HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-5-21, Page 5,a. n• eneillitentainfealfiat A NOTE-- Mre. Housekeeper;- This tried and approved Short 's ening is fust what yo41 need to be -better satisfied with all your baking, Fritter N W SOLD a>m' 61.1iiiSi4&l9l at A. Ds McDonald - feat Mark t., Quality Meats Always on Hand. Please phone your order early for prompt delivery. ETHEL Sltanley Wilson of Hamilton, two weeks ago had the pleasure of a restful weak end! at bode with his Parents, John A, and Mee. Wilson. Gordan Iiirmater and Elmer Sleight/holm have gone to the city, hoping to coateot congenal occupa- tion. Arriving home early !Saturday evening from Galt, where he is em- ployed through the week, J. Bryan Ames was given the 'task of patting IIP a tereiteh of stove pipe, nob being by any means a greenhorn at the work the jab was accomplished to short metre. Owing to a break in, his car whioh will take some time •to replace, Cal. vin Kreuter was under the necessity of securing another car to drive nub to his full time worg at G alt after being home over Sunday. Leonard Sinclair ttnoroughhly en• joyed the quiet comfort of a week end at home, from Hamilton with his family. Some et Ethel young people at. tended a frolic at Stratterd one night last week. Duncar's chopping mill is easily the most .steadily running industry in the burg. _ It took severalhours work over time Saturday night to clear out the demand for the weal• Mervin Baby who is in militia training visited through home leave penlod with his parents. Hari and Mite. 'Roby., At the first of the week Arthur and Meet Henry spent Sun- day with relatives• in Brussels, Mr. Henry, senior, is at present staying with her daughter Mrs. Poe Werdlaw, and at die age of 88, con- tinues in . about the same fair condition of health as has been, for months. A number of week's past J. H. Fear, Twp. 'Clerk, In failing health was advised by his doctor to Make absolute rest. About two weeks ago. he made an initial effort to as- sume office duties but had to revert to •pres'cribed treatment for a wbile longer, Being interested In getting his special choice vaatety of certified seed potatoes Planted! in approved 'BARON ALTON" of time and manner of doing. Corpor- al Cecil Bateman of Brantford A.F„ en home leave devoted time to the completion of that •task, and some other gardening operations, Returning to offleial duties before the expinaltion, of the pass time limit. The article appearing in the May 17th issue of the Canadian 'Country- man, written by havelock Robb," poet farmer residing on, Aibbey Dawn fawn somewhere in Canada tells. of reaction of a young marr'i'ed city Woman and her husbands when visit- ing in the spring of . the year at Abbey Dawn f Farm, asked to be shown the livestock in the barns• where ,they were (to use Mr. Robb's own expression) flabergasted at some of the Incidentals, in farm life that came under. their 'observation. The article Is a reminder - of some- thing that Is being related of a city Lady; who atter three weeks' •'visit ,awith a: country cousin, on farm was enthused with the idea: of raising chickens. A hen and eggs were Pro- cured and toe oaten, was successful but almost Immediately the chicks: began to droop ,and die. In •bewild- erment she inquired what night be the cause she was asked what she fed then- Feed thein She says. I dont feed diem anything. wouldn't the hen have milk enough for them. Pare bred, • clean•4egged, Canadian Clydesdale Stallion, Reg. No. 26200; will stand for service 4n, the stable,. at Lot 16, Con, 6, . Morris Twp. Terms for foal $8.00. Payable as soon as mares are proven to be in ; Coal, Owners' of mares at own risk. John H. Clark, Ont. russets R.R. No. 4, On . 8 BLUEVALE - THE BRUSSELS POST George Ietlteriugtou, Betwueu nets, (7it�rk J'oluieton of Beigiave, favored with vocal selecttous, playing his' owtt acoompanmenft en the getter. The eveniug'tt entertalent e;tt th'rougltout was it great rarecesa. Alt the Morning tserviee le the 'Qytited Ohurcb Rey, 0, Tavener Werke from the !text "The 'Lord Is sttit 'We,e thou, mighty man of valour," a iowleg how Gideon saved 1r4'a peo11e, Alt Knox Presbyterian; Church Rev. T, G. Fowler used as leis sub- ject, 01111e meansor method deter mines the end.", Next Sunday the pulpit Will be occtupied by one of the missionaries of the church rvho was sent fame from Formosa .by the Jlapaneset Government. Amniverr cry Iservdces will be halal on Sunday, June 22 when Rev, D, J. Lane, Goderich, will be the guest speaker, A garden party will no held in conection with the services, Miss Shdrley Selling, list vice- president, presided at the Mission Band meeting in the United Church on Saturday afternoon, when' there were fourteen in atftendence. Miss Margaret Curtis and Mrs. C. Tavener told interesting Mission Band' Stories! and. Cassie Selling have a temperance reading. A solo was sung by. Edith Mann. Following the Meeting a .period of games w!as'en- 3oyed, The Mistson Band bas been pre- sen)ted with a certificate in recog- nition of regular attendance and for keepinlg up the high standard ofthe meetings. Vsitore: Mr. and Mrs. Ken, Hon- •ord Toronto, with : Mrs. Robertson and Mies Fraser; J. H. F. Timfmna. Toronto, called on, Thoma1S1 ,Stwea'rf and •.other friends; Mr. ends Mrs, Wads,, Belgrave, with Mr. and Mrs. L. G. purvey; Mr. and Mrs. C. Griff iths. Brantford, with Mr. and Mrs: W. H. McKinney; Mrs. Bell and son Edward. of Drew, ant William Bell. R.C.A,F,, .,St. Thomas with Mr. and Mea. Harry Gerrie; Mr. and -Mrs 3. Wdc4vstead Mrs, A. D. Smith and Eleanor with A, D. Smith at i3kY Harbor Air Pott.. Mrs. Norman Barnard and two children are 'visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs; Edward Bar- nard and other friends, Mils. Jas, Jackldn spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Additsou Fraser and itaanlly. We are sorry to hear Mr. Robt. McKinuon'ts mother passed away m Sunday. Mr. and Mr.a Oblas Johnston and Harold visited on tStmde.y atternoon with Mr. end Mrs. Barry Bosman iu Hawick. Mr. an.d' Mrs , Rotbt. McClennan Scott and Jean spent Sunday even: in with Mr. and ides. Alex McEwen. We are sons ,to. hear Mrs. Alex Forst its :not eswellas her many friends would like to hear Don't forget Ebenezer and Brawn town Garden Patty on Attie 13th, The .Porestens' Hall was filled to capacity on Friday evening for the presenta,tton of the play '`Aunt Tillie Goes To Town," !staged' by members of the W.P.D. of the Unit- ed Coloroll ender the direction, of Viits, 'Campbell Tavener. T.he cost included!: Mns, . Earl Hamilton, Mrs, A. McCracken, Miss Helen Tlhomson, Mists. •Delphine His - back, Mee Alba &Shiell, Miss Emma Johnston, End Johnston, Willitun Peacock, .George • Johnston and The It,alden, captured by the British Perces Is 'their lifetoric sweep across Libya. `The townstfoik greeted the occpying Australian troops with cheers alit port of BENGHAZI CHANGES 'HANDS Benghazi as i applause. Title p eture is a general view of !the blain Square Benghazi, In front of the 01,11 Striding dtu•ing the handing over ceremony, ~+•�+o eti p' • 41:P1QPL1 u 4: a, at >k W4' KNOW • * e a tk * * 4' * Mr. R. M.oiteaau and Moa,. MCLeen of Seattle, Wash,, and Musa Myrtle DIttvlear of Toronito were visitors this weeds zit the home of Mrs, Win, Mc.. Ifelvey, Mr, EllloUt, Guelph is a visitor at the home of his daughter• Mrs, H, B Alien. .Scott Burchill, was a reoent tor iu town,. Mr. !Drummond has :been apPn4nt- ed by the Depaa'tmon't of Education to mark papers in Toronto tilts' summer. Miss Stone of Toronto .and her cousin Wive, Bell spent Sunday la town. They brought Mrs, Spiers and her sister Mus, Jelin Kerney, up with them. Mrs. Kerney will, liketY ,spend a couple of months here. Mr. Ross Duncan spent the week errtd alt hos home with his parents Reeve ,and Mrs. Duncan of Morrie Dr, A. W. L. and' Mrs. Gilpin et Detroit spent the week and at , the hone of their cousin Miers Mary Helen Kerr. Dr. Fred and .Mrs. 'Gilpin, Mrs, Ker., Misses Ella and Mary Helen Kerr spent some time in Stratford on Saturday. Dr. Ken Jackson wife and children spent Sunday with Mrs. Jackson's parents Mr. and Mrs. Robb. David- son, Mr. Tam MaFadzeam was bane from Normal over the week end. Mrs, Wes, Herr and eon Stuart 'and Miss Elia Kerr Reg. N., wars in Seeafoaith ant Monday. Misses Mary Alcock and Miss Janet McLean of Brussels spent !Sunday in, Niagara. Your Cold "A Germ's Ghost" May Cause It Science reports, at last, on the Causes: of 'colds and sees down to the bordeline itself, !studying a strange new world, where live the virsuser or poisons (not germs but maybe their "spool+-ts'") which give iia diseases like influenza. and ,many puzzling but deadly afflicttonst, See this feature in The American Weak- ly with the May '25 issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. WALTON Miss Knox paes&dted at the Ma, meeting of the WAI.S, which opened by the use of hymn 252. Prayer bs Mrs. W. Broadfoot followed. April minutes were read and exprove'i. Fourteen members responded to the axr41 call. Reports from the various secretaries and treasurer were heard. The May theme was ::Fol- lowing Clirislt's Way of Service," and the Scripture was read by Mrs. Jas, Smith. Mies .Shaw 'and Mrs. Iwo McDonald presented a report of the Huron Presbyterial held at Thames Road United Church, April 22. "Surgeon of the Skeane," a booklet telling of the life and work of Rev, Horace Wminch, M.D., D.D„ was gibes* by the lath of Grey twp. This brilliant Canadian—a preacher, surgeon. magistrate and pertiement- alien lived out hie. life, leaving :his church and comansindtty eternally . is his debt, Prayer was offered by Mrs. McCallum. A sale of bulbs and dowers followed. MORRIS Mr, and Mast, H, Elder of Tilaon-' burg and Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Eider anti tittle daughter of Nerwbeh nls'i Mrs, James Menuell anti daughter Marilyn of Montreal were visiting Mrs. W. A. Cunningham and Harold Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Aarnsstrong and sou Donald of Fergus visited with Mr, and Mrs, ''tr i11 hreland, last week before leaving for their uety Boole tat Vancouver, SjC„ yhere, Mr, Arm sarong will be manager of the Beatty branch. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hogg, Jim end" Mr. 0hsts, Anderson sheat Sttn- toy with Mr. and 'Mrs, Will Mn:sen near Seafont. Miss !Sabel Fowiar, Winixilarg wee a Sunday visitor with Roby Bone,, Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Glazier and rd were visit r'4 at tve o s Gordon,of StnvttLa Will lrelandls en. Sunday, I GREY Wednesday, May Aber, 1947 Union United Church Garden Party will be bead; on Thursday June 26t/. The May meeting of the Majestic Womenst Institute Was held at the home of Mrs. Beat Hemingway ou Thursday, May 8th. There was a good attendance of both members and 'visitors and rthe response to roll call was an exchange of flower slips or seeds. After the opening exorcist - es and the, usual business Items deatlth with, a report of the Distrct executive was given by Mrsl Harold `•Speir. Then followed a "garden qutzs" prepared by Mrs. Thos. Davidson and a number of readings were given on garden topics. After consulting the members present ;t was decided to try and get `Clothing Renovation! as the project for 1941. A leo-utast consisting of how we. would! ian.•irove the appearance of on - school grounds then followed and many things learned, A demonstra- tion by Mas Glassier on the making of cretin' piers Proved useful and In. t, tarestinng, These were afterwards enjoyed by all tar lunch, Many useful entioles of clothng (new and used) in good condition, were brought by the members to be sent to the Slalvaltdon Army. It was ds- cided to bring more at following meetings so ,anyone interested please consult Mrs. Prank Nichol who is convenor of the committee in charge of this. The next meet Ing is to be held' at the home of Mrs. Andrew Lamont. Alter enjoying a: dainty lunch prepared by the host - eases the ladies went home having enjoyed. e pleasant ,aSterneon. The Grey township unit of the Huron CoumtY Federation 05 Agri- culture held a meeting in Ethel township hall on Fridley, May 11. The chairman was Thomas! 0, Wil- son, The speakers were 4 member's of the county council Mr, S. Whit- more, Mr. John Scott, deatorth; Mr. Fred Watson, Baytield end Mr. Garnlble, Gorrte. After the speakers were heard it was moved by Mr, Stanley Mecham seconded by Mr, A Mann that a unit of the Federation of Agriculture be totmed in Grey tonvnship (carried). Moved by Alex Alexander seconded by Leslie Ball that the suggested 'constitution be adopted (carried), The election of officers are as follows. President Wan. J. Turnbull, viceapresidsntr Archie 'Mann, 'There is one direct- or in each school sedtiou oi' line or township ,they are als 2ollows'; S.S. 110. , Douglas Hemingway; no, 2 Wil bur Turnbull; no. 8, Wm, Smith; no 4, Clifford Meielltister; no, 6, Wm Campbell; nta. 6, George Hirdtchison; mo. 7. Idenly ifcys; no, 3, Russel linnight; no. 9, Arohte btarnn; no, 10, Stanley Macban; n0, 11, Leslie Bart; Union and South 'Wet of Grey, George Ramsay; 'Inion and North fleet of Gray,' Wlatson (Breen, A meeting wast held on Monday night of the executive, a meeting wee planned for early tin June for • the farmers late -Mated. i ars 1940 Ford Standard Coach, black, 16,000 miles, heater, radio, excellent condition 1940 Ford Standard Coach 7000 guaranteed miles, new car- condition, black 1340 Ford Deluxe Sedan maroon, heater 1940 Ford Deluxe Coupe heater, auxiliary seats 3 1939 -Ford Deluxe Sedans 1939 Ford Deluxe Coach radio and heater. 1939 Hudson Coach radio and heater. 1939 Ford Deluxe Coupe 16,000 miles, black 1939 Plymouth Coupe 1938 Ford Deluxe Sedan radio, heater, new tires 1938 Chevrolet Coach 1938 Ford Deluxe Coach maroon, heater, radio 1938 Ford Deluxe Coach folkstone grey, new car condition 1936 Chevrolet Coupe, new tires 1937 Ford Deluxe Fordor, black 1'933 Ford Coach, new motor 1931 Pontiac Sedan Several Model A cars outstanding Values in Stake Trucks I5 -Ford Panel First Class �New Tractors In Stock New Tractors coming in Z'New (ars in Stock 10 New (ars Coming In L. & W. Jackson Motors Ltd. Wallace St. Listowel Phone Sb3 Belgrave , Rev. J. B, Townend, B,A„ B,D-, of Belgrarve las received; and accepted an unanimous invitation to become' the ministter cf Princeton Detente Churches in Cord Presbytery i He will asssune his new duties on July 1st Mr. Townend has been 1 minister "'pi; '63 Belgrave and Brick United Churches for the. last six ye"airs and before that spent six Years on tb:eAltwood charge. orator at the transmitter to guider the ship to the right or left or • straight ahead; make it climb, fig Ievel; glide; or dive, Another form of radio-controllel flight permits the completely auto-. mastic lauding Of airplanes • without', the pilot touching a single control: Reaching a point a few miles front the landing field, tht pilot sinter closes the automatic -landing switch, and sits back to witnests a marvel. Pram that moment until the plane rolls to e, stop on the landing ffeld runway, its motor dddltng, and itsa; brakes applied!, robot radlocontrola function unaided. The pilot merely watches the instrument panel to ha sure that all is well, ready to take manual control of the plane in the event of an emergency. Did!- You Ever WONDER? H2OW (arIR,PLANES CAN BE FLOWN By RADIO Going the ancient fancy of a with kitting on•.'a &broomistick one better, modem scientific devices have suc- ceeded In nululttng the broom ily with - tout the witch. In demonstrations, full-sized regular airplanes have taken oft,' -executed a ,series cf mlaneubres in tote air, and,liave re- turned !safely to land without a hlt. man being in, .6s ship. The :feat• catty be accomplished by installing .several radio receiving sets in the .!plane, each sensitive only to • g, single freg'uency, and each on a different .fregtremey from any of the others, 'On the ground there is a Short- leave transmitter for sending signals to the eats&. The Ilse of short waves makes ,tuning possible within a very narrow band, which permits close co-ordination between transmitter and receiver. When a receiver in ,the plane picks -Invitee individual signal, .It a erafen n relay whioh. acts to throw a switch, starting an electric motor which is uletes; one of the controls. A hy- draulic conitri<ol syisteln also is pose subtle, 15, whieh event ,the relay turns a valve rather tlian throwing a switch, 'There should be a ininlmuan of seven reedivers n the radio'con- ti'olled i)/lithe, to operate the throttle, elAvatilr(t, ' rudder, ailerons, etc. 'The`se dotitrsi1e weeld enable: the 01- hS Raw e � i Good Health Products Orders gladly sent by mail between regular trips. _8_ e. Payne r Dealer Phone 58, Brussels a CANAD I N RED CROSS usimaimamm onoMMININIIM r: