such animals 'on the don Nelbhery of the Elgin Regiment, 1 premises, • • • stationed at Valcarter Camp, Qua• bee, were visitors et their homes SIR ROBERT BROOKE-POPHAM- here; Aire aftsmen Walter Rad. BRITISH FAR'EAST=AIR CHIEF e111Ye, Neepewa, Man., who is sta- tioned at the St, Thomas air -train ,Sir Robert broke -Popham, ns log mem. with his cousin, Mrs. C. Coitinian�der-in..Chicf of the Royal R, C elites. ,Air Force in the Far East is the flrsrt Air Officer to :Mold this post. The Belgrave Red Cb•oet9 Sporty Appotn:ted to Iraq Air Commailll” Is conducting its. salvage eainpaig't In 1,993., he became Air' ftolene9` this week with collections being chief .of ,G;reat Bhiidndn, Air A.D.C. fb stored in G R. Coultee storehouse, the ,fiv1ng, Inspeoior�General' of the R. A. F., and. (pvernor Slut r Com- xeric -in;Ohie4. tai Kenya • trout To mend earthenware • and zinc 1937.59. " flails, place a small piece, of : putty lnot Ills services in r toe last war on tate Inside of the vessel , and a he was awarded trio Legion or large piece on: the -oetsillot , Preis Honour, Order of 8t, Stanialans, the 1' Well down and allow to dry, D,G.O,, 0;19, 6.14+G,, :and A.P.O 1895 and' 1941 Early Years ` r •. o. 1, .10,e; Lalthwaite, who lives just s,., flats ide G ydorich and is one of the ' e larg+est Croat growers; in Haran sayst Ghat trait bloom was earlier this' .' dear th9ao in any year since 1895 when the cherries` were it, bloom on April 25. In„ that year there was a . snow storm. and ice storm. May 2n. whicdl desltroyed,neatly all the blooal , In Goder1t3 'Downchip, in, fact in most of the county. In, a}f; the 45 years Mr. La3thwaite has been grow- ing ,ernit, 1895 and 19441..,hftve seen the earlieet blooming. a ir-'---+ tlmmo Rawleiah's 1 Good Health Products Orders gladly Sent by nsnil bet* en regulee trips. "1�'Byne h Dealer •' Phone58, Brussels t -