HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-5-28, Page 1THE POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Bomb Hitler Moudayfi Buy r Victo Bo �i y Wednesday' May 28th, 1941 • AC C, 'i,, S^ . K�1„ BRUSSELS, ONTARIC Attractive Windows ▪ A number of our merohanta have gene to considerable trouble to make their 'store windowsmost attractive w ith sags,' bunting end ap4aroatiata pictures, 'One window that. drew a good dealof attention on Wednesday evening was that of L. W, laclemier, image, and blue old red streamers were used and in the centre u. fine. Picture of Their Majesties,- effective- ly lighted. tageilr ,Firemen's Dance Enjoyed Even Larger Crowd In Town 7 -piece Orchestra In Khaki The music of ;the Lorr •Stratheona • Horse Regiment Baaid, of Listowel delighted the large crowd that gatir . erect to dance under the enspioes of the Brussels Firemen on Wednesday evening. The dance was held out- doors but duo to the inclement weather had to be removed to the Town Hall shortly after midnight. ' It Was reported by many attending to have been the most enjoyable evening's entertainment of its kind held here for some time. .Annual Garden Party At Presbyterian Church Ethel TUESDAY, JUNE 10th A Three Act Comedy Play "AUNT TILLiE GOES TO TOWN";'. presented by Y.P.U. of. United Church, Biuevale" 'Gast of Characters— Aunt Tillie .:... M. Earl Iiamilten Lucinda Talbot . , ..' Mrs, Murarken Pamela Marsh ... Helen Thomlrson Lizzie Parsons _, Delphine Bisback Eilen Neeland Alba Shiell Ronald Howland .. 'Cars Johnston Luther Lorrimer .. , ill Peacock Mervin Tucker ... George Johnston Charlie One Lung Geo. Hetheringt_rn Mrs. Tillie Tucker .Emma Johnston Hattie Bing Mrs. Bert Mann Music between acts by Clarke Johnston of Belgrave, radio performer Supper served from six to eight. Admission=Adults 40c, Chifdren 1250" Your presence at your Church strengthens the forces 'of righteousness in your com- munity. Ti, i United Church 10 a.m.--Church School 11 a.m. "Perpetuating Pante cost,'g 7 ip.m.—"The Open Road." YOU ARE WELCOME St, John s Church WHITSUNDAY 11 a.m.—Morning Prayers Mr. J. R. M. Spittal No evening service SerevIces as usual Sunday next. Melville Church 10 a.m.—Sunday School, and. „„ Bible Class 11 a.n5t•—"Probtems That Perplex." 7 p.m,—"Love that enriches tLife." COME AND WELCOME Last Respects Are Paid To the, Late Mrs. Hugh McKinnon a n 'WedmesKla•5^ �a�Pterwoan argely attended by o1fl rd neighbors. The. ser- Brussels Rev. J. P. Mcleod of lieu, 0, Taverier of od' the following. pillow, R, E, Robert- son; Isobel an.l .4penne Mcliinnion, W. M. McKay; T^ P. McKay; Rev. T. P. McLeod and tastily; Posit Office Staff; Toe Kelly R. J. MdLauchlin; Baeker and R. F. Downing; Neigihbors in Brussels; Neighbors stili line Grey; Miss Marg- areyt Shedden; W. A. of the United Church; Mr. and Mrs: Logan, Sarnia M. and Mrs. Palmer, Sarnia; Staff of Bank of "Nava Scotia, Sarnia; Cleating House, Sarnia; Sarnia and Lampton Board Can. Institute Blind, Trhey were carried by R. F. Downing. R. J. lacLaueblin, C. B'aeker, .13. Ohaumplon, J. Kelly and Knox ii£c• Leod. Pallbearers were: D, N. Mc/Don- aka Dr. R. S. Hamilton James Ful.ton, Wm. Cardiff, Frank Duncan and Charles :Lamont. Friends from a distance included• Dr. R. E. Robertson ` Dr. Erskine Robertson, Miss Isobel Robertson of Collingwood, J. P. and Mrs. McKay. Mrs. Alex Patterson and Mrs. Pit- man. of Brantford, Rev. J. P. McLeod, Dorothy and Knox of Weston; Rich - and and Mrs. Johnston of Tam bridge; Rev, Fred and Mrs. Fowler of B•Iuevale, She Watched The Old World Crumble Princess Amelie Karapow, formpriv.,. one of :the leaders of the Russlau ' and French aristracracy, will tell in Tate.American Weekly, with The Deltrott Sunday Times beginning with the issue of Sunday, June 1 of the friviolities tragedies and come- dies of Europead courts and. per. sonalities and of the ruin that followed, Be sure to get The Ds - treat ,Sunday Times 'this week and every week. The funeral of Mrs. Hugh McISin• place from her 'home in non teak - Bruseeis o and was 1 friends ar vices at tome and 'graveside non - emoted by Rea, C. Levis assisted by Rev, 5, Ii •Weston and Bluevale. Floral tributes .weer beautiful and consisted the fancily sprays, Dr, son; ,Mobs 1 and Era 1 REGENT THEATRE Seafurth Ont• _x_ NOW ,PLAYING— Mary Lee' Gene Autry Hill The Singing tram Gene Autry blazes an amazing of slx•gun shooting and a Itwo•tisted adventure. , WALTON geaRiMPAPCRIMMiMiR1 t1000100104 PAT "''IO'TIC RALLY 1 1 asia- Brussels Toa Hall Friday Evening, May 30th, 1941 at 8 o'clock•P.M. In the Interest of Canada War Loan. Seieotlon by Brussels Band 7.45 to 8.15 ▪ Choruses by School Children under direction of Mr. Laycock Song by Harvey McGee of Auburn Address by J. D. Thomas of Goderioh, Huren•County chairman, who %bill introduce Rev. G. G. Burton of Clinton. Song by Harvey McGee a. COME AND 'HEAR THESE OUTSTANDING SPEAKERS. Admission — i sion = FREE God Save The King. a. ,R. J. IRSA aaa o * * * Obituary * * ataPt * * * * r - CHRISTIAN SEEL There passed away at his late tame lot 31, con. 6, Grey TwP•, Christian Seel at the advaanced age of 81 years, 1-0 montth.s 23 days. Born at Hiedlebui'g, Ont., corning to Oranbrook when quite young, afterwards going to Brussels where he resided until going to the U.S.A., living in Port Huron also in Cadillac, Mich., returning to Brussels where he lived for a number of years then, going fo 'Chatham until : the death of his wife where he Worked for the late J. T. Wood for a few years until he returned to Grey Twp., where he made his home with his netpew. The •funeral was held from -his late home on Friday, services conducted by the Rev. Harold. •Snell of Ethel. Pallbearers were Bro. I.O.O.F., Jno. McNair, Wm Evans, Orrle Elliott; Wni, Harrison, Les. McKay, Archie Mann. Burial in the family plot in Erus «s°els cemetery. F.0 * * 'Phe V,F.W.O, meeting was held at Mrs. Joe ]3ewleya on Wednesday. Mary 21st with 30 ladies present.. The topic "Peace or War—Our Reailon*bbility," was given by Mrs. Art McCall. The girls of the "Needle Pusher club" displayed the articles they had made at their meetings duras, ing the winter which was of great Interest to everyone. Plans, were made for the next meeting on June 1&th which will be held in the com- munity hall with a special speaker Helen aaud Leonard Johnston favour- ed the meetisg with a dutch dance. The ihostess and her assist- ants served lunch onthe lawn, aril eco County Weed Meeting A weed meeting open to all inter-' eeted and esipecially the weed in- spectors, Township Road Sttperin- tenrlenits,,Rural Reeves' and Deputy Reevee, the. C'ounly Engineer and Sohool Inspectors, has been arrang• ed for Thursday, June 6th at 2 P.m. to be held in the Agrioultural Board Room, Clinton, Dr. W. J. Stephen., Toronto, will .discuss tire administration of the Weed C'ontrol'Aot the Eradication of weeds and brush by 'meaner of chemicals, and will alio detronstrat.ir spraying• With a power 'sprayer tor efficient weed killing. Mrs. Jhs, Laughland, Guelph, will take tap effective erred economical weed control measures' during war- tithe, Interested ,parsons are invited ti attend title 'weed meeting. Open -Mr Platform MOtt, VOSS., WED, Lupe Velez - Leon Brrol Mexican Spitfire Out West On Double Bill •with Melody For Three -Starring, • ` Jean HereheIt as Dr. Ghrtstian • Next THURB.i FRi.,'.SAT+ C.HARLl ` CHA'pLIN • in • Vie Great 'Dictator .1 Paulette. Goddard ' . Jack Oaki `rhe 'Greatest eoniedy hit of alt ,yinle e COMING w Tin Paint Alley Resident Of Ethel Wm. J. Ziegler, Dies Thecommunity was shocked to hear of the sudden passing of William Ziegler, at his home in Ethel, which occurred on Wednesday May the Wet. He had been ailing for two years, but did not seem ti got over to operation which he had on April 10th, at Kingston, and n stroke in Wednesday. He was m his 63rd year, and was born in Grey Township on the 14th concession, ands lived there all his life, until six- teen year ago when he moved to the village of Ethel, and went into the General Store business. He was a son ot the late Willistn and Oath. arine Ziegler. Hies brother Jacob and a :sister Caroline Predeceased him in 1937. Ile is survived by his wife formerly Annie Leiter, and a son Billy. Funeral servdoea were held on DANCE udder auspices of Brussels Fire Department. Wednesday,' •Juste 4th, Music By:-- Lord Strathconra Horde Re'fi't. ' Orchestras from Listowel Bowman, .va as Chairman %1 TRIRIRImIR Saturday at 2 o'clock in Knox P.rez- b1?terian Ohurch with a large at tendonce, Rev. Mr. Taylor taking the services assisted by Rev. Mr. Snell of the United Ohurch, Pallbearers: Dr. Richmond, Wm. Stetitettson, Bent Vioddent .),71ames Erskine, Wm. McLeod and George Dunbar, r The flowers were beautiful and showed the 'high esteem in whish h3 was held. Flower bearers were six boys, Leslie Jardise, Ronald Lova, Donald,Dunbar, Merlyn Love, La- verne Vodelen and Lawrence Dobson. Friends from a distance, Ridge- town, Norwich, Otterville, Waterloo, Mennen., Seatmth, Atwood, Monk- icon: and Gerrie, Initelnnert was made in the Brus- sels cemetery. The bereaved hale the sympathy, of the community in the Loss of husband and father, Engagement Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn Baker, Con. 14, Grey, announce the engagmeut of their. only daughter Marie Annie to William J. A. Turnbull, son of Mr. and, Mrs, Water Turnbull, the marriage $o,'taste early in June. CARD OF THANKS We wish ..to thank our many kind friends and neighbors for the beauti- ful Sowers, sincere sympathy and. kind deeds shown during our recent +sudden bereavement. They will ever be remembered by The McKinnon Family. CARD OF THANKS We wash- to express our sincere' thanks to our ueighbors and friends for the kindness and sym- pathy shown in our recent sad and sudden, bereavement, Special thanks to Rev. Taylor and Rev. Snell far the comfomtlng message, and Mrs. Cole: horn and choir, also to those who: kindly loaned their cars. Such kindness will never be forgotten, Mrs. Annie Ziegler and Silly. Come to Brussels and Share In the Fun and Prize Money TOP RANK PLOWMEN LEAVE ON "SALADA" TEA TRANSCONTINENTAL TRIP The international Plowing Match hold at St. Thomas lastyear set a new recerdin the number of entries and attendance. The most coveted prize offered Was that for the special elms sponsored by the Salads Tea Company and open to all horse plowmen in Jointer Plow sod classes; who bad qualified at brenob matches -a six weeks' teotor irip+to the west coast and back., It tea coincidence that the tripe along with the geld and silver mmed�John s for 'brat; end second priteg in this classy was won by two neighbourplowmen, ' Lister (left) And'1larold Pir.ket (right) both et Hornby, Ontario.. Their journey -Was planed tinder .the gelding hand of J. A. Omen, manager of a Ont rio o ,pletrnren a'Asbociatione'and will take them to areas oi<ageseIt the Unita States end Canada from Torontoto;V'anoouver, ClordonadeGl vin (centre), another won -known ptovrtnah, ot.Weltoe,wif.accompany the les , as guide, companion and managers :. T&e' b the i rinse rip ebo uldpfova intensely, intietestin4'iitd of great edueatlopal value lucky plowmen. • Ask for Booster Club Ttic eti Last week's draw'• was delayed somewhat Awing Coate "fact ifialt it took longer to gather the tickets than was aatieipasted aisp some of the Booster Club members bad tak- en their tickets to the hall unknown to the collector. It is hoped that tale week there willthe none of this ,,un, necessary delay and the tickets will be gathered before the 'signal sounds at 9.30 p.tn, and all those Who have their names on tickets are'requeetes to gather, during ,the five-minute interval, v in front of the Queen's, Hotel, where the draw this week will take place on the front . balcony. he person whose name arppears e ticket drawn must be present on when the draw is made in order to purchases in Canada; will reacts receive their prizes. it the party approximately $1.5 ibilli+ous. On whose name Is called Is not preseat this bas's it is estimated that Bra at the time or the draw th.e amount 'win's deficit in lien Balance of pay of that prize, be it the first' prize or 'menta with Canada will .,to ai any other prize, will not be drawn inmat approximately • $1.3 minions, _ In for again but that amount will n', aider that there may be no stoppage { added to the corresponding prize the .in the shipment of vital supplies following week. I which Britain is buying from ICanada, the • l)omnion Governinent Read the Booster Club news each , has undertaken to finance such 'pro - week is the "post" in order to keep portion of the deficit es Britain' her- .dE by ,Canada Must' Borrow* tl Probeede of Canada's 1941 Vicrtozw, Lours wi11'be used for two purposes - to help finance Canadaas war effort and to render financial assistance to,Great Britain. Hon, J.„ L. Ilsley, Minister 4ol Finance in his recent budget ad- " dress,. estimated ,that in the current fiscal year the Dominion : Governs 4 went would ,have to raise about $1 billion by way of borrowing: 1° . Of this amount, the major portion will be for the purples of 'tlnancing Brutain's deficit in het balance of payments with C.nadd 'asing oat. of huge purchases of ala t4Ias and, munitions in Canada. For the current fiscal year British informed as to the 'rizet,• list etc THE PRIZES THIS WEEK WILL BE asas 1st—$9.00; 2nd—$8.00; 3rd -$4.00 manta" which Canada ;'had under- BE SURE TO ASK FO R YOUR taken to finance, means Eery' Nitre- TiCKETS AT THE STORES DISPLAYING THE RED SIGN OF BOOSTER CLUB MEMBERSHIP IN THEIR WINDOW self will be unable to meety the transfer of gold or Uni'te'd States dollars to Canada, "The deficit in the balance ot Pay - LIST OF MEMBERS— Allen's Drhg'Store Seeker's Butcher Shop 'Colemanls. Restaurant .Ctapman's Harness Shop Downing's Shoe Store Edanderis Superior Store Elliobt's Economy Store ,East Huron Produce` Grewar's Cash and Carry Store Ke11y'.s Service Station Mrs. Jas. Ballantyne McDonald's Butcher Shop Rowland Bake Shop Rann's Furniture Store - Semis' Egg and Poultry Store. Seddon:s' Radio Shop The Red Band Store The Brussels 'Creamery The Arcade Store Tlhe Farmers' Club Store Willis' Home Bakery Wood's Store Friday Night Prize Winners A. keen interest was shown in the first draw of the Booster Club which took place at the Town Hall on Friday evening. A good crowd •of interested shop- t vers were present hoping to be among the lucky winners. A chill from the crowd; whose birthday fell during the month of May, was called to assist in the draw. The youugste'• Ronald Seddon, drew the lucky tickets. • Ural. Leslie Oliver, Grey township was the fortunate winner of the $10.00 prize. Mrs. Oliver, who had deposited only a small num- ber of tickets last week and had not been very enthusiastic about them, was amazed to find herself $10.00 rioter by merely signing ber naive to a ticket and being present at the time of the draw. 'Nine rock" winners of the $1.00 (prized were: - Roland Marks, 'Olins. A, Lamont, Mrs, L. Beirnes, Mrs. E. Seddon, i hies. Russel Currie; Harvey Dennis; Fpartley. Fischer, Mervyn Pipe an/ Margaret Oardlff, Zia other $1,00 winners were not eligible for their prizes because they weren't at' itIhe drat*'. They were Frank Nichol, Mrs. Joe Mack, Ethel Inglis, Roy Hall Mrs. Wm. ,Stepelinson and Mrs. Roland' Marks. .Mr, and Mrat R, Marks would bolds have been $1.00 winners it Mrs. Marks had been present as well as her husband however otter dollar in the fatally wasn't too bad. Shona cit Brnssals Booster Club stores tbls webkl and be '3utire your name ass on pldaty M `tickets. tf your name la;on, a :. ticket,. be sure you a.re *resent alt the. draw neat Saturday niglut. • J3'icw• lvonlal You Teel it your pante was called tor a .prise and you I'weren't'there, Strop 1n your Isotne town and be a ilruaeela.• Booeter, to the great majority of Canadians. To put it simply, Great Britain hag 'dneulflcient Canadian dollars ' with which td pay for the supplies s3.e wants fromnada and the Doman - ion GoveAhment: has `undertaken to provide theses tibilars. , By buying 'V'ictory Bonds Can- adians will be providing aid to Great Britain over and abole their: assist- ance being given by the Canadian luny, Army and Air Force. They will be giving Prime Minister Walston Churchill `,Fart of the tools''' ` 0e''` he requested and which have dicer, " ordered from Canada. Thecost ot Canada's war effort' ha' this fiscal year is estimated at about 02.500 millions. Of this amount, $170 millions has been allotted td the Navy, $667 millions to the Army, $397 millions to. the Air Force. In addition, financing , '+ Britain's requirements in Canute will take 0900 millions, to $1,150 millions. It will be noted that the biggest individual item is financing British purchases, This is made up of repatriation. of ''securities and credits. These represent the method whereby Canada enables Britain to securegoods without having to pay Canada any cash. BP' bis means Britain is able to buy from Canadian fac'toriesi war goods made by'Canadian workmen. Every bond pWehased will mean„ more wheat, bacon, cheese, it`our, gats ships' and mechanized equip- ment for the Motherland: " The quota for the County of Huron is $1,300,)00. but thet is ,the minimum and is felt that all quotas ghouls be over•+subseribed by ' at leant 1100% and as a result ilia ob- Jective for the County of RIM= whould be considered as $2,600;000. i? Next week allCanadians• will have a very real' opportunity of demenstrating their loyalty and int It believed' diet onoe ltigaiii tit Can - diens will prone willing to make sacrifices rather than submit to defeat and' slavery: +, Next week every 'Oamasiian will to asked 1* lend to our Government every &liar available and this plea must be ansyerei tally and' quickly. Have You Decorated. Have you decorated' ycnr home and place er business tills week in antioiretion, of the Viotory Loan .. Drive which, commebt es on Monday? Show your patricltlssn and veal for defeating Iiltlerism• by asking youar ,place as attractive SS pobsible with flug+s, taunting, etc. 33on't forget there is a ft,.,0O prize offered for the best in, Brussels and $10.00 for the hest, in ifurom, County, 'Ma Is something theta everyone can have a share in, , Stimulate estthnsteam far isle 144lr'0Ri LAN Drive i07 17DCF0.11A,TN2 i' ti