HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1941-5-21, Page 4A rlaw Record
t?n Mtly 14+t11 Glen Bray silippe•1
one pig weighing 200 abs, . with
,Aredele l.. McDonald 44 Son at Ethel.
This pig ire sed X04 lbs. or ,82% an
001n1tl'y : weight's, graded one Select
one brbuglit back $•21,00 with bootie,
This iso the equivalent of 101/• cents
per lb, alone and is, we think a
record, for the '.past year-ancl-a+half,
Mr. Bray. reeedyed 111.65 per 1b, dreze-
ed p1u8 grade and bonus, wiiioh wee
the regular price for than day's
4y11ipn1e11 t.
Classified Av
For Sale -
20p lyashel of 0alts - apply at
Galbraith Sale 'Stable, Brussels
Afliey Case with name Zurich en-
graved on leather, Finder please
leave at The Brussels pest
1 Easy hand waslicr in Al condi-
ondition; 1 %s;horse gas. engine ha new
co'ndetien. Ernie Seddon
The Radio Shop Brussels
War Saving Drive Contislues
Ph0 Met week anarkee progress,
In every centre in 0180 district, es
ca008168ere are nearing-, completion
of 111e Drive 10 establish •p1aranallent
War Savers in .the Distrlet
So tar no report 1109 been Sent:i11
for Dlyth, but this is Clue to the in-
ability of cauvesisers to make, their
round's' during last week's 'storm.
Thee 1Was0 must be completed this
week, so there will probably be 11
report for this centre in our next
issue, '
The following list will give an In
dicatiou of the response in other
Huron County
Bruase9s .... 40
'Clinton ...d . 207.
Exeter , . 105'
gheap fear Cash, 3.burner Coleman
Gas Stove. Good as new. Splash
back on it also extra shelf.
phone 5, Brussels
&tock Room Man, mechanically
1;1:lined, To take charge of stook
. 10131.
& W. Jaeloson Motors.
Listowel Phone 151
,600 Cedar Fence Posts various
sizes, also anchors, braces and poles.
.1. E. Martin, lot 14, con. 6, GreY
_ , ... • •••.. phone 40-r-7
"1.6 Reconditioned Pianos" at the
Mildmay Furniture Store $25. uP.
Free delivery, Open evenings. Easy.
Terme. Also new Pianos, New and
Used Singer .Sewing Machines.
J. F. Schuett Re Sons, Mildmay.
'Notice to Creditors
a -
In the estate of Robert H. Tyerman
'late of the Township of Grey in the
County of Huron, farmer, who died
on or about the eleventh day of
'.March, A.D. 1941.
TAKE NOT1i0E that all parties
having claims or demands against
We estate of the above-mentioned
deceased must snail particulars and
.proof of same to the undersigned
administrator or his solicitor 011 o.
before the 'seventh day of June A.D.
194,1, upon which date the said ad•
sedntstrator will proceed to distribute
the assets with regard only to those
.clairus which they .shall •then have
DATED at Brussels this 'twentieth
day Of May, A.D. 1941
Ken Tyerman
try his solicitor ELM'ER D. BDLL,
B+ra'ssels, Ontario
Notice to Creditors
in the estate of Thomas Cameron,
late of the Township of Grey in
the County of Huron, farmer, who
died on or about the twenty-fourth
,day of September. A.D. 1940.
TAKE NOTICE that all parties
having claims or demands against
the estate of the above deceaaei
must mail particulars and ,proof of
enme to the undersigned executors
s their solicitor on or before the
twenty-fourthday of May, 1941,
neon which date 'the said executo:a
Will proceed to distribute the assets
with regard only to those claims
erh''rl' .hep shall then have received,
'DATED at Brussels this first day
of May. A.D. 1941.
R. 3. Cameron
Jean Cameron
11y their .soldcitor ELMER D. BELL,
Brussels, Ontario
Brussels, Ont< i
S011018th 152
Wim'gham , is 218'.
}1. t't• d
2 Centres unreported.
Perth Count11- ,
Li1bowel 324 -• '
Milverton •298;
Mitchell +, • . 154
St. Marys . • '625
•Strat'ford ... 3,254
Bruce County
Chesley ilii.........................................0
Luckn'ow r 3'4
14fldmay ilii.. ..�1 .
Pont Elgin :;, 4:40p -
Tara ....... 96 E�
Teesw .ter .. 149
3 Centres unreported.
hien of 30v 40y SO
VIM, VIGOR, subnormal?
Tayte1( pep, vim,
ubo o
a1�4,8 10 norn elu pep eOtec 130, 40 ort a0,
3 p '5 special s aid to ap mal jiop 01161 8 iia
today. For sato at all good $rug stoles.
Victory Loan 1941
Ontario Organization
On of .around the Sud of Stine the
G"o'Oeenment will 'lnalte all appeal to
all loyal Canadians for bade, sc that
they, on our behalf, may 001601nne
to build up a war mitehino sufficent
to overcome the elaz1 a'nlbitloue and
The method withal w111 be used tc
raise the fluids neces1Oary will be
epatterued after the suoceeeful cam
paign of 1917-18-19.
71110 Org,ania10UOn which 4s being
',set up at the present time in the
County of Huron has as H'on'orary
• Olialmani, Mr. James Leiper Ward-
en oe Nle County and His Honour
Judge T. M. Castello we Vice -Chair -
other members of the Honor-
ary Committee are the Members of
Parliament and of the Provincial
Parliament, all mayors- and 000000
and clergy of Huron.
Tha Chairman of t be Huron.
-County Victory Loan Executive
Committee is Mr. J. D. Thomas„ of
Goderioh, and the Vlce-Ohalrman are
Mr. H. -0. O8010)bell oe Wingllam
Mr. Thomas pryde of Exeter, Mr. J
C. Sheerer of Clinton and Mr. W. L.
Whyte of .Seaforth. `Organizers are
Major G. 0. Knowles of Toronto and
Peter Jaffma.y of Torontto,
Chairmen ,for the various, commit-
tees for the County of Huron. are as
follows: Sales: Mr. H. C. 'Campbell,
Mr. Thomas Pryde. Mo. J. C. Shear-
er and Mr. W. L. Whyte. Publicity:
Mr. A. Y. McLean'. Special Name
Mr. R. K. VTmltele. Employees: Mr.
R. S. Hetherington. Administration
and Finance: Mr. A. H. Erskine.
Womeree: Mns. D. 3. Lane. Trane-
prndt0rtion; Mr, D. D. Mooney.
The County of Huron under the
Chairmanship of Mr. J. D. Thomas
of Goderich hos been divided in four
sectiones. Mr. J. C. Shearer is. to be
resiponsible for the Townships. of
Aehfield, Wawa.noeh W.. Wawanoeh
E., Colborne and Goderich and tor
the teem of Goderich. Mr. 13. , C
Csansibeld of 'a U:gham will look after
the Townships of Grey. Turnberrv.
Ai mink end Morris and the towns of
Winelram ands Brussels. Mr. W. L
Weave. will control the Townslrirs of
1T,•llatt. McKillapi. Stanley and I.hs
teavrla of Clinton, Seaforth a,nd
Rep le Mr. Thomas Pryde will be
rrienyorrsible fur the sale of the
Victory L"an in tate Townships of
Rev. Tuckersarubtll 'Stephen and
'Osborne. and in the town's 'of Hen
saki and Exeter,
Each on.e of the townships and
towns mentioned above will be
under •the supervision of a local
Chairman who ,should have oar hi;
committee a publicity man to handle
and distribute publicity matter, a
leader for the women's committee ani
as many canvassers as It is deemed
necessary to properly canvas ' his
canvassing distniidt.
The loan it is expected will be
announced on June 2 and will run.
for a period of three weeks ending
on June 51.
The bonds will, it is believed, he
in denominations of $50, $100, $500
31000, and up, For 'those people
who wash they may be .purchased by
instalments over a. •period of from
three to six months. The coupon
rate and the maturity date will be
announced later.
Early next week all people should
be appointed to •their prospective
Pes0tionle, and the different township
and town chairmen. ehomld advise
Victory Loan ICamiplaflgn Head
quarter, Goderich, of the names) of
their canveesIers etc., by the 20th of
May whieh is Tuesdiay oe next weelr
Theme will be a meeting of the
Honorary,Committee. Executive
.Committee, Tourmsbin and Town
Chairmen, and their publicity men
for County of Huron Viotomy Loan
Campaign. on Wednesday even 1nu;
tate 211st of May at eight o'clock in
bh-e Town -Hall of (Tintern. Title
meeting will not Include any women
felon the Womens 'Committee or env
canrvassens there will be a special
meeting for diem art +a later date, and
it is expected there will be n Special
reeling for nil canvassers around
MAY 29,
The etlnvesser9 should be aggrea-
glee and it should be made clear is
them that it will be neeoss0l'y' for
diem 1,o devote their whole time 11
this war 10911 from Tune 2 to June 21
end they will redelve remuneration
for this; Incide0105117, the. eanva0'-
eels will be the only Umbels of this
Victory Loan, Campaigns who will be
Wednesday, May 2101, 1941
Mr, lip10nt Bowmen of J3russiele r has already plenned. a rally oa the
afternoon and evening of May 30, at l+ r
'OW 1
Your _
f have a i U
will I ..
which. time 110 v 1 , .
In 'I3r,8,el0 at ,tele. Towle Ran :with }
so moi obli ren sin ng an an
d bands
Playing 01101 1t is understood that 113 S. ASN V Y
0111 11000 0 spedial speaker . A11y
ideas or suggestions that any one
11ray hove 5,lou111 bo seatinto 11ead-
mrartens immediately.
Huron County Victory Loan
Thomas Gundry 1;Aucttonee;
will offer r rEale on •,:
WEDNESDAY MAY .28th 194+1
r t 'ii
at the hour of eneltleirty o'clock'
Standard Time in the afternoon
at the Farm of JOHN'' ALVIN DALE
Lot 9, Con. 61, Hullett
one mile west of Klnburn
The following chattels.
HORSES- 1 Black ',Mare 5 .:years
old; 2 Geldings rising 2 years old,
COWS -1 Holstein Cow, 9 years old:
1 Holstein Cow 7years old; 1 Hol-
stein Cow 6 yeariftolffi:.. '
PIGS -1 Yorkshire Brood' Sow; 1
Yorkshire Hog.
IMPLEMENTS -1 Massey ` .Harris
Binder; 1 Deering Mower; .1 Hay
Rake; 1 Massey Harris Seed. Drill;
1 Hay Loader; 1 set of Drag Har-
rows; 1 two -furrow Plough; 1 Walk
ing Plough; 1' Land Roller; 1
Wagon; 1 Buggy; 1 Cutter.
For further particulars apply to
Commissioner of Agriculture Loans,
East Block Parliament Buildings,
Toronto, Ontario,
Auction Sale
to close the estate of Alice Jewitt
MAY 31st, . 213U+PL M. IN
The following is a -list' of
the cfdntents -' 1
Organ and Organ Stool .
5 -Tube Cabinet Radio (P111109)
1 Sideboard
2 Extension Tables l
1 Fall -leaf Table
6 Rocking Chairs
11 Kitchen Chairs
1 Arm Chair
1 Range
1 Quebec Heater
1 Electric Rangette
1 Electric 2 -plate
Carpet Sweeper ,
4 Beds with Springs
2 Chests of Drawers
1 Bureau
3 Washstands .. '-
3 Toilet Sets
Invalid's Commode Chair.
2 Small Tables
2 Couches ' "`i' P'
1 Hair -cloth Parlour Suite
2 Small Stands
1 Parlour Table .
1 Clock 1 Cupboard
1 Sewing Machine
1 Lawn Mower
1 Extension Ladder
1 Cross -cut Saw
1 Buck Sam/ 1 Scythe,
Garden Tools
Picture Frames Clothes Horse
Coal -oil Lamps
Articles too numerous to hehtion.
The house and 1481 will be offered for
sale. subject to a res4rve bid.
20q, Card:. , Balance within 30 days.
Executors --ROY J. HALL
Municipal Notice
The PIA104015a1 Council of the
Township of Morriss erre asking for
tenders for the sale of 111e crusher,
torr particulars -see the Road ,Super -
intendant. Tenders will be opened
at the Hall, Monday, lune 9, et
1.30 P.M,
A, MacEwen, Olerk,
e -1 ILS
hi Memoriam
YACIOLIN-'In loving memory of a
dear wife, Mfrs. Edward Jacklw,
Who passed away one year ago 011 .
,Sunday, May lethl.
Loving and kind' in all her ways
Upright and just to the ends of her
ISinoere and ,true ire heart and mind
B'eaultknl memories she left behind.
Sadly missed by husband and
State Fara
Pre'.',"Ikkms Are
1 -We pioneered six month policies to make Auto Insurance easter
to buy, You 'need. not pay a full year's premiun1' In advance.
2 -State, Farm Mutual polioyholders pay the acquisition cost of a
policy only once -not once a year, but once a lifetime. Sdvings
made possible by renewing the same policy are passed on to
3 -Overhead coots are lowered by concentrating all routine work
In the issuance of policies In the State Farm office buitcting do
Toronto, Ont.
4. -.Only careful drivers are Insured. Thus State Farm Is able to
minimize its risks -and give policyholders the benefit of the
lowest rates consistent with sound operation.
Before insuring consult :-
Chas. T. Davidson
p➢>,u;i><e 87-r-2 Brussels, Ont.
NiN�°♦�N♦♦�1°♦�N♦♦♦iN♦N♦NDN♦N♦N♦°♦i4♦iNiOti4♦ed4�eoO.�s♦vNON�PA�♦+�N�♦O�N�N�.O�.♦��4�♦♦�♦♦�♦♦�♦♦jN� ..'
♦ •
Drive over to Stewart Bros, where you're sure of largest
assortment of newest style weat-ables -If its new you'll find
it at Stewart 'Bros. and at prices you'll willingly pay
500 SMART English
worsted, serge & tweed
sults-styled by three
of Canada's best makers
in single or double;
breasted styles There's
a color and style to suit
you and priced low at
Sport Coats
Sport Coats are the rage
To wear with rdd dge at slacks
We have a big range • •
this season .
Women's Summer Gloves
Chamoisettes, silks, mesh weaves, kis
backs and kid in all shades and sizes. Priced
according to quality
Silk Hose
Crepes, Chiffons, Service weights and
Nylon -All new summer shades ---Prices
according to qualities
79c to ;$i.65
Summer Anklets
Lastex, self supporting top in a wide
variety of colors --For women and
children, size 41/o to 101/z
New Blouses
Sheers, batistes, cotton stripes and eyelet
embroidery. All colors and sizes
$1.00 . to S2.95
Summer Coats
See our big range of,, Summer Coats in
plain shades and new plaids- Various prices
Summer Ties
Hundreds' of new light and medium
shade ties for summer wear are here for
your choosing.
Come and see these at
Summer Hose
Silks, aisles, and wools in anklets or
regular styles with lastex C to C
tops All colors & sizes
l e Shirts
The last word in pattern and shade,
made by Forsyth & Arrow . You needaa
new shirt far $1.65
� 65 and up
that new suit
Smart Hats
Bright new colors with new two-tone
bands are the popular seller -,-We have
lots of these in greens, blues, browns
and Greys
Priced $2.95 and up
Crepes - Summer
sheers in plain
shades - new slub
materials and ha-
waiien spun in
gayyprfnted floral
and stripe
patterns. Smart
new Rayon
materials in very
new shade and
style - all sheer
dresses have goon
quality slips to
match. See this
wonderful range
of new summer
dresses priced at
Flannel Sport Coats
Hundreds of these ,popular sport coats are
selling in a wide variety of plaid design
All sizes and colors $6 G 0
Priced at , ... V a�
Stewart Bros. - Seaforth
N�N�N�N�♦♦+S*N♦z`•�•••t.* *74N•Nee•N•N•N•N•NO♦?.N*N•N•7. '4e!.'•• ♦.NN'1NNN:N°